HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-10-21, Page 1E BRUS Post Publishing House .utherize4 as second ohm mail, Post Office Department, Otteters MORNi.NG STAR REB,KAH BRUSSELS CHAMBER OF • LODGE SLATE INSTALLED COMMERCE MEETING Morning Star Rebekah lodge had The October meeting of the as •guests, last Tuesday night) Sister l3rbssele Ch,ambel' of Commerce was held, in tie Library on Monday night, with a good attendance. President, Harold Thomas, presided, and Roy 13. Cousins anted as •see• installed: past noble grand, Mee. rotary in the absence of W. le. Todd, Minutes, of the last meeting were adopted as read by Jtobt„ Walker, seconded by Stewart' LoWe, — Carried, Mored by C. Kreuter, seconded by 33. Stretton that the account of $10. Mr a wreath be paid to D, A. Bann, Walker; fin,anotal aeeretary, Mrs, — Carried, Elsie Evans; treasurer, Mrs, Laura The meeting was favoured with a piano solo by Ken 'greed which was enjoyed by all the members. J. C. Pegelow (lave a report- or the retail nterobants menemittee. Moved by C. Keauter, secondedt by Geo. Backer, that we request the Keay Cann, D,D,P., of the Pride ot Huron lodge, Exeter, with her staff, and a number of visitors from that lodge. The following officers were Lillian King; noble grand, Mrs. Verna Thomas; R:S.N,G„ Mrs, Ada Armstrong; L:S.N.G•, Mrs Elsie Thuell; vice -grand, Agee bene Pease; R.S.V.G., Mtse Jessie Little; L,S,V.G Mrs. Margaret Inurehrtes; recording secretary, Mrs. Hazel Williamson; conductor, Mrs. Althea Campbell; warden, Mrs. ltiary Lowe; color -bearer,. Mrs, Ethel Long; oat - side guardian, Mrs, Marguerite Crawford; inside guardian, Mrs, Vera I3asttsgs; musfean, Mrs, Dor. een Mo0reabh, Village Ciounoil to declare . Nov.. .A penny sale provided interesting 11th a full Dtoliday, —Carried, entertainment; and a lunch wise iioved by Mrs. 2l. Cndr»ore, sec-- crepe with navy blue hat and onded by Stewart Lowe that ca •rcase was served under the convetterehip oft the matching shoes. HPF stores be requested to close at 9 , of Mink roses. Mae Alice Stiles of p, m, on Saturday evenings during' Toronto was her eeter's brides - Jan., Feb. and I2ardh. — Carried. • maid, wearing a black dress with Moved by S. Lowe, eeconded by 0, powder blue- accessories and a ' Pegetow that petition be made to the 1 corsage of Talisman roses. Mr. Village Council requesting compel Donald Speir of Owen Sound was, 1L4 POS Wednesday, October 21st, 1953 UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Speir - Stiles Stiles - Torrene An interestdarg double wedding teak place on Saturday, Chet. 17, at 2.30 o'clock, .at the borne of Mr. and Mrs, William I3, Stiles of Brussels, when their daughter, Annie Mar, guea'ite, became the bride of Mr, i William Harold Speir, .and their , sou, Mr. Stewart Anderson letilee, married Joan Margaret Torrens: Mr. Speir is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Harold -Speir, also of 'Brus. ' eels, and Mlss Tamers is the i daughter at. Mr, and Mae, William R. Torrens, of Toronto. Rev. Am drew `Lane of Brussels United Church performed the ceremony and Miss Isabelle Speir played the wedding music. Baskets of r0see, I carnations, and baby dhrysanthe-' memo against a background or • feathery green terns formed a 'pretty setting. Given in marriage by her father. Miss Stiles, wore a street -length dress of powder -blue Mrs, Manic B9oTaggart, Miel. Lillian King was presented with her P,N.G, pin by Mrs. Cann, and expressed her appreciation to the lodge. Mrs - Gain's. talk to the group out lined their duties and privileges as lodge members, and she urged sory closing •at 9 p• m. on Saturday groomsman for bis brother, For chem to accept and enjoy them to evenings during Sane Feb. ,and the reception, tate hride's mother Meroh. — Carried. 