HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-9-16, Page 5THL BADDEr.,1 rrQS'r CROP REPORT 13y O. W. Montgomery Sgpetjpiler 1241, 1953 liaivy nine friday night and 'Saturday morning will greatly help cultivated crops and pastures. The first ball wheat was seeded tilts week, iudieatiom now are that tate e;oroage will be down somewhat from oilier years. The white bean Aarvest is in dill swing in the flounty and yields of 16-20 bushels Per aet'e are being reported with the price at around $4,00 per bushel, PEOPLE W E KNOW t * Mr, and Ms). L. Waxman and family visited wdtar Detroit relatives last week, IClnlough Grower, elder sou of Mr. and Mrs, A, Grewar, Sett Mon- day tor ICingston, where he is at- tending Queen's Undlversity, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Y.olleck and children, Mrs. G. Rappaport and Mrs, M. Yolleck. Toronto, called on Brussels friends on Saiturdey of Last week' Mies Annie Bateman, Ethel, visit- ed lash week with Brussels friends, Mr, Duncan Jamieson, Toronto, was a week -end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Henn. Mrs. Frank Mitchell was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson, Toronto last week -end 'when she ivisited with her man 'Ped who is undergoing treatment at ;uanybroolc Military Hospital. Dr. Lois M. Plum spent Sunday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Plum, Dr. Plum recently received her diploma in Psychiatry from the University of Toronto and is on the medical staff of the Ontario Hospital, New Toronto, AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements on FRIDAY, SEPT. 18th at 1 P. M. Lot 31, Con. 6 East Wawanosh Twp. Terms Chattek Cash Prop. Morris Beaman, Belgrave, Auctioneer Harold Jackson. CAE Y Mr, and Mrs. Wesley li'aakibe e. i3ciinore visited twat ''eek with their nephews, Harvey and Melville Dennis, and other relatives in Brug- sets. Visitors at Mite home of Melville and Mrs, Dennis on Sunday in- cludes !Elmer and Mrs. Asli:lns ,and daughter of Bel - more, Mae ,and MTs, Seigner and Jimmie or Welle»Iey, and Hugh and Mrs, Hart with: Robert and Heather of Gadbhili, Mies Isboel Densis of the Stratford Teacher's College spent the week- end at her home. UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. The W. M. 0, of the United Ohurdn met in the church parlor on Tues, - Sept, 8th, The meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. Lane. The Presi- dent,' followed by singing hymn fifth. Miss F. Buchanan read the 'minutes of the last meeting aand the roll call was responded to IT a tatrorire Bible verse. 7 calls were reported by the visiting com- mittee. A short reeding on cigar- ette smoking wals given. Mrs. G. Menzie, who attended Conference Nt St, Thomas, will be the guest sneaker for the October meeting. The new study book, "pphere'er the Sun", was used, Mrs. R. S, Hamil- ton taking the first chapter. The current mission study theme being the Life rind Task of the Church, Around the World. The Great New Pact was the subject taken by Mrs. W. 'Re11, who »resented informat- ion abour some co-operative piece of work in which W. M. S, has a share, and was r.s.sisted by Mrs. Flrby and Miss C. Me0raoken. The hymn, Jesus shall reign where'er the Sun, was sone and Mee. Rev Lane olosed the mee'' g with prayer, BUSINESS CARDS ;.i . C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEO!t Walom SE Phone 4. O. liR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto * PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Talephema 45 — Brw.l,. Oak Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KENDS tl.iaas olale and Eby Dana Accident and Sickness Aes.t for Great West Lite Insurance Co. Phan Office 96 — Br a.b, Oat. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses fib& Phone 791 Seaforth — Male Siwl. • HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9.12.30. Sat. 9 a.m. t. 9 gm. G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist, Patrick St., WINGHAIK At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Wingi am 770 dl 6, Kincardine !a. Evenings by appobstmeat. J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, IdSTOWM., ONT. 9yecIeB rim In Eye Exi)tninatten and,tilts Filthy at Moo Office b Lisbewel Chile Buflibag Nassir: 9700 ace. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wedneediss Opel a Ferry Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7789 it ODD Ott evenings by appo6siment Pon. SSs. ID. A. Kann & Co. • , R tubi a4. AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Flown) Director and Embalmer MOM 36 or ad8 — — ieRUNIELS. car. Harvey W. Stephenson R.praentative for Sun Life Assurance Cir Canada Health and Accident Co. Caaaalty General 1.sa rano. L'.. films 43i — Walker Funeral Houma Day or Night Calls Telephone SS ▪ No Wm Charge for Um of Funeral Hans IA:mesed Funeral Director and Embalms Tvrenty-four Hour Ambulance Sevin Dales' Flowers Excl nlye!i R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM and BRussint! AT BRUSSELS romoday and Saturday all day -- (!flit t open every Mews M — Successes. to IL D. DAD TENDERS WANTED Tendee's will be received by ,the undersigned until 4 P. M., Saturday, October 3rd, 1053 for snowplowing for the 13F3.54 season In the Town- ship or Grey, Tenders to be by the hour. State type of equipment used. Lowest or any tender not noeeed drily accepted, Edythe M, Cardl'ff, Clerk CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE Piga, 7 weeks old. 13enay Armstrong Phone 16r5I� FOR SALE Potatoes, ,apply to _Miss Mary Lanrvont, Brussels, FOR SALE — A small barn, Pete Cardiff Phone 29x2 FOR SALE — Dry budy wood Elm and Maple. Mac McIntosh Phone 55r6 HOUSE FOR RENT -- On Albert qct., Brussels, apply to Mrs. L. Waxman, Brussels. FOR SALE — • House on Lots 67 and 58 Mal Et. For information enquire o f G. R. Campbell, Brussels. FOR SALE — Hardword and softwood slabs, also cedar for kindling. Jas. Stevenson Phone 60r4 FOR SALE — peLamal Cream Separator, good condition, also parts for a model Phone 33r4 SI; A, 30 and 31. Oran Russell • FOR SALE -- Tenders will be received by Grey Twp. School Board until Sept. 21st, 1952 for the double outdoor toilet at S. S. No. 5. Building is nearly new and is about 10 ft. x 10 ft. J. Carl Hemingway, Sec.-Treas FOR SALE — 5 room cottage and 2 piece bath room. Full basement. Hard and soft- ' otb' water. Built In cupboards. Insulated, apply to Leo Gaynor, Brussels. FRESH HONEY FOR SALE --- Get -Get your pails filled now with the light golden honey at 14c per lb., or almost all clover honey at 1Sc per Ib. Ask us to sSow it to you. Lloyd Wheeler Phone 21r8 FOR SALE — Bray hatchery may have limit- ed quantity started ..chicks, let us know if interested. And if you want November -December broiler cocker- els, let us know your needs soon. Agent Wm. G. Bray, EtheL WANTED — How would you like to establish yourself in a business of your own with a real .future? Sell our 250 guaranteed products to friends and neighbours. Write for free cata- logue and details. FAMILEX, Dept. 1, 1600 Delori• vier, Montreal. LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, disabled horses nr coir1i removed free of charge. Per prompt and efficient service phone "STONES" collect Ingersoll 21 es Brussels 72. ATTENTION FARMERS — DEADSTOCI{ removed from your term rromptly fur sanitary dlsimest Telephone Collect: Brussels Orli or Elmira 654. GORDON YOUNG'LIMITCD FOR SALE — 5earre Poultry Farm, red brick house and brick kitchen, good barn, situnted in good village, priced at 74.800.00. 100-amre Perin, briok house, hydro, good bank barn, 7 acres bush, situated at edge of good town, priced at $9,000.00. 150-aore Farm, cement cottage, hydro, pressure system, good barn steel stabling, 40 acre bush, ben house, animated on highway neat` village, priced -8,500.00. 100ocre Farm, shone house, good bank barn, 25 acres bush, priced at $6,500.00. Village Store, red briok, bidek hone attached, 8 mem apartment above store, ;priced at $5,500.00. Brick Immo in Village of Brussels, hydro, priced at 70000.00. J. C. Lung, Real Itstate Broker, Phone 04, Rrueeele, Ont. 1Y041)1es0i4y, Aelilbor 1Cllri 1QC11 ; • KEEPING PACE.I.. Nowadays bank staffs use machines to do much of the record-keeping for nearly 9,000,000 deposit accounts. It is one of the reasons why they are able to keep up with the greatly -increased demand for banking services by more and more customers... and to maintain the same fast, efficient handling of our account. Since 1900, bank staffs have inereleed a few thousand to 48,600... the agmber cheques handled to 1,000,000 a day:' E-I'HEi.. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lounsbury Mists Grace. Lamont and Mr, J. C. Lamont returned %rem a motor trip to Mexico City, Washington, D. 0., and New York Oity. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having elaims against the Estates of John James Strachan i and Jesofe Straohan late of the Township of Grey in the County of ; Huron, deceased, are hereby notpxied to send the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of October, , 1855, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 3rd day of October, 1953 the assets of the estate will be 3lstribued among the parties entitled thereto raving regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated at Brussels, Ontario this Stb day of September, 1953. Messrs. Cragvfo*d & Hetheringto6 Barristers & 0., Brussels, Ontario. CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITU i E FOR THE BLIND "When you're blind yourself, yon can appreciate the help offered by That was the comihent amour Denying the first donation from Huron County to the annual open sting fund of Canadian Nationab Institute for the Blind. With the $5.00 from Mrs. Agnes Lammie, 81, of Heusall on the books, a:; well as other early don- ations arriving since, officials of the Huron County campaign are moping fer generous and prompt re- sponse from county residents. "Front Huron County •this, year C. N. I. B. is asking $5,000.," gatd J. H. Kinkead, chairman, Huron County Advisory Board, " The County Council has already t contributed 71,500. So the people are being asked to dontriblate 73,500." In all C. N. I. B, needs 740,000. this 1. year. Municipal grants and London THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY and Stratford Community Chests will provide $58,000, In Huron, El- gin, Middlesex and Perth, 718,000 is to be raised. Opening September 21st, for two weeks, the campaign will provide funds to rehabilitate newly -blinded persons in the new Western Ontario Training Centre in London, to maintain the 40eroom residence, and provide the many services 0, N, I, B, offers the blind. Donations are exempt from In- come tax, and, if possible, all contributions will be acknowledged is the local paper. ADD BLOOMERS — Somebody':, face was red in the Hanover Post back shop last week when the following appeared in the Eaton ad on the back page. "GIRLS PANTIES — A favourite with boys for school or leisure wear"! - - - equally smart open or closed - - - available in blue or maroon." Seems someone got the heading switched with a paragraph on sport shirts. — Wingham Advance -Times AUCTION SALE ".r Clearing Auction Sale of Fara Stock and Machinery at Lot C We' ' 6, Con. 6, Morris .Twp. 5 mneii East of Blyth on `'*i' WEDNESDAY, SEPT 30th at 1 P.M. x Cattle y . .. _ �ms'_ .,,- 4 Durham and Angus Cows, old; 3 rcd Durham Cows, 3 yrs. O1 1 roan Durham cow, 4yr, O1,3 1 red Cow, 7 yr. old, 1 blue 5 yrs. old; 1 blue cow, 4 yetg.. OIda 1 Durham and Angus Heifer, S yc$ old; 2 red Heifers with 0.4[ foot; 13Durham add HeraSYSI Steers about 700 lbs.; 15 Rorefot Spring Calves; 1 Registered Here- ford Bull 3 yrs. old. see% Hay Tt. 1700 bales mired Hay. 'w Implements 47 Ford Tractor with etas rtzE ploughs and cultivator;' Coeilint't. No. 5 manure spreader; Steel Wei" - national Harvester 3 drain rosier Massey -Harris No. 9 Cretins 3eps�r ator. Terms Cash Prop. Mrs. Elizabeth Cummings. ,,.. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson; .......lira ANNOUNCING THE WORLD'S POWER CHAIN S the 20 Ib. MCCULLOCH model 33 on, $ Power Saw Perfection in 20 lbs. In -the -field research, coupled with the world's largest and most advanced chain saw manufacturing facilities, have enabled McCulloch engineers to produce this amazing unit. Rugged and powerful, the Model 33 is capable of production logging in timber up to 2 and 3 feet in diameter. • With 12 -inch blade and chain (F.O.B. Vancouver, B.C.) Cutting speed is exceptional. Model 33 cuts through trees 18 inches in diameter in less than one minute. Model 33's combination of light weight, high production, and low price make it ideal for logging, pulp and cordwood cutting, construction and land clearing, and farm and resort work. Get a Moeiel33 demonstration at any of the 400 McCulloch Dealers in Canada or contact LEMERY DISTRIBUTORS LTD. Exclusive Canadian Agents 220 W. 1st Ave., 10555116th St. 988 Portage Ave, 861 LandsdowneSt., 6251st Ave„ Vancouver 10, B.C. Edmonton, Alta. Winnipeg, Man, Peterborough, Ont. Quebec City, Que, Outstanding Features ® Full -power eperatidn in every position without adjustment. ® Fully -automatic starter and clutch. ® Cool running in all temperatures. IS Easy starling in all temperatures. • 12 -inch or 16 -inch blades. ® Narrow kerf "Sabre" type blade and chain. • Nation-wide service. e There's a McCulloch saw for ever» purpose. Please send for full information on alt models -83-3.25-7.30-7.55 and the name of nearest dealer. Nnme Address ,. I , ,,11.11,,, 171. .:47. DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE