HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-11-4, Page 3,rni:VealVeit. P0RT.S. COLUMN er,;' 41+ ..The most sporting football game played in Canada this year didn't take place on the gridirons of the eastern Big Four,, nor the Western Conference.. Doubtless these grim battles in Canada's udents oer f sportsmskin ` barushlp. ckets But not he kind to which we refer. The most sporting game of all' wag played on McGill's big', football bowl, September 19,: It,'wa- Canada's nearest ap-. Preach tp the Rose 130w1, game that hits 4he peak of, United States college football. biory. And, as In the Rose Bowl it was college, vs. college and east vs. "west, ' This game was of high' sportmg'merit because it. was designed for a fine Purpose, that of 'establlshin ,,or contri- buting to a fund to make life brighter for Canadian parep)e- gic war heroes. University of British Colufnbia sent its football team east to play McGill. The game was the first of what Is planned to be an annual event for the Winston Churchill trophy. The grim old British warrior and statesman who defied Nazi air power at; the lowest ebb of Allied hopes in the last World War, gave his consent to use his name for a trophy. There is atrophy record -book, which",will be kept in a coin- partment df the famous sculpture "The .Onslaught", a suitable reeeptacrie,"for the fine piece of work its by Dr, Tate McKenzie, famed Canadian scltlptor, a Work that Is the property of the University" of Pennsylvania and depicts with great vigor and vibrancy, at charging football line. ' Each year, the auto- graphs of 'the competing teams will be inscribed in the re- cord -book, and it will become, over the years,a valuable oon- tribution to the history of Canadian college football. The game was played in the presence of two of the Domin- ion's most colorful mayors — Fred Hulme of Vancouver and Camillien Houde of Montreal,, Mayor Hahne kicked off in this, the first east -west college classic to aid the Canadian Paraplegic Association, Similar to famous yearly Shriners Bowl,games in San Franisco each New Year's Day for the benefit of crippled children, the Canadian "Paraplegic Bowl" game is expected to become an annual attraction with the 1954 game to be played in Vancouver. .- As the most sporting football game of all, in Canada, this column heartily commends it, for its scope, its sporting spirit and its fine objective. Your comments and suggestions for lids column will he welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/a Calyert House, 431 Yonge Str, Toronto. tl Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO ..Plain Horse Sense.. I by BOB ELLIS If it is true, as the Globe and Mail reports, that "spokesmen of labour" are supporting the mining companies, in their de- i mend for an increase of the price of gold, it is time to ring the fire bell. An increase of the price, of gold means inflaiio h. It Would cut the value of the dollar in the same proportion as the value of gold is officially increased. Pensions, annuities, interest re- turns, savings; wages, ges ,bods would be worth that much less. Those who own property would ( profit, but those who have to live on a fixed amount of dollars, . which they receive weekly or monthly, would be the losers. Supply and Demand Only last week we felt com- pelled to deal with the campaign going on against government in= terference.with the "law of sup- dply _ and demand" in the agricul- tural sphere. If only governments would withdraw their supports of farm products and let prices find their own levels, all would be well, say the wizards of finance. Why then do they not want to let this good old law of sup- ply and demand work its mir- acles in the gold market? No mining • company is under obligation to sell 'Its gold to the government at the controlled price. There is a free market for gold and they are free to sell at the free price. Why don't they do it? Because the government price plus