HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1954-01-06, Page 1THE BRUSS Post Publishing House AUMOrized pe recgnd 013411 Man, Poet OUtco DePertment, Ottaws Wednesday, January 6'th, 1954 BRUSSELS BRANCH OF. UPTER CANADA BIBLE SOCIETY RAISE $403, The Breesel t Bra,noli of the Ippon Canada 'Bible Society, contributions reached sin all time, Ideate the past 9•ear with blue sum of $403 being raised Dor •the werthx Work of the society. e Icor thio first time ;the soolety 'has ft life mofnber in the Brussels branch, one Tersest having eon tributed $50 he one year, • The president, john Schnook, had Warm Praise for 'tate collectors, those wwhoile donattems made it possible to reach the amount and all others whose interest helped to further the work. WiNNER OVER C.K.N.X. ' Gwondolyne Martin of Brussels Won Fleet Prize in the Happy Half Hour Intermediate Contest for the coloured drawing she sent In. Thin Is the second set of Wonder Books tlwendolyne has won, winning pre- viously for a short story. LiBRARY NOTES — The following books have recently been purchased by the Binary ; - Mazo de la Roche — The Whitcock Brothers, Mamas H, Reddall — Tidefall, i Elizabeth Goudges — The heart of ; the family. R. Dimbleby — Elitabetit, our i Queen. L. M. Montgomery — Anne of the I Island. L. M. Montgomery — The Golden Road. Lyn Coolc — Rebel on the trail. j Ralph Connor - Glengarry Schooi Days. T. V. McAree - Cabltagetown store, • NOTICE -- All roads in the Township of Grey are to be kept clear of cans, 4 sleighs, earn and trucks. Any i person not doing so when now l plowing Is in progress will he held • responsible. Also Persona are not allowed to dump ref ist on side of roads. Arthur Rock,. i Road Superintendent, Grey TWD, { FOR SALE — Quantity of dry hard body and limb Wood. Brussels Coal Yard J. E. Brewer Phone 86x2 __— EUCHRE • AND DANCE in Walton Community Half on FRIDAY, JAN. 8th Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Cards 9 p. m. Sharp wood THE PREaleYr11RIAN - CHURCH IN CANADA - Melville Church i . Brussels Minister, Rev, W. H. T. Fultoat_ 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worship United Church OF CANADA IMlnlet.i, Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worebip 11 o'clock A 7lrtale Gift Ohnrdl School 12 o'clock, "Come and Worship" Churchof England Parish of annuls Ran. A. Newnan, 1111., M. A. Sunday, Jan, YOttt, 1054 17piphaany I St. John's, Brussels - . 11 a. m, Morning Prayer Sunday School St. David's, Henfryti 2,80 p. In, Evening Prayer Sunday School St. George's, Waltoii -- 7.80 P. M. lfveiiing Praelef THE UNITED CHURCH The Sacrament of Tee Lorena Suireer wee dispensed at divine metre? • on Sunday, Jan, 3, The sorntonr "The Way of 1954P was based on Joshua 3:4, "Plot' you have nob paaeed this way heretofore." Forr a sueceesful erossing of the Jordan ..elver the Hebrew People were sadden to follow closely the movements of ark. oC the covenant, Sloe, a succesgfiul crossing of the year 10154„ the oongtegation wtus bidden to follow closely the moVre merle of °hetet the living Redeemer of the world. "My Garden of Com- munionP' by Webster and Gabriel was sung as an anthem, WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Stuart MacLean Mr. and Mrs. Roderick MacLean I of :R. R. 2 Myth, Ont., announce the marriage of their daughter, Doris Julie, on Dec, 20th, 1953, to Wiiliatr George Stuart, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stuart of Mitchell, Ont. NOTICE — The Annual Meeting of the Bast j Huron Agricultural Society will be; held in the form of a banquet in the i