HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-3-3, Page 5Sports with Action in every field of sport The Toronto Daily Star is recognized as Canada's Big League paper, Star sports pages are full of action and color, The Daily Star brings you news of all important sports events from ringside and sidelines .. , written by men who are authorities on the sports they write about . . and dressing room gossip about sports and sportsmen that every fan who wants advance in- formation likes to read. You know what's doing in the world of sport ' when you read The Toronto Daily Star. And you know what's doing everywhere, The Star brings you news of all the world . , . and the latest news pictures. Order The Daily Star de. livered to your home. Delivered by Carrier 30c a week Mail Subscription Any. Rates Address 1 month $125 3 months 3.50 6 months 6.50 1 year 12.00 Addrear Circulation Dept„ Daily Star 80 King St. W., Toronto gAr- DAILY STAR STTENTION FARMERS JLDSTOCX rumored from you lromptly tar sanitary at.yorasl flin{ghone Cam: Brunel' i6rUE Ar »tt 514. -� NOTICE For artificial insemination at Its nest tor an breed., can the Water. 101 Cattle Breeding association FOR SALE - tween 7.30 and 10.00 a. in. es week aays and 7.30 and 9.30 a. m. on ear aays. Phone collect Palmeratoh 51 or Clinton f50RDON YOUNG LIMITED GREY Grey Township School Beard Grey 'rwl,. Sobool Boars. Moetlsg was lee0d on Feb, 23r91, 1004. Mlatttes were rand and adopted on motion of Ment1'lane and 7loleer. Motion of Conley and Brown Oat Grey 7.'w -p, Name Music Festival dur- ing 1st week of May. Motion of Brown and Bolger that Secretary pend a0iico of appreciat ion to Mrs, Ronald .and that Wes, Moore complete Mrs, 71,o11ald's ewe tract, Motion of MaFaal1no and Brown that Jack Conley be Yin ,ntairman. Motion of Bulger and Conley that Grey Board Join prat, ,Pablie School Trustees Assooiatiau. Motion ,of Bolger and Brown that Secretary subscribe to Munielpai World, Motion or Brown and Clonley that bills be paid. Wing'hant Hydro $22,17 elliblon Hedro 1915.42 Lloyd Michel, Supplies 32.23 R. L. Cunningham, Coal' $4.40 Wes, Purvis, Radio Rapper 2,00 M. J. Bagels, Repairs 6.25 T. C. Hemingway, Telephone 11.55 R.el lan ce . Pet. Oil 117.45 Jack Hood, School Smrpliev, 27.72. Public Soluool Trete* Assoc, 15.00 Mauna Hayden„ Hot Lun.h 1.76 Swift's Gen. Meroranit, Hot Luna 6,60 C. Zilliax and Son, Door Mat 8.95 C. amt G. Kreuter. Furnace Repair 40.77 C. Dckmier, Labour 33.75 Post Pub. House. Advt. 3.00 Municipal World 12.00 J. C. Hemingwlay. Ser.-Treas. I3ELGRAVE Mrs, llivamas 2131311, lastse, Amy and Irene Smuts, Italplt McCrea, .lames Lamont, and Martin, Greeby,. made e suppled vleit to Mrfe Smith's mathet', Mrs. Alit* Allen, l! 1lllfll- oder, at the home of her daughter, Nita. Lorne Harmer, and Mr, rice mor, 011 511nda3'. Tine visit was in honour of Mrs, Allen's birthday, which elle reeeetly elebreted. Bersprials: Lloyd Anderson, Tor• onto, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Anderson; Keith, Ander- son, 51, `,Phomas, with' hie pares% Mr. and Mrs, Dari Anderson; Mr, and Mrs, :Gtorge. Sargent, Paulette, "11., with her mother,' Mrs. A, M. Perdue, and wilt& Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Vannas; Mr, and Mre. David Lenruox aid' family, Britton{ and Themes ',annex, Listowel, with Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Hanna; Mr, and Mrs. Verb Sdelpheneon and family, Bru.,efteld, with Rev, and Mrs. Charles D. Cox, SURVEYING YOUR BUYING HABITS When you buy a brand of soap, a pair of stockings, a refrigerator. or a new tea -kettle, do you olwose the dime brand and style as the lady newt door, the woman In British Columbia or the family in Newj Ooundland? The :Star Weekly, this weekly, bee punrldshed the results of an interest- ing buying Habit survey which took place in 56 cities througfluout Can- ada. You'll tend this artiole "Can amen Buying Robots," sunpr5sing and .entertaining when you read it. FOR SALE - THE YOJOE OF T.EMPERANOE A ,apealter at a recent ,conmeafdou of tluei National Boer Wolesal0ra Asslociation of Detroit made an fm- paeaitdnled 'plea 90r a Maim -wide defense agaiwttt "the diabolical mach• inlations .of these foa'cee of 'evil whip seek to destroy es and strike a death blow to liberty." These "for- re's of evil --- (the Drys) do not ao. caetit defeat." .: , they are ltigialy or- ganized, articulate est ere relentless In their attack," That speaker was In deadly earnest, as well he might be. I3'e knows what many people do not know. Another prohibition era would pnoa,bly spell the doom of many breweries, junrt as that other "awful" era did, Prohibition in Ontario from 1910 was herd on the breweries. By the end of 1917 only 33 out of 6'4 Ontario Breweries re- - maimed in existence.. One that err. viveK1 made 21/2% brews, ginger ale and ginger beer as a dry period measure. Adversity came to an end in 1927 with prohibition. Then cane sale by glass in 1924, since when the building of new facilities has not been Giblet to keep pace with the increase in orders. These are Batu ,about beer sand prohibition. Prohibition did prohibit. Node the most signiti..ent sentence quoted "Adversity came to end with pro- hibition," 1. e. 5hels prohdbtion ended, adversity ended - for beer. ---Advt. PEOP',P 1�r ►�n/r,,,t Mr. and Mra. L, Waxman and son Ted were visitors . in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. Marie:, Hingston of Toronto; Mr. A. J, McMillan of Perth Arthur, Visited with their sister Mrs. II Meadows. 2 platform Rockers, 1 green and 1 Hardw,n^d and 'ottwood siaba. also red, in new conitlon, call at meal r",ler tom* kindling. time or night. Jas. Stevenson phone tart M. A. Fraser - Phone 17r13 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\t\\ \4 \\\\\\\ MEDICAL QOM ° .vl,t4,tAeC,',a4eA"p,taaa/vi.a4tdi M 3t. frt.1 ekeAeyal "Arefw atce � .,+ 101 r, AWS JOAN WILL, of Nelson,13.0. FIGHTER OF1iR0 And You ? Young women now serving in the RCAF enjoy unusual opportunities-- a life that combines travel, companionship, valuable training, important aviation duties, equal pay with men and a worthwhile target - a part in the defence of freedom! .And 'OU?if you are a young woman of high purpose, are between 18 and 29 and'rave Grade 9 education, the equivalent or better, find out today about the opportunities for you In the RCAF. There are TARGET important openings noO ' in the clerical, technical, administrative and medical branches of Canadars iIr force. FOR ALL THE FACTS, SEE, WRITE OR TELEPHONE THE CAREER COUNSELLOR AT YOUR NEAREST RCAF RECRUITING UNIT - OR MAIL THE COUPON TODAY! Royal Canadian Air Force f FNOTOGR "1 FREEDOM Director of Personnel,;Manning, RCAF Headquarters, Ottawa. Phase mail to tae, without obligation Jullparticulars rsgardlsg enrolment re7iriremenis aid openings now available In the R.GA.R NAME (Please Print) (Surname) (Christian Name) STREET ADDRESS,.._. .... ,-_,.. CITY PROVINCE EDUCATION (by grade and province) AGE enra.4wa i NEW RECORDS FOR MIDDLESEX SEED FAIR Present indications are that the 16th 1 Annual Middlesex Seed Fair at Lon- don ondon will be able largest on record. The entire ground .floor, as wen as the usual upstairs space in the Man ufacturers' Building, Watern Fair Grounds, wiill be used for exhibits, displays and programmes. There will be displays of agricultural maoh- I inery and supplies by 73 commercial I firms and educational organization& The timely features of these displays along with the organized program- mes will have a wide variety of interest for everyone, In