HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-9-30, Page 5OPEN A A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT ALIVE and growing Plant the seeds for your future 40.3 The Canadian Bank of Commerce BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. L. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEOI!r Wawa St. Rome 4. Breese* Oat -DR. R. W. STEPHENS Grad's** University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON - Tii_YsM 40 .— Snmuis. OM. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL !KINDS Mbemohns and Pk, hese stn Accident mad Maas, Await for Great West 11. lsswos Co. Asims ails 94 — Orme y Oar. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses irisa Pons 791 Sedorth — Mtn Spud. MOMS: t! - a. Wed 942.30. Sat. ! a.m.10 l! /eili - G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St.. WINGHAM >I At lance:dins OMNI Every Tomedi y. nem Mash= 770 a 0. IO.e cis aR • Evenings by sinlmi.R. J. A. Monagahan,����yye.�R. O..1 Optometrist, . ■ ff om. Oen /. . _aeWising is Eye EssIninstlon and the Pitting of Miss Mos in Lidswel Clinic Bm3ing /last lt100 a.m. to SAO p.as. illy; Mesal Waimea, tea Op` may Monday and Satendo Evening 74111 B~ Other evenings by appoStm i. 0 Ph. . Q. A.Ram di: Co. Furigti I.AND A5113U1AN M-1ERVLCr Uesmsod Femoral Director and Erabahmsr PHONE 34 or -15 — — BRIJSddL C/1T. Harvey W. Stephenson Representative dor Lb Asswesoss . Canada Health haand Acddreat Casualty General Insurance Cs� !bees 43: Inns — mea Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Tslsphoms N No Extra Charge for Use of Fused Hems Licensed ��F__t��m��e��a� .I Director and 6a lsisr Twenty -far anneal. R. S Hetherington R C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT MUMS Satteday all day OEM !WM Mhz Saaedessar to E. D OR i' Lewis Rowland or was to R. R. 3 Walton. (licensed For Huron Comity) wSl is lashed after inmeedMleff SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES RFA* IA1 Iheammements Phone 31 "The Brunch lose pall for h ors' lis- ales Arnie or phone Lew. Pouhifai FOR .SALE Cedar and iD01swhoat. Otlati, ,Harauld phone 80r4, FOR SALE 50 Cord of sett wood, Fred Selling Phone 10713 FOR SALE -- Good Dry Hard Wood, Charles Storey Phone 42r10 FOR SALE --- 1- used Mcplary Refrigerator Gregg's Hardware, Brussels, Phone 17. Wesal �El FOR SALE -- Turkep oven ready for banquets, weddings, etc, Jack Wheeler Phone 12713 , LOST 4 Oatt!e8 black and 1 Hereford Steer, about 1000 lbs. Reward. Phone 86124, James Pearson, Ethel. FOR SALE — }lardword and softwood slabs, also cedar for kindling. Jas. Stevenson Phone 60:4 STRAYED One Steer to Lot 27, Con. 18, Grey Township. Owner can have same by proving ownership end paying for advt. and expenses, Jim McDonald Phone 56r11 WANTED — Can you spare three evenings or an afternoon a week, two hours an evening, i.o make up to $30. No ex- perience necessary. We train you Contact P. 0. Box 50 Brussels for Personal interview. FOR SALE -- Bray Bray November - December brib- er cockerels should be on order now. Ask ne tor particulars. Ask else about started chicks. Contact us soon. Wm. G. Bray, Ethel. FRESH HONEY FOR SALE -- Get Get your pails filled now with the light golden honey at 14c per Ib., or almost all clover honey at 18c per lb. Ask us to show it to you. Lloyd Wheeler Phone Z1r3 LIVESTOCK WANTED -- Dead, disabled 'horses nr eons removed free of charge. Tor prams and efficient service lits* "STONES" collect Ingersoll 11 a Brussels 70. FOR SALE — 5 room cottage and E piece bath room. Full basement, Hard and so& water. Built in cupboards. Insulated, apply to Leo Gaynor, Brussels.. ATTENTION PARMlRS — DI*ADSTOCiC emoted frees ism farm rromptly fru sanitary ascent Telephone Collect: Wessels Nr1! or Ellmira ado. CORDON YOUNG LIMITED WANTED — Do you need money? You can make front $60, to $75. a week by selling 850 guaranteed household necessities in your surroundings. Send today for free dataiogne anti details. FAMTLIOC. Dent. 4, 1600 D'elorimier., Montreal FOR SALE — 5ecre Poultry Farm, red brink house and brick kitchen, good barn, siltuated In good village, priced et $4,800.00. 100 -acro Farm, brlok house, hydro, good bank barn, 7 acres bush, situated at edge of good town, priced at $9,000.00. 150-aore Perm, cement cottage, bydro, pressure system, good barn steel stabling, 40 acre bash, hen house, situated on highway near village, priced -8,500,00, 100 -acre Farm, shone house, good hank barn, 25 acres bush, priced at $6,50M0, Village Store, red brick, brick house attached, 8 room apartment nhove stole, priced at $5,500.00. Brick /tense in Village of Brussels, hydro, priced at $8000.00. J, C. Long, Real Shitate Broker, Phone 89, Brussels, Ont. Rally Day will be observed fu Knox Presbyterian Oltureh 90 Sen. day, Oct, 4th, 'hit 11. n, m. Sabbadit School will not meet at the usual hour of ten but all pupils are asked to assemble in the basement of the elturolt at 10,45. A. Children's choir under the leadership of Mre, Iiynd- man, will assist lm date service, MI. and Krol rim Martin and family, Detroit, and Mr, and Mns, Morgan Cameron and daughter, Leaden, were week -end vlsitore with Mr, and Mrs, Allen Cameron. Mrs. Anurias Oameron and Wayne vielled