HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-10-21, Page 4►• even 1 opt1 Limited" It's the pleasant, luxurious way to travel --"The Jasper Way" on the Continental Limited ... Canadian National's de- pendable daily link hetwcen Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, A1r»aki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver. Canada's magnificent scenic beauty greets you with a new adventure every mile while you relax in the =- conditioned comfort of attractive bedrooms, standard and tourist sleepers, lounges and coaches. Delicious meals in attractive dining cars served with Canadian National's traditional courtesy and efficiency. By arrangement at major points you can have a drive -yourself car waiting for you. Forreservations and information regarding your business and pleasure (ravel, see, Write or phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agent. THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES • • h USINFSS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., I:. M. (. C. PHYSICIAN and 3URGEOII FVi13Emm !. Pisan 4. its•, OM. DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate Univers/Dv of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON e 45 Broree4s. Ont. Curs. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL K1ND5 Autosmcbat and Fgrr Inver:nos Accident end Schwas Avert tor Great West Life Inmiance Co. n $ice 96 — i'Ih•alaw fon, OM. JOHN E, LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes F.rmtmined. Glasses Mad. ?hone 791 Seaforth -- Maki gels. HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to iN sum G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometer.. Patrick 5t., WINOHAM At P.incersEne Office Every 'Tay. nese °1 Ingham 770 & S, Elecasdlen Evenings by ,Lppointment. THE BRUSSELS POST WA1 roN I PEOPLE WEKNOW Birt W. C, Bennett Ives itiostess at 1 The litany frieaule of Mr. J. O. her Olinton home least Wetlzre0day; Backer, wire is in Windham hespi+talt evening for tire Walton groan of tete I hope, that itis condition will, soon W. A. and W. L 'S. The president, show Improvement, Mrs RonaldBonnett, opened the I Mr, and Mas. Scott Davidson and :seting with a poem. Mrs, Feral family of N1 t0 515 Falls, loam) been J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, Jarrow". .9p rlallaing in Eye Examine/on and :the 09ttlug cf Mine Office les Uat owel Clinic Bundling Meas 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. shay; Closed Wsd esirq Opm wry Tuesday and Saturday Evening i�53d.•> Mt - Mee evenings by appolatment i•;; , Fi. A. Rann & Co. CE Licensed Funeral Em atld Embalmer Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sem Life Assara sue Co. Camila Health and Actddent Ce. Casualty General Insurance Cs. none 43s'sk t>-. Walker Funeral Horne Da or Night Calls Telephone No Enka Charge 1Ot Ulla of ir,meral, Hums lionerAnt Funeral Dha cte' aid OrlmbaFaansa Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service lhielria' ''i icvwers Eltcleelyely Patterson gave the secretary's re: visiting meth his parents leers Mr. port, and called the troll. Twenty and Mrs. ltobt, Davidson, nine women responded with a versa l Mr. and Mrs. I3. J. Manning .ao• of scripture, glia treasurer's report compeuded Mr. and M. Ray bear leas given . byMrs. Prams lfirlt e I of Clinton visiting Mr, Victor Sitar, wos n m' box she teiyeded the ,lin , Mrs._ Fear's brother in Detroit women Pm- a box she received recent- ly, Mre. H. B. Kirkby gave .a 7..A. .over the weekend. financial report. Mrs, Wesley Hack- Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Bennett and well gave an interesting stalk on "The 1 Bruce, Miss, Evelyn Lighthouse and Life of Paul.' A soeiM half hour 'Mrs. Matvtld Osborne all of Rooheet was, enjoyed,, Mr•s, Rallt er, N. Y., and Mr. kind Mev, A. 'G7eelts Travis condueting several contests, of Kitchener spent the week and Lunch was served by Elle hostess I with Mr, and Mos, R. A. Bennett and Mrs. George McArthur, Mrs. i Frank Walters,, MTs. Allan McCall I and Mrs,` Wilitam Thamer, after which Mrs. Patterson thanked the ; hostess for the very enjoyable evening. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett visited with Dr, John Ben• nett in Shelbourne; Mr. and Mrs, James, Mowbray, Detroit, with Miss Mary Mowbray; Elmer Dennis has returned home after visiting Lovine Dennis in Regina; Cecil Shaw with Victor Sthaw, 'vile is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, where he is progressing slowly. )E&'f (lb +.VT: BLUEVALE The Mimes Florence and Ethel Beattie of Seaforth, were visitors in the village on Sunday, Mrs. R. Garniss and Mr, Mao Scott spent Sunday in Clifford with Ms. and Mao. Neil MtB aahren, MIS. Carl Johnston visited her sister, Mrs. Irving McOable, at Wind- sor for a few days last week. A large crowd of friends, and neigh• bors gathered in the Forester's Hall here, Friday evening, at 5 shower and dance held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cloaltey who were recently married. During the intermission Earl Anderson called the young couple to the front and l read an address to them and Roily Marks presented them with a purse of money. Mr. Cloakey expressed . thanks on behalf of his bride and .himself. The evening was, spent I dancing to blt'e music of Jimmy Pierce's orchestra. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. George Cole and Mr, and Mrs. Gibsotl, Cole and Lloyd, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs James Michie; I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunbar, with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hayes, Elyria Ohio. an IN MEMORIAM RL'TLEDGE — In loving memory of John Earl Rutledge who paired away one year age October 23rd. The world may eha•nge from year to year And friends from day to day But never will the one we loved From memory peas away, Ever remembered by Alvin, Elsie, Wendy and Judy. ' IN MEMORIAM RIITLEDGE — Tn loving memory of any dear husband John Earl Rut- ledge, who passed away October 22 1952. Since you've gone first and I remain To walk the road alone, S live in memory's garden dear, With happy days we've known. I hear your voice, I see your senile Though blindly I may grope The m•-mory of your helping hand Still buoys me 00 with hope. We've known eon much of happiness, We've had our chip of joy. And memory is one gift of God That death cannot destroy, Singe pnu've gone first and I remain On,. thing I would have you do, Walk slowly down that Irma. long path For I will follow you. Ever remembered by his loving wife. Mary and family, WEALTH BEYOND SOLOMON'S DREAMS In 1949, surveys were begun by mineralogists in Iraael to assess Negev's mineral assette as a means of e,ecuring a sound economic basis for the new state. Investigations have revealed a wealth of resources rivalling those known in Biblical days, Wath for this story in The Star Weekly lame 24th by Rupert Bally, PREI)ERICIK 1 HHONIUTH Phu. B., R. O. Mrs. H Voir Hnrreuth R 0 Carr's t. Homutb R. ft. Optometrists Phone Tia Haeristmi• (. it . CRAP REPORT by 0• W. MontgoinOTY October 17th. 1959 The eoutinuation of the excellent fall weather this past week has al- lowed ter ,the consolation of alntoot all of the fall plowing and ]pas g1Yen 4er:eel's splendid opportun0ta to oom- plate the fall work in record time. 'lliiere is an eamormal amount of drainage work being carried on in the County, this pan. Approximately 400 Farmers attended the Crop Im- provtstuenit Bruleb, and Tohrn Central Day held north of Clinton en Wed- of this week. This County was well represealited at the inter -Club Com- petitions at Guelph. on Friday as seventeen teams or tatrity.0eter0011-- testante represented the Count,s 4-11 "Clubs, AN EDDIE'FISHER . FAN SPECIAL The existing story of Eddie Fish- er's, phenominal rise to America's most popular young singer begins in The American Weekly with this, Sunday's (October 25) Issue of The Detroit Sunday Tines,. "This is My Lite", btv k]ddde Fisher, is the in- spiring story of a boy whose cour- age and determination took him from poverty to suooess. WeileeedaY, October 2 t, 1251 l'{•Mr^Irr.'YMM,w.wlM.. .Y .. ...'^ COAL COAL Don't wait until the snow flies and'the price goes up to get your fuel hi. For economical heat next winter order your supply of Coal Now, ROBT, L. CUNNINGHAM "Our Coal Makes Warm Friends" Phone 86r12 Ethel, Ont. BRUSSELS'MOTORS HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST CAR DEALERS 1903 Pontiac Sedan 1053 Chevrolet Sedan 4--1962 Chevrolet Sedans 1962 Pontiac Sedan 1951 .Chevrolet Sedan 1951 Chevrolet 1,ewerglide Coach, Fully Equipped 1949 Ohevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1949 Ford Custom Sedan 1948 Chevrolet Sedan 1948 Chevrolet Coach 1947 Chevrolet Coach 1947 Mercury' Sedan Speclal 1937 Chevrolet Coach TRUCKS — 1948 Chevrolet 3-4 ton Pick-up 10-1943 Dodge 2 ton Stake YOUR FRIENDLY CITIES SERVICE DIALER 04 Hew Touting Service Phone 73x Oressete. OM. WOa.massl1111111161 at the ktrk I*tool R , SDA Y NIGHT FOR 16 NIGHTS, FROM 8 TO 10 P.M., except Dec. 17, 24 artd 31 COMMENCING NOVEMBER 5th The Ontario Department of Agriculture and the Community Programmes' Branch, Department of Education and Seaforth District High School Board, will offer the follow- ing proposed courses: 1. etc., fms selection MANAGEMENT—Use nd valuation, income tax and Pinventory rices andmarkets. (At least ar30 i must register to give this course). 2, SEWING—Elementary Course—Selection of material, pattern alteration, shortcuts, making simple clothing. 3. ADVANCED COURSE 1N SEWING—Tailoring. 4. WOODWORKING—Use and maintenance of hand and powered equipment, making of projects. 5. COOKING—Advanced course. demonstrations In baking party ideas. 6. L EAT H ERC RAFT—Tooling, embossing, coloring, etc. 7. TYPING—A Beginner's Course—Drills, rhythmic exercises, touch system. P. FURNITURE REPAIR—Demonstration course in repair and upbolstering, refinish- ing.of wood surfaces. 9. INTERIOR DECORATING—Room strategy, color, window and door treatments, furniture periods, room accessories, floral arrangements. 10. BOOKKEEPING—Keeping records, simplified bookkeeping. 11. FARM MECHANICS—Care and maintenance of Farm Tractors and Farm Maohla- ery. 12.—LANDSCAPING AND HORTICULTURE—Farm and home beautification, nursery. stock, home gardening. 13. HOME NURSING AND FIRST AID --Care of sick, use of antiseptics and bandages, 14. PUBLIC SPEAKING—Conduct of meetings, duties of chairman and officers, Par- liamentary Procedure, practice in speaking. Rural Community Night School Registration Form Seaforth, Ontario I am interested in registering in Night Classes with: as first choice- as second choice Name Addres Telephone Exchange and Number m NOTE: Registration must be made oh a registration form, The courses carried on will depend upon the number who regieter, In cases of overregietratlon 111. any course, applicants will be accepted in order of registration -- SO — fill out this form NOW and send it to I., P. PLUMBTEEL, Seaforth$ Ontario. 53.00 per person, except whore two or More members of a family aro registered, the fee will be 52.60 ger person, payable on the -opening night of the MAIM, at which time everyone will assemble in the School Auditorium to meet mats Instructors. FEES: L. P, PLUMSTEEL, Principal, Seaforth District High School G. W. MONTGOMERY, Agricultural Representative for Huron County R. E, SECORD, Community Programmes Branch, London