HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-2-17, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesdsty, February Newspaper Reporters were Excluded from Parliament ! When newspapers first at- tempted to report the proceed- ings of Parliament, reporters were expellee from the house and fre- quently arrested. Today, it is recognized thdt newspapers perform a public service in keeping the public in- formed about government affairs, The Toronto Daily Star maintains correspon- dents at Ottawa and at all provincial capitals, Their reports cover all sessions and committee meetings and all developments which are important for you to know . , . and activities of all oartles and party leaders. You know what's going on , , , all the time , . , when you read The Toronto Daily Star. Order The Toronto Dally Star delivered to your home every day Delivered by Carrier, 30c a week -'Nei Subscription Rates Any Address 1 month S 1.25 months 3.50 6 months 6.50 '1 year - 12.00 C Addre.e Circulation Dept., Daily Stn 80 King St. W„ Toronto 47iie DiUY STAR ATTENTION FARMERS - Dl1DSTDME restored from year tt67m promptly for nsnitary dIs olrai likephono Collect: Brussels Ur1S 4r Moire 614. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED NOTICE -, For artificial taseminatton at lb nest for all breeds, call the Wetter tot Cattle Breeding association two 'ween 7.50 and 10.00 e. M. oa week days and 7.30 and 3.30 a. m. on sax - nays. Phone collect Palmerston 10 Clinton E47. Grey Twp. Council Orey Towtli�tlip 00iusnoil Meeting WaE, held, op February 0th, Moved by Clteror, ft. Mahar, seconded, by Wm, 70, BisitoP that the minutes beadopted as read, -- Carried, Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded by Clifford R. Dunbar theft, By-law No, 3 as being read a third time be finally passed, Carried. Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded by Howard F.- MoNaught that tlue Brussels Pest be given printing con - erect of 0295.00. - Carried, ',toyed by Hugh Smith, seconded by Clifford 11, Dunbar that a grant oS $50.00 be given to the !Salvation Army. - Oarried, Moved by Howard F, McNaught, seconded by Wm, 1, 1. Bishop that cake Reeve and Treasurer 'be authorized to apply for the balance of the 1953 Road Subsidy, - Carried. Moved izy ClL5tord R. Dunbar, seconded by Howard F. MoNaught that Council accept the application ; of James Knight tor OssietanIce undtar The Tile Drainage Att. - Carried, f Moved by Cliftord R. Dunbar, Seconded by Hugh Smith that the +Clerk be instructed to ,advertise for (tenders. "tor Warble Fly spraying of attle, per head, - Carried. Moved by Wim. E. Bishop, seoond- ed by Howard F. MoNaught that .001E1,011 edvettbise for tenders to cruse' and deliver 15,000 yards ee ' erndbed gravel. Sealed tenders to be in (Merles Office by March 601 a4 2 o'clock. To be -accompanied by a •certified cheque for 3300.00. - Oarntel. Moved by Howard F. McNaught seconded by CLi00ord R. Dunbar the we order 500 lbs. of warble powder from. G. Weeen:bura and 600 lbs. from Geo, Pearson. - Carried. Moved by Hugh Smith. 'seconded by Win. F. Telehnn that all nnnrnvetl accounts be paid. Carries. 1 Moved by Clifford it, Dunbar, seconded by Howard V% Xi:Vaught that we now :adjourn to meet March 0th or .at the 001I et tale RRoove, -.. Carried, The following at:Willits Were paid; 11,13.P,C., pilhel St. LtBbits ' $204.00 L. E. P. G., Grey Twp. (Walton) Street Lights 48,75 iOo, 'of Huron, 1052 Taxes 209.70 Ont. Asses.. pf Rural Mun. Membership fees' x0.00 Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Board, Grant. Ethel Village 200,00 Debenture No. 3, Coates Dr, 225.90 Salvation Army, Grant 50.00 Co, • of Huron HdspitallzatIon 23.50 Imp. Oil Ltd., Shove oil 11.19 Buutesela Creamet+y, m1Ut for relied' 11.07 Rultiedge's Gttaoory, groceries for relief Took Warwdok, 7 fon Ralph Keefer, 2 fox 2aok Bidhop, .2 fox Clifford Boegy, 4 fox Ell. Hinz, 8 fox Jim Adams, 2 fox Charles Harrison, 1 fox Mae Stewant, 1 fox Clifford Jacklin, 2 fox Ceo 11 Bateman, 1 fox E. M. Cardiff marking fox, from Dee. 15th Clifford R, Dunbar to Clinton meeting E. M. Cardiff, B, and D, Registttalbtone 1933 E. M. Cardiff, 2 Old Age AQapllcatione, 1 Disabled Application Roads. 