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Post Publishing douse
Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa
Wednesday, December 2nd, 1953 $2,00 per year , $2..50 U.
ssels ,.own
C. 4t
AT 8.30 P. M.
- .Sponsored by Canadian Legior
Brussels Bianch No. 218
15 Games for $1.00 - - Turkey Prizes
1 TU&I�Y MJ ! R P1ZE
3 Special Games - 25c Ea4ch
PRIZE $15.00
Extra Special Movie Show
In Brussels Town Hall on
THURSDAY, DEC. 19th at 8.15 p. m.
A movie with tender drama that will lift your spirit
with Joyous laughter.
- Extra Attractions -
"PUSS IN BOOTS" - (Clored Cartoon)
S. S. No. 4 Grey will be held on
Monday, Dec. 7th at 8.30 P. m.
S. S. 3 ,Morris, Christmas Con-
cert will be held in Morris Twp.
Hall on Dec, 18th,
St. Ambrose Church will hold its
annual Christmas entertainment in
Cranbrook Community Hall on
Friday, Dee. 11th.
Meivllte Chorea
Minister, Rev, W. H. T. Fulton
10 a. m. Sunday School
11 a. m. Morning Worship
United Church
Iliallatei, Rev. Andrew Lane
Divine Worship - 11 o'clock
The Reign of Christ.
Church School -- 12 o'clock
Plan to Worship regularly
• i
during the Advent Sea;69%
Churchof England
Pariah a tinanNa
Rev. A. Nshharl Ellie, M. A.
$t. John's Ohureh, Oritlbh-
11 a. m, Holy ConilU11l011
Sunday Solml
7.80 p.m. Seasnice of Dedication
of Wolf Cub lalag (a gift frail
the 6th Crosby, 1Jiverp0oi
scouts.) The preSenit'atioif. will
be made by Rev. A. N'oi'iiilgl3.
Bilis. 'its dedieatiele by It0V.
W, Brahztwell of 111yth. (Ali
friends invited.)
tit OevId'a Church, Henfryn
2.80 p. m. Evening Prayer
Sunday School
Thank you for your inters t dna
attendance at the showing of
The Country Parson, That you
enjoyed it, is evident by;.,, your
many kind comments. To those
who visited ne for the first time we
eay Welcome, we hope you'll re-
turn real soon. Some folks who had
not been to the t1u•eatre for some-
time were there and to you we say it
was, nice to see you back. We are
sorry so many had to stand in line
each night but the crowds attend-
ing necessitated this inconvenience
Do not forget to visit us
often. For Capitol entertainment
visit tate Capitol at Listowel. 1
D. P. Savage, Manager.
2 shows nightly 7.30 - 9.30 p. m.
Matinee Saturday 2 p. m.
Thursday, Friday Dec. 3 - 4
A picture yocannot afford to
ales. _ Tre thrilling story of the
British .Navy.
Within a few days we will have
another Christmas upon us, and au
mailer;, are urgently requested tb •
mail parcels, letters and cards early
and avoid disappointment.
The following dates for -
British Oohmibia, Alberta, Saskat-
chewan, & Newfoundland by Dec. 12.
Manitoba and Maritime Provinces,
Dye. 14th.
Ontario and Quebec, Dec. 16th.
As in previous years we ask you
to •assist the Posboffice staff by
seperating the: 2c cards from the.
4c letters and trying each in bundles
this will assist the Post Office to
speed the despatch of your mail.
Ali parcels leaving Canada must
bear a customs, declaration form,
same may be obtained at the Post
Office prior to mailing,: ,panels
should be securely tied, further in-
formation will he gladly given by the
Post Office,
The Air Mail gives faster service
for distant points.
Mrs. B. M. Thornton, 172 Moore
Avenue South, Waterloo, announces
the forth coming marriage of her
eldest daughter. Mrs. Mildred M.
Thomas to Lawrence Wesley Jack -
lin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Jaeklin, Brueseh,, Ont. The wedd-
ing will take place in Trinity Unit-
ed Chapel, Frederick SL, Kitchener
on Dec, 12th at 3.30 P. m.
A meeting :of the council and fire-
men is called for Tuesday,Dec.lSth.
at 8 p, m. in :the library.
The purpose of this meeting is to
reorganize the fire brigade.
