HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-12-2, Page 4CRANBROOK ,sloe Missixtn Band $ Knox i?rotluy. taloa Ohureh held its' November meetLeg to the Mace basement on WWI atter 664001. Sehmldt eyermenn Cavan. United Mara, Winthrop) was the eebt4ng for the marriage of Thelma Ruth Byerreana and Alvin WS11iaau Schmidt„ 1110, unv�ru, GREY TWA. MEMBERS, ship matters hal been well sone ALL. RETURNED I aver, 131 exPr'eeeed Otis op Grey Toweeelp Nomination meet- Ute Wine tans Frnelntal and eAatad other IuaiS Mals charge a high. ing was 7tatt 4n Twp, a , enanaU roto Ito cover expenses, Monday afternoon, Nov, 30kh, with He theta Ott that people that gay a a largo-Cliffastde, legit state in either beePitale, ehe:Ald Reeve -Clifford I0, Rowland (OL not avavo le eubaiclizo other • in, II 11 Ethel oA that oth P A• Tory eacceseful bazaar nudes The bride is the second youngest daugOr is :e Ti'highatn, He eneationed giving the atasl�icue 0f tnie Ladles' Arid of ter of Mr, and F. JRrmri Mo14;& bee, Wm, z• ettslwp, the !twes�s I+tuir a larger grant but Com urn was held In the eyeremme Wintlrr p Councillors Win E Bishop (R) it was improved this Knox Pres. Oh d C d the Fa large a rewy and e. 'Abate was a large crowd and ilia vet y fine Pieta* nom4natom, ee and commconta by Mr, a'^ Oheeter Little, Atwood, were much enjoyed by ale Dom . }1s bli Mrs, Albert ta. BIRTHDAY DINNER FOR 85 YEAR 040 eletnbeee of the ineli theta family showered Mrs. Richard Cardiff with Ota1Pe birthday wiehee when they gathered at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Harold and Mrr'. Cardiff, cm the occasion of iter Seth birthday Mrs, Ociedlif bee tosided in this community gall e oAly son of Mr.an e - t sa'l • e her life. Schmidt ul Kieeerat t', flare. ), Hona r 4ieNatd lana" He said the Twp. rode aro Howard McNaught (C), Year, A birthday slake ce • s lmattt4Pully decorated bar iii), ]n pair 0ondit4om. lie thanked tris gr aired the dill• M with baskets ma with baskets a whit plurysanthe• � Hugh B. Smith (Q), Kenneth c txibuted by Prier Stow OYatried by . an tate 'piano, Cards and games nae table 'Violin. music was 0011- p e art aorAm• i leennetlt MoVerlane thanked hie `Mrs Herold Oasdi(f -- Kenneth Ma• ffictiated and Rev, School Trustee 1) . nominators. He said same of the mutes and fern.TheRev. H E Faslane. 1 o Mns, Calvin Camerae underwent ' Livingston Melvin Keyes, uncle of the bride, I Leau and Harry Bollen ( •co • bridges wale not in shape for schoo tveme enQoystl. assisted in Uite cerem* 1Y. Mrs1. Don. 1 Sohn. Pearson was aPpoimtad chair buses to go oven. He thought they an .eperatlen in Kitelertor last week AlUtottitylt confined to a wheel and is reported doing nicely. Her i old TirTargart ,of Brussels Played neem. Those nominated. ter Reeve' should be •rebuilt, He answered 0hair, Mns• CandiiE enjoys fairly roomy friends hope for a speedy ger ` the wedding mete while Miss Mar. I and Council were called to Plat. ggesblane about bhe delay in having good health ahul laves to meet iter ,.eau sot form. the McNaught Drain completed. He many friends.• Clifford Reefland spoke Bret and ! agreed with bhe Reeve and H, Ma She 4tas two daughtara, Mtt�, ,. Naught that most People have hog Harvey (Berea) Dennis, with whom Mr. and Mrs. Roes Spetran, Sag "I'll Walk Beside You ane " me !naw visited wilffi told the people the f6Mrs. John Pride Perfect. Love." t Ie me as and other friends, aver e this Year was almos a sepitalieation, ,and dhat the rates! in she memo her halite, and Mrs. - BRUSSELS MOTORS HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOOT CAR DEALERS ,1,, } 19b3 Pontiac Sedan to 1959 Chevrolet Sedan 4-1952 Chevrolet Sedans 1952 reads° Sedan 1951 Chevrolet -Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Pewerglide Coach, Fully Equtpeee 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1949 Ford Custom Soden 1948 Chevrolet Sedan 1948 Chevrolet Coach. 