HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-3-17, Page 1Post Publishing House
Anutorized at second claso maii, Pont Office Department, Ottawa
Mrs'. James Bowman
Union W. M. S. and W. A. t MELVILLE W. M. B.
The W. M. 8, and W. A. of • The regular meeting of the Wo The death of Mrs. Jetties 130e:s en
Union United. Ohltrolr met on Wed- meere Missionary Society a Mel., oteurred General 1i aP 17 xa dra chl'on Sun•
nesday evening, March 010, at the villa Presbyterian Meat and t110
Ilpm:e ae Mus. Harold Kent '}with an annual expense tea were combined da -0 Ivo y in 1i0' 82ndve cyear.
�a7>t�at del t week
attendance of 14, Mrs, R. W. Whit, On Friday afternoon when the mem- bh•baday, Aroce1ebr to bilis 92nd,
field was' leader, 'and 'opened 'the hers met tut the hone of the pi'esi
- nter: ing with 'hymn 881. She used TH T Fulton .
the theme "The Oihurch in Their
House", m'he eerie/hire 2 Cor.,
clbaister 10, was read by Mtn. Her-
old Merl.
The To11. was answered with a
Bible verse conlbali,hr6' the wore
"lamb", Mrs. Jack Cox presided
for the. 1>usdness. She read a card
of thanks tram Ma', and Mrs. Atttteld
who had been given three quilts
and n pair of 'blaaikebs. It was de-
cided to give st quilt tothe Riteliie
have family. and to ave a kitchen show-
er for 'them ia;t the ;ext meeting,
'The allocation for 1954 has been
raised to $100. The new missionary
for prayer ,Is Mies Marion F, Hqd-
gins of iEthenlbe't. Mao., and Mrs.
net Cox hays written to ask her
wliat is needed. A list of things
eor a bale for Korea was also read.
The last chapter of "Wbereer the
Sun" was taken 'by Mrs, Sack Cox
end Mrs, Vac Mcintosh in the form
of a conversation between "Dire. •
Canada: and "Mas United States".,
They discussed the need for more'
Clunielbanity right at home in the
North American continent where
there 1s race discrimination, anti-
Jewish feeling, unneeded death by
suicide. unchrtstianized settlements,
and indifference.
The W. M. S. meeting closed with
hymn 170 and n prayer.
W. A.
Mrs. Leslie Lake presided for the
W. A. which was, opened with the
general thanksgiving being repeated
in unison, It was decided to Mir -
chase choir gowns from Monkton,
and Mrs. James Bremner and M11s.
Macintosh are to buy a wardrobe -to
keep teem in. —
710110 -wing the benediction, Mrs.
James Bramntr gave a humourous
Irish reading "Friday, Tiargaln
Day." Lunch was prepared by Mrs.
Ed. Morrow, Mns. Herman Whitfield,
,and the hositess,
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Lindsay McKay,
and will be en Easter thank offering
be well enough. to come home.
The, W. A. of the United Church
ere holding an Plaster Bake Sale and
Tea in the Library on Saturday,
AprIl 10th.
To be held In the
Walton Community Hall on
Music by Wilbee's Orchestra
THE PRet$le<Yf* IAN
Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton
10 e. m. Sunday School
11 a. M. Morning Worship
United Church
14lnlatlee Rev. Andrew Lens
Mane Worship — 11 o'clock
[1115 Eldership
Church School -- 12 o'clock.
"Prete() Ye,'Phe Lord"
dent, Mts. W.
eonducted the meeting and read the Ing '1110 wiener in Goderielr with her
scripture lesson. Mies Bessie Moses daughter, Mrs. J. R. 'Wheeler. Last
Wednesday she fell breaking her
Tonnl calls an the .trick were re- hip and the resultant shock proved
potted by .members. The roll cal; ictal. Sloe was foa'nnerry Sarah
Work, the, dauelttor of Robert and
Betsy Costae Work, whose home
was in Morris ttownehip• renewing
m her marriage to James Bmvman.
of the second section of the study they farmed for mealy years on the
boole. It was, the story of Southern .^.rd concession of Morris township.
India where their motto is "Every Mr. Bowman was Conservative sCP•
Christian an Evangelist" Eighty. resen:altdve for North Hnr,eon In the
five per cent of .the Indian people Dominion -parliament for same'
live 'In villages .still not touched time. Hies death occurred some'
by any Christian. influence. A .Years ago. One son, Robert J.
hymn and prayer' by Mrs. Fulton Brussels, and three daughters, Mrs.
'brouebt ,thts Tart of the Meeting to 3. B. (Ida) Galbraith, Brussels
n clone. Mrs. J. R. fElizabdoh) Wheeler
A short program • preceded bhe God•erioh and Mrs. (Dr,) (Nina'
s.ervinlg of tea. Mies Nellie' Jardln�e Scott, Lindsay, survive also two
entertaln1ng with a reading and a sisters, Mrs. Margaret McLean and
dotilite 'duet sung by Mrs. Nelsor_ Mrs. Elizabeth Dunsford of North
Cardiff, Mrs, ,T�olin Work.. Mrs i)akdta, tT• S. A. Site had six grand-
children and a number of great-
Geargo 'rand Mrs. Wesley grandabildeen.'l-
en Trish song.
was eon-
Rerr was an song. Mix. Walter ducted on Wednesday, afternoon at
'(". Icer -'played a group of pian, sal- 2:O0 D. m. from the home of lice
dlnehter, Mrs. 3. H. Galbraith by
art,• , • t . Rev. W. H. 'T. Fulton of Melville
near/5, rrR,r,„1,1t,+a �•r p ^ s Preslbytertan Church. Interment in
a•, arts HnAfiher
rRraiff. Five new
Brussels Cemetery.
'Mrs, 1'11c-trod
rn,ontb^r•o wPV•e added to the rola.
wtro munity all her life, she was emend.
response was the name of a miss -
lottery and 'his or her field of
avork, Mrs. James S. Armstrong
had made an lnteresiting summary
•ectLoneI. I'
Anmistine tits 1i c�e.s t!n s'erve
r , "+ill_ Mrs War-
Saskatchewan's most outstanding
auto insurance plan surprised the
world. it :lacked like the answer to
ohs "who must pay" accident pro-
blem but to Saskatchewan it boom-
eranged financially. Saskatchewan
found the plan resulted in a pro-
vincial deficit. -
In this week's Stier Weekly Den-
nis Brattbwatte reports on bow the
plan operates and :bows how its rely, direatar, also snake thunk
success dri a, used this deficit. As a MELVILLE CHURCH ire the various conveners and mem-
car driver, you'll find it interesting. hers of eommitteees and all others
�'^�--' for their co-operation and Anelp• She
C� (lax TNT y macre special mention of the
• planLs,t�^, and members of the cast
A euchre and dance was held at Dor their faithful attendance sit
rehearsals and thel,r wholehearted
S. Te. No,w 4 Grey, do Front evening.! p eceeperatien. She also gave R brief
There was a goad turnout. intradnetinn to the show.
Mr. Leslie Jaoklin, of Peterborough I
Ilospent last week end at his parents re Mr. Kenneth Wood contributed
met piano numbers before show and
Mrs. Wiliam Adams and baby }
the mesa during lntersnisnion,
The heart of education is .the
education of the 'heart. This was the
burden of the message in the United
Church eat Sunday, 'March 14. The
Biblical basis of the sermon, "Keep
Thy hhart with all diligence. for
out of it are the issue of life". Pro-
bs 4:23
Wednesday, March 17th, 1954
Ether Jamieson, 30, and his 16
Year ,old sister, Shirley Mae, were
instantly killed, and their ear born
to .pieces, when hit by a fast C.P.R.
The fclatnlll and final performance
of "Melodic Shap" was given in the
Bruseeif, 'Town Had on Sa�turdaY,
1118111 to a large crowd. In spite of train Tuesday night at the Second
postponements and inclemenit wealth. Street eroesing, London.
er, such of the four performances Residents of the 5th line of Morris
attracted a large audience, members totvtvsbli, they were both employed
of which, voiced high praise for the in London, at the time of the ac -
work of (1lw east in their presetutation cadent.
of a musical that was full of colourful
e,oenEia with oat'chy songs and dances:.
Beautiful, costumes and special light-
ing effects 'added must.
The ohildeerirs show, "'The Magic
Topper", gave the Youngsters a St., Brussels, on Friday at. 2 o'clock.
chance to display their talents in Interment in Brastels Cemetery.
a delightful junior show. From the
huge top hat the magtaian brottg'ht
everything. including the traditional
rabbit, dancing anowflakes.flowers in
lovely apitrohpt1ate costumes, colored
singers etc. bo enst'ertain the audience.
"M�e1odie Shin", under the genial
and witty captaincy of Ken 'Wood
made a successful melodic cruise.
Tt took the audience to fan• (lune~ l
points including New York, 'Portugal,
Paris, the far 7✓ast. London, Spain,
The symPa�tlly of this community
is entended to the Jamieson family
in the double tragedy.
