HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-02-03, Page 5THE CaLvt%j SPORTS COLUMN E e The oldest partnership in major hockey, now extending beyond the 20 -year mark, ' still carries on, We refer, of course, to the Milt Schmidt - Porky Dumart community of interests, which started when they were juniors in Kitchener. Since then, with the exception of a season when Dumart played 'with Boston Cuba in a minor League, while Sehm1$t Continued to serve his apprenticeshipwith the home- town Greenshirts, they've never been apartWhen this was Written, they were still the Damon and Pythias of the ice -lanes, in Boston Bruin garb. For sheer durability, they are unbeaten, as a pair, in major hockey annals. Dumart will be 38 next December, Schmidt is 36 soon - March 5 is the date, Dumart has slowed down some- what, but Schmidt carries on at an undiminished pace, one of the all-time greats of the game, mainspring of the Boston team for so many years, that he is now taken for granted in the Hub. For, as a skinny 18 -year-old, he joined that club in 1936-7, and a long fourteen years later, years that encompassed his World War II service, he blazed to glory as winner of the Hart Trophy as the most valuable player to his team in the League. Seventeen years after he had joined the club, surviving a dozen injuries, and playing on knees so dinky that they must be carefully bandaged before every game, Schmidt recently set two all-time Boston records with 549 total points (221 goals, 328 assists) for regular season play and 595 points for regular season and playoff games. His 221 goals was at that time only seven short of Durable Dit Clappers club mark of 228 over 20 seasons of play. It is accepted in Boston hockey circles as a certainty that when, if ever, his playing days are done, Schmidt will become coach of the club, while the present coach, Lynn. Patrick will succeed the veteran Art Ross as general manager of the Boston team. And the most significant remark on Schmidt's value to the club name from Coach Patrick. • "Schmidt will never be as good a coach -as I am," declared Patrick, "Whenever we're in trouble 2 just look down • the bench and yell for Schmidt to get out there. But when Milt becomes coach he won't be able to do that because there'll be no Schmidt available. For I very much doubt that there ever will be }another Schmidt." Dumart, like Schmidt, joined Bruins in' 1936. Soon after, there came from Kitchener a third and notable partner to the twosome, in the person of Bobby Bauer. This threesome be- came known as the Kraut Line, in tribute to one of Kitchener's favored dishes, and in the season of 1939-40, they performed the Bauer renusual tired, buteat of Schmidt and Dumart stil1-2-3 in the llcarry on, the oldest partnership in hockey. Your comments and suggestions for Mk column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. CaLve'tt DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO e. PLAIN HORSE SENSE ee By BOB ELLIS 'It was looking none too bright until last year," said Mr. V. S. Milburn, secretary -manager of the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture, as quoted in the press, "Then we got a hog marketing board and both cheese and soy- bean producers got action. Now peach and wheat producers are making headway. Biggest thing out of our Ontario meetings is demand for more marketing ac- tivity. It overshadows every- thing else." Orderly Marketing Perhaps the most important resolution carried at the Annual Convention of the Ontario Fed- eration of Agriculture, was the demand for a national confer- ence on marketing of farm prod- ucts. Critical Of the last dominion - provincial conference in Ottawa in November 1953, at which only questions concerning production were discussed, the delegates de- cided that the problems of mar- kets and prices are of more Im- mediate and urgent concern to the farmers of the country. Farmers are beginning to re- alize that they have to deal with their affairs through co-operative action, not only on a local or provincial, but on a " national scale. Sadly missing on the agenda of the convention was a resolu- tion calling for legislation pro- viding for national marketing Operation Shape—Paristan dam. tier Gaby Gruyere