HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-11-4, Page 2ANNE HIRST
-14f0fut iv*** (20144teiot
"Dear Anne Hirst; Since I was * in other gialS) ran both Will
tiVee „years ago, I've been know hoW well adapted you
going Witli-My boy friend. Most * are to each Other.
of that tine was in the Army; * Talk this Over with your
1 waited loyalty fOr a while, then * parents. They may not elP•
brag with, him, put when he * prove of this boy's quiet tem -
can% home; he cattle straight to * peranlent Only because they
me . each other, yet, * fear he cannot keep you hale -
we don't understand each other.- * PY1 (you are not happy now,
Whet Pin lye do? * yea knew) or they may have
'7 am a fun -loving girl, and * deeper reasOns they have not
he'sa,the quiet type. He dislikes * confided.
too much talking, Or • dancing - IVIoSt of the three years you
ever -Ailing I seem. fo1love most, have known each other have
My faMily don't like him too well * been Spent apart. Now that he
(because of his quietness) but * Is back for good, b the time to
Ins people like me a lot, , lace reality. The wise course
"I've tried very hard to adapt '"or yoii both is to know other
myself to his ways, yet I don't * young people for quite a while
•r- ever seem to suit him. I'm get- * now, so through their coarnpan-
Als ting tired! I believe he has too * ionship you can evaluate the
m ch seLf-coricern . . What can * true state of your hearts and
I ? I've never gone with any * minds.
OtIr boy, no; --he with a girl. It is not often a young girl
t i$ it am doing Ma* marries the first boy she dates;
w ng? certainly it is better to learn
* LENA" From all ou tell me, I think so better understand what snakes other boys tick, and
t.d her own
• ou are tryig too hard to ad- emotional and temperamental
* ist yours° You seem dia. 1 needs . . You can write Anne
* letrically opposite in temper- Hirst frankly, and be sure of her
nent and tastes; all you have sympathy and wisdom Address
• tween you is what yseLt call her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St.,
which corl be*•'• just a . Nast, Toronto, Ont.
-hysical attracti n. You are
ature enough Ito know that. 'Making Mutton
* is is not enough for true
* iendship, and utterly Insuf- Taste Like Lamb
cient nor a solgdssi, najiiago. if
* ppositba bale ft.arrie , and For the past eight years a
* ccesstulljif, but they old- young woman scientist - (laugh -
and mar understanding ter of a N Zealand sheep far-
* an youtad ave•lound mar- mer -has en intently studying
• ' age an each g l'aid satisfy- lamb's tails. verythree months
g experfence erh4s because as the lambs grew up, she placed
• 3
- their differences. Yet in hair from their tails under a
* iarridge there must be some miscroscope and compared them
• • imon grounds of mutual in- closely with former snippings
• rest and pleasur, - else Now she ready to help far-
* hatever would y no with mers decide 'which little lamb is
* our labure? leas enjoying the deafly for the meat market and
me avoe Huta, and habits, ,Which lambs should be kept for
* gethir,st t lean eetrient or Itheii wool. ok
* reck'h u ore '"•'- At the experimental farm of
• You can
hs out just how Cambridge University, Mrs.
uch each titer, what con, ncy Pahne ha a preyed that
on els yo have for m 1 bs with e furaiest tails
* age, clan ° other frien a, tually prod'e only low -qua-
* othe ess often th fleece. T less hair ;am the
ou h e. and o outgivith o til, the fine4 and nore'? even
bo • and Iris you bdth t e fleece.a
* ow. - That's jtEt oda of th ,waysitan
Comparing your degree of which specialist scientists are
• joyment with them, you can making a joint attack to help
,.on learn whether this bond speed the end of meat rationing
* Tetween you two gives any and changing things in the
remise of perananenta happi- sheep -raising industay.
* r,essit° deep understandc of It's one 'reason, tab, why yo
umanatianire is recess tot
Inlay mplain of too mitch Runb.
* l
* • •preciate any one lad or girl, At othamstead Experimental
* ad as you discover more or Station, the, veterinary experts
•Iaave- built up a fleck ef cross-
* ss admirable and ple *tie
▪ .ualities in other boys (ark. he... toms% ewet that carp•mother foul%
amat once instead of two.
