HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-10-14, Page 5r�F atyert SPORTS COLUMN • For some reason or other wc't'e always been on the side of the untierdO4'ano inatter what the sport. You Would hardly call Ted Williams, the Boston Red Sox home -run hitter, an underdog, especially. If you recalled Ills salary, But we were griped, on occasional visits to the Boston ball -park, by the almost vicious fashion iu whish WITITIO is was greeted when he fielded a ball, or came to bat, We never understood why such a •truly -great athlete should receive such scurvy treatment, and felt it a tribute to Williams' courage, and tenacity, that he should continue to star in the fade of suck mysterious hostility, Perhaps it will be different in coming seasons for the splendid Splinter, as the tall, slim batter has been termed, now that he is definitely a war hero, We hope so, particularly after hearing a story that came out of the west coast, after ' Williams landed there on his return from Korea. He came,from Hawaii on a transport plane on which there' were two bunks for sleeping. Wsaid ohhave edra ked Williams was who'll be in ofethose unks when the plane lands." After the plane landed, a sports writer picked up a hitch- hiking sailor who had come from Hawaii on the same plane, What sort of man is Williams?" the writer asked. ' "A completely right guy," wet; the answer. "What did he do?" prodded the writer. "Well, he came aboard with an- armful of magazines and'dropped then around for us to pick up and read." "Where did he sleepy" "He just piled on the floor with the rest of us." And from Washington, D.C„ we got another Ted Williams story that belies the claim that he's indifferent to requests, gruff and disobliging. A baseball fan Tamed Jim McNally, a great admirer of , Williams, wrote Ted asking for a couple of autographs for himself and his son, Jim Jr., former Washington -Lee High • School, sports star Ted replied with two signed photos just three days after the request, Like Ted, both the McNallys are ex -Marines, 'Williams was Captain Williams of the U.S. Marines, He took no more, as he flew back from the battle -front, than was available for all others, enlisted or otherwise, so we feel pretty sure we're not alone In hoping that Captain Ted Wil; Hams regains his eye, his swing and his speed quickly enough to hit .400 for the Boston Red Sox in the years to come, a hope that seems well grounded, for he was clipping off home -runs in his former brilliant fashion, soon after rejoining his club. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/a Calvert House, 431 Yongo SR, Toronto. CalvertDISTILLERS LIMITED MUIERSTBURG, ONTARIO ..Plain Horse Sense,. by BOB ELLIS This is the story of "The Temple of 13 Suns" as they tell It in the country of Ant]gonish, the land of co-ops and credit unions: "Once upon a time, to the Temple of the 13 Suns came the rich and powerful chief Oomah the Third, who said to the gold- smith of the temple, Hansen L. Roschab: 'I have much gold and am :Moat to depart for a far country. Wilt keep this gold safe- ly for me against my return a year hence? I will pay thee well' The wily Hansen cougned loud- ly and covered his countenance with a cloth lest the rich Oomah the Third observe his joy to have HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers [Mention—Consult your near estw Hotness Shop about Stara Harness Supplies. We sell ow goods only Through your local Slace Leather goods dealer The goods ore rlgh• and so aro out prices We manufcm lyre to our factories Harness Hors. Conlan Swadt Pods- Horse Blankets and teathe, Travelling Goods Insist on Stats Brand Trade -Marked Goods and you gel satisfaction Made only b. SAM, UEI TREES CO LTD 42 WoBington St E. Toronto - Write los Catalogue - ISSUE 42 — 1953 this treasure in his possession. When he was calm and could look serious he said to