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The Brussels Post, 1953-9-9, Page 4
ELS JOHNSON ELECTRIC & PAINTS, Brussels, Ontario H ES Higher qualify assures safl9faeeon, BUY WESTERN FAH GRANDSTAND TICKETS With Western Fair officials prom- irang the best grandstand perform- ance in the long and illustrious history of the fair, grandstand tickets went on sale in London last week at tie downtown, ticket booth, Richmond Street and Queens Avenue and also at the Western Fair ef- flees at London. Most out-of-town visitors to the fair, being b•eld this year Septem- ber 14 to 19, will want to see the dithering and sensetlional grand- stand show, either afternoon or evening. To make sure of having good seats, or having a seat at all, they should write to Western Fair immediately enclosing Money Or- der or cheque. It the latter, add fifteen cents for exchange. Specify the day, and whether afternoon or everting performance. Prices are $2.0J, 31.50 and $100. Tack Kochman and his thrfl''drty ers will perform Monday and Tues• day afternoon only, in front of the grandstand. Wednesday to Satur- day afternoon will be featured by harness racing, including the famone Futurity trots and paces. There is a full livestock entry list, and every foot of farm ins Merry space has been taken. . This is also true of the Manufacturers and Confederation building, which will be lam -packed with industrial exhibits. The Conklin midway will be back again. Enough said. "For tie best time of your life,- visit ife,•visit the Western Fair this, year — and buy those tickets now. oy all the comforts of a modern firm • . , with a DURO PUMPING 119 T E M. Have fresh running Wear at the turn of a tap in the kitchen ... bathroom ... laundry . barns . stables—and BESIDES yoz have FIRE PROTECTION .. . Save TIME . save LABOUR • .. enjoy healthier living. rix ...., KITCHEN TRUCK GARDENERS BARN Eliminate old "pump and carry" —fresh running WATER O TAP saves TIME and kitchen drudgery. Depend on a DURO WATER SYSTEM . • . be assured of plentyofwater I the lila stura Irian needed. Why carry water? Clean running of a tap saves WORK and TIME . . . Increases PROFITS, tool Visit us today for DURO Pumps and RAMO Plumbing Fittings and Fixtures. For Sale by — C. & G. Krautcr Co. Brussels. Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED LONDON • HAMILTON • SI. AT ARI ES -• KI CHENER • MOMS SUDBURY • tauleteries THF; BRUSS P Wedn key, 90ptepz er &th, L0 ENTRANCE = See CFM. thean � per FREE Participate in an actual radio broadcast! Seven lucky people will compete • for the Big Top Products and Cash Prizes each day on CFPL's Big Top Show. 3-4 p.m. Fair Week, the Theatre, Confederation Building .4414 AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock, Machinery t and Household Effects at East half of Lot2 and West half of Lot 3, Con. 3, Grey twp. 3 34 miles north of Brussels and 1%2 miles East on .44 AUCTION SALE 1.Of the Estate of the tate Mrs. Levi 1 Parr on John St., Brussels .SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th I at 12.30 P,. M. Sharp 3 piece chesterfield suite, 2 piece wine, 1 chair green 1 oc0MMonal chair, blue TUESDAY, SEPT. 22nd, at 1 P. M. Horses 12 yr. old horse, 1. aged horse. Cattle 1 Cow, 3 years old, 1.Cow 5 yrs. old, i 1 oak rocker 1 small odd table due to freshen, 1 Cow 12 yrs. old, 1 sq, extension dining room table 12 Hereford Steers, 2 yrs. old, 1 Hereford Calf. 1 living -room table, 1 end table 1 walnut livinglroom mirror 1 hall tree, 2 table, lamps 1 wail whatnot 1 medium size Quebec heater Implements Cockshutt Tractor No. 70 5 dining room chairs 1 dining room arm chair 1 dining room buffet. 1 Astral t efrlgerator, 2 yrs. old 1 sq. kitchen table Bissell Tractor Disc 7 kitchen chairs, 3 bow backs, 4 Massey -Harris Tractor Plow. Straight. 