Anyone interested is urged to att.
end this meeting.
The Village Council
Seafortll, Ont.
Ail Star Cast
Saturday Only December 6
Riding the bullett scarred trail, he
drove through an Apache Ambush
Rod Cameron, Arleen Whalen In
Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday, 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
Diamonds are a girl's beet friend.
If In doubt asked Jane Reese' and
Marilyn Monroe the Nation's fav
orite glamour girls In they gayest
awinglest mtslcal of them all.
Starring Jane Russel, Marilyn Mon-
roe Charles dogUri.
NOTE: SpeolaT prices for this en-
gagement only.
Adults 760 . Sudents aver 12 -
60o - Children 12 and under 26c
t St t eluded Foto Nte caneetled
for this week only.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Ray Mllland Rita Gains
The modt unusual picture since the
start of talking pictures.
• •
Monday, Tueeday and Wednesday
Humphrey Bogart
Gatliertnc Hepburn
A thrilling drama of Africa In the
days of th Boor War.
* *
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
FOREVER" (Color)
Ciflftoaz Webb Ruth Hussey
Corning Soon -
The numbers of 1'atepayere 51
tending the Brussels nomination
meeting on Friday nightL-was disc
pointingly small, Tit is to be re-
gretted that there was such a lack
of interest in tine affairs of the.
village displayed by the general
There will be no election here. All
1953 members were returned by toe
clamation with the exception of pae
school talulstee, Frank Mitchell, who.
replaces Hartley Fischer who with-
Nominations were as follows (Q
follows 'the names of those who
Reeve - R. B. Cousins (Q), Lloyd
Workman, kerb. $tretton
Councillor- Wm. Martin, R. A.
Bennett (Q), H Fischzeir. L. Work-
man (Q), W. B. W417is, Hugh Pear-
son, Herb. Stretbon (Q),. R. W.
'Kennedy, Adrian McTn•ggart (Q),
13. G. Weliser.
School Trustee - Robt. Walker,
(Q1. Wm. Newton (Q), Ivan Camie
bell, W. 11, Willis, Hartley Fischer,
ITugh Pearsmt, Frank Mitchell (Q),
Hydro Commissioner- Tack Mc-
T)oneld (acel,)
R. J. Bowman w•ae, chairman for
the. meeting.
R. 13. Omelets, speaking, a said it
was an +honer and a priviiedge to
serve Ss reeve. He briefly covered
county council work. Three new
bridges had been built Jamestown,
Fordwielh acrd Winthrop. The Prov.
Government road subsidy was, cut
by $1.00,000 hut not bridges.: and so
that work was done. A new tieing
was added 4o the County Home, of
which eommietee Mr. Cousins was
chairman, and now they have 50
beds. D. A. Rano, RrusseLs, was
awarded the contract for furnlsring
the new wing. Mr. Oottsins evoke
at length on the Wingharn Hospital.
Brnasels share being $4000 for the
new addition. He explained that
this would mean approximately 2
mill;a each year for 4 years to
ray off tre debt. Reeve Cousins also
spoke, on Obdldren'e Aid work;
-Winghn.m High School Area and
village affairs memtionipg among
other things the hardtop surtacing
done on the .streets, the fact that
little snowplowing ons required
last winter and What 8, new type,
street ilgihte, are being tried en ap-
proval on the main street. Mr.
Coulstns. will be a candidate for
Warden of Huron County for 1954.
Lloyd Workman stated he would
not stand for reeve. J. H. Streit
an said he would not run for reeve
or councillor because of poor health.
A. McTaggart talked on afilairs or
the fire derpartmen4 and water
works and said that there were 12
new services, 210 water users and i
reported repairs to town scales.
L. Workman reported op the Omen
dump end the park.
T. H. Bretton spoke of polishing,
finances and school affairs, at some i
R. A. Bennett, reviewed work on I
streets, weeds, drains, storm dam-
age and Winghamn Tiigh Scheel ;
W. B. Willis spoke briefly and
Hartley Fischer said he wished to
have, his name withdrawn.
Hugh Pearson .,poke on matters
Pertaining to the Comnnuuity Recre-
ation perp and B. G. Walker want-
ed htn name withdrawn from nom-
ination for Councillor.
