HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-9-16, Page 4EIS SHES JOHNSON ELECTRIC MEM Brusseis, OntarO WOO (parity assures, satisfy:den. USE' STURGEONS FOR BEST RESULTS, rir4 agussgt.s POST CRANBR.00K 'NI), Ha, Orey Twp. Council GOO. Peareon, ,4"4"eg,wir • Mean41 3.18 C bell. Grey Towel/14 °WWI kleieting Mint, IL Daloor, Garbage, 1104 Qampbell's Asters, wire. Noble moved by lithgth. socouded Stanley Mormuler, Cement, Mr, 846Pare. I Flint, were recent visitOre witks T'iTr, was held co Baetelnber Oth. toed MI4. Allen thenerou. he Clifford IL Ihtuber that the rains Mimi Ville:go 173.75 Mr. mid Mrs. rred Methlteheen toes be adopted M19 read. ' a M. Dean% gravel, and Pendly havemoved in 'with -- carried, Pithei Village 0.40 i the mayed by /4„„v184 r. mos/aught, Bert VeddeIt, cement eidevallas Ilfifel Village 170.00 Mrs, 0, W. IsioCe IU. Seconded by WM. Bishop thee, Mr, leaneaa MoTaggert and Jltew. s. ea the Cox Drain be Coati Arthur Rech, at Sidewalks Mais, spent lest efeelc Toronte pateried. - Carried. Ethel Villege 30.00 and attendee the 0. PI, Fe Moved by Oliteard R. Duellier, Cleo, Wosenhurg, Part salarY eeconeed be Hugh SInith. that the leesesaer 300.00 1. Mrs, Jets. Noble celebrated her bylaw on the Storey Drain bo tInallyBalker, earetalter ate great TAW, Om bride 'WM 4 Celiternin Otyled doireleee fie.t ett PAvrgs Fos 705$ liagifsh cloth, wAttle p.0009001110, - un eouple will reside itil' VItti,f) °rebid oereege. I 01Sethain , The bride is a graduate of Iciteih. . tMers7falialoo lioenital lend tie t oit DO FALL PAIS. ig1tHiESITION Root. *. 11 oat. so *CU 10. SO opt. ;a, oat. sot oat. 30 3 5401. /2 • 11 Ost. 1, 2 *MX 11. /1 stpt. 0,11 SW 4 Sept S3 • 52 sot. II • *L Sept. 5. 1.11 tieiA- 11 FiePL 11 glePt 4, 5 Ind East. Si. Si ' Sept, IS, 111 044, Sept. Si - Oct. 0 and $ Oct 0 and $ 2•11f; It 11 Sept. IS, Si 84th birthday, at her 110111e Oren- mooed. onn brook on Sunday, Sent The tdoTed by Hoes smirb; seconded Geo. 'nemesis., Dr""ta *11" 13"d' ve°1111* by Howard P. MeNaught thee illien; 20,40 Will for Election e 3.04 gtOU titter she brad two enact in the Cliffore Howland be emnraltestortei Cleo; Peeorou, navel Village Mood Allen Hayfield 1311th Helbeeiesteeoie mnion gee= grad1140 02 D° r 'lira Detroit, 'Iro.re-ttol,"LitUcateirwrI, El'e°1111l11,407' ecolUliattInnswe7 Ritehoner, GuelPh, W:1:11 '4:cligt15t*Donerlad versity. u, toe, Ethel eed Brueeela. Ores/toe 1 Dundalk Dungannon thirteen - on MeDeeeld - Oerried. l'eneouni 14,74 l; Mee. Anna E. Morrison Aiter 'eeveral menthe illnees, Mrs, Eimire Anne Morrie= Peeved angle xetor ' 8) Moved by Howard P. Mcbralleht, Fox Boonee L2 00 the Cliatee Public lioseital on San - 1. Fergus herteeded by Cliftord le. Dunbar tlmt Toady the applications under the Tile Dreinage Mt be accepted for the following Eldon Marin, led-wIn , I service) of their country, ISBTOntKi9 WALTON hilamSuri Ladviving ies' Agricultural Soci13ton ety., arc. her husband, lier on that &costae. She received mosigraitulattons and &ea vtlehev • e September meeting