Oomah: 'It is a great responsibility and risk but I will undertake it for a tithe which Will be one shekel in every ten,' Said the chief Oomah: It is a deal. And forthwith his slaves delivered many bags containing 1,000 shekels of gold for which Hansen L: Roschab, the gold- smith, gave the chief a parch- ment receipt acknowledging this deposit which contained the writing 'payable. to whomsoever.' Thereupon the chief Oomah de- parted happily upon his journey. Gold for Hire As soon as he was well out of the country, the shrewd Hansen called his confidential scribe and bade hint thus: 'Go thee now to the merchants whom 1 will tell thee of secretly, say to each that thy master hath a little gold for hire upon good security,' Soon there came to him a great merchant who said: 'Hansen, you old crook, I am in a jam for a few shekels of gold. Wilt lend me?' And Hansen replied: 'Money is very tight these days, but it might be arranged. What is thy need?' The merchant answered: 'Two hundred shekels.' Then said Hansen: 'It is much money. What security couldst thou pledge for so great a stun?' YoucaiaFgo LI1T HHy®w Feel ALL° These days most peop a work under pressure, worry more, s hep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose -harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry—any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidney, get out of order, excess adds and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired -out" heavy - headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodds. Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel bolter—sloe boiler—work baiter, Ask,fdr Dedd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter. 53 SAFES Protect amu• ROOKS and CASH from 14111E mud 'rIHISVttS,. We have Is. size ail Doc of Safe, or (hthhlet, for nor poo onentVlall an or write for prise,eke. to Dent... 1V. J.&&J•TAY LEI IR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Prowl SI. It.. Tornio L lu blither) 1105 Just For Kicks — Shapely Mamie Van Doren, in Hollywood, gets off a place kick in good form, with All-American gridder Jim Sears as ball -holder. They're both in a new football film. Then , the merchant showed Hansen a writing of his pos- sessions to the amount of 1,000 shekels, --Hansen said, 'It is not enough, -Thou must also pledge thy dwelling and thy slaves and thy raiment,' Whereupon the merchant, after much protest, pledged all his possessions, even to his innermost raiment. So Hansen loaned him the money. Then^ said ' the merchant to Hansen: 'I have no place to store so nluch.gold. Keep it safe for me and. give me a writing which I inay deliver to whomsoever I will.' And' Hansen did even so. The next day came another merchant, and another, and still another, and jo •each .Hansen loaned a portion .of, -the gold of chief Oomah the Third, taking from each as security his entire possesions including his • inner- most personal raifnent, and gave to each a writing showing that each had on deposit the gold he had borrowed. And it came to pass that on the tenth 'day he had given 'parch- ment deposit writings for the whole of the 1,000 shekels; but still had all the gold, One Grand Idea Hansen reflected much upon this curious state of affairs and said to himself: 'These birds know not how much gold I pos- sess. They do not want the actual gold itself. What they really want is credit, some deposit writing which they pass from hand to hand as money. I have one grand idea' On the next day came another merchant, and another, and still another, and to each Hansen showed the great store of gold of Oomah the Third, and to each he pretended to loan a portion, although he had previously loan- ed it all fo the first ones who came. - And it came to pass that at the end of another ten days Han- sen had pretended to loan to many • more merchants and had given writings of deposit for a