is busy getting Into shape for her next tour of the U.S. agencies for any commodity whose producers want it. That the resolution asking the government to let the OFA re- view all proposed legislation be- fore bringing it down in the Legislature, was talked out by the executive, should not be of any great importance, No sen- sible government should be ex- pected to introduce legislation concerning the interests of any group of people, without first consulting the representative or- ganizations of the group. Processing Facilities Faced with contracting mark- ets and shrinking prices, it is no wonder that farmers are paying more attention to the distribu- tion end of their business. They should keep in mind, however, that longer supply and shorter demand will make it ditEcult, maybe impossible, to keep mar- keting orderly by "direction" only. To function properly, a mar- keting agency needs the "pow- er to market" which means buy- ing and selling. Eventually to counteract any ganging up of buyers, producer associations will have to establish their own co- operative processing plants. Half a dozen ]neat packing co- operatives, along the line of the One in Barrie, strategically plac- ed all through the province, might do wonders in keeping prices on an even keel at times of sudden gluts. By the same principle the fruit and vegetable growers could do much to im- prove their situation if they would set up a few plants of their own. If the fisherman in the Mari- times can can their lobsters, the farmers of Ontario can do the same with their peaches and hogs, BADLY MISTAKEN A comely young lady, taking a casual walk throught the coun- try, came upon a secluded mill pond. The day was warm and the water was inviting, so she removed her clothes and dove in, As ,she eenjoyecl a swim across the pond, a small boy came by and promptly tied her clothes in knots. When she swam back, she surveyed the situation, grab- bed up an old washtub and, holding it in front of her, march- ed furiously toward the little boy. "You nasty boy," she exclaim- ed, "you know right well what I'm thinking," "Sure," said the bay, "You're thinking that tub has a bottom!" Ignoritus Trouble Garage Mechanic: "What's the trouble, lady?" Mrs. Newdrlveri "They gay that I have a short circuit, can you lengthenit while I wait?" FRIENDLY FISH The Romans used to tamp lam- preys. Sorne 2,f these fish an- swered their master's call and were adorned with gold rings passed through %eft:' gills , '1'he love of ilsh among the Ro- mans Was neither exceptional nor transitory, We have evidence of It for at least four centuries. Varronius refers to it in the sec- ond Macrobius In the fifth cen- tury, quoting eXamples from their awn experience. Shall we ever get back to that? We have yet to establish a rela- tionship between men and fish. It may be the work'. of the twen- tieth century. ;experiments in the big Amer lean aquariums and In marine biology stations, like Michel Ler net's toe the isle' of Bimini, show that fish, if not men, are quite ready to renew the old amity for which they Have as great in elination as -many mammals. Americans have a' ,greater' taste than we French have for these enormous establishments, in size and, fittings more like zoos than modest aquariums, In enormous tanks, cetaceans ' and even large sharks sometimes live in conditions of semi -freedom. The establishment at Key West in Florida is famous among ich- thyologists for' its taine fish. 'A Cuban keeper called Raoul has been getting amazing results. He will go 10 the•edge of a great pond, clap his hands, and whistle for his charges:. Then he tells the visitors some of their names and calls at random for Joe, Juan, Molly, or Dolores, who answer at once,..coming.to eat out of their master's hand, But Raoul can do better. He can call gently a huge Named To Hali Of Fame — 8111 Dickey, former New York Yankee catcher, is shown in his trophy room at Little Rock, Ark., after he learned that he had been named to baseball's Hall of Fame. Dickey's comment was "I'm really pleased." Also named were 5111 Terry and the late Rabbit Martinville. mottled fish,, induce it to come nearer, and finally to throw it- self out of the water. Then it lies down on the edge, relaxing, while Raoul tickles and pats its sides and fins. At last, sliding his hand under the resisting fish, he takes it up in his arms, gives it a piece of bread to swallow, and puts it back in the water, -From The Undersea Adventure," by Philippe Diole, Translated from the French by Alan Ross. The recent visit to Toronto of the Choong brothers, and the ease with which they mopped up their Badminton opponents, has aroused -increased interest in the "bill the birdie" pastime, and in the extent to which our Asiatic friends now appear to dominate same. * * * The "Davis Cep" of Badminton is the mug presented by Sir George Thomas, known as the "Thomas Cup," first competed for in 1948-49 when the finalists were Malaya and Denmark, with the former winning out. The Malayans successfully defended the cup in 1951-1952, the finalists being the U.S.A. Now, with the third of these . triennial contests coming up, NO LESS THAN SEVEN CHALLENGERS FROM ASIA ALONE are due to compete, • * * The seven, and details of how they have drawn in the Asian zone of the 1954-55 tournament, are Ceylon vs. Pakistan Thailand vs. India Hong Kong vs. Burma Japan, a bye * * * Choice of courts lies with the country named first and the first round has t0 be completed by July 31, 1954. The zone final has to be decided by the end of March next year. Inter -zone ties - Australasia, Europe and America are the other zones - are due to take place in Malaya during the month of May, 1955, unless any two zones concerned should mutually agree t0 play- off elsewhere. a * * The challenge round is pro- visionally arranged for June, 1955, at Singapore where the public is very Badminton con- scious and the takings are con- fidently expected to cover the zone finalists. Which countries will reach that stage and which will ultimately challenge Ma- laya can be anybody's guess in a game still rapidly expanding. Internationally, Badminton has widened its sphere more than any other sport since World War II. In that period the .IBF, founded in London in July, 1934, .has trebled its membership to 30. And with members coming from all the five continents Bad- minton may truly be described to have arrived as a world game. * * Speculation about zone win- ners and the challenge round finalist accompanying Malaya is influenced by a number of events. One is the return to the game of the greatest exponent of shuttle- cock control the world has ever known - David Freeman. The Californian, who was undefeated from 1939 until he retired in 1949, emerged to become champion of U.S.A. again in 1953. Another and probably more signifiefnnt factor the dramatic upsurge Of the ,Asian countries in which sport arid games have become a social phenomenon. * * * Blessed with the natural .apti- tudes et inline egility, instant coordination of thought ' and action and tractable yet steely wrists, Asians ..are . superbly equipped for such rapid -thinking quick -moving games as Badmin- ton, field hockey and squash rackets. In them qty' show signs of dominating `'th,, p�:;Mtorld. Cer- tainly that is true"`. field hockey with India upolgted in five world tours and it is equally true of Badminton with Malay holding the Thomas Cup and providing at least 12 out of the top.20 ranked players today. * * * So here, dear reader, is still another game in which the dark- skinned races are surpassing their teachers, and if this sora of thing goes on much longer, all that stuff about "Nordic athletic superiority" will have to be dumped down the drain. In base- ball, boxing, football and half a dozen other supports the colored boys are starring, .and we can't help wondering just exactly no Negro has ever come to the front in hockey. Might make a good Subject for discussion by the "Hot Stove League" boys some Saturday p.m. -but if they ever took it up, you can bet that they wouldn't dig very deep into the primary causes. "LITTLE WILLIE" Mother raised her eyebrows -slightly. Little Willie, with the shears, Cut off both the baby's ears. This made baby so unsightly • M.ew invention Now, modern chemistry has gone the whale, as well as the goose and the turkey, one bet- ter.'For years, these mammoths of the deep and tenants of the barn -yard have supplied the clothing industry with whale- bones and