HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-10-14, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST PEOPLE W E KNQW rest of craps, diffiaiity In "riy Miss Beth Reefer silent Rale 1�ha tillage and, the lack of enao4rago- sgiving holiday in Guelph,Ment'from the peen Wheat Igloo, Airs, Adam Steles of Neopawa, Man., Spent the past two weeks at WALTON Pia home Of her brotilier•imlaw Toatn Jack Murray, Sarnia, with friends Stoke. Lore' MISS Air, and Mrs. Frank Bi7ang OF Barbara Holland BI Iiawnilton WW1wilth Miss Aridly Ilauckweili Aly', Mr, and Mrs. T,as, and Mrs,, Cameron Dennis, North Bryans. Mr, and Mrs, W. H, Bay' with the Dennis 3anialy stere; HamiltaCurrie Of Fred Walters, Toronto, With Mr, spent Thanksgiving with and Mrs, F, Walters; Mr, and Mrs Air, and Arra. 1?;uu4Tel Currie, L. Sinko and son Charles Mrs, Cook Mlss Florence Buchanan ayes and Mrs, Luken, WS Thursday for Deloraine, Man, Toronto , For, 'wrsro she w111 sMr, andMrs, Jan Shannon; R, Fon pend thenext few th, Oakville, with trilenda hero) months with her brother Dr, Her. Mr, andMrs, W. 0, Bennett, Clint. vey Buchanan, on, with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ben. Mrs. L. Aldworth of Waterloo, and nett; Mr, and Mrs, Olen Fraser Mrs. Edit or Neusteadt and Charles acid faintly, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Ciampi of Ayton and. and Mrs, •M, Fraser;' Gladys, Mable and,Beatrice Edit of Shaw, Toronto Clarence Kitdhestler spent the Thanksgiving Mrs. Gress, and with his mother, week -end with his brother with Mr, and M. Leslie G, Levels McDonald, WlnBsor, with Boirnos. ,' friendls Isere; Mrs. Ceorge 7Ciricby Mr, and Mrs. Norman ''Smith of and daughter paustsy, Burwash, with Borden seek., . arc i Miss Ruby Smith Mrs. A. McMurray; Prank Oudmor of Toronto, have been enjoying a Tibury, with friends here; Jame Wait here with relatives and friends, j Bishop has returned to Forth Ba Wardle east Nlorm>lan attended the after a few 'Weeks here; Mr, an Supreme Connctl or Scottish Rite Mrs, G. S. L. Cummings and se Masonry in Montreal, Tames, Luclmow, .with friend. Mise Ruta: FPomin here gwaty has re. -Walton turned from a bus, trip to Eastern 1 The October meeting or the Wal Canada including a tour of Ottawa, 1 ton C. G. 1. T. was, held at the homb Montreal and Quebec cities, About , of Mrs. McCreath, with Juno Hack 60 young people from Western well in charge. The meeting opened Ontario received tihis trip as a re- with ithe call to worship and hymn ,ward for their achievements in i 577 followed by prayer. Minutes of Junior Homemaking and 4•H Clubs, I the last meeting were read and adopted. The scripture was read by Shirley Bosnian. The roll call was answered by 14 nienibersa'Phe ]poth- er and daughter banquet was dis- cussed and was decided to be held on Nov. 7. The members reported on their sales or Christ Margaret Stevens, our asst. Ieader. gave an interesting topic on her trip to the Leaders 'Probing School at Alma College, Hymn 534 was sung CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE 35 Hemp. • Reek Puatts, la'inq, Rae IT,qulston Phone 28r9, FOR SALE-- A. number of good Cedar Posts, Thos, Pierce Phone 3611) FOR SALE — A bnnoh of pigs, weaned, L, Querengesser Mono 83r14 FAR SALE 75 lbs, Bags Potatoes. Gi'ewlar's of Nb, 1 Govt, Grade j Phone 5 1 FOR SALE — Chrysler Coach 1941, in clean con- dition, new 1952 motor and extras, Apply at Post. FOR SALE — e' Dry stove wood and furnace 'blocks. Y ; Dam, Mckinnon Phone 244'12 n .I • CROP REPORT by H. R. Baker October 10th, 1953. Due to a week of fine weather, farmers in the cash crop area, have been busy completing the harvest. tag of •thoir beans, and sines harvest was held up by a couple or heavy rain;, attendance at same of the local Fail Fairs was somewhat less. oned by the busy season, Due to FOR SALE — Hardbody and Soft Wood, Elm and Maple, Wm. Flood Phone 17r1e HOUSE FOR RENT — On Albert St,, Brussels, apply to Mrs. L. Waxman, Brussels. IPRESBYTERIAN TRAINIG INSTITUTES LOST.