the government subsidy is higher than the , price: on the open market. Subsidies The government .price is Am- erican $35 per Ounce of fine gold which at present exchange rates amounts to Canadian $34,44. Rani -B[ uetious, Tfiis^� ram is somersliat phlegmSifti ab he per. mils a boisterous White Rock rooster to crow from hit porch atop the wooly one's head. • Under the Emergency Gold Mining Assistance Act the Can- adian government "g zts sub- sidies which, accerdth to the 'Globe and Mail, are1!ajamning at about $2,35 for eat41 unce of newly mined fine gold" going to the mint, Fixed : rice plus 'sub- sidy add up to 36.79. . 't ' The current ,price $n the world free markt is only abut $36.00. Since sipping charges have .to come offs -this figure, it is "not sufficient t ' tempt P : rod'uc- e s away from ' their el x principal customer, the Chadian min ' The mine operaters are noon terested in ra fr a market; they prefer government interfe"iice with the price of gold. They say the lasting cure is in "the hands of the United States Government or the International Monetary Fund, which they say would raise the price of "gold at a nod from the American Treasury." We hope the American Trea- sury will continue to nod Pon its treasure in Fort Knox and not nod al the International':Monetary Fund. Agreement is Possible So far we have been told that of the three union demands for higher wages, shorter hours and the revocable voluntary check- off, the first two could be set- tled. In view of sit profits for the companies of up to $6,000 per man employed, an agree- ment should not be difficult to reach. We were given to understand that, the main obstacle to an ag- reement between miners and op- erators was the check -off which, as the president of one of the largest companies said, would not be granted as long as he lived, Now we hear that "risdng labour costs and prices of mach- inery and other materials have made it unprofitable to dig gold to sell at $35 an ounce." Protest against horse Deal If it i5 the intention of the` Operators to use the emergency situation created by thestrike in the Porcupine for a horse deal, higher gold price for check -off, we protest We protest in the name:of farmers; ,wage earners,pensien• eta and All Ukase 'ethd 'have tried to `taVb',.la ftw dollars' 'of their meagre earnings for a rainy day. No names of the "spokesmen" for labour were mentioned in the report. Knowing the lehders of, the United Steelworkers as being aware o;their' `esponsibili- ties, not Only 4owar- the mem- beI'sfbf;;thdl ' Inion , ut toWarde t all i $torkl41 *tiple, Lawe. wonder who these "spokesmen" were. This eOlanui ive2-coxdee' sug- gestions, wise or foolish, and all criticism, whether constructive or destructive and will try to answer any question. Address yourr letters to Sob Eliis,•Box 1, 123 • 18th Street, New Toronto. Ont. Fiction Fancies Turned Into Fact Many writers cf ' detective stories .and thillent base their Plots on real lite 'Primes .or le- cidents. But sometimes the op- posite happens ,anci real crimes have .made fiction come true in a remarkable way,. Some years ago a young artist' in a play called "Chez•Boguskov- sky" 'waft described aa stealing a famous,painting from the Louvre in Paris. _ A year atter the play was performed and published a real Elitist:s as sent to prison tori, ri stealing ;trrxgal picture -from tili ., "I' Louvl,e;..l,' Ile naMA si".:the thf in the,. play ,vas; >3gguskov ' a- rt •"t The name of the thief 'in realC life was '1300 liaysky, • ,T T. More Loiitciden? It would be Idiffioult ceto think of coincidence going further, but, in fact, it afterwards trans- pired that the anther had ori- ginally called his .Fiction charac- ter Boguslaysky and only chang- ed it to 13oguskovsky when he looked in the telephone directory and found the name he had made up actually' belonged to some - One! The case of William Herbert Wallace, convicted of the mur- der of his ;wife, whose