HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-10-14, Page 1Post Publishing House THE .BRUSS Authorized as second edam mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Wednesday, October 14th, 1953 $2.00 per year » $2,50 LI. B0 THIS WEEK WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14th - 7HU'RSDAY,• OCT, 16th FRIDAY, OCT. 16th . 4ATURPAY, OCT. 17th . 9 ONE CENT $ALE AT THE REXALL DRUG STORE The Chance of the Year to Save on Every Day Wanted Marchandide. F. R. SMITH Phm. C. PHONE °62 - BRUSSELS, ONT. Be The Carnival Queen of 1953. This Event•is sponsored by the Blyth Lions Club IN CONJUNCTION WITH The Fall Carnival to be held on Wednesday, October 21st at Blyth Community Centre Arena. Carnival Queen to report at Blyth Memorial Hall at 7 p. m. (Dress - Formal) Entry to be in the hands of Gordon Augustine by Monday, October 19th. Prizes 1st $35.00 - 2nd $15.00 Children of Public School age are excluded tram this event. CARD OF THANKS ' The family of the late Mrs. Mary Roe wish to thank all those for es. ,pression of aympathy and also for Rowers, Special thanks to Dr.I R. W. Stephen:,, D. A. Rann, and the Mdahio family, Mre..Mary Hawkins and Family. CARD OF THANKS ' The officers and directorsof the East Huron Agricultural .Societyhere &tress their gratetul appreciation to I all those, who in any way, contra- I buted to the success of Brussels 1953 Fall Fair. Our thanks goes to those who made donations of cash, I goods, •special prizes; advertisers•, ladies of the institutes; aseooiate I directors; committee menabers;' exhibitors; to •those whose attend- ance, and all others whose help, added us in achieving our goal of "A. bigger and better fair." THE PRISSSYYIERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville C#urelr. Brussels Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a, m, Sunday School 11 a, m. Morning Wonthtp United Church OF CANADA tMIaiste,i, Rev. Andrew Low Sunday, Oct. 18th, 1963 • Anniversary Services Divine Worship - 11 o'clock Rev, W, J. Rogers, , Hendall, Miure'it School 12 o'clock .. Evening Worship -- 7,30 p.m. Rev, W. J. Rogers,' Hemel!, Church of England. Parish of SriLusiS Rsv. A. N•rtlt•a hitt-. M. A. 20th Sunday After 'Trinity Oct. 18th, 1918 et. John's Church, Brussels- 8.80 a. in, Holy Oommtinlon 11 a. m, Morning' Drayer Sunday Sohobl Festival in which the chtdreav of the Church will taste part, St. David's Church, Henfryrf- 2 30 p, n. Evening Prayer Sunday School St. George's Churoh, Walton-' 9,30 a, m. Morning Prayelt Wheeler - Dale .Northside United Church was the scene of a .pretty wedding on Satur- day, October 3rd at 12 noon when Margaret -Dolores Dale, dafghter of Mn and Mrs. 'Alvin Dale, Seaforth, was 'united in marri,�ge to William Franklin Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Wheeler of Brussels. Rev. John Stinson performed the ceremony. 'ate church was decorated witli •ferns• and mums. The bride, given Jr marriag-e by her farther, swore a ,vredding dress of lace and white satin, wtth,a train, and her .flowers were red roses. Miss Barbara Dale of Streetsville was maid of honor, wearing a dress of blue taf- feta and ,tulle, with headdress to match, her flowers being white baby mums tinted with pink. Brides- maids were Seine Dale and Beth NloriOJ* of Seafontih, the former wearing mauve tulle and taffeta with yellow baby mums, and the latter sflrimp tulle and taffeta with matching headdress and white tinted blue mums. Robert Wheeler of Brusuals was best man and the natters were John Wheeler and George Wheeler. Mrs. Janes Stewart was organist. Mr. Lorne Dale Jr„ Of 'Seaforth, sang "911 Walk Beside You" and "Be- cause." The reception was held sec the home of the bride. the bride's mother wearing navy crepe with navy 00005- sorles and the groom's mother wore pale blue awibh navy acdessorles. `MO home was, decorated with avltman fiowere. A elutants were Misses Lola Rcbfrttseh and Marie Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler left., pn a honeymoon trip fforttht tike:bride tree veiling in a charcoal grey 50it with . black .aOoesistortes and a purple or• • ChM, 'On !.'heir. return .they will live