HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-3-31, Page 1T Post Publishirng Howe I "THE STORY OF GILBERT •.'ANP SULLIVAN" GREAT MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT If you are umucquaiittetl with the ,. works ;of Sir iafrillian Gilbert and SI Arthur Sullivan, world Famous show sten or tine Victorian era, here is your chance to become, acquainted 'etas attest, hi a musilatl Picture tentitto . d "The Story Gilbert and Y elf aa ` Su71[van," wlaieft inbludee excerpts l la from eight of tate light .operas; These ainclude 'Mlle Mikado," 'The gond. liens." "Yeoman of the Guard "and * ''T'I, M. S. Pinafore." Starring iu ,the film ane inimitable Roberti Morley as Gilbert, Maurice Beaus (from blue Naew York stage) ' as Suilirean, and lovely, talented Eileein Revile, They ,arcs supported by a brilliant oast-tnolvidhg Mar- tyn Greeff, a long.eeta1ilishied fav- ourite of Gilbert and Sullivan fano &P if er Pincer, ohar•mning Dinah 'Sheridan, Wilfred Hyde White (in anoltiier of his brilliant. cameo?) and diduriel Aker].. Here, for the first time on the 'screen le all the platy and melody of Gilbert and Sulllyan and every - ane should make sure they see this Istimniating picture, " THE STORY OF GTLBERT AND SULLIVAN," Which was produced by Frank Laun- der aiunder and Sydney Mama,Mama,in memor- able ;Tedlniicolor. A.1 ' s BRUSSELS P I $2.00 per year $2.50 U. +9I► ao tborfze4 as second class mail, Pos, Offiee Devartment, Ottavra Wednesday, Mai ch 31st, 1954 The story of .Gilbert and Sialh'ian brill be playing for' one day only at tithe Capitol Theatre, Listowdi, Thurs- day, April 8th, with a Matinee at 3 y. m., and two night shows) 7,30 and 9.80 e, m. As this is a road ettraot- Ion special prices will prevail. We urge all Higr School students and !everts of mule not to miss •bilis great musical ploture. EThEL Mr. Arthur Lamont, of Portage 1 La Prairie, Manitoba, visited last week, vvityh rebel's -ea, friends in i Ethel and district. THE UNITED CHURCH On Sunday, March 28tb, 1110 min- ister's text was, "Give us this day ' our daily bread." There are many Deopie . Who have Insufficient daily bread -- people who are always hungry, Those who have more than , daily bread should ltelp answer this prayer for All mankind. "leor for the hungry of the world" is a good Christian. slogan. It is the real meaning of the petition, Give us; this' 'day otar daily bread,' The obeli. sang the anthem, "Praise Him! Praise Film i" by Fanner Crosby and C. AIlen, The Sacrament of the Lord's Sun; Per will be dfspansed on Sunday, April 4th. KANSAS FARMER FLAYING ENGAGEMENTS The KensaLs Parma', Tate; Noll Sisters and Olark Wallace wish to announce the following engage-' mentst • I Hensu 1, Friday, Evening, Ain 2nd, Concert and Dance, auspices'. i Hammen Olub. Walton, Wednesday Evening, t April 7t11, Concert and Dance, sus-' { plass Huron Co, Turf Club. I Wasagu Beach, Friday Evening, ' April 9th, Concert and Dance, aus- , paces Tourist Association. I0omoka, Wednesday Evening, April 19th, auspices C. of C. Brussels, TuesdayEt'aning, April 20th, (Dance Only) auspice. Brussels Fire Dept, Seafortj,, Wednesday Evening, ' April 21st, Concert and Dance, auspicels Huron Co. Turf Club. Linwood. Friday Evening, April 23rd, Concert and Dance, auspices St. Mary's .Churah. Cranbrook, Friday Evening, April 30th, Conart and Dance, . auspices Ste Ambrose Church, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Oltarles Arm:atrong wishes, to thank eincerely her numerous I • friends for their ntamy expressions BORN ` of sympathy. . SLAKE --• To 'air. and Mrs, Joltn Blake, Brussels, at Dr, 'Myer I CARD OF THANKS nursing ]tome on March 26, 1954,The Jamieson family wish to es - a daughter. I press their sincere thanks to the! i limey friends for their kindness, NOTICE - 3 °• The annual meeting of. the Hulas County Tuberculosis Association will be held in the Town