HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-12-16, Page 1POO .Publishing House asaajHANK YOU NOTE aND CHRISTMAS WISH 'Wea.vish to plank all toe who 'helped by (imitating money, logs or *timber& and lumber, all thos who 'helped chahasaw the logs, atato -those Withatrucks and tractors that help- ed 'draw ghee to the aew-mill, after the 'tornado deatroyed. our 'barn last'llay 25, 1953. A aPecial Barrio to 'the Federation of Agriculture 'and 'those who came to help re - b1115 our barn. and helped tie any way dueling the Summer. Again we thank you all and WW1 you a very Meriey Cliallatanata as 1 an eure•yoar help has made ft for 'tea Stan, Helen Alexander and Family, POST BRUSSELS etholized eal second elm* mail, ?wit orrice Department, Wino. Wednesday, December 16th, 1953 'SANTA PAYS ANNUAL VISIT TO BRUSSELS :ankle Matto paid bis annual visit to Bruses on Sculierday afternoon. Th wae welcomed by a leap number of children and parents, from the co Immunity. Santa was met at the library by a number of story hook characters who joined lam in a parade albmg the main street and back to the arena Where $t. Nick distributed treats to the children. They were eccomp- aaled by the Limas. Boys and Girls Band and the Legion ripe Band. Robin Hood and las Merry Men; Old Mother Hubbard.; Mother Goose The Mad Hatter; Peter Rabbit; The Three Beers; Indians and many others were among those in the par ade also seen ;were two ponies and their young driven's. Sallaa, visit was eponsored by the Meal Lion's einb, Chamber of Cone mercp, Canadian Legion and liusin- ese Men. Jacob E. Jonas ataIM'ESIWAIWNEW PRESIDENT MORRIS•TWP. FEDERATION The Morrie, Township Ifeilenatiox of Ageimilture held its annual turkey ibanquet on Tuesday evening, Dee. 8th, in, the Forestees Hall, Belgrave, Rev, W. Fulton eald grace, Runes IVIatr twee telected-presichent for 1954. After dinner, 'provided by the Guild 'of Traria( Angitcars Church. Richard Praetor, the retiring prima - dent, introduced laael Andeneore the secretary, who introduced the guests sit 'the 'head table. Mrs, Gor- don, Gregg 'lain a singsong, ee- 1 cemaanled by 'Mrs, George Male. Jacob IL Jonas passed away 001 Dec. eta, near Listowel after a short Illness. Surviving are one daughter Hilda, IVIre. Ohne, Scheerer, Ethel. Two i sons Nerb...of Roseau, William of Wallace 'Townsaip, also four grand -1 children and five great grand.; children and one sister Mrs), G.' Forbes of Funeral took place from MoT,adgh. lin and Reed 'funeral home Dec, 9, at 2 p, in., followed by a eervice in the Trinity 'Lutheran Church, Kurtz- ville. Burial took piece in Kurtz - vale Taperer -Cemetery. CARD or THANK1 We wish to thank the friends and neighbors ot Paul Jescbice for the. kind deeds and sYlneatlrY &Own timing the time of his Lanese and at the time of hie death, ale Rey, layndman for his comforting words, which where deeply appreciated. The awake Family. IN MEMORIAM HAIST In loving memory of my Mother, Mrs. George Heist, who passed away Dec. 15th, 1952. A tribute of love and remembrance For a Mother, one of the best All the joys that She missed on jorney May she find in God'a garden of rest. Forever in our hearts, Daugbter and Family, CHRISTMAS CONCERT Cranbrook Public School, annual. Christmas Concert, Friday evening, Dec. 18bh, 1953. • CHRISTMAS CONCERT United Murat Sunday Scheel Christ- mas Concert 7111 be held on Tu:es- day. Dec. eand at 8 p. m. Admission 25o and 15c. ITHE PREBeareetRIAN Melville Cbursh Brussels Minister, Rev, W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. in. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worthir 7.20 p.m. Candlelight Servtoe CHURCH IN CANADA --:.-----, - United Church OF CANADA !Moiety.), Div. Andrew Lane Chnlatmaa Service Divine WorsItip - 11 o'olOck "Pattie and Pelle" Church of England Parfah of &DINO RIM A. Norpoo NCI. M. A. 4th Sunday. in Advent Deo, 20th, 1953 M. Jennie Church, Bruselle- 8,89 a. m. Hob:- ComMunian 11 a. na Morning Bram, Sunday School Bt. DavIdoe Church, Heilfryn- 2.80 9. in, Carol Service Sunday School St, Oeorg's Chureh, Walton . 7./10 P. 10, Evening Prayer punday School Party and Collert on Wed. Dec, 80, opsoz=adingastAxra...limi Mr. Praater reviewed the year's activities, and commented that this had been a remarambly good year. Tile Huron. Cowley Federatiol president, Wilfred Shortreed WAS present, and spoke Meetly about the different committees connect- ed with the Federation and their work during the year. Joan john. eton sang two solos, accamparied by Mrs. Harvey aolmatan. Gordon Gregg, fieldman of the "Huron Coun- ty Federation, spolce 'briefly; and Billy Coultes sang two soles', ac• companied by Mrs. George MIchle. Harvey Johnston snake about the Huron County Tornado 'Relief fund and the Huron County Tleapital leation plat, Gerald Montgomery, agrrlcultural representative for Hur- on County, gave a brief report, Mrs. Harvey John;ton introduced bre guest ,speaker, Mrs. W. 11. Wal- ton, Oakville, past president of tha Canadian Association of Conseil -m- ars, 'Mrs. Walton In her talk said that no one group should try to legislate controls to Protect their own interests, but legislation must be for the people as a whole. OffIcars Elected Mr. Montgomery wee phairman for the election of officers, who are as follows: past prestident, Richard Procter; president, Seines Mair; viee-presicheat, Howard Wilkinson; directors from aehool sections - S. S. 1, Mr. and Mrs- Miller Rich- mond; S. S. 3, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yuill; S. S. 4, Mr, and Mes. Reg Watson; S. S. 5, Mr. and Mrs, Gar- ner Nicholson; S. 6, MT, and Mas, f Fred Sawyer; S. S. 7, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nethery; S. S. 8, Mr. Ross Smith; S. S. 9, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Johnston; S. S. 10, Mr. and Mies Fleming Johnston; U.S.S. 3, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fear: U. S. S. 4, Mr, and Mrs. G. Fleeter; U. S. S. 8, Russell Henderson; 17.5.5, 11, Mr. and Mrs. X. McDonald; U. S. G. 12 Mr. and Mrs. af. Raab -mond; TT.S.S. 17, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt; directore, Id boa nroducene unit, Albert Bacon R. FT. Ooultes: cream producer. arryrgo Hetherington, Denis Lane - rider.; poultry producere, Robert Wallace; county directors, Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Mair: anditnr, aporee Mertin. WALTON • Mr. and Mrs. Cosby Ennis and , family, London, with Mrs. F. EA- ' nisa Lunday „McKay, Clinton, with MT. and Mrs, Frank Kirkby. • CAPITOL LISTOWEL THEATRF, _ 2 shows nightly 7.30 - 9.30 p. m. ' Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. 1 Fri., Sat, Dec. 18 • 19 'PONY EXPRESS," NOTICE - The stores in the Village of Brussels will close at 0.00 ceche* Oct Saturday Digits during the months , of aims Feb, and Maaeli. Brussels Member of Commerce. THE UNITED CHURCH Tbe Advent address in the United Cauech en Sunday, Dee. lath, Was '''Enieneentel", - a Name of Josue Which mean.