HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-12-2, Page 8"gimopaustiwoofawmuusIaaaiim. Magazine Gift Subscriptions Are . Increasingly Popular WEE WiSDOM OUTDOOR LIFE BETTER HOMES McCALL'S "SEVENTEEN,' COSM0POLITAN RED BOOK CHATELAINE LIFE 1 year $2,00 1 yr, $3.00. 2yrs. $6.60 AND GARDENS 1 yr. $4.00, 2yrs. $7.00 1 yr. $100, 2 yrs $5.00 LADIES HOME JOURNAL SATURDAY EVENING POST ROD and GUN In CANADA MACLEAN'S GOOD HOUSE -KEEPING POPULAR MECHANICS READER'S DIGEST 1 Yr, $5.00 1 yr. $4.20 1 yr, $3.00, 2 yrs. $5.00 1 yr. $2.00, 2 yrs. $3.00 1 yr. $7.25, 2 yrs. $12.00 1 yr. $3.50, 2 yrs. $6.00 1 yr. $6.00 1 yr, $2.00 1 yr. $3.00 1 yr. $3.50 1 yr. $3.50, 2 yrs. $6.00 1 yr, $2.75. each extra Subs• $2.50 These are only a few of those that are to be had. SMITH'S Rexall Drug Store Phone 62 Brussels THE BRUSSELS POST Mr5A5"510 q L%c;'>tiS7 A5A5 Ilia ST. j°":8 W. A, 6-% WOOD'S Phone 24 Brussels, Ont. Suggestions For- Gift Shopping Nylons Holeproof Nylons Exquisitely Packed In Chrsitmassy Boxes 2 pairs - $3,00 - $3.50 or we will gift pack singles from our stock -- the most cob piete now. Lingerie - Our Panty Bar enables you to select your Gym. Luxurious Luxite Lingerie by Holeproof. Also Various Gift Lines. Sweaters - A large stock from Infants to Targe sizes. Exceptionally fine assortment of Girls Pullovers and Cardigans. Ladies, Men's and Children's Winter Coats etc. At Reasonable Prices. TOYS For Santa Christmas Cards and Decorations. Thea W. A of St. John's Church , met in the Church basement on 1 Tuesday, . Nov. " 24th, .at 2.30 p« in. Meeting 'opened with the singing of the hymn, followed by the miss. finery prayers in unlearn. Rev. Dills. led in the "I.iIIany'" from the "Liv- • ing Message." Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. A. Morrow. A letter from our Prayer Partner, Miler Mary Harris was std, telling of her work ' in Telpany es'peciallY in *mastering the language in her ten months in Japan, "Livinlg Messlage" subscript- 1 ions and monthly offerings were taken up, The new W. A. President for 1914 lei Mrs. Rev. Ellis. Rev. Plus .o reseed Mue appreciation and gn'tuttftude of the W. A., to Nits. A, Morrow past president, for. her faithful work in the past years. New members will he most welcome. A hymn and prayelr closed the meeting. Tea was served by a committee of three. - ANNOUNCEMENT 'The annual Candlelight Carol Service at Melville. Presbyterian Church will be held on. Sunday even- ing Dec. 20th. McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE SHE'LLURRiCIa1CN, SHELL HOO$EHOLD SHELL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DUNLOP TYRES Parts and Aeee.smrlest ARO Austin Sales and Service Aaaranteed repairs ea an trek.• W ears and tracks PHONE 77re !MUSSELS. OKI. Lewis Rowland Or write to R. R. 3 Watts.. (licensed For Moron County) will tie baked niter h smedlaMi9 'iATISFAC RN4 GUARANTY= - PRICES Rl a Fat lbeirewssests Phone 31 "The Brussels Poet' sod taws Pe* kdl.r radio. Me., write or phone Lew. Rowland PEARSON'S SHOE STORE and MEN'S WEAR MEN'S Work Shoes, Heavy Cork Sole $5.95 and 56.96 Double Leather Sole $6.95 - Triple Army Shoes Men's Rubber Boots Heavy Red Sole Knee Boot in Dominion, Gutta Percha $8.95 Goderich, Kaufman or Miner (Insoles included) $5.50 Heavy Red or Black Sole Short any make 53.95 Heavy Grey Sole Knee $4.95 Boy's Heavy Boot Red or Black Sole 58.50 Ladies' Black Fleece lining $8.50 Children's Rubber Boots$2.50 Children's Cowboy Boots - $2.9If Insoles Included Large new stock of Stetson Hats; Monarch Knit Sweaters and Socks, Scott McHale Shoes and Forsyth Shirts and Ties Just Arrived for Fall, Brussels, Ont. Phone 11. NOTICE - 'Pbe Maiestic Women's Institute are holding a Bazaar on Dec. 6th. Watch for further announcement. Lower Prices Will Contiue at The Arcade Stores CHRISTMAS CONCERT Cranbroolc Public School, annual. Christmas Concert, Friday evening, Dec. 13th, 1953. FOR SALE - Hardwsn d and ?oftwood slabs, also cedar Or kindling. Jas. Stevenson Phone 60a4 I MELVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT , The Melville Sunday School Christmas Concert will be held on Monday, Dec. 21st Keep this date mind. Fo Here, in the 1953 McCulloch Models, 33, 47 and 4-30, is a complete line of one-man Power Saws, designed to increase production and reduce labour in all woodcutting activities. Each model is the result of MODEL 33 MODEL 47 