HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-11-25, Page 1Wednesday, November 25th, 1953 THE BRUSSE Pest Publishing House authorized as second clap mail, Post Office DePie dment, Ottawa P $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. Riiis 1 TownHall Y, OIL 2 Brussels AT 8.30 P. M. Sponsored by Canadian Legion Brussels Branch No. 218 15 Games for $1.00 - -Turkey Prizes 1 TURKEY DLIIR PRIZE 3 Special Games - 25c Each PRIZE $15.00 'MUNICIPAL NOTICE 'MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1 hereby give notice that Nomination of a Reeve, Four Councillors, Two School Trustees to serve the Town• ship of Grey during the year 1964. will be held at TOWNSHIP HALL, ETHEL From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1953 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1953 , Polling Sub -division No. 1 at School House S. S. No. 4. Polling Sub -division No. 2 et School House S. S. No. 1. Polling Subdivision No, 3 at School House S. S. No. 2, Polling Sub -division No, 3A at Community Han, Walton. Polling Svib-divi:alon No. 4 at Community Hall, Moncrieff. Polling Sub -division No. 5 at Township Office, Ethel. Polling Sub -division No. 6 at School House S. S. No. 5. Polling Sub -division No. 7 at Community Hall, Cranbrook. Polis to be opened from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Edythe M. Cardiff, Returning Officer THE PRESBYY*RIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville enure'. Brussels Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worship United Church OF CANADA IMlalsts, Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship - 11 o'clock nylet, C. V. 13ajieer eilresionary oma furlough from Central India. . Church School 12 o'clook Church of England Parisi of. Srunds Nov. A. Norman LIIIsr M. A. Advent Sunday, Nov. 29 111�John's h. m Meritting prc'err�tr Sunday School ' Guest Peeabher, Rev, J. H. James of Seifert. It. David's Churg 1, Henfryn- 2.80 p. m. PSvening Prayer Sunday School St. George's, Walton 7.30 p. m. Evening Prayer 1 •hereby give notice that Nomination of a 'Reeve, Four Councillors, Three School Trustees to serve the Town- ship of 'Morris during the year 1954. will be held at MORRIS 1 OWleSHIP HALL - From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1953 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places 'on MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1953 Polling Sub -division No. 1 at School House S. S. No, 1; D. R. Miller Richmond; P. C.. Sack Nesbitt. Polling Sub -division No. 2 at School House 8, 5. 9; D. R, 0, Clarence Martin; P, C„ Frank Bell. Polling Sabidivision, 14o. 3 at Sohool House S. S. No, 5; D.R, 0. Clare Van0amp; P. C., Harry Goll. Polling Stub -division No. 4 at Morris Township Hall; D. R. 0., Ernest Smith; P. 0., Clarence Yuill. Polling 'Sub -division No, 6 at School House S. S. No. 7; D. R. 0., James Casemore; P. 0., John Brewer. Polling Sub -division No. 6 at School House S. S, No, 10; D. R. 0., James Johnston; P. C., Ross Turvey. Polls to be opened from 9A.M.to5P.M. Geo. Martin, Returning Officer. CAPITOL 1.1STOWEL THEATRE _ 2 shows nightly 7.30 - 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday November 26 - 27 . 28 Still time to see 'One of the greatest pictures ever produced "THE COUNTRC PARSON" Only the heart chit describe its glow See It with some you love very much. Mon,, Tues. Nov. 30, Dec. 1 When In Rome do as the Romans do. That fs exactlly what Audrey Hep-, burn dthe exciting new star an Gregory Peck does In the gayest comedy of the year "ROMAN HOLIDAY" TUESDAY FOTO,.NITE let OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFER $70.