HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-9-9, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST
Post Publishing House
AuthorIzed as second class ma, Poet Office DePartenent, Wows
Wednesday, September 9th, 1953 $2.00 per year - $2.50 ah.
Those wanting space for displays
in the Palace for the East Heron
Fall Fair pleacontact the prom
dent, Bill Turnbull, er'the Secretary,
Geo. Wes,enburg, bo8are September
A "bee' is to be held et the fair
grounlds next TueSday afternoon,
Help will be apnreciated. There will
also be a meeting in the evening.
Ex -Service Men end Women and
Dependents. The Canadian Legion
Service Bureau Officer Mr. A. M.
plorbes of London, Ont, will be
visiting Branch No. 218 Brussels on ;
September 23rd, 1953, Prom 10.30 a,M.
to 12.00 noon, Any one wishing in.
formation, advice Or assistance
regarding War Disability Pensions,
Treatment, Allowanceo, etc., is re-
queeted to o'ontact the Service
Officer, or Secretary of the locel
13ranch, 'whose name appears be-
low. to arrange an interview, C.
L, Workman or Ralph Shaw, Sec., '
Brussels, Ont,
The 27th annual Huron County
Plowing Match, under the ausniees
of the Hivon Plowman's Association,
is to be held on the farm of 13811.
Chisholm, lots 8 and 9. Lake road
east, Colborne Townshlp on high- ,
way 21, west of Goderich, on Men.
day, Sept. 2.9th.
An excellent program, in charge
of competent officers and directors
has been arranged. Increased prize
money le being offered and a new
ease. added.
Watch for the bilis and official
program and plan to attend!
The Library is back to its fall and
'winter hours again, and ie open ,
on Mon., Tues., Thur., and Fri, of
each week from 3 to 5 P. me and
7.30 to 9 p. m., Saturday 2 to 5 p, m.
and 7.30 to 10 p. m.
The Hurin Oounly Bookmobile will
pay its regular visit to Brussels
Library et 9.15 Thursday morning, I
Sept. 10, so there will be a good .
supply of new books on hand. It WI
hoped a number of new readers' will 1
make use of the library now that .
the weather la cooler and the even.'
ings longer, You are always
Bus leaving Sor the 'Western Fair
in Landon on Saturday, Sept. 19th,
at 8 o'clock in the morning. Bus -will
leave from Coleman's Restaurant
end return at night after the Grand-
stand pm romance. Return fare only
Seseeeeee _
Melville Cenral.
Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Putters
Sunday School - 10 a. m.
Morning Service - 11 a. m.
Guest preacher, Rea'. W. 19.
Boggs, of Northern Ireland.
3 p. m. Anniversary Services
at Belgrave Church. Special
music by Melville Choir.
United Church
illioletsr, Rsv. Andrew Lai
Divine Wonship 13. a. m.
"The Third Mile"
ChurohSchool - 1 o'clock,
"They that Wait ole the Lord
Shall renew their streMb."
Churchof England
Parkh of Bruensis
Rem. A Norman 111114,111.
15th Sunday After Trindity
Sept. leth, 1953
St. John's Church, Brussels -
220 p. m. Evening Prayer
end Sunday School
St. David's Church, Henfryri-
Harvest Festival
11 a. m. and 7.80 p. M.
Did you fsee thee "PeaeIng gentle"
that bas been displayed in the win,
dow od the office of the Brussels
Poet the inset week. It was brought
in by Too Mliaintlan who found it in
hie house. 'The Praying Mantis was,
until comparatively recently, unkown
here but district papers have me.
ported the finding of a number of
them lately anr since displaying
this specimen we have been told
that in. certain sections of ais
community they are becoming quite
Ait,the Sunday morning service at
Melville .Churoh, Rev, W. D. Boggs
M, A., from Northern Ireland, will
bo the guest preacher. Rey. Boggs
is vacationing in Canada, and is
visiting his brother in Molesworth.
He is a gifted speaker. Bill King and
Graeme MacDonald will sing "Beauti•
fill Garden of Prayer" and "Drlf
ting" in duet.
The regular September meeting
of the Melville Presbyterian Ohuroh
W. M. S. was held Sept. 4911, M the
basement of the church. The Pres.,
Mrs,. Rev. Fulton opened the meet-
ing with the Lord's prayer in unisom
followed by singing hymn 110, The
scripture reading was taken from
the 8.111 chapter of Romans, read by
Mrs. C. Baeker, atter wateh Mrs.
Geo. Evans, offered prayer. Mrs, Wm.
Smith reed the minutes ot the last
meeting. Mrs, C. Backer gave the
Treas. report. Re7. Yrs,. Campbell
of Seal1orth will be the guost sneak
er for the October meeting. Plans
Were made for a social hour at the ,
clOse of the meeting and a commfe.
tee chosen to provide refreshments.