featherbones to stif- . fen garments. But manufacturers haven't al- ways been too happy with these natural products. There is an end to the flexibility of bones. They can become waterlogged when used in strapless bathing suits. And being bones, they are sub- ject t0 fractures, What fashion designers have long sought was the seemingly' impossible combin- ation of an unbreakable bone that was also pliable and lightweight, Now, a ribbon manufacturer in Valleyfield, Que., has used the discoveries of modern chemistry to produce the first unbreakable garment boning. It is a slim strip of nylon plas- tic called "Nylobone." It can be cut With a pair of household scissors and a sewing machine will stitch right through it. Yet "Nylobone" is so tough, a single length' of it can tow a heavy car. "Nylobone" is such a new de- velopment, its entire production is still being snapped up by a number of leading fashion de- signers. David Henderson, its Canadian inventor, worked close- ly with a woman bathing suit manufacturer to devise the bon- .. ing which is impervious to water, comfortable to wear, drapes at- tractively and is too resilient ever to bulge or bend into a perma- nent shape. The designer soaked the boning for weeks in buckets of water without noting any ap- preciable change in its unusual qualities. Its inventor tested and _perfected it until both felt it was the answer to a designer's pray- er. Many of the bathing suits and sun dresses being previewed now for " next summer owe their smooth -fitting, strapless bodices and long torso lines to this new Canadian development. It is expected "Nylobone" will soon be found in other manufac- tured garments such as founda- tions, evening dresses, hats, fur coat collars and the ]some sew- er herself will be stitching it into her own creations. Meal "Cool" Sult Fer Hot Work— Juvenile scientists will probably east envious eyes on this latest atomic suit worn by workers at rA plutonium plant. The plastic, balloon like suit provides a pro- tective barrier against radiation in "hot areas. "Train" in/ rear 19 a flexible plastic tunnel which provides air and serves as an entrance and exit passage. An air mask Is worn if, by some accident the suit Is torn or punctured. CLASSIFIED ADVERT1SIN AuENTS WANTED MANI SEND Fort OUR MONmg -undo ills putt[( FREE, 8e11 made-to-meeaure 8115 ready'made elethee to your tun er Ware time, dlreet from manufeoturer b wearer. Write t01-Bolgrave. Clothes, 806 Mayer, MMontreat. pans oaupus "TAILOR MADE', Bray °bloke for *07 market, 009' preference. Now low prlcee In effect Februate, get list now, 19r pulloto, or mixed, wide range. Bent re- turns, from geed 12,10109, hough/ .arty, Bray Ifetcbory, 320 John N, Hamilton. ARBOR ACRES WHITE ROOKS 10 WEEK -old pultotn; $1.15 Feb, 0r4. Seem Sbsand Suttee. Comm. pal - tete and cookerein available weekly, Write for prloos, LAKEVIEW HATCHERY LTD. Exeter, WHILE there are many algns that make ur opttn8otlo about poultry proflte for 1064, we don't pretend to be experts on. foreeaethtg the Yuture, Wo know for vett-alit' that n0 matter bow thaws are -- rood, bad er lndltter0nt-ohloke and ooulte backed by the right kind of breeding and management always bring higher net re turtle. We are striving to produce the beet olticke .and turkey .cults and give sound, advice on the breed!, or *roma breed. to purohate for the maximum Profit for Boge, breathe, 0000tern and meat Write for catalogue and 0011 details, TWEDDLE CHICK 7IATCIiERIES tiro, FER0UB ONTARIO RESULTS when you raise °Melee tram our dual-purpose ettalne, you'll get lio6h egg. and meat, Our New Hampahtree are particularly good ae layern and for brollere. Order early, Folder, Hold's Poultry Farrar Box W. Flehervilte. On- tario, BABY CHICKS FOR SALE WOULD you like to have iota of largo ecg8 next mummer when prlcee are high? Deebank'e Fast Feathering Barred Rook» and the Rock ereee-breeds - Bedrocks and Legroeks - will produce them if you - order early chicks, Our other bred -to - lm' strains are New Hampehlre,,, Red Sussex, Hollywood Leghorn., Canadian Approved. live .deliveryand oatlefa0tlon guaranteed, Special February Oneonta, Price Vet, Deebank'n Poultry Farm, Dickinson's Landing, Ont. COCKEREL bargains whlio they last 6 to 7 week old, White Rock X Light S08800, New Hampehlre, New Hampehlre X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, Light Sussex, Barred Rock, 920,861 8 to 9 week old 994,96; pullets and non-0exed 6 and 7 week old White Rook X Light Stutter, New Hampshire, Light 50.sex, 919.95; 8 to 9 week old 944.96; assorted breed° 11.00 per hundred lean, also younger .torted chick,. TWEDDLE CRICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERC CS ONTARIO FOR SAI.. CRESS WART REMOVER - Leave. no scare. Your Drugglet 6011» (MESS. REGISTERED Clinton Oate war be available in 1064 for the flret tints from H. R. McKim, Drudge, Ontario. 