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday December 2.3.4 The thrilling story of the British I Navy Ie World War 11 comes to the screen in a picture you'ih n'aver for, "THE CRUEL SEA" An all star casts make thls a *nem-' orable picture which we recommend , all to tee. MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that Nomination l of a Reeve, Four Councillors, Three School Trustees and One Hydro Commissioner to serve the Village of Brussels during the year 1954. will be held at Brussels Public Library Basement From 7 P. M. to 8 P. M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1953 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1953 Polling Sub -division No. 1 in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall, D. R. 0., J. W. Flseher; Menne Jackson, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 2 in the basement of the Public Library, D. R 0., R. J. Bowman; Ben Whtttard, Poll Clerk. Polls to be opened from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. G. R. Campbell, Returning Officer. The theme of worship in the United Church on Soiday, Nov, 15th was, "The Loss of the Holy Spirit." The withdrawal of God's Spirit from any human life was, said to be man's supreme loss. The Biblical basis of the worship theme was found in the Psalmist's cry, "Cast me not away from Thy presence and hake not Thy Hoy Spirit from Me". The anthem, "Dear Spirit Lead Me", (Bell and Miles) with duet by Joyce and Joan Thomas, was sung by the choir. MINSTREL SHOW In Township Hall;, Ethel on MONDAY, DEC. 7th at S p. M. ETHEL HOCKEY CLUB Admission - Adults♦ 60e Children 25o REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. MELYILLE CHURCH On Sunday morning last the Rev. W. F. T. Fulton took ass her sermon subject, "The Goodness' of God" Tice text was Psalm 34, verse 3. The psolmiet spoke from a richt expert- en'ce. He is overwhelmed by the goodness of God and wants everyone to worsth4p yit t him, The psalmist declares that tre way in which we can reach en assurance like his, is to put God to the hest, "0' baste and see .how gracious the Lord is." Miss Barbara. Allen; presided at organ, in a very acceptable way, in the absence of the regular organise The choir rendered the asthum, "Come unto Me," by E. W. Bowles, Thursday, Friday and Saturday "BLOODHOUNDS OF BROADWAY" Color Mitlzl Gaynor Scott Brady A gay musical comedy by thaat man Demon Rynlon • 0 • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "LADY WANTS MINK" Ruth Hussey Dennis O'Keefe There never was a lady who dldnt want a mink coat. Don't miss the Grand 'Comedy. s * * Thursday, Friday and Saturday "THE THIEF" Ray Miami Rita Gains e ! e Corning Soon - "AFRiCAN QUEEN" • Mrs, Osear Farley There passed peacefully away 20 the 1Hoopitad, Buffalo, atter -many years of indifferent health, Jessie Elizabeth McDonald, widow of the hate Oscar Farley. !Tire late Mrs. Farley Was born at lot 6, cont. 4 Grey townslhtp, the daughter of the late Alexander Mo Donald and Ann Jane McLaneblin. There remains to mourn her loss one stn Jack of Buffalo, and 3 brother and 3 sisters, Duncan and Annie of Grey Tyre, Margaret of Toronto, Tithes. of Brussels, Cather- ine (Mrs. W. H. Jahnleten of London and William of Mt. Clemens, Mich Burial took place in Buffalo, Nov 16th, with the service condueted by her minister Rev. Mr. Watson of the Pres6iyterian Church. j Appleby - Armstrong The Ren'. C. D. Cos officiated for the wedding of Lillian Evelyn Arm- strong and Lloyd Arnold.Appleby on Sat. Nov. 21st at the manse of Knox United Church, Belgrave, The'bride is the eldest daughter of Mrs. Roselle Armstrong and the late Edwin Armstrong of R.11, 4 Brussels and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Appleby of R. R. 2 Blyth. The bride wore a suit of navy blue with accessories of red and corsage of white mum "attended by her sister, Della Marjorie in a light blue suit with navy aecesaories and a corsage of pin's mums. The groom was attended by her brother William