1947 Chevrolet Coach 1947 Mercury Sedan Speotal 1957 Chevrolet Coach TRUCKS 1949 Chevrolet 3-4 ton Pick-np le -1949 Dodge 2 ton Stake YOUR FRIENDLY CITIES SERVICE DRALItI tis How Toeing Service Phone feel ■rraMS.Oak th Amort Shp ware a mauve net gown ever I lest Year. He said there was not . six 7Sringhlem HoePitel would no doubt Dangles (Wilma) HemtngwaY, eau holiday. taffeta. I 511 much to spend on roads, due to go lee after new 'hospital built • grinde'htklrem and three great - Norman Mr, David Brow -n, Monkton, la (=teem in marriage by Iter brother, the out an the byelaw, but have; George MacDonald said he was grandebildren. Melvin Byermente the bride. wore applied for a sttpplem;entary by-law. spending awhile vrlth Mr, and Mrs. surpnfaed ,ta he oatled uP on the Fheifer, a traditiaual white satin gown with lip explained the reasono the SAffi platform. He hadn't beset preserve SILVER WEDDING �— bon net.' Con. was not paved this year, was ; for all the meeting, but expected ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATED Thirteen girls of the Cranbrook a full skirt of statin and nY Council matters had been well talk. "Gad Sava the Queen" area met •a'k the home Anne Steffler and bodice of nylon net trimmed the ti id theme CtltenCouaty Coattail ed aver. He thanked 'hes imminent Mr. and M. Earl Cudmore were on Man evening,Nev. 32nd for their with seed pearls alld fromrh! astones. 1 orom had considerable dtacuesion on ora.. honored last WednelndaY evening ing Maitertal", Tho Ineder showed how to alter a pattern., assisted by Jean Gill sea denonaltrated, ""he Care of the Skin and Face. The home assignment were handed out The meeting was dozed by Singing it fell theoctet of heir P1Y when finds and se i TT fingertip ve e o first meeting in the project, "Being }Ter !ethers gabh• n roads, and also gave Guilford Rowland in re t ten r e GIRL GUIDES MEETING Well Dressed and Well Groomed. anon crown hendress styled with of three bridges built by the stated the Council wasn't in favour erect at the hams of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Maurice Cameron and Mrs seed pearls and rhinestones She County. He sped, there is enough of ,pending money to repair the Kenneth Shurrie to celebrate their A special meeting, of the Brussels folioRalpMaOhan are the leaders,. The tarried a baguet of American Beau 1 money to pay for the County Home peiinington bridge: and still have an silver wedding annir^er9ary. The Brownies and Girl iluides was held ty red roses. Her only jewelery wasold bridge. He 1nopdd the road by fo110wim, officers were elected - 1 when built, and Motd of the good gilt of a silver flower basket was , B the library Grla basement .s Nov. 24, Pres'rlent, Marion Morrow:* Sec.. a mattthing •set of rhinestaex, par' I craps grown tonere. Mr, Rowland law would be high enough to build particulary appropriate, a1i the at 7,30 p. m•, tinder the leadership Trees.. Helen Knight: Press Re rings and necklace. gate a report on the Tornado Re a new 000 without raising mill rate culture of beatntiful flowers IV the i for the Brownies: Mrs. McTaggart, porter. Anne Stefflrx; Pianist, The bride's sister Miss Iris Byer. 1 lief, and the current surplus a He Drought tee grave} used this special bobby of Mr. and Mrs• Oud- M. Kellemgtan and Mrs. Martin. Patsy Rothwell. t mann was maid of honor In yellow i mount of $431:3.70 from the Twp• year was very good, r more, Mrs. John -Spelt read a s�hort� The Guide leaders were Mrs. Keit- I. leveler, told them what tc nylon tiered net over taffeta and , Auditor's report. Re •said be didn't * * :r addrege, and Mae. Hugh Elliott pre - 1 legion Mrs, Henderson and Airs. lank for in a deodorant and points matching net bolero. She carried , feel a grantof $4000.00 should be The School Trestees nominated sented the gift. A two-storey wed- Miller. I'm just one el these ,,ctmtry hicks reach rases. Girlfriend of the bride : Laid to the Winghvam Hosp➢tal ,by See: Treas.. and two Higt Scheoi ding cake, mads and decorated by i ,pts Brownlee formed licit fairy I Who comes from way out in the to consider when buying mater Mir, (]harl••s Sparks 09 Kitchener 1 all the Trtp•. to benefit a few. j ring and held their regular meeting, 1 shicics Int nn demaefory • why acetate members called to Platform. the hostesls, was a feature of the matron of honor. wore a matching He thamlted his nominators and earl Hemingway, Sec.