HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-8-26, Page 1THE BRUSSELS PQST Post Publishing House authorized as second clan mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Wednesday, August 26th, 1953 $2.00 per year - $2,50 Ud . UNiON UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Anniversary ;,ervices will be held at Union United Church on Stun day, August 30th at 11 a. m, and 8 p. ni„ with Mr, D. R. Savage as Meg speaker and Miss Jean Spar- ling and Brian. Prescott as soloists. FALL MUSIC TERM Mr, and Mrs. Louis D. Thompson le M. T., will resume music classes, in piano playing, singing, organ and theory, on Tuesday, Sept. 8tih, Pupils please come at their usual time There are a few vacanies for new pupils. Phone 79x Brussels, WALTON Miss.Betty nurse in train- ing • at Wingham Hospital came home on vaoatlou last week and went right back to hospital again as a patient. She suffered a broken deg in a tractor accident, while helping her father ,Clifford Hoegy with harvesting operations. The tractor was being used to gull a loaded wagon from the field to the tarn for :threshing of the sheaves in the load; Miss Hoegy was riding on the tractor. When the outfit crocked a railway track. Mies Olga Matechuk, of Canora, 'Sask. who is at present visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Mark, Hamilton,of Walton, is enter - Ing a training course as Nurses. Aid ft Winghem General Hospital the latter part of September. Mrs. Geo. Hableirk, and children Of Ingersoll are spending their -hole:. days with their parents, Marion and Barbara Turnbull anent last week with Joan ani Bob Habkirk, Ingersoll. Brock l'odden n student occupied the pulpit In Duff's United Chuich, Walton, on Sunday in the absence of Rev. Af. Thomas. Mrs. Don. Mac- Donald and Miss Tune Hackwell hang a duet accompanied by Mre. Harvey Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis attended a decoration service ntBroadbagen. Wiliam Bolton, Rhochester, N. Y., with Mrs M. Humphries, and with his brothers, Sam and Earl Bolton. GROUP FINALS FLOODLIGHT LADIES' SOFTBALL Hanoter Vs. Brussels Blues THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th At Victoria Park, Brussels on At 8.30 P. M. Admission 25c I THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville Cbufd Brussels Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Service Preacher for August Rey, Andrew Lane. United Church Or CANADA r111U1mHr. Rev. Andrew Lane Morning Worship --11 o'clock Union Services during August with our Presbyterian broth. rem in Melville Ohuroh. Theme ---•• "The Teat of Deeds" �•�.r,c,a- a_ ..,..t..rrt7unlllt 1 BRIDE-ELEOT HONORED Mrs, Allison Weeks, Kitchener, entertained here at the home of her mother. Mrs, Robert Bennett, In honor oi' Mies Illizaboth Cousins bride -elect, ou TBuwsdey evening of last week. About 40 friends, and neighbours gathered to present a 'variety of useful and lovely gifts in a Surprise shower. When the guest of honor had been escorted to a chair decorated with pink and white streamers. Mrs. Weekes read an address in verse inviting Miss Cousins to go on a treasure shunt about the house, Hints as to where to find- the gifts were revealed when she broke a serie9 of confettiefilled balloons. Mrs. A, Kitchen and Mrs. Weeks' assisted In opening the gifts and reading the messages of good wish. es. Miss Cousins, although taken com- pletely by eurprise, thanked every- one veryone for their ktindness. Mary Lon McFarlane conducted an interesting contest. The hostess was assisted in arrangements for the shower and in •serving hunch hy . Miss Joan St Marie Mrs. Lawrie Cousins and Miss Mary Lou McFarlane. Church of England Parish et NriMNN Rev. A. Nieman Mils, N. A. lt3h Sunday After Trinity August 80th, 1968 8t. John's Church, BruMeh- 11 a. m. Morning Prayer. Sunday School • . David's Church, Henfryn- 2.70 p. m' Evening Prayer Sunday 13ehool 8t Q,,,orgo'a Churoh, Walton--' 9.80 a. m, Morning Prayer 1 PEOPLE VVE KNOW * * * Mr, and Mrs, Garr, Long of Santa Monica, Calif., are visiting relatives here, George Ellacott George Ellacott, a resident or At- wood for the past 