HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-10-28, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST Post Publishing House Authorized as seoond edam mall, post Office DePertmeat, Otte Wednesday, October 28th, 1953 $2.00 per year - $2.50 H. . if.. RUMMAGE SALE The C. P. and T. Committee of Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges will hold a Rummage Sale in the Oddfellow's Hall on Saturday, Nov. 14th at 2 p. m. Lunch Counter. A Bazaar and Supper will be held on Wed. Nov. 4th in Ethel Twp. Hall under the auspices of St. David's Church Henfryn — Bazaar, opens at 2 p. m. Supper served from 5 to 8 p. m. Price $1.00 and 50c Everybody Welcome. SOFTBALL DANCE In Brussels Town Hall on Friday, November 6th Music by Geo. Smith's Orchestra Lucky Door Prize — Turkey Soonsored by Brussels Ladies Softball ' Club. Admission 50c — Lunch Counter Everybody Welcome. NOTICE — The Shoe and Harness Repair Shop will be closed on Wed, and Thurs., Nov. 4th and 5th of next week. C. J. Pegelow. Prop. COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1954 Assessment Roll for the Village of Brussels will be held on Thurs- day, November 12th, 1953 at 8 p. m, in the leru:,sels Library. G. R. Campbell, Clerk. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the nndersigned-up to Oct. 28th, 1953, for the contract of the caretaking of the United Church of Bhisse!si Dut- ies to commece about Nov. 1st, Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Corson Watson, R. R. 4 Brussels, Sec., Board of Stewards, TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the tmderdgned until Monday, Nov, 2nd, 1953 for snow -plowing in the Village of Brussels for 1913-54 season. Tenders ito be by the hour, plow supplied by Village of Brussels. Lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. G. R. Campbell, Cleric-Trreae. Village of Brussels. i THE PREBSYYIERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville C8iureie Brussels Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. In. Sunday School Anniversary Services 11 a, m. and 7.30 P. ni. Preacher—Rev. A. Simpson ori Teeswater. Speoial Music, Male Chorusso Organ Recital at 7.05 p, m. United Church OF CANADA t ilnletud, Rev. Andrew Lena Divine Worship — 11 o'clock The Saoraanent of Baptism. Church School 12 o'clock "Sutter little children to pone unto me, for such 1e the King- dom of God," InIMI•Ir..a- -..n ...._ ..,....,c- _..- €hurchof England Perish of Smoot i Rev. A. Noricum 111119, M. A. All Saints' Day, Sunday, Nov. A Commeneorgti011 of the • Faithful Depatted. Bt. Johne Church, Brnesete— il a, m. Holy CoMmtlSitolt Shnday $011001 at Davld's'Churoh, Henfryo- 190 D• m. livening Ptesot' Sunday School 9t. George's Chtiroh, Walton 8.39 a, m. Morning Prayer CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity to thank our intends and neighbours Who so kindly helped In many ways at the time of the Iate Mr, Bernard's funeral. Their kindness will long be remembered, ISr. and Mrs. Will McCutoleeon. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs, Alfred C. Baeker wish to express their appreciation for the kind- ness and sympathy extended -to them during their recent sad bereaevment in the passing of a dear Mother To all who contributed in any way towards our help and comfort at this time may we say a most sin- cere thank you. Helen Warwick Mary Dunstord George and Mac. Baeker UNITED CHURCH Love is supreme in the Christian life. Without it other spiritual endowments are of little value. This was the burden of the message, based on the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians, at the United Church on Sunday, October 25th.I The choir rendered the anthem "The Glory of His Presence", hf Smith and Ackley, Next Sunday, Nov.ist, the Sac- rament of Baptism will be dLrpen- sed at morning worship; NOTICE — The Eseeting Auxiliary of St John's Anglican Church, Bou sets are holding a baking and variety sale on Dee. 12, in tho church basement. Watch