addition to the usual township end county classes, wide Interest has developed in the classes, open to eleven Western Ontario, with over- all championship awards. Hog Pro- ducers had an exceIlenit turnout at Coleman's on Feb. 17111, when hogs for the Bacon Competition were sel- ected. Other features of the food show will be of interest. The things to see at the fair, along with the well-known speakers and interesting entertainment, merit the attendance of a1I rural and urban residents. The The Middlesex Soil and Crop impro- vement Association extend an in vitatdon to everyone to visit this fair, which has built an enviable reputat- ion through the years. Yours very truly, W. K. Riddell, Agricultural Representattre Middlesex County Calvin Dunn, President. WINGHAM ! 1OR1AL ALP Aiwaye a torte conk is t9hetostl aran'tee te ghee. from Ale modern mashiaery. famous for Cemetery tettarhen r epeetel Artistic Msneatlah at very reasosab/a Tureen. R. A. SPOTI'ON Phone 258 - Wh.gbatn, Oso► ELMA FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Atwood, Ont. I9atabished in 1344 Oonitaot the Head Office in Atwood or your nearest Director Agent Bated below: J. Grayson R.iormond .... 1 Monkton Warren Morrison 1, Atwood R. W. (Dick) Whitfield t, Brussels L D. Smith 4, Atwood Lloyd Denatedt !, asdent V0. Pl. Little E, Monkton Roy Ludwig Gowsnatows Lioyd Tanner ......_ 1, Brittda Frank Bowman ..........« E. LUtowd 11. N. Switzer, secretary. USED CARS 1953 ChevrojetSedan 1953 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1952 Chevrolet Coach Heater and Sun Visor 1950 Austin Sedan 1948 Chev. Coach 1949 Van Guard Sedan 1946 Plymouth Sedan 1946 Plymouth Coach 1940 Plymouth Sedan 1946 Ford Coach 1939 Mercury Sedan 1935 Ford USED TRUCKS 1953 Chev. 3 ton with platform 1952 Chev. 1/2 ton pick-up 1950 Ford !2 ton pick-up 1951 Ford 3 ton NEW CHEV. CARS AND TRUCKS For IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 'RIVERSIDE MOTORS ,,. Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Supertest Gas and Oil Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. Dealers for I. E. L. „ Distributors for Disston and Clinton Custom Work, Welding and Machine Siiop; Work of all kinds. Swarthers, Sanders and Blowers A Speciality Many other machines custom built. POLLARD'S CHAIN SAWS Sales and Service Sales is one thing - but we follow up wit1� service and repairs. Phone 64 or 56r13 Brussel; BUSINFSS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN andSURGWARava St Phone EON 315 a -_ DR. R. W. STEPHENS Grad abs Unteatlb d Taranto PHYSICIAN and SURGED! Timone 46 - arnieale. 0114 •a Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL ,{ir�, Anto®a8sa and the liseeresse ADAM* and Ikkaress Await toe Gaunt West las tnie .nos 41a. Phase Office 90 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrld Eyes En.e■Iwed. Glasses:_ j !bons 791 Seaforth -- 1___ HOURS: s - 6, Wei 9-12.30, Sat. 9 was. M t Pia G. ALAN WILLIAMS, OpteMetride Patrick St.. WINGSSAN At liCineerIea Mos Dreg Mese Wines= 770 i ffi, Evenings by .Appointsmeaf. J. A. Monagahan, R. 0. Optometrist, usranuspecaliarkg In Bye EYtllir iDatloa and V* ritti,E eft etw1n OIle 6t isawel able Maw Hon: sae a.m. tis 1:00 p.m,. akin C61nsi A Clyne every Teseday and 01111 PIPS Odor e►asieea 11y Sppoktimedit Mewsing NM •l D.A.Rann&Co. FILWRAL AND AIMBUIANCE MN= likensod Fasesad 1311reotar sod IdedidelSit Tse FROM3t3 or 156 "t - MUMMA, Harvey W . Stephenson t@apsesentatime ler '.Pao Ms Ammo. C • , cams , Heal& war Accau.t Camay General Ins elle a la's. `7 limes 4132 . ✓ Walker F ,_ Hooke E� es t �±,�6esmrt iib IbMae el ramrod NNE .. Lizonsea Ilia neral Director .tai 11050151111 arse R. S. Hetherington, K. C. '5'1W1 WINGIVAI wailittANIUa�lt?s AT gusty ,e q 111.40,111.40,Sal afld sfilIT y est p