easement of the Anglican Church on Tuesday, ,Ian. 19Th, at 7 P. m. Please get your ticket& from your director and gnpjort your 'fair. William John Haycrott William John Ha croft, plant superintendent with the Hamilton' Steset Railway Company, died after a brief illness at the General t Hospital on Dec. 30th. Mr. Hay croft became 111,on Dec, 7. He was I 67 and had lived at 44 Rosemont Ave, ' He had served 47 yrans with the company. Mr. Haperoft came to Ramie ton at the age of 19 from his native town of Brussels, Ont. and joined the Dominion Power and Transmiss- ion Company and became foreman of tits electrical •department. • Fie was a member of Dundurn , Lodge, A, 3'. and A, M....No. 415, eine an adaer'emt.• •e5. t1r1-• 7i t3ted •Elhnrch Tie Is survived by lit', widow,the former Elvisoi• Helm; two daug- eters and a son. Mrs. Ernest Make - house. Mrs. Alfred 7. Preston, of , Hamilton, and Robert- F. Nelsoe of Toronto. There nre four grand-; children and trek great -grand children. 'The service was held at 2 n'elock Wednesday afternoon nt the awaelc- hemer' and Trills' funeral b^me Tee torment In Wo'tdlnnd C. mPtery.--e�� CAP!Tgt01_ ties !1 owF 9 HEA 9 R,F .....a.... .. MEVILLE YOUNG WOMEN'S GUILD Iilte Youttg Wotnenle Guild of the Presbyterian Church held their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs, 0, Elliott, Mrs, Frank Rutledge bad charge of the Devot- atonal peeled: Hymn 170 tWae. sulug. 'The topic prepared by Mrs, Douglas Hemingway was given by Moa, Cameron Adams, 'The sortPture reading was taken from Mark 12 and Mlatthew 6, Prayer was given by Mrs, Joe Martin, Hymn 172 was sung. This part of the meeting closed with :the benedtetion, Mre, Gerald Gibson contlucte'd the bust- ness period. The Sec. and Treas. reports were read :and adopted. The roll call was answered by what im i pressed you about Christmas es e child. It was moved by Susie Martin and seconded by Isabel Adams tbat , the Guild purchase Christmas slides Dor the Sunday School, Anyone who didn't hand in the Christmas , bells were to leave them with Mrs. Wm. Marion, It was moved by Mrs. 0. Elliott and seconded by Mrs. Adams that eve give the church treasury 9300. The January meet- ing is to be held at the hone of Mew. Gerald Gibson with Marguerite Kreuter, W4mnhfijed Edgar and Jessie Little as the committee for this meetiaig. A thank you note was read from one of the members. Nominating committee reported the following slate of officers for 1954; President ........ Marguerite Kralulter Clifford P. Sherrie Clifford Percival Sbutrie, 03, dted Sunday morning, nee,': 27, at his home, 209 Front St„ Stl~atiord, sifter an illness of 'two and half years, He is' survived ley byt wire, the former Neva Hollinger, Born in Brutssels,-Mr, Sherrie bad lived here for ilio bast 35 Yeers altd was beet employed et founder° Bros, lids Parents 'were the late 'Mr. and Mrs John Sherrie, He is Also survived by a slap Jas. 0, Surrie, 89 Rebecca se, one brother, Keane , Brussels; and two grandchildren, everty and James, Interment tool( place in Brussels cemetery. - George A. Manning • There passed away Doe. 30t1t, at Il'ingllsam General Floapital, George A, Manning, in his 78th year, He was a life-long resident of Brussels and leaves to mourn leis lone one brother, Herb, of Brussele and three sisters (Sara) Mrs, Patriek, (Prieell- la) Mrs. Ed, Racket]. 01 Hamilton and. (Katie) Mrs, Lorne Stephenson of Tillsonburg. The ic(n.eral was conducted from the D. AS Ratan Pun - seal Home by Rev. N. 33119s rector of 5t. Johut'e Anglican. Church. In. tetment was made In Brussels Cem- etety. She pallbeiarens Were Meesre. Harvey Bryastls, Harvey; and Will McCutch'eon, Clarke Matheson, Ed Martin and Will Moses. 