at Brussels, MELViLL6 CHURCH On Sunday last, the eplrat o1 7lranksgivtng was observed in a fitting manner rat the morning ser- vice al Melville Church. The milli- liter Rev. W. 11, T, Fulton r in his sermon, based on Psalm 103, spoke at length on gratitude, thanks,' giving and appreciation. The children of ,the MISefon Band at- tended the service and Mr. Fulton addressed them brlefly,.rwe3ooming them, Music for the service am - prised an anthem hosed on dos Neth- erlands "Hymn of Thanksgiving", and a male chorus, ',May the iot'd depend on you." UNITED CHURCH W. M, S. ellhe regular meeting of the W. M. S. was held Oct. 0th do the church Parlor. The .president, Mrs. Rev. Lane was in large and opened the meeting using the Call to Worship Service, assisted by Mra. W. Will- iamson and Mrs. W, Spefran. The Sec. and 'Treas. reports were receiv- ed eceived and adopted. The offering was then taken fgllowed by the roll call, answered by a verse containing the word Thanks. Eight calls were reported by the visiting committee. Mrs. H. Dent gave a talk on tempea- lance end it was decided to vend a resoluidon to the government urging the continuance U. N. 1. C. F. High- light of the afternoon was an ad- dresis. by Mrs. G. Menge, wh,o bad been a delegate at the London Con- ference Branch meeting held in St. Thomas. of which she a gave a very interesting report. •Mrs. D. Davison song a very enjoyable solo entitled "My Task" accompanied by Mrs. E. Martin. Mrs, R. Conains thanked all those Who had land to ably con- tributed to the success of the meet- ing. The meeting closed with the munch benediction, after which refreshments were served by the committee in charge. ST, JOHN'S GUILD The monthly meeting of the Wo- iI men's Guild of St. John's, was held in the basement of the Church on Tues, Oct. Hymn 308 was sung followed by a prayer service led by Rev. Ellis. The rector "also read passages of scripture from Isiah 53rd chapter end from the Epistle of Peter, and I gave us a short 'talk on the "Cross'' and its reandyg in our daily living. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the Sec. Mrs. Wm. Fischer, and approved by statement of the Fall Fair Booth was given by the Treas.. Mrs. H. Bryan. Mr. Ellis con- graulated the ladies on the success of the booth. The business period in- cluded the planning for the Lions Supper, Oct. 19, and final arrange- ment, for the Turkey Supper, Oct, 28th. Lunch was provdded by Mrs, R. Elliott and Mrs. 3. Fischer. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. James Turner an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Olive Kathleen to Robert Lloyd Cunningham son of Mra Cunningham and the late Roy clun- Ingham of Ethel, Ont. The marri- age will take place in the United Church Harriston, the latter part of October. CAPITOL LISTOWEL THEATRE 2 shows nightly 7.80 - 9.30 p. rat. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Friday, Saturday It's a riot of fun when Bud and Lou October 18 • 17 and excitement meet the pirates • "ABBOTT AND C08TELLO MEET CAPTAIN KIDD" COURT OF REVISION Court of Revision, on the ,Asasess- ment Roll of the Township of Grey, av111 beiIhel$ on Tuesday, October 27th at 2 p, td, at The Clerk's Office, nthel, - Edythe h1'. Cai•dttf, Clerk, • COURT OF REVISION The Count of Revisiom on ` the II 1904 AssessIne1lt Roll for Morris Townehisi will lie held tin Ootober 19th, 1953 at 10 s. Tn. itt the Morris Township Geo, 0, Martin, 'Clerk, with Charles Laughton Monday, Tuesday toctober 19 - 20 "JEC13ARDY" with Barbara Stanwyok, Barry Sutll- van...A holiday ride that led to danger and death. TUESDAY FOTO.NITE OFFER $170.