— . A. Meteor Oar Hub Cap on Con, 12 or 14 Grey Twp. Finder phone 16, Brussels, Geo. Evans. FOR SALE — 2 Durham Sheer:,, about 700 and 800 lbs., also 2 Durham Cows, 4 yrs. old " I to freslhen in Feb. Torrence Dundas, Phone 90r5 Bras. sell. followed by' the Mizpalh benediction, recent heavy frosts Tito fillingI� in WINGiit�M TsiE,, OldiAL, SHOP Always a lase stock In tiSHOP full swing and fanners report very tlran'tes to Cbeu brat excellent crops of silage Corn, An modern mroklMq. Aftermath is also making progress hsnsus t - with the high moisture and abund• i Cemetery tettimleft i spa.i ; ant sunny weather. It is believed 1 Artistic Mavaortata i that the fail wheat acreage Is con- et ver reasotlabls PONsi siderably lower this year due to R. A_ N -the combined effect from late liar -(hone 256 — WhI .gSs,,,, Ods BUSINFSS CARDS Cr A. Myers, M. D., L. M. G. C. Wawa St PHYSICIAN Phase iURt3EO4. Beusaels Oat — DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate Univeraftp of Taranto *may 45SICIAN and SURGEON Orf. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE- FOR Ali MINDS Aetoemobile Sind ?Ire Insurance Accident end Moses flaw ust 90 foi Great West Life humunoa Co. Itemsis, Om. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses ailed. Photo: 791 Seaforth —, Male: mete! HOURS: S - 6; Wed. 9-12.30. Sat, 9 a.m. to ! p.m. G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHA*I At Kincardine Office Eveev Tueiiay. Flame Whtgbam 770 a 5. Elacardlao ELI, Evenings by .appointment. J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, 9peciallsing In Bye Exoniortfon tut the FIttior sof Musa OfIee 6 Ustowel Carne Mims Hearer 111,00 a.1r. to 6:00 p.m. salol Closed Wedweaier pox Opts "gory Tuesday and Satindeg Evening Aber evenings by sppet t 7N M ii D. A. Hann & Co. ....wave-a.n�as.,r PUNERAi.' AND AMMJ ANCE � :VICE Mama P1isal Director add lenbier MOM or 65 — BMNINCIL Harvey W. Stephenson RepneiMive for San Un' Anagrams Co Canada Heald: and Aecli est Co. Casualty General Iaeaaaes Co. Moe 43x lbtewlc * _ me Walker Funeral Hom Day or Night Calle Telephone Oi No Extra Charlie for Use of Ftural Hoots Licensed Funeral Director and Eii1M Twenty-four Hour Ambu6nco Service Dale,' Flowers Exctoelyely FOR SALE — Princess Pat Range, Buffet, Car Radio, Battery Radio, Coleman Ga4 Iron and Antique Bonk, all in good Applyatthe Brussels Post, STRAYED — One Steer to Lot 27, Con, 18, Grey Township. Owner can have same b3 1 proving ownership and paying for 1 advt. and expenses. Jim McDonald Phone 56r11 FOR SALE — Bray November gullets or Decem- ber broilers,. It's time to order now for these egg and broiler markets. Immediate delivery of some, In. eluding few started. Ask us for particulars. Wm. G, Bray, Ethel, Wm. G. Bray, Ethel. FRESH HONEY FOR SALE — Get your pails filled now with the Light golden honey at 14c per Ib„ or almost all clover honey at 18c per lb. Ask ns to show It to you. Lloyd Wheeler Phone Mil LIVESTOCK WANTED -,- Dead, dtgabled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt end efficient service chose "STONES" oollect Ingersoll 21 or Brussels 72. ATTENTION FARMERS — DEADSTOCK removed from year farm promptly for sanitary dismal Telephone Collect: Brussels IErl2 or Elmira 564. GORDON YOUNG LIMITIID FOR SALE — 5.acre Poultry Farm, red brink house and brick kitchen, good barn, situated in good village, priced at $4,800.00. 