3 kitchen rockers Massey -Harris -?iarrls Binder. 1 singer sewing machine, table top Frost and Wood Mower, Dump Rake International Fertilizer Drill Massey -Harris Walking Plow Cultivator Set Sleighs. Wagon and Raokc, Fanning Mill Set Team Harness, Wagon Bo: Truck Wagon, Set Soales Pea Harvester. Sap Pan Barn Jack, Goal Oil Drum Househ Effects Kitchen table and 6 chairs, tea kettle 5 dining loom chairs, arm chair Rocking chains, Quebec nook stove Sewing machine, Radio stand Clock, Setee and 2 chairs Library table, book case, Couch 2 centre tables, Chest, Quebec Heater, coal and wood beater Bedroom suite, 4 chairs, 3 beds and Dressers, chest of drawers, Storage chest, iron bed and dresser Sidehoatd, Complete set of dasltet tamps, some antique china, eilver Ware, sealers, other articles too numerous to mention. Property Farm 100 acre farm more or less clay loans land, 25 acres broken, re• minder in hay and pasture. 2 storey ,tick house, bank barn.,Als1 House for Sale — Frame house 1�/e storey will be offered for sale 20 x 3, and kitei'en 13 x is fair condition Terms Chattels Cash Property 1C per cent down, balance in 30 days. Sok/ subject to reserve bid. Prop., Estate of late John and Jessie Strachan, Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Clerk, Robert Johnson. Executors Alex MacDonald, John A. McDonald and Gordon Gennet. 1 Westinghouse Mantel Radio 1 radio table, 1 radio cabinet 1 Eureka electric pop-up toaster 1 Happy Thought coal and wood stove with reservoir 1 steel couch and chintz cover mat- tress, 1 wooden bed 3.4 she 1 new dresser with mirror 1 pc. green floor covering 1 Beatty Electric washer and wringer 1 Beatty folding tub stand and 2 tuba, 1 large table 1-1938 Plymouth Coach 1 kitoher. cupboard 1-24 ft. extension ladder • Quantity . rf day slab wood 1 child's rucking chair, 1 trunk 1 wooden storage box 1 drop leaf table 1 white bedroom table 1 Vietrola with records 1 oak bed, spring and mattress 1 oak dresser, 1 oak wash stand 7 pc. toilet set, complete, white and red 7 pc. toilet set complete, white and gold. 1 chest of drawers 1 oak vanity dresser, oval mirror 1 oak wash stand, 1 commode chair t brass ted springs and mattress 4 bed root;. chairs,• 1 storage box Cmshlona. pillows, bedding, feather hick, etc. 1 lawn mrwer, rubber tired, new 1 child's hob sleigh, 1 wheel barrow Quantity of antique dishes 1 complete china set Kniv(1s, forks, etc. Hundred of miscellaneous items too numerous to mention. This is a complete list and nothing wtll he added to or taken from list. TERMS CASH Property has been sold. Gordon Parr, Administrator. Solicitor, Robert S. Hetherington. Lew. Rowland, Auctioneer. • Robt. Johnson, Clerk and Cashier. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All •persons having claims against the attates of JoOun James Strachan and Jessie Strachan late of the Townaitif..of Grey in the County of Huron. deceased, are hereby notified to send to the underaigsted on or before the 3rd day of Oetobet, 19513, full particulars of their claims in writing. , Immediately after the said 3rd day of October, 1953 the assets of the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the 19xecutors shall then have notice. Dated at Brussels, Ontario this Sth day of September, 1953. Messrs. CrWWISC"d & Hetherington. Barristers & c., Brussels, Ontario. Brussel• Chesiey Clifford Clinton Collingwood Drayton Dundalk Dungannon Durham Elmira Exeter Fergus Fordwioh Galt Gorda Grand Bailey Hanover Harrison Hensall Holstein Merton Ingersoll Kincardine Lions Head Listowel London ,Western) Lunknow Meaford Midland Mildmay Milverton Mitchell Mt. Forest Nenstadt New Hamburg AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture Mrs. Lucinda King in the Village of Ethel on FRIDAY, SEPT. 11th at 1.30 P. M. 3 piece living -room suite Wioker rnrktng chair Antique table, Sideboard 3 flower stands Axminister rug 12 x 10 Extension table with leaves 3 rocking chairs 6 leather -bottom chairs Cabinet Radio 3 bedroom suites, Chest of drawers 3 toilet sets, 2 mattresses Fallen Jeaf table 12 kitchen chairs Arm chair, 2 mirrors Two burner coal oil stove Tea set dashes, iron pot Quantity of dishes Tea kettle nickel plated 2 oil lames, grantee kettle Stone crocks, wash boilers 2 wash tubs and palls Lantern and 4 flat irons Rexoleum Rugs Bench and pictures Carpenter tools Bake dish and bread tins Sealers, pints and small quarts 4 platter,,, lawn mower 2 packing boxes New home sewing machine and other articles. FALL FAIR. EXHIBITION DATES FOR 1963 Arthur " Atwood Ayton Bayfield Blyth Bobcaygcon Brampton oe, 1i 3 Paisley' . a 1r4Rt. Sept, 11. 12 Palmerston Sept. 15, llPort Elgin MI* 4 1 Seaford' Sept. 34 • El Stratford. Sept. 19 . 21 Tara Sept.*. 13 Tavistock Sept. 12 Teeswater Sept. 2, 3 • Tlllsouiburg Sept 4, 6 and 1 'Walkerton Sept. 23. Et I Wellesley Sept. 18, 19 1 Wlarton Oct. 2, 3 Woodstock Aug. 27 . 1e Sept. 24 • 23 International Plowing Match Oct. 2 and 3 I Durham Northumberland Oct. 2 and 2 1 Cobourg Oct 0. 4 Sept 16, 17 Sept. 23, 24 May 29 ' Sept 24, 22 1 Sept 30 Sent. 8, 9 I Sept. 17, 18 Sept. 13, 17 Sept. 28, 21 Sept. 14-111 Sept 211, 20 Oat 2, 3 Sept. 17 - -111 Sept. 14, Iii Sept. 22, 24 Sept. 22, 20 Sept. 12 and t4 Sept. 18, 11 Sept. 12, 12 Sept A. 1 Oct. ft1 Sept 1o, la Salft 24. Sept. 13, • 39 Sept. >L El Seat. 11. #e (sots,' Sept. 31 • Si Oct. >R Sept. 12, 11 Sept. 17. Al Separators e*i 1Qetarp. D�be, t'1dWt, Maaift Urate and Fertilizer Sores" Spring -tootle Mem* bot wheel tractor acid d'awlen, Plows, Dia, Spmepisss, Mowers, Hay Lomita, Smalley Forage Bluvra 's Itssissat We also are rape' lbw Oliver Caclothatt 4lrptllillw ' freelemerit Peelers fee Oliver t-Mp emswes MORRIT1 & WRIGii1TF Sign. OiL Sept. 29. M Oct 8, 3 Sept. 25,, 20 Sept 30, Oct 1 Sept. 22. 32 Oct I. 2 Sept. 17 • 19 USED CARS 1952 Pontiac Sedan, Radio and Heater 1951 Chevrolet Sedan, Heater 1951 Chev. Deluxe Sedan, Radio and Heater 1950 Chev. Coach 1950 Austin Sedan 1946 Plymouth Sedan, Radio and Heater 1946 DeSoto Sedan USED TRUCKS 1952 Chev. Y2 Ton Pick up 1951 Chev. 1 Ton 1938 Ford 1/2 Ton RIVERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet and Oldsniobae Supertest Gas and Oil Brussels, Ont. Phone 56 T,2 ©gc oil 10gt rlloc�(l By Roe Farms Service Dept WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH MY BIRDS, DOC - THEY'RE ALLTHIN AND STARVED LOOKING. HARRY, YOU GUESSED RIGHT, FiRST TIME. THEY ARE STARVED, BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW WHERETO FIND THE F ED AND WATER. v WHAT DO YOU MEAN, DOC ? LOOK,THERE'S VITA -LAY IN THE HOPPERS-THEReS WATER IN THE AUTOMATIC FOUNTAIN THAT MAY BE, HARRY, BUT THESE BIRDS ARE LOST INTHIS PEN. ON THE RANGE THEIR FEED AND WATER WERE ONTHE GROUND, AND WITH NEWLY HOUSED PULLETS YOU HAVE TO MAT THE RANGE HABIT$•. w SNs 11 DI0THNDOJ "'PUT EXTRA WATERPAN$ON, THE FLOOR HARRY, AND LOW FEED HOPPERS AROUND PEN AND SCATTER OYs1TgRRSHELLAND GRIT ON TUE MASH 100. UNTIL TRY ARE ACCUSTOMED f' THEIR PEN. WHEN PULLETS ARE PUT INTO LAYING PENS, NARky, REMEMBER TO :— / PutFX/RA WAIERPANS ONFtook•[C1,EL 2. COWER FEFO'NOPPtR510H0oR zerifl FOR 0/61 fiW WEE.( -s a�..,, 3 SUPPLY F41001PROQUC/SSO YOUR FLOCK C4N7 M,S5 iT FEED TO SUPPLY' y 74 1AYE(6N4Sy BENEF/TSQFGADDEp{'/rgE 15:5' RFEiV RANGE. `_f ) — 1 , - YOUR 8/RDs 60 EGO MA IN MASH OR PELLET FORM ash H on Produce BRUSSELS , JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F. HARRISON w MCiN(:R gc J