of the Siharpom m e of Miami; her pareete, Mr. ; frany removes nod ram*, M• 8 ,of Dutra 1Juttea Cructlx tuid. Mrs. II. Porter of Carmen; Th U. who held In the c,hurch baeguent on two sisters. Mrs. Muriel Fry of $01- Cranbrook W. I. The Crenbrook W-omenes Instituto Sent 8011 with Ste Nice -President kirk and hire. 11111,84 0l(6 of Car - Mrs. A. Coutte M. charge. An hi- man; anti five children. met Lo the Community Centre on Titation was accepted et> $0111 .ehe dteeased Mrs. Sharpe is the Tuesday evessiag. Sept. Stet, with a the Duffel Maliellep Society to be youngeet daughter of Mr. and Vire. ; lerge atitutlanee. Mrs. Dloyd Michel f Carman, ble.eltelea. erteelded, and opened in the usual Ode the MarY with them at their fa 1, taseel P ;catering meeting on Sept, 291111, Tre 1 Mr. Porter being the see of hire, InallUPT IN • II of the 'Vogler Walton and brother Stewart Collette and the Lord's . 'Mrs AlLen MoTaggart, 111911t. Of RighWOr9 ;OT gdy. - Carried. ne°°Itd* whe.n Soyce Isobel Reg. N. 1 •woreetela orgaminattiono of tivat I London modern) . . , dot 14.11 I • double ring oeremony, Saturday at, 4 member at the Lacknow Sept. 14. so Oat. 3, 3 Sept. II - .1.1 Sot. 14, Is Sevt. 26. SI Sept. 21, 20 Hoppenrelle jefe. SMith. - Carried, Moved by Clifford R. Dunbar, seconded by Hugh Smith that the Seeve and Trertsurer be authoriz- ed be make anplioation to Depart. IC 973.98 dee, Sante eth• For w $0,679.5 Marcel. 15•11, 1903 , to 7, ith (1°7•118 the Canadian National Railways,. Por Hanover number of years, thee ilired ; trarrinon \ Sloe Was Married et Walton on Monte; Gait Edythe M. Cerdiff, Clerk. OA who wee assistant engineer w now May SS Sent 4,2II Baskets et White gladioli ate elrisedaet7tah .P1111:0 mavhied193to6.1771:1°tolin and ; nETdo:tote: • ' • • • Sept. IPS Sept. 8, • Hodnina Jardine Melted Church for a ft:110.0Rn Church, Bruseela, a:teems: Ingersoll %e74. :bolding Cathedral tome; decoraed lal)1 Sebretpwl'arellsa"ratsambee of St, John's Itirteardine ferue highlighted he Candelalra to where Mr. Merriam Pre.; uongsd so • 1 an Li e 88.0 OIUIIYpertod, with. lefre, MeGavin, I Mr. Lloyd Porter of Walton and hies, Mrs_ Mc Michael, Mrs. Love and mald 1)IcTaggart of. Orey Ten. ; read the minutes of the Silly meet/leg iviorod by win, Mrs. 11,h, In (iutrge.. Tile meeting and letterl of thanks Iron) the rev , 1 81010110 group ed be Ilw°5111' V MeNaAighit closed with praYer. Mr. and 'elre. Lloyd Porter of Boned and Stanley Campbell. trIta' we daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J'ar- church. \Velem have just returned home The roll call SVUS responded to es Instruct hbe Clerk to advertise for dtne Gorrie bee:lame the bride of , A funeral service was conducted Per"luds: "d "Irg' W"liazd from a trip to Manitc;ba end Wient naming a safety slogan. lenders for snowepTowing. .5aelt Earnest 'Hods% 'H. S. 0. see by the Ree. Norman EH% from the Meaford Midland 880. Holman. Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. peg where they were guests of Mr. - Carried, I of IVIr. and Mrs. GeOrge Hoagies Lon' D A.Rams funeral home OSI Tees., ivindmay Tennant). tthnded the euneral of his T 9 .1 tit nd attended the tanere. Guels on se . a ; new e pa a , usurane eoaventeer, vtill be held tat the 0.A.0 b t 23 and 99 and T ill TA biliter e Cliffoed R. 1)enbar that we re• The Rev, "F. S. V. Buolsanan of- Godeeich esang the polo, Sunset." The "Gov Mrs Alfred 7107 of Milverton al tribute, t; mg. /sorest "Be1en(1 IVIitchell Sept. 12 and 14 Percy TIoltrsan; Howard , Bolger Mro. nil hElgin Porter and other t Tt Was announced that the area Moved be Hugh Smith, aeconded don. hy C. G. Carmen, Manitoba. ill o ae delegate. Moved by Howard F. MeNaught, .Presided at the °rpm sae accompate Wee eael iful. Nenetadt Set. 13, IS the mother. Mrs. JOI111 TioIMPT, I Oi that neice Mrs. Elton Sharlee, ; ether MIT Glen T-TuPthrsr OT MTS, with R. Tenn. - Carried, ficiated and Mr George Gregg, Gorrie The C. G. 1 T. meglee wee, Told ied the volelst, Miss Barbara AlsoP Pallbearers were Victor and Ciao New Hamburg slept. 13, II in the church basement on SaturdaY, (meg Hoy of Port Albert, Normat poser, Scot T. 3 Sept. 12, with June Hackwell pre- • ------------------------------------------ ance se Sl ngd be refundeReg. Louden. Tiny Goderich, L107 . Clem. . • Mrs. leheueee (Taineren Was appoint- seeended by Wee le. Bishop • for the competition stt the 'Brussels iniet eeen000116011 on The bride given hi martiage be Menden, Jack Clark of Morris TWP., port nen siding. -Tee Int‘oting open Fall Felt. en levy tor ',fere 1 950 and 1981 in her lather chose a chalk white and Ted 0111 of Grey Tyre. of sten Get Sept 21 wee FRIENDSHIP sent la • st Sept 24, Sept, X 34 Sept. 1ie El rn Friend -tele Verge wee held in the education %etc cherge of the re- Ca.rried. rose poirt lace. The nipped beetles Seaforth Thp september meeting e the Mrs. Jae Bremner the convenor at the moue ofei524.57. ehe sercivett by one sister. IVIre, Stratford k t own of French irnported it tl Church parlour on Wee. =tinder et the pV0g111X11. Mr9. ThObt, ed nrepare the motto. ti seconded by Clifford R. Dunbar that pointed collar and 1005 sleeves and. ienved Howerd.F. MeNaught, bodice was .eccented by the high her very full crinolined tiered Clark of Berwick., Pen., and • r brothers W. 3. Troy al Grey Twee Tavistock 'Richard of 15amilton, and Arthur Teeter et aodertn. • • burg I Walkerton a ' the rail to worship and hymn 235. The scripture lesson was reae by Iltary Dynes toll vr er by Ruth Ann Ennis. A poem was read by Verde Watson. The Minutes of the %et meeting were read 87 Doris Johnefon Plans were 111atI0 for a aveiner meg to he held at the home of Mary Dennie on Sept. 26 at o'clock. Tt was also discuesed about a mother and daughter ban- ;Met in the near future. Treezu.rer'so report was read by Dlizabetla Mc - Gavin. The topic was taken be Doreen McCreath, and the meeting ebesed with hymn 115. after Which lunch wee served. Major% Elsle Sharpe Funeral service was held at Oar - man Fatted Murata on Thursday, Anent elth. for