1 was wearing a navy blue, crepe the full. Moved by H. Stretton, seconded by gown withnavy blue accessories. Miss L, Dodds that we co-operate, Assiste's ng her. the groommother COURT OF REVISION wiffh the Lione and Legion. Santa wore a dress of navy blue , sheer with navy blue accessories. Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Roll of the Township of Grey, will be held on Tuesday, October 27th at 2 p. m, at the Clerk's Office, Ethel. Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk, COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1954 Assessment Roll for Morris township will he held on October 190, 1963 at 10 a. m. in the Morris Township Hall. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. TENDERS WANTED ' Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Oct. 23th, 1953, for the contract of the caretaking of the United Church of Brussels. Dub les to commece about Nov, est, Low. est ,or any tender not neceesarlly accepted. - Carson Watson, It. R. 4 Brussels, See., Board of Sbewards. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the nnderdgned until Monday, Nov- end, 1953 for snow plowing in the Village of Brussels for 1913:54 season, Tenders oto be by the hour, plow supplied by Village of Brussels. Lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. C. R. Campbell, Clerk -Trees. Village of Brussels. 1 THE PREABYYIRIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Malvple CAurslt Cruuab Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fultol 10 a. m, Sunday School 11 a. m, Morning Worship Anniversary Services Sunday, Nov. lst. United Churt>rh OM CANADA ee itlelatr.d. Rev. Andrew Lan. Divine Worehip — 1.1 o'clock "Love Suprema" i Chun* School — 12 o'clock ) "I' was glad When they said unto me, let ns go tato the house of the Lord," Church of England POMOA of Ii'uUMlS Roth A. Swam We, M. A. 21st Sunday Atter Trinity Oct, 25th, 1952 et. John's Church, Brussels— 11 a. m. Morning Prayer Sunday Moot St. David's Church, Henfryn- 2 80 p. nt. Evening Prayer Sunday School St, George's Chueoh, Walton— 9.30 a, en, Morning Prth''er Claus Parade, — Carried. Moved by Mise C. Dickson, sea For the wedding trip to northern , onded by L. Kernaghan that Mrs and eastern Ontario, the bride 1 E, Cudmore, Ralph Pearson and donned a sunt of heather blue wool ; HELP WANTED — Capable ghl of woman to work at William Bernard On Thursday, William John Bern- ard of Concession 0, Morris Town- ship,- died at St. Maru''a HoaPlbs, in ii3'bltener when Ile had tmder- gone an operation' on the previous Friday. The late Mr. Bernard was born in 1889, the son of Thomas Bernard and Isabella Angus and was a life long resident of Morris Twp. The funeral service, conducted by Rev, Andrew Lane of the Brussels United Church, took place at 1.30 IL in.. at the home of William J. MoCutoheon, Lot 24, Con, 7 Morris Townsih ip. Interment was at the Brussels cemetery, where the L. 0. L. No, 774 of Brussels had a short but im- pressive service. Mr, Bernard le surveyed by his wife, the former Ann Craig, and one half-brother Earl Bernard of Morris Township. Pall -bearers were William Mc- C,utcheon, Harvey McCutoheon, George Smith, Thames Pearce, Joe Smith and Ernest Smith; while the floral tributes were home by Thos, Bernard, Harvey Craig, Bert Craig. Dined Craig, George Bernard and Clarence McCntobeon, WINS SPECIAL AWARD Donald Perrie, younger son of Mr. and Airs. W. J. Perrie received word that he obtained first prize in the John Deere special at the In- ternational Plowing Match at Co- burg. Donald also won second prize in the boys class. Jerk McDonald be a committee to with a blue topcoat, and navy blue 1 The New American Hotel, Brussels, on Dec, 12, in the church basement work with Liose, and Legion for accessorlee, Upon their return , Watelh for further particulars. the Christmas Parade. - Carried, they will reside in Brussels. Miss apply to Joe Baker. Considerable discussion took place Torrens. given in marriage by her , r;,e„�,,,,, — i c ee,.,ea �. _ $2.00 per year . $2.5.0 U. ! „ Successful Anniversary Services were held in the United Church 011 Sunday, Oct, 18th. Twb epeeial ser' mons were deleeered by The Rev, W. J. Rogers of Hansell, the guest streaker, In the morning his sub- ject was, "Subversive Inactivity,' and in +the evening, "Setrieuel Conservation," Lovely autumn flowers provided by the Roe, Bernard, Stiles ane Tyenman families, and arranged by Miss Addie Cardiff adorned the altar, ' 'Special morning music — a double ' trio: "I Shall Not Want" by 0..W Morris — their member., partici- eating. Misses Joan Themes, Shirler 1 Stepbeneon, Mary Wi11ts, Agnea Lane, Sean Jewell. Joyce Thames, and Mrs, Ivan Campbell, — Men's quartette: "I Can Tell Segue," by • Sillier and Tower, Messns, Lloyd Wheeler. Thomas. Straiten, Stanley Wheeler and Thomas Pearce. An. them: "The Day Whtnh the Lord I Hath Made", by N. Robson. Solo bee Miss Sheila Porter, 1 Evening music; Anthem, "I will Extol Thee", by Tra Wilson, obligate solo, Mrs, Dean Davison, Men's enertette; "Th Whispers of Janus" by Rowe and Lorenz. Double trio: "Heart Divine", by E. S. Lorenz, Memibelrs participating, Misses Ruth Hemingway, A'gn•es Lane, Joyce Miller. Lena Miller, Joyce Thomas. Marion Hemingway. _ —� — NOTICE — The Evening Ahtxillary of St John's Anglican Church. Brut6sels are holding a baking and variety sale with regard to Dollar Days for father, wore a princess styled' Brussels. It was moved by Max dress of nary bengaline with navy j Oldfield, •seconded by E. Gregg, that hast and shoes, and corsage of pink I. we sponsor two Dollar Days, the rosebuds. Mee. William Easter of later part of November and that we St. Thomas, sister of the bride - sponsor a full week of Dollar Days groom, was the bridesmaid. She ; in January. — Carried. was wearing a dress of grey and Moved by Miss D, Cudmore, sec- gold printed crepe with green se- onded by C. Kreuter that Mrs. A. cesaoriee. Mr. Mac Speir -of Owen Wood, S. Lowe and Geo. 13&eker be Sound vans groomsman. The bride's a committee of three to loolc atter mother assisted at the reception the advertisement of Dollar Days, wearing a dresie of teal blue 1 — Carried. crepe with grey accessories,. For j. Moved by Jack Wheeler, seconded the wedding trip of Mr. and Mrs. by A•Iiss L. Mitchell that we support Stiles to Detroit and Windsor, the the idea of a Horticultural' Society, bride wore a printed dress of — Carried. black and white crepe with beige e Moved by T3, Stretbon, seconded topcoat and navy aeoessorieu, On , by Miss L. Dodds that our next their return. the couple will live 1 meeting be in the form of a dinner on •the bridegroom's farm on the 11 meeting and that it be held in the 12th concession 0f Cray Township. Amerccan Hotel, Committee chair- mien to sell tickets. — Carried. Moved by R. W, Kennedy, second- R ANR ,uf:fW ed by L. E. Cardiff that all helices be on the 'committee to arrange The members ot ase W. M. S. and i far Rio dinner meeting, the Evening Aux., were guests of — Carried, the W. M. 5, of Union United Oluncli, ' It was agreed that the next meet- at their Thank -offering meeting 1 Ing be a ddrectore. meeting to be held on Thursday evening. Rev. John on December 21st. — Carried. Stinson of Northside United Church, The January meeting to be in Seaferth,, was the speaker and lunch charge of Agrleulture committee was served in the basement and a with Jack Wheeler chairman. social time enjoyed by all. — Carried. Air. and Mrs, Sim Cameron, , Moved by H. Stretton, sew:nein Sarnia, were week -end visitors by 'Ralph Pearson than we de now with Mr. and Mas. Allen Cameron, adjourn. — Carried. Mr. Ed. Smalldon, Toledo, and Tom Smatidon, St. Thome, are spending &few days with their brother George. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth MacDonald i visited in Detroit ease weak -end. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Moileehern, 2 shows nightly 7.50 — 9.30 p. m. ! Galt, were Sunday visitors ;cath Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Peter Baker. CAPITOL LISTOWEL THEATRE', Friday, Saturday October 23 • 24 "COLUMN SOUTH" starring Audis Murphy — Joan Evans. A story of treachery. and treason which fans the flame ot•+ cent Saturday battle. 1 Several members of the W. M. S were in Wingleam Monday evening attending the Training Insititttte for the Leaders being Meld their all this week at 8 o'clock each evening, ax Monday, Tuesday October 28 • 271 RECIEN`T`I1-11.ATRE Romance and adventure In the steaming jungles of Guatemala "TREASURE OF THE GOLDEN CONDOR" With Cornet Wilde — Constance Smith. TUESDAY FOTO.NITE OFFER $170.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. Wednesday, Thursday October 28 - 29 Susan .Hayward — Robert Mitchum to "WHITE WITCH bOOTOR" One oourageous White woman atone 1n darigerotia Africd here Is excite. Merit and drama at it's highest. Seaforth, Ont. Thursday,, Friday and Saturday • "ROGUES MARCH" Peter Lawford Janice Rule Courage wins love and honor in a land of mystery, r is • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "ISLAND OF DESIRE" Linda Darnell Tab Hunter Two men and one woman alone on a South Sea Paradls'e. * * 4 Thursday, Friday and Saturday "COBE TWO" Ralph Meeker Sally Forrest TURKEY SUPPER In St. John's Anglican Church on Wednesday, October 28th Supper served from 5.30 to 8 Concert in Town Hall Admission 01.50 and 75c Masquerade Dance Sponsored by Cranbrook Women's Institute In Cranbrook Community Centre FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30th Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Prizes' for Best Costumes for Ladies, Gents, and Boys and Girls under 14, and a slight fine for those not masked. Agents for the famous Oregon Chain and I. E. L. Saws and Distributors for Clinton and Diston Saws Also agents for Wakefield Oil and distributors of Hallman Jacks. Fully Equipped Machine Shop having installed a Shaper. GEO.E.POLLARD Sales is one thing — but we follow up with service and repairs. a.,21 Phone 64 or 56r13 Brussels o,®s„w,eee. He, ercent interest (per year) for 12 years on your new (8111 series) Canada Savings Bonds o other Bond offers this combination of features For cash --Orin rnstal- R .•�`� '? merits. lastulntent w"a ROW" purchases eau he WILL YOU $ financed through the HAVE Payroll Savings Llan YOURS? where you work, or on convenient arrange- ments at your bank. "LIKE CASH-, WITH • TEMPTATION TO SPEND REMOVED! [60K AT (008 MONEY PILE UPI Immediately cashable at full face value plus interest—at any time at any bank in Can - aa. Bear interest each year for 12 years at a slat rate of 33/4% paid annually—a high rate of interest for a bond o£ 100% cashability. a"3 LOOK L THE AT MONEYAL s, 100,90 t# SAVED I I' R YOU- ANOFOTHE WHOLE FAMILY! At maturity 12 years from date of issue, November 15, 1953 -- von will have received back. $1.5 for each $100 you invested .. . and you can count on it. •,WHERE 00 YOU GET THEM? There's a limit of $5,000 in any one name, but each person in a family may hold up to this limit. May be secured through your bank or your investment deal• cr—or through your Company's Payroll Savings Plan. WITHIN e THE REACH OF ALI 6 IT'5 ONLY VALUABLE TO YOU! SOME CAN CAN BE FULLY REGISTERED! A• favourite with more than a million Canadians NOTHING ELSE YOU CAN PUT YOUR MONEY INTO COMPARES WITH CANADA SAVINGS BONDS. es- •(Asft NEW 8TH SERIES ON SALE STARTING MONDAY, ©CTOL ER 191`14 Available in denomin- ations of $50, $100, $500, $1000 and $5,000. Registered as to prin- cipal in your ownname for your protection against loss, theft or destruction. $500, $1000 and $5090 bonds may be full registered if desir Cash buyers' bib' range for fully-reli tered form at thni o purchase. Instable buyers purchase th coupon bonds in regular way and t exchange them fully -registered bon after all inn have been pat