HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-10-21, Page 7iII Calvert SPORTS COtMMH ' `wet etefie4oet 0 If you're seeking the standout Canadia"n athlete of the year, flon't leak for the party einollg the *nen, You'll find her among the alleged weaker sex, and, of course, Marlene Stewart is the mane, She's the darling of the golf links and has been for a couple of years. • As winner of the , British Open, the Canadian Close, and finalist in the Canadian Open, Marlene captured the imagination at a nation, As the sports figure of the year in Canada, she's a complete standout, with. whose feats or glamour' no Gordie Howe, no Rocket Richard, no Teeder. Kennedy! ia] fact no male athlete, can compete, Already admirers wonder if she doesn't even now rate with the very best of women players ever produced in this country, a matter on which this column declines to commit itself. But she's a great golfer, and a lovable sort of wholesome kid, • 'The little freckle -faced lady, born at Chinooll, Alberta, but playing from Foothill, Ont,, packs not only tremendous skill, and will to win, but a stout heart, the poise of'a veteran and concentration that even Ben Hogan himself cannot excel. Two years ago, then only 17, she had developed concentration to a point that. she apologized to an opponent at the outset , ,of -a match: "I hope you won't think I'm rude, hut I never talk on the golf course." '. And nowt at 19, Marlene plays a .precision -like game that astounded British gglf experts. Marlene Stewart is not merely d Canadian who won the British Ladies' Amateur, she is the youngest golfer to do it and as the London Daily Herald put it, "the smallest and certainly one of the greatest women champions in the world," Marlene was born with the lure of golf in her veins. Her home in FonthiIl is only a short walk from the nearby Lookout Point links, and as a wee tyke, she was there daily, shagging balls for professional Gordon McInnis Now Gordon is only a little bit of achap, himself, and perhaps sfortha that reason, he became interested in littl Marlene She took t0 the game as the average kid takes to ice cream. At 15 years, she already was displaying amazing determination, and equally amazing potential skill, Weighing little over 100 pounds, she drove with volcanic force, and at closer range, developed a Style of driving straight for the pin, which today remains one of her trade -marks. She has won honours, plaudits, the love of a nation. At 17, she won three titles, the Ontario Amateur, the Canadian Open and Closed. But through it all, and perhaps because of it, she has remained a sweet,, pleasant, unspoiled girl, a typical i.Cdnadian natural, and unaffected. Nur comments and suggestions for this column wilt be welcomed by Eimer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Vonge St., Toronto, CaLvtiILit DISTILLERS LIMITED • - - • tVAHERSTOURO. ONTARIO • .:Plain Horse Sense.. 6y BOB E6LIS Here is good news: To regain export markets for Canadian farm products the directors of the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture have adopted the prin- ciple of a two -price system. Two -price system means one price for the home market and another price for export, low enough to compete with other exporting countries. We welcome this decision as a step in the right direction: co- operative action on a national scale. This columnist has always maintained that nobody should be as interested in the orderly marketing of Canadian farm products as the farmer himself, and we are happy that our farm leaders are beginning to take th'e initiative. `Farmers will have to decide whether they want a high de- gree, of government control over their industry, as exists in the 'United States, or a strong farm orgsnization working with gov- ernment to maintain a sound • agricultural industry as is the case in many European coun- tries," said J. C. Broderick, *airman of a federation com- mittee studying the require- ments of . a national farm policy. Legislation Needed Mr..Broderick is also quoted as asking for "adequate market - lag legislation at bath • provincial and federal levels." This too is a point ' that 'vie have. raised again . and again. Only a few months ago we wrote that "the demand for this legislation is sadly missing from the programs of . the • farmers' organizations. It should take top rank in 'any and every submis- :sion to tits federal or a provin- Clal