Hall in Clinton on Tuesday, April 13th at 8 P. M. i Dr. W. C. Sharpe of the Back Meat- orial Sanatorium will be the speaker. All who are interested are invited to attend. F. J. Snow, Pres. VARIETY SHOW 'In Walton Community Hall on MONDAY, APRIL 5th at 9,16 p. m. Sponsored by Walton Y. P. U. Admission' 50e and 25c THE PRt*WY'rtitIAN CHURCH IN CANADA eleivllle Oben* Brugeste Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 18 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m, Morning Worship United Ci ufch OF CANADA fMinist.i, Rev. Andrew Lane t Divine Worship - 1L o'clock' 1 The Sacrament .bis The Lord's Supper. Church School - 12 o'olook. "Do this in remembrance , of Me" Church of England Palish of Ijt*nsta Rev. A. Nen7itut 101e. M. A. Look V, SundalY, Ap1t1. 9 it. John's, Brussels - 11 a,m, .holy Oomntunlolt Sunday School 8.30 p.m, Olturoh 'Parade of 2nd Brussels Bootttt Group (Enrolment Serritel, St. Davidte; Henfryn - 2,00 IS, in, Evening Service- • Sunday Soboal Iliassaansianaoamooromam000mpom floral tributes and messages, of sympathy, also to the D. A. Rant funeral home, Rev, A. Lane and Rev. Fred Howard of London. EASTER BAKE SALE AND TEA White Elephant and Variety Booth SATURDAY, APRIL 10th at 3 p. m. In Brussels Library Under auspices of W. A. Brussels United Church El•'%" Mae6, CAPITOL LISTOWEL THEATRE 2 shows nightly 7.80 - 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. I� Thursday, Friday and Saturday April 1 - 2 - 3 ! g "MOGAMBO" starring Clark Gable, Ave Gardner A picture you dare not miss 'as you;' will never forget lt. Filmed In Africa it *tantalite mannificent shorts of ; the wfid animals and abound In ex- citing adventure and romance. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday e April 5 - 6 - 7 Ding Crosby in his greatest role and a new --child discovery in a picture that will tug at, your heart etr)ngs' as never before. t'LITTLE BOY LOST" " TUESDAY FOTO-NITE Cfffor this weeli 1st OFFER 320000 JOHN M. HANNA, M. P. P. The newest member of the Ont- ario Boeing Commission, Jelin M. Hanna, a M iriu, P, P., is a veteran Irolitic- iaal who long has figured in public life, locally, provincially and nal - Mr. Hauua, in fact, is one et the best known figures do Ontario, lie las been a member of the legislature since 1943, repneisenting his home riding of Huron -ruse. He is regard- ed as one of the most colourful mem- bers of the Ontario Aeaemhiy, How- ever, he Itas many other interests, all of whish have added to his wide acquaintanceship and his repittat- fou with the people of the province. Mr. Hanna. has been natively eon - meted •wiNlt public life for more than 20 years. Ills father also Jahn Hanna -- who was one of the pioneers in the development of Huron county, served both mayor and reeve of bis borne toren of Wing - ham. And in the 1920's John W. Hanna took on his interest in politi- cal life by serving first in the mun- icipal field as alderman. Then for five years as mayor from 1936 to 1941. From there he stepped into the provincial field, successful contest- ing the Htron-Bruce riding; of the Progressive-oonaervattive party under 'the leadership .of Hou. George Drew In 0943, and retaining the seat in four elections since then. Like fadat- er, like son - Jahn Hanna is a Pres- byteriam, Slime hie :first entry he has always been• one of ,bhie most prominent and most popular members, of 'the legis- lature. He has, served on a greet many committees and probably hay bean written. about more tken any private member•. He unonttdox ap- proaoh to problems and particularly Ms continual defence of "the little • people" have won frim much, recogndt- iion. lets latest service' was es a member of the ;Select Legislative Committee investigating The Cel- •eteriee, Act. In 1945 he was widely mentioned •actress Canada for the national Pro- gressive Oonservative leadership, Ile did not stand for the nomination, however. Mr, Hanna was born in Wingham, His Sather was s successful merchant , who established a general merchant• ise business which the sem has de. , veloped into two present day stores - one for women's wear, a second for men's wear. He also bad • the benefit of a very exceptional mother who„ after her husband ' died in 1907, carried on his buss-' ness. She confined to run this business, which grew so large that s it bad 22 clerks, until well past 70. She died in 1921. Jahn Hanna, after early training in the public schools at Wingham., 1 attended Lindsay Business College and from there entered the business world in Toronto. After training there he returned to Wingisam, and his business interests have centel'ed there ever dace. Secondary only to politics, avert has been the major interest of fids lite. In ;hip, early years be played both lacrosse and hockey. In the 1939 s he was an outstanding lawn bowler' and toured England, Ireland and Scotland with the famous team pearled by A. M. Crawford, He main- tains iris Retire interest in that sport today. Among other things, he ap0nsore, Hanna's Town -Halters which represents Wingham in the Junior B hockey league, and donates ;trophies for a variety of events, A- mong these is the Hanna trophy for the tug-of-war at Inrcknow Fair, an annual contest which has become widely lrnor A more serious interest has been his support and promotdort of re. seilech and government assistance in 51' Either Mansell or Woodstock, who 1 a niece oe Alhle Ratd04on, the mations runner and athlete of , other Jaye. Ile lase s eon JCIx0N lit' who is a s ilia n r o 1,ten g Tl ivo sett I a Western Ontario. Ile has a wide ooneeetit with ,Chiba and 'fraternal ;ce+.gapj[zetiens, being a •past president of the Lions GItLb, Wing+ltam and a Mason of 25 yew's standing. WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL APPROVED i Chairman A. I), MacWiliiam,'Wing- ham. announced that approval for construction of the new $650,000 TiTingham District high Sohopl has beau gleam by the Department of Education. Bids are now being called_ and announcement of the award is ;ex .peeted soon. 20 Firms Interested Mr. Me,cWilliam said that about 20 eonetruction companies are re- ported intenested in tire project, Hopes ere that conetruotion will begin May 1 so that the building will be ready for occupancy early in 19'55.• Should the present ,school become t overcrowdeld in the fall, twp or three rooms may be ready • if needed. i The new 22 --room modern school will be a brick structure with,nine ;Olaa.asrooms and rooms for teaching bomle economics, :chop work, com- ntercial subjects, music, art, physics, chemistry and agricultural 'science, Me oarlteria will seat 200 students and the combination • au- dttorium-gyntnaseum will seat about r 1,000. t MODERN LATHE INSTALLED. ' t Pollard's Chain Saws, Sales and t Service, Kaye installed a mo.ern Precision quick changing la,the,a;one of the largest in this distri0t. T weir shop is; now in a position to Live more complete, efficient, 5@rvdce; t0 the public. Wlth this •raw, lathe they are now able to take care of hexxza���vy ; equipment jobs . and precision w,grk. If you are in need of having small 1 work done Pollard's is the place to have It dons quickly and efficien> 4 i P r'' P I TA/ k"i lenx,7 Hiss Mary Lane,. Toronto, spent the week end with ter parents Rev , A and Mee. Lane. Mr. and Mae Louis D. Thompson spent three days in London this 1 week, and attended the closing con- cert on cert for piano and strings, given by advanced students of the Western Conservatory of Music, at the Con- ; vacation Hall Mrs, Annie Morrow received; a message that her sister, Mrs, , George Logic, had passed away on Sunday last in Phoenix Arizona, She had been i11 for some time but not 4!hotirglut serious till a short time ago when. ;she was tushed to the hospital where she died a few days I later.She and ;hes. ;hltsband, Rev. Dr. , Logic, visited Mrs. Morrow three y ears ago, • l k , 11i PR TRE Sealorth, Ont. ; I Thursday, Friday and Saturday - "THE GIRL NEXT DOOR" June Haver Dan Dailey 4 , Its fast and furious Romantic fun 1 i when a night clay thrusr and the I Sucy next door begin to make the I Good Neighbour policy work, i I * * * 1 I Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I "REMAINS TO BE SEEN" I the field of heart disease. He was givmr a greatdeal ofere by Prem. s l t lit l 2nd OFFER $90.00 ter Frost last year when he omen.