HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-9-9, Page 8P C. Ve :a MEL and Discontinued Colors IN MOORE'S FULL RANGE OF COLORS REG. $2.10 QT. SPECIAL $1.29 QT. GREGG'S RDWARE Phone 17 Brussels, Ont. Ask Any CASE Owner He will tell you he operates for less. We Have The Machines Let Us DEMONSTRATE And Remember We Service What We Sell Your CASE DEALER ED. RICHARDS Ethel — — Phone 86r5 RU SELS MOTORS HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST CAR DEALERS 1953 Choy. Belalr Coach. 1953 Chev. Deluxe Sedan 1953 Chev. Std. Sedan 1952 Chev. Deluxe Stylise Sedan 1952 Chev. Stylize Sedan 1952 Chev. Styline Conch 2 — 1951 Chev. Styline Sedan two -e, 1951 Chev. Styline Coach 1951 Dodge Deluxe Sedan 1943 Chev. Fleetline Coach 1948 Chev. Coach 1947 Chev. Coach 1946 Chev. Fleetllne Coach two-tone, Radio 1942 Dodge Coach TRUCKS — 1948 Mercury 1 ton Pick-np. 1497 Chev. ' ton Pick-up. YOUR FRIENDLY CITIES SERVICE DEALER S4 How Towing Service Phone 78x Brussels, OM. COAL COAL Don't wait until the snow flies and the price goes up to get your fuel in. For economical heat next winter order your supply of Coal Now. ROBT. L. CUNNINGHAM "Our Coal Makes Warm Friends" Phone 86r12 Ethel, Ont. T1* BRUSSELS POST -Wednesday, September 91;1h, 1953 ' r;. `•• li ,!!u� CLASSIFIED ADS. We invite you to see the unusual showing of FOR SALE — I Dry body wood Ehn and Maple, Mac McIntosh Phone 55r6 Brussels Farm Equipment We haws a Full Line of New Massey -Hulls Tractors, Implements and PaeSi USED MACHINERY 3 -- Na 20 — 1948 Massey -Harris Tractor 1— Ne. 28 three furrow Plow on rubber 9 .le. 26 -- two furrow Flew on steel 1 — No. 7 Hay Loader 1 — Massey -Harris Corn Binder. 1 -- No, 9 Massey -Harris Cream Separator "" ` '' We also carry Beatty Stable Equipment j�•^" Cali In for your implements and Stable Needs. ' "'ODRSEL* BALER TWINE and BINDER TWINE 11H�... A. M. FIRBY & SONS Massey -Harris Dealers 1 Phone 55, Brussels, Cnt, Phone 24 WOOD'S �- Brussels, Out. Ladies Winter Coats Winter wear is arriving fast and now is the time to look for your winter coat. A deposit will reserve it or if you desire a "Special" it will be here early. The styles are smart with the new sleeve treatments; the colours very interesting. Right here in Brussels you get fine quality by Famous makers offered to you with our "Guranteed Satis- faction Pledge.." Jackets for School "Shop here in Brussels and Save" W IN G HAM MEMORIAL Always a targe stock In titsalcsaa Granites to Chats can Ali modern machinery. famous tor Cemetery lettering a eeeelang Artistic Memorials at very reasonable priest. R. A, SPOTTON Phone 256 — Wiugham, O.I NOTICE — For artificial Insemination et its beat for all breeds, call the Water lot Cattle Breeding Association be- tween 7.90 and 10.00 a. m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a. m. on Sun- days. Phone collect Palmerston N or Clinton 242. ..., WS 90 'es COW CHOW SUPPLEMENT Mix with your cora grain,.. helps hoop cows in condition kr big milk prods*. Boal Ask es about it today! HOUSE FOR RENT On Albert 'fAt., Brussels. apply to Mrs. L. 'Waxmaan, Brussels, FOR SALE — 15-7 week .old Pigs. apply to Gordon Blake Phone 42r9 FOR SALE — Ght1d'., email Crib, with or with out mattress, cheap. Mrs. 19. Coursolrene Phono 96x4 li Brussels Creamery PHONE 22 BRUSSELS o:.,: M:«.� ..R....,.: NEW DODGE ExpRE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY COME IN AND TALK BUSINESS You are Invited to come In and fart and compare these new Dodge across models ... the 108 inch wheelbase 14 -ion with a 614' base, ad the big, roomy 126 Inch wbasibase 41.1 ton model with THEY'RE EASIER TO LOAD arbox. Yowl find that Dodge express bodies, with their extra width ami depth, provide greeter eetpeett — particularly les- pletent N your leads are bu. MAN., thanks to Dodge "Jo hied' design (which reduces 8va weight by shortening the over-all length) there's a size- able payload advantage over hocks of similar Grou Vehicle Weight. Dodge expr.sa bodies are moth *impclosero the ground to the_ake .ImpetlMre models, h make Lig faster and easier flu of rang. Ird road fudA saki 'tide ee r. 14141.1 THEY TURN EASIER Dodge b Meal truck for oncrow atrote, th row avers or wherever e menoevv.robte trvtk b With this sh4+lwf lslpdtrg lase of any pope ��tt truss. mi lent Iris space, w'Ih ler offset. NEW CARS 1953 Dodge Regent 4 Door Sedan NEW TRUCKS Va Ton Express 1 Ton Express USED CARS 1951 DeSoto, Radio and Sun Visor 1950 Dodge. Radio and Sun Visor 1949 Plymouth 1949 Dodge, Radio and Sun Visor 1948 Dodge 1938 Dodge 1938 Plymouth 1939 