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. Wednesday, Thursday October 21-22 Rhonda Fleming, Ronald ROW In "'TROPIC ZONE" A theilltng story of a man yho Want 50 to forget els past. Mrs, Alfred C. Sacker Mrs. Alfred 0. Backer, 11telong resident of Brussels, died at, her home here Friday. She was the former Ella Maude MoAothur, laugh ter of the late Mr, and Mrs. James McArthur. She was a member o Brussels United Church and a lite member of the Woman's Missionary Society, Her 4tubsand died ,once years ago. Surviving are two sons, George, London; Mae, MIMS]u; two daug4t- ters„ Mrs. D. 0. Warwick, Owren Sound; Mrs, W. 0. Dunsford, Sim - cos; three Osiers, Mrs. Peter Mc - Artisan and Mrs,. John Brown, Brussels; Mrs. Robert Work, To- ronto. Rev. Andrew Lane of Brussels United Church conducted the ser- vices on Monday afternoon from her home. Pallbearers were Welter William- son, Wilfred Willis, Elvin Gregg, , Jaok McDonald, George Elliott and ' W. H. Bell. i The floral tributes were borne by Miller Richmond, Harvey Robertson, Bill, Jim and Bob MartenRobert C. Christie,' Erie Work, Duncan Me.I Queen, Orwell Mott, Ken. Tyer- man, 'Gibson Willis, Graeme Mc- Donald, William McNair and Graham Work. Burial woe made in Brussels Cemetery. Grey Twp. Council The Grey Township Counoll great - Ing was held on October 3rd. Mowed by Clifford lt, Dunbar, seconded by Hugh Smith that the f 1, minutes be adopted as read. - Carried, :!loved by Wm, E. Bienop, second- 1 ed by Howard F. MCNauught that we close Court of Revision on Sebade Drain and finally pass the by-law. Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded y bWin. Bishop, that we petition 1 The Highways Dept. rat- au addition i of $2000.00 to Bylaw No. 2 for 1 maintenance of roads, - Carried. !Moved by Howard le. MoN,augbt, seconded by Wm. E. Bishop that we accept the Assessment Roll for 1953 - Carried. Mrs. Alexander Roe Following a severe stroke suffer - earl Monday morning, there passed away in Wingham General Hospital on Ootobe•r 5th, Mu•s, Mary Roe. in her 74th year. She was born in Morris 'township, daughter of the late John and Mss. McArthur. She was married in 1914 to the late Alexander Roe and lived in. Brussels until his death in 1936. For the last 12 years she had been house- keeper in the home of Robert and Ernest Michie 6th line of Morris. A duty she perforated faithfully and well. She leaves to mourn her pass- ing one daughter Mary (Mrs, Herb. Hawkins) of Windsor and 4 grand- children. The service which was held from the D. A. Rano funeral home on mhursdag, Oct,' Sth, to Brussels, Cemetery, was conducted by Rev. Andrew Lane of the United Church of which, she was a member. Pallbearers were James McCall, Alan McCall, Archie Young, Jahn Petrie, Harry Snell and George Mohie. Flower bearers were Ross Nichol, Alfred Niehol, Robert Grabsy, and Geo. Martin, Friends and relatives, were present from Gorrie, Lucknow, Londesboro, Blyth and Windsor. Mitch sympathy goes out t Eh The depth of sorrow we cannot tell, , Of the los's of one we laved so well," And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we than always keep, NOTICE -, The Majestic Women's Institute ars holding a Bazaar in Brussels Public Library On Dec. 5th, keep this date open and watch for further announcement. Mooned by Clifford R. Dunbar. seconded by Wm. E. Bishop that Court of Revision on Assessment Roll be held at Clerk's Office, Oct. 27th at 2 p. m. - Carried. Moved by Clifford R. Dunbar. seconded by Howard F. McNaught that Engineer be instructed to find an outlet to clear lots 32 and 33 Con. 13. - Carried. Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded by Clifford R. Dunbar that Engin- eer be instructed to examine and report on Biehop Extension Drain. - Carried. Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded by Clifford R. Dunbar that we ac - 1 cent our percentage in Wingliam .Hospital, to the extent of 84000.00 only. - Not Carried. Moved by Howard F. McNaught. seconded by Wm. E. Bishop that we do not enter into a hospital agree- ment with Winghom Hospital. - Carried. Moved by Howard F. McNlaught, seconded ivy Wm. E. Bishop that all approved accounts be paid. - Carried. Moved by Clifford R, Dunbar. seconded by Hugh Smith that we do now adjourn 'until Nov. 7th or at the call of the Reere. -- Carried. The following accounts were pace: Geo. Weaenburg, balance galaxy Assessor 100.00 East Huron Agri. Society, Grant 400,00 County of Huron, hospitalization 36.00 Ross Hanna, Contractor, Storey Drain 1440.00 Ross Hanna, refund deposit Storey Drain 100.00 Sam Sweeney. level ditch bank Coates Drain 23.00 Norman Stephenson, repair Brewer Drain 36.00 Wm. Hollinger, repair catch basin Brewer Drain Edythe Cardiff, Clerk's fees, Schade Drain 30,00 Bert Vodden, repair catch basin Storey Drain 43.75 Bert Voider, balance on 10.00 6.00 • NOTICE - The Ladies' Aid of Melville Church are holding a home-made baking and variety sale on Nov. 28th in the Lib- rary, Further particulars will Loll? ow later. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. Thursday, Friday and Saturday "THE GOLDEN HAWK" Rhonda Fleming Sterling Hayden In a daring story of the Sea with action and adventure all. the way. M * • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "STOP YOU'RE KILLING ME" Roderick Crawford Clare Trevor In Damon Runyan's story of the big city's guys end roll a million laughs, • rle Thursday, Friday and Saturday "ROGUES MARCH" Peter Lawford Janice Rule • • ► COMING SOON "ISLAND OF DESIRE" Eitel Sidewalk. Ross Hanna, 511 hours with Shovel, Coates Drain 66.00 Wm H. Baker, Garbage Ethel' Village 12.00 Dave Hall, ditching Smillie Drain 6.75 Ken. Renick, lumber, McNaught Dr. 7.36 Brussels Creamenv, 18 qts„ milk for relief 8.42 S. W. Lowe, groceries, for relief 13.29 Charles Soheerer, repair oatah basin, Storey Drain 8.26 Arthur Rock, 6 hours Alderson Drain Fox Bounty Roads 4.60 10.00 829.76 • $3,895.07 Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk, MORRIS Mr. and Mrs, Geo; Martin and Mr. Martin Grasiby spent Sunday at Thorndale as, guests of Mr. and Mre. Cecil Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Michie and chtlren, also Mr. and Mrs, Robert Beattie took iu the Anniversary Ser- vice at Burns Cr'uroh, Hulbet and were later entertained at the hom6 of the Misses Leiper's, Mr, and Mra. Geo. Cole,- Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Cole and son Lloyd 0? London avers Thanksgtving visitors with James and Mra, Michie 5th line. Lions Club Bays' and Girls' Band A new class of boys and girls will be started to keep the Sand up to standard, Any boy or girl in this community wishing to Join be at the Brussels i.,Ibrary on Wednesday evening, October 21st at 8 o'clock. Any one having a uniform not being used please turn them iris• Your Sand Committee. TURKEY SUPPER In Duff's United Church Walton on WEDNESDAY. OCT. 21st Supper from 5.30 to 8 Good Program Admission $1.50 and $1.00 TURKEY SUPPER In St. John's Anglican Church on Wednesday, October 28th Supper served from 530 to 8 Concert in Town Hall Admission $1,50 and 75c DANCE In Cranbrook Community Centre FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16th Sponsored by Cranbrook Hall Board Music by Wilbee's Orchestra 1 Ariumempoommemems The story of showbusieess, from days over fifty years ago to the present, and covering the wtecky days of Mississippi show- boats, vaudville, The Jazz Age, burlesque and the name dance bands, is told in the CRC series, "Mr. Sitowbusinese" on Trans- Canada network every week. The programs are based on the per- sonal experiences et that fabulous showman, Jack Arthur, mwdbo does the narraiien. With hint is Iloward Cable and this orches- tra , and a host of top singers and actors,. Arthur now produces the Canadian Nat:ienal•l;sltibition's- extravagant grand stand show each year, attended by over 20,000 persons at each performance which i>, a terrific task which serves as a fitting climax to a great man's tong career. Here ho talks to dancer Janet Macrae, on: the CNE sat. MOTOR COURT OPERATORS! AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO GAIN NEW,PROFITABLE IDEAS...• You and prospective operators are invited to attend an outstanding series of lectures on Motor Court and Motel operation and management to be held at ... HOTEL LONDON, LONDON, ONTARIO October 26 and 27th, 1953 Registration is entirely free and commences 9 a.m. October 26th. You will benefit from the helpful ideas to be presented on • Interior Decorating • Building Trends is Landscaping • Housekeeping Business Methods • Public relations For any additional information write THE DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL & PUBLICITY 67 COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO nbn. Lou!, e. ee,IIo, a.e., M1nblor D. 0. rrowo, Dopulr Minister