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Port Publia ting House
ELIMINATE MOUNT FOREST Rev. 6lndrevi Lane, oonductiu5
T3nnsseis glt'I6 softball team elimiu• the united service last Sunday at
ated Mount Forest bo the tune of 18- 7Vlelvilio Cbur•c11, preached on the
subject, 'Forgiveness, and Redemp-
Authorized aa. second class mail Post Office Department Ottawa Wednesday, August 19th, 1953
13 at Victoria Park Here on Monday
trtgllt in a semi final playoff in the W
O. A. A in n