HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-3-3, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POS dostt Publishing House authorized as second classy ntaU. Pons Office DePart.men1, Waive COME AND SEE — A MUSICAL COMEDY "Happiness Ahead" PresentedBelgrave Institute in Walton Hall .on Friday, Mar, 12th at 8.15 P. M. Sponsored by 16th Group of Walton :United Church Adm1s'sion 50 .and 25e 4 FREE MOVIE ! Come to the Free Movie "That Man May Live" in Walton Community Hall on Monday' Evening, Mar. 8th at 8.30 P.M. Sponsored by Gordon McGavin Cockshutt and New Holland Farm Equipment Dealer Walton, Ont. For Professional PIANO TUNING and Repairs Consult CLARE F. STONE Phone: E. Martin, 87x Brussels "God is a Spirit and they who worship Him must worship Flim in Spirit and In Truth." THE PRHSSY'eERIAM CHURCH IN CANADA Melville Chorea Brussels Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worship United Church OF CANADA ldINlit.�, Rev. Andrew Lan, First Sunday in Lent March 7th, 1954 Divine Worship — 11 o'clock • Penitence" Church School — 12 o'clock. Church of England I, Perish of Brute -ens Rev. A. Norman t111s. M. A Fiat Sunday in Lent March 79.11, 1954 St. John's, Brussels — 11 a. m..Morning Prayer Sunday School Wed., Mid -week Service S p.m. St. David's, Henfryn — 3 p. m. Evening Prayer Sunday School ii:e.. 1•--3iL11•_— ETHEL A good crowd attended the sale of household effects „ of the late Harvey Dobson, held in the Town- ship Hall, Bidding was brisk and Prices were realized. Mrs. Donlaid Wilson and dough. ter, Ottawa, visiting with Mr, and Mrs. !chn Kreuter and friends here. BRUSSELS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING The BrusSels Horticultural Society meeting was held in the Library on 1Vednesday afternoon., Feb. Doth. We have now a paid membership of 74 and hope to increase number to at 1easlt 100 during 1954. Mrr: W. Bell was appointed convenor of the mem- bership committee: Mrs. R. '9P. Stephens convenor of the junior come petit'lon oommittte: Miss Addie Cardiff, convenor of 'flower chow committee: and Ms's. Bobs Camtpabe11 convenor of improvement of town committtee. 'Nue annual convention of the Ontario Association is to be . held in Toronto on March 11 and 12, and Mrs. Jas. S. Armstrong and i Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull }Vere appoinited our delegates with Mrs. .7. Gibson I and Mrs. A. Lane as alternates. or- ) ders were completed for shrubs, plants and bubs. DO YOU WISH TO JOIN THE 4 -I -I CLUBS? An invitation isextended to young people to join the 4-H Swine amd Calf Clubs.. A meeting for this Pur - Pose will be held in the Brussels Town Hall on ' Wednesday, March 24th. If you are interested get in touch with the following officials— Bill Turnbull, Jack Wheeler, Jim Armstrong and Jim Smith. HONORED ON 35th . WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mns. Gaorge Blake Sr, were entertained by their family at progressive euchre, in the Brussels Library on Monday, Feb 15th, on the occasion of their 35th wedding anniversary. When about 60 guests wae1re present. Their family present- ed them with a Television lamp, and Vii" �jr Corn -flower gravy boat and flowers. Friends and neighbors. with a pair of airfoam pillows. CAPITOL LISTAWEI. THEATRE _ shows nightly 7.30 — 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Thursday, Friday March 4 - 5 A gay romantic Musical full of fun and humour. N "BY THE LIGHT OF, SILVERY MOON" starring Doris Day, Gordon MacRae. Saturday Only March 6 John Lund, Audrey Trotter in a Western Teeming with action and romance "WOMAN THEY ALMOST LYNCHED" Monday, Tuesday March 8 - 9 "MELBA" - the tender story of the great Nellie Melba whose lyric voice was a Hea- ven gift, Starring Patrice Munsel as' Melba and Dame Sybil Thorndyke as) Queen VI toria. We heartily recom- mend this picture TUESDAY FOTO-NITE 1st OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFER $80.