25 years. and a! lifelong resident of Elma township, died Monday morning et his home here following a stroke he suffered I about a week ago. He was in his 33rd year Mr. Ellacott was bor- on Aug. 29tih 1870, on con. 14, E1ma township, and wasp a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Ellacott. Forty-four years ago on June 29 he was marred to Miss Annie Wilson of con. 10, Elma. Following their marriage they farmed on con. 14, Elnie, for a short time then moved I to con. 15, Dime; and 25 years ago they retired to Atwood. Mr, Hilacott wee a member of the Atwood Pres. bytertan Church and was an en- thusiastic bowler. He is survived by his wife, and one brother, Wil- liam Ellacott of Brussels. He was predeceased by three brothers, Thom- as, John, and Arthur Ellacott; and six sisters, Mrs. Jesse (Lizzie) Rowland; Mrs William (Sarah) Sley; Mrs. William (Mary) Rdck; Mrs, sranl (Jane) Mach; Mrs. Ed. (Clara) Cruickslhank; and Mrs. (Jessiel Brown. A funeral service was, held on Wednesday afternoon at 2.00 o'clock at the Peebles funeral home. Rev John McCurlie of Bland- ford Presbyterian Church, assisted hy Rev, J. W. Button of the Atwood United Church officiated. Burial Was in Elma Centre cemetery. • • * Mrs, M, Wineberg and daughter Rochelle have been visiting in Toronto, • • * Dr. Donald and Mrs. McRae have ; been viM1ing with his mother Mrs, T. T. McRae. e r • s Mr. and Mrs. Dave Miller and family are visiting relatives (and friends here. * • * Air•. Klug Brampton is a visitor this week at the home 'of his dangle ter Mrs. '1. L. McDonald. • * * * Mr, Garr. Henderson returned ltonie from Victoria Hospital, Lon don, and is on the mend. * * • Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Hemingwlay and fan>f'ly, Toronto have been visitors 'with Brusssels friends, * * * Mr. Gen Calvin Stratford,a tor - mer Brussels resident called en friends here bast week. • * * • Mr. and Mrs. Oldfield, Dundalk, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Oldfield. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Roy Durst and daughter Colleen spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs, H. Thomas. * * * Mrs. M. Ross and children,Sarnia Mare been holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Matheson: * * • Her many friends are glad to hear that Miss Margaret Speir who is in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, is improving. * * • 'Rev. M: F. and Mrs• Oldham,of Camden East were vistors at the Moms of Mr, and Mrs. L. D. Thome- ' son for a few days this week. * * * Mr. anis Mrs, A. Edwin Martin and 1 daughter Gwendolyne spent the week -end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin IT. Matthews of Forest. * * • Mr. and Mrs. Graeme Scott, Wel- land, are happy to announce the birth or a son (Randy Stewart) of Welland County. Hospital on August 8th, 1953. * * * Mr. Robert Gemmell is in St. Mary's hospital, Kitchener, where he underwent surgery on Tuesday morning, et this time. he is as well as can be expected. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomas an- nounce the birth of a grandson (Robert Tames) born in Winnipeg, to F.O. Charles and Mrs. Thomas on August. 23rd. * * * Mr and Mrs, Duncan Cartwright, Welland. visited Brussels, friends Friday o' last week, Mr. Cartwright Was one time a member of the staff of the Brussels Post. : �Wa•-•s•r,A l., 1., .A S I.1 Mt A R DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Two Shows Nightly Rain or clear - first chow at dusk Note:.News and Cartoon at each show. Thur. • FrI. Aug. 27 • 28 "A DAY IN THE COUNTRY" (3rd dimension In color) Added attraction "WHITE GODDESS" John Hall CAPITOL LISTOWEL THEATRE _ 2 shows nightly 7.30 - 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Sat. ,. Mon. Aug. 29 - 31 "THE REDHEAD AND THE COWBOY" Glenn Ford Rhonda Fleming Tues. • Wed. Sept. 1 - 2 "P,EKING EXPRESS" Joseph Cotten Carrhie Calvet Thur. - Fri. Sept. 8 • 4 "THE STORY OF WILL ROGERS" (Teohhlcofer) Will Rogers, Jr. Jane Wyman Saturday Only Sept.5 "AFRICA SCREAMS" Abbott and Costello iiPIAIMIIIRSONOWPIrStIttoor NORTH HURON ACHIEVEMENT DAY HELD AT CRANBIROOK A