HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-2-17, Page 1THE BRUSSELS .• ietMWorized as second els'u mail, Post Office %lepartnten.'t, Ottsryra l; u_. Wednesday, February 17th, 1954 Post PubBilling House POST r n--. $2.00 ger. year - $2.50 Li. SAL, 'EUCHRE and DANCE ln'Cr..aribrooIi Community Centre "Friday, -Feb. 19th at 9 P.M. Music by Geo. Smith's Orchestra (GOOD 'PRIZES ADM ISSIDN' ,0c fAusptees,:efsEast Huron ASrIcpltural Soddy CAP,TO`LISiOWEL THEATRE 2 Shows .Nightly 7.30 — 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday .2p..m. IFntday —.Saturday February 19 —20 •"HI.S .MAJESTY O'KEEFE" .Starring Burt Lancaster — Joan Rice The story lAf .a'daring adventurer who became King of a .South Sea 'Leland. :Lt's,afiame with action and romance. Monday— Tuesday February 22 —.23 :"TROUBLE ALONG THE WAY', ael,n'Wayne— Donna Reed and Charles' Coburn in a picture that mingles thrills with heartaches. TUESDAY—'FOTO=NITE.— Monday — Attendance Card Night OFFER THIS 'WEEK — lst $200.00 — 2nd $60.00 Wednesday, Thursday -and -Friday February 24 — 25 —2S ,ur,ba WILLIAM HOLDEN DAVID NIVEN MAGGIE McNAMARA Released thru United Artists NOTE: ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED TO PERSONS 18 YEARS'OF AGE OR OVER. REGULAR ADMISSI'O'N PRICE. • MI1DDLESEX SEED FAIR (including classes for Western' Ontario) Western Fair Grounds London March 2, 3, 4 and 5, 1954 Secure prize 41st from your county Agricultural Representative or the Secretary Mr. W. K. Riddell Room 210, Richmond Building, London, London. Entries to be in by February 27th r For Professional,_ PIANO TUNING t.. and Repairs Consult CLARE F. STONE Phone: E. Martin, 87x Brussels TM! rRat►BY's*RIAN CHURCH IN CANADA MslMls Chur*M Brussels Minister, Rsv. W. 11. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday Sohool 11 a. m. Morning Worship United Church OF CANADA f111a11Ar, Rsv. Andrew Lam Divine Wo;sh1D — 11 o'clock "The Message of Goodne9n" Church School — 12 o'clock. "How amiable are Thy Taber- nacles', 0 Lord of hosts," BORN MoCUTO E0N — Frank and Gwen McCttkcheonhappily mine:race the arrival of their daughter Cheryl Lynne, on Feb. 7, 1954, at Dr. Myer's Nursing Home, BORN LAWLESS—Ross and Ruth Lawless (McDonald) are happy to am nountce .the birth of a son, (Jeffrey Bruce) .on Feb. 111tt, in Peel Mem feriae Hospital, Brampton. SKATING PARTY United Church Young People's Society in Brussels Arena TUESDAY, FEB. 23rd Admission 25c and 150 Lunch after skating In United Chuch basement REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. Thursday, Friday and Saturday II "TREASURE OF THE 1I GOLDEN CONDOR" j J'ACK'THYNNE TO PRESENT •+ANN -UAL CONCERT' HERE Jack Thynne will Present his annual concert and danoei in tate 'Brussels'Town Hall on March 19th. It will be given under the aueptpes of the'Bruesela Lion,e Club Boye and tOirlei 'Band. I{eep the date open and :watch for particulars, BADEN'POWELL NIGHT `Baden Powell Night will be held 'in the 'basement of the St, Jean's Anglican Church on Monday, Feb. 22nd at -8 .o'clock. Cubs, Brownlee, Otiides and Scouts will early on a speeldl •prggnant. All parents of the children are cordially invited to at- tend. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mra, Roderick McLean wish. tw :announce Ohs engagement of Their daughter Daisy Ella to Frank lin Henry Alcock, son of ;4r, John Alcock and the late Mns. Alcock Wedding to take place en. Melville Preehyt•n lam Church, Brussels early In Mardh. Penelope Lillian Brewer Passed- away In London, on Feb. 9tb, 1954, 'Penelope Lillian: Brewer, daughter of 'the late Mr. and Mrs. William Brewer of Grey Township. :She was a.oistter of Duncan • of Morrib Township, Rueben of Godericb and Weiler/ of Listowel. The Funeral ser- vice was 'held from the D. A. Rano `Funeral Home. eelfred St., Brussels on Thursday. =Feb. 11;th, with Rev. •'W. 11:.=T. Fulton officiating. Inter- menit in Brussels Cemetery. BRUSSELS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Our village sthould be a place of beauty this summer as a total of 713 buberenls begonia bulbs were ordered by tete members. These bulbs are expected to arrive frosts Holland within the next couple of days and will be distributed the firett of next week. A listing of sh• _1 rubs available will also be. ready at i that time and orders will be taken 1 for them and gloxinia bulbs. The Society welcomes all who are he tenested in becoming members. BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB At the last regular supper meeting of elba local Lions Club. Dr. R. W Stephens gave .an interesting and edUcationnit adress on "Health." The four new members of the olub Wm. Reed, Wm. Newton, Sam Wax- man- arman.: and Edwin Martin were duly installed by Lion R. 13. Cousins Assistanit tailtwustgr R. G. M,113ridre took over the duties of that office for the evening. BRUSSEUS4-H FORESTRY CLUB. The 2nd meeting of the Brussels 4-H Forestry Club sponsored by the Bruseels Lions Club was held in the Brussels Library on Thursday, Fb. 44th at 8,30. H. H, De Vries, Asst, Zone Forrester after the meet in.g was opened by Pres. Murray Thtderwood, discussed and explain- ed the characteristics of several common tree species. The meeting was conclhided by a interesting fills titled, "Out of the Smoke" elhowe Asst. Ag, Rep„ Harold Baker. ' PEOPLE WE IC/VOW Flllytng Officer Charles Thomas • paid a Eying visit to Ontario and spent the week -end at .the b:oiie o3 his parents Mr. .cud. Mrs, Thomas, returnfirg to Winnipeg Suit - day afternoon. Churchof England s • Parish of Brusasls r Rsv. A. Nsrtben elite, M. A. St. John's, Brussels, — 8.30 a, m. holy Communion Parade of Ind Brussels Scents and Wolt Peek Cubs, , 11 a. m. Holy Communion Sunday School St. David's, Henfrytt — 2.50 p, in, Holy Communion Sunday School St loorge'e, Walton` — 't.td p, ni, livening Prayer Cornel Wile Constance Smitr', Romance, Action and Adventure on the Grand Scale bellved In Flaming Technicolor in the steaming Jungles' of Guatemala, * a * ? Monday Tuesday and Wednesday "THE CRIMSON PIRATE" Bert Lancaster ,,,, Eva Bartok Idol of betutlful women undtspusted King of the Seven Seas, Here's the' fabulous story of the Crimson Pirate, ? Romantic Swashbuckler of the Span.' Tall Main. THursday, Friday and Saturday "TThe PATHFINDER" George Montgomery Helena Carter "MELODIC- •SHIP" Are you planting to attend one :of the four perferetanees of "Melodie Ship"? You wont wanit to miss In the elblldronfe show, "Tile Magic 'Topper", ,the magician waves his' magic wand and, 'like all Magicians, 1 Produces st'ran'ge tlhtngs from tate I. lnagic'ha:t. Its "Melodie Ship" you wi11 be taken on. a delightful and hunsotiroue cruise.. 