Funeral services will be held from
the D' A, Bann funeral home, Alfred
Mr. 1). N. McDonald and W. 0,
Herr, members of the Gideon In-
a/national organization have jest
completed presenting new Testa-
ment Books to all ,pupils in grade 5
to 11 inclusive in eight ,sh000ls in
Morris Township. They wish to
tlianlr the teaohe5s in the variobs
Frohn ,the time the ship's whLltle ' ,sclh000ls for their courtesy and as -
announced the start of the cruise al:stance In the distribution of the
and the voyage got under way with
four pa5sengea s, singing "Anchors
ARweegh"" ,and the eight Pert -young
ladies doing a ,peecielon number to
the same tune, until ,bbe end of the
trip, with the entire cast grouped
around the captain on Ws 'bridge, the
sWaw was colorful, tuneful and en-
The first peasfornlamce Dan March
2nd. and the third and fourlth on Fri -
clay and Saturday of last week, were ding ..and s.erreral musical numbers
sponsored by the East Huron Agri• t d b Bethesda
cultural Society and the one on 'Tues-
day. 'Harsh 9th by the Majestic Wo-
men's Institute. Mrs. W. H. Bell
welcomed the audience on that night
The anthem. "You Mnst Open The on belielf c3 the Institute. At the.
Door" was suing by the choir. other ..three performances. James
On Sunday. March 2,1, three new Mier, president -of the East 17nron
elder's will be ordained. Agricultural Society, was chairman
and spoke briefly. Mrs. R. W. Ken -
Testaments. It its expected t:lhe,
Pupils of Gres' Township will re- •i
eeive their Testaments in the near 4
Suture. ff
Tlte Cranbrook Hall Board is
s.onsoring a Variety Night, March
31, which consists of two short
plays, .."Bachelor's Baby" .and 'Be
Home by Midnight"',. a mock wed-
Rev.W, W, H. T. Fulton on Sun-
da -morns took his text from Mark
IV verse 24, Take heed what ye hear,
The responsibility of hearing, Jesus
insisted that we bear in mind the
responsibility which is ours for the
filings we say. Our words though
invisible, are indestructible. With
equal emphasis. He theists ou e
eponsibiltties of hearing. Our hear•
Ing is not complete until
daughter have returned home after ageris carried to the soul. If it is
having spent (the past Yew weeks ' ,trrsl that with the mind a Person
with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brad ' really sees, it is with the cbaract-
shaw. er, a Denson neatly hears. All that
'The hooker), Players of S. S. No. 10 n person has became, thein hopes
played the Wroxeter school team in .and fears., every victory or defeat;
1 Wroxeter rink (on Thursday night,Iall the good and evil go to the hear -
The score was '7-4 in favour of Wrax- n ing We either receive the Gosipel
eter. mania for our hungry
1 Mns.'Riley is a patient in Wingham m
souksesisa, goer
hearns it as something to bre
'Hospital and We hope site will soon proven, or debated, or rejected.
(guest soloist was Douglas Dunbar,
n /�( of el, alto sang, . "rear ye not,
� k� 1r'� x' `�{Eth0 Israel" by Dudley Buck. The
ed ,the anthem, "Hear
ehurchof _England
Pariah of trtnieele
ReV, A. Mention E111e, M. A.
St John's, Brneaela --
8.80 a, It. Holy Communion
11 a, in. Morning Prayer
Sunday School
Wed., Mid•weelc Service 8 p.m.
St Dsvtd's. Henfryn
2,80 p. m, I•laly Communion
Sunday School
St, George's, Walton --
7.80 D. a1. 11rening ma)*
�y i choir render
Our Prayer" bq Ryder.
TY' A T1
1.- rr rjao r'
2 above nightly 7.80 — 9.30 p. m. f 'rv.
Matinee Saturday 2 p m
Seal orth. Ont.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
March 18 • 19 - 20
'The dramatic story of the great re-,
!Mous leader who changed the
world over forever. For your great(
est enjoyment see It from the be-
Matinee — Daily 2 p. m.
Nightly 7.30 — 9,30 p. m.