for further particulars. • CAPITOL 1ISTf WEL THEATRE _ 2 shows nightly 7.30 — 9.30 p. m. Mettnee Saturday 2 p. m. Friday, Saturday October 30-31 Audio Murphy- Susan Cabot In a hard riding, action packed story of early Western deyb. "GUNSMOKE" Monday, Tuesday Nov.2-9 "DESTINATIO,N GOBI" Starring Vah Johnsen- Janet. Leigh The fun is fact and furioUe when Van ae an embarrassed college Proles• sor meets hle match In Janet Leigh TUESDAY FOTO-NrrE Offer $190.00 Monday Attendance Card Night.. Wednesday •Thers'ddy Nov. 4 5 Richard Widmark - Don Taylor Id "DESTINATION GLOBI" heroes eight hundred miles of blaz- ing semi they travelled with death etatktng to every stop. PRAISES BRITAIN'S GUIANA ACTIONS Rev, John Elder, a missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Canada stationed in Georgetown, Brltisfb. Guiana, addressed listeners in. Mel - villa Presbyterian Crurch here on last Tuesday night. He is spending a good pant of lets seven-montlh fur lough telling Canadians of the mtg. sion work in the northern section of South Anaorica. Mr• Elder's explanation of the critical political situation et the present time was reassuring. Tthe startling accession to power of the Peoples Progressive Party he blamed an the illiteracy of the population . He gave Great Brittain great credit for handling the em- ergency skilfully. By ousting six high officials, he said, the mother country got the Situation well in hand. ilut the challenge of Commun- ism is still present, be declared, and can only be met by more edea nation, Christian teacltin,g and bet- ter 11v'inc conditions. At the close of the talk. Mr. Elder Showed colored slides of British GM - ars, concentrating on the communit- ies where he works. Rev. W.F.T. Fulton was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. W. C. Bing was in charge of the music: and a men's choir sang a number. SECTIONAL MEETINGS OF HURON W, M. S. Sectional meetings of J-Iuron Pres- byterial of the Women's Missionary Society of the, United Church o Canada were held four days in Kipp - en, M•oncrieff, Blalce'e Church Ashaleld and St. Helen's United Churches with Mrs. E. Hocking Presiding in the south section, Mrs. 3, A. McOGilI in the centre, Mrs. Fred Toll in the west. and Mrs. G. Menzies in the north. Mrs E. Des Jardine, president of Huron Presbyterial was present at all meetings end Mrs. W. j. Mooree Landon Conference Brany+h, Pres'. dent, was guest speaker at all meet- ings. She chose as her theme, "Tre Life and Task of the Church around the World," A report from the "School for Leaders" held at Alma College, St. Thomas the beginning of Sept., was given at each meeting by Mrs.. Pi,orge Michie. The attendance at these convent- ions wa,s large and all reports were encouraging to the workers of the W. M. S. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to express my appreciation dor the kind remiembarnces of friends and neighbours through their many acts of kindness done, and the beautiful floral tributes given, uring the recent Illness and sub- I equent death of my dear husband. Such truly kindly acts will never be forgotten. Mrs. Wm. Bernard, ST. JOHN'S EVENING AUXILIARY d The monthly meeting ot the Even - Ing Auxiliary of St. John's Anglican Church was held in the church base- ment on Tuesday evening, Oct, 20th, The president Mrs, Jim Smith opened the meeting with the Lords Prayer in unison. The min- utes of the last meeting -were reed by the Sec. Mrs. Jim Davis , and approved. kkkkk Business yas then discussed, Mrs, Clifford Alcock was appointed to b in charge of the Mille Helpers, The date for the baking and variety sale was set for Der. 12th, and final arrangements were made for the Turkey Supper. d The next meeting will be held on Nov, 24th. m Lunch was served by Mrs. 17 Smith, Mrs. G. Thornton, and Mrs, A. Nichol CAMDEN RECTOR TO BE MOVED TO OTTAWA DISTRICT Rey. M. F. Oldham, rector of the parish of Camden, has been appoint- ed by Rt. Rev. Ii. C. Evaru, Bishop or Ontario, to