'l'hene will be ,singing, dancing and comedy to Please cal, Beautiful new coetumes are being prepared and special' lli'gheleg effects arrsuged for, THE UNITED CHURCH The New Life in Christ, described In Ripe Book of Revelation as the New Jerusalem, was the theme of in- struction in the Deleted Church on Sunday, Feb. 14th. The burden of. • the message was, set forth in the l question are eve still Seeking to satisfy our spiritual thirst at ,conte stagnant pool or some inter mitt'ent spring or at some cistern of water or at,s:ome dirty little j Stream 'fouled with the world's im- purities as ciltizents of the. Old Jerusalem do or ane we ciltizens of 1 the New Jerusalem oleansed and empowered by the mighty river of of God's lite and work. The text, "Amd he showed' me a pure river of life, clear as, crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and the Lamb" was from ;Revelation 93:1. "Since Jsus Carate 'Into My Heart", was the .anthem of the day. Mrs. James; Alfred Ward There passed away in Brussels on Thursday„ Feb. 3th, Mns. James Wand nee Mary Jane Armstrong in her 89th year, Born. March 12th, 1865 in East Wawanosh Township, her -parents were John Armstrong and Elizabeth Gluyas, While Sive was in Bailing health owing to her advance age. she was qute.nprmal. Enjoyed I company and was about as usual i right up to the tinte of her passing. On June 1st, 'f892 She was married is .lames Alfred Ward, who pre- deceased her in 1009. They farmed in Grey township on con. 6. In her I youth she was a; robust individu- al, and a loving wife end Mother. To this iinion there` were born three sons. William of Bright, and John of Hunetvllle, Out. Portis, ' the youngest son, passed away in 1- 1908. She was somewhat of an out- standing individual her great aim in dire was benefitting. or bringing pleasure to some one else. Two brotbeas and two slaters predeceased Iter. Richard C. A neetrong and Wm, G. Armstrong, and two sisters Mr,t R. Doeketh and Mrs. Wm. Gorsali'tz. There are left to mourn one sister Henrietta, Mrs. Joe Savage of Grey township, , also 8 graudohildren. She was an:ardent adherent of the Church of England, end always in- terested in its 'motivates. The funeral took place on Monday. Feb. 8th from Walker funeral home, Brussels, and was quite largely attended. Rev. A. N. Ellis officiated, interment in Ethel Cemetery. Pall -bearers were were .two nephews, John Salvage and Percy Ward and four grandchildren Carbery Ward, Cavell Ward, Jack Spruce and Orville TRtrig. 1 CARD OF THANKS The Brewer Family wish to ex- I pew's their thanks to their relatives friends and neighbours during the 1 recent bereavement of their sister , Penelope Brewe. CARD OF TEIANKS We wish to thank the mane friends and neighbors who sent cards and 1 flowers and heiped in any way due- int our bereavement in the loss of our dear Mother, Mrs. Alfred Ward. Special #Juan's to Rev 1 " llllis. , Ttr. Stephens and Mr. George Evans, Mr, mid Mrs. Rrnn., A. Ward Mr. and Mrs, J. TC Ward and sister Mrs, ,Too Savage. BRUSSELS MECHANIC WINS TRACTOR Toronto, Feb, 11 — Yern Jarvis of `Brussels and George Dietrich of Stroud were the big winners When the d,iaw for door prizes brought the 1954 Ontario Farm Equipment Deal- ers' Association show to a close.' Mr. Jarvis won a Veneto:: which WAS tits top prize, MORNING STAR REBEKAH LODGE ENTERTAINS The Morning Star Rebekah Lodge I entertained on Wednesday afternoon and evening. Feb. 