convic- tion was quashed by the Court of Criminal Appeal attracted". a lot of attention in the 'thiiigs;: We shall never know • exaht y,. how Julia Wallace died, , But before the case came, Op; a publisher had ready a novel in which a murderess killed a woman in almost exactly r the same circtunstances as those alleged in Wallace's case—even to the point of,, decoying away the .man subsequently suspected of the murder , by • a telephone call. Most remarkable "forecast" of a crimepeihaps,'watt the des- cription of the Dartmoor mutiny as fiction'iif a novel called "The Dark Duty," published months It. isn't very often, in sport, `-t before the actulfl Outbreak. that you find members of the fair a Even detailed incidents in the sex competing, on equal ternis, book were exactly followed in with the males. In the top brack- the real mutiny. ets, thatis: There are, vie believe, Bird's Nest Clue girls who could laid dthei>: oval: Eden Phillpotts once wrote a in such pastimes as croquet, "rifle story in which a murderer was shooting and yacht -sailing; and discovered as a result of a bird •' we have known one or two who using some bf the girl victim's • could — like Damon Runyan's hair to make its nest. Some character Miss Silk—"palm a pair time later he was astonished to of dice as good as any man." hear of a murder case being solved .in real life by exactly the same extraordinary clue. ' Apart `tfrom crime; novelists' have dntigipate`d:incidents Wand inventions in a remarkable way. Rudyard Kipling wrote his bril- liant des description tl of a trans- . 8.13 P T. .Atlantic journey ty giant :aix- ;shin<in "With Night -Mail," year's beffire the'?lfirst airsflip :hero Ing. Yet the lwhole,atm*s- phea g and eseription; e'en down to the DiOrin masts was co y letel co x et. Furteen 'ars before the Y Tit is sailed': on her m " en voyage, long before the ship as eve"*,' thought iii, Morgan'• Robb rt- son'adescribed in a novel called "Futility" the story of an iina- ginary ship, The Titan, travel- ling at full speed across the Atlantic with 2,000 passengers when the lookout cries "Ice!" and the liner crashes into an ice- berg. it took place in real life ,just as described in fiction, The anticipations in fiction by Conan Doyle, Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, and others of scientific inventions that are now reality are well known. How many of the dramatic incidents in modern science -fiction will become reali- ty in our lifetime? Boy's Best Friend —There'd true friendship in this hug: that eleven- year-old' John Sottile gave his dog Beebee'when the two were recently reunited' at St. Mel's school. Johnny, a deaf mute, had previously been walking with his pet when a man' drove up in a car, seized the dog, and drove away with it. S1,XglT C Harringay, London, arena that tffe girl from Gloucestershire won three of the main events at the annual "Horse of the Year" show that concludes the British season. They were securedin spite of strong home and. Et}I+opean con- tinental male challenges, The Harringay Spurs, awarded for the highest score by a jumper under Federation Equestre In- ternationale rules, also went the same way. /speared Naked At Tea Party For nearly 130 years a laded notebook lay neglected in a coun- try house in Somerset belong- ing to a descendant of one of Britain's finest poets, bltle.eyed, brown -haired Percy Bysshe Shelley. Now it has been closely exam- ined. And inside havebeen found some "lost" poems by Shelley written, but never published, when he was little more than a youth, Scholars knew he had written these poems. But they didn't know where they were. Shelley: married twice- He once : startled his first wife by appearing at one of her tea par- ties naked, He eloped with his Second wife, marrying her when his first committedsuicide. He•was drowned'm a storm oft' the Boast of Italy. A strange ceremony of Cremation was held on the shore of .the fatal waters. They