Anon rams have been intro- „
duced to help produce smaller,
a shorter legs of lamb than_the pre- .74
• war typea. Already', a globar'
sheen, populations return to ner- a
mal, the new strains thean mut-
" Son with less bane and fat than. a
grantmtotEer ever saw.
Another Canabricage expeat,
Dr. Neil Yeates, Relieves thlit
flocks can 14 increased at- d'oublea
the usual rate by cheating the
Weep with sunray 'drain t rid 'a
false Spring.
Light, he discovered, is the
chief faetors-causina .the arrival. -
of lambs in the Spridg; By herd-
ing aglock of•evresinao blacked,
out pen, h& began decreasing the
'light hi Mey. Ob laite nat.. they
normal longest dasa take Yeates'
day was as short 'lb- 1December
21st.„., o
Then Yeates began Inc -teasing '
tie daylight ,ratten. lir October
a theewes were - receiving a
Spring- time quota of light. The
Autopm-bosmalambs are,sma
anelesi fiia San *Their MEI
arid Apaitatcomsinh-but areal, sap- -4
lcITY make up for 'lost weight.
2 . we- needytow •is- wayd tor
tenderise old ewe Minton, buf
fliTthegaiientige have: soiled tliat„T
problem, too. Ultra -violet rays
Aii11 babastil the Isrgaled6Wnr ofa.F
a „ the lough kunnective fibres if
o agilliftieffoott-audtle* iN-srmarat*”
refriger4ar free qr 'bacteria and,
101.416'0614s.''' "" °
fN,,A 2h,ea, aortae, osf eight, weseks,
2-40#611e-in*thhe- dhys.
In fact, it's been found in the
UniSed Statds that old meat
treated in this way is so improved
fl our ad teneler,ness that,
DROBE ;Brat er'' a it se at 'gher *Hop than"'
terl Overa14alysj 1aze otbeat1
s -7
Use and stlirt are Or" both.
ter has a little jumper too,
ter Elephant is a pocket they
`` Mother! Look!
• .
'41 • ihe of the latest inveplioua
• -attern 4891 ,giagis' ;14i 6; 8, / cigarettetthat lights WitselfSt
1 , for boys or g Mze-eblot.iie* ltub the appropriate end
yards 36 inch; overalls 2% a rough surface and there is a
its 35 -inch nap; blazer l% brief burst of flame that starts
• ds;jumitralayzayatretsepnetr at the cigisktteci even fttuawindy;
11 tor elellAntlisattit Aiticansi
This pattern easy to use, siin- A capsule containing indarn-
to sew, is toted for t. Has enable s abstances ctad_a mint e
ellmlete illustrated i axplosi %Charge/es go secre •
Send THIRTY-FlY ,liblth Ave is ilteAss y en
4-54) in coins (stmnps cannote sure that the flame is riven into
epted) for this patten. Print the tolaacco.,.Thea"bang" 111 small
ainly SIZE, NAME, 14,131101tElaS. Kartd,tliefe to no dlitface thatt cig- 1
7(LE NIIIVIISER, arettes of this kind can be used
Send order to Box 1, 123 also for practical joke meaposesi•
ighteenth St., New Toronto, The main problem would seem
ntto be ensuring that the self -light-
ing end is not accidentally put
in the mouth,
Handy Ideas For
Indoors and Out
Locate needles quickly on your
sewing box pin cushon by stick-
ing them through the boles of a
4 -eyed button* * ,i.
When traveling Itlitsk•slaiOdga
sters, give each his awn
suitcase, filled with 'favorite fOs.
Tuck aim a lew„ serprises,*tom
epley peeking and repacka
ing then'OuggiV"--aVoicis car
clutter, ; r
* .t.°4 *a'
nurraittireaseeadefaciating with
your tank -type vacuum cleaner.
Attach the cleaner -hose to ex-
haust, and blow air into the
freezer, especially on slow -melt-
ing spots.
P.fitea a rreshly-baked Oie on a
colander. Circulation of air ar-
ound pie cools it quickly.
• * ,
Make a dor step with a large
rubber heel. Attach to floor, un-
der the place on the wall where
the door -knob strikes. Avoids
noise, saves plaster,
* *
Secure baby's crib blanket with
metal shower -curtain hooks. Sew
bone rings to blanket edges; slip
metal hooks through these rings
and snap around side slats of the
crib. Hpoks will slide up and
down, giving baby room to move
and turn -but he won't lose his
▪ * *
Make cake layers more uniform
by marking the batter -level on
the sides of your pans. Scratch
a line Si inch from the top of
each pan.
