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The Brussels Post, 1953-11-25, Page 4
peewee AUCTION Sal -e of the estate at the lata Anna E. • Morrison, Lot 127, John Street, °Crueaele en SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 28, 1903 M One P, M. Sharp 11 apiece dining room suit 87pieee ehesterfieid. ailtte 4-Dieee, bedreant smite, 3 Mettreseee lapeeee wicker set, boort cost) Ohba Cabinet and 0 ohains-to match Hall Beat and mirror to match 1Sitclten _table and 8 chairs M+agazlae rack, Card table 2 Lawn seats, Aad table 2 Ohestertieid tables Hetntzinan piano and bench 1 violin, 1 flute 1 guitar, 1 mesio stand Oooasioual che-trs 2 wicker arm Sparton Radio Gilson Snow -bird Washing Machine Electric Sewing Machine Royal Vacuum Cleaner Plates Electric iron 2 hot 't /electric Imam Small cook stove, small heater Coal nil heater, 3 mirrors Stools 2 Clocks,, Pictures, Silos Tea Set. 2 cabinets of Pearl handled knives and Yorke. Silverware. Dishes, 1 Vanity Set Axrrinster ts k$rug 7' T ' 9' Con emm� rag teen. wash holier. wash tub Wither wash basbet� trunks New 'awn mow :r. 2 sniteaeee, and many other urtt,•lek, tot, numerous to Montfort' Terms Cash The House and Lot will be offered for sale and is subject to reserve bld if not previously sold. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. B.eb Johnson. Clerk. NOTICE TO whoCREDITORS leave claims All Poison& MAUDE against Lha Eelgate °f FiG%P+ BAIDISDR late of the Village of Brussels in the County of elureta deoeeee3, ere hereby notifiedto send to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of 'November. 1953, full particulars of their plat= in ,^citing, Immediately after• the said 28th day et November, 1952, the aeso of estate will be distributed amOng the peril& entitled thereto haling regard only to claims of whin# the Executors obeli then have notice. DATED at Brussels, Ont., this 10th day of November, 1953. Me,Fxs. Crawford & Hetherington Barrister & o., CRANBROOK WALTON BELGRAVE M►. and Mra Jas Ritchie, Loudon, MrIL Gee MOArthur eves s e t gathered el timber d Thurset Rev mire 9 the were weok.aod vteetans witi.Mr, and for, a meeting of the Walter W i Mrs. AUau, Qf moron, MissioruavY 000101Y fund Wotna et1; home of Mra, Olarenee Misers, to bid Mr. laddie pieadier, lesser, Mini., Aeisoelwtion of Duff's united Ohurol; j farewell to two women who are visited whit Mr. Carl Jegatsko, en WedneedaY evening of haat, week. , leaving .this cornmunttY, Mr*, Jaen Mr. aril Mrs. Sleek Noble, daughte Tat Peslesident, Mrs. R. Bennett open•' Leitch cold Mrs, Art Scott. i:vonne and Spey Miss Tcanne Doo' ,ed the meeting. Mrs,' Bern Bateman.A abort proy11am was presented Item and Tim Dabney spent Sunday tailed the roll, to Which 90 women I including weal oleo by with Mrs. Jannis elob19, responded. Mrs, Fatenit Kirkby g'a've' Charles D. Dox, aoc°mPanied by Mrs, NI* and Mrs, Norman Mater tare treseurer's fr,eport Mrs. M,1 0, Wade, Mra, Art Scott, aecompan. Themes. gave a talk in wbieh she i led `by Mgrs, 0. Wade, and by Mrs. read excerpts from an'QUI Gauntry, Olarenoe Wade, accompanied by church paper, ,Mrs. LwWrenee 'Vannes', 'e re• mainder of the evening was spent !1%e following officers were re. � Playing progressive euchre, with elected for 1054; president, Mrs. R, i big12 prize going to Mrs. 'F'r'ed Bennett; vice-preeldent, Mrs. Percy ' Cook and consolation Prize to Mrs. Holman; seeretary, tire. Bert I Cecil Oheenney. Patterson; Treasurer, Mrs. Frank I Kirkby; pianist, Mrs. Herr Travis; 1 Mra. Wiffor'd Logan road an ad• quilt oommtttee, Mrs. Sohn Shaw ' dress to Mrs. Leitch and Mrs. non, Mrs. Peter MoDosald; pressSOett; and Mrs, Fred Cook, Mrs, reporter. Mrs Douglas Ennis; cow Jesse Wheeler, and Mrs. George teat leaders, Mrs, Walter Bewley, Sc 1uiaton presented them eaoh with Mr, Robert Kirkby. a magazine table and rose bowl. land little daughter Pllizabeth have moved into the house owned by Mr, Robert Engel. on the blind line. A gentle of neighbours