% "Gad with ma" The -sermon, was a prayer that there might be am advent of Sestet in 'in every man. Chriet in. us the hope not glory. The anthem was "Glory to the Iling of Kings". Chelatmas Service ,The Christmas music will be Hyrnars,-"0, Come All Ye Faithful" "It Came, Upon a lalidnight Clear" "Angels from the Realms of Glory" Anithem-"There Were Shepherds,' by Crawford, Double Quartette - "0 Little Town of Bethlehem' Sermon, "Praise and Peace." MELVILLE CHURCH On Sunday morning Iest Rev, W. H. T. Fulton took his text from the dogleg verse of Chapter e5.111 second of Corinthians. In this Benedict - eon. Baul pieces, the second person al chs Trinity, firs,L. 3he reason for tads it that Christ es nearest as, as He Is bath God and men. Ohriet is the gift of the Father. It is because of bee greet pity and lave for us that He sent Carat into the world.. (John ITT, 12). The love of Christ Vali a love passing know- ledge. .001 -Het was lull of grace, grace eo the outcast, the siek, the poor. 'Phe grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, ie th.e measuring of the aneeele. .and of ehT mreaabing. It means pardon for Die guilty and the ehassmrs. C4reem,e McDonald gave a very Pleasing rendition of "0 Rest in the Lord" by Mendelseohn.e The choir also gave a fine rendition of the anthem. "Holy Art Thou", bas' ed on the majestic made of Han. dele Largo, Mary Lou Mcyarlane end Wm, King took the solo parts ' Paul Jeschke Mr. Paul Je.schke passed away on 'Phursday, Dec, 19 In Clinton Haspit- al where he lied been rom Tuesday noon, He had been in ailing health Tor several years. A eon of the late Fred and Mrs. Jawlike, be was born in Germany, len, 1877, coming to Cranbrook 26 years ego, His wife pFedecased bim hi 1929. Surviving are two daughters, Menthe of Toronto, 141r,s. Eddie Giessler and s son Herbert of Fraser, Mich., a sister Mrs. Eliza- beth Till, and a brother Frank, both of Detroit, and a grand- daughter, Betty Gle.ssler, MT. Jeschke was caretaker at the Cranbrook school for a number of Years.. The funeral service, con- ducted by Rev. W. M.• ITYnamen, was held on Saturday, in Knox Preebyterian Church, with inter- memt in Cranbrook cemetery. Pall- bearers were Duman McTaggart, Earl Dunn, Murray Huether, Mac Engel, Lloyd Michel and Calvin Cam elatsi and flower -bearers were Ken. neth MacDonald and Gordon Engel. Friends attended from Detroit, Fraser, Toronto, Listowel auud GelVilaStOWIL - -Tr? REGENT THEATRE Starring Charlton Heston, Rhonda Flereining. The Pony Express life.' Seal ortb. Ont. line to the frontier, bullt war hut.. lets and terror. A thrilling actlo 4 Thursday, Friday and Saturday story. i'e7,114 Mon., Tues. Dec. 21 • 22 A love story that no woman will for. get - a drama that every Man' will enjoy. BETTE DAVIS In one of her great test roles supported by Stern ling Hayden "THE ST'AR" TUESDAY FOTO.NITE let OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFER 390,00 Monday Attenclance Card Night. Wed, Thur. 23 - 24 ",SAILORS OF THE R1NG" Now It can be told - one of the greatest episodes of World War 11. Made With the full co-operation of the British Adrillraity. Gary Cooper Grace Kelly "HIGH NOON" A great western with a greater cast. Voted one of the top ten last year. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "RUBY GENTRY" Jennifer Joliet Charlton Weston very fine suspense story. One you are likely to emember. )11 Thursday, Friday and Saturday • "YOUNG ESS" Jean Siemens Stewart (Wenger • * Coming Soon - "SHE'S BACK ON 13,FIDADWAY0 There will be No Matinee en , Christrneel May MELVILLE CHRISTMAS SERVICES • On Sunday at Melville Clarrola Special Chrietmais ,Seerleee will be auaa, both morning and eventing Tho minister will preach at the meaning rvice, end in the eaen- tug, when the manna! Candlelight Clairol Service Is held Rev. M. Baillie -tat Telnevele, .will be the preaoher. Anpropriate music by the chatr, and male ahoeue, will be gliam. Organlit Lento D. *1111011109on, Will render ' sPectal numbers with error and Gr..y Twp. Council 'The -Grey Townehip Council meet- ing washeld en Decenther 5th, Moved try Clifford R. Dunbar, r.ecorded by Wm, Ex Bishop that the menntes be adopted as read. - Oa 'Moved 'by Howard F. mcxarurgiehdt: encee0ee by Wm. E. Bishop that we finally peas by-law No, 17 and 18, 1923. - Carried. Moved by Hugh Smith seconded by aliffned R. Dunbar that Andrew Bremner be appointed, to Listowel High School Board, as representat- ire for Grey Twp, Carried. Moved by Clifford R. Dunbar, seconded by Thigh Smith that we appoint Frank Kirkby to Seaforth High School Board. - Carried. Moved by Wm. 10. Btshop that Council appoint Norman Hoover to Wingtham High School Board. Moved by Clifford IL Dunbar, seconded by Hugh Smith that Council ,appoint Jas. S. Armetrong to Winaleam High School Board. - Carried. Moved by Clifford R. Dunbar, seconded by Howard F. Mee:aught that ail enpreved accounts be paid. - berried , Moved by Hugh Smith seconded by Wm. E. Bistrep that we do ad - :Inure to meet Dec. 15th or at the cell of the Reeve. - Carried. The following amounts were Paid: Clifford 10. Rowland, salary $400.00 Hugh B. Smith, saltier 200.00 Clifford 11. Dinslear, ,salary 200.00 Won'. E. Bishop, salary 200.00 Howard F. McNaught, salary 278.00200.00 WpilfthlsEal.lioyTurnbull, collector ROM ITanne, repair McDonald Dr, 710.00 Roes Hanna., eau! fill Brewer Dr. 15.00 Ross Hanna, haul fill, aniline Dr, Gee. Radford. repair _ 6.00 McNair Dr. 276.00 nanadiall. Legion Brussels Account 11.75 W. 8.12. ;mese-Maitre, repairs to hydro at office 8.77 County of Enron, tax collection I 109.67 Township of Morris, share of dumping ground 1.50 Judge T, M. Costello, attend t masesernent appeal 17.60 Judge T. M. Costello, attend at revision a voters lista 17.60 Cleo, Wesenlyarg, AsseaseT. attend revision of voters lists 6.60 Fe. M. Cardiff, cornett raters,. lista attend Court 4.3.70 Wm. Baker, Caretaker Hall tor Nomination 2,00 Wm, Baker, Garbage, Ethel 6,00 Ken. Smith, cut weeds Lot 28-30, Con, 1. 24.00 C. 18 Rowland, Commisaioner McDonuild Dr, 5.00 Hownal MeNlatught, Clommlosioner Trlladhan 5,00 De. Clifford R. Dunbar, Commissioner 4,00 Hutt 11. Smith, Commissioner, Sestonredeirs.arD.r. 5,00 Cecil Payne, 1 fox 2.00 Ti, Cumming, 2 foxes 4.00 Thelia SteiehPRISOa. 1 fox 2.00 . Miele Warwick, 2 foxes 400 C. M. Stevenson, 6 foxes 12.00 6,00 Teemed Ward, foxes Till•ton, Ward, 1 fox 2.00 aordon, MeThren, 5 texas 6.00 Percy Stephens:tot e Placa 4,00 :aH m art. 1 fox 2.00 Allowance§ Sanaa Dr. 1135.03 Two. of e15„ na r. 907.8a Assesement Ontario laeunleipal Board, 'Perth' fes', Roads 16.00 $2.00 per year $2.50 Ele. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Toronto, Ontario Dee, 10, 1952. 