H. Fischer, cbedrman of the
School Boned, gave a. report for
that body and said that there `voted
be no hope of a reduction iiu school
rates If satisiectory teaching Stand-
tandands were to be maintained. He did
riot tivis to to stand eglain for school
Wm. Newlton spoke brie ly on
wheels affairs.
Frank Mitchell stated that if the
younger Men would not assume the
responlsibitlets be would if needed,
Hugh Pearson, declined to stand,
W, B, Willis did not with to stand
but would if necessary,
Gerald Gibson and Gordon Steip-
ltenson, school board members, bout
spoke briefly. Rev, W. H. T. Felton.
who replaced the Late Hen, Cole-
man on the board also spotty and
said that he thought that when
people were nominated they cheuld
accept the responsibility and they
eholtld 11nve the [support o the
Wm, R. Little hydro commission- ,
er, ,sold that storm damage had
Mounted to $4,500. Ole also mesh-
lnned the new type Street lights!
being being tried on approval.
Jac S. Armstrang, chairman of '
the Win&ham Dish'et Hiym Sebool
Area, was called On ,and a ieughty
and, heated discussion concerning
this issue ensued.
Robent McOubbin, M P., fon' Midd-
lesex West and parliamentary assis-
tant to Agriculture Minister Gard-
iner, wee thn guest speaker at
aatnuai Farmers' Night banquet in
St. John's Church basement on
Monday aright of this week.
'Phe s eaker int odz d b
Lion L. B. Cardiff, M. P. Mr. Mo.l
Cubbin went -into parliament with
Mr. Cardiff in 1940.
in addressing the large gathering
.sneaker based . his remarks on the
impot+rent qucstien "What Does
The Farming Aspeots, of the
Future Look Like?" He called Can-
ada one of the greatest, counties in
the British Commonwealth of Nat-
ions. He .said it was not easy to
ship farm products from Canada
and spoke of *he difficulties, of the
change from dollars to sterling. Mr.
MCCubbin slated that our dairy pro -
delete suffer beranse of the greater
profit to whole milk.f-Ie did not think
Mitt wheat is going to depress the
grain market. The Canadian wheat
farmers had the largest wheat pro-
duction record the last 2 years than i
in the rest of Canada's history and
England has: started to buy more
wheat. 70 per cent of farmer's (Ont)
income comes tram livestock. Al- I
though there are: less hogs this year
than last the profit will be as large
far1954 prices will be good. It was ,
his opinion we should produce more 11
livestock in Ontario and that
1954 will be more prosperous than
52 or 53. The. U. S. A. want to bey
more rattle. Mr McCubbin said that
farming is the best occupation in
Lion Baker expressed the appre-
ciation of :the gathering to the spea-�
lies for his fine address,
Musical numbers were contributed
fn the program as follows :vocal
solo, Mary Dennis: cornet and mar
imi a solos, Doris Johnston.
The memory of Lion Bill Rann
was honored when his father, Lion
D. A. Rann, was presented with a
bolder with flags of all countries in
which there are Lions Clubs, in com-
memoration of his son who was too
youngest member of the 13rueselc
club. Lion 'W. Todd made the pre-
Linn president Harvey 7nhnstonl
presicicd. Lean Tarter Todd led the
sing song and Tailtwist+r 7. S. Arm-
:Jr/me. kept the chane.' elinkin^ in•
to Ole fine bas.
Lion M. Oldfield had installed n
T. V. es' for the neriine ea;d Bee
gathering +njoyed a London bread.
east of .lgricniture sneakers,
The Autumn 'r.hauleafferiug of the
Brussels Auxiliary of the Woman's
Miseinuary Society of The Belted
('inarc+lt of Canada was held on Sun-
day, Nov. 29. The guest speaker
ws' Miss CO V. Baxter, tnisolonaay
on furlough from Central India,
Mies Bailer gape a very informative
addreess on the work of Christian
Missions in Tndia and emphasized
the opportunity of expanetou since
1947, the date of Indian Independ,
emae, in the. evening coloured pict-
ures of mission work in Central
India were shown and commented
The morning anthem was "Let
the Song Go ' Round the Barth,
Rev. W. H. T. Fulton based his
sermon last Sunday morning on
Christ's Parable of the Talents. We
all have diversitiE+s of gifts. Some
are more gifted along Certain lines,
than others. However, to whom
mach Is given, much shall be re-
quired,. Only a few put their gifts
and talents into the church, in-
stead they are put into business,
the stage, the press, and science.
