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The Brussels Post, 1953-10-7, Page 4
A011ELS HES JOHNSON ELECTRIC & PAINT%! Brussels, Ontario Higher grainy assures satisfaction. . SULTS ,71 no Seprarotors end tristkee;a.. Mc, slows, isllamor'a Sproul/a s. Lime and F vi Spring -tooth Harrows Whit wheel tractors and =eveivses Plows, Discs, *sr-macre, f4rwere, tiny Loa4ere., Blatancy Forage Blowers an Eletnaraser MOIL. We also ave repairs to Oil'Vet' C.ncsrabott Trscctam, Yrsole.ga,n; Oce .,+i•v. U14xnr ,n,p n:at L MORErr & WP': i1.1 gligle N BLUEVALE WOMAN INJURED IN CRASH lta>nai:e of $GUO was caused to two cars and a passenger, Mrs, Gordon v treated Simmons, Bluevale, was for shoulder injuries after a collieon at corner -of Durham and Yonge streets, Walkerton, Joseph Moram, i WA1a r()iy ,Walkerton, was proceeding wast or Durham and Frank Shaw, Bluevale, • was driving north ou Yonge when 'Us cnllison occurred. Ci.' ANBROOK IRa11Y Pay woos observed 9u Sunday morning en Knox Presbyter - WI Clhurelt with Ohlldren 9P the SUnday Sc110.01 assisting in the ser. vice, A. children's Choir trained by Mrs, T8Yedinan Sang three Sel©atenls', scripture readings were given by Rose Can>hbell and Robert Hytulmnn, with the °PPering being taken by four =Milers oP the Beginners' Class' Sheila Strickler, Myra McNalF, Brian I-Iuether and Tvtllrrray Knight. Mrs. Wesley MCCuteheon spent a few weeks with friends in London recently, Mrs, J ehn Pride, Miss Gentle Pride, Mr Seth Pride, and Mr. and Mrs, Fred eSmalldon were guests at the Wheeler . Dale wedding on Saturday in Northside United fllrurelt„ Seaforth. Mr, ,and Mrs. Wesley M•cFartern, Galt visited with Mr, and Mrs, Peter Baker on Sunday. Mrs. Walter Forrest, Brussels, is with her neice Miss Alice J. Forrest. Patent.. Exhaustive tests have proven that the new Magic Action Faucet will not drip or leak. Yet tlije EMCO-fashioned tap costs no more than ofd. fashioned taps. *110 more drip-stalned basins and baths * oo more bot water waste * no more washes to replace 4A(a9(c&ttaa *Easy To Turn *Easy To Chian *Easy To Look At Bur Matched sets foe Bath% Bath and ban* Cotes in and toe oat full line of EMOO Plumbing Squirmed For Sale by — C. & G. Krat ter Co. Brussels. Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED Lasko • a may dra • Maim • *Mea tflsetees • t'anearer Mahn The W. A, of Walton United Church met on Thursday afterndon with a good attendance. The meet- ing opened by the W. A. Theme Song, followed by a Collect by Mary Stewart. Sec, report was read and approved. Trca,s. report was then given showing a balance of $62.11 on hand„ Several items of business were finished up about the fowl supper. Hymn 356 was sung. The meeting closed with prayer. The W. M. S. of Duffs United Church was !held in the church base- ' ment on Sept. lath with the president Mrs.. Harvey Johnston in charge. The meeting opened with hymn 57'7 fol- lowed by prayer. Mrs. H. Kirkby gave a report of her trip to the Training School at St. Thomas. An invitation from the Union W. 3d. S. to attend their Thank -offering meet - Inv on Oct. 15th at 8 o'clock was accepted. Mrs, .H. Kirkby and MI's, Broadfoot were appointed as dele- gates to the sectional meeting at Moncrieff on Oct. 21. Mrs. McOall, Mrs. McMichael and Mrs. B.. John- ston were appointed as a nominat- ing committee to arrange the slate of officers for next year. Arrange- ments were made -for the autumn 'r3ankoffering to be held on Nov. 12th at 2.30 with Mrs,. Rev. Campbell of Seafortb as the special speaker and it was decided to invite the Blytb, Auburn, Londesboro and , Burns Societies. The Walton group had oharpe of the study program with Mrs R. Bennett, Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. F, Kirkby and Mrs. P. Holman taking part The meeting closed with Hymn 345. • ANOTHER NEW BANK CUSTOMER Johnny's bank account is one of nearly 9,000,000 now carried by Canadians in the chartered banks -- 3,750,000 opened in the last ten years alone. Today, practically everybody goes to the bank. Competition among the banks in all - forms of banking service is one of the reasons why you, like Johnny, can expect prompt, efficient, ;t as courteous attention .to your needs 1 at your own local branch. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY . CANADIAN NATIONAL THE WONDEROF INSTITU'1E FOR+THE BLiND HEADLESS VALLEY The first industrial worker to be placed in Stratford is settling down this week in his new job at G. L, Griffith & Son. Stuart Henry, of Wlingham, a veteran who lost bis sight to World War II, trained at Toronto • school of Canadian National Institute for the blind. His job came about as joint effort by H, W Land, C. N, I. B. place• ment officer, and William McCabe, member of the Stratford -Perth Ad. iisory Board of C. N. I, B. His job' At the moment it's plan :ng the wooden handles on rubber pen scrapers housewives see inthe kitchen. Pleased -with the oppor. tunity to live as normal a life as his handicap will allow, Stew is once again Belt -supporting and on his own, Norman Griffith, vice-president and C. E. Morrison, general mana- ger, at tu>r firm, said the veteran's work wase "more tha.n satisfactory" and that were "very pleased he had been hired" As Stew settled down at his job, the C. N, I. B. • annual operating fund campaign swung into its last lap, seeking 518,000 to continue the type of work which got Stew his Job, and which will help other blind to help themselves. Of the 546,000 required this year, City and County Councils, and the Community Chests of London and Stratford - will contribute $28,000. The remainder is being sought by volunteer canvassers in the counties of Huron, Elgin, Middlesex, and Perth.. FOR SALE — 5 -acre Poultry Farm, red brick house and brick kitchen, good barn, situated in good village, priced at 54,800.00. 100 -acre Farm, brick house, hydro, good bank barn, 7 acres bush, situated at 'edge of good town, priced at $0,000.00. 150-aerr Farm, cement cottage, hydro, pressure system, good barn steel stabling, 40 acre bash, Ren house, situated on highway near village, priced -8,500.00. 100 -acre Farm, atone house, good lank barn. 25 acres hnsb, priced at 58.500.00. Village Store, red brick, brink nonse attached, 3 room apartme>r shove store, priced at 55,500.00. Brick house in Village of Brussels, hydro. priced at 511000.00. • J. C. Long, Reai Estate Broker, James Y. Nichol, most frequent traveller to Canada's beautiful virgin territory, spent a week fishing acid prowling in the ,roods, of the famous Nahanni Valley. There. amid 150 Miles of mountain splendor, he found thrills, chills and tun al>ienty to support the age-old legends of the c>eadman's Valley. This Canad- ian traveller, is a noted feature writer, lakes you on this trip in October 1Oth Star Weekly, We found it enjoyable. I SWALLOWED THE ATOM" In The American Weekly with tris Sunday,s (October 11) Detroit Times, read "I Swallowed the Atom". Its the first-hand story of a man who volunteered as, a medical manse pig, swallowed a radioactive solution and proved that the deadly atom can be a lifesaver, See The American Weekly with Sunday's Detroit Times. FREDERICK F. HOMII-ITH Phm. B., R. O. Mrs. H. Viola Honaith R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. 0. Optometrists Phone 118 Harristom Os' WINGHAM MEMORIAL ,Sidi;: Always a tarp stook to U telt t Gran'tes to Chiles freest AN modern maehfatry. }ruwout fof Cemetery tetterin, ei tpsesiatr Artistic Meraortats at vary reasosiUWs prism. R. A. SPO'TrON Phone 256 — VWtgbam, 011i GOOD FOR ALL KINDS OF BAKING FOR BETTER CAKES SOLD IN IsRUWU AT W. L. Baeker & Son Burma SHOP • 5, USED CARS 1952 Pontiac Sedan, Radio and Heater, 1951 Chevrolet Sedan, Heater 1951 Chev. Deluxe Sedan, Radio and Heater 1950 Chev. Coach 1950 Austin Sedan 1946 Plymouth Sedan, Radio and Heater 1946 DeSoto Sedan USED TRUCKS • 1952 Chev. 1/2 Ton Pick up 1951s Chev. 1 Ton 1938 Ford 1/2 Ton - RIVERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet and Oldsrnobile Supertest Gas and Oil Phone 56. Brussels, Oat, Your Contribution Is Needed To Help Mahal 111,000 TO PROVIDE THESE BENEFITS FOR THE BLIND Social rehabilitation through counsel of field secretorlee Home instruction in crofts and Braille reading and writing. Maintenance of the new Western Ontario residence and re- creation centra. Job placement service. Blindness pre- vention service. Of on annual operating cost of 546,000, $28,000 hp already been provided by municipal grants and Communify Chests. Send Your Donation To: THE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND Campaign Headquarters at: - GODERICH — LONDON — ST. THOMAS — STRATFORD Tra Cam duiGMo tam, 00[ y By Roe Farms Service Dept. DOC, TELL ME WHAT YOU WATCH FORINYOUR FLOCKS TO PREVENT `CANNIBALISM. rovr- ' ivy 7/ FRANK, ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT WORD PREVENT- PREVENTI ON IS YOUR KEY TO HANDLING CANNIBALISM IN ANY FLOCK. r ELI MINATE THE CAUSES OF CANNIBAL ISM, SUi;H AS I, 700NEAVYUSE OF BALANCE THROWS OVERALL RATIPROTON. 2. CROWDING T00 MANY BIRDS PER PEN. 3. INADEQUATE EATING AND DRINKING SPACE, 4. IDLENESS - KEEP BIRD5 BUSY. 5. fLOORLAY/N6- LEADING TO°PICK-OUTS". 6. NEM - POORLY CONSTRUCTED. THERE ARE WAYS TO HELP STOP IT BUT PREVENTION 15 YOUR FIRST STEP. HERE'S HOW TO CONTROL RICKING: a- REMOVE ANY BIRDS THAT SHOW 51665 OF INJURY OR WEAKNE55. SECONQ- DARKEN PEN 50 FLOCK CAN BARELY 558 FEED HOPPERS AND WATER FOUNTAINS. Tij132 - ADD 1 TABLESPOON OF COMMON SA(.T TO EACH BALLON OF DRINKING WATER FbRbNa MORNIN6ONLY, REPEAT TIME MILKIER. FQURiJN- USE SPECKS OR DE -BEAK 1 YOUR BIRDS. YOU HANDLE MY BIRDS LIKE CHILDREN, EH, DOC? THAT'S RIGHT,FRANK- JUST LIKE RRROB!/STNEALTH & NA 166 NOS l4RMN KIDS you MUST KEEP THEM BUSY TO SYOP MI KIOIE- Alit/ FEED vrrAiki stPIW MORN y lAOto: YOU TAKAT mKII�b� ►1 R �, goyM l''111.', 1., AND kg, Sit R0,0Me tMPA II; NK •r, _ icCasr Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F. HARRISON • MONCRIFPF