burned Shelley's body an a great pyre, pouring on wine, salt and oil — more wine, it was said, than he had ever drunk in his life, As the flames leaped, his friend, E, J. TTewlawny, on a sudden impulse, rushed into them and snatched :out the heart, which new lies buried in Bourne- mouth, Drive With 1th Care •ii" ir►i� However, at the Royal Winter Fair, this month, folks will get 5, an eyefull of ,a yfiulg, lady who '.,not only 'pompetes,6n,even. ,'terms `with the Menfolk, but who, often enough, tops them at their own 8ams Patricia Smythe — better kz1own Over 'Ome as "Our Pat" --may net be the first to repre- sent her ountry in International show -jut) ping; but sfie's un- doubted ted theit f st that ever sea ected s -oiled and•line iI d the horses s e rides i nPs hispectacu- lar t s c acu- lar and ;risky. sport. s< o a Pat S11sythe comes naturally by leer iove'tor horses and her knack with then. Her father was in the British cavalry; and her mother, herself a fine horsewoman, taught Pat to ride at the mature age of four. And she was not long inc showing that she was better than a raw hand with a moult. By the 'timers she was ten .she 1vas good enough—mounted ? on a pony named "Pixie"—to tie for first prize at the famous Richmond Regal Horse Sli w in London. �: .• a - ,Y: e When show jumping revived in 1946 '"Our Pat" had' arrived. A natural aptitude for horseman- ship, plus good judgment and shrewd counsel from her mother enabled the still very feminine Pat to compete at shows with growing success. By 1949 she had made the international grade. In the following year she set, on Kilgeddt'n, a European high jump record of eft. 10?ain. Since then successes in all the major Euro- pean show jumping centers — Madrid, Marseilles, Paris, Rome, Nice, -London — have come her way and the hundreds of rosettes, . silver salvers and stirrup cups at her home bear testimony to them all. a a Neither Tosca, a gray mare of uncertain Irish ancestry, nor Prince Hal a massive chestnut gelding' reject from the race- course, who are now touring with her had jumped before being pur- chased at.hargain prices by "Our Pat". Today it is doubtful If any money could buy them. Their insurance value is understood to be in excess of £2,000 each, It :was on these two horses at the • EAT ANYTHING WI'li FALSE TEETll If you have trouble e alta plMee that elle, rock and cata mune --tri Brhnme Piled—Liner. Ono Snomlon makes plates fit an powder .or par, be,Bre-Pidsgtlntrranlongeor" mnuenIW to YOU1 plate. it relines' Mud Tenni Idow pintails old rubber plateswYou x501 50oate drresults ale month, to a year 0r tomer, YOU CAN RAT ANYTHINot dimply ley tort strip et Plw11-Liner ,o8 itaublesam,upper or lower. Bite tied Is mgidt perfectly. Rapt la we, tamales, ederloee, harmiede to you end your plata. Removable ba directed. Plate Mama leol0ded. Money beck n not completely Mtl,Od, If not avelleble at yell ants store, fend 51.G0 for 0011,0, for 1 plata WILDROOT LTD., FORT ERIE, 010. Depi. TW BRimms PLASTI-LINER TMl ptittdA,tWr ar Nr„nt aLelvtM lC a 5 In the horse -jumping dodge they have some odd" rules. You can accept money for prizes and still be a simon-pure amateur, but if you take dough for teach- ing horsemanship, s manship, right away you are a dirty pro. ,• Pat Smythe could become a very wealthy woman by teach- inga—butilip to now, she prefers the i kick of high g class competi- tion,. omPeti- do !. Andi down at the Toronto Coliseum housands will be pull- ing. for her to prove that, from an, equestrian standpoilit, "the female of the species—" law, you know how the rest of it;goes. NO RELIEF 1 He got his daughter oft his hands, His joy was not complete. For then and there he had to put Her husband on his feet. it's Silver Jubilee Year at THE ROYAL • Agricultural WINTER ER FAIR R Friday, Nov. lath to Saturday, Nov. 21st, 1953 8 BIG DAYS Prize horte3, livealock, fruits and vsg eta hitt ..: r, world thamplonrhlp seed, groin and hay . I. and scores of other 46tires to thrillrural vlrlMrr, • Spectacular Horse Show Afternoons and Evodngr • World -Famous Musical Ride • largest Poultry Show In North Anterior* ' •.Faacittallltgi Plower Show Ree 56ur focal agent about reduced all fore, C. S. McKee - General Manager ROYAL COLISEUM TORONTO ISSUE 45 ..:, 1953 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4O1rN'1'b tYANTr•Jl 41A,C,5 UREA' WAhiT'Shre ;.