* 9 a
Keep neckties unwrinkled
when traveling, by packing them
between the pages of a magazine.
* *
Give your farm ledger a pocket
to hold receipts, bank -deposit
slips, and the like. Scotch -tape
a large envelope inside the ledger
cover. Keep contents current and
your book-keeping up to date, to
avoid confusion.
• *
A space -saving gadget -holder
may be improvised from a sliding
cup rack. Place it in your cabin-
et above your mixing center. Put
can openers, cork screws, measur-
ing spoons, tea strainer, etc., on
hooks. Easy to reach items; saves
drawer space.
* a 4
To make a magazine for baby,
fasten together, with cellulose
tape, the edges of each two ad-
joining pages in a small maga-
zine. Tiny tots will have fun
turning these thick pages.
* * 9
Keep brown sugar soft by se -
cuing a piece of wet sponge to
*the -underside of a fruit jar lid.
Place sugar in jar and seal. Sugar
stays moist as long as sponge is
kept damp.
* * *
sh thumb tacks into a wax
ca and keep in the corner of -a
dr er. Tacks will be easy to
ISSUE 45 - 1953
9 *
ut seldom -used dress shirts
fancy .blotties in turkey -size
tic bags. Keeps them smooth
dustless. '
Revealing Smile - A little girl's have for new finery is universal,
and the proof is in the smote on this young Korean orphan's face.
The happy youngster il being fitted for a new swtater by Marine
Sgt. Richard S, Graham at a Marine -sponsored orphanage in
Korea. •-
Slippery materials won't slide
as you sew if you wrap a turkish
towel around the leaf of your
sewing machine.
• *
Cut a piece of clear plastic the
length and width of baby's folded
diaper. Slip this "line' in next
to the last layer of cloth in the
diaper. Cheaper than tailored
panties, as you can make several
liners from a yard of plastic. .
• * * 9
Set the children's toy box so
that the lid opens out, Then it
won't mar the wall.
* * *
Make a -shoe scrap& by nailing
rows of pop bottle caps on a
stout board.
* 9
Keep Coaster, waffle iron, and
other electrical cooking appli-
ances on a wheeled utility table,
so that they can be rolled quick-
ly to dining table, or to an out-.
of -the -way spot when not in tasa•-.
Use of serving table helps kepi."...
work counters uncluttered. .aitsa„
pliances are handier than .i..if*as
stored in cupboards.
* 9
As a quick relief for teething
pain, let baby suck on an ice
cube securely wrapped in a
piece of plastic.
* 9 *
Hold the marshmallow you're
toasting inside an empty tin can.
Then you can toast your marsh-
mallows anywhere in the lire -
and they won't burn.
* *
Ideal drawing paper for a child
is plain white shelf paper. It
doesn't soak up water colors,
and can be taped to a painted
wall to make a- round -the -room
easel. ' "
* * *
Stretch tt,width Of monk's bloth
tightly acrea,s one wall in a boy's
room to display his treasures.
ake fif's tasty CHEESESIZEAD
easily, speedily with
new Fast DRY Yeast!
• New bread and bun treats are ri
a treat to make with the new
form of Fleischmann's 3
Never a worry abopt yeast cakes
that stale and lose strength new
Fleischmann's Dry Yeast keeps
full strength and fast -acting
right in our co oarcl, cret a
motith's imply
cold 3 c. 54c. granulatt
ar, sty', tbs. st and 4 t
.shOrtening; cool to lukewarm.
Meanwhile, measure into a large
bowl ?ii" c. lukewarm water, 1 tsp.
al/outlaw:rover; Mr until ware,
isadissoived. Sprinkle With Ken-
velop#•Fleischmann's Fast Rising
D Yeast. Let stand 10 mins.,
T N stirawal. ,
l• •
St' lit cod ibillemigturea Stir
' in 4 c, once -silted bread doth'; beat
with a rotskyo beater until the
91ter sm tit. Cover'aad set
in a warm place, fiee from
ch -aught, Let rise until doubled
hi builc. Work in 2 c,
packed finely -shredded old
eheese and 5 c, (about) once.