eammer's aolrlevements by elx girls' garden clubs in Norma Hurou were brought together for display, and judging on Thursday, at Craft- brook, ranbrook• Community Centre, The Achie vement Day at Cranbrook for North Huron garden club members fellcWed a similar program Sor South Huron, held Wednesday at Clintop. County honors,, for the successful • comple'tir.a of six projects, wore awarded to Catherine Boggs of I Molesworth and Isabel Engel of 1 Cranbrook, They received certtfi- cates yesterday, and are to be presented with pins as insignia of tis- eir, unease. . A ju.dn.ng competition was held Thursday morning at Cranbrook with more than thirty girls trying j their skill at judging classes of onl- j one and beets. Official placings were made hy Harold Baker, Clinton as- slstant agricultural representative for Hurcr. - At the atternoon program in Cran- brook halt, Mr, Baker explained his reasons for the placings of the flour entries in each vegetable class, 'and and compared the correct placings with those made by the girls who had entered the judging competition Club exhibits were arranged on tables around four sides of the ball . In the afternoon, spokesmen' for esoh club outlined the work done in •oarying out the year's garden pro- jects, and club groups presented dem- onstrations and skits to illustrate methods of growing and using vegetables. Clubs taking part in the Achieve ment Day at Cranbrook on Thurs- day were; Majestic, Miss Thelma Maier, Miss June Smith. 14 girls completed prajeotee Ethel, Mrs. Stanley Alexander and Miss Grace Lamont, leaders, sic girls complet- ed project; Moncrleff, Mrs. Ken Crawfordleader, seven girls con - Dieted projects; Howick, Miss Shir- ley McMichael and Miss Ruby. Tay. tor, leader:, eight girls completed projects; Cranbrook, Mrs. Glen Corlett and Miss Anne Steffl•er, lead- ers, eight girls completed projects; Molesworth, Mrs. Andrew Simpson , and Mrs Lawson Doig, leaders, six girl completed projects. Girls who were awarded county honors pins, to mark completion nt six homemaking and garden projects, were: Catharine Boggs, Molesworth; Isabel Engel, Crate brook. Girls who acted as commentators for club exhibits were Marguerite Iieillor, for the Moncrleff exhibit :Munn Hayden for Molesworth; Jean Smith, for the Majestic club; Reitz Harding, for the Howiek , club; Karen Meehan, for the Cran- brook club, Third -year garden project work., ere, who explained their club actSv- itir;s in their senior year were Mmr;on Hemingway, Joyce Miller and .Teen Smith of the Majestic club, Donna Alexander and Grace Lamont of the Ethel °bib; Helen Knight of the Cranbrook club. The Achievement Day program was conducted by Miss Sean Steckle hone eccnomtst for Huron, its• Meted by Mrs. I1. S Mciiercher, Sem forth; Mise Laura Phtppen, home ' economist for Nipissing; Miss Grace Portefileid, Listowel; summer as sdstant in hem economies; Harold Baker, assistan agriculture ropre sientattve for Huron. „ , 1 Friday, Saturday August 28 - 29 "POWDER RIVER with Rory Calhoun, Corinne Calvet When the man who swore he'd never kill again finds out that hie best friend Is a murder - What then??? Monday, T uessday Aug. 31, Sept. 1 It's Tony Curtis and Piper Laurie together again - In love again in "SON OF AL1 BABA" TUESDAY FOTO-NTL Offer $110.00 - Monday Attendance Card Ni[ilit. Wed„ Thurs. September 2 - 8 "MY COUSIN RACHEL" starring Olivia De Haviiliadd, Rich• and Burton - Sus"pence and robiailce, It'st a dramatic stdry you can't for get. , RESUSCITATION FUND DONATIONS Mrs. David McLennan Bluevale .50 Air. Co,eMartin ' 4.00 Air. and Mrs, Lloyd Alcock 10.00 Mr. Ralph Shaw 6.00 Mee. J. Lnllantyue .60 Mrs.. B. Mitchell .50 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pearson 2.00 Mr. P. N. Currie, Listowel 1,00 Mrs. 