second thousand shekels, making 2,000 shekels in all, although ,he had only 1,000 shekels of Oomah the Third. And still he had all the gold! Whereupon Hansen reflected to himself: 'What a leadenpipe cinch. I wonder I did not think of this before. I can collect just as much dsuary from the phoney deposit writings, as for the genuine, Verily, I am a finan- cial wizard', Thereupon Hansen caused it to be noised about that he pos- sessed a vast store of gold for hire, and many more merchants came to borrow,' and to each Hansen delivered writings of de- posit and collected generous usury and demanded pledges from each of all his possessions even unto his innermost personel raiment, until he had issued writings of deposit for 10,000 shekels and held mortgages on substantially the whole city. Magis Baloney. - Then went Hansen to the wise man of the city and said unto him; 'Verily 1 have discovered, the greatest racket of all time. I have learned the magic of making gold out of baloney;'•and if I can keep the formula secret for a few years I will collect a fortune and will make Solomon's treasury look like a secondhand store, Tell me how I may keep secret this bonanza Of mine for mine own profit.' - Then said the wise man: 'Look wise and say little and only upon matters afar Off. - Obtain the ear of the town crier; En• gage him to spread the impres- skin that money is a mysterious subject which no One under- stands save thee alone. Be friendly with the king's eoun- tilors and grant their favours that the king may smile Upon thee.' And.Hansen did as he was bid and collected much usury from his phoney loan deposits (pri- vately issued interest - bearing credit -money) which circulated as money. He built for himself a mansion, collected works of art, and clothed his wives and concubines with fine linen and jewels. When his business had grown to many times its humble begin- nings he took over the entire temple and by way of a sly joke called it The First National Bank, the same being from an obscure language and meaning 'Place of imaginary money,' And that is the reason that all banks today have great marble pillars and bronze doors, so that they may resemble outwardly as well as internally the 'place of imaginary money' which Hansen L. Roschab builded upon the gold of Oomah 'the Third in the Temple of the 13 Suns." This column ..welcomes sug- gestions, wise or foolish, and all criticism, whether constructive or destructive and will try to answer any question. Address your letters to Bob Ellis, Box 1, 123 - 18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. BE YOUR !AVER - 1! life's not worth living it may be your livor! We a Factl IL takes up to two pinta of liver bile a day to keep your digestive tract in top chapel if your liver bile is not flowing freely your food may not digest ... gas bloats up your stomach ... you feel constipated and an the Fun and sparkle go out of hie. That's when you need mild gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills. These famous vegetable Soon help stimulate the Sow of liver bile. Soon your digcstiou starts functioning properly and you feel that happy days are here again! Don't ever stay sunk Aiweys keep Carter's Little Liver Pills on hand. Only Warm Morning Has The Patented FIFE -BRICK FLUE Interior Construction Tho Fire.Brick Flues in each corner, with Fire. Brick Lining, oaullly turn Mocoolinto coke! Flames trovelling ihraugh flues to top of Hrebed burn off volatile gores !hol tco! roloosm out extra heal from every pound of luell Burns All Day and All Night on One Filling Patented Pira .Brick Flue Intortor holds fire 24 hours or longer on lust one filling of cool. No more early morning fire building — you live Worm, sloop worm, wake up warm with a Worm Momin0 Cool Healed And youUral a fire real ONCE A YEARI Ask To. Sae Gas and Oil Models, Too! Your worm Morning dealer also offers you oil healers and gar healon in sizes to heal ono room cabins to 6.room homes For more inlormotton on Warm Morning Hooters, teal -ori and moil the coupon below! Minns COAL, GAS and OIL HEATERS Booii-Stralhnn Coal Co, 11,1. 