744, 447
sittett•bread,flotf 1lncad on
oured board u dsmooth
and elastic. Place in,greased bowl
and grease top of dough. Cover
and let rise until doubled in bulk.
Puna dont dough; tura out on
lightly-ftoured-boayd and divide
into 4 equal portions. Cover
lightly with a cloth and let rest
for 10 mina. Divide cacti portion
of dollish ialca3 parts; knead and
shape into smooth balls. Place
3 balls in each of 4 greased loaf
pans (4549x Sjd"). Grease tops
self sprinkle cabh leaf with 54 c.
shredded elieese. Cover and let
rise until doubled in bulk. Bake
in moderately hot oven, 375°, 45-
50 mins.
Items can be pinned or taped on
without marring the wall.
Eliminate toe 'marks at the bot-
tom of outside doors by glueing
a rubber stair tread on the door
at the point of kick. Use linoleum
Glue a cork in your dresser
drawer to hold hat pins.
To keep your coffee fresh -
tasting atter it has been unsealed,
store it in the refrigerator, with
lid on.
Goofy Weddings
During the Nita.* there Were re-
ports • that a certain Gunner
' Marks, attached to a searchlight
battery, needed three separate
ceremonies to ensure that he
reallrad married his bride,
there are, of course, the
tii,AO'ketworks who give away
tiPAIIMIsl)ings of a tome as well
04.%ProVicling everything for the
ceremony to lucky couples 'whose
vows are watched by millions Of
viewers. 1
Unusual marriages aren't ED
unusual to -day when people
have been Married hi stihmar-
ines, on mountain peald, and
with handcuRs on in gaol, One
man even married his house-
keeper inside his firOt wife's
Ten years ago weddings in the
air were a novelty; t0 -day they
are commonplace, A fel& years
ago, however, a ' couple tried to
get married while jumping ,by
parkivate; the difficulty was to
keep the bride and bridegroom
close enough to the clergyman
so that the responses could be
heard Despite the fact that a
big reward was offered in the
event of success, after many at-
tempts; this form of ceremony
had to be abandoned - reluct-
All sorts of accidents happen to
a.e?ersaand sometimes invalidate
timings. The story of the jus-
tice oft& peace who performed
marriages before his appoint-
ment was through officially has
its -counterpart in the clergyman
who joined couples in matrimony
before he was Licensed.
One couple became. engaged
in 1904, but owing to a series of
deaths, war service, illness and
other frustrations it was 1934 be-
fore they eventually ended up at
the altar. .
Another pair who fell in love'
in- 1900 only became marr and
wife in 1939. Apart from deaths
in the family, war service, the
bridegroom broke his leg and the
rt, year when he was well
their home was burned to the
Among the wawa marriage
ceremonies was tat performed
by a clergyman on an Suter,
Sunday on a, Denver mountain
tpworepeeetBisQi2s.b7 4!%..471' ibilvelYcl"rw°e°rIne
Those 11a.a.a..S,'• 41 determined to
Marry v lJ ,l'corne almost any
obstacle. Poimieshave been Mar-
ried by telephone without see-
ing each other at any time- duo-
enuereerevent Was o mar-
riage in winch the bride, Nino
Tarasava, a Russian dancer, mar-
ried an American. An inter-
pretey and dictionaries were em-
ployed for thg occesiOn.
Cool Hat - Pretty Nancy. Wood-
ruff, models the 'Frost Princess"
hat made especifdly for her
reign as "Miss Anti -Freeze." The -
hat is of ice -blue veiling, silver
' snowfiakes'and icicles.
c;?/4 E XT
"ftestone" Arena Anti-Freeze-7-theanoSt eiiective anti -freeze .ever developed
for your car—.is fortified with a combination of special ingredients to give more
—numb more—than just freeze -4 protection, ' -
"Prestone" Anti -Freeze gives your cay EXTRA protection against: Rust and
Corrosion, Acid Contamination, Clogging, ..Eeepkge,„Fotuning and Deterioration
of metal and rubber parts.
goei;oe set/
Voure sal%
V0:01* .7scr-te "-
NI 41' ! •ta; ssa
"Preseme" and 'i3iereadare regiUe,cd freldr•111.4r4r
MO T nt At I 0910.1, *1,4446