The offering was then taken, fol. 1
lowed by the roll call answered by
a verse of scripture containing the
word "levee . Current events were ,
given by Mra Nelson Cardiff. A
special musical number, "Near to the
Heart or God" was given by four ,
ladies, Mrs. WM. Work, Mrs. N.
Cardiff, Mrs. G. Evens and
W. Kerr, and was enjoyed by all
Present. A splendid paper prepared!
from chapter 6 of the study book ,
was given by Mrs. C. Matheeons
Hyntn 425 was sung and Mrs. Rev.
Fulton closed the meeting with ,
By C. -W. Montgomery
Sept, 5th, 1953
Me extreme hot, dry weather
which has been ideal for the com-
pletion 01 the grain harvest and &tor- /
ing of excellent quality second•cut
hay, has opened severe damage tf,1
the cultivated crops. The' corn
is drying lip, white beans aro being
harvested two or three weeks earlier 1
than usual and soybeans and sugar
beets are making little growth.
Pasture., are drying ep and dairy
operators report e. substantial de-
crease in the milk flow. The fhst
turiteph werel ship*d from the
Blyth area with the growers re-
ceiving 50c.per bushel at the field.
Two Shows Nightly
Rak or clear - Ant show at dusk
Note: News and Cartoon at each
Thurs. - Fri. Sept. 10 - 11
Linda Darnell Gary Merill
Sat. • Mon. Sept. 12 - 14
ollIRANDED" (Color)
Alan Ladd Mona Freeman
Tues. • Wed. Sept. 15 - 10
Joseph Cotten *John Fontaine
Thur, • Fri. Sept. 17 -98
Bing Crosby Cotten Gray
Sat. • Men. Sept, 19 • 21
Laurel and Hardy
Morris Council
monis Township Council Me,etings
Sept, 1, 1953.
The Council met in the Township
Hail on the above date with nit
the members present
The minutes of the last meeting,
were read and adopted on motion of
13ailee Fauna, and Sam Alcock.
Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded
by C. R. Coulees that a grant of $25,
be given to each the North Huron
Heron Polvemen's Aiesociation and
the Belgtave School Pair.
- Carried.
Moved by C. R. Coultee, seconded
by Sam Alcock that the road a.o
counts as presented by the Road
Superintendent he paid.
- Carried
Moved by Wm, Elton, seconded
by Bailie Parrott that the Reeve and
Road Superintendent amity for the
subsidy on the Road Expend -there up
until the e3st of August,
- Carried. I
Moved by C. R. Coultee, seconded i
by Sant Airsick that Wm Brydges
he hired as 'Pax Collector at a salary
of 9250,00 pine 06Stage.
- Carried.
Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded
by Wm. Elston that the meeting ad-
journ to meet gentle on Sept. 29 at
1 p. in, - Carried.
- Carried. ,
The following acc.ountswere pale:
Geo. Wosenberg, Brussels Fair
Grant 9550.00
Stewart Prcoter, Belgraiee Fair
Grant 25.00
Mes. A. Berthot, Blyth Fair
• Grant 50.00
Dept. of Health, Tnsulin 2,77 ,
County of Huron, Indigent Fees,
?Asses Mathers, F. Churchill 44.50 ,
Village of. Blyth, Morris share in
lire truck 2823.95
Geo. Martin, hydro for hall 6.07
L. E. Cardiff, Grant to
Plowmen's Assoctisetepn. 45.00
Chas. Borman, poultry killed 26.25
Frank Sbaw, valuators fees 3.00
Nelson Higgins, stamp
accounts 20.00
Roads 2846.84
Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve. 1
Geo. C. Martin, Clerk.
Mrs Jack Hodgins (the former
Miss Joyce Jardine, Reg. N.) has
been hollered by pre -nuptial slaty -
era from nurses at Westminster
Hospital, London,' where she was on
the staff and a mLecellameous show-
er at the home of Mrs. Gertrude
Watson, London and also at the
home of Mrs. Sack Yuill, Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Thompson
R. M. T., willeresume music classes, ,
in piano playing, singing, organ and
theory, on Tuesday, Sept. 8th. Pupils
please come at their usual time
There are a few vacanies for new
pupils. Phone 79x Brussels. ,
2 shows nightly 7.30 - 9.30 p. m.
Matinee Saturday 2 p. m•
Friday- Saturday Sept. 11 - 12 1
The heart warming story of a 9 year ,
old who wanted to manage a blg
league team
A baseball story you can't forget
with an all star cast. A family pic-
ture we recommend.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
September 14 - 16 • 16
Wlld - Wicked - Wonderful Paris
- All her toves,
(Adult Entertainment)
The most startling and daring
love store ever told starring Joke
Ferrer as Totdouse.Lautree the
artist and introducing the new
French Star Colette, Marchand.