0005,10, Squareeldm. Menthol, Q,o, wt• ar Montreal Trod aide. Toronto, Ontario, Mom oand cost ldformailon on Worm Merntny Hootn I sin Int•reded to 5J coat Heeler* 1,1011 Hoehn U oat Hein Nom• Addrot Town ...............•,•........ L havinc• J CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING OA$5 Qpi0fsb DEPENDABLE ohicka, When you Pur- chase Twaddle Canadian Approved ohtcka, you tan depend on them to de the deb they aro intended tor, Ws have ripe, 010 :breeds -14.0.P.. Sired for maximum egg produotton, Where for broilers, grid Where for dual purpoge, roasters and cnpoat. When ordering be sure and tell 110 what you want the ahtcks tor, We will give - you ohicke that will make you the maxi- mke,trWeekly0ohatclnee. Non Pricer; coder ore's or Pullets, laying pullets, started Sltteko and turkeys. Beek day old halm' poulto for 1114. Catalogue. - ,'rwEnDLE osnei( ln5'rcEmni Ie L'I'D, FERMIS ONTARIO BUY pullet chlelco nuw' and eat maximum Production next Summer when ogee are always the highest in price, We r0eom- mend Rhoda Island. Red and Red wormers for maximum egg produotton. Also Ignitor plunks, turkey Puult% started clucks, tar- tar pullets, TOP NOTCH CL -TICK SALES GUELPII. ONTARIO MICR BUILDINGS CLEANED L001.1 like new — Homes, Schools, Churches, etc. Free Estimated In On- tario, E R, Monroe Co. Ltd., Wilton Grove, Out. Phone' London 2-8022, DYEING AND CLEANING RAVE you anything need0 dyeing Or cleno- IngT Writs to ea for information. Wo aro glad t0 miniver 7000 questions. De. Partment H, Parker's Dye Wnrko Limited. 791 Tonga at., Toronto. FOR SALE CRESS BUNION SALVE — For amazing relief, Your Druggist nits CRESS, SPECIAL SALE New Popo Crop Blower 8' — 20' pipe hood, 5800. Cooholmtt Grain Grinder 10", 512. Coclrehutt 6 blade Tiller, east wheels, Power depth contro6 trash guards, 5426. Spr0motor pressure Systems with 20 Oki,. hunk, 5149.60, Special discount to dealer. McCulloch Chain Saws. 1, E. L. Chain Saws. Several good and one and two man chain saws. We carry !urge stock of parte for all sawo. Now Clinton 01,011 gosoline Engines, also several reconditioned emnn engine, cheap, Plastic vino all sizes cut to order, PRINGLE & COOPER, 240 COLEMAN STREET, BELLEVILLE, ONT. BUDGIES, battles, adults breeding pairs, surplus hens 0 for 120, Canaries singer. 17.60. Aviaries, 2 1Ed6e100d Gardens, Toronto, POTATO Digger, double row, power take off, nearly new. pries for quick sale. Rasehall Nuroories, Brantford, FORD Tractors, 1940 Model., Wagner Loader (new) Back Grading Blades, Weeders, Tillers, and Centre Grading Blades bargain price. to reduce inventory, Roselle)] Nurseries Brantford, BLACK Currant Bushes 'best varieties, Glx for 80e, Roscball Noreerles, Brant- ford. USED TIRES—ALL SIZES WE have the largest stock of used tlre0 in western Ontario. Passenger tiros, 56,00 up: Truest tires $10.00 up, AU tires sueraaeed 90 days, A11 orders 9',0,5. London, 2151 deposit with order. balatco C.O.D. Middlesex The Sales, 02 Fullerton St„ London, Ont., phone 2-8741, LADIES! MARE California POPPY dmaien skirts, stoles, belts. Patterns, 20 floral felt cnt0 for trim, [Lou, V. Franz, De- atgner. 111 So, Fir Avenue. Inglewood. California. WHY PAY 21021E7 Whoehng yarn 81.66 Ib, Fingering Tarn 59,96 lb, Postage extra. Refund. Bowman - villa Wool Company, 0owmanvltle, Ont, GCNS, Rifles, etc. — Be sure to write for our free now 1968 catalogue before buying. Large assortment, Scope Sales Co., 230 Bank St,. Ottawa, Ont, HUN catalogue free. New 1062-64 edition, Quantities limited. Reserve now. R. & W, Kerr Ltd.. 1241 St. Catherine St, west. Montreal HOGS are scarce, now 1s the time to buy a clothe roglalrred Yorkshire boar sired by British Bradbury 55015, a half brother to the champion Row' et England. Choke boars ready for service, Where younger from eight weeks up. Mos sows, A100 Belgian. Perchernn and Clyde stallions, four. 00e and six years old, Herbert 5. Muter & Sons, 15.1. Keene. Ont, SENS:1g'l,INAL OFFER Men's Band Planted Kne•kties — ships, birds. anl- mai&, girls, flowers, many neat patterns. Kine, blue, brown. area. navy manure. 