MaTJOTie Elsie Sherpe, ee. of Miturri A victim ot Vern at Ring George ITeseittal, Win- nipeg. for two weeks. Mrs. Sherpe elod Wedeetelay. Minuet 26. Rev David Conly. assisted by Rev. Wm. Cottle, condueted the service 'Serial wee in (semen cemetery, 30re. Sharpe, the former 'Marjorie Porter ne Carman. was born at Grervilie Jinly 22, 1916. receiving all her education et Carmen. She was married at Carman. Tune 4, 1218. to Elton T. Merv- of Miami She was e least preeleene of bath the Wane! Ladieee Onrieng Club and the Sceserneeer., enrol tanfloont. Mac. etww,, Ataaare Spreagart. Lime and Fectirlzer &Yaws, Spring-toetit Plows both wheel tractors and o-aviett Mows, Mona, Sr hiserers, Ray Losalort., 563oTtey Forage rrerss arefi iliblearnerL. • We also NM rape= Cocivabialt Madan. vnaiemens Waters fee; Gllvor inipIsmanio moRRrri & yr.,RwGtii Stolit. CIRCLE boneirt: do we use it as we ought", I csarried, skirt billowed gracefully to the floor A helmet of matching le -or; secured was opeaed -with the theme heenn, all approvee see -mute be ptd6 evening, Sept. elh. The meeting frfirielliftc; dea;141 itb eecended '. . I the Tie that Tiinds", loll - 10 traced the s11007 ef 4 'Moved by Hugh Sm -, in unison Tn the absence of OUT weman's right to vote and urged ho ruster4 R. Dunbar that we 0 be Vrelloh illusion fingeei P President Mrs. Charles Bryans who ' the welnel to USP Mat 1)1171.1ege 1101,7 adjourn to meet Oct. Ord or at a,nd she ,carried her White graduation $ TR MAN ONVOI1 by vepeating the Lord's Prayer n hes left aur midet to take en her lest at eome time they be forced to , the gel ne,the Reeve. t 131818 topPed with white orchids, and I 4 ,i,.,35. The first published artiolas by mark their ballots a certain waY, 1 - Carried nen--- ' '''''''''''' , i Harry S. Truman since leesing the home to a new ctommunity, the va-o. I 4 se n (miner 60000036 WPTP paid; Her sister Mrs. Jack McDonald, . I t „eau ' gttest speaker Mr. Robt. lighering- 4 rilfferd Asenek. rennir ,-...,ite R0115.9, begin in Tim Maori. . reading- woo read by Mrs. A. blo tent lawyer of Wingliarn and Brue ; AlrIPI•VM Drain Firuesels es matron of honor was can Weekly with this Sunday'l ancy was filled by our Vice -Pres., 1 Mrs. Ilrenueer %Traduced the r 1 11 . 'Mrs. Wm. Plrans. The Scripture 1 Taggart. The Trees. report was read .els. who capably explelned wills, in- 4 Gen. A. Dmther. etemps, ter S2.40 gowned in delpb blue. The waltz. (Sept. 20) Detroit Sunday Times. In 1 length &Tee of elyIon net and lace . thie eerie% "Mr. °Meese", a warm, Oot AI, 1 sept. Get. iveil "MR. CITIZEN', BY - Sent 17, 21 Sept. U. Is come tax. and inry duty. He told „ereseesor 24.00 oeer eafsetie and net stole was gel- humeri decumest. leTr. Truman ewe hy etre. .1. 