and friends earth. eyed on Thursday and FridaY, build• ing a chimney, cleaning and paper' ing. ete. Making it really . so that they stayed there Fri. night, Many donations of furniture, clothing, vege- tables. fruit and otbte' neeesearies Brussels, Ontario. were received, being very accept• M1 table, owing to the tire which des' NOTICE To CREDITORS I, frayed their home, and otos' of All Persons who have claims , their belongings, which were n against 9 th Estate of Wm. 0, nn Wed, evening. Thuell of the Village of Luckncw i Mrs, Glen Iluether esjoyed a trip in the County of Bruce, gentleman, i to the Royal Winter Fair last week deceased. are hereby notified toMrs. Ethel Hueth'er. Brussels, spent send to the undersigned °III , a few dais with Glen and Gerald. or before the 28th day of Nevem. Mr. and Mrs,. George McNair, Hum- ber, 1953, full particulars of their Ubno, were here for the funeral of claims in writiug, l tis uncle, Mr. Wm. McNair, and Immediately after the said Mt I called on friends in Cranbrook. day of November, 1953, the assets Cranbrook Women's institute of estate will be distributed among The Cranbrook W. I. 'held its the parties entitled thereto having „Fatuity Night" in the Community regard only to claims of which I Centre on Friday, Nov. 13, with the Executors shall then have a large craved in attendance. Mrs. notice. 1 Donald McTaggart, Mrs. Ken Ma- , DATED at Brussels, Ont., thisFaslane. Mrs. G. Knight and Mra, loth day of November, 1953. 1 Michel looked after the pot -luck Messrs. Crawford & Hetherington ;,upper, after which ane roll call Barrister & c., I was ,an•swured by the husbands Brussels, Ontario. , telling where they proposed to their t wives. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 Mrs. Macintosh and airs. R. Knight All persons who have claims convened the program. Roes Knight honey- i.iRL GUIDES MEETING against the Estate of A'NNIP1 , showed moving pictures o4 T„,, e x..1,1 reesting of the Brun. ELT A MORRISON late of the TS- , moan trip to the Eastern States, the r,.ttrl ,41111»s held is the t ° leu_ of Brussels in the County of Maritimes and Quebec, and some e +''mrc bae qtv,r.• •'n Nor. 14 at 7.59 Huron. deceased, are hereby taken at the C. N. E. These were' and m1 r h lc tderships of Mrs. 1 notifield to send to the undersign followed by a muskal program cern- '''. ,.l.:r::» and M."' Kellington ed oft sleeting of a solo by Geraldine Mo- en or h' -fore the 28th clay MIeet1 np'ued by singing the t November, 1959, full Particulars' Taggart, a duet by 3iari°n Morrow' of then claims in writing. and Karen Maah�en, mouth organ t Lord', Prayer. Anotheresupatrol was v Selwyn Baker, and i the," lnrt 1. The resells as follows) Immediately ager the said 28th selections b. A lunch was eserved. ADAM BROWN be at Wood'{ Adaan Brown frons the Rice Lake Fur Com /wee will Store on FridalY end 'Saturday of bhis weeks, to give personal a4vioe regarding style and quality in your selection. Patel leader Catherine Leach, 000- d Dianne meNnir, Some David - day of November. 1953, the assets i band numbers by the Percussion of estate will. be distributed esnon8 Pixies.The bighlight of the Pin r ar. soon. Edith Davie and Anne Fulton• the parties entitled thereto having ( gram was the fashion Pa Te^_derfc o test cards were given } regard only to claims of which � which the men modelled the Latest to each Guide. M. Rellington thea the Executors shall then have sf vies from Hollywood. Mrs. Martin rased cards eentaining the names i notice, i styiesanald acted as commentator of the village Pe'6ple. to whom th8 , DATED at Brussels, Ont. the I and Mrs. Leslie Lake as ommeL The Guide een1 tic t o 0011 cookies, j loth day of November, 1953. n raking part were Jim Perrie, Teepee McNair. Shirley McNeil andi Messrs. Crawford & Hethertngtoa I mBieel Bremner, Glen Rothwell, Arlan Varier. Waxman w#11 canvass the . Barrister & o.