HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-9-23, Page 5ALIVE and growing Plant the seeds for your future OPEN A A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT 40.3 • BUSINESS CARDS C, A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEO!4 Wiliam St. Mose 4. Bressels, O. DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Tomato PHYSICIAN and SURGEON FP Talusheae 45 — bursels. Oat. 1.. <• ., Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Aotemo67e sed Eby hseranee Am:16M and McInnes Apert for Great West Lie Insvaacs Co. Annie Office 96 -- Brum,„ Oat. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses fitted. Phone 791 SeafOrth — Mala StraeL HOURS: 9 - 6. Wed. 912.30. Sat. 9 a.m. tel 6.1111 G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist Patrick St., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Eves, Taaiy. Rase Wingham 770 A 5. Idacardbe !'I. Evenings by Appointment. J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, IJ3TTOWEi. ONE. Specialising In Eye Examination and she PIttInz of Oban, Office la Wawa anic Boma MOM: MOO a.m. to 6:00 p.m. may; Closed W.kN1.s la Open gvery Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7 did b 946 'Ober evenings by appointment Rose p/. i).A.Rawl &Co. FUTIERAL ANDAMBULANCE SERVKClE Uoeu.ed Femoral Director and Emblems PHONE 36 or 6!I — — BRUSlEJ.R,CAL Harvey W. Stephenson Ibpre.eatative for Spm Ute A.sereao. Co. Canada Health and Acclisat Co. Casualty General Instance Co. Phase Mae TENPERS WANTEP Tenders will be received by Ithe undersigned until 4 F. M., Saturday, October 9rd, 1953 for encs -plowing for the 1958.54 season In the Town, ship of Grey. Tenders to be by the hour. state type of equipment. used, LOWest Or any tender not uoee98 arily accepted. Edythe M. Cardiff,' Clerk. CLASSIFIED, ADS. FOR SALE — Suckiag Pigs, apply at Walter Rose Poultry Farm, FOR SALE Good Dry Hard Wood, Charles Storey Phone 42r10 FOR SALE — Turkeyt, oven ready for batignets, weddings, etc. -' Jack Wheeler Phone 12.113 LOST— A giver fender skirt off a Pontiac car. (Reward). Robt. Raymond Phone 65r6. FOR SALE — 9 pigs, 13 weeks old. Phone 3111 Brussels, Russel Bone, 3rd line of Morris, FOR SALE — Hardword and softwood slabs, also cedar for kindling. Jas. Stevenson Phone BOrl • FOR RENT — House (formerly owned by the late Mrs. L. Parr). apply to Mrs. Stuart McNair Phone 10Jr8 Walker Funeral Home, Day er Night Calk Telephone N No Extra Chary. for Use of nand Haeme Mewed Fend Director and Erdiaialar Tw.entyloar Now Ambulance lefties Dale Exdoellyely R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINC1111431 dDRUIEIELS AT ERUDIRIL5 ion Saeoeseor R. D M Lewis Rowrland Or mite to R. R. 3 Waimea. (Ltcensei For Heron County) vIH be baked after Innne1lately SA'mrACI'iON GUARANTEED — mats it EASIONAw• e Ingergarsente !'hone 31 "The Be et Poor" tllllf Par 1lllrirlanl*au Ne., "Ate or pilon Lew. Rii.iuiyili FOR SALE — 1 Beatty pressure sytem„ 1 bath- room duitfit, 1 range boiler with electric heater. W. B. Hoy Phone 34r8 WANTED — Do you need money? You can make from $50. to $75. a week by selling 950 guaranteed household necessities in your surroundings. Send today for free catalogue anti details. FOR SALE — Bray November - December brtfs- er cockerels should be on order now. Ask us for particulars. Ask else about started chicks. Contact us soon. Wm. G. Bray, Ethel. FRESH HONEY FOR SALE -� Get your pails filled now with the light golden honey at 14e per Ib., or almost all clover honey at 18c per lb. Ask us to show it to you. Lloyd Wheeler Phone 214S FOR SALE — "Grey -Bance Live Stock Co - Operative Sale rot 1300 Cattle, grad- ed in car and truck lots, at Wiarton, October 1st, commencing at 10 a. m. T. Stewart Oooper, Secretary, Markdale, Ont, THE BRUSSELS EL POST • AUCTION BALI! Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Machinery at lot 6 and 0, Con, 0, Morrie Twp, 6 miles East pt EIyth on WEDNESPAY, SEPT, 80th at 1 P, M. Cottle 4 Durham and Angus Cows. i 7r.1 old; 3 red Durham COWS, 3 yrs, Olds 1 roan Dunham cow, 4yr, old; 1 red Cow, 7 yr, Old. 1 blue cow 6 yrs, old; 1 blue cow, 4 yrs. old; 1 Durhan-. and Angus Heifer, 2 yrrs. old; 2 red Heifers with calves foot, 13 Durham and Hereford Steers about 700 lbs.; 16 Hereford Spring Calves; 1. Registered Here- ford Blull. 3 yrs, old, Hay 1700 bales mixed Hay. Implements 47 Ford Tractor with step us plougiir, and cultiiator; Cocksbntt No. 5 manure spreader; Steel Inter- national Harvester 3 drum rofer Massey -Harris No. 9 grearrt Separ- ator, Terme Cash Prop. Mrs, Elizabeth Cummings. — Auctioneer, Harold Jackson.._. -- STROLL WITH MR. TRUMAN THROUGH HIS OWN HOME TOWN Harry S. Truman, in this Sun, days Detroit Sunday Times, takes readers on a walk through his home town. Read 'Mr. Citizen", a warmly 'human series of articles' ,Mr. Mr, Trum'an's first published writ lugs sines leaving the White Hoose. Mr. Truman describes his transition from President to plain citizen, COUNCIL OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ANNUAL MEETING An event of especial interest to parents and Sunday School workers In North Huron is the annual meet- ing of the Council of 'Chrlstian Ed- -uoation which is an inter-demomin- a:ional body, This year it is being held in Wingh,3m United Church on Wednesday, Sept. 30th. Rev. J. Arnold Foster of Toronto — Boys' Work Secretary Is to be the guest '.peaker both afternoon and evening. The departmental discussion groups are always a highlight and this year are being led by Lieut. N. Oster, Rev. R. L. Parker and Rev, D. Mac- Rae of Wingham also Rev. Ian Hind of Goderielt and Rev, M. Bailie of Blue+vale. , «, LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, dts'abled horses no cows removed tree of charge. For Monet and efficient service phone "STONES" collect Ingerso+1 21 or Brussels 72. FOR SALE — 5.aore Poultry Farm, red brick kouse and brick kitchen, good barn, situated In good village, priced at $4,800.00. 100-norc Farm, brick hoose, .hydro, good bank barn, 7 acres hush, situated at edge of good town, priced at 39,000.00. 160-aore Farm, cement cottage, hydro, pressure system, good barn steel stabling, 90 acre bush,,, hen house, situated on highway near village, priced -8,600.00. 100:acre Farm, stone house, good bank barn, 26 acres bush, priced at $6,500.00. Village Store, red brick, brick house attached, 8 room apartment above store, priced at 35,600.00. Brack horse in Village of Brussels, hydro, priced at 31000,00. 7. C. tong, Real !,tate Broker, Phone 34, 11rtisael0, Oat, BLYTH FALL FAiR START PLEASES EXECUTIVE '011e committee In charge 0f 'W4e indoor exbibits at the opening Dia) Of 131yth hair, Tueetday afternoon were well pleased with tate number of exbibitoret as well an the creased number and expellent quality el! the exhibits in domes'tio science, rcoGs and vegetables. One now exblblitor made around 80 ontries.. i,. The exhibits of ;:lowersr were below par owing to the unfavorable weather the past few weeks. There ware onl.b two entries of apples russets and Minima sweets, The apple crop in this district is a failure. Ropte and vegetables, especially potatoes, wede of good quality and were shown in. abundance, Miss 3ros'epiaine Woodcock tot Slyth won the spacial prize for flowers, Mrs. Charles Johnston, a new exhibitor was