1st Vice Pres, Thelma Cardiff Mrs. Edward P.eMurray and Vic*, Pres. Irene Pease Sec. Jessie Little Trees: Susie Martin Sunslhtne Committee Mary Ptischer and Verne Galbraith A Christmas contest was conduct- ed. A delicious, Iunob was served by the hostess and ,committee. CARD OF THANKS We wtslh to thank the many friends and neighbors for their thoughtfulness during a lengthy ill- ness and deeds of sympathy extend- ed to as in our recent bereavement. To Mr. Ellis far hie -fine message of comport we are 'meet grateful. The Manning family. CARD. OF1 THANKS •The family of Mr. Pater Stewart wish to express their shneere gratitude to relatives, neighbours and friends for many acts of kind- ness, lovely flowers, and. words of s.ytnps,thy following the sudden death of their father. Special thanks, to Dr, Stephens for Itis kind care of ltim, Rev. W. FI. T. Fulton for his I message of comfort and to Mr. D. A. Rann for hes thoughtful help 2 shows nightly 7.30 — 9.30 p. sn. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Friday, Saturday January 8 - 9 A great story of a great Indian Chief Osceola who dared to stand for what he knew was right. "SE MINOLE" starring Rock Hudson, Barbara Hale and Anthony Quinn, Filmed 'In the' Florida Everglades. NOTICE— ABake Tuesday Jan. 11 - 12 A Bake Sale and a Valentine Tea in 1906 he returned to Brussels, 1 their sincere thanks to their friends where he had lived ever since, Mr. An encore engagement of the 1 on Feb. 6 in the Brussels Library and neighbours for the kindness and a under auepices of Melville Church Stewart is. survived by three dangh• sympathy shown them during their ' gay Technicolor Musical atarrfng �•� I Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Ladies' Aid, 'THE BARKLEYS OF BROADWAY' "-" .-• CARD OF THANKS 0n behalf of the family of the Fite Mrs. Mary Sperling Iewish to On Saturday, Dee. I th, at 1,30 a. tri. at the Hotel Dieu Hospital Kingston, 'Teresa :Jean (Is5a.) Bur- : gess% beloved 'wife of Edward P. Murtsay,'passed away suddenly from '. cerebral hemenorage. Besides her husband ,she leaves .to mourn her lose four sisters%-I•Taze1, Mos. ' Sips oule of IIlidgetown; Lillian, I Mrs. Fred Cox of Brussels; Thelma, Mrs. Brodeur, of Toronto; and Greta of Brussels. 'Tt,*o' brothers, Sam ,of 'Blyth; and Stam, of Goder- ich, Her parents the Sate James and Mrs,< Burgess, and one sister, Mary; the late Mrs. 3 sigh Lamont ' predeceased her, Thte body rested ettt;the late resi- dence, 229 Barrie Sit, Kingston, 1 where manly floraa,;trit0t showed .dile esteem in which site was held. Requiem. High Mass was, sung in St. Paul's Cathedral, the pall- bearers being friends of Mr. Murray The body was brought t� Brussels to the D, A. Rann funeral home until Tulesday for interment. The pallbearers at Bruse.els were .Toe 7 Cooper. Wilfred Willis. Jack Cox. Leonard Lamont, Graham Lamont and Harvey Smith thank kind friende for message of ...empathy, hut especially do we thank those who were so kind to Mother (keine her stay in Brussels; • to Mr. and Mrq. Lane and ladies o1 the hhnrrh who visited her. Special thanks to Mrs. Bray for her kindly care, and to Mr, and Mrs Stanley Wheeler, and Mr, and Mrs. Herb Manning for all thelr-ktndnes.s to her.• Norma Fear. John Cleveland Baeker Rav, W. 32. T. Fulton of Melville Preebytei-ien Church conduoted fun- eral services for John Cleveland Basher on Saturday afternoon, Dec, 2atlt. The funeral was Hold from the family home, Mr, Baeker wee in his 701.11 year, and his death fol lowed a long illnests from a heart ailment, Born in Brussels, the son of Mr` and Mrs, George Baeker, he attended Brussels public end high schools and as a young man went inito partnership with his brother in Mille retail butcher buss- t ness. His retirement four yearn ago followed 45 years in business. Survfring are hie wife, the former Florence Thompson; one daughter, Mrs, Cecil (Elizabeth) Beaver, Lon- don; and s,an Jahn Baeker, Wheat- ley; two sisters. Mrs. Norman (Pearl) Forbes, and Mrs. Robert iDollyl Fairless, Winnipeg; three brothers, Garfield. New Port Ritchie, Fla„ end Fort Frances, Ont.; Earl. Cavalier, N. D.; and William. Brut- se1a, Mr. Baeker was a member of St. Totn'.a lodge, A. F, .and A. M., and Western Star T. 0. 0 F., and rn adherent of Melville ['Murch. Pall- bearers were Robert Bowman, D. M. , MacTatvdsh. John Thynne, W. R.. Litrde, and D, C. Matheson. Burial was made in Rrueeels cemetery. Mrs. George Sperling Passed away at Niagara Falls, on Christmas, Day, at the home of her daughter ars. Muriel Collett, after an illness of two days, Mary E, Sparlln'g, widow of the late George Sperling formerly of Cranbrook. Mrs. Sperling was a daughter of the late Mr, and airs. Samuel Rathwell, Pioneers of Godeerioh Twp. She was married to George Sparing early in 11e9 and they farmtter on the 16th concession of Grey Twp., then at Oranbroak visere Mr. Snarling passe ed away in 1912. Since then Mrs. Sperling lived in Brussels, later at Clinton where she was very active in ohureb and community work. She suffered a frantured hip and broken arms seven . years ago and lived with iter daughter Mrs. Ray Fear until a little over a year ago since when she has been eared for by Mrs: Bert Bray of. Brussels, Early in December she went to Niagara ; Falls to spend lite winter with 'firs. Collett. She retained all her facul- ties to thee last and did a great deal of kntbting. crocheting and writing letters. Surviving are two sons, Victor of Royal Oak, Mioh.; Alec of St. Mary's; five daughters. Mrs. Ray Fear, Clinton; Mrs. R. C. Rathwell, Collingwood; Mrs, Col- '• lett; Mrs, W. Mundy, Glendale. Oat; •and Mrs, Alan Arnold, Lan - Peter Stewart singe Twn daughters pre -deceased her, Tyle in 1a22 and Elsie 10 Peter Stewart, who died soddenly July. Fut erel services were held here on Christmas Day Yellowing a an Monday. Dce. 28th at she Beattie Short illness with influenza, was Funeral Home, Clinton, web R buried on Monday afternoon, Dec. OV. 23th, Mr. Stewart had celebrated A.�. Ea.gic of 'Ontario St. Church his 91st birthday in September. attention'. Burials was, in Brnyt,°l: He was, an ardent sport tan taking Cemetery with Rev A. Tone' or a ]teen interest in local sport act- Brussels conducting the service. ivities and a great gardener etc. Pallbearers were five nephews end Barn to Morris towns -rip, the second a grandson. son of Alexander and Margaret, Fishier Stewart, he attended Brus-', seas seltool<.. At the age of 17, he CARD OF THANKS went west and lived in the Caned - fait west and in Langdon, N. Dakota: BAT/KEEL —The family of the late J. Cleveland Baeker wheat to express TUESDAY FOTO-NITE let OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFER $120,00 Monday Attendance Card Night. Wednesday, Thursday Jan. 19 14.1 in answer to many requests we are proud to akaln preedtit • "A QUEEN IS CROWNED" The only full length feature of the Coronatton of Queen Elizabeth 11. Filmed In gorgeous Techblcolor. Added Feature — "TAXI" With Dan.. DaTLey eh Cdonatanco Smith.