HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-9-9, Page 5xI sRUSASE4s POW FOUND a hidden talent Discover money's talent for opening opportunity OPEN A A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT 32.3 BUSINFSS CARDS rap C. A. Myers, M.D.,L;M.C.C. PHYSICIAN and 3URGEOre Wiliam St Phone 4• Brtiormi •, OW. r - DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto Talipitline 45 PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and F. Insurance Accident and Schoen Meat for Great West LW humane* Oa, PhoneOffice 96 heals„ Offit. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist E,Yee Examined. Glasses fitted. Phone 791 Seaforth — Mak Simi. HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 942.30. Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 pita G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. • Patrick St., WINGHAM At KincarcEne Office Every Tuesday. Rena Wingham 770 & 8. IOecardlro 1 Evenings by appointment. J. A. Monagahan, R. 0. Optometrist, I.iSTOWEL. ONT. Specialising In Eye Eloz uinatton end the Fitting of Oli.ats. Office in Listowel Clinic Building Hew: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. deify; Closed Wits uk, g,a1 Open ovary 'Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7M0 Y'IPAIL Other evenfngI by appointment Phone ice. JO, n.A.RannRLCo. FUNERiwl. AND AMBULANCE SERVIt3I Licensed FuLoral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or68 — BRUSSEL& tel. Harvey W. Stephenson dteprsientative for Sun Life Aszseaseaa Co. Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General Insuraene Cs. Phone 43z Rrat'nb Walker Funeral Hone Day or Night Calls Telephone N No Extra Charge for Use of Funeral Hume Ucensed Funeral Director and EnAakaar Tivexx Dalesowers' EEclssyely R. S. Hetherington, AT12.5 K. C. rVQ1KM0 UMIE S Ensaday aid Satprday ail day 011kt pros eve��M���y. Pine s —. Svice.Mer to ILD. SA Lewis Rowland Or write to N. N. 3 rl►eflise• (Licensed For Heron Co®ty) re* h ifston Aids etc., write or phone Lew. Neonatal we 1,e booked atter Inunall telt' liATEWACITOItf GUARANTIOID -- PRICES REAS OISAIHA IA(sr its !lions 31 "fife a uwels Po.e' tM1 Ishii PEOPLE WE KNOW • i * M. and PIM. Casey I•iudeon and family of O'0aall Cal silent Sunday at the home of John Stelae, ▪ * * Mr, and Mrs, Mel, Williams of Pongee, Mian„ spent the holiday with friends in Bressels. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Moxnesa and family et Ottawa spent the week -end at Dan hieltinnon'J, 12 con,. of Grey, * * Mrs. Wiunifred Weight, Toronto, le tie guest of Mrs, Nelson Cardiff and relatives and friends In town, T * * Mr, W. ,C, McKinnon of Toronto ie visiting at dile home of Mr's. A, Armstrong and Mr, Duncan MoKin- non. * •tl * Mr, Nets Askin and Miss Enid of Hamilton spent several days last week at the home of Geo. and Mrs. EtPans. • * * Mr, Ted Mitchell of Byron Sani- tarium spent the holiday weekend with hds .parents Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mttehell,- * * * Miss Josephine Williams and. Mrs. Georgen!a Erard of Battle Creek, Mich„ spent part of the holidays with Mr. and Whs. Earl Someis and Mrs. B. Mitchell. * * - * Members of St, Ambrose Church hold a picnic at Formosa Park on Sunday efterlroon, Many others from this district also were there to enjoy the epondid concert presented by Seek Thynne and Itis entertainers. * * * r Mr. Joe Pollard of New West Minster, B. C., who tan been a very welcome visitor with his sister Mrs, i E. McCauley and brother Ed. Pollard returned to Ids home Inst week, he intended to go by Toronto talking in 1exeleition, then on to Winnipeg where he will spend a week wtth relativee and few days in Brandon then on to the coact. Joe aatd he enjoyed revery minute of