37 Cloverdale Road. To Editor - Brussels Post: Dear Sir: 12 would like to locate some of my lathers relation,',. His name was Edward 7-Tunter, son of Joint Wrsley Hunter. My father (Edmund Hunter) Ness born• in Miran County Township at Grey in the year 1812 and moved to Neeprova, Man., in the year 1282, as for myself I -was never in Ontario ante this fall. My father's, mother's ma!den name wag Mrs. Elliott, She had ewe brothers, James end Robert Elliott who I know have passed on a long time ago. T feel that these must he earnn of father's relativee still livine in Huron County. My tether hasi one brother Charlee Hunter, both my father and uncle have Tamed on - fatbee died in 1926 and any uncle ['aeries Hunter in 1950. T need to hear my father Meek of a little town called "Ethel" also. T would like in eontact some 01 my father'e relatives in Huron County but I do not know of any names of hie relatives, but T thOileht, halite enceary through your Paper would help a great deal. T expect to bp here in Toronto until atter Cbris.tmas. My full name end address is; Walter Hunter, 27 Clererdele Rona. Toronto. Ontarin Telephone 317. 7904. P. S. As long as T can remember 1 used en 'hear my father speak of "The Brussels Post." 1017.70 VieM;14 rArthr Cardiff. Clerk. CART) (aw TteeNTee 1 wish to take this opportunity to thank all my friends who sene me cerds, letters, treats and flowers and those who called on me while I was in the hospital.' Lydia Cameron. CARD OF THANKS wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all those who remembered me while I was in Kitchener and London, with letters, cards, flowers and gifts. Your kindness will never be forgotten. Rita, Sellers, ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMART Mr. and aim Wm. MeWhirter, Stambaugh, Sask., wish to an. nouns the earth earning marriage of tledr daughter Mabel Ileen to Archie Willis, eon of Mr, aid Era, W. la, Willis, Bruseels, Ont, 'Phe wedding will take place on Jen, 6, 1954, at the United Church, Manse, at 2.00 9. na, CHRISTMAS SHOPPiNG7 Do it In the comfort of your caret living room. Gifts ilor everyone og your 1101,IJS Call - Mrs, Doris Tileniaga* Phone 20r11, offlcbai Aon reVb'* sentative for this dIstrict. i1611 maiiittavemotiotemmaNgoveoletav Rebekah ,Christmas Dance In Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY; DEC. 18th Music by Wilbee's Orchestra - Lunch Booth in the Hall. Spot Light Prize Elimination Prize Dress Optional Admission 50c MAKM.M M MAVMAlit Annual Christtnas Dance In Cranbrook Community Centre TUESDAY, DEC. 29th Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Elimination and Spot Dance Prizes Lunch will be served. Admission $1.00 per person Dress Optional Sponsored by Cranbrook Hall Board EM,D cs3tv M Mete OPEN every SAT. NIGHT till Christmas ORDER EARLY E Owned Plants Arriving Dec. 17th POINSETTIAS from $1.50 upwards CYCLAMEN from 52.00 upwards CHRISTMAS BEGONIAS from 52-00 upwards AZALEAS from 58.00 upwards AFRICAN VIOLETS $1.75 BABY MUMS • CARNATIONS GIFT POTTERY - COMMERCIALS ROSES GOLD FISH Open Every Night Dec. 21 to Dec. 24 1 IC MILNER * ARTIST IN FLOWERS * and Operated by ERIC & BARBARA MILNER Stores in SEAFORTH and BRUSSELS PHONE: SEAFORTH 393 BRUSSELS 4x :711ta-OW.90teRiteAVOittateAttAgMatale, pootowlatetcMot - - .71111101laniiiillt2•1111101M1111110l Designed for that lower, longer look so prized in modern automotive styling, the new Chevro., lets meet other high standards besides eye appeal. The 1954 series have more power, bet- ter performance and chassis improvements that will substantially increase the pleasure and con- venience of motoring. For 1954, a total of 13 kidy models are available in three series of cars, ie Powerglide automatic transmission, teamecl • w th a new 125 -horsepower engine, Is now optional on all cars. Another outstanding del opmcnt, also available as an option in all serI4, is Power Steering. Above is pictured ilie•Tiel Mt four -door sedan. ' 7 On. dialer at Riverside Motors, aanasels on Vidal., Dec. 28th. 1