The Brussels Post, 1953-11-25, Page 5BRUSSELS MOTORS HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST CAR. 3958 Pontiac Steen 1083 Chevrolet Seders 4-1852 Chevrolet Sedans 1952 Pontiac Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Powerglfde Coach, Fully Equipped 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1949 Ford CUatom Sedan 1948 Chevrolet Sedan 1948 Chevrolet Coach 1947 Chevrolet Coach 1947 Mercury Sedan Speelsi 1927 Chevrolet Coach TRUCKS - 1948 Chevrolet 3.4 ton Ptok-up 10-1943 Dodge 2 ton Stake DIALERS YOUR FRIENDLY CITIES SERVICE DEALER M Hour Towing (Service Phone 73x a.wra. s ETHEL Fourteen girls met at the Ethel Public School ori Wed. evening, Nov. 18th, at 8.30, for the first meetieg of the new project, "Being Well Drese,ed and Well Groomed," Phe Leader Mrs. James Pestell wee, in charge of the meeting, She •wsa as'sfeted by Mrs. Quest Dobson. The meeting leafs opened by sing of "0 Canada." Mrs. Dobson was In charge of the election of ofticeest. Those appointed to office were: Helen Dobson, President; Anne Pesten, Secretary, June Gaith.ers, Press Re. porter. Mrs. Pesten led the girls in dtsou'sston on vatious topics - the eserenttal qualitlee of an attract- ive girl, a good deodorant, the amine to consider in a slip• types of siire and lingerie materials: The earls divided 4ltemselves into groans to take each other's n1Pilq111.PillnItS 'rt yes, dPcidrd to hold the me",t'n'c eaoh Wednesday at the schenl. The roll call for the next n Piny 1c tn. he answered hv, "The syn, "f slip 7 am plannlne to make," The home assignments were to taut( a sewing box and to heein flip record V 0 0 book, The meeting jou net, was then ad- THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE The "Voice" hoe been silent for some time paste- But The Voice of Tempettanoe 'Oar Ontario has. been very vocal in a practical way. There has just :come to hand a summary of the results of all the Local Option votes for Abe years 1947 to 1952, in clue,tve, and it (takes good reading, • Tide ,seminary lisps all the different question's on which a vote was re- corded, swot asbeverage rooms, cocktail. lounges, brewers' stores, etc. in some cases it was only one, in one case, all eight possible quest- ione were submitted. incidentally the v ote on that occasion went Solidly more than 75% dry on every (mention. The Ontario summary chows that ninety-two of the votes held went against liquor and forty- edx for liquor. This fact should be noted too. The Trade is choosing its ground for contests mach more Carefully now than formerly, Only lettere they think they Lave a good chance of winning. do they join issue, they it Wp. f et11nc» Malting wars 12010 00 November 7111,. Moved by Howar'l 1e. 11iaoNaugIht, seeended by Wm, L, 1314105 tUlalt the mhlutes be 'adopted es read, Carrlefl. Moved by Hugh Smttb, eeconded by Cltffard R, Dunbar that blylewe No, 14-15-16 Ms read first, 'second and third time be flnnaly passed, -- Carried. Moved by Clifford R. Dunbat', Sec- onded' by Hugh Smith feat damaged be paid on Whitfield Drain alt pro- vided by the by-law, - Carried, Moved by Hugit Smith, seconded by Clifford R. Dunbar tbat we do adjourn to meet Dere, 6 or at the enll of the reeve. - Carried, The following accounts were paid; Dick Youm, Golfe tor's Bond 922,50 'Pillage of Bmtsssefs, fire cal/s, Waxman, Raystard 150400 County of Huron, hazedtalization 128.00 Allister Bird, erdckens Milled 27.00 impel -kat 011 Ltd., (stove •oil 9:42 Mun. 'World, euppliee 27.84 Robert Niobo';son and Sons: Cox Drain 1909.09 Robert Niciltolaon and Sons, Sanders Do. 192,00 Bob Locking, clean out culver,t Sanders Dr. 2.50 Wm, E. Bishop, lo Gerrie 2,24 Hugh B. Smith, to Gorrie 1.54 0. E. Rowland, select jurors Geo. Wesenhurg, select furors E. 11, Cardiff, select jurors and reports EAT. Ca.rdiff, 1 Old Age A.sslsitamce, App. 4.00 4,00 8,00 5.00 Robert Nicholson, refund demerit Oox Drain 190.00 Denald..MeRennon, 1 goose, 3 ducks. 5 roosters killed L. D. "Frain, valuator 10.00 Wm. H. Baker, garbage. 