the position of rector of Trinity Anglican Church, Men rickville, and Christ Anglican Church Burritt's Rapids, in the Ottawa distr. ict. Rev. Mr. Oldham is rector of St. Luke's Anglican Church, Camden East; St. Anthony's Church Yarker, and St. John's Church, Newburgh His new appointment takes effect January 1, 1954. Former pari:thes served by this popular clergyman were at Brussels, Thornbury, Tara, Dundalk and At. wood. During his inoumbency in Camden all three churches and the rectory have been redecorated and are in good condition. No rector has yet been appoint- ed. BORN HEMINGWAY — Ad Dr. Myer's Nur- Mg Home. Brussels on Saturday, October 241.11, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hemingway, a son. REGENT THEATRE Seaford), Ont. Thursday, Friday and Saturday' "CODE TWO" Ralph Meeker Sally Forrest The story of those motorcycle police- man In action against modern cattle rustlers • * • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "PYMOUTH ADVENTURE" Spencer Tracy Gene Tlerhey The brave story of the puritans that landed on Plymouth Rock to found Amerlea. • • N. Thursday, Friday and Saturday 'FORT DEFIANCE" Dave ClarkBen Johnson' • • • . Coming Soon — BATTLE CIRCUS" k' " 1 LA BAND TRAINING ASSET TO KINGSTON STUDENT Hlnlough Chewer, elder son of Mr, and Mrs. A, Grewer of Brussels who is attending Queens 'University, Ringston, this year, has found that the training be received as a member of the Brulssels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band has been a valuable asset to being included in the social activities of the university and is helping him to become more quickly acquainted with fellow students, Ire was one, of only two, who was picked from first year students as members of the university band. and as such, is enjoying travelling to various allies with t'hoir rugoy team. There are those who say that the hand is, a hopeless project for as the members grow older they, of necess- ity, have this community to con- tinue their education or to go to work. Surely the above story proves what we have said again and again, that the talent that our young flrople develop in our local Lions baud goes with them and opens doors, othrwise closed to them, whereever they may go. Don't belittle this Lion's project. Encourage children to join, not only that the community may be proud of the band, but for their own benefit, 99 Masquerade Dance Sponsored by Cranbrook Women's Institute In Cranbrook Community Centre FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30th Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Prizes for Best Costumes for Ladies, Gents, and Boys and Girls under 14, and a slight fine for those not masked. HALLOWE'EN PARTY Sponsored by Brussels Lions Club In Brussels Town Hall on Saturday, Oct. 31st, at 8 p. m. Prizes for Costumes Games and Treats for the Children No admission charge. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Melville Presbyterian Church on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER lst at ll a. m. and7.30p.m. Preacher. Rev. Alec Simpson of Teeswater. Special Music Male Choruses Organ Recital at 7.10 p. m. Le Carillon W. Wolstenholme Fantasie on Luther's hymn, "A Mighty Stronghold arr. by San Zuart Soint-Sa3n9 Wagner is our God" The Swan Tannhauser March ns.assim�oo, arm.,.,.aF W ay• Wifaam GlenOnt. Has Purchased the Balance of The Stock and Business of White's General Store at Ethel, Ont. GLEN WILL TAKE OVER THE BUSINESS ON MON. NOV. 2 To Restock and Renovate and Give to the People of Huron County Natioaally Advertised Merchandise at Cut -Rate Prices. Watch Papers For Opening. t ybl.lttr 1�''� ttsib p. ttention Nice eople! This Is The Last Call To Save AtWhites General Store,Ethe1, Ontario. . QUITTING BUSINESS SALE Sale Ends Sat. Oct. 31st At 811:00 P.M. -- PRICES SMASHED TO A NEW LOW THAT WILL AMAZE YOU AND STAGGER COMPETITION_ Tell Your Friends — Get Up A Party All Roads Lead to WHITE'S GENERAL STORE ETHEL, ONTARIO.