ggyernmenl," e :t -the time, we got a rebuke from the Canadian Federation of r'igriculture, 111 Sparks 'St., Ottawa,.. in theform of a letter dated June '10, 1953 and signed by its secretary -treasurer, Mr. C. G. Groff, saying that we were "far behind indeed" in our in- ' formation, R.e Beginning with' the Federal Marketing Act of "the Bennett administration which was de- clared ultra vires by the ,Privy Co' "ell, Mr. Groff gave us the history of marketing, legislation, federal and pcovineial, ending In the"Federal„Agt of 1949.pro- viding for the Marketing of Ag- ricultural Products.' lit Interpro- vinctaV and Eleport2'trade, c •Inadequate sow ' We Yemember -the' discussions four, years ago when "Bill 82" Was passed. It was fully recog- nized then that the hill was in- adequate as it dealt 'billy with provincial marketing boards, giv- ing them the power "to regulate the marketing of such agricul- tural product outside the prat, - ince in interprovincial and ex- port trade." What it did not do and that is exactly what is needed, it did not make provisions for Nation- al Marketing Boards. Under ex- isting legislation a provincial marketing board could export the product it controls, sell it 'at a lower price and absorb the loss. It could, however, not pre-' vent the nine other provinces from shipping that very same - product into its home market creating tremendous local sur- pluses, which would be beyond the capacity of one province to handle, To regulate the marketing of any agricultural product in the export trade we need market- ing boards or agencies with the powers to control the product of all 10 provinces in all 10 provinces. It is regrettable that as late as J une 10th of this year the Can- adian Federation of Agriculture did not realize the inadequacy of the present federal marketing legislation and did not foresee that it might be called upon to act for Canada's farmers from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This column welcomes sug- gestions, wise or foolish. and all criticism, whether constructive or destructive and Will try t0 answer any question. Address your letters to Bob. Ellis, Box 1, 123. 18th Street, New Toronto: Ont • How To Open Those • Pesky Packages Nothing is more aggravating when preparing a meal than pack. aged products which seem to have been closed in a way to test the ingenuity of a safe cracker, if, in desperation; too much cutting or tearing destroys the le -use value of the package, a container must be found for any left -over portion. All well -engineered packages are designed to facilitate open- ing, dispensing and re -closing However, as more and more food stiffs are prepackaged, more and more sealing and closure meth- ods are developed to meet the different requirement of t114 con- tents, These packages can be grouped into two categories those which are heat -sealed for airtightness' .and those Which ere more or less - securely' closed, but are not alt...' tight, A typical -airtight scaling method is a tent label of therm plastic -coated stock, which been heat -sealed over the bag' end. Another involves heat -seal- ` ing the end at a polythene bag. together to a required depth sir, heat -sealing the folded ends of box overwraps. Bags of cello - Souvenirs .,-- Nine-year-old Carolyn Olds proudly displays her new collection of dolls -as she arrives home. They will always remind her of her four-month European vacation, as she acquired a different doll in each country she visited, phane are closed in the same way. y The simplest way to open all of these is by cutting with a pair of kitchen scissors, By using scissors all but an inch or so of the bag is saved and the danger of impairing its serviceability is avoided. To reclose the bag, twist the neck and tie securely with a rubber band or pipe cleaner. Non:airtight . closure methods are many and varied. Some are also equipped with tent labels, which are. stapled, ,-rather than heat -sealed to the bag top. These too, were designed for cutting of with scissors. Some types, found' mostly ori polythene film, have ds great a're-use value as the bag itself, These -include • paper -covered wire •strips which can be twisted and untwisted readily. Others are slotted strips of polyfhene,which function very much like a leather belt. A third design Is a tin tie'siinilar to those tonna on the' rolled down ends of -coffee bags withends that fold back to hold the bag closed. - All of