17 ft. mahogany cabin outboard motor °ruiner, For full particular° write Box 066, Aylmer, Ontario. LADIESI II Send No Money] gold on Approval! Limited Offer] New idea Plastic Apron. Elastic webbing as8uree snug comfortable fit. Strong, durable vinyl Mantle, colorful de,100», Order Now I I Alexander, 810 State Street Jonesville, La. ASTOUNDING - New - Different. The.t',, "Best"! The bruebleee denture clean for plates, bridges, Unconditionally Guaran- teed. 11..26 PP. Order today, Long's, Box 103. Monticello, Indiana. MORRIS B. PERCIVAL WESTERN Ontario's Foremost Farm Wee Agency. 326 Queens Ave., London, Send for list of farms for sale, (Further listings solicited.) DION thresher 28 x 48. 8 yrs. shredder, -thrower, clover att., rubber tire,, excellent condition. Case threahor 18 x 47bbshredder. Claes elevator, clover att„ shape'. Maintained by real mechanic. No. 20 Corkehutt tractor, hydraulic. other extra0, brand new, sell below root 0» We nr0 no. longer Cogkshutt dealers, S Case tractor used, 50 Cock»butt used, ✓ A Case used. D Case Meed, all these ready for work. Priced right. McIntyre Farm Equipment, Case and Dion Dealers,. Peterboro. BATTERY TROUBLES? Ono treatment of Ever -Charge the amazing battery chemical is a wonderful tonic for a sick battery. Ever -Charge chargee battery In 10 minutes and automatically peeps it charged. Start motor. play radio, use beater. etc„ all you want; your batters' will take it. Stop those harmful quick charges. They net only harm your bat- tery but Peat 00t8 Of many. Ever -Charge doubles life of new or used battery. Enley greater bower and easter starting regardless of temperature. For use in tr0eke, tractors, lighting Wattle. 001, (Only one treatment required.) Full directions with each package. Satietac- tan guaranteed. Price 61.60 Postpaid. For immediate delivery write Ever - Charge. 94 Walpole Avenue, Toronto. SPECIAL Corrugated Aluminum Roofing 18" x 0 ft, only. price -45.26 per square or 11.10 Der sheet, freight charges extra. This offer good only while 0upety Mete. 13oochwo0d Machinery Limited, 100 Mc- Arthur taArthur Road, Ottawa, °Mello. Power Tools HIGHEST quality -famous trade marks - manufacturers gnarantnod-stationary and portable types. Discounts for cash sales, Hamilton Mechanical Moulpment, 05 Front St., East. Toronto 1. DIESEL ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANTS from 2500 watts up. Hand starting, electric starting. and automa- tic atarting modeta available. slake city conveniences possible In the country. Write for information. MAINOUYS LIMITED, 1440 St, Catherine St. West, Montreal. Que. LACHAPELLE'S Patented Gearanteed 100.000 mile motor treatment. Renews older motors, eaves gee, all, repairs. In- creases performance, life, of new motet% 09,00 Postpaid, No. C,0.D.', please ExrellamnUve, 11.10, 3, 'Waterkro, Ontario, SCHOOL :BUS TRADE-INS 1047 8150 - ;Andel 1101. - 43, Student enmity, 1•Ierder, Detr00ter Fano. etc„ Fully mutinied: 7.110 x - 20" Tires In good cnndltlon. This '0011 hos been thoroughly 000004]• tinned and repainted; Many mites of trouble-free transportation nt low 0perat- lug oast, 20.400 Methnnteal werr0nty. Terme arranged. Salo Price - 39,410,00, Many other makes and 0,0dcls to ebonite from • BUS DIVISION' REIT 011/TOG COMPANY Ol' C,1N40A LTO,' LEASIDE, ONT. MAYFAIR 1171 B1011009 EARLY, Rv-170128 .