'Wheeler and showed a eithstanitA balance as was also e and other legal business. Mrs. Maurice Cameron thankedCities* , n ten Suniblne teport whielt WaS Asseeement by Mr's. G. Henderson. A.5.1 this was r. & Seeming Ltd.. refund 1 Parried a shower bouctaet of yellow bb nf the need for enceesteion duties i 'rtre. of Telma, fire% Dr. 636 (10 mateh full boutant skirt and she plevate„ $ Staaaryt ts readingDrolt TiraleTesr: ed with a feathered headdrese to a detailed account of his return to nue Grandmother's meeting me Mr. Hetberington, land presented (15.1)0512390.00 roses and yeIIow leorne. I -- 1 enieriel band "The percusgen • Miss; Daisy Moulton Reg. ble Lon. ; roll eall was answered hy "Granny hem with a gift. ( Nelene Orrin+ North end ministate respenses were giree. Pixtee" ;sneer the directien of D'ek Tenn. !Mtn. Lisle 1-0•53 I done and ideas Rene Hawthorne, Lis- towel cousin of the bride wore rAii to &v." "Many interesting Clorden Train a piano flIo evas rendered by Miss Termald MeTaggart and Mrs. Leslie ( 'fneurance- W•IS , Identical Yellow 10018e-tength gowns '. the leaders were. Mrs. Dm' eresen 1 rvnid eneeee reeeir MeNernehilk" 1 ellhoeeate't tefeathrneredateh•heatdhelerete"earrianedd '1 ' ill 9: Members of the. band besides fereat Grandmother Anne" WAS ' 1-)rei” read by :Mee. el. Martin. After the ' 4ncing iq 'hymn len. 390, the toPic '1 Mitchell. Mrs. e7fredmrsStrinzeklienrb, it Hewed TCWT. 0.1-7 11.1R A,W1q7,1 d : Aldpreor Tir, 8.T.50 . bouqueto of blue penis and blue .1 Machan. Mre. CIPM Sterner, Mrs. - 5 aa feathered carnations.. 0 n4 I 'Sunday Sehoels by Air and Meer Mrs• -ssfetric., campron. Mrs. leen. Mc- II 'The flower -girl Mist v..lrelyn Ste• W:,... titkaIt with by MIS. Wm• Miller. ', mc; Ttirth Seandsrd. Teeing- thP Imeiness part ref the naeete • MT. 'Drill's. bens, Gerrie -wore a charining floor. A Zn Tknt,.. A speendee reeding, Lake, mede les debut at this meet. e eerdnn Nett. rensir McNeil -Ty of net over taffetta, net stoles to Inc deep reeret otast expressed , Donald eeti. Mee. Mee Mcintogis ThRetell Staederd. length gowo of delpieblue nylon net I, , e 'it. loss capable and self- • The re'ettne. ''•1'15`ed 10131) "The I Taint A.4.7.triVra930t Nctioes •Ne arer %Teethe styled Icier a 1131 1, aurl e`ttiteeerirIeTeRreraprtfesO talerf,ecar'de4; r e de Onee' " 111131071 was sered by (i '7115 'e OB erth Standard. • I1i bonfan ekairil . a fower-trmmed etled tbrt MrsWm. Evans 11/1 the 4mre To71 1651r8.'1. MrRuseelllrrrint by-awsSehade rrr. 23.00 beneet trd 511006 to matchShe 1610713107 for he rest of ebe 70ar. I716110261. Mo'. '3' Wrtfield and iEMCardiff. perpare and serve earrled r basket of eellow and blue agreeo give te W. 16I''(7706Rahve/1' 10.1e10sSehade Dr. ?-00 mums. 4t GroanemwoeNorrisBradfod, teTlnemond ritI C M s.thesumof05.00tness ,e enprtreenaset ut, rIt leesenblo e t ; 1 i• 0. a teir elotonTt ras also tensed or ht we send bx of to fete ot OT menlers Wh it on the sink Het. After singing brnvii 11 and repeatng he hence lction the meettne was brought to Whie lunch wasbeing n enteet was eonducted ¶,v etre Wm. 33717s,. which had 1,11431 enlenited eke , Lowe vele wee 6'0'4h0e 1.. attend taste end ettreetivteeth wee eervei by MiesTt:Ile elhell sd 82014. C. ertee Apeer he i eremirrr. ltreenitel'eation B. A.. 