915; 2 for 51.89. Tie Market 051,15ng, Onrnri,,, 55111,1' WANTED EXCELLENT orrClcTLOfn'Y Cook r,••,+'•r:a wanted Immediately for bean. tau! suburban home for two adults; coun- try woman preferred, Excellent home and top wages for someone who le u real homemaker. Give full particulars and Phone number. Mrs. 17. A. Byu'nrth, R.R, No. 2, Weirton. BINOCULAR SALE SPECIAL, purchase cl brand new high Powered prlemntle day & night glasses: 0810 Dienatglos 024.95. $x29 wide angle 022.60, 7.25 B&L type 529.5o, auger - Powered 12050 540,00, 15,150 840.50. AR with. Individual focus and coated lenses. Alt with solid leather case and fully guaranteed. hush money order for pre- load, otherwise $2,00 deposit balance 0,0,.D. OPTICAL 01011115 P.O, Box ion, Adelaide Street Station, Toronto 1, MATE .DEEP WANT.I5D SALF581,11120 whole or part time. To call on farmers In Western and Eastern Ontario. No peddling, no collections. Prod- uct well advertised. Every, livestock far- mer a buyer. Menet)' Per cent repeat sales. Build yourself an income in your mwnehtn or mow. Hales help given, age no barrier if active. Apply giving address, pilon°• past experience if any, territory desired to Box 522, London, Ont. aa,s A*AO11i1VE1tx HTvt1AtE ,'1ANI(0: 90 gullove ' nouns 810. 000-860 gallons oval, 1000 110000020 • 4000. 5000 - 10.000 • 20,000 gallons naw, 1 • 0420 gallon 091111too gree! tank, ' 4 • 0000 taaon vortical tanks on stands, Tank Car Tanks Ugo4, Seml,Srallers, 8809 gallons, 0 compartments, Viking Pumps, SNOW PLOWS so1TOHT ,k SOL) It. 8T. 0111116IAIN 0008 St, Lowrance - Monbreol, quo. 45121)1041. 0000 RESULTS ,- Every soffer.r from Rhoumalic Pales or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid, • FIMINRX • One woman Cello another, Tap. enporlpr 'FEWEST', to holy allovlate pain, dl., teats and nervous tsnaloe as000lated With monthly periods, Mee Postpaid In plain wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 889 QUEEN 6T. EAST TORONTO POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry enema rashes and weeping akin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not dlsappalnt.. you. Itching, tramline, burning eczema, acne. ringworm. pimple, and foot eczema, will respond readily to the etatnleea, odorless ointment regardless of how etubborp or bopelen. toyy teem, PRIDE 92.50 P15R 6415 POST'S REMEDIES Sent Pest Free -on Receipt of Priers 889 queen St. 18•, Corner of Logan Toronto OPPORTUNITIES MR MEN AND WOMEN • MEN AND WOMEN Why ,waltz Prepare yourself now to en- joy a comfortable Fall and Winter, free of unnecessary aches and pains, You owe 1t to yourself to feat fit, ao learn about the amazing AtoMugnet " Every home should own one. write immediate- ly for IA1it FITNESS SS FOUNDATION of Canada 228 • 78 Adelaide Street West, Toronto LEARN prfc91ee9 there. of Technical MemphyoIoo, Sixth to learn, Only BOhool of lie kind. Write: Premier College of Teohnloal M'etapbyefoe, 8688 MTenzfe St-, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. START a soorettme Mail order business of your own. Inexpensive manual shows how. Start small anywhere, 000055 on Profits. Details tree. Talent, North Edmonton, Alberta. BR A HAIRDRESSER arm CANADA'S LEADING 14I11001. Great OPPortnnity Lonrn Hairdressing Ploa0an6 dignified Profession. son wages. Thousands of puree05fu1 211100el graduates Americo'a Greatest 46.01010 Illustrated Catalogue Tiro Write or Call AfAIME% 2I4IRDRE8HTNG S01IOO1.a 008 Blear 8t, 01',, Toronto Brandies: 44 Xing St„ TTamaton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa FREE — Our new Pall Nursery Oatnlugue of outatandhrg aalu00 in Dwarf, Stand• and and Bearing Size Fruit 'trees, Rhelt Prints, Roads, Annaba, Shads Trees, Hedge Plante, Rhsergreone, Perennials. Plant la O otobor for better growth next year. Nor. folk Nursoy, Slm000, Ontario. DAM/AIRS I Amoricne, Foreign, New Guns, Mounts, Scones, Blnorbinrn, Win. Rem Selma, Scones, Weaver-, Lannon. Alaska, Stith. 