- • NOTE — Queen Is Crowned showing' 7.45 and 10.30. — Taxi showing at • 6.30 and 9.15. This Is a bill that should not be missed by any otte.I l REGULAR PRICES. * 9, Note PoteeNite name selected for t $200,00 :tlr, Writ McWhirtor, Bribe eel?, w'as'not at theater test Maned perIEN=Iiattendance card Monday. 1 ECP.NT TI -Fr ATRE , Seaford,. Ont. Thursday, Friday and Saturday "SEA OF LOST SHIPS" John Derek • Wanda Hendrix A brave and stirring sea drama to capture your Imagination. * * * Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "BY THE LiGHT OF THE SILVERY MOW' (Color) Doris Day Gordon Macrae You'll laugh with a tu'nip In your throat at this nastagllo story of i small town life. I ni * * Thursday, Friday and Saturday fi "No 1100M FOR THE GROOM" Tony 'Curtis Piper Laurie I * * s Coming Soon — "ABOVE AND BEYOND," tens, Mrs., D. 0. (Hazel) Matheson, , recent bereaveument, for the beauti'. ' Brussels; Mrs. Gordon (Florence) ' fel floral tributes and cards, of syn- I. McGatvin, McRillop township; MT3•1 pmilty.---""""" °""""" aac.- ''"""'.. itinclefr (Tea,n) Htemiugtvias'; and I four sons, Roy, Toronto; Archie I Windsor; Grthamt, 83F City: Stewart Lowte•, Brussels; one broth.' er, Duncan, Burbank, Cat„ 19 grand- 1 children, and three great grand- l children. 1115 write the former Mary 1 C. Lowe, tiled eleven years ago. He was a member of Melville Presbyter- tan Clturolt. The funeral was held 1 from the family halms, with Rev.I W. H. T. Findon officiating. Pall- bearers were T. L. McDonald, .John Vndll, Jan Work, John Bowmen, Janes Menarlane, and Earl Smith 011 Ayr. Burial Was made in Brees,els cemetery. 50RN NTCHOLSON — To Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon Nicholson at Dr, Myer's i Nure'ng Home, on N.A. 20th, s 1 brother for Gerald. POST $2,00 per year - $250 U. Si No The Ontario Farmers' Union are holding a Meting in the Ethely Township Hall WED., JAN. 13th at 8.30 All farmers are urged to attend. 111011111110110 The Ontario Farmers' Union are holding a .1VIe,sting in The American Hotel. Brussels on THUR., JAN 14th at 2 p. rn. All farmers are urged to attend. NOTICE To all persons receiving mail by i Rural Route Cottriers, you are kind- i ly requested to eo-operate 'with your ; mailman, in leaving the drive way i in to your mail boxes cleared in order for them to get to the mail C box, et tate present time the mall • - tnett are exiterlencing a great hard- 1 ship and having to leave their tar which is contrary to regulatio>1a. Signed : MI Mail (Tnuriers, Brns,.sels, NOTICE Miss, Irene Phase, who bas been 111 with' jaundice for the past month, hes recovered and hal re -opened tier hair dr,'ssine parlour. Pregn.ssive Euchre and Dance In Cranbrook Community Centre FRIDAY, JAN. 15th Euchre to start at 8 P. M. Elimination and Spot Dance Prizes Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Admission 50c SPONSORED BY BRUSSELS C. Y. 0. Everybody Welcome. PIPING SCOTCH NIGHT Sponsored by LEGION PIPE BAND — SCOTCH SONGS — GOOD ENTERTAINMEENT In Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY, JAN. 29th. 1954 DOOR PRIZES — SPOT DANCES Help us mace i. a gain Bocbee Burn, Night by wearing something Scctch, such as: Plaid Tie, Plaid Suits or Shirts, Brooches, etc. WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 75c per person • Old Time and Modern Dancing. r Cone early... there's` a good time for everyone In Brussels Town Fall on TUESDAY, JAN. 12th at 2.00 -6.45-5.30 p. m. /sf/ 1— "ODDITIES IN FARMING" "WHAT'S NEW iN JOHN DEERE FARM EQUIPMENT" _ ‘714/00. z Nete,4e4, 49a ayol seal W. J. PERRIE John Deere Sales and Service Brussels, Ont.