Arnold Appleby of , Clinton. Friends of the bride, Mies Shrtley Marks and Miss Ethel Pierce served tre wedding dinner at the home of the bride's mother 10 all the mem- bers of the immediate families. After dinner the young ceuple left for a trip through Southern Ontario. ATTENTION PLEASE The Christmas Seals you are now receiving are sponsored by your Local Lions Club, Help to stamp out T. B. Any persons wishing to donate to this worthy cause can leave their donations at Walker's Pool Room, or , at The Canadian Bank of Com - merle. NOTICE - The Majestic. Women's Institute are holding a Bazaar on Dec. 5th. Watch for further announcement. CHRISTMAS CONCERT Cranbrook Public School, annual Christmas Concert, Friday evening, Dec, 18th, 1950. ATTENTION - Owimg to the Legion Turkey Bingo being held on Friday evening, Nov 211,11, the Auxiliary Coed ,Party has been postponed. The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary will be held on Tuesday, Dec, 1st, in the form or a Turkey Dinner at 6.30 P. m. SANTA CLAUS COMING BRUSSELS DEC. 12th Smite Claus will pay itis annual Atilt to Brussels on Saturday, Dec. 12th Watch for further particulars. CIPv The arittual meetllig of tine Grey Twp. Pederattnn of Aerie., will be held In the Ethel TwP. Hall on T053. Dec. let at 8 p. 01. The Programme will consist of election of offieese for next Sear, speaker, films end donee to WIlbe&e Orohestre. William McNair A life long res_fdent of this cern. inmate, William McNair, died in \\'inghant Grate Hospital on Friday, Nev. 20th. in his 86th year. Ile was born on the 1411, con. of Grey town'4hdp and fanned for 50 years on the 100 con. of Grey. Since leaving the farm he made his tome with .his eon, William, in Brussels, He was a member of the Cauadnan Order of Foresters and had been presented with their 50 year jeweL He was, also a member of the 1,0,0.F. He is survived by his son William, Brussels and two grandchildren. The funeral service under the dlrcctian of Western Star T. 0. 0. F., was held from the D. A. Roan funera. bone on Monday, Nov. 23rd, conduot- ed by the Rev. W. H. T. Fulton of Meihelle Presbyterian Orsirnh. In- terment took place in Brussels Cemetce`y.. Pallbesrees were John Logan. Adrf,u and James McTaggart, Robert. Bee nett, Wm. Little and Orwell Elliott. Flowerbeercr=, were members 01 the 1. 0. 0. F. - THE UNITED CHURCH The theme of worship in the United. Church on Sunday, Nov. 22, was "The Christian in an Un- clutation World." Our ncivilisatio is essentially pagan. Christians are compelled to live in ,this pagan world. How are they to behove in such a world? They meet refuse to be reconciled to an evil, and unright- eous world. They must accept some responsibility for making it better. They must ennourage group action in rightelousmees. They must try to be a living demonstration of the spirit: and attitude of Jesus, This was the burden of the message. The choir sang the anthem, "Tell rt Out" by A. and 13. Ackley. JUVENILE HOCKEY SCHUDULE DE017NmER - 2 Atwood at Milverton 10 WelIesl'ey' alt MltehelT 10 Delmore at .Milverton 11. Herriston at Atwood 14 Brussels at Ham`iston 15 Atwood at Delmore 16 Milverton n at Wellesley 17 Brussels at Mitchell 18 Wellesley at Atwood 21 Brussels at Delmore 22 Mitchell at Wellesley 23 Harriston at Delmore 27 Milverton at Iiarruston 28 Wellesley at Brussels 23 Milverton at Delmore 28 Atwood at Harriston 30 Harriston at Milverton JANI'ARY 1 Mite141l est Braseols 4 Milverton at Brussels 4 Delmore at Harriston G Mitchell at Atwood '7 Delmore at Mitchell 7 Harriston at Wellesley 8 Brussels at Milverton 11 Astwood at Bru<.Isels 11 Mitohell at Harriston 12 Wellesley at Belmore 14 Milverton at Mitchel 14 Delmore at Atwood 15 Brussels et Wellesley 13 Harriston at Brussels 18 Mitchell at Delmore 20 Wellesley at Harriston 20 Milverton at