+ i ?McTaggart. Tim Starrier, Wilfred Brussels, Ontario. t sieertreed, Graeme MacDonald, Glen • Huetber. Gordon Rilrght, Mac Me- NOTtCE TO CREDITIntosh, Ross 'Knight: Charlie Lake. All persons wh° have ORS ; Ren. MacDonald. Jos Stefrier. Jim • against the Estate of Wm. John , Knight. Stanley mpe Bernard late of the Townatip of Machan, Paul '-MCaachabn.ll. MurraRalphy ' M°rrls in the County of Huron.. Hnether. t„•rsid Huetrer. Harold 777 etired farmer, deceased are hers , K and Leslie Knight. Lloyd ed notii'ied a send to the undersign- Michel was chairman. ed on or before the 2Sth day of ru i1 marc the program dancing November, 1953. full particulars , was enioYed with music supplied by cif their claims to writing. ' 'au("am?rpn. Ralph Noble. Ross SImmediately after the said 28th 'IcTa riee seat, 'firs. Martin MacDonald. teem Taps wee eemg and the meet- r.,... cln:stl 'y air..ntna he National ere tem. COSY GROW SUPPLEMENT Mia with roue ow* sgrein , .. helps beep genes in eo©dat cn Bos bee milk peedsr elegel Ask es about it tedmel Briisseis Cteamer Via ^?ills+ siV 11 13r3b'k Street letvloya n to ea raven to Oteelwee t7 an' na An Giese teen' ,n0305r rflaSt5Ct5,7:;, erotism f emseee= .eetereerete caw aaPd AAr to'u n9Ct H1441‘ naval, fa$ rirst:^.- Qsit 1 LOOK AT THOSE PIGS, $ DOC 3 rv.,. rJ., yV Elih AND Sr- '•r tatTHEY'LL N Eg n.+ME PORK PROFITS. day of Nrvember. 1953, the assets a: estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claim,' of which the Executors shall then have notice. DATED at Asa Oat.. this eta day r' Nee -ember. 1951. Meewer_ r.''-.z,v.":re. d H r,.er*m=":'a r. ,-&::., P -Gs."- -'re;-E. IV!*. +ret , ...+.fes'°' ... 474 * )ors. Lxlie Leh,. Stuart 'tieNatr and Selwyn 73/elver. 'Me callers ware B(' f7a1n' hgn ...-,R ,1{•ne..,,t ; s-6 roe'? ...r n^ a .. .. _were 7-. :qrs. etoard and Orval Kar- a., Kar- -;r.n=4n n ere `ha '.sinners. '..1.11i:: -.^^1..1r. "or the. avenins was tee - ...r ., ..,sm ` e ^i(Yhmond. -ve= vivo revalliti-Ain-kru- HERE'S SOMETHING YOU SHOULD REMEMBER ,6ILL, A SOW,U NUKE A DAIRY COW, DOES NOT DEPLETE HEROWN BODY TO PROVIDE NL'TRlF. TTS FORTHEUNBORN--IT 15 A UNLESS PROVIDED FC ,Boyo Mu T HAVE STARVED U THESOW. STARVED HER! I GAVE HER PLENTY OF GRAIN AND WATER AN E(ERC SE TOO. YOU'RE OLY CHEATING OF PROFITS, BILL.YOU'VE 60T YOURSELF TO BUILD YOUR.PIGS (NTHESOM 1 KNOW ONE FELLOW WH0 FEEDS HIS SPRING PIGS FOUR MONTHS BEFORE THEY'RE ,..1 FARROWED DRY GOODS, ��� � � READYTO--WEAR W00D'S CORDIALLY INVITES ALL THE LADIES OF TOWN AND DISTRICT TO COME TO THE SPECIAL SALE OF The FAMOUS RICE LAKE SUR COATS Two Days - Fri,, Sat,- Nov. 27, 28 COME AND SEE A FASHION SHOW OF FINE FURS at Prices and Terms Within Reach of All s AN ESPECIALLY WONDERFUL COLLECTION OF LUXURIOUS Fu F AT YOUR FURS!! BUY THERE NOW AND BETTER AI VME DVANTAGEOF S A OF'OUR. 5 S FINE VALUES. MINK (Blended) MUSKRAT Northern Blacks MINK (Biended) MUSKRAT BACKS These are full -Length Coats at Great Savings WILD MINK (Blended) MUSKRAT BACKS Ctecice Northern Pelts in Full - Length Coats No. 1 HUDSON SEAL Dyed Muskrat) 1onl ty and Silky Skins WEMAKE AND SELL ONLY GENUINE FURS (NO RABBITS OR IMITATIONS) Russ. PERSIAN LAMB Very Fine QuaNty, Superbly Styled GREY PERSIAN LAMB That Fur`That Never Wanes In Popularity Russ. PERSIAN LAMB Russian Persian Lamb No. 1 Grey Pelts ee Length and Full Length PERSIAN LAMB COATS For Beauty Warmth and Long Wearing Quality RUSSELS OGRAI ALONE, T WAS FOUNILL. WITH A BRED SOW D OON BUT WHY DOES THAT THE AVERAGE BIRTH WEIGHT OF RiESOW NEED THE PI65 FELLIO 1.55 LBS. AND 59% MORETHAN GRAIN OF THE PIGS WERE BORN WEAK. ANDWATER,OOC' 7HHENBIRWE GHTJW WAS UA GOOD H M EDTO 2.42 LB5 ANO ONLY 15% OF THE PI65 WERE WEAK. 1H05E FIGURES ARE MIGHTY CONVINCING, DOC. et/ Roe Farms Service De 6-0\y'fii •Q LITTER, BILL. kill ' M M IT TAKES ApMORE THAN GRAIN IN 1: 0 PP11TIBODY WEIGH �fjy p6Sopw FOR QUAL ItOrMII,T'KKKIIAPTI.R SOW FARROWS. FEED THE UNBORN PIGS RIGHT WITH Rae WONDERBROOD SOW MASH W.•4 ECiSt Hufro Srodlico JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F, HARRISON KoNrRiFF2: t J