HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-12-2, Page 5T a the Electors of the Township of Morris. Having been a member of your council for the past eight years My Service heti given me valuable knowledge ooncer n towitehl affalre end, feeling that my experience hae fitted me to 11010/e yop ns reeve, 1 an a oandldate for that office, If elected 1 wilt endeavour to nee the knowledge my ever. fence has given me to serve the people of Morrie Township to the beat Interests of all. I respectfully request your vote and Influence In the coming election, Sam Alcock VOTE - C. R. COULTES FOR REEVE MORRIS TOWNSHIP Having served for thirteen years on your Council, 1 feel qualified to serve as your Reeve. If elected, I shall continue to serve you to the best of my ability and shall always use my powers In the Interest of the taxpayers. Your vote and Influence will be greatly appreciated. Charles R. Coultes To the Electors of the Township of Morris: Ladies and Gentlemen, Having been approached by a number of ratepayers to be a candidate for the reeveshlp, 1 have consented to allow my name to be placed on the ballot. If elected, I shall endeavour to serve you In a fair minded way keeping always the best Interest of the ratepayers at heart. I have served for the past six years as a councillor and have a good knowledge of all matters pertaining to the Township of Morris. Your vote and Influence o n December 7th respectfully solicited, Wishing everyone the Complimentg of the Season. Yours Sincerely, Bailie Parrott To the Electors of the Township of Morris: I am letting my name conte before you for Councillor on Mon., Dec, 7th., and will appreciate your support. Yours Sincerely, Bruce D. Smith .:rh:� `3iY.f• To the Electors of the Township of Morris: As a candidate for Councillor In the coming election 1 ask for your support, Your vote and Influence will be appreciated. Ross Duncan To the Electors of the Township of Morris: Your Vote and influence are respectfully solicited for the office of Councillor for the Township of Morris on Monday, Dec. 7th, Walter Shortreed To the Electors of the Township of Morris: To the Electors of Morris Township. Your vote and influ- ence for the position of Councillor for 1954 will be appreciated. If elected the best Interests{ of the Township will always be my first consideration. Stewart Procter RE-ELECT BILL ELSTON to the Morris/Council "TWO YEARS AT YOUR SERVICE" "But that's what makes her distinetivel" 1 ELECTION TQ BE HELP IN MORRIS 'ON MONDAY INominations for Reeve. Chas, Couits's, Sam Alcock, Bailie Parrott, Harvey Jghnlston Qualified for Reeve. Chas. Coultes Sam Alcock, Bailie Parrot t. Nominated for Council. Stewart Procter, Bruce Smith, Wm. Elston, Janies Phelan, "Walter Shortreed, George Axiohie, Rosa Duncan, George Hetherington, Clar- ence Ya111, Harvey McCu'toheon Qualified for Council - Stewart Procter, Bruce Smith, Wm, Elston, Walter Shortreed, liens Duncan , Nominations for School Trustees - Reginald Watson, George Michie, Torance Dundas, George Noble, James Johnston, Jack Bryans Qualified for School Trustee. Reginald ..Watson, George Miohio, Torrance Dundee - Acclamation. The Morris Nomination meeting was .held on Friday afternoon, with a good a.ttendancee, Cecil Wheeler tii+aa appointed ohairntan. The Treasurer's, report was gone, over by Nelson Higgins. Road Superintendent Ivan McArter made a report of his work. Harvey Johnston, reeve spoke of the windstorm and said that some asiss'tance. will come to the ones that sufferd Ions. County roads - undertook ito build 3 bridges this year ,Winthrop bridge, Jamestown bridge and Fordwich bridge is not quite completed. The county is doing the work themselves which is " saving the ratepayers a considerable sum of money. Work on county luorne is progressing fa'volzrably said expect to build an extension to the museum which is proving very pop- ular. County received two new grants ono- towards, tree planting and , one to the museum. Huron County