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The Brussels Post, 1953-12-16, Page 8
It's Cfiristmas 'lime Fine Display of ioliday Merchandise Here Tiffany Cosmetic Sets Men's Bachelor and Seaforth Sets Yardley's of England Gift Pkgs. Adrienne, Evening in Paris, Old Spice Colognes and Purse Size Stick Colognes, Leather Wallets and Zipper Binders Books, Fiction and Boys and Girls Books. • New Revised Edition of the Bible and Hymn Books - Gift Stationery Brush Comb and Mirror Sets, Plastic Curl Wave Brushes Christmas Wrappings, Tags, s Sud Ribbons Christmas Cards - Tree Decorations For the Children, picture puzzles, pencil cases, plasticine, games and coloring books. SMITH'S Rexall Drug Store Phone 6�2� � � � Brussels WigAitgAtel-V A few Inexpensive Gift Ideas for Christmas at Dent's Shoe Repair Shop Men's and Boys Gloves and Mitts - Men's aka, Boys Gray Wool and Nylon Sox Is Medium and Heavy Weight Men's and Boys Flight Boots and other winter footwear. Children's Shoes 20% Off Reg. Price on Present Stock from Now until Christmas. Get Your Clothes in Now for Dry Cleaning for Christmas. McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE RHILLUSRICA;r,ON, SHELL HOUSEHOLD ARS .;HELL PETROLEUM FRODit^:TS DUNLOP TIRES Parts and Aooseeerlee. Austin Sales and Service guaranteed repairs to all .melte" of ears and trucks PHONE era BRUSSELS. Otfl. Lewis Rowland Or wale to R. R. 3 Waage. (Messed For Baron County) w& he freaked after Oma edletety SATSR!)i'ACI7011 GUARAN1WI - PRICES REASKIIKAIRLa Per kuseageseento Phone 31 "the Brussels Port" .ad ale Por iirersoutjan w>ta-, write or phone Law. Rosined Magazine Gilt Subscriptions Are Increasingly Popular CHiLD LIFE 1 yr. $325 SCREEN STORIES 1 yr. $2.00 FARMERS DIGEST 1 yr. $2.60 ESQUIRE 1 yr. $6.00 HUNTING AND FISHING IN CANADA 1 yr. $3.00 OUTDOOR LIFE 1 yr. $3.00. 2yrs. $5.60 BETTER, HOMES AND GARDENS 1 yr. $4.00, Eyre. $700 McCALL'S 1 yr. $3.00, 2 yrs $600 RED BOOK 1 yr. $3.00, 2 yrs. $5.00 CHATELAINE 1 yr. $2,00, 2 yrs. 38.00 LIFE 1 yr. 37.26, 2 yrs. 312,00 LADIES HOME JOURNAL 1 yr. $3.60, 2 yrs. $6.00 SATURDAY EVENING POST 1 yr. $8.00 ROP and GUN In CANADA., 1 yr. $.2.00 MACLEAN'S 1 yr. $3.00 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING i, Yr. 33.60 POPULAR MECHANICS 1 yr. $3.60, g yrn. 36.00 READER'S DIGEST 1 yr. $2.76 each cktra Subs. 32.50 These are only a few of these that are to be had. k On Sale at THE BRUSSELS POST THE BRUSSELS POST" WOOD'S 'norm 24 Brussels, Out. A Complete Shopping Centre for Clothing, Staple Dry Goods and a Large Selection of -Beautiful Gifts and Toys . at - � Moderate Prices. For Her --- Gift Pack Nylons Lingerie Head Squares Angora Collars Blouses Gloves - Fur Mitts Gift Linens Blankets Luggage (McBrine) Single pieces or Sets Coats Dr„ses For Him - Initialled Scarves Wallets Shirts Sox Ties Sweaters Jackets - Suits Coats - Hat Wcdn a0oy, Deeoinber 10th, 1958 I THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE k'' okv A»>;`' 04.4, -.mo' ka'ot k kvR' kul '1 Dr, R. G. Bell, medical director i of Shadowbnook Health Fbunda<ian, Itold an . audience recently, "Many of the country's alcoholics need never have goon addicted had they known the danger Sign:ale early in We". Our youth in Huron County and throughout Ontario will grow up 1em0wiug the danger signals it advantage is taken, of presort De- partment Education regulationti. For Alcohol Education is new en obligat- ory subject sof study of Grades Ten and Eleven. The Department is being urged to owtend this teach- inig down into Grades eaven and eight since many students, neivsr reach Grade nine, It goes wttholut Saying that in Churches ant Sun- day 'School unday'Scitool alcohol oduoaltian s1tould be candied on continuously. A very excellent Teacher':, Manual for Alcohol Education has recently been produced by„the Ontario De- partment of Eduerstion. Preachers, Sunday Scholl teachers and lead' ens of young