these are worth salvaging and storing with collections of gro- cery bags ofpolythene and cello- phane. Bag necks which- 'have been twisted and then clamped with metal collars - or coiled- pieces of wire are often difficult to open. Cutting the neck off just below the closing will save time and a possible bruised finger, Other methods, ' employ trans- parent cellulose tape applied to "the folded package ends -or roll- ed around the bag neck. The package is opened by peeling the tape off one surface and is re- closed by refolding the bag ends or wrapping and re -applying the tape. " - . Handiest tools for obtaining the maximum utility from cellophane and polythene packages are a pair of kitchen scissors for open- ing and a collection of elastic bands or pipe cleaners for re - closing. Big Night. The Ladies' Bible Class of the East Side Baptist Church in Kings Mountain, N,C„ was pleasantly surprised by the brisk ticket sale for one of their social functions. Owing to a ty- pographical error purchasers were entitled to a session of "all- night sinning." SPORT by A StXBITC'4 LC Next , Monday,, Octpber 26th, marks' the ninetictth • anniversary of 'So'cc'er!' Football,' or at least of flies English -Peahen Associa- tion, from ,T1 hteig the. game takes its•nicknal>ae..And ell vee can say is ttaj;`'it;,ijoes>irt look its age, and that if anybody writes in land _hsk's'whether we were pre- sent at the; birth we 'shall not be amused: ' • - At the" Freemason's Tavern, Great Queen Street, London, on Oct, .26, 1863, p small band of footballers assembled to bring abolita code oP idles'fdr the re-' gu'latiosr bf- the game. They did so because the various' schools where soccer was cradled played in various ways and so did the enthusiasts who went on playing after they left the schools. n P * Today the fruits of that meet- ing are evidenced by the exist- ence of La Federation Internat- ionale de Football Association, a flourishing world body control - lin the game. More than 70 countries are in affiliation, making it the biggest international sports body of them all. * * a As each country has taken to the game it has evolved a tech- nique to suit national tempera- ment, characteristics and condi- tions. Today 11 countries outside the British Isles can claim the distinction .of having beaten the English League professionals. The 11 in the order in which they did it •are Spain, France, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bel- gium, Austria, Germany, Italy, Yugoslavia, U.S.A. and Uruguay. What! No Canada? * * c Irl justice to the Englishmen, however it should be pointed out that in every case they were on tour abroad. The home rec- ord remains completely free from defeat against all non -British op- position, with the exception of the Irish visit to Liverpool in 1947. From the time of the in- augural international match with Scotland in 1372, a fully rep- resentative England team has taken the field no fewer than 274times against sides from 28 different sources, On Only 117 occasions has it left the field defeated, Which is .quite a re - card and no feeling. e Fodtball, actually, has been played in Britain for more than three centuries, Records show that it was played in the salmis as far back as 1710, But it was not until halfway through the nineteenth century that the first adult club was formed. The ex- ample of this organization, the Sheffield Club, was speedily fol- lowed in various parts Of the country and only the lack of a standard set of rules handicap- ped progress, The solution came with the advent of the Football Association in 1883. • * e Which will be about enough regarding Soccer for now --ex- cept for this one observation: the game will never gain very wide- spread popularity in Canada as long as the powers -that -be stand for so many shenanigans. We don't mind an occasional free- for-all among the players of a sport. We have even observed with interest -from a safe dis- tance -the odd brawl among the customers. But when you have both at once, game 'after game, it's a bit too rich for our appet- ite. Pn ite. Modern Etiquette Q. Is it really proper for a well bred girl to accept valuable gifts of jewelry from men acquain- tances? A. No. The only gifts a girl should accept from men acquain- tances are such inexpensive items as flowers, candy, books, stationery, and the like. Any- thing that is too elaborate, or • costs a great deal of money, is taboo with