Chevrolet 1999 Dodge And other earlier models. USED TRUCKS 1947 Truck IA Ton Express 1940 Truck IA Ton Express ruse., ELLIOTT MOTOR SALES DODGE and DE SOTO — SALES and SERVICE • Phone 82 Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE — Renringt,on Rand Typewriter, good as new. Mary McArthur Phone 18r13 FOR SALE — Sprayed McIntosh Apples. Brake Bros. Phone 42r3 1 FOR SALE — 2 Cows, freshen In about 1 month. Geo, Cardiff Phone 42r11 FOR SALE — A house and lot in the village of Ethel. Available dor immediate posseesiot:. Apply to Tames McTaggart Phone 29r12 WANTED — A nice quite middle aged Pony. Please get in touch with Teddy Wax- man, Brussels, fax 47, Phone 107x FOR SALE — 2 Bicycle's, in A-1 condition, liar gain. also cream separator. apply to Pete Letowskt. FOR SALE — 22 Livit:groom Suites, 'including Kroehler and other good make's. See the showing of chrome kitchen suites, 10 Bedroom Suites at Sehuett's Furniture, Mildmay. FOR SALE — 100 Sussex and Red Pullets, 6' months old, also 1 white enamelled coal or vood Range, in good con clition. apply to Ross Turvey, Phone Brussels 11r17. FOR SALE — I House cn Lots 57 and 58 Mill Bt. For information enquire o f b. R. Campbell, Brussels. FOR SALE — Hardwrrd and softwood slabs, also cedar for kindling. Jas. Stevenson Phone 60r4 FOR SALE — Bray T-Iatchery still taking orders for clayold chicks. They may still have a few started; ask us for list, Your October - November broilers should be on order now also. Ask us for full data. Wm. G. Bray, EtheL FOR SALE — Tenders will be received by Grey Twp. School Board until Sept. 21st, 1953 for the double outdoor toilet at. S. S. No. 5, Building is nearly new and is about 10 ft. x 10 ft. J. Carl Hemingway, Sed.'Preas WANTED — Man with car wanted to sell over 250 guaranteed products. Small capital required. No risk w3ra.tdo• ever. Write for details. FAMILIIX, Dept, 1, 1600 Dolor], mier, Montreal. FOR SALE — It room cottage and 2 piece bath room. Full basement, Hard and sett. water. Built in cupboards. Insulated, apply to Leo Gaynor, Brussels. LIVESTOCK WANTED -- Dead, dtrablsdl hones m antra removed true of theme. POT pram!. end efficient marries abase "STONES" collect Ingersoll 1n et Brussels 71. ATTENTION FARMERS .— DEADSTOCK mooned !rasa par farm promptly trr sanitary fleeted Telephone Collect: Brtusel. 18,11 or Sinks 604. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED HOUSE FOR SALE — 2 storey brick House with new bath, copper plumbing, new gerate, large garden, late of shade. t7hsep with good terms, Phone Brussels 10x8, Fred Lacas, The Finest Fall Suitings which Mr. Robt. MacKenzie of Cambridge Tailored Clothes will have on Display ' in Our Shop on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th Men's New Fall Coats, with zip -in lining Women's and Misses' New Winter Coats Large assortment of Women's, Misses' and Children's Wool and Nylon Sweaters There are still Good Bargains left on our Display Tables for children going back to school. THE ARCADE STORES Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Fatally Blyth, Ont. -- Brussels, OM. THINKING OF T. V. ? Now is the hour; the new 1954 models have just come on the market. Reception is fair now, with every promise of being better in the near future with Buffalo and Detroit going up in power and London com- ing on the air in November. We invite you to see the new Motorolas which will be on our floor in the near fut- ure, we will be glad to discuss your own particuar set up with you. Here are the New Low Prices — 17" table model, plastic cabinet 17" console, walnut cabinet 21" table model, plastic cabinet 21" table model with legs 21 console walnut cabinet $279.95 $399.95 $399.95 $459.95 $499.95 Installation from $100.00 up Service and Satisfaction our motto. PHONE 68 OLDFIELD HARDWARE McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE SHELLUBR1c ,'rtoN, SHELL HOUSEHOLD AMP 114ELL PETROLEUM PRODi6CT'E DUNLOP TIRES Parts and Aocesssrfes. Austin Sales and Service Saarsst.M repairs to a/1 ekes sf ears and truster PHONE are BRUSSELS. 0111. We are dealers for the Toro line of Lava Mowers and Garden Equipment. Lawn Mowers motorized with fame+ Clinton engines. Also made to order fun lawn mower. Be sure to see our line of New Clinton Saws along with other lines which w� have. Welding and Machine Shop Worll a Specialty here. Sales is one thing — but we follow up ibitJ service and repairs. GEO. E. POLLARD Located behind the East Huron .Proilueab formerly Allen's blacksmith shop ani[ Krauter's Tinsmith Shop. Phone 64 or 50.13 Brussels