NOTE; Special prices for thls show.
Ing. - Adults 75c - Students 600 -
children (accompanied by parents)
26c tax Included. - 2 shows nightly
7.80 - 9,30 p. m. Please see It from
the beginning.
Dobson s Wilton f SCHOOL DAYS
Red and white gladioli formed au
attraeilIve setting -here 011 Wednesday
August alth, when Jeast p'rancee
Wilton. daughter of Mrs. Wilton,
Druesels, and the late Joseph
Weirton, exehanged weddinge vows
with Geo, Lawrence Dobson; Wrox-
rs,sonof. Mr, and MrS. Quest
The Rev, Andrew Lane officiated
at the ceremony en the bride's
horme. Mise Margery Webster pro-
vided traditional wedding music.
Gilvendn marriage by her
mother, the bride wore a white
floor -length awisis organdie gown
with Swiee appliques. A. headdress
of lily -of -tee -valley held her shoulder -
length tulle veil and she carried a
cascade of red roses.
Mr. Hartley Fischer attended
her sister, wearing a gown of aqua
net over taffeta with lace- bolero.
She carried a cascade of Talisman
Best man was Hartley Fischer,
For the reception at the bride's
home, Mrs. Wilton wore a lilac
(True dress with lace bolero and
black eressories. Th e groom's
mother c'l'ose ague crepe with
white acces.sories.
The bride donned a pink linen
su GI with grey.ble e top 'coat and
navy accessories for the wedding
trip to Northern Ontario. They
win reside in Wroxeter.
Campbell • Cousins
Standards of white gladioli before
a background of ferns and candela.
bra, decorated Brussels United
Church on Monday, Sept. 7, for the
wedding of Dlizabeth Anne Cousins
and Ivan George E. Ca.mnbell.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs Roy 13, Cousins, Brussels,
and the grooni is the son of• Mr,
and Mts. George 51 Catnpbell,
The Rev, Andrew Lane offi-
ciated. Mrs. Lawrie Cousins was
soloist ..and Mies Karen Buselden,
:Mitchell, was orga.niet.
Entering the church with her
father, who gave her In marriage, ]
the bride wore a floor -length strap. 1
less gown of frosty -white Chantilly ;
matching jacket. ' The double -
lace over nylon net topped with a
tiered skirt, featured net ruffles
which forthed peaks at the sides
of the gewn, A jewelled crown
held her three-quarter length veil
and the carried a colonial bouquet
of red roses, stephanotis and fern
The attendante, Mrs. S. W. Scott,
Woodbridge, as matron of honor;
Miss Shirley Campbell, Llstowel;
-Mrs. Allison Weeks, Kitchener. and '
Mies Betty Lucas, Listowel, at
bridesmaids, Wore gowns of Chan-
tilly-1step and nylon net fasbioneu
on similar lines to the bride's,
with lace stoles. Mrs. Scott and
Miss Cempbell were gowned in
Coronation green and carried
nosegays of yellow muma Mrs.
Weeks and Miss Lucas were In
cinnamon with nosegays of bronze
mums. Each wore a matching
floral headdress.
Miss Cheryl Mitebeell, Toronto,
was a &linty flower girl and Master
Bruce Mcalutcheon, Lietowel, was
the ring hearer.
J. Morrison Campbell was his.
broliller'-; hest man. Ushers were
Larwrie Cousins, George G. Cousins
and Mackie Henderson.. Seem
Cousins sprinkled rose petals before
totetOte 101de.
The bride's mother received
guests nt a reception in the
church parlors, wearing a floor.
length gown of violet dlelffon wittai
InaltehIng acoessertes and yellow
rosebud corsage. She was assisted
by the groont's mother who chose
a floor -length gown of hyacinth
blue sheer with navy accesseries
and corsage of pink rosebuds.
For a wedding trip to the New
England Staten, the bride changed
to Ian aqua, wool corde suite with
brown, necedsories and corsage of
deep pink carnalions.
The couple plan to reside in Brea
• 111~01411,0"1114.000110.0111400‘.1.0,14
Rack In school, for the opening
of One 1953-54 term, trooped teaoh-
ere end penile on Tuesday morning
of this week, 815818 returned with
regret. ethers with happy memories
of the !satiny& and eager anticipab
Ion .of what lay before them in the
new school year.
,Seventeen new pupils, were enrolled
in grade one, this with Your repeat.
ere, gives Miss le miteken, the
primary teacher, 23 pupils in grade
On w neleacher has joined the
Brussels school sear Mess Mc.