Atwood 21 Atwood at Mitchell 22 Wellesley at Milverton 25 Delmore at Beuslsela 27 Atwood art Wellesley 25 ii arriston at Mitchell 29 Brussels at Atwood 29 Delmore at Wellesley 80 Mitobell at Milverton, PLASTICS WINGHAM OSITRICT HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT The annual Commencement Exer- eines' of Wbngbam Diehriot High School will be held in the Wingham Town Hull, on Friday evening Dee- , ember 41111, at 8;15 P,M. There will be a shortmusical program, the presen- , tation of diplomas and athletic and profici,eney awhrds, and the valed• ietory address by Miss Isobel Dennie, Mr, C. W, Booth, Assistant Salem - intendant of Secondary Education, is the speaker for the evening. Mr.1 Booth has been with the Departnleuut of Eduoation as inspector and falter ns ,eu.perinten dent for a nNP1ber of year+s, and v611 give an interesting and informative talk. AR parents, former students and all others who Tire interested in see. ondary education are invited to att- tend. There is no Charge .and no re- served seating. it' The Annual Variety Concert by the students 'will be held in February when the :students will ,present program to raise funds. for el,tudent activities, Plastics for Cliristtnias gifts. We have a new line of stare seal Cant- sters and other distetetr that make a vary Useful gift or for your own nee. Contact Geo, Wesenburg for private demtonstnation or invite a feW friends in and earn a premium. Phone 16Jr9, MELVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT The Melville Satnday Scheel Christmas Concert will be held on Monday. Dee. 21st. Keep this date mind. Turkeys for Christmas If Possible Order Now and Take Delivery and avoid the Christmas Rush. John Wheeler Phone 12J13 Brussels "Raggery Nan" a comedy in 3 -Acts will be presented In Brussels Town Hall on SAT., NOV. 28, at 8.30 P. M. By the Young People of Wroxeter. Admission; Adults 5Qc - Children 25c Under the auspices of Melville Y. P. S.. Brussels. Bazaar and Supper In Walton Community Hall on Saturday, Nev. 28th at 2.30 p. m. Sponsored by the Anglican Guild and W. A. Aprons - Fancy Work - Quilts, etc. Supper served Adults 51.00 - Children 6 to 12 years 50c The Ladies Aid of Melville Pres. Church Are holding a Bazaar and Tea In the Brussels Public Library Saturday, NOV. 28th, at 2.30 o'clock The sale will consist of „A Fancy Quilt, Home Made Baking, Candy, Aprons, Sewing, Vegetables and Plants. Tea will be served from 3 to 5 o'clock. Everybody Welcome. FREE PICTURE SHOW At Ethel Township Hal - FRIDAY, NOV. 27th at 8 P. M. By J I CASE Sponsored by Ed. Richards Everybody Welcome. FOR SALE - YOUNG HEREFORD BULLS AND ENGLISH YORKSHIRES 1 Bull 9 months old - Wallace Royal Zeta o 213, This is an outstand- ing young Bull from the Top Heifer at Clinton Sale last year. Was weaned when six months old. Priced to go in any herd. ALSO-- ,4 Bull Calves from 4 to 6 months old. From the best breeding in Ontario, ALL CATTLE FULLY ACCRIIDSITED. YOUNG ENGLISH YORKSHIRES from Use fatuous .Kelnhscott ,Farms .,and the .,Bradbury ..Breedln'g. Young Gilt& and Beare from Weanlings up to 100 lbs. WALLACE TWP.,STOCK FARMS Obcrle Rosendahl Herdsman, Phone 606W8, LIstowel L. & W. JACKSON Listowel Proprietors 't Phone 161 Listowel 5th Annual Sale Scotch Shorthorns 32 HEAD 7 BULLS 25 FEMALE The Salo will bo held In e..., 4.,- CLINTON FAIR GROUNDS - CLINTON, 0J11T., TUESDAY, DECEMBER lst, at 1.00 P. 1C7. From the accredited heards of the folloWln'g Well-knoWit Huron County Breeders: .7+ t " 4 `r Roy Pepper & Son, Seaforth. ' R. M. Peck & Sonat Kjppett. ' " - Clifford H. Keys & Sons, Varna. McKlniey Farms, Zurich. - John Ostrom, Varna. Auctioneer; ;elm McKinlay, Morpeth, Ont. RIngmen: Lincoln White and Edward Elilott, Alvin Walper. For catalouges write: McKinley Farm*, surieti, Ojif, or John Ostrom, Varna, Ont.