his, stay in 1brusselis and (ailed on as many as 1 possible of his old school mates and they to turn .nailed on him. Mr. Foll- i and is an old 6 con. Grey boy, but a I 77 year cid man now, end looks .3iaie and hearty and may return in another near or so 'to see the old lead marks once more. Mrs. Ma- i Clauley i• the only sister left and Mere are three brothers still Hying of a family of 13. Their parents i were Mr. and Mrs. Pollard, 4 con. Grey. l3ELGRAVE The W. A. and W. M. S. of Knox United Church here met in the Church basement last Wednesday wdth Mrs Bari Anderson in charge the W. M. S. meeting. Mrs. James Mollie introduced the new study book. "Where'er the Sun." Mrs. W. Wellings read passages of scripture; Mre, K. Wheeler con - dilated a quiz on the book of Mark;' and Mrs. R. Ohamney gave a.sead• ung. Final :pians for the stepper to be .held in church basement, were made by the W. A. Personale: .Mils, George Camp- bell, ampbell, Mrs. Ed. Ansley, and Lyle Ansley, Teessalon, with Mr, and Mrs, Fined Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. Clare VanCesmp, Nancy and Bruce Campbell with relatives in Thema. lon; Mies Ivy Campbell, Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston in Woodstock, Knox 'United Church, here, was decorated with baskets of gladioli for the anniversary services held on Sunday. The guest speaker was Rev, George Watt of Dungannon. At the morning serviye the choir con- tributed two anthems, and the guest soloist was Norman Keating of Wingham. In the evening, the oltoir again eang two anthems, and the girls' quartette eonststing of Lorraine xianiia, Elaine Bolt, Ruth, Procter, and Donna Anderson dabg a number, Personals: Mr. and Mrs. George McNichol London, Mrs. James Mo. Nkilnol, Miss Annie McNichol, and FREDERICK F. HOMUTH Phm. B., R. O. Mrs. H, Viola Wreath R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. U. Optometrists Phone 118 Harrieton• Ont. Bele McNichol, , Walston, with Mr, -and Mies, names Mollie; The Mteaee Leiper' of Hullete Twp„ took in the eanirersury services in Knox United Mulct, Belg>iave on Sunday neorn.e ung :and Were later entertained at the bom•a of Mr, and Mrs. George Micbie;. Mrs, Geo. Michie attended the Visited Oberolt school for lead* ers at St, Thomas.; Lloyd Anderson, Toronto, with hie parents, Mr. and Idrs, Joico And/neon; Miss Mildred Cook, z,ondon, with her parents, Mr, and Mee, George Cook; Mr, and Mrs. Lorne harmer and Helen Mertha, neillarton, with Mr. tied Mrs, Thomas and Mrs, Alice Allen; Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Procter, and family ant Mre. Stapleton with Mr. and Mrs, Arebte Ferguson, Walker. to, CR. NBROI)y. Mr. end Mm. Earl Dunn, Mrs. Dunn Sr., Brussels, and Mrs. Geo. McDonald, Molesworth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbot, Estero, Salk., at the home of Mr, and 'terra Allan Brown, Toronto, recently. Mr. Abbot is a brother of bine, Dunn Sr., and Mrs, Brown. Mr. Alex Steles left this week for the West. Mr, and Mrs. Winston Mcl3achern and daughters, Hamilton, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Peter j Baker. JI Mrs Florence Michel, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Michel, Marion and San. dra, were in Niagara .over the holt- day, The September meeting of the W. M. S. of Knox Preebytertan Ciaureh was held at the home of Mrs, Jolm Schnock with eleven in re tendance Mrs, Hyndman presided, leading tr prayer and tieing Hymn 135 for the opening praise with Miss A. J. Forrest at the organ. A verse , of Scripture containing, 'ihareest" was gives. in reeponse to the roll call. The secretary, Mrs. M. Engel read the miairutes of the Tuly meeting which were approved and signed. The s enly secretary, Mrs. Sdhnock, displayed the finished