-Treas., lamb that followed, 1 The Guides then opened their , To voice my -woe and maybe a plea is an le tree each other's all' material. council and clerk for their co-operat-1 For all the other boobs like me The 'sirtc tach tach ether's ed with.asure- zreen grove and carried yellow ewes ; gave a.re,port„on school finances. He Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore bave lie i meeting by saying the Guide's Pray-' meets. The int -tine c}osect with. iii?. Darlene Schmidt. of Kite; 1 ion. read a letter from the Dept, of be in. this community for about 10 1 er. Inspcetlon was held and -the ; We week like heck six days a week. ' Wm. E. •Bishop stated •he w.as sur- . EduOatian, regarcbGnlg the paying years. Mrs. Cudmore is an active horseshoe was farmed And When we're done we like to "Crud cava the Queen.” A tasty tart, s:st. r re the groom wore a streak lunch w m then served by the n0.11VS gown and carried yellow , Prised to he nominated for reeve. He of lateral h on money borrowed by member of the Brussels Majes- An expected guest, Airs. Mon- ! • Thanked his nominators and said be • tee Schaal Baard from the Town -Women's Institute, East Enron teeth, District Commissioner from , ,Po our tomo town to buy our sett }t0s1•;;.,c and her mother. rasps. For flott erglrl the bride chose , had not much to say •et this time. •i her noire tits Gall McTaggart, wear ' satin• He said oto carry hoped withoutto have Agricultural Society, es. local as -1, Stratford, ant., Preeemted the Brown- 1. And meet our neighbors on the The NovOmber meeting of the 1 Teen McNabb said in his opinion enougOt surplus to on, • stoeiation' of Girl Gmides, Married I les with badges. Among these, I street. ' Cranbrook livening :Au�}lltary was n^ Fellow nylon taffeta tiered t a nursing home in Ethel or Brussels borrowing. • at Norwich 25 years ago, they Elizabeth gown and carried a btaffe of peach I three Brownies namely, 1 And 1f we do there's hall to pay, held Tu*=,day evening, Nov. 17th at h ne I would he better than paying to 1 Harry Bolger said there had been lived there and at Brampton before1 Steghensan, Pam, Porter and 1 We enn',t talcs orf no working day, moving harp. lean Davidson flew front Brownies 1 You folks in town don't think it's PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr, and Mrs, J, W. Hill and dough er of Detroit spent the week -end St Ilam Melfinnen, 10 can. of Grey. Mrs. John Leckie of Zephyr, 03tM and Peter Mariam. of Et, Ma9'y9, were guests on Sunday at the lane of Wm, Mor;ee. -see 11 Mr. and Mrs, A; Grewar attended the 50th wedding annirereary of het Denote Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Gal• braith, R. R. leetwood, last week- end. A FARMER'S PLEAS the home of Mrs. Win. Perrte, with baby roses. For ring hearer er P 1 WInGham Hospital. He thought i some improvements made In 15 members and 1 visitor Present 1 bete, Basher Donald Deigel, dressed ++ there should have been some work schools, and a nefv heating intent 1 Doris MacDonald was leader and . in cream flannels 'ata blue jacket,'I done on the 10•ih. con. He said the totalled in one sohool. opened the meeting with a poem. i carried a elite satin pillow with Kenaaeth McLean hoped he would streamers. The bride's attendants vriits I coarse gravel pet on the Township A hymn was sung and the Lord's , roads, wouldn't stay on. He men- be out this year, but had tried t o Prayer was retpeated in unison. ; all wore pra.rl necklaces. Mr, Wilbert I Honed denies that had been done this,kec+p schools in good :shape. He said Meditation was read by Helen Cam- � (-alma. Kitchener, brother-in-law of year and 'said there was no results the interest paid back by the T. eron. The Scripture reading Eek. ; the nectom, was best man. while Jake j heard about the Maitland River was School Board Money Doming Chapter 6, verses 15-20 weeread in ' Gertz Kitchener and Mr. Keith Pauli, I appeal Stratford, were ushers. to' unison, followed with prayer b9 Hugh B. Smith stated it was a 5151 Jas. S. Armstrong, rep., for Grey For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Plea.:ure to represent the Twp. at Byermann wore a metallic brown Groderioh. He told that the museum tafftea dress with rhinestone access- et Goder'rh was paying its way dries and corsage 