34.46 14.00 4,00 '4.00 8,00 16.00 4,00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2,00 16.00 4.34 2.75 15.00 2,514.91 $3,712.53 Edyit3ie M. Cardiff, Clerk. E"II HEI4 Mrs. Percy Stephenson, was hoe4. eSts for the W. M. B. and W. A. of Ethel U'logted Church will./ 13 mem- bers ,and 2 vtsitons Present. The service of adoration and praise was 1 taken by Mns. 02. MaTaggart with nesponees by members. Flynn 182 was sung followed by Scripture 100' eon. Mrs, Geo. Mentes had charge ot the study period. Blue gave a synopsis of the chapters, we had studied in Rahe Study Book, "Where' er The Sun" and also New ohapter and closed by prayer, Hymn 199 was then slung. Mrs. Sea, Pearson the I president took charge of the busi- 1 De., period, Minutes 01 last meet• 1 ins were read land approved. Roll call, offering. The roll call was ants werod by donating articles Por bale. A letter was read from the Board ot tare Building Fund of the "Girls Training School" do Toronto, thank- ing hanking 4hie society for their donation of $60.00. ,Plans were made for the "World Day of Prayer Service", when we will meet with the members of the W. M. S. of •the 'Presbyterian Church, on Maroh 5611 at 2.30 p. an. Meeting was closed by prayer. Lun+oh was served by ,the hostess assisted by Td s. Jae. Pearson And Mrs. Job Pearson, The negular meeting of the W. M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church,Dtivel was held alt the home of -Mrs, Maude Alexander on Tues. Feb. 2nd. The president, Mrs. Lounsbury, was in the chair. The topic was taken by Mrs. S. Alexander. Mrs. Richards gave current +events. Lunch was ser- ved by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Gorealitz and Mrs. Noble. Annual Meeting The annual meettng of the con- gregation of linox Presbyterian McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS - Ctyurob, Ethel, was held on Frida' Complete Parts and Service. Author avenins, Feb. 5. A CoQ -luck supper teed Dealers. McOuflooh Saw Sales - was called for 5.30. Atter this a 377 Huron Street Stratford, Ont. l bttsiane s nteettng was! held, con- i ducted by the Minister, the Rev. ?`�:•..Rs.; .:..,. '& t"n,•":• S'F�H", NEWPOWER•NEW TRANSMI SSIONS, •NEWSTYLING NEW ADVANCE -DESIGN STYLING. Handsome new appearance reflects the new power and ruggedness of the 1954 Chevrolet trucks, New front-end design Is mare massive and sturdy in appearance. New corners to indicate etheofull width ned near rthe truck.dei They're the most powerful, finest performing, -best looking Advance -Design trucks ever built! They're engineered to do your kind of hauling more efficiently and at lower cost. Come in and see these great new advances in the completely new Chevrolet trucks - NEW POWER IN "THRIPTMASTER 235" ENGINE. A new high compression brings you venter horse- power and increased operating economy, Such features as aluminum pistons and foil -pressure_. NEW HEAVY-DUTY 3 -SPEED TRANSMISSION. lubrication, together with other new improvements, Rugged new a3 -speed coli' nsston with gearshift the eeeon- add o n atld up to finer till -around performance' vem1100, 1300 and 1400 series. It's specially designed NEW POWER 1N "LOADMASTER 235" ENGINE. for smooth operation and long life. New high -compression power, performance and NEW, BIGGER LOAD SPACE. New pickup bodies economy are yours in this advanced engine -plus have deeper sides .. , to give you extra load space. even greater,dnrnbitity. Chrome top piston rings, In addit ion , they're sot lower owe r to the ground d t o make t•tough exhaust valves and controlled valve loading and unloading rotators add to engine ruggedness, NEW CHASSIS RUGGEDNESS. Heavier axle shafts in NEW COMFORTMASTER CAB. Greater comfort, con two ton models bigger, more durable clutches vcnience and safety are offered by this advanced to light and heavy-duty models , . , more rigid cab. New one -pisco windshield gives grtetly 10- frames to all models. These are a few of the rugged creased visibility. Now instrument panel !s easier rewlcbu aluks eatures that nmakc the new '54 Chev- • to rend and to reach. 