• COSTUMs JEW,ELEl0IUi' ...° Agents wanted to represent manatao. tures Of gopuler, 'priced lama. ow - !Immo new styles, ad Wed monthly, pet In .tor 1rin80d80, ChNetmas sales: Write for full dotaIle today, • Neat Jewellery ,an 4q00 SO Lawrence, Mon. trial. ,. t'„b'I ,tric AGENTS talc° oYdornitolt nu aehrtW table hall son *1st new eelat A'eeevery„ Won't Annear, leak, Dries, Instantly, Nally Jraaranteod of money refunded, Beta no tot' 08e, Huh your name and 600 for selling ,amine, Wells/lark /Jnr Warier., 364 Iting St. Dent, Toronto, eADy.t0E1I015b THERE ale two ways to make extra money out of ono. The first le to buy Fall hatched cltielte and have eggs 111 the8pmmor and ).tell when they are acorea and lie prices are high. The second to to buy the right breeds, for m0xlinum egg production. We alert have Modal breeds for broilers, laying pullets aloe booking °hicks and turkey pontes now for 7964, Catalogue, TOP NOTCH CHICK SALES GUELPH ONTARIO BUY day old pullets for delivery now then you will be sure to earth In on the high egg prices you will be euro to get next Summer and Fail and When you buy 400'0 make it mistake and buy dual pure pose or Pleat 15De e111ohens for maximum egg production, here aro the five that will out lay anything that we have to offer, 11.0,P. Sired White Leghorn°, White Leghorn X Rhode I01nnd Red, Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island Bed X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X Rhode bland Red. For ironies we recommnd our cross .train New Hampshire and New BAmpehire crosses. Our low .Fall pricers will please you, Non -sexed, pullet or cookerel ebleke, Started chicks, laying puliats. Allo booking chicks and terkey' pointe . fon' 1004. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGYUS ONTARIO BROILER Growers, our pure arose strain Now genteelness are making more friends among the broiler growers every day. Why? Because these Now Hampshirite make the broiler growers extra money. We also have light Sussex X New Hnrimbire, Now Hampshire X Light Sussex, Columbian Rock X New Hampshire, New Hampehlre X Columbian Rock, White Rock X New Hampshire, New Hampshire X Barred Rock. White Rock X Light Sussex, Non -sexed or coekerets. Aleo turkey broilers, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERMIS ' . ONTARIO ire RING AND 01,EANINO HAVE you anything needs' dyeing or Glean.' Inc Write to u0 for -information We are glad to answer your questlnns De, parrmenl,B Porker's Dye Werke Limited. r34 Venire St . Toronto POR SAI,E CRESS CORN SALVE — Per aura relief. )four Druggist sells CRESS, DADS — Sons, IMAM this large 12"x24"x14 Toy Garage, full scale. "Christmas. Special 82,29," Sample 260 Woodo-Ver,put Co„ 728 Dickinson 8, E„ Grand Rapids. Michigan, U,S,A. SAVE your home, family, 11 fire starts, send 517, for 'system or 57.50, for 2 fire alarm switches, bei protected while asleep. Instructions included, Thermal Swlteh Company. Petersham, MasOachu- eett,. Now. Hot. Sen Babyaltters, vibe's pro- blem Is, chlidren'o entertainment. Guarana teed Amusement. Plan and Materials, 51,00, refundable. Reorders assured. Dozes% 1008 So. First, Champaign, I111001s. DREAM Book! 5100 Interpretations, Get wised up about things. 81.00 postpaid. King Bonk Salem, Tlbets Wick Road, A„ Girard, Ohio. 0011p0ETE SNNITTING LIBRARY FOR PROFESSIONALS AND BEtinw•NERa. Four hard -hound volumes by Marti, world famous designer: ronteining over 178 Pages. 187 easy -to -follow Illustrations. Each volume worth one defier. yet while supply lasts can be intim Inc 51,38 for complete library of tour volumes. V01. 