100 -acre Farm, brick crouse, hydro, good bank barn, 7 acres bush, situated at edge of good town, priced at $9,000.00, 150-a.err P1arm, cement cottage, bydro, pressure systems, good barn steel stabling, 40 acre bwsb, ben horse, sittaated on highway near village, priced -8,500.00. 100 -acre Farm, stone house, good bank barn, 25 acres bush, priced at $6,500.00. Village Store, red brick, brisk house attached, 3 room apartment above store, priced at $5,500.0D. Brick house to Village of Rrassoas, hydro, 'priced at $3000.00. ' J. 0, Long, Real Rstate Broker, FREDERICK P. HOMtTTH Phm. B., R. O. Mrs. H Viola Horsvuth R. 0. Carol E. Hosnutlt R. O. Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston• OastY, Weanesaay, 0ptObor 14 '�,w'rrn",'..w•1"C�r....!nwnNl, h4.N,.aar.u.e.1. .. .. ...w:, .+..1 ANOTHER NEW BANK CUSTOMS Johnny's bank account is one of nearly 9,000,000 now carried by Canadians in `, j 1 the chartered banks --3,750,000 opened In the last ten years alone. Today, practically everybody goes to the bank. Competition among the banks ii all forms of banking service is one of the reasons why you, like Johns can expect prompt, efficient, Anyone wishing to know more about leadership in Church School, Mission Band, Explorers, C. G. I. 'A, and work of Officers in Young Wo- men's Evening and Senior Auxiliar- will welcome the opportunity to at. tend all or some of the meetings of the Presbyterian Training Ln- stitutes which will be held, in St. Andrew's Church, Win - ham every evening from Oct. 19 -- Oct 23. A team of four people train• ed in leadership will be present to conduct the meetings. Members of the .team are, Mrs, Ann MacEachern, a graduate of the Deaconess Train Ing School will be its charge of Children's Work; Mrs, D. Miller, Toronto, an experienced worker in 0. G. I. T.; Miss, M, E, Whale, Ed- 1 Lewis d lowRan itor of Glad Tidings well conduct Rowland 6t group disesussion In Adult Work,'Or to IL R. 3 Waw - Miss Edith Magee B. A., a missionary ( _w • oil be baked frooriiikkily on furlough from Shansi, India will idler give an illustrated talk on mission'. , ary work each evening, courteous attention to your ne at your own local branch. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNI PfleaR 1 R. S. Hetherington, K. C.WINGHAM - BRUMES and Saturday 9-19 day Offict open 20 to E. D. 1441 C� leer Phone 32 "The !s. Vw Arietamika ore., who or L KMe. WNW. - What could you do with a thousand ....? A FULL 3%% INTEREST EACH YEAR FOR 12 YEARS ~ BTH 115113 Yes, we mean a thousand, crisp Canadian bucks! Count 'em . . . ! Your heart would go pit -a -pat, and you couldn't get home fast enough to spill the good news. At first thought, having a thousand may sound like a pipe dream. But is it ? Most everyone ... if 'he puts his mind to it . .. can pile up a thousand dollars, or a sizable suns ..: the Canada Savings Bonds way ... because . , . you ca{i get your bond, dollar by dollar, month by month, in amounts you'll never feel. if you had started tucking away 56¢ a day with the first series Canada Savings Bonds—and had kept at it—you'd have your thousand dollars today .._y and more. Many, many Canadians have done just this, and will continue to do so, 27he new 8th Series of Canada Savings Bonds will help to put yot6 r on the thoisand dollar road. Yoti can get them for cash—or in instalments, to snit your convenience, Through your bank, investment dealer, or your own Company's Payroll Savings Plan. CANADA A1►1 I S BOND ALWAYS CASHABLE AT 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. PLUS INTEREST, AT ANY BANK. ON 'SALE STARTING MONDAY —OCTOBER 19th , cs•s341 4,4 4