the winner of tua special prize to the domestic .science and crafts divielon, A. group display in the home eco- nomics soction was a new feature this year. Group No. 4 of the Wo - wen's Association of the United Church, .Blyth, placed first, The Guild of 'Trinity Church, Blyth, wag second and the local branch of the Women's Institute, third. ADVICE ON HOW TO LIVE LONGER IN THE STAR WEEKLY Author Marie Beynon Ray glances at the longevity table and notes tinin y our filect span the increasedtwentieth by iwontyCenturyearn Tha Antra twenty years have been named "later maturity", a period beginning some time in the 40,s and continuing through the Ma Miss Ray has written us how to get the most out of the extra twenty years. Look for it in the Toronto Star Weekly of September 26th. NOTICE — The St, John's Anglican Church Turkey Supper will be held on Wed., Oct. 28th. ATTENTION FARMERS — DEADSTOCK removed !rem year farm promptly for sanitary difaaat Telephone Collect: Brussels Sir/.2 or Elmira 664. GORDON YOUNG LIMITJA TBAVErM IS OUR BUSINESS .• SEE TOUR CNR TICKET AGENTI If you're going places—whether: f'px business or pleasure -0r any destination near or far, keep us ever in mind. Travel is ausr business—travel in 2anada, United Slates, best ladies, Europe, etc,( Well be glad to help you with your plans, and will do our best to snake your trip a pleasant one, NADIAN NATIONAL RAILWA)! For reservations and Informatlok regarding your business and pleasure travel, see, write or phone you! local Canadian National Passel -1W Agent. 7<t,<aBw.s..,,orf",�xiL.imn..v. Basso Jan Rubes sings a European folk song while condgetol- violinist Ivan Romani, listens carefully, during a rehearsal of thh CBC Friday -night show "Songs of My People" Tine famous traditional music ce the peoples of Europe is presented on 13i0 program, as well as the occasional folk tune from the Carr! bean and Latin America. Rubes is featured not only a$ vocalist, but he introduces the numbers as well Sadden the orchestra, he Is assisted by a chorus and a great soar cleft week, ass ANNOUNCINGRLD S THEW0 1 POWER CHAIN SAW The 20 Ib. MCCULLOCII(Complete) only 0 O model 33 Power Saw Perfeation in 20 lbs. In -the -field research, coupled with the world's largest and most advanced chain saw manufacturing facilities, have enabled. McCulloch engineers to produce this amazing unit. Rugged and powerful, the Model 33 is capable of production logging in timber up to 2 and 3 feet in diameter. with 12 -inch blade and chain (F.O.B. Vancouver, B.C.) Cutting speed is exceptional. Model 33 cuts through trees 18 inches in diameter in less than one minute. Model 33's combination of light weight, high production, and low price make it ideal for logging, pulp and cordwood cutting, construction and land clearing, and farm and resort work. Get a Model 33 demonstration al any of the 400 McCulloch Dealers in Canada or contact :.EMERY DISTRIBUTORS LTD. Exclusive Canadian Agents 220 W.1st Ave., 10555116th at. 938 Portage Ave. 361 Landsdowne St., 625 1st Ave., Vancouver 10, B.C. Edmonton, Alta. Winnipeg, Man. Peterborough, Ont. Quebec City, Que, Outstanding Features • Full -power operation in every position without adjustmeizt. • Fully -automatic starter and clutch. • Cool running in all temperatures. • Easy starling in all temperatures. - • 12 -inch or 16 -inch blades. • Narrow kerf "Sabre" type, blade and chain. • Nation-wide service. L. 1 There's a McCulloch saw for every i i purpose. Please send for full informatlOf on all models—SS—S.35-440-7.65'i and the name of nearest dealer. Name ....., 11 Address......, DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE 1