peoples' groups inter, es'ted in this vital subject will find this manual invaluable. - Advt. Notice to Customers Our Terms as at Jan: 1, 1953 - 30 Days Net All Accounts and Notes as at Nov, 20, 1953 and Earlier must be Pald by Dec. 20, 1953. D. N. McDonald BHONE 77 BRUSSELS ViliAVAVAVOIVAVAVAIrtiOIVAVAVA PEARSON'S SHOE STORE CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS LADIES Nylon Snow Boots $6.95, $8.95 and $11.95 Rubber Snow Boots Heavy Wool Lining Leather Snow Boots Warmly Lined Ladies House Slippers every Ladles Figure Skates Ladies Pleasure Skates $3.95,. $5.95 and $6.96 $8.95 make and Color $1.50, $1.95, $2.95 $10.95 $10.00 Misses' White Pleasure Skates (Trade•Ins Taken) 37.50 Ladles Nylon 51 gauge 16 denier nylon latest shades ..,,•... $1.25 SPECIAL "Maglc Fitting" Nylon 31.75 M E N Men's Heavy Rubber Snow Boot heavy wood Tined 37.95 Men's Nylon Sheep Wool Lining Snow Boots 39.96 Men's Leather Aviation Sheep Lining. Snow Soots $13.95 Wool Jersey Cloth Overshoes, Zipper $5.95 4 Buckle Jersey Cloth $5.95 Men's Slippers Men's Skates Boys' Skates (Trade -Ins Taken) Stetson and Brock Hata Monarch Knit Sweaters from $1.60, $1.95, $2.95 and $4.95 $10.95, $14.95 and $21.50 $5.95 and $7.96 $5.95, 38.50 and 310.95 $4.95, $5.95, $7.50 - and 310.00 Forsyth and Arrow Sport Shirts and Dress Shirts 34.50, $4.95, 35.95, 37.50 and 'Nylon $12.60 400 Ties, latest styles and colours $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Men's Belts, Stockings, Jewellery, Pyjamas and Scarves. Phone 11 Brussels, Ont. CAVOINtaWAIKRAVOWAlt I. BRUSSELS MOTORS HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST CAR DEALERS, 1063 Pontiac Stdan 1953 Chevrolet Sedan 4-1962 Chevrolet Sedans " 1962 Pontiac Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Powergllde Coach, Fully GClut2p.4 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1949 Ford Custom Sedan 194$ Chevrolet Sedan 1948 Chevrolet Coach 1947 Chevrolet Coach 1947 Mercury Sedan Special 1937 Chevrolet Coach TRUCKS - 1946 Chevrolet 3-4 ton Piokup 10-1943 Dodge 2 ton Stake YOUR FRIENDLY CITIES SERVICE DIALER 114 Hau' Towing service Phone 78x Srmestlts, RM. PEOPLE lit KNOW b'Lns. C. Sellars lied as week- end guests her great grand children, Gary and Dianne Elston. PLASTICS Plastics for Christmas gifts. We have a new line of sure seal Cani- sters and other dishes that make aMo.very useful gift or for your own n. Contact Geo. Wesenburg for private demonstration or invite a Sew friends in and earn a premium. Phone 153r9. FOR SALE - 5 -acre Poultry Farm, red brick situated in good village, priced 4 house and brick kitchen, good barn, $4,800.00. 100 -acre Farm, brick house. bydro, good bank barn, 7 acres bush, situated at edge of good town, priced at 39,000.00. 150 -acro Farm, cement cottage. hydro, pressure system, good barn steel stabltng, 40 acre bash, hen house, situate(' on highway near village, priced -8,500.00. 100 -acre Farm, stone house, good lank barn, 25 acres bush, priced et 36,500.90. , Village Store, red brick, brick nouse attached, 8 room apartment II above store, priced at 85,5011.041Brick house in Village of Brussels.i hydro, priced at 53000.00. J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Phone 84, Brussels, Ont. Be Lucky, Shop At The Arcade Stores Lucky Draw to be made at 11 o'clock, 'Dec, 24th for the following Prizes (Absolutely Free). 1 - All Wool Blankets Blanket value $11.95.. 2 - 1 pr. Ladles Polor Queen Nylon Over Hotta, value 38,96. 