'T'oronto. HAMILTON IS MORE The Menleinal Werld. eurtpliee 113 The nthers ,were Glen Jardine I AMBITfOUS THAN EVER "Phe feature article on the City of Hamilton in September 19 Sbar Weekly Hives a rolerbel account of , a beetling port eft -Fs Decal** of its ; 3110137 ihdinries. Hamilton is es- e.rtittlir an Indnetriel ree're. Nue roar can stlll walk for hours in weeded teens vete:rat heaving the ; rtr,r1; treeleinere 'Pelee- her tam - 1324 :nrift ee-edester roIrme ; ity ter rertLe ra.n.alr eity mark ie et, ,-G7t7-1' hag 31 • r *41, 9311 ok,atgr,- 'Rob rt ; Thee and Sen Ltd brother f f the beide and 1e ; 2e.ge O'Neil, 'Levan, cousin of the groom, E@or@ cf0 Ohs 1-.3Q MY EGGS ARE GRADING our BADLY, WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY BIRDS? BIRDS LOOK ALL RIGHT, -10E, ANDYOLIRE FEEDIN6 ROE ViTA-1.AY 666 MASH SO THAT'S OK- LETS LOOk Ar YOUR E66 HANDL/A(6;4' Yziii 1-- -4-4 4.0 Egg HERE ARE MY E66$ FOR THE PAST WEEK - THEY'LL 60 IN ON MY NEXT WIP70 TOWN FOR FEED. supplie. , A33n's. PP., -Pon. -^esair MeNteright . Fey the rereptinn in the -church 4 Twain 24.60 Parlours ibp bride's mother wore a I4 lecretoe Geier,. allowance ' Rwewood crepe and 1 ace dress, Ceelep Drain 110.011 rosewoo4 het and white acoenonrie,c i 3'0re. 0701.71 allmranne ' r; pereatrc of blue Timms and white fir.P•a Pr 17.00 i. nth, re 1 earns lions. R. :i Lo-fai. tenveliee 24.811 'Tee ereetree mother chose a Plat- erthre Teel- Setellie Dr 8.10 teem h-,lere thiffen dress ever er,-leer 5-riglithelen Peult17 , ithieb rwe teffetie egmined-trimm ; killed 50,(Ye eti ezel Meek seeeeenriee. corsage of ; Feerne t'enneere 'heifer' ' t revery reeld roses. ; 'killed 11809 'Priv ihr wedding grip a cruise of JOE- IT LOOK6 LIKE YOUR EEG TROUBLES ARE CAUSED BY YOUR HANDLINS, 11.,QT YOUR BIRD5. dr -P VC* • ; LA.S. KEEP EGGS UNTIL. SHIPPED IN CLEAN,COOL, WELL VkITILATED ROOM USE 0_,IVSYCLEAN EGG tASES AND FILLERS -\\ 44 IN WARM o WEATHER SAMER ' P E665 AT 1.51167;41,, VICE DAILY IN OPEN -WIRE BASISTS AND GOOLQUICKLY 5 Wellesley Wlarton Woodstock Mg. 27 • 2) International Plowing Mat& Durham - Northumberland Cobourg Oct 4 .3 HOUSE FOR SALE - 2 storey brick Howse with aseie bathe copper plumbing, new tgamill large garden. lots of shade. Meal with good term'. Plume Dress* 10x3, Fred Lucas, USED CARS 1952 Pontiac Sedan, Radio and Heater 1951 Chevrolet Sedan, Heater 1951 Chev. Deluxe Sedan, Radio and Heater 1950 Chev. Coach 1950 Austin Sedan 1946 Plymouth Sedan, Roclio and Heater 1946 DeSoto Sedan USED TRUCKS. 1952 Chev. Ton Pick up 1951 Chev.- 1 Ton 1938 Ford Yz Ton , •••••••=.••••••A‘A.Ami RIVERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Supertest Gas and Oil Brussels, Ont. ' Phone 56 By Roe Farms Service Dept. iw SHIPPING -`AVOID VARRIN6 AND EXTREME TEMPE' TO ES AU:A AA • Orzt,, isr ( V/ 4 - i NODUCTIOAr OF' TOP FOR 1116H 01141ITY 066-PaD ROE 1/1711 -LAY E66 MASH OR ()ELIO'S Q4,14 .4104 AWL 6'117:1171PW: with ROEV's I 0 :mil :4.; 1 ;114: " AEI .po "G vr MASH mslit e n Procluce v 'cilirH'L?ssas FIN eTiri0 F. HARIZI19..1 MOW' le