Farlane, Moncrieff, fills the vacancy
for made 3 and 4 of by the
resignation of Miss Doris Pullman
Who is teaching this year in London,
Any Fah. that bee increase] its
ettendanee from 264,000 in 1948, to
387,000 lest year, must be good -
and there what the Western Fair
has done in five years - increased
its attendance by 123,000, I
'Western Mahe which opens at Lon- ,
don, Monday, September 14 and con-
tinues for a week, promises to be the '
best on 1 ecord. From. a farming i
standpoint Western will have the
cream of Ontario livestock on 858.play, with heavy entries in a
Musa ea, esoeulaiSr dairy cattle.
Horse ard elhee,p entries are also 1
heavy. Western, beasts the largest
display of farm machinery of any
Fall Exhibition.
The Confederation and Manufact•
iii*ars Buildings will he crammed
with high claps exhibits, including
a wonderful display of hendberatts
from the Province of Quebec.
The grandstand performance will
be outeanding, as 'usual. Tickets
are selline rapidly, so, to he mire
of tickets, write to Western Fair.
London. enelosing Monoy Order, OT
cheek pies exchenge, and Self -a&
dressed etaraped envelope. Prices
are 91.00, $1,50 and $2.00. Kochman's
thrtll drieers will feature the after-
noon grandstand performance Mon- I
day and Tuesday afternoons only. I
Harness raceme, including the fain -
o110 Futuritiee, will he held every
afternoon from Wednesday to Sat.
urday ireluseve. And . Conklin's I
midway will be back again.
For the "beet time of your life,"
visit Western Fair this year.
Buy Your Tickets At The
Brussels Post
(lettere! Admission Tickets can be
purchased at our office 5 for $1,00 I
and save yourself 501c', also entitles
you to a chance on the free draws
for cars and television sets.
. .
. ... _._ ....--.
1 15 "(Med, Mason and Mob, Herdic -
Iman, etc., On New Planos. Clear-
ance prices on Frighleires, Deep -
freezers, 60 cycle. Easy Terms.
Free Delivery, Geodfrey Schuett,
For a dear twin brother, Albert L.
Cole of Regina, Sask., who passed
away one year ago in St. Catharines,
Ont., Sept. 10th, 1952.
74e is gone but not forgotten
And as dawns another year,
1100131 of tbinking
Thoughts of him are always near,
Days of redneS.9 will come o'er US
Friends may think the wound is
But Prey little know the sorrow,
Tihat lies within the heart concealed.
Always, rentbered and sadly miss-
ed by sister Jean,
Seaforth, Ont.
Thur., Fri and Sat.
Mickey Rooney Ann James
Its Mickey at his best In a madcap
musicai about Uncle Sam's New
• • •
Mon., Tues and Wed.
Gilbert Roland Angela Clark 1
A story of simple faith In the face
of violence.
• •
Thursday, Friday and Saturday I
Ben Jornson Edgar Buchanan
WinghamLions Club
Wingham Arena on
Sept. 11 and 12
Magician - Ventriloquist
Puppet S,hotv - Variety Entertainment
Dancing both nights to Henderson's
Admission - Adults 25c, Children Free
,$2,100 (ASH
Mon., September 14
' Admission for 12 Games - $1.00
Extra Cards and Specials, 26c - 5 for 51.00
Let's go to the Brussels Fall Fair !
Coronation Year
Thursday and Friday - October 1 and 2
Over $4000.00 in prizes given
Midway on the ground both nights
Ferris Wheel, Merry-go-round and others
Children's Rides and Ponies
See the Big Horse Show and other exhibits
The Square Dancing Competition
will be worth the prlbe of ecimissIon.
Horse Racing and ether events
In the Crystal Palace on
Thursday, October 1st, at 8 p.
on FAIR NITE, OCT. 2nd
• in the Arena, Brussels.
Concert to Commence at 8,30 P. M.
Consisting of Hair Raising and Breath Taking
And Comical
Roy and Doris Head - Magician and Ventriloquist.
Bonnie Lind - Acrobatic and Beautiful Dancer,
Jack McLean - A Very Apt impersonator.
Seppo - The Acrobatic Juggler - He will keep you on the etlile
his Music of adio
Johnny Brent of C. K. N. X. - Master of Ceremonies. 7.0tir Kitt
Harold Victor Pymn with RFame.
, Come and enjoy an evening, you won't forgot
for a longtime.
Don't Miss It !
DANCING After Concert at
The Crystal Palace Ballroom
Refreshment Booth- Everybody Weiponte.
A full day for everyone,
plan to come early. and see most of this Banner Year Fall Fair.
Better still get an advance membership ticket which entitles you
to show in any class, also admission to the grounds.
Hope to see everyone and his Merida
Fall Fair Beard,
Geo. Wesenberg, Secretary.