tree planning scheme is meeting with the satisfaction of the ratepayers. ObildrEn's Aid Society is doing a good work, • Mr. Johnston declared that 0e would not stand for Reeve in 1954, Chas. Coultes. spoke highly of Township employees. The road work is progressing favorably ior•example cleaning up roadsides. Wingham Hospital is very crowded and fs in bad need of an addition. He ex- plained that the government hasn't sanctioned the addition but are as- sured that it will be along shortly. Mr Coultes explained the proceed- ings so far in regard to the Wingham High School. The High School expen diture has become tremendous. He reviewed some of the figures in re- gard to the High Schools and ex- plained Why we are holding back on sanctioning the school and are going to try and slow it up if possible. He stated his, intentions to qualify as reeve. Sam Alcock thanked his mover and seconder for nominating him for reeve. He stated that the Wingham High School seems for too costly and thinks Wingham needs a new hospital. Balite Parrott thanked his move and seconder for nominating him for reeve and went over the roacl work done in the south west corner of the township. He stated that the Wingham Hospital is in bad need of more room, He also spoke of the Wingbam High school. He stated that he intends to stand for reeve. The chairman, Cecil Wheeler, commended the road superintendent and graderntan on the work they are doing on the roads, Wm. Elston - Councillor explained about it being a very busy year on aenunt of the storm. Wingham High School and Wingliam Hospital. He also spoke an the Wingham High School and said that we should not go into it too fast. He spoke of the road work and said that he intends to stand for councillor. Stewart Procter, nominated for councillor, thanked his mover and seconder, Congratulated• Harvey Johnston on the work he had done for the township. He also, spoke or: the WfnghanrPligh school and was glad to know that there was som- thing being done about the ass. ecsinents. He will allow his name to .stand. PIe asked everyone to go out and vote the way he likes but vote. James Phelan nominated for Coun- cillor, thanked his mover and sec- onds ,runt would withdraw his name as he is on the telaphone brtsMea,a, but we,s clad there was action being take', In regard t., High School taxes. Waltor Shortreed, nominated for COrtnrtitnr, spoke or the hospital and the high schools, He stated that he would let his name Stalin. Geo, Miehle, nonotuated tor Coup- ; chlor, Unsuited dies _ prover sad seconder, oltated he had no Intention of standing for Councillor, Rdste Duncan, nominated for Coun.1 r oiiicr,,stated that he would Stand for office and asked that everyone eeme 1 Oat and vote how they liked but vote. I H•e also thanked ,itis mover and see- I order„1 FOR SALE — Geo, Hetherington, nominated for 12 ,suckers land 10 chunks, 1 i Comneillor, started that he would holstein cow, due Jan, 15th, not -stand for Council, Lincoln Martin Phone 20x24 1 Claoenee Valli, nominated for Councillor, stated that he has not I uresis up his mind, 1 APARTMENT TO RENT — Harvey M-Cutc'heipn, stated that 4 rooms and bath, modern con- t he Wasn't Sure if he would strand; venienees, heated., Bruce SMitiz. said that he would I sept" to J. H. Stretton, leave his name on Mire ballott if there is an election, ( FOR SALE — Raltph Shaw,Sec: Tsees, of the ' Dry Hardwood Limbs and Furnace Blocks. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE — Baby carriage and go-cart Mrs, Gordon Berton Phone 70x11 FOR SALE — Small barn, 2 decks, 18 x 6 x 20, Pete Cardiff Phone 29xr2 Public School Area, went over the financial statement for the schools, Robert McMurray, went over the sallaries and the cost of operating schools where l'here Is a very Low at- ' tendance. He suggested that some of the schools night be closed for a time in order to cut expenses. Bernard Thomas, pointed out that prices of everything they have to buy are going up and reviewed some of the work donne, Terrance Dundas said e0rrslder- able work had been done in Walton School. Travelling library is work- ing out very satiasfactory. Geo. Mollie, stated that they had had a very good year on the school hoard. He said that he would let his name dta,nd. Reginald Watson, thanked his mover and seconder, and said he he would lot hp name stand for trustee, A Mervin Richmond, representat• ive on the Clinton High School Board wont over ,the financial re. port, Thos. Henderson, representative on Wingham-High School District went over bus linos also salaries of teaolrers and that he was 100% he• hind what the Council is doing. ' Harvey Johnston made a short re• ply and stated that Seaforth Hospital should nr0t obarge the patients from Morris extra as Morris had never turned them' down for help. 'Earl Mills and Jamas Michie gave brief addresses. The meeting ended with God Save the Queen. WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH ' SCH'OOL COMMENCEMENT All who are interested in the Witeghanr District High School are reminded of the Annual Commence- ment Exercises to be held in the Wingham Town Hall, Friday even- ing, Dec. 4th a 3.15. Mr. C, W. Booth, Assistant Superintendent of Second- ary Education, Ontario Depart - j ment of Education, will be tire special speaker. GIVE COOKIES FOR CHRISTMAS Cookies make "different" and delightful gifts, Amy Alden, writ- ; ing in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (Dec. 6) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, tells how to make and decorate Vanilla Roll - 1 Cut Cookies, Traditional Norweig- San Molasses Cookies, Christmas Stars, Norwegian Christmas Cake, Christmas Trees and Holly Wreath- es. Get Sunday's Detroit Times. 1 ATTENTION PLEASE The Christmas Seals you are now rereiviug are sponsored by your Local Lions Club. Help to stamp out T. B. Any persons wishing to donate to this worthy cause can leave their donations at Walker's Pool Room, or at Th, Canadian Bank o! Com - merle. sea CONTEST — with evrry $10.00 purchase at the , Mildmay Furniture Store you re. ' ceive a chance to win a Christmas Gift ($100.00 in merchandise), Visit the store and select from new and 1 used Chesterfield and new and used 1 pianos, etc, Schnett's Mildmay Free Delivery. ATTENTION FARMERS — DEADSTOOX remored frau verso term promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect: .Rraatels SATES or Elmira 504. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT[D LIVESTOCK WANTEt. Dead, disabled horses nt cows removed free et cl•.arie. For prompt and efficient service ethane "STONES" collect Ingersoll 81 or Brussels 70, Dan,. McKinnon Phone 24r12 McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS — Complete Parts and Service. Author. ized Dealers. McCulloch Saw Sales - 377 Huron Street Stratford, Ont. r-- .r FOR SALE — We can give quick delivery on Bray Chicks. Cockerels, pullets, or mixed, Maybe a few started, Ask for new priceli,at. Bray Hatchery. agent Wm. G. Bray, Pigbel FOR SALE — 1z Storey, 6 room insul-brick house, on large lot 160 x 70 water, hydro, and good garden, Apply Donald Dun- can, Queen St., Bruesels. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY — Opportunity to establish yourself M permanent business selling nat- ionally advertised products for home and farm. No investment necessary. Man between 25 and 55 preferred. Write Dept. O-13-4 The J. R. Watkins Company, 360 St. Roch St., Montreal. GIVE NURSERY STOCK FOR XMAS 40 to 60% cash discount sale. April delivery. Special Christmas trade only. Roses Reg. $1.'115, now 79c. Evergreens $7 to $9 value for $3.60. Amazing prices of fruit trees and hegdes, while we have them. Order now. Act fast. Hogle Nursery, Camphelltord, Ont NOTICE — For artificial insemination at tis best for all breeds, call the Water- lei ateslot Cattle Breeding Association be- tween 7.30 and 10.00 a. m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a. m. on Sun- days. Phone collect Palmerston 8a or Clinton 348..... FOR SALE — Two stores in the Village of Brus- sels, located on the east side of Turnberry Street. One now occupied by W. L. Beaker and San, Meat Market and the other formerly known as the White Star Bakery, with five -roomed apartment above. Anyone interested apply to George Backer, 490 Tecumseh Ave. London„ Ont., or phone 9-3576W London. or Mrs. P. A. McArthur, Brussels, Phone 61xr2. FOR SALE — 9 piece dining room suite. 