the well-bred girl, Q. When a hostess and three guests have sat down for a game of bridge, and another friend drops in, what should the hos- tess do? A. Either invite the guest 10 take her place, Or suggest some other game, such as hearts, in which five persons can play. Q. When introducing two per- sons, is it proper to say, "Mrs. Smith, this is Mr. Jones; Mr. Jones, Mrs. Smith"? A. No; it is altogether unneces- sary to mention the names twice. Q. Are -desserts always eaten with the fork? A. This depends upon the des- sert. Some desserts are just too soft to be handled with the fork. A good rule to follow is to use your fork whenever possible - but use good judgment, too. Q. Is it proper for a man to conduct a woman across a room for the purpose of introducing her to another man? A. No. He should always bring the man across the room to where the woman is standing or sitting. IT MAY BE YOUR LIVER if life's not worth living it may be your liver! ft's a feet! le takes up to two pinta of liver bile a dayto keep your digestive tract in top shape, If our aver bile is not flowing freely your food may not digest , , , gas hloata up your stomach ... you fool constipated and all the fun and sparkle go out of life. That's when you need mild gentle Carter'. Little Liver Pills. These famous vegetable pills help stimulate the flow of liver bile. Soon your digestion starts functioning Fr:sporty and tvou feel thet h* py days are here again' Don't ever stay sunk Always keep Carter's Little Liver Pills on hand. nen e; a1 tat, f TRAVEL AT 'THRIFT.SEA A truly merry Christmas ,awaits SDH RATES this year. Travel Canard to your you id your ce y r (eves homeland again among well•remembere innos . • , company of those dear to d scenes., • in the compan yOU, y To British PortsTo first Cross from $18D French Ports Tosrlst Class from 20 0 First Class from $217,5D Your ha Your Class from $155 py hd oliayuse begins the moment you,ga aboard your ship » with Cunard, D Getting there is half the fun",,. meet , .. unrivalled f pleasure.,, relaxation.... contens- ment • of cuisine .. , movies ...dances. gracious tiring. parties for -the children .. lame* „ Infoc! at its be6t•_at low 'Thtih Season' this Christmas. for a truly merry yuletide, travel Cu ` to the Old rales Counjry. . , ,• nerd , r SE . YOUR LOCAL AOFAIF.,.No ono nar 4_Calnvenienim�'i _. 4 eason Sali• S. Three personally conducted b experienced members of our staff. Nov 21 -From 41ASCANIA" From Montreal to Liverpool Nov.2d,.M•S. "SCYiHIA'e From Quebec to Havre and Southampton (Conductor! Earl K. Williams) R.M.S. "FRANCON Dee. 4. --From Hallfax to Greenock and Liverpool (Conductor: Stan BroWn) R.M.S. "SAMARIAr4 Dec 8 --prom Halifax to Havre and (Cmidii:Oar Wi jt m e, SnoV4 soft servo YOU hotter Cor, flay i Wetlingtoa lits„ taronfur Ont. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING a ABX eawKa BUY our day ofd Pan hatched pullets and eagtl in on the high Priem' yen are ani* to get for Wgl1'a next Snmmor and Pall, Por moxlmaia egg preduotlon WO recommend Rhage I*laod Reda, 'white Leglier11*. Rhode Inland Red X 'Barred Reek, Light Suesox X Abed* Roland Red, White Leghorn X Rhode iSland Red. Alco broiler ohtoks, started chicks, lay- ing pulleta, turkey notate. TOP NOTCH cs020sK SALES auscrali • ONTARIO YOU wouldn't hay 0Holstein now it yeti wanted beet produotlOn, likewise You wouldn't. buy a Hereford for tnaestmum mlllc prpductlon. The Frame appiiee to ohlcito, We have epactal breed. for layers, *pe01a1 breeds for broilers, others for roastars and eapone, When wrltl*g tell tie What 3.011 Want your chfeke for and we will *apply YOU with the right breeds or erosion, Hot ourlow prices on Pail hatched day old pullets, Prompt dol(very on non -sexed, pullet or eooheret chinks, Alpo started diktat, older pule tete. Broiler chicks, turkey poulto,. Cate, R GE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD, o'E200wUSUs ONTAR70 8rallor Growers we Oan give prompt 40. Weary on our opeclal broiler ohtoks, we • recommend our special cross otraln New Hampshire and - New FIampshlre crosses, Can supply non-soxed or cockerels. Speolel prices for broiler gremlin. Broiler Folder. TTwwFFDALE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FPIRC.US ONTARIO BRION BUILDINGS CLEANED LOOK aka new -. Homes, Sobeole. Churches, ata, Free Eatimatae in On- tario, E R. Munroe Co, Ltd,, Wilton Grove, Ont. Phone London 2.802e. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE you anything needs dyalan or clean - 100? Write to ua for information. We ere glad to answer your queetipaa De• partment H, Parker's Dye Warks Limited. 781 Ynnse St. Toronto. eon KeLE CRESS CORN SALVE -For ewe relief Your Drug*l,t .enc CRESS. BROILERS start and finish over 3,000 nor Year. Five used battery brooder finishers. 679 F.O.B. Milton Agar, Route Five Stratford, Ontario. names-, pure bred herd of fresh and springing cows and 1elfere, mieredlted, vaccinated and 11.0.P. Meted. Gordon S. Hume, Milton, R,R. 0. Ontario, Instil -Erin Siding and ROetter FREE eetlmatee, 24 menthe to pay, all material and workmanship carries 16 years' guarantee. Dominion Home Ser- vice, 66 Ralneford Rd., Toronto, BUDGIES, babies, adults 0,0,4100 pairs, surplus bone 8 tor 6-6. Canaries singers 6T.60. Aviaries, 5 tedgewood Gardens. Toronto, POTATO Digger, double row, power take oft, nearly new, price for quick sale, Roaehall Nurseries, Brantford. FORD Traotoro, 1949 Models, Wagner Loader (new) Back Grading Blades,. Weeders. Tiller., and Centre Grading Blades bargain prices to reduce Inventory. Roaehall Nureeres Brantford, BT,ACE Currant Rushee best vartetteo. nix for .89c, Rosehill Nurserle0. Brant- ford. USED TIRES -ALL SIZES W13 have the largest stock of need tires in Weatorn Ontario. Passenger tires. 66,00 up; Truck tires 610,00 up. 1.11 tires guaranteed 90 days, All orders FOX, London, 20:8, deposit with Order, balance C.O.D. Middlesex Tire Sale., 02 Fullerton St., London, Ont., phone 1-8141, GUNS, Rifles, etc, - 8e sure to write for our free new 1963 catalogue before buying. Large assortment, Scope Sales Co.. 200 Bank at„ Ottawa, Ont, GUN catalogue free. New 1961-64 edition, Quantities limited. -Reserve now. R, & W. Kerr Ltd., 1242 St. Catherine St, Wont. Montreal, HOGS are scarce, now is the timeto bus' a choke regletered Yorkshire boar sired by British Bradbury 306F., a half brother to the champion .ow of England, Choice Imam ready for service, othero younger from eight weeks 20, also sows, Also Belgian, Perehoron and Clyde stallion., four, five and six yearn old, Herbert S, Miller & Sone, R.I. Keene, Ont, SENSATIONAL OFFER Men'. Hand Painted Stneetrtice - ships, birds, nnl- mais, 'Arlo, ,lawere, many neat patterns. Wine• blue, brown, grey, navy colours, 98c: " for 81.89. Tie Market Stirling, Ontario. GUELPH district, 209 acme choice land, hydro, 1 bank barns. large house, bath, good water, 113,000 terms, many others. wide price range, Bradleys Real Esteto Guelph, Ontario. SPECIAL SALE New Paper Crap Blower 8' - 30' pipe ,rood, 2260 Cock:Mutt Grain Grinder 10", 175, Cocknhutt 8 blade Tiller, cast wheels. Pewee depth control. trash guards, 1436 Spramntor Pressure 870 erns with 30 get. time, 1140,69, Special dierount to fleeter. McCullochChain Sawa, L E, L. Chain Saws, Several good used One and two man chain saws we carry large stock of eerie for all sews. Now Clinton small gasoline Engln.0, also several reconditioned em001 engines cheap. Plastic repo all sixes cut to order. PRINGLE & COOPER, 146 COLEMAN STREET. BELLEVILLE, ONT. WHY PAT MORE? Wheeling yarn 01.86 Ib., Fingering yarn 01,96 1b. Satisfaction guaranteed, how- manvitle Wool Company, now'manvine, Ontario, BINOCULAR SALE SPECIAL Purchase of brand 118W high Dowered prlomgao day & night Messoo; 6x30 Dlenatglno 124.00, Sea° wide angle 626.00, 7020 8&L tope 129-60, mom. powered 127(60 646,00, 15x60 640,60, 011 wltb individual focus and coated lenses. All with solid leather fame and tally guaranteed. Rush money order tar pre- paid. otherwise 01,00 deposit balnno0 0.0,11 OPTICAL HOUSE P.O, 8ox 109. Adelaide Street Statim, Toronto 1, HELP WANTED EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Cook general wanted Immediately for be01- 01tut suburban Same far two adults; coun- try uomnn preferred. Excellent home and top wages for someone tufo In a real homemaker. Glom full partioolnre and Phone number. Aire, E, A, (YwOrth, R.R. N0, 3, Weston, USED BUSSES WE Offer the Due Operator 0. large Stook Of re0onditloaed Unite aullaklo for Robot Or adult tran0portatlen. These trades carry a thirty -day 000ehenieat warranty and- aro deiced tram 6700. Terme arranged, SPeelal 1860 000441 MI166 Aloroury, High 1to00tnom, Wtlaou Body. 86 -adult seating. 