quilt to be sent in the bale. Other items of business were dealt with and ar- rangements made for the October meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Allen Cameron. A special guest speaker will be present and all Home Helpers will be invited to attend. The word "rejoice" was chosen for roll call. Mrs. Hyndman gave a splendid topic on, "Air -mail from God" a mission in Mexlco. Closing hymn was 371 and following the benediction lunelt was served by the hostess and Mrs. Lloyd Hall. The death occured Monday at his home of Mr. Wesley C. McCutaheon, in hie 7Pth year. Mr. McCutcheon was around as usual until lash week When he suffered a. stroke, from which be failed to rally. The re. mains were removed le a funeral home in Tondos, where a funeral service is being held on Thursday He is survived by hie widow, two sons. Fred. Morris Twp., Charles, London and two daugbters and two brothers. A brief service was con ducted at bis home on Monday even. ung• by Rev. W. M. Hyndman, WALTON The W. A. o! Duff's United Church met in the basement on Thursday, Sept. 3rd. The meeting opened with the Theme Song and Scripture read- ing, "Faith and Trust" It is strange we trust each other and only doubt our Lord, The Mary Collect was then repeated in unison. Fur- ther arrangement were made for the fowl supper to be held an Oct, 21st, The meeting closed with Mizpah Benediction. Pereonals: firs. Ferris, who spent a month's vacation visiting with her sister, Mrs,, William Grainger, and bof' brothers, Peter Colin, and Duncan McDonald, has returned to her home in Prevost, Shalt.; Geo, Taylor, Archie Summerville, Ralph McNichol, Gerald Ryan, Miner Donee •Murray Donee, Howard Moreton, and David Hiekwsll, all of Walton and district, are on a motor trip to the western provinces. WINNIPEG 18 CANADA'S NEW INDUSTRIAL HUB Believe it or not, Winnipeg's major yealth is industrial rather tbian agricultural. More than 1600 differ- ent induetrial firms are active in the Winnipeg area, and its groan wealth has grown 800 per cent In the past tett years. Ateatlurre exacta In tate September 12 issue of The Toronto Star Weekly brings mon inete•date on Winnipeg's Steady growth, ETHEL P'ereonais Mr. and Mrs. Quest Dobson, and Mrs, Pettey fetephe aleon in Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. George llowlan;d in London; Mtsg Georgie' Dunbar la teadhing in a rural scllool near Clinton, end • Miss Jane Mac. Lelland has a ?lural school near Walton; Miss Mary Gill with her tion and family, con. 4, Grey town ahbp; Dr. and Mrs. Wardlaw have returned from a visit with Dr, and Mrs. W, L. Wardlaw, Sturgeon Fails; bins, Ella Ames' has been very ill et the home of her grand. daughter, Miss, John Cogbiin, and Mr„ Coghidn, near Listowel; Mrs, Qneet Dobson, Mrs. J. Pesten, Miss Doris Bateman, Miss Sean Swift, and M1a7 Ann Pesten attended the 0. 0. I. T. conference hold at St. Thomas; Mrs. Tfizzle McCall, Brno - eels', with her sisters, Mrs. Michie 1 and Mrs, Weode. MONCRIEFF Mrs. Charles Harrison was hostess to the Moncrieff Woman's Assoclat ion and Women's Missionary Soc. lets meetings, Twelve members were in attendance. The worehtp service "The Church, The Household of Faith," was led by the president, Miss, J. Macbnn with Mrs, Mark Bailie leading in the prayer. Roll call was answered by a verse in the 13L1s1n be 1lnsitng with the word "Blessed." During the business period plane weremade for, the sectional Meet- ing to lie held at Monrrieli and committees were appointed. The minutes were read by Mrs. Ken- neth McLean, Tote October meet- ieg is to 'be held at the home of Mrs. Elmer hood. The topic, a chapter taken from the study book, was given by Mrs. Alex Mann as - Meted by 11 other members. 