0f peach roses. end got a grant of $900 trim the the The groom's mother wore a golden Province. He said the Ohildren's brown crepe dreg:, with green access- Aid Society used the Wingham Hos- Aries and wore a enrsaea of yellow . Mint and saved the County money. rases. He was in favour of giving Wing- ' ham Heepital the $4000.00. He spoke The church parlours ,which were about the Maitland River, and said beautifully decorated in Pink and he thought Elma Twp. should pay white was the Getting for tete wed&all the roses as they have 335 drains ing dinner. Bios Audrey Greenwood using it for en outlet. Torre was and Alias Alma Bruder. Kitchener,• eons -kb -1%11)1e discussion regarding the miss Trane Montgomery, Brantford refund of interest payments to the errs ,Toyee Byermanm, Dublin, Miss School Board and he said he was Mrs. Everett ByermanieWalten and not In favor of the refund. He Mrs. Norman Eggert, Dublin aseis- ,walked his nominators and if dace ted the young people of the church ed would do lee best as Councillor. in servincetbe meal. j refferd Dunbar, thought every - Following a reception in the Wal- thine had been discussed except the 1„n hall, rhe bride and groom left grants. He .said the Ethel Rink en a motor trip to Georgia. The Committee get a 5104 grant but bride donned a silvery green cord- j tl-ere wratld he no rink this year. ,•,1 taffeta tlre,s with white angor, The r'0uneil appointed a Cemetery trimming and a blue coat with T1'' d 0d promised a grant to art black arressnri,i and a corsage of :1 .led 'c feeds were low. Next r: d testa, there ^.•-.•lid be le in. Grants i.. tv,r 17:. -'_7a 'h Weel-vim On their retnrn the bride Real groom , sr 1 -,.t d Tr ,•a+• r after will reside in Kitchener. tee- + ,l r^ T -r_;.. ?-'5dn'i • •.•r -x HG as. Gtt*. is war;. pr +sr-nt fr,m Brant; .1- ..... ,.tn ford. Ktr4cnrr c•rarfo d 1t':rr d. a , r R i- ..•d11,:c..: cr. , rt. ..-a >•e d Phyllis Mitchell. A hymn was sung. . The topic "The Cbristian Church in 1 Africa” was read by Tillie Engel, The minutes of the last meeting was . read by the a cretary. The roll call . was answered with a verse con-' twining the word peace. The collect- ion was taken. Phyllis Mitchell off- ered her home for the December ' meeting. The closing hymn was sung. Doris MacDonald elated the meeting with prayer. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess Mary Hu,ather and Doris, MacDonald. WS 9004 C -OW CHOW SUPPLEMENT Mix with year oaa Train , .. helps keep cows in condition fer big milk modae- e e.9 Ask se about L4 *Ze ussels (1.,7-2111E 11RUSee1- 0 .. on Wingham High School Board, gave a summary of the costs and said they were trying to get trans- portation costs, down where they should he. Considerable discussion on the W. H. S. Area, Andrew Bremner, mentioned cost of transportation and spoke of new prow addition to Listowel High Scheel, 4 rooms, cost not so high, one more teacher might be required, Mr. C. R. Coultas, nominated for reeve of Morris was asked to speak, spoke of Weigh= Hospital and said new Wingham High school not vat sanetinned by law. MELVILLE CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL GATHERING A congrrgaltional gathering was held recently at 7 o'clock in Melville Ch"voh in the form of a pot -luck supper, enamored by the Lad'.rs" :Aid. When upward of 208 enjoyed the excellent repast. A short Pro- gram was introduced by the chair• mar Rev. W. H. T. Fulton. Piano solos by Mrs. W. C. King. Duet 1,3 fh* Missis Sbnrtreed and a couple of well known, hymns by the male therm The speaker if the evening aa•:.,;, 11.r. Mr. Mill+.r of Terence ai 1 no nt.ts+;rdinc sp-nker and op the church 0f to -day. rrclrh e*1ieved by all. I to Guides. During this. ceremony right °• _Marlene' Waxman was the receiver I To hog the streets on farmers' of the Brownies Mrs. Monteith I nights; • Brown parked on the Mr. and Mrs. Burton and family who have been residing on the farm of Charles Hansuld have moved to Brussels wthere they will reside in the house owned by Tan McD.onaid. The condition of Harvey Dobson who recently underwent an operat- ion •in Kitchener Respite. remains quite eritioal. His molly friends hope for his recovery. John H. Fear is a