10th in the lodge ? rooms. in the afternoon tete guests 1i played bridge. The highest scorn) was won by Miss Florence Buchanan. In the everting euchre and five - hundred were played. The winner for euchre was Mrs. Lou Ebel and for hive -hundred Mrs, Geo. 111vana Lntob was served by the committee+. `'6 STAGE SHOW Jodie Shin'' BRUSSELS TOWN HALL FOUR BIG NIGHTS -- 8.15 P. M. SHARP TUESDAY -THURSDAY -FRIDAY - TUESDAY March 2nd March 4th March 5th March 9th Music — Singing — Dancing — Comedy — Novelty Numbers Juniors —"The Magic Topper" Magician: David Kennedy; Assistants; Elizabeth Pipe, Frances Myers; Snow Queen: Marnt' Bronson Snow Flakes,: Brenda Shaw, Susan McDonald, Ann Higgins, Lillian Myers, Ruth McTaggart; 'Mary Mary Quite Contrary: Rochelle Wineberg; Flowers: Susan Martin, Bonnie 'Workman,, Dianne Hastings, Nancy McWhirter; Mary Jean McBride, Sally Galbraith, Lorna Bryans; Patsy Bryans, Carol Bryans„ Irene Myers, Marlon Turnbull„ Barbara Turnbull, Karers Coleman, Joan Johnston, Pamela Porter, Kathryn McTaggart, Fred Stevenson, Jack Davidson,. John Cousins, Glen Plant, "Melodie Ship" CAPTAIN : KEN. WOOD. Kathryn Leach,Linda Todd, Elayne Wood, Sandra Miller. Marlene Waxman, Jean Jewell, Joan Thomas, Isobel Eckmler, Mary Willis; Dorothy Sullivan, Agnes Lane, Pieta Cousins, Shirley Stevenson, Esther Smith, Joan Machan, Jane Rann, Elizabeth Myers, Madalon 'Ryan, Doreen, Long, .Isabel Spelr, Shelia Porter, Mary Lou Mc Farlane, Shirely Machan, 811, King, Graeme McDonald, Brian Prescott, Donald Edgar, George Cousins, Doug. Leach, Jim Edgar, , Bob Cunntngt- ham, Calvin Kreuter and Gordon Krauter.. Accompanists: Mrs. H. Thomas, G, R. Campbell, Directed by: Mrs. R. W, Kennedy. Admission — Adults 50c, Children 25c Sponsored `by — 1st 3 Nights by East Huron Agricultural Society' 4th Night by Majestic Women's Institute Proceeds for ,•'nding Library floors. NOTICE 5t. John"s Church Pancake Supper ' will be Reid on Tuesday, Mar, 2nd. SALE SALE SALE PE RSON'S Annual Winter Sale 10 DAYS ONLY 10 February 118th to 27th LADIES' SPECIALS 100 Pr. Ladies Dress Shoes Reg. $5.95 to $8.95 Sale $3.95= 98 Ps. Ladies Dress Sandals and Sport Shoes Special Sale $2-9S 150 Pr, Ladies Slippers Play Shoes and Dress Shoes — Only $1.95 100 Pr. Children's and Misses' Shoes Special Sale Price $1.95 Ladies Nylons 51 Gauge, 15 Deniers, 1st Grade Sale Price .98c- Ladies 9eLadies Nylons "SECONDS" Only .69c 20% OFF ALL LADIES SNOW BOOTS AND SKATES 20% OFF ALL LADIES ARCH -SUPPORT SHOES AND HEEL -HUGGER AND MURRAY-SELBY HEAL.H SPOT SHOES 6 Pr. Ladies White Skates (second hand) ,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MEN'S $3.95• 10 Pr. Boys' and Men's (second hand) Skates .-» "Special” $1.91. 100 Pr. Men's Dress Oxfords Black and Brown Reg. $6.95 to $10.00 Sale $5.95 30 Pr. Men's Oxfords Special $2.95, 40 Pr. Men's Work Boots "Extra Special" $5.91,5 50 Sport Shirts and Dress Shirts Reg. $4.95 to $7.50 ,,,,,, • •••- Sale $3.95 20% OFF MEN'S SNOW BOOTS AND SKATES 10% OFF ALL MEN'S Rubber Boots and Rubbers and Dress Shoes and Scott -McHale Shoes 20 % OFF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ON DISPLAY Dress Shirts Dress Socks Stetson Hats Sweaters Sport Shirts Sport Caps Jewellery Braces Belts Ties Work Socks T. Shirts Bow Ties Ties HURRY ! I-IURRY ! Everything Guaranteed under Brussels, Ont. reasonable care and wear Phone 111.