1 "Knitting is Easl'". Vol. 2Knitting for Children", Vol. 3 Clo es. a a an $rnr ria and Gifts". En,' 4 twekters andngift, ander or Chrlstmae gift, Sand money 445, or ehefinal ",to GibToronto, gates, Roz ' Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario. CHOCOLATE BARS ,t IMPORTED Each box 24 — 10 cents (wt..3 lbs.), WHITE HOUSE PACKING CORP. ' 5827 Terrebonne Montreal, Que. $1.25 '"Express , Postpaid FOOD 'Market `1dning 8160,000. yearly. Wlscouoin Restart town. Priced right. Kashtlnder, Wichita, Kansas, WESTERN Shirt Manufacturing ardent 10 Arizona doing over 6100400 yearly. Price 580, neo, Raahftader, Wier iia. Kansas. DATRY. QUEEN in Idaho doing 812.000'` yearly, 51.500 win handle. ltashflnder, Witrhlta. Kansas. KNITTERS! AGENTS1 STOREKEEPERS! Wheeling Yarn 31.70 pound. Le coot priced anyhere. Help unload our heavy stock and env°! Satlafactlen esuaranteed. gEmemeavllie, Wind Company. Bowman- vilto, Ontario. it >D LOVELY modernized two family home and neara 350 acr1'o of deep rich medium loam, on county road, close to 001,001, and city, good . bank barn, hydra bath, sarrlfico 518,000, Must be. sold, many more to choose #om. Brndleys Real Eat to Clue* h a O Ont, 8 HIHLES. PRAYER HOOKS, .RELIGIOUS Card, Statues, Pictures. Medals,' Crud - fix, Rosaries,,, etc, Write for FREE Catalogue.' ll'gry's Gift Shop,' Dent. 57, 476 King Sit, E, Hamilton, Ont. maul-Br1n Siding unit Roofing rent)stimates, 14 menthe to. nay. all material and workmanship carrle0. 15 Years' guarantee. Dominion Homo Ser. vice, 55 Rainsford Rd„ Toronto, BUDGIES, bablee, adult, breeding: pairs, surplus Neneq 0: for 520. Canaries singer. 37,601. AOtM1rlee: 8 Edney/nod Gardens, Ter0nto - 0000, Rifles, eta -.,Bo sure to write for aur Fred mete i' sta cathloguo; ;before buying tEnrgo". aseertment, 50000 Sales Co„ 2¢o Bank -8t„ Otte*ar, Ont.' GMTN catalogue- free, Now roma edition, Quantities limited, Reserve now, R. & W. Kerr Ltd., 1242 Si. "ntherine St. West. Montreal. HOGS- are Rearco, now is the time to buy a ohelte reglatorod YOrkelilre bear aired by British ABrodburY 36BF., a half brother to the nitnmplon cod of 1Cnglsntj; diose, boars ready for service, other's younger Dolt' . algin -'Meeks' up, also rearm. Also Belgian. Pordhbroo end Clyde atalnone, four, five rind Aix mire old. Herbert 5 Miner & ergla B.S.,Iteono. nt :-F RINQCUTAR'SALE yy SPECIAL parches('r1ot brEind n'Mv htlh ootvered prismaee alas.&''night tattooed:, 6x80 Dienatgla, 89,4 96 8x90 ,wide angle 828.511, 7x56';'' UAL tybe-°520,60, nupbb. orw,54d 12060 545.00, 14260 848,50. 211 with Individual focus and cont lenses, u With e611d leather e cane and e 5416, guaranteed, Mush 0510y order for pre. C.O.D. otPTICA 6800 dsb1510, Adeli OPTICAL ation, P.O.RO, 1. 7,00, Adeiolde Sonat Station, Toronto 7. USED BUSSES OCE Offer the Bus. Operator slarge clock et reconditioned unite gettable for school or adult' tranapoPtaaon,. Those hangs carry a thirty.45' rneabnhlcal *•arra t n Y and orb ci PEW ed from 8760. 36 Terme055arranged. Special 1660 GllSol 11166 Menary. 5tio, headroom, Winn Body, 26 -adult seating 2 limiter& 2. aired rear Azle, 71,96 x 50 tiro,; {10717• paint to order. This unit in exeollent rendition throughout, 34200 write or piano. RE0 1307000 COMPANY OF CANADA Ltd- trnalde. 11oaRe. 04815,ir 1177, 1/441081421N, whole or not *IMO; Tp'estf ' Rip $armors 1n Western and Mate Ontario, NO peddling, nc c0Rcetlono. Pea not wolf advertised, Avery Ilveatook far. mar a. buyer. Morey ppr 005} eePeat Oalo,, Build yourbelt an Iacono ip your township or County. Salta help given, age no barrl4p' If nnt1VO. Apply giving addrooe, phone, 0401 ., 141 ` 1 1100 ltasst, torrlie ry 600110,1 to not 60 7"77',-114P warms» Aiz441LUlNm OPPORTUNITY look general" 1v nted Ithinidligtely Pr beau. tiful suburban Some for two «dultai 8004ttt0ttt��� try woman preferred, Excellenthome an. top Wage, for 00meo00 who In a re4 beinemokpr. GlVe full ,.o4'fioultire est phone number, Mrs, E. 4' ''5Ayw01611, R,n, No. 8, Weston, uo 0tnAf ',;' 6 READ THIS, ,.