aaraciataamiasaima in -the -field research together with the most advanced chain saw engineering and manufacturing facilities in the world. Choose the McCulloch model for your needs. I z� MODEL 4-30 This is the world's lightest power chain saw. Rugged and powerful the Model 33 cuts through trees 18 inches in diameter in less than one minute. Available $265 with 12" or 16" blade. P. O.D. Vancouver A chain saw of extra -production per- formance• --yet sold at a surprisingly low price. Weighs only 30 pounds, and incorporates the heavy-duty features that make it stand up under the toughest work. Six $31 models available- -14" to 36" blade and 15" bow saw. F.0.13. Vancouver' Get a demonstration at any of the 400 McCulloch Dealers in Canada or contact 30 Ib. The fastest cutting one man chain saw ever developed, Light weight, with maximum power delivered to the chain makes the 4-30 a real production tool ill timber up to 6 feet, Six models $69 available -14" to 36" blade and 15" bow saw. Vaeeouecr LEMERY DiSTRIBUTORS LTD. Exclusive Canadian Agents 220 W. 1st Ave,;Q§�45116th St, 938 Poltage Ave, 861 Landsdowne St., 5261st Ave., Vancouver 10, D.C. Edl8onton, Alta, Wlnnfpeg, Man. 'Peterborough, Ont. Quebec City, Que. There's a McCulloch sae for every purpose. Pkaee send for fust information and he n name nearestddealerJO-y b5 Name ..� . ...., .......... DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE Rack of Misses Better Dresses Reg. $14.95 up (broken sizes) Come early Special $4.95 150 Women's and Misses' Print House Dresses - These Dresses are from our regular stock, sizes from 13 to 50. Special 2 for $5.00. Every Dress Guranteed. 24 Boys Parkas all wool, quilted lining, szes 2 to 16 years - Reg. $12.95 Special $8.95 Boys Bombadier Jackets made of heavy satin. water repellant, with all wool quilted lining, fur collar, sizes 6 to 16 yrs. Special $8.95 PLASTICS Plastics for Christmas gifts. We have a new line of sure seal Cani- sters and other dtoh ss that make a very useful gift or foryour own use. Contact Geo. Wesenburg for private demonstration or invite a few friends in and earn a premium. Phone 15Jr9. Men's Nylon Gabardine Topcoats in Grey and Taupe Shades, sizes 36 to 44 Reg. 29.95 Special $18.95 Men's Gabardine Station Wagon Coats, with all wool insulated quilted lining -This Coat is guaranteed for one year, in blue grey and taupe shades, reg. $34.95 Special $24.95 15 % Off on All Women's and Children's winter Coats for this Special Dollar Day Sale. Boys Lined Jeans, pre-shrunk, sizes 8 fo 12 years - Special $3.79 Children's Lined Jeans, sizes 3 to 6x, Pre-shrunk - Special $2.79 FOR SALE - 54 inch Wool Coating and Plaid Material 6 -acre Poultry Farm, red brick situated !a good village, priced at Reg. $3.50 a yard. house and brick kitchen, good barn, Special $1.98 a yard. 54,800,00. 100 -acre Farm, brick house. hydro, good bank barn, 7 • acres bush, situated at edge of good town, priced at 59,000.00. 150 -acre Farm, cement cottage. hydro, pressure system, good barn' steel stabling, 40 acre bush, hen house, situated on hlghday near village, priced -8,500.00. 100 -acre Farm, stone house, good lank barn, 25 acres bush, priced at 6,500.90. . Village Store, red brick, brick nouse attached, 3 room apartment above store, priced at 55,600.04. ' Brick house In Village of Brussels, see hydro, priced at 69000.00. J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Phone 54, Brussels, Ont. Men's High Knee Rubber Boots, red soles,,, sizes 6 to 11, Special $4.50 Felt Insoles Free. Men's Short KneeRubber Boots, red soles, sizes 6 to 11 - Special $3.95 Felt Insoles Free. GOOD FOR ALL KINDS OF BAKING FOR BETTER CAKES SOLD 1t4 11RDSSVJZ AT W. L. Baeker & Son BUTCHER SHOP Plows, Discs, Sksftwins, amen, Hay L. IhnsMey Forage isil Dwnsiset Ws" ata Aveave malls Inn Oliver Got fat Troshen. SspPraton end blEik re. Disc, ellirtit, Moore Lime and Fertilizer Sows" Spring -tooth l'hrrowe both wheel tractors and. crawfish, Prncfersent dealers ter Oars,. !n pismrnts MOTFR1Td & WRiK;<lii'1' BLYTH, '8NT, 1D e Store Wide Bargain Bar rzaini for the Whole Fsit Blyth, Ont. - Brussels, List. - pbetter be safe fhan sort VET GUARANTEED RESTONE BRAND EEZE from..., r Ask Any CASE Owner He will tell you he operates for les14\ We Have The Machines Let Us DEMONSTRATE And Remember ' We Service What We Sell Your CASE DEALER ED. RICHARDS Ethel Phone 86r5 iA