'Optional at cxtrd cosi. hide CoitttOl Seal is available on all cab models es extra equipmtent. NEW RIDE CONTROL SEAT.' Here's real Passenger car comfort for truck drivers! Scat cushion and back trove es a unit to float" you over the roughest roads with ease. You drive relaxed without irritating back -rubbing. NEw AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION,* Offeringgreat new ease and convenience for driving in city traffic and for door -lo -door delivery service, ('roved truck Hydra -Matic transmission is available not only on Ye- and 49 -ton tracks, but on 1 -ton models, tool AtVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE CT -3540 Riverside Motors - Brussels, Mr. Hyntlman. The reports of the various organlizations in the clturck were made. new officers were elected and future plans were din cussed, During the evening various musical Remo were enjoyed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Peter Stewart late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, gentle- man, deceased, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of February, 1964, full particulars of their claims !a writing. Immediately after the said 24th day of February, 1954 the assets of the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to plain's of which the xeeutors shall then have notice. DA'rrlll at Brussels, Ontario this 30th day of January, 1954. Messers. Crawford & Hetherington Barrister & c., Brussels, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of George Mc- Taggart late of the Village of Wal- ton, in the County of Huron, gentle- man, deceased, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of February, 1954, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 24th day of February, 1954 the assets of the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executrix shall then have notice. DATED at Brussels, Ontario this 30th day of January, 1954. Messers. Crawford & Hetherington Barrister & c., Brussels, Ontario. ELMA FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Atwood, Ont. Eatabished In 1884 . USED CARS 1953 Chev'roletSedan 1953 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1952 Chevrolet Coach Heater and Sun Visor 1950 Austin Sedan 1948 Chev, Coach 1949 Van Guard Sedan 1946 Plymouth Sedan 1946 Plymouth Coach 1940 Plymouth Sedan 1946 Ford Coach 1939 Mercury Sedan 1935 Ford USED TRUCKS 1953 Chev. 3 ton with platform 1952 Chev. 1/2 ton pick-up 1950 Ford 1/2 ton pick-up 1951 Ford 3 ton NEW CHEV. CARS AND TRUCKS For IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ?IVERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Supertest Gas and Oil Phone 56 Brussels, OM. Contact the Head Office in Atwood or your nearest Director Agent listed below: J. Grayson Ricrmond .... 1 Moniztoa Warren Morrison S, Atwood R. W. (Dick) Whitfield 2, Brussels L D. Smith 4, Atwood .Lloyd Deuetedt 2, UadsbAl W. E. Little 3, Monkton RoY Ludwig ,.. ....... Gowanstowe Distributors for Diuston, Clinton Sawa, Oregon Chains And Hallman Jacks. Fully Equipped Machine Shop having installed a Shaper. or GEO. E. POLLARD Saw Repairs. Sales is one thing - brit we follow up with J service and repairs. Phone 64 or 56r13 ?rank Armin, L Listowel IL. N. Switzer, Seerotery. Brussels BUSINESS CODS C. A. Myers 3 M. D., L. M. C. C. ��}�n!r��,,������ �epp�� PSICH `IN and �G!i� ''((�� Out. % J,K�ans SL .. ....r;}„i+4. ... _�a,ie�.l ,: Four DR. R. W. STEPHENS Gradual* Univers9 of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON .e.,l 081. r . Chas. T. Davy o ,311..,.:. t Asedekult farad o) Aged Mr Great West Eite haseresses tom, ' _` &am Mks 90 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optoinetzlif Mee 791 Seaforth til & Maui ' HOURS' 0 - S, Vied. 9-12.30, Salk. +;i iwas. k /iii - V G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optemetria a Patrick St., wig At K0nearima s'co ver Thatalim. " § Mesa Wbllbam 770 gr Evenings by appotugme&. J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optore UO 1 , ONT. fa Eye Exactinatttoa and etc rt thi 0011os 6 lfaae ssel Lawns 0I0 a.mu. GOD lama. 't*; Medi W,,. 11 Caw evedsga by kotrolebsiefet D. A. Hann & Co. ' TLS, I Cid. gag AraranArrItN, f ry: .;_ '4' -IP Mewed gall DIrooter amend snacks* NC ...,maetar•+,ue�anai+w+...,..�. tical - �Jboam..�a+.-. n11�nn�R111 Harvey W. Stephe> on Itermerectiattre■�for�,rSon ;t.� �t��asie c Canada Hefnf& a h ': AtccMiRit Cot 9 r. ,. Casualty Genera! bacaredee Cs. ' ,s nem 43s 'talker Fungrallionte Day or ?4I otvattirivisits VS No extra ebersm tailka Or Peastut, Llama INISMO Medd Ica iNventy-hoto rtsvite Andbilacco mtiae mutt IhrtagirrAt T ar it. S. Hetherington, K. C. aaeaid R* aTaa ra, Orgy poromots Vkomsany cad SaturdaYNEC*"licir 21 news Ms .tib �� �h. .