in London last' week. There passed away at her home la the village on Monday 'evening Mrs. It, JC,p, McDonald, following a lengthy Illness. Funeral service will be conducted on Wednesday, from Knox Presbyterian Church by her minister, Ray. W. 36. Hydnman, wits• intrrinent in Grenbrook Cemetery. SIAL FON The Walton, W, •M. S. and W. A. group of Duff'e'United Church met at the home of the nreo.Adent, Mrs, Voneld Bennett on Wednesday even- ing wttit 20 ladles present. Mrs. Bennett presided and opened the meeting with a hymn end prayer. The scripture Lesson was read by Mrs, Douglas Ennis') from St. John 15: 1-11. The minutes of the pre- vious meeting ware given by the secretary Mrs. Fern Patterson and Mrs, Frank Kirkby gave the treasu. rer's report. During the business period plans were made for the fowl supper, which will be held in the Church Wednesday evening on Oct. 21. Mrs. Frank Walters thank- ed the group for a parcel she bad received. Christmas cards were Passed around for insipectton and some were sold. Mrs. W. C. Bennett oP Ciintn. invited the group to hold the next meeting- at her home on i Wednesday evening, Oct. 141h. Miss Marjorie McDonald, gave an inter- esting topic, entritled, "Unl(jailing Benediction reklioiite4 831 IMISoB. A spelling match oendueted lYy Mis8l McDonald 'vats held folleWillg the meeting. Lunoth. was served by the hostese, insisted -by M3+3. ''Fern Flatt- arson, Mrs. Silas'robust= and Mrs, Wm, Bennett, Harvest 'i'rhawhagiving was observe ed 4n St. George's Anglican 011.1awl1 on Sunday 'evening with a good attendance, '1'he churn was beautl• fully decorated with flowers', fruit and vegetables. Rev. -N•74113 rector of the church was etiolated by Rey, Fuller of the Wroxeter oberge. The choir rendered gin anthem accountant. ed by the organist Mrs, Stewart Humphries. World Wide Communion will be observed at Dhi0t's United alurde next Sunday at 11 a. an, Preparatory s,em'lce will be held in the sehool room of the church on Friday evening, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ,I All persona having claims against the Estates of John James Strachan and Jessie Strachan late of the Townsttlp of Grey in the County of Huron, deceased, are hereby notiried to send- the undersigned on or before the Ord day of October,' 1950, full particulars, ' of their claims in writing, Immedtately after the said 3rd day of October, 1953 the .assets of the estate will be distribued among the parties entitled thereto raving regard only to claims ofgwliToh the Executors shall then have notice. Dated at Brussels, Ontario this &th day of September, 1953. Messrs. Crawfo-a & Hetheringto6 Barristers & c., Brussels, Ontario. NOTICE — The St. John's Anglican Church Turkey Supper will be held on , Wed., Oct. 28th. k'rospereus !arta snpq inetsilinr D�- PIMPING SYS eve LABOUR Timm with fresh rarip sing water at the ties el a tap.. b1I lb. house .. r bares • a stables ... aids hoso, motoe sok teem value. BUY the Bir BUY a DURO Why carry water you Esu Maud fresh water you want it with DURO Shallow off ,Deep Well Pump? o `'r EMCO FITTINGS and FIXTURES Modernize your home with EMCO Fixtmres and Finings for kitchen .. bathroom ... lelmdry. Add comfort and value to your home. Drop In and see in today! EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED mop 10501 E1111 r • WIV. NNIPEG 781100 vEe J ' ts a a. ain s , Air /tie S6sfrnet • • • .rte -- --- - e° Power -Pivot Pedals, suspended from above, work easier and elimi- nate floor holes—provide more floor space for the driver! g Centre -Fill Fueling makes filling -up easy from either side of the gas pump ... prevents damage to finish and gas spilling on fenders. ...saran : •S'J.S'A4CN O and a brand-new, /anger, /ewer, wider look Hull -Tight Bodies, for dust - free, draft-freeooufort, ere built to stay "young". It's bcre .: the new, pace -setting, style - reeking '53 Ford—presenting for the first time—the sensational new Miracle Ride! Now, feel the difference in the '53 Ford- with the entire suspension system com- pletely -balanced for a safer, smoother, quieter ride—that gives a brand-new concept of comfort on all kinds of road, Again, Ford steps ahead with all the features you want , .. Full -Circle Viei- werdomatk Dive, Overdrive and % WIo *Newell fires optional at extra cat. o01DEN ANNIMSArtr Of EHE GREATEST NAME IN MOTORING bility that really lets you see .:: a car that handles with effortless steering, braking and parking , .. with proved V-8 power and brilliant performance: See it ... check it ... you'll find the 1953 Ford gives you so many things you noel and want, Test -Drive Ford—you'll knoll/ why, more than ever before, the stains is to Ford! Sharo-Star V -B 110 -Hp. Engine with high compression perfor- mance. Advanced design backedby experience in build- ing more V -8's than all other tnanuf FordomaHc *Drive is the finest automatic drive on the road. With Ford you can choose from Fordomatia*, Overdrive*, or Synchro-Silent Shift. 46 iv New Miracle Ms that takes all the hweP factors of ride, engineers thorn into a completely -balanced combination for n ride that's truly a revelation. swing Iii TORR. ieturers oondtined, SEE YOUR FORD DEALER ... TEST-IV/VE the new 53 F /1 RQ.