'Write for mice, not her undersold, P1,11111,0 Genewt1 Morehandloe, 706 w, 4th, Lewistown. Pennsylvania. L AT VS Soli your Handicraft productsq for 700. For details write to: Umveroat Handicrafts Guild, P.O. B021 11127, minus. Texas. PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor --List of in- ventions and full information sent Hoe.. The Ramsay 'Co.. Reglotered Patent attor- neys. 271 Bank Street,Ottawa. FETHERBTONH4L'GH &0 o m pan y Patent Attorneys, Eetabllohed 1800. 860 Bay Street. Toronto, Patents as eeuntriee. PIOBStONAL . If deal:arra of ridding Yourself. 01 CIGARETTE ADDICTION Do it the'• they way, Tobacco Ellurina- tor oarrlto it "aatlhtaottun or money back" guarantee. For free booklet. write C. ICng, Pharmacal Corporation Ltd.. Box 808, Walkmwltle, Ont. 01.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal reeulrements, Latest Aataloguo lnoluded, The afedlco Agency, Box 124 Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario. - WRITERS! TOUR Manuscripts thoroughly revised for better saleability, by 000000s- ful writer. former magazine feature editor. 01 page, typed or hund•writton, I3elen Ave., 512 Overbrook 8,12,, Grand Rapids 7. Michigan, 13,5.4, UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with SAGA -PECO, a remarkable dinovery of the age. Free Information at Lor•Beer Laboratories Ltd., Ste. 6, 670 Granville 51,, or write P,0, Box 90, Vancouver, B4O, 81ANTL05) WANTED — National Hockey Lnagu0 Record Books, any year. Bert Donovan, Perth. Ontario, Onx. 822. An investment in. Canada Savings Bonds will give you Income ... Safety Cash When You Want It on this new Series of Canada Savings Bonds you get 3s•4% interest right from the date of issue. Every $1,001) you invest can earn $37.50 each year until 1965. And your savings, invested in Canada Savings Bonds, are still as freely available to meet emergencies as cash in the bank. Canada Savings Bonds can always be converted into cash, anytime, at 100 cents on the dollar. Put your savings to work now. Buy Canada Savings Bonds, in any amount from $50 to $5,000, from 36 King Toronto 1 herr Crest Wood, Gundy & Company Telephone: h`.tfpire 4.4321 Limited ..., ,_,.. Cu „rt 1• FALL TO BRITISH PORTS: First Class from $192 Tourist Class from .. �:: l,�,,, It ,.. �k pE RD T AND WINTER SAILINGS TO FRENCH PORTS: At Thrift -Season Rates First Class from $199.50 $140 Tourist Class from $145 VESSEL From MONTREAL From QUEBEC TO ASCANIA ' SCYTHIA FRANCOii1IA ASCANIA *SCYTHIA • Wed. OCT. 28 — — Sat• NOV. 21 — — Wed. NOV. 4 - Sat. NOV. 7 — Sat, NOV. 28 Liverpool Havre and Southampton , Liverpool Liverpool Havre and Southampton From NEW YORK From HALIFAX BRITANNIC *FRANCONIA MAURETANIA *SAMARIA MEDIA QUEEN ELIZABETH ASCANIA SCYTHIA ' FRANCONIA SAMARIA Thurs. DEC. 3 — Sat. DEC. 5 — Fri. DEC. 11 Wed. DEC. 16 Fri DEC. 18 Wed, DEC, 23 Sat. JAN. 2(19545 Wed. JAN. 6(19541 — Frt. DEC. 4 — Tues. DEC. 8 -- — Sun. DEC. 20 Fri. DEC. 25 Mon. JAN. 451954) Fri. JAN. 8019545 Havre and Southampton Greenock and Liverpool Cobh and Liverpool Havre and Southampton Liverpool Cherbourg and Southampton Cobh and Liverpool Havre and Southampton Cobh and Liverpool Havre and Southampton SAlL1NG5 See your local agent— NoIs:ppE one can serve you better Oa yeaVEL FIRST0 ianoed members o C■8�a®� LI fheeoxdallars m0ref s1tlB• �Y/ �6 M fuxi n). a for Corner Bay & Wellington Sts., Toronto, Ont.