'Lea Switzer 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. R. Gemaneil • 6,00 Mrs. R. Oodivane L00 Mor. and. Mrs, Wm. Deane 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCutcheon 2.00 Mr. Reg. Watson 2.00 Mr. Harold Kerney 5,00 Anonymous 6.42 (To be continued) UNION CHURCH SERVICES At Melville Church 00 Sunday morning Rev. Andrew Lane preached on Forgiveness and Redemption. He stated that every man has a sense of guilt. Man's fellowship with God 'es been broken down. God has a method of forgiveness, but he -cannot forgive until there is atonement - there first must he an at -one -went with God. When we are in Christ, God's for- glvemesa can ,operate in us. "We are redeemed - with the precious, blood of Oltrht." The Old Testa- ment states ',the life 1s in the Mood". This essential union with Christ is necessary for redentptio6. The sacrifice of Christ is seutficie-at for the sins of all mankind, Miss Margaret Perrie was guest soloist, and sang, "Leave it with Hem." Misses Louise and Joan Shortreed contributea the duet, "in the Gar- den." • Morrison - Keifer Atwood United Ohurch parsonage was the scene of the marriage of Rita Pear Kefter only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Keffer, R. R. 1 • Ethel to Mr. Stanley Bruce Morri- son younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morrison, R. R. 1 Munro Rev. T. W. Button performed the ceremony and 21 years before had performed the ceremony for the marriage of the bride's parents. The bride wore a floor length gown of white nylon lace and net over rayon satin with fitted bodice and full skirt, sweet -heart neckline out: lined with e,eed pearls, lily point sleeves. A band of seed pearls and orange blossoms held her veil and she carried a nosegay of red ruses. Her cousin Miss Joan Brown, Tor- onto wee bridesmaid, dressed in floor length gown of pink brocaded nylon and net. Her headdress was a band of pink roses and she carried a nosegay of yellow t'hasta, daisies. The gro<msman was Mr. William Morrison brother of the groom. A recent -ton was held at the home of the bride':: parents. The bride's mother wore a blue figured nylon dress with a corsage of red roses anti the groom's, mother was gowned in mauve crepe with a corsage of yellow roses. For going away the bride Changed to a navy blue nylon dress with white accessories and pink• corsage with pink checkered shortie cant. 'On their return they will reside on the hr'degroom's farm R. R. 1 Munro. SHOWER FOR MISS ELIZABETH COUSINS About fifty Mende and neighbours of Miss Eliaiabetit Cousins, bride - elect of September 7th, gathered at the bore of Mrs, James Bryson on Monday right to present her with a handsome occasional chair and sev. I etial pieces of aluminum kitchen i and the gifts were presented by Mes, Max Oldfield and Mrs. James S. Armsitrong. Miss Cousins express- ed her appreolatlon of her gine and the good wishes of the groupp and the evening Was spent playing bingo with a variety M small prizes. A jumbled -letter Contest, "the bride's treus5eatt" proved interesting. Other ladies estiettng Its planning the sdrower and serving lnnoh were Mrs. Wm. Spenee, Mrs. D. A, Rann Mrs. T. L. McDonald and Mrs, Wes1Qi Kerr. ware. The hostess read an address REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING - Thursday, Friday and Saturday "WAY OF A GAUCHO" Gene Tierney Rory Calhoun Singing with Fury and Romance of the Argentine Pampas • • r Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "MY MAN AND 1" Sheliey Winters Wendell Corey Ricardo Montalban { When he held me 1n his arms 1 forgot the pan!. • • s BAND CONCERT In Victoria Park, Brussels by the Brussels Lions Club Boys' and Girls' Band Sunday evening, August 30th °4;I at 8.15 p. m. $2,100 CASH TO BE PAID OUT AT THE SEAF on Community Centre 0 silt r 5� st 31st Admission for 12 Games - $1.00 Extra Cards and Specials, 25c-5 for $1.00 USED CARS 1952 Pontiac Sedan, Radio and Heater 1946 Plymouth Sedan, Radio and Heater 1940 Pontiac Sedan 1938 Pontiac Sedan 1939 Chevrolet -Sedan USED TRUCKS 1951 Chev. Sedan Delivery 1951 Chev. 1 Ton with Dual Wheels 1948 Chev. 1 Ton Pick-up RIVERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Supertestt. Gas and Oil . Ehone 56 Brussels, Ont. } Thursday, Friday and Saturday "FLAT TOP" • starring Sterling Hayden and many more In A drama of the U. S. Naval Mr Arm in Action, * * * COMING SOON - "THE NAKED SPUR" OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT ♦.... L ..