Patient in the hospital in Tendon suffering from a gallbladder ailment. .An early Improvement is hoped for. Take De decider havine sold his farm to George A. nether 'will be moving to Brampton shortly. The hest wishes of the community go with him. The Second meeting of the Ethel Slick Chicks was held at ter Ethel Public School nn Wednesday even- ing, Nrot. 35Ut, at 3. Thirteen hers were were present. The meeting openrd with the singing of "The More We Get ,Together" Anne • Pesten read ter minutes of bhe' first meeting. The roll -call was answered by "the type of slip T plan to make." It wa'. derided to hold tate third meeting on Nov. 80"- The asst • leader 1isn..e•4 "Making the most 's • f tier Clothes" with the girls. Anne rr 1011 demonstrated ."Washing '71'e,'s." This was fnllnwed by a d -.m r-,'ratina of "Sponging Weal• i ne' by Jean Fraser. The asst. lend re. led the ••i11,4 in a discnssion on rr: the finish*= for the top of n clip. :fee:fee, ('n tle•rs demonetrsted "Shrink-+ lefeeeteee gave a short talk about I You've got your care street and Guides.. The National pewit;pewit;was than sung. Before -we hicks sit down to eat. Pam Porter presented Mrs . Thenwe must scop hogs and feed the ICellington with a Sows, Brownies t0 show theedit aPPreeiattonfromthe Coax all the juice from bossy cwtr of her work. Pick up the eggs, coop up the hoe Manu mothers and friends were ! Shave off the whiskers (i1 we're there and we hope they enjoyed the mon!) rerrmorry and, the delirious lunch ; Dress in overalls and calico - served by Mrs. Stephenson. Mrs. I Since wheat has gone so gosh -darned. Todd, Mrs. Cudmore and some I /014- Guides. , Crank up the flivver, give her juice, Then start'tor town - but what's the THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE j use? Let's not be vague. Let's be defin-', The streets are lined far up and ite and Clear, It's a vbrhue.Let's not down, be vague about the Canada Tem- Withcore of folks who live in town, peranee Act. Some people say that • Who seem to think it's quite a treat we (matt to do away with It in The To tee us "rubes" stagger up the ron County. Why? Specifically, what • street is wrong with it? What in the specs- • With butter jars and eggs and lie thing about it which ie creating cream - berm? Perhaps those people will To lug that stuff six blocks or more discover after thinking it over, that You walk until your feet get sore. they are lust repeating what others Your sltmtlders ache you're aeeidg have said. If, however, they can 1 red, name one or two definite defects of And wish that you were home 111 bed, the C. T. A., then we ask another ' And then yon spy that yellow Paint question.- In what way will the Tbat's put just, where the anto3atat.+ • Limner Central Act. which will came There's two cars where there should t he}n the ' he three, t.. They straddled that there mark, yet see. It's our town, too, no please be fair, We- want to spend our nickies there, You've watched ns long enough (0 see - in if the other aces situation? Are conditions h,•.tter in T,.C.A. onunties? Or are they worse? Ler mc, find out ahnut thls. Yes, let ns net be voile ahn'tt the 0.T,A, 7..t us he definite and know the ten til. This advertisement is inserted by The Tinrnn County Temperance Fed- eration. Advt, We need a panting place, by geol. (Dandelk Herald). 6y Roe Farms Service Dept yea FOT; %JJn e•.; THAT t .$ ' .$1' Nees) A 6PEttk. ed A'tISIADTOSEE YOU, OOG. YO "dE SAVED 0 • * . PLEASE TELLTHE BOSS ABOUT YOU ifi c'iv ' BRIEDF.ReHASH, WORRIED ASOUT LOW HATCHES, EH, SiLL`? IT ISN'T ALWAYS THE ROOSTEfe5 FAULT. A FERTiIIZ.ED VA, MUSTCAKrAIN STORED UP ViTAM114$, EXTRA ANIMAL PROTEIN AND THE LATEST GROWTH FACTORS TO HATCH A 616 HEAL -THY CHICK AND KEEP iT BROWING. LOOK ATTHIS FERTILE E86, SILO., rr t8 MADE UPOF THE SHELL"ALBUMIN AND YOLK. SCI ENCS PROVES THAT THE HEN CONVEATSTHE EXTRA VITAMIN>fl, PROTT IN AND GROWTH FACTORS INTO THIS E4e6 BEFORE. SHE. SEALS iT IN THE SHALL, IN 21 oAy5 THE STORED UP FOOD MUST 6ROW A 516 H HICK AND KEEP IT 60llid I"OR $ AFTER HATC$IN¢.Met A Bi¢ 40 ,, , iT NEEDS A SAWA BREED ast Fiii•on Produce , BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL. F. HARRISON MCNCRIFP0 r... f