10the1 Village 12.00 Lloyd Mechem. oittlMng trees, 23.25 mr .eor>x,:wee.save-s®sarVo rion r,•crne.c ,.ana"nA,aw uriswaeeim.y+ "�•��•''�: mvdr 0 0 w ....n. ...,.n ...m .in MY I .... .. %.;1L/HKn�` ,a LI corer. uae ne4 1111, MQNasugltt Dr, 48.00 A•mtlbxtr Rook, Smillie, McKelvey and Browebl Dnalete 12,00 Dave Hall, Smillie and 11ioKelveY Dralit0 8.00 Fred S, na31don, 1 lox 2,00 Rosie Deaner, 1 fox 2,00 • C. M, leteivenefon, 2 fox 4,00 Wm. Bremner. 1 fox 2.00 Nalteen 7158510, 5 'Pox 10.00 Geo, Hoy, 1 fox 2,00 Melvin Hennb, 1 fox 2,00 Pe10y Ward, 1 1o% 2.00 Gordon Slidell, 1 fox 2.00 G. A, Dunbar, 4,tafnips 4.00 Wilfred Strickler, damagele Whitfield Dr, 18,00 Selwyn Baker, damages, Whitfield Drain I-Ierman Whitfield, damages, WRtitfleld Drain 22,00 Lynn Evans, damages, Whitfield Dr, Roads 7,00 8.00 1080,24 $4,008.53 Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk, CROP REPORT By G. W. Montgomery Plowing is now completed. At the end of the week moat of the beef cattle and young dairy cattle were still on pasture. This Pall has seen the completion of an above average emount of drainage work. Fall whetit .old meadows and new Seeding's are going into winter in exedllent con- e. on- e. ATTENTION FARMERS - DEADSTOCK r"moved from pato farm rromptly ter eanitary dlsisorrat Telephone rc•uect: Crosses rir1D or TOlmtra se4. G05300N YOUNG LIMITED LIVESTOCK WANTEL •- Dead, disabled horses ne Cows removed free of charge. ror prompt nett efficient service pons "FTONES" colleot Ingersoll 31 or P.nissels 72. t e 0 0 6B rd 4I:9't'v YOU CAN HAVE ONE, TOO! §killed Aircraft Technicians are she "line backers" in the expanding Royal Canadian Mr Forceteam, Without their "OK" a plane isn't pefmitted to take 6ff. ` LAC Eric Craig_wa a gafa a mechanic a couple of years ago. Today he's a fully_•irtrined and s lied Aero -Engine Technician. He's as expert on a types of alrcra t engines - from single-engine planes to' Your -engine tl'8 1ports. ghat does he think of the life? "foe get as easfroat4NN dead estteae4eeo I oa a.92'51 a foo talus 4 istsse. toedble 4e Ga de 100 7oaee could 9 dew de4 eed ea aals ezete asi ave tensa aalstGty.r'• '0:74 YOU want an aviation career with opportunity for advancement; td enki t ed good pay and iK Qon after lb years, enrol today to train i aAircraft SEE THE CAREER COUNSELLOR AT YOUR NEAREST RCAF RECRUITING UNIT - OR MAIL THE COUPON TODAY! LAC ERIC CRAIG 25, of Carp, Ontario, doesn't get enough of planes In his RCAF lob as a skilled Aero - Engine Technician. In his spare time, ho makes model aircraft. Ha, his wife and boby Ilya In married quarters at RCAF Station Uplands, near Ottawa. Director of Personnel Manning, R.C.A.F. Headquarters, Ottawa. Please mail to me, without obligation, delofi1s w enrolment requirements and openlegs available M the R.CA-P, • NAME (Please Prior) „_ (Sruiaemer'w""... ra rm STREET ADDRESS ...,......,.. -•'^w•'•""""'• -- EDUCATION (by snide and province)..-.............-...--.. aSn4yt F.OR SALE - - Dry IIe1'dweed Limbs and 1nurpete Blocks. Dan. McKinnon�' MI 2402 FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn Bull, two yr old, dark roan In color, Phone 33r15 Geo. Martie FOR SALE - A variety of clothing foe' a 13 Year I o10 girl, next to new and for sale very reasonably, Please contact i Mrs. L. Waxman Phone 107x l McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS - Complete Parts and Service, Author. (zed Dealers, McCulloch Saw Salmi -- 377 Httron -Street Stratford, Ont, FOR SALE - lye storey, 5 room imsul-brick house, on large lot 160 x 70 'water, hydro, and good garden, Apply Donald Dun- can, Queen St, Brussels. FOR SALE - Ileavy duty apartment size, 3 burner electric shove, in good work ing order, also "Colderair" porcelain Ice -box. Phone 95'6 Brussels or apply to Donald Duncan. FARMERS - Stable Phos bas become very popular with the farmers and very profitable too, it adds 20% phosphat- es, to the, manure value as well as keeping your stables clean and con - trots odors. Order now from Geo. Wesenburg Phone 15Jr9.' 22 CHESTERFIELDS AND NEW i AND USED PIANOS - Grand selection at the Mildmay Furniture Store. Easy terms. Alco beautiful lamps and novelty furniture for Ohristmas. Free delivery. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - Opportunfty to establish yourself in permanent business selling fiat - tonally advertised products for home and farm. No investment necessary. Man between 25 and 55 preferred. Write Dept. 0-B-4 Tee J. R, Watkins Oolmpany, 350 St. Root St., Montreal, FOR SALE - Ask for Bray pricelist, We may still have some broiler cockerels for December delivery and some started chicks, You should be ordering pullets soon to catch the good early summer egg markets Wm. G. Bray Ethel, Ontario. NOTICE - For artificial insemination at its 1 best for all breeds, call the Water. loi Cattle Breeding Association be- tween 7.30 and 10.00 a. m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a. m. on Sea. days. Phone collect Palmerston er or Clinton !4a..... CONTEST - • with every $10.00 purchase at the Mildmay Furniture Store you re- ceive a chance to win a Christina! Gift ($100:00 in merchandise). Visit the store and select from new and used Chesterfield and new and used pianos. eta Schuebt's Mildmay Free Delivery. FOR SALE - Two shores in the Village of Brus- sels, Ionated on the east side of Tnrnber,y Street. Ono now occupied by W. L. Raeker and Son, Meat Market and the other formerly known as the White Star Bakery, with five -roomed aportmenit above. Anyone, interested apply to George Backer, 490 Tecumseh Ave. London„ Ont., 0r phone 3-e576W London. or Mrs. P. A. McArthur, Bruseels. Phone RIxr2. FOR SALE - Nouse located on Turnberry Street in the Viltaigle of Brussels, the residence of the late Mee. Bila N. Beeper, hili two sunray Solid fed brick ltouse, ,.double living reOfe, with nets sal fireplace, dining -room, large modern kitchen, sunronm and hath on the first floor. Second , floor has Pour bedrooms and three piece ban. Quarterent oast floors titronerout with new marbnletmt trio in the Ititehan. Full basement with len dry +ohs. Hent (Ater -nil headed n 1 tulle- 1.tnlarted \t, eons interested 0y t., flecrge lecher. 490 Ps'ouivaett ;Iva. 7,oereofi.. net .i:r •ehcn,a 7-3570W l eltden n^ af•n. P. .L V:,', '-t.t.... B..'naaels. r 1 +r here 1952 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan, Radio, 11e00 1952 Pontiac Styleline Sedan, Heat43 tr Sunvisor 1951.Chevroleet Sedan, Heater 1950 Chevrolet Coach 1950 Austin Sedan 1949 Austin Coach 1948 Chevrolet Coach 1948 Oldsmobile Coach 1941 Dodge Coach USED TRUCKS 1952 Chev, / 2 Ton Pick-up 1950 Chev. 1/2 Ton Pick-up 1950 Ford 1/2 Ton Pick-up 1951 Ford 3 Ton SPECIAL PRICES ON - 2 New 1953 Chev. Deluxe Sedan 2 New 1953 Chev. 1/2 Ton Pick-ups RIVERSIDE MOTORS)) Chevrolet and Oldsmobile . Supertest Gas and Oil Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. Agents for the famous Oregon •; Chain and I. E. L. Saws and Distributors for Clinton and a1 Diston Saws Also agents for Wakefield Oil and distributors of Hallman Jacks. Fully Equipped Machine Shop having installed a Shaper. GEO. E. POLLARD Sales is one thing - but we follow up with service and repairs. Brussels 1 Phone 64 or 56r13 BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers, Me D., L. M. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON WA= St. Phone 4. Erste, Ont. -,S DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Talophooe 45 - Eat suck. Chas. T. Davids_ on INSURANCE FO ALL EINEM Ants:soh& end The Insaranor Avast for Groat West UFO traurauseir Co. nose Offfoe 96arnesabb 0111 JOHN E, LONGSTAFF, Optometric" Eyes Examined. Glasses fitad. Phone 791 Seaforth - *dm 191911. HOURS: 9 - 6. Wed. 9-12.30. Sat, 9 a.m. he G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optorneltrlst4 �x Patrick St., WINGHAli6 At Kincardine Office Every chose Wing9am 770 A E, Evenings by sppotn?ment. J. A. Monagahan, R. 0.Optome I1S'TOW1Iedl.t sing in Eye grarriiltzttoli'itttd raze Fltth2g alf MIMI Offlor In Morrell Clinic&Max Hews: 9100 amt. to 6:00 tp.s8. doily; Oases! WeikatiagAINIK0 Open awry Tuesday and Saturday &Ming9 b8190, ii Mar evenings by tappoirchnent Pen fie „%es. 1 uas „11111M61 i). A. Dann t& Co. :: t FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE maws Kr' Wawa Funeral DirWe or and Embalms; MONS Sa Of 65 - - _ w Harvey W. Stephenson0 fI� $@aproseetativo hat Sas Ws AaparOolar C4. 7 Canada Kpalt read Aoarieat Co. .r Casualty Central 1neandea Co. 1104 Inane 432 1 Walker Funeral Home Tor"' p Day or Night Caps EO ILO Fara Cleo l sl � � '-' ver' t Funeral and go' ;