3 piece chesterfield suite 4 bed -room dressers, Single bed end spring Double bed spring and mattress Double bedstead and sluing. 1 Wood stone. Morris chair, Conk stove Rubber tired wagon I Battery radio, new batteries Com Home Stove Antique secretary, kitchen table Odd dishes, Cultivator. Scuffles, Lawn mower, 4 milk oars Strainer, 2 Coleman gas Lamps i A Fleury Walking Plow at J. J. delloelder, Lot 16, Con, 8, Grey Twp, FOR SALE — House lorated on Turnberry Street in the Village of Brussels, .the residence of the late Mrs. Ella N. Backer, roll two storey solid red brick house, ..double living retire-, with natural fireplace, dining-rooni, large modern kitchen, gunroom and bath on the first floor. Second floor has four bedrooms and three piece bath. Quarter -cut oak floors lihrougrout with new marboleum tile in the )cttchen. Full basement with laundry fobs. Hot water—oil henited and fully insulated. ..Anyone interested apply to George Par.ltor. 430 Tnctttnseb Ave. London„ Ort . it phone 2-5570W London. o'- 'firs. P. A. McArthur, Brussels, Plume 61vr3. USED CARS 1952 . Pontiac Deluxe Sedan, Radio, Heger' 1952 Pontiac Styleline Sedan, Heater, Sunvisor 1951 Chevroleet Sedan, Heater 1950 Chevrolet Coach 1950 Austin Sedan „ ? 1949 Austin Coach 1948 Chevrolet Coach 1948 Oldsmobile Coach 1941 Dodge Coach USED TRUCKS 1952 Chev. %2 Ton Pick-up 1950 Chev. %2 Ton Pick-up 1950 Ford 1/2 Ton Pick-up 1951 Ford 3 Ton SPECIAL PRICES ON — 2 New 1953 Chev. Deluxe Sedan 2 New 1953 Chev. 1/2 Ton Pick-ups RIVERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Supertest Gas and Oil Phone 56 Brussels, Ont Agents for the famous Oregon Chain and L E. L. Saws and Distributors, for Clinton and Diston Saws Also agents for Wakefield Oil and distributors of Hallman Jacks. , Fully Equipped Machine Shop having installed a Shaper. . GEO. E. POLLARD Sales is one thing — but we follow up with service and repairs. Phone 64 or 56r13 Brussels BUSINESS CARDS ' "w C. A. Myers, Mc D., L. M.. C. C. PHYSICIAN and 3URGEO1Wiens .St. Phone 4. wuwr h, Ont. a `, DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate Universfl, of Toronto a L PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 4 g , ' r . Chas. T. Davidson ,,•., INSURANCE FOR AIL ENiCOS 4 Automciaifs and Ms liinnnce Accident and Slchame Avant tee Great Wilt IX Ininamen Oe. Phone Office 96 .... amocol.„ 0414 9 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometr Eyes Examined. Glasses I0Iu . Phone 791 Seaforth HOURS: S - 6. Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. he • G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. , Patrick St.. WINGHA1lr'J M Kincarags Office Ear Tnsedrur. Meese Wbigbsm 770 4 S, Evenings byIllllcar+ila d '" Appointment. J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, LISTOWEL. OM. Speektilsing is Eye Emtmination mut the Fitting ofti OiNee hi UsDowel Qioic Masa ` Mires: li t00 a.m. to 600 p. ; chmei W Opeg wary Taman), an& R 7 Is $a , x ,r, r, Other (screams Its ..+ est Acme SSA +.0' 7 0. A. Rann & Co. FUNERAL AND ANOSUILANCE STMICE Licensed Funeral Director and Rubs ; 51) or 95 — —RRUSSMISLIO.Z Harvey W. Stephenson kl 04 itepresestative for San Lits Antrolim a, ' Oksisalty General I Inewraeoe C.. t Phone 43x Walker F w,onte 71r� ....,b --- 11* or Night � � ryY' 1. �i ' . , IS No Estes Mattio f Umbra F'anerei Director mid DelktIONI Cr"' r .. Terenty,lear Door Mgt arttanc .3ait"Mlatt ate ' Dales' Flouters Extiuslyely T R. S. Hetherington, WlilNanutm ara"ri B '911'91 AT tereelay enol Saturday all gay -,,,, OHM opook esOt 4.4,