•- Every'stifferpr of; Rheumy.. ttc Pains er Neuritis shield try Dlgoe0t Remedy, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE On Slgin Ottawa 31.25 Express Prepaid POST'S S:CZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dryeczema rainy 4nd weeping ekin troubles. Poot'e 0020714 Salve w1U not dleappeint you, Itohing,sealing, tberalne eczema, acne, ringwworm, Dlmdlea -and toot eczema, wilt respond readily to the stainless, odorle ointment regardlose of bow er0bboro or hopeless Obey seem, PRICE 82.60. P1011 JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent 'Poet Sree ',gP,neoeipt of . Pelee 888 florets ht E,,. Corner of tease a .. TOro4tO • PEM1NEX''.• one woman • tells another, Tike imparter "FESLINE1X" ,t0 hero a110vlato Vein. digR. tease and nervous, tension eminent ted wit monthly period°, 85.00 Postpaid in. engin wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 880' QUEEN ST, EAST roR1tNT0 M• EN AN¢rw07e5NIER LEARN priceless secrete or Technical Metinhyolco,- Easy to learn. Only Schao( of its kind. Write; Premier College of Teoimloel Metaphysics, 2632 McKenzie St., Vancouver. B.O., Canada • BE A HAIRDRESSER 50114 CANADA'S LeamiNO semen.. Great Opportunity Lee re Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession, good wager, Thousands of suepee0Oul Marvel graduate. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 968 Stone St. W,, Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton 71 Rideau St„ Ottawa DEALERS—STOREKEEPERS Phillip', 801e, Wholesale Catalogue and Fall & Chrlstmae Supplement containing over 8000 profitable Stems and hov,e- ware,, drY-goods, notion,, stationery, smoker aundriee, toy,, gift, and pre- mium merthandlso, etc, Write on your letter head or give your trade style for free CODY, PHILLIP'S SALES REG'D, 839 BUSBY ST., MONTREAL 3, TOOLS WHOLESALE — MAKE EXTRA MONEY, SELL TO FIENDS, ETC.. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE, GIBSON SALES, BOX 495 TERMINAL "A", TORONTO, ONT. SELL Christmne banners, Something new In Christmas signs. Make 20095 pro4tt0, Send 200 for „sample. Decal SIg4 Lettering, 1001 Osborne. Verdun, P. Q. HELEN'S BEAUTY =SCHOOL LEARN IIA1RURES5lNG 1N 0 MONT135 11NDRR EXPERT SUPPALVISTON 719 Yonge St. f' TORONTO PLAN to visit World's Fair at Houeto to 1950. Seo beautiful San Antonio 5 00. runty, oiler Sarils, 2, Sgift io 11. Benny South, pox 8182, San Antonio 12, Texas. PANTS AN OFFER to every Inventor --List of in- ventions and full lnformntion sent free. The Ramsey Co.. Reglsteced Patent Atter- nays. 173 Bank Street, Otters& FETHE'RSTONHA UGH & C o m o a n j Patent Attorneys, Estnbli,hd 1850, 860 Bay Street, Toren to. Patents all countries PERSONAL 51.00 TRIAL otter. Twenty-five deluge Pereenincluded.al requiremenT10, Medico Agency, et Catalogue 10129 Terminal A Toronto, Ontario TOBACCO ELIMINATOR A sei ntlflc remedy for cigarette addle” tion, :For free booklet, write C. W. Kitig Pharmacal Corporation I,td„ Box 800, `)Valkervllle, Ont, 2741413000 Llet and Restored, If yob don't enfoy life, feel outworn, depressed, end eel.f-addressed e551'elnpe to: Dr. Otto- kar Boerhlooa C. Dent, Men, Tayler. Ville, Illinois. UNWANTED HAIR 'VANISHED sway with SACH -PECO, a rein:nimble discovery of the ago. Srpe Information nt Lor -Beer Laboratories Ltd,, a Ste. 5, 879 Granville St„ er write P.O. Hex 00 Vnneouver, ,113,C, WANTED WANTED—Flocks to supply Canadian Approved Hatchery with hatching ergs a for 1969.54 eeanoa, Apply Box 110, 111 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. WANTED for 011,811. Wa 5111 007 caelt for good used 8rvel kernsono operated refrigerators. Wilson Marino Salve nhd Service, Phone 727, Bay St. Parry Sound, WANTED TO PURCHASE—Laying and ready -today nmllots, pure breeds and erose breeds, ann.* Box 100, 119 Elah- teonth Street, New Toronto, Ontario.