'rhe W. M. S. meeting closed wits a hymn renewed by prayer by Mrs James Machan. The W A. Meeting, which folIoew ed opened with a hymn. The min- utes were lead by Mrs. Joseph Smith. The business period was in charge of Mrs. Orval Harrison. A committee was/ appointed to ar- range for flowers for the annteeiw• ary, Sent. 13. Plans were made to hold a 'turkey supper, Oct, 8, commbtteee wese appointed. Thande ehnreh steps are also to be painted, GREY Grey Twp. School meeting. The minutes were read and adopt- ed on motion of Bolger and Conley. Motion of Brown and Conley that pupils of U. S. S. No. 3 Elms. Wal- lace and Grey be accomodated in Grey Twp, School Area, some at Moleworth and some at S. S. No. 5 for scli,00l term 1963.54 at the aver- age cost per pupil in the township. Motion of Carley and Brown that toilet at No. 5 be re,advertised, tenders to be in 21st of Sept. On motion of Brown and Bolger the following billy were to paid: Cecil IOckmier, labour 66.75 Ralph Thomson, tile 6.00 W. A. Roberts, sanding 17. S. S. 4 100.00 Robert Helemka, labour 12,00 Brussels Post, Adv. 2.00 Huron Expositor, Adv. 2.00 Sanitation Equipment Co., toilets at No. 5 306.00 J. Carl Hemingway, Deec: Treaa 24 PAGES ON HOLLYWOOD With coming Sunday's (September 13) Deroit Sunday Times, see The American Weekly Movie Annual, with 24 pages of fascinating read- ing devoted to the movies. Read Rita Hayworth's {"Secret Safari" — Joan Crawford's "My Stay Young Diet" — Water Winohell's "Orchids to Hollywood" — previews of new movies and other intriging attract. tons, GPI Sunday's Detroit Times. FOR RALE -- 100 acre Farm good bore and bank hurl anud woodlot. Priced at 114. 500.00. 100 acre Farm, good bniidtege. rood location, near highway, Prlesi at 11,600.041. as acre Farm an faetltteee, ileok tone. steel drtyeelhed, good bars, Priced at :1,000.10 100 acre !'arm, brick house, lams barn. Priced at 50,000.00. Beek house In village with ail tecdlttdea. Cement house is Brasoels with 46 taenities. Farms all sires and number of (toad houses. J. e7. Long, Real Estate Broker Brussels, Ont. "WeddleSdpteln'i er Doti, 15G$ �1 ,•11111•0' • Monday, Sept. 14th is the be:, ginn!ng six dling l packed with of interestazz, entertddailLiys• �' ment and pleasure • Canada's largest fruit and vegetable cent:- petition • the finest poultry show in the Dominion • the' pride of Western Ontario's live- I stock • the newest in industry, t manufacturing and home prod- ucts • Canada on display! a 1 • A new high in entertainment • largest Grandstand Follies yet,t plus nine internationally famous', acts • Jack Kochman's Hell Drivers • Horie Show • Boer .Music • Conklin's Midway of di 1001 delights and thrills • Trot- 1 ting Races • a complete Kiddies ' Midway • bursting, brilliant' fireworks! • Make Western, Fair a Family Affair! wt . ra.-'...nrca.4 • Harness Racing – Afternoons • Sept. 16, 17, 18, 19 4 • Grandstand Performances - Aftemoons and Evenings •order tickets now -51,00, $1.50 and $2.00 • Prize Winning Advance Sale Tickets - 3 for $1.00 11 �a •1e F. Western Fair Advance Sale Tickets on Sale at the office of The Brussels Post. Get your Tickets °lathe Free Draw for Cars and Television Sets etc., here and save money 3 tickets for $1.00. It's thecenle rove pros Canada ; 1 1 AMng otonfo, W1lnakl, Winntpegl $asks• Poon, E monton, Jasper and Vancouver./ ou'11 i7e more of Canada's na r4 scenic wondgrs ' ; avel s DA) f nd stile " i asdeer Way" on Cali gtlo $ e , +pqt}11�} f{ Rets aF4amd e. Tr! 7, t q ontinenai L Fed ipo�vld rve1t lea a t n &Qc`tl# P pt1p41$ Ai mimeo m e a be og apilli; /Ate ban br g t in ng cars. C1ny'.N.R. Agent will bo plerai d e to tux sf you fn pfanntn� y ur it p, • iH CANADIAN Ni%TIONAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING AU. TEN PROVINCES