Special prices for this engagement,
Monday, Tuesday March 22 - 24
1 Errol Flynn, Beatrice Campbell Irl
ithe Technicolor adventure film
r, offer this week
let OFFER 5200.00
2nd OFFER $90.00
2nd QFFER $80.00
!Wendel/ Attendance Card Night.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Wednesday, Thursday March 24-25
"THREE,SAILORS AND A GIRL" with Jane Powell, Gordon MacRae Hnrdw4ALd And ofttaood siabx, ales
Hold eVerptrtng gtrl3 tiro RootletRootletin radar for 'kindling1
with a load of laughs and songs. ria, St9vention Phone 014
Joseph Cotton Sheeley Winters 1
Pas5lo31s Run Hot and Blood Runs;
Cold In this Searing Saga of a 1
Frontier Firebrand
* * *
Monday, Tuesdap and Wednesday 1
Rloarrdo Montalltam Cyd Chariesse 1
Filmed amld the color and gatetp of
Mexico, here Is on of the years `
strikingly •different entertainment 1
treats i •
* e •
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1
which will he presen e y
1'nited Y. P. LL„ in Cranbrook Community Centre. .Watch for further
At tfinal performance here on
Saturday night Mr. Mair, during
the show thanked all whose efforts
had contributed. to the 511ecees of
the show and called to the stage the
director, Mns. Kennedy the Imam -
penises) Mrs, H. Thomas end G. R.
Campbell, Mrs. W. G. Leach, con-
vener o3 the property committee,
Mrs,. E. Cudmere, convener of the
castnnte committee, Mrs. W Todd
and, Mrs. 0.'Davis, where each was
presented with a gift The presen-
tations were made by. members of
the junior cast, Helen and Barbara
Turnbull, Karen Coleman, Patsy and
Carel Bryans, Irene Myers and Joan
Mr. Campbell replied on behalf of
the recipients saying they did not
take part anticipating a reward
but in order to aid a community pro-
At the close a lunch leas centred to
the cast, committee members and
others,by members of the Institute,
A performance of this stage allow
will be given in Blyth Memorial
Hall on Friday Aerli 2nd,
Alan Uadd Arlene Dahl
Each year brings a now and more
fascinating risque, Skating®Carnival
and this year is no exception. On
Friday, March 19611, "Holiday on
teewill be presented in tithe Sea.
8 1l1t Community Centre. Come and
see one of the highlights of tare 1
year with numbers by'Seafortti Club
Citib assisted by Stratford Skating 1
,....ies,ton 75c, Children 805 1
(Weeding II, S. students) pro-
sohool age admitted free. Reserve
aaat9 /0, extra.
$2.00 pair year $2.50
Bake Sale and Tea
In the Brussels Pixblic Library
Saturday, March 20th
Sponsored by the Girl Guide
and Brownies.
"Mama's Baby Boy"
A 3 -act Comedy — by Seaforth Junior Farmers
In Brussels Town Hall on
Friday, March 26 at 8.10 p. m.
Sponsored by Brussels
Majestic Women's Institute
In Cranbrook Community Centre
Friday, March 26th
Music by Wilbee's Orchestra
Lunch Booth
Sponsored by Cranbrook Hall Board
For the beat In cleaning efficiency
"see the New Filter Queen Baglesa
,01eaning and Health Unit. Igor a
,cxxmplete demonstration Phone Drus-
pis 17r19 Evenings. Also complete
repair service for all makes of
Vacuum Cleaners. A11 work guar -
sauteed. Reasonable Rates. Phone 17r )
19 Eevenings or write Don. Fraser.
R. R. 2 Blyth.
SEEDS FOR ' it4i
Order your requirements 804:4 -
Registered Oates No. 1 treated $1.15$,
per busiest
Comm., No. 1 Oats, treated and dp. -
livered $1.45 per burst
Barley, No. 1, treated $2.00 Dor h557 -
We also have Spring Whoa ao.
Peas and all kinds of Clover a0
Grasses. We can mix a good per's& -
anent pasture to suit your soli„
greatly reduced prices from lta7
4Frite or see Geo. WesenbUFF, a
The Kansas Farrner and his
present their annual
Brussels Town Hall at 8.15
Fri. & Mon. - Mar. 19
Auspices Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band
Opening Numbers by Brussels Legion Pipe Band
The Noll Sisters and Brother William — Accordian, Piano,
Violin, Banjo and Guitar
Clark Wallace — Canadian Wizard of the Harmonica
Bill Dentinger — Violin and Fiddler Deluxe
Ken Ryan— "Ninteen or Ninety"
Robert Kennedy Clarinet and Sax Solos
Mrs. Ed. Myers — Soprano
Thynne and Edgar — Comedy40 laughs In 20 minutes
The Kansas Farmer — Songs and Stories
Scott Pawson — A Tater Eaten' Country Boy
Lorne Wettlaufer, Duncan Brewer — Floor Managers
Admission -- Only 50c• includes both Concert and Dance
Children 25c