Christ thought of the avenue uranin
Parable, and if these use their
.maker talents they will receive the
same reward as the man with ten
talents. it is better to he a fruitful
servant of God with only one or two ,
The Male Chorus sang the sel-
ection, "Thy. Church in the Wild -
.\ service of particular interest
will be celebrated on Sunday even -1
Ing, 6tht. Dececuber„7.36 p. m, at St. •
John's Anglican Church. A. Wolf 1
Cub Flag will• be dedicated. This Is!
the gift of a Scout Group in Eng. ,
land, the 6th. Crosby (Christ Chard
Waterloo) Liverpool Group to the
2nd. Brussels (St. John's Church)
Group, The rector of St, John's is
.Scoutmaster and Cubmanter of the
2nd Brussels Group. and was former-
ly Scoutmaster of the Liverpool
(roup that is raa.king the gift .The
flag has come by sea aboard the
Bmpress of Scotland to Montreal'',
and from there to Brussels.
At the service on Sunday evening •
ltev, A. Norman Dills will plaice the
presentation to the (chairman of the
Group committee, Mr. Janos Smith, '
who will otter it to Rev, W. Bram-
well, formeiy a Scoutmaster in Man,
chcister Chingland) ivho will dedleaie
'the new colours, and hand it to the
leading boys or the Cub pack.
riveryone who is inter-
ested 01 the young penplts of the
rnmmunity and district is invited,
end if is hoped that 111e Girl Guides
and llrnwntes, of llrnssels will attend
711p gift of the flag from Mnglnnd i
b+ one more tnetanee of the world.
2 Atwood at Milverton
10 \'4-.dl,ssley m.t Mitchell
1n Delmore 111 alilverton
11 Harriston et Atwood
Di')C16M13Lr11 -
14 tressle at Iiarristou
t5 Atwood at Belmore
16 Milvertan at Wellesley
17 Brussels et Mitchell
18 Wel)esiuy at Atwood
21 Brussels at Belmore
22 Mitchell at Wellesley
23 Harriston at Belmore
27 Milverton art Iiarri,ston
20 Wellesley at Brussels
20 Milverton at Belmore
28 Atwood at Harriston
30 Harriston at Milverton
1 Miteb.41 at Brussels
4 Milverton at Brussels
4 Tlelmore at Harriston
G Mitchell at Atwood
7 Belmore at Mitchell
7 Harriston at Wellesley
8 P,russels at Milverton
11 Atwood at Brus,sela
11 Mitchell at Harriston
12 Wellesley at Belmore
14 MiIvertnn at Mitchell
14 Belinore et Atwood
,e Prm:eete at Wellesley
1S Harriston at Brussels
18 ''Mitchell et Beimnre
20 Wellesley at Harriston
20 Milverton at Atwood
21 Atwood at Mitchell
22 Wellesley at Milverton
25 Delmore at Brussels
27 Atwood a Wellesley
20 H arriston at Mitchell
29 Brussels et Atwood -
29 Belmore at Wellesley
ao Mitchell at Milverbon.
Women's Institute
and Hot Lunch
In the Brussels Public Library
SATURDAY, DEC. 5th at 2.30 p. rn.
Bazaar and Tea
Home Baking Candy - Mystery Booth
Doll's Clothes, Aprons etc.
Tea Served 3 to g p. m.
St. John's Anglican Church Basement
Saturday, Dec. 12th at 2.30 p. m.
Auspices of The Evening Auxiliary. •
: 'wide llrntherbond nt (Smutting.
1 i
Corning to Brussels on
He will arrive at the Library at 2.00 o'clock.
A Parade of Floats and Many Different Costumes.
The Lions Club Boys and Girls Sand -Brussels Legion Pipe Band
Will conduct him up main street and back again making their Way
by The Canadian Bank of Commerce comer to the Arena
Where Santa will distribute Candles to all the boys and able.
Come and See Santa and His Reindeers.
Sponsored by ',as Business Men.
The Chamber of Commerce.
The Canadian Leglan,
The Lions Club,