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. • Wednesday, Thursday March 10 - 11 "THE EDDIE CANTOR STORY" The true life story of the greatest of all comedians Eddie Cantor. An All Star cast. --Casting a critical eye on a ptei e -of mellow cheese is Ruth Harding, CBC conetiltant on enchains' btiying, Miss Harding, a graduate in home economics and expert in teadtiles, lntitrition and wild's, care, is well I qualified to show homemakers; or cross Canada how to etrdbola their dollars the tentheat In obtaining WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE MARCH 5th The World Day of Prayer Service will be held in Melville Presbyterian Church on Friday, March 5th, at 3 o'clock. A good attendance is hoped for. Wednesday, March 3rd, 1954 ,._..._ e/� �e�■ per _,_.....,,�,...,�pyA/...,pwu�y�y■, pop y)' $2.00 per year $2.50 LL 41 ICE AND SNOW CAUSE DAMAGE Freezing, rain created a winter wonderland but, it also wrought havoc with falling limbs and trees. llydno disruption caused inconven- ience end hardship ,and many tele - Phone circuits are still broken, The snow storm following tate fee over- loaded Jtases and wires that were already at breaking point with the luetvy toing. Telvision antennas also took a terrific beating. Hydro gangs working until early morning hours had service in this village restored by late Tuesday afternoon but at time of writing are still Working in rural areas. It will he some time before repairs to tele- phone lines can be completed for :there Is a mass of tangled wir- es, poles and branches to cope) with. BEAJEU'OAT CROP COMPETITION The East Huron Agricultural Soc- iety have decided to sponsor a Beav- er Oat Crop Compertition for Brussels 1964 Fall Fair. Anyone wishing.to enter 'this competition must have their entries in by March 16911, Ma- j tries to be handed to the committee in charge, directors or- the seoret- ary.. These oats can be obtained at no more than $1.55 per hostel, treat- j ed and delivered to Brussels. They oa.n be ,obtained from the committee I in •charge, directors, or the secret. arp, Geo. Wesenburg., JACK THYNNE TO PRESENT ANNUAL CONCERT HERE J k Th nue will present his both quality and Quantity in goods. Listeners to her rive -minute com- mentaries every week -day morning and to her trapment reports On "Trans -Canada 1'tatinee" in which she clISCusaex everything from the baby's formula to '.when a sale is a sale" have Lound It a profittable esperlence, 4nadiavt`.-ir 8!!W ac y annual concert and dance in the Brussels Town Hall on March 1901. It will be given under the auspices of the Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band. Keep the date open and watch for partition/ars. PLAY COMING — The Majestic Women's Institute are sponsoring a Play on Friday March 26th, "Mama's Baby Boy" which will be presented by Seaforth Junior Farmers in Brussels Town Hall: Proceeds for sanding library floors. Watch for further partici'', arm THE UNITED CHURCH 'Peter's 'confession; "Thou art the Christ, the Son of blue Living God" was the 'subject of Meditation in the United Church on Sunday, Feb. 28. Tt narked tht awakening of the disciples itl the fact that Jesus was the promised Saviour of the world. This i5 a fundamental conviction of the Christian faith and the starting point of all hue discipleship. The impidcatians of this conviction were enlarged upon in the sermon. The anthem, "awakening Chorus" by Homer and Gabriel was sang by the choir. MELVILLE CHURCH The minister on Sunday morning, took as his sermon subject the pat - able of the vineyard. This.. Is a par- able of judgment. Christ who came to San=e must stand in judgnend. The scribes and pharisees were insincere. They were like the son wito said, I go, went not, :and yet they had read about God looking for grapes in His vineyard and finding wild grap- es. If God lets out His vineyard He expects to find fruit. These wicked husbandman, Megan by beating the servants, and ended by killing the son. Jerusalem began by rejeotinc their prophets, and ended by cruci- fying God's Son. God sent Israel ser- vant after servant, and prophet after prophet. Lastly God sent His Son, saying they will reverence nay Son, II Christ ,says, "Behold I stand at Me door and knock. When we refuse Him admittance, He comes main jl and again. Mary Lou McFarlane ..sang the solo, "Time God of love, my shephelyd is." The choir sang the anthem. "T will magnify Thee 0 God," by Rpetwe. FOR RENT — Apar+tment above the White Star Bakery, olvailable March 1. Town water installed. ApPly to Crawford and Hetherington, l3russela, Ont. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. Thursday, Friday and Saturday "HANGMAN'S KNOT" Randolph Scott Donna Reed Randolph Scott risks the Overland Trail In a blazing Says of Heroism and Trea fiery. * ,fl, * Monday, Tuesdap and Wednesday "CO,NFIDENTiALLY CONNIE" Janet Leigh Van Johnson Steer beef versus Shakespeare with Romance; Laughs and Vandernonlum, Romance, Laughs and Pandemonium. * • M THursday, Friday and Saturday "DANGSROUS WHEN WET" Esther Williams Fernando Lamest 4 �m COMING SOON — "THE I DON'T CARE GIRL" The Kansas Farmer and his entertainers present their annual Concert and Da c Brussels Town Hall at 8.15 P. M. Fri. Mon. 1 Jnr. Auspices Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band Opening Numbers by Brussels Legion Pipe Band The Noll Sisters and Brother William — Accordian, Piano, Violin, Banjo and Guitar Clark Wallace — Canadian Wizard of the Harmonica Bill Dentinger — Violin and Fiddler Deluxe Ken Ryan — "Ninteen or Ninety" Robert Kennedy — Clarinet and Sax Solos Mrs. Ed. Myers — Soprano Thynne and Edgar — Comedy 40 laughs in 20 minutes The Kansas Farmer — Songs and Stories Scott Pawson— A Tater Eatin' Country Boy Lorne Wettlaufer, Duncan Brewer — Floor Managers Admission — Only 50c' includes both Concert and Dance leek CRANBROOK Rev, W. M. Hyitdnaan has accept- ed a call to Knox Church, Windsor, and preached his farewell sermon on Sunday, Feb. 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Hyndman, Robert and William, ex- pect ,to leave for their new 'home on Wednesday. The Ladies' Aid held a quilting at the home, of Mrs, Emerson Mitchell on Tuesday of last weel Twenty five ladies were presenit and two quitts were completed. Mr, Dave Brown, Monkton, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Notmuan Pfeifer. The World Dart of Prayer service will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church on Friday afternoon at 2.30. in mite of inclement weather amu hydro failure a number of the con- gregation of Knox Presbyterian Church gathered on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. liner son Mitchell for a social evening in. honour of Rev, W. 111. and Mts. TTyndman. Coal oil Tames Provided light for rrokdnole with honors going to Mrs. Murray TIbether, Mrs, Aynd• man, Allan Dunn. and Jim Petrie. Mr. 1•Tyndtnan was presented with gift and gpeke, expressing thanks' and appreciation for the social lime I enjoyed together. T,unnh was s.et, ved by the ladies. 1 Chef Henri crena ti Chateau Laurie Hot1 A Canadian Nattoaai Railway, Hotel Zothi n �or -re 11114 teX richness and. higher qua7i•Ey in cookixl - d if ever you have dined at Ottawa's famous Chateau, Laurier you'll agree ... Chef Freitag knows whereo he 000ksl In all his tempting dishes, he , uses o y bettor. No substitute could possibly give the delicate flavour, the smooth, golden richnesn; of fresh creamery butter. 1 cc ]DE x' s Taste Chef Freitag's own recipe for BUTTER MEUNXE d sauce for sauteed Sall, sten or chops , �y When fish or meat is ready to serve,. squeeze the juice of a quartered lemon over it Sprinkle w4tiar fresh chopped parsley pi chives. a a drying p ofus ea$H, brown 2 ounces b:c for each pereon. Pou$ over fish or meat. As every housewife imows, for good eating and good living, you lust cant beat butter. From the simplest }tot biscuits to the most elegant layer cake, everything you make tastes so much better with butter. For our Dart Frew** how. booklet o to .lee s rooipoe, write 102a.IPer F`oor ',al . V 4097Yuxo5 fdr•.Toxe5b't,V THE RUSSELS CREAMERY