2 Hektera, 3= speed rear Ax10, 8,80 x 20 Mee. Will Paint to girder. This unit hi -oxco11011t condition throughout, 64;100. Write or Winne, PRO MOTOR 1OMPANY of OA/WDA 1154, Leoeldo, Ontario, K eefelr 1171,. OIALE intr.e WANTED SALESMEN whole or part time. To matt on garment la ti•eOteen and pastern Ontario. No peddling, no eollactlone. Prod not well advertised, Every livestock tare mer a buyer, Ninety per emit repeat eat00, Build yeuroolf' an Income In your tow0,hl9 or county, 8nle0 help given, ago no barrier if active. Apply giving address. phone, paint experience if an1', earrttory desired to Rex 012, London, oat, 81H010A2 TRY VI EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUM/Vitt PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNRO'S 0RUG STORE 33$ ELGIN OTTAWA 1,25EXPRESS PREPAID • FEMINEX • Ono woman tons anotbor. Take saperlor FEMINEX" t0 help alleviate pato, din. Weis sad nervous tension asencinted with monthly periods, 55.00 Postpaid In pial, Sapper POST'S CHEMICALS 880 QUEEN ST, OAST 508ONT(9 POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment 01 dry eczema cashed and weeping sarin troubles. Pont'. Ecxemo Salve will not disappolot you. Itohing 9oaling burping 00201110, Rene, ringworm, pimples and toot eczema, will respond readily to the statnleae, odorless ointment regardleeo of holy stubborn or borates. they seem, PRICE 82.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Poet Prep ,n Receipt of Prloe 880 Queen St, IL. Corner of Logan Toronto 08PHEN ANDTWOMENn MEN AND WOMEN Why wait? Prepare Yourself now to en - Joy a comfortable Fall and Wolter, tree of unnecessary ache, and pains. Tett owe It to youroelf to feel fit, so learn about the amazing "Atob(airnet." Evert home should own one. Write lmmedlate- ly for free literature. PHYSICAL01 Canada PDUNDATION of Canada 298 • 78 Adelaide Street West. Toronto LEARN priceless secrets of Technical. Motapbyske. Mao to loam. Only School of Ito kind. Write: Premier College of Technical Metapbyolca, 2632 McKenzie 8t.. Vancouver. 8.C.. Canada, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdrea0in8 Pleasant, dignified Profession, *Mott -Wages,, Thousands of 01Mame* 0000, al Mael i9 4,100005 T. America's Greatest 8ystgnr; nlustrated Catalo*Oe Free -write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 888 Btoor St. W„ Toronto Branchest 44 'King St„ Hamilton 12 Rideau FM, Ottawa AUCTIONEERINGI Bo independent. Hoole study course. Complete 0 weeks. In• elude. Mail Order .and Merchandlsing, Diploma granted, Auction School, Ft, Smith. A kansae, V.S.A. DEALERS -STOREKEEPERS Phillip's Sales Wholesale Catalogue and Pall & Christmas Supplement Ponta -Ming over 3000 profitable items and house- wares, drY-broods, notions, stationery. smoker sandmen, toys, gifts and pre- mium merchandise, ole. Write on Your letter bead or give your trade etYle for free eons. PHILLIP'S SALES REG'D. 939 sesta- ST.. MONTREAL 3. UNEMPLOYED or part - time workers. 137 ways to make money. Circular and details 25e. Arnie Bu01ne00 Plans, 920 Colborne Ste London, Ontat-lo, PATENTS AN OFFER t0 every Meunier -Lim nt in- ventions and Pull Intnrmntton cent tree. The Rameee Co,. Registered Paten, Atter neva. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, FETHE178TONHA ('GH &0 0 m 0 a 11 y Patent Attorneys. IDotablfshed 0889, 880 Bey Street. Teeontn. Patents all countrlea ('IAR011NA1 if desirous r ridding Yourself of CIGARETTE ADDICTION De It the ena2 way, Tobacco Cllmtna. for carrion a "satisfaction or money back" guarantee. Fnr tree booklet, - write 0, King, Phnr,nnral Corpnrntlnn 6M„ Box 303, Walkervllle, Ont. 01.00 TRIAL otter. Twenty -Tito deluxe peroonet- reneirementn Latest elatalenu0 Included. The Medico Agency. Ilex 814 Terminal A. 'Toronto. Ontario UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with SACA-PECO, n remarkable discovery Of the nue. Free Inl ,8100 nn at Lor -Boer Laboratories Ltd„ Ste. 5, 679 Granville 8t„ or write P,0, Box 90, Vanenever, a,C. wa0TEu WANTED - National Hockey Le,tg00 Record 'Bootie, any year, Seri Dnnnvan, Perth. Ontario, Box 326, WANTED-FM(41e to. tumefy Canadian Approved Itatebery with hatching *0020 for 1900.64 season, Apply Box 110, 338 Eighteenth Street,- New. Toronto, Ontario- wANT19D for Cash, We u•111 pay email for gond tlsad Bereet: ;kerosene operated rett-Igerntora, wtteen Marine Sales and Service, Phone. 707, BisctSt. Parry Sound, WANTED TO 10RC.,1IA1E-Laylne end ren,yta-lbl• • nutlet%- pure breeds and rroea •breeds Apply.Rag 109, 123 Ei*tr tomtth-' Street .'Nitlir ahroto, Ontario, Mlle, 43 - 1953 • CIGARETTE TOBACCO