- 1 2nd 'OFFER $110.00 meat leaden' discussed this phase of Monday Attendance Card Night i governmtettt interest. ia>awing he ]las had a close ton, neotime, with the snort since his yotumg days,- and his love of it has oarmied him, to many parts of I The/heinous story of alts greatest" tine world. He halt been present at musical ;team ever in show world. ;Itraoteesene every major racing event I and The gay melodies they pfoduc-(art the lontinent, and in acld�ltl0n' 60, Scenes from H. M. S. Pinafore; has ,followed tate sore itt Jihsglaucl The Mikado -Pirates of Penzance'and in. Frenee, has been in- and many mote. tintately associated with racing in Matinee 3 p. m. Two alerts snows I Ontario and )tau a wide acgtuaintanee- 7.30 and 9.30 p. m. Special prices titht frternit for Mr. Hanna is 'Married i c i o b term• One Day Only, THURSDAY APRIL 8th "GIt,BERT' AND SULLIVAN" sp roulrltauthn ay this engagement only. { iii June Allyson Van Johnson The dizzy story of a bashful drum- mer and a girl who'd rather be sight than rich and a murder on Park Avenue. * a 4 Thursday, Friday and Saturday "MISSISSIPPI GAMBLER" Tyrone Power Piper Laurie COMING SOON - t'T'HE JUGGLER" also "THE 4913 MAN" • ran eel t? - Hnrldtv..»d olid setiweed slates Rist radar Sar kindlieM. EAST HURON PRODUCE ROBBED OP $517 - While ntentbers at the staff of the East Iiuron Produce Emli orium'wero eut.to lunch on Saturday, a thief or thieves, forced open the math reg- ister In the ptfice and riffled the tilt 00 cash amounting to 9517, Mary may ;have been gained tbrough an unlocked back door, Me aaaal register, judging by the broken wood around the: lock, was I pried open with a screw driver. Pravincinl pollee are lnvrestigeting the robbery, 1 BRUSSELS 4-H CLUBS FORMED Brussels 4-11 Swine and Calf clubs bell their organizatiolt meetings in Brussels Town Hall last Wed: nesday night with Harold Baker, aseisl'rant AL4rieultural 'represeeta. tive for Huron County, -in charge of the meeting. Twenty-one young people registered in the calf club and 15 in the swine club. A story of agricultural progress in 15 countries of the world was 'bold in a colored movie sof a visit that lasted 9.2 days in the various wousutries, Mr. Baker expressed a hope for as increased membership and promised an extended program. Jack Wheeler and Bill 'Turnbull, swine club leaders, and Jim Armstrong and Jim Smith, call club leaders, four of 52 voluntary club leaders in Huron County, were in charge of registration, and conduct- ed onducted the •election of officerts. Calf club, president, Ross Snutu; vice-president, Doris Johnston; sec- retary, Mary Dames; 'press report- er, Jean Prater. Swine elub. president, Ronald Smibh; v. ice•,presddeaut, Evelyn Broadhagen; secretary, Jenny Van Vliet; press'repporter, Rene Del- It is hoped that during the sum- mer with the assistance of 'tate beim of a movie camera 'from the Department• of Agriculture, a story of rime affairs of Huron Ooun'ty can lie Iiiin.ed`to be Shaferin otfier inisai- inceis of ;Canada. WEDDING NOTICE Would the party or parties who borrowed the chairs from the Oranbrook Community Hall please return them. Would the person who removed the white granite pitcher from the hall, the night of the East Huron Agrlouitttral Society's 'Dance, "lease return it Immediately. Sy order of the Hall Board. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to announce that MR. ELMER SOMERS has been appointed MASSE Y -HARRIS DEALER for Brussels and district to handle the complete line of Massey -Harris Tractors, Combines and Implements. MASSEY-HARRIS FERGUSON LTD. London, Ontario Come To Our MASSEY - HARRIS FAMILY NIGHT PROGRAM OF Motion, Talky, Pictures A N D New Machinery Developments Come and Bring the Family In Brussels Town Hall on Friday, April 2nd a 8 P. M Sponsored by your Massey -Harris Dealer - Elmer Somers. McCullough - Semis GODDRICH - Delcorated with pink and white gladioli. and ferns IOlox Presbyterian Church chapel Godcrioh, was the scene of a pretty wedding when Janet Sara Semis, daughter of Mr. Finlay M. Samis, Goderida was united in marriage to Mr, Mervyn Douglas McCullough, son of Mr. and Mrs, Fred McCul- lough, Goderich. Rey. R. G. Mac- Millan olficisted, Mr. W. H. Bishop, i ;organist of the church, played tate' wedding music and accompanied the soloist Miss Patricia Videan, The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a waltz -`I len:Stit gown of tiered white nylon r net over satin, with trench iace 1 jacket with lily point sleeves and 1 stand up peak collar. Her fingertip veil ryas, naught with a pearl' trimmed headdress. She carried a1 errwce1tt shaped bouquet of pink, rose buds. Miss Marital Senile, God -t erioh, twin sister of the bride, was the maid a honor, and was gowned in a waltz -length orohtd net over ;taffeta strapless gown with stole.I Sat;: carried s nosegay et yellow 1 rosebuds. Miss Patricia Santis, (100-1 rich, slater of tine bride, was laridee- nua,id, wearing a waltz- letglh green net gown over taffeta, strapless with stele of matching net, She Carried. a nosegay tot yellow rose. buds, Mr, Bruce McCullough, broth- er of the bridegroom, vvaft best 10511. Mr, Gordon McCullough was ;the nrsher, Following the wedding s re.eepUon was held at the home I .of the bride's'gramdparenta, Mr, and ' Mrs. George ;9aitts, 42 Pieter; at., Gndertcll For their thon:eytnotn, to tae spent in the United States. the bride ;Ionised 'a navy aul,t with navy and while accessories. On their return hbey will reside in (lod- valett, Hallete were present at the u-eddln•c from Tornnto, T-Tamilien end Tlrnssels. Sea, StIreueon Phone 04 SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 18 Lv. Southampton 6.00 p.m. Port Elgin 6.10 p.m. Turners f 6.21 p.m. Paisley 6.35 p.m. Pinkerton 6.45 p.m. Cargill ° 6.50 p.m. Dunkeld f 6.55 p.m. Walkerton 7.03 p.m. Mildmay 7.15 p.m. Clifford 7.30 p.m. Harriston 7.45 p.m. Ar. Palmerston 8.00 p.m. f -ung stop Lv. Palmerston 8.00 p.m. Moorefield 8.13 p.m. Drayton 8.21 p.m. Goldstone 8.28 p.m. Alma 8.36 p.m. Fergus 8.51 p.m. Elora 8.57 p.m. Guelph 9.45 p.m. Stops West Toronto & Parkdale Ar. Toronto 11.00 p.m. Tickets reading from stations between \Viatton and Harriston and between Kincardine and Listowel will be honored on dais train. COMPLETE INFORAf-4TION PROM AGENTS CANADIAN NATIONAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES Tenders For Tn,cks Tenders are invited for the supply ,of one to teatrOruulta,tssa meal be•received by the undersigned until Noon, Monday, April 6th, Ri'c'a 1953 models, where available, also to be eubluitted. Moto Size ApproxI3hilstely 360 en. in. emplacement. 10,00 x 20, 12 ply tires. Heater and defroster. Rear view mirrorg, Reinforced frame Dtreot in 5th Transmission. 2 Speed rear axle. Cast eggeke wheels. Electrical directional equipment. All starker ligbits required by Law. Dark green in cellour. i 2 Units are tie eclJ Itpped with 6 - 7 yard capacity dollen jtiml) bowl 2 Brits to be equipped necessary trailer brake and lighting equ nle3tt. Lowest or any tender not neeessaaily accepted. Farther information m83' be obtained at the ofaceof the An -OrPigned. Peter D. Pattterson, lduren County Engineer, Goderith, Ontarie. ; , a ,:raw"