- Farm Seed 1001 aures *areful buyers money every year Advance primePedigree Seed Write BISHOP SIM0105 4,'01)., 11010 614 ONTAR70, Sleets 1590. Leaders n1 the Flold, DYEING. AND CLEANING HAVE yen anything needa ageing or clean- ing? Write to" en tor Intnrmatlon: "Wo " are glad to onow7r gent emotions. Pe- Onrtment Ii 0001,01', Dye Wnrlt6 Limited, 791 Mogi, St. d'oranto, Now on the market are com- bination shoulder protectors and lingerie -strap retainers t h a t wash and dry like a piece of china. Moulded of pink poly-, thene, they're flexible, comfort- able to wear and hoth warm and soft to the touch. 1110111(:AL DoN'T DELAYI IVERY SUFFERER Of i01EUMATIn PAINS OR NEURITIS SNOUtD TRY ,DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORM, 3RE Eleln, Ottawa $1.2s Express Prepaid. ARTHarrIS, laheumetiem, Lumbaay Don't staffer, don't delay, mend 91,00 Codas for full information refrardln Wonderful home .comedy, No. ism Aspirin, Salts, Oto, Satlofaotlou Guar toed, Lone'. Sox 208, Monticello, Indian8, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANIWA the torment of dry eczema raobil gnd - weeping elfin troubles, Poet I Enema Salve w111 n01 dleappolnt yon. Robing. stealing, burning eczema acne, ✓ ingworm, 9lmplon and foot co00ma, will re*poad read117 00 the stainless Merle* ointment regardleae of how stubborn h opele»s they seem. PRICE 81.00 PER SAB POST'S REMEDIES Ilene Poet Thee on Receipt at Price B09 Q,Ieea a6, M. Corner 0t Lewin Toronto, FEMINII4 • e, s woman Colla another, Take .09 010, NEX" to help allevinte 9.1n, d1w trees and 8000000 tension associated with month!? parlode, 86.00 Postpaid In plain wropPer POST'S 010E6[IOAL8 MBO 00EEN 8T. EAST TORONTO BE A HAIRDRESSER • 40104 CANADA'S LEAn6NG 800000. Great Opportunity Learn Halydreesing Pleasant, disnli*Od pr0te0ulon, good wage». Thousand. of euc0ee.ful Marvel credo. tea America's Oreateet Sy.tem Illustrated 0.talogue Free Write or Call MARVEL BAIRDRFl9SING 0(0000LS 858 81onr St. w„ Toronto /Rancher 84 Ring 8t., Hamilton 75 Rideau 8t., Otte -we OPPORTUNITIES FOR HEN AND WOMEN ENGINEERING draftsmen aro in great demand. Train at home in spare.. time for those well-paid 00oure lob.. Low feet now In effect, Free folder, Primary School of Drafting, 133 Vaughan Rd. Toronto. UP TO $100 WEEKLY! Ladles and gentlemen! Sell dlreet from manutaoturer, well-known linea of blouses, nerves, dresses, 00110 ere, leans, work olotheo.. etc. Write today giving per - conal particulare and 140 will start you on the way to big earnings. You can be the safe ageet in your community. STEVEN -HOWARD Room 62, 417 St, Peter Montreal 1, LEARN BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNT- ING. at home. Triple you business ability -your oeportuntles, Big demand for SE0 g rads. Write for "Accountancy the Beet Paid Profeselon." Sarnia Business Col- lege. Sarnia Ontario. Established 1894. EVERY RURAL 002111113NITY R4(9Un1E9 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTEOTION The right Party can develop a profitable business la hie comt0bnity, We have open territory. It you think that you can qualify write ONTARIO FIRE r2EVEN. TION 4040 SERVICE, 045 Queen Street East, Toronto. A11 Inquiries treated 000- fldentially. COFFEE Bills Cut in HOE Recipe and Full Inetrnotlone, only 25c Coin. (No !tamps). Results Guaranteed, timer, 2080 Webster Avenue, Bronx 57, New York. MOJAVE desert yucca w00d1 Made luso beautiful Pin Cushion, 20.' each post- paid. We White, 375 South Second Avenue, Upland, California. HAVE an Old Car around your place? Turn that eat' Into money. Send particu- late, 90100 wanted to: B, Eugene McNeil - age, 374' Victoria Avenue, Chatham, On- tarlo- PATENTS AN OFFER to every mventer-Llet or in. 'mations and rul1 Information sent tree. The Ramsey Oo,. Registered Patent Attnn nose. 279 R0n1, Street. Ottawa. FETHERSTONBAUOB A Company Patent Attorneys, Established 1890 000 Uni- versity Aye., Toronto. Patents all Countries. PERSONAL 61.20 TRIAL offer Twenty -rive deluxe personal requfremente. Latest Cataingue Included. 'The Medico Agency Ens 114 Terminal A. Toronto. Ontario MMONET; I3ow-To-Acquire-Irl Hoty-To- Ueo-Itt Thru-Corporation-Formation„ For the Farmer, Business Aspirant, Inventor or Miner. Details and, Charts, 01.00. Herbert J. Miller. Oak 20111 Road, Moravia, New York. 8TOP SMOKING Start the New Year right, Quit cigar- ettes with the aid of TOBACCO ELIMINA- TOR. A 7 -day money back guaranteed treatment. For tree booklet write C, NV King Pharmacal Corp. Ltd Rox 501, Wolkervillo. Ont. ISST711 8 - 190t