3 Ladies Handbill value 55.96. • 4 - Men's Leather Wallet, value $2.00. ' 5 - Boys Ski Cap. value $1.ed. 6 - Girl's Skl Mitts, value $1.98. The Rules - Your salesllps to be deposited In i sealed box, by Ilta'r o'clock. If notsspre�sennti you //will be notified. At ow At A Ladles, Satin and Bengaline Hous- Men's House Coats at $5,95 up. Coats, sizes 12 to 44 at $9.95 up * * Ayers Pure Wool Blankets In Gold.. Blue, Rose, Green at $11.96. * * * Beacon Candy Stripe Blankets In assorted shades 66 x 80 at $7.95. * * * Large assortment of Men's Dreat Shirts In white, plain shades, Gab- ardine Sport Shirts in plain or checked. All Wool Plalds and White Tricot Nylon at 32.89 up. * * K . Men's and Boys Station Wagon Coats, made of famous Merltex Fabric with 15% Nylon for added wearing quality, crease resistant. Wool water repellant, resistant * * * to non oily spots and stains, Lined Women's Night Gowns fn Nylon, with Polar wool, Nylon reinforced Snuggle -Downs and Rayon or Flan - and 100% all wool Interlining with nelette $2.98 up, Genuine full Mouton Collars, Guar- * * * ' anteed for 1 year. Boys $17.95, Women's, Misses and Children's l Men's $29.95. PdoywJamasn. In Flannelette and Snuggle - Women's and Misses' Nylon Blouses 3.4 and short sleeves at $2.98 up * * * Women and Misses' Pullovers and Cardlgan Sweaters In Nylon, All - Wool and Cashmere also Beaded Cardigans. . Miss Wool Jersey Blouses Reg. $5.95 Speclal $3.95 Women's, Misses and Children's Skirts In Gabardines', Wool 'Tart- ans. Wo l Felt FREDERICK F. HOMU'11-1 Phm. B., R. O. Mrs. H. 'Viola Hoa ath R. O. Caro! E. Homuth R. 0. Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston• O , WINCHAM ME'7stORIAL Always a tinge stook la B6dece t ©ren'tee to Chose trona All modern maehiaory. fnlRltJa for Cemetery 'ettacenn r o5*staR7 Artistic Meneorinfs et very reasonable prune. R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256 - Whigham, Oat GOOD FOR ALL KINDS OF BAKING • FOR BETTER CAKES SOLD IN mewl. AT W. L. Baeker & Son swam SHOP Plows, Discs, 'modems, Mowers, Hay Loa SwolleFForagBlowers ier. mil We also aye sepsis M Separators end Milkers. s. Lime and FettI[lzer Sower, Sprhsg.looth hot/ Brrow,rs�!�.,c� bowheel tractors area f�'.weers, lnnatdssisttt Dealere for Oliver implements ityRRTI"K '& WR'FCOVI' BLYTH, 'ONT. * * * Large assortment- of Men's t * * * Boxed Tles at $1.00, $1.50 and 32.00 * * * Large assortment of Men's and Boys Sweaters, In Cardigans and Pullovers. * * * Large Assortment of Men's and Boys and Children's Leather Gloves and Mitts, * * * Men pure white Initial Scarves and All Wool Tartan Scarves, made in Scotland at $2.98. * * * _ Large assortment of Men's and Boys Sox of Nylon and Wool, All Wool and 100% Nylon. * * * Give Him a Certificate for a Felt Adam Hat or a Stetson and let him choose his own after Xmas. * * * Large assortment of Men's and Boys Skl Caps or Station Wagon Caps $1.00 up. Thr * * * - Boys Parkas, Wool Quilted Lining, also Boys Bombadler Jackets with Fur Collar, sizes 26 to 34, Spec. $$.95 Men's Snow Boots, zipper fronto, Speclai $4.95. ' * * Men's Shearling Slippers, sizes 7 to 10 Special $5.50. Men's and Boys' Leather Belts, Braces and Arm Bands. �> Nylons, 66 gague, 12 Denier at $1.79 51 gauge, 15 Denier, 51.39; 42 gauge 15 Denier $1.25. These are all full fashloned (First Quallty). * Women's and Misses Rayon Panties - at 79c up * * * Large assortment of Ladles Hand- bags at $3.24 and $4.24, * * * All Women's and Children's Winter Coats, Greatly Reduced for quick selling. * * Misses Gabardine Station Wagon Coats, Reg. $34.95, Special, $19.95.1 Gobd selection of Bath, Towels Women's Polar Queen Nylon Over - Boots fur trim In black, brown, also brown -and white, plaid and black and white plaid Special $8.95. * * * Large Assortment Women's and Children's House -slippers at Low Prlces. , * * * Large assortment of Women's and Children's Rubbers and Galosh. es at very Low Prices. * * * Flannelette Blankets 70 x 90 $5.95 per pals. WIVRkeeiliVAVOiltaig THE: ARCADE STORES Store Wide Bar wain/ for the Whole Fad Blyth, Ont. - Brussels, Oat. ' AteMOWAIKAIMAIlicA101111M9111MiliefAtf GET GUARANTEED BRAN D E EZE from... Ask Any CASE Owner He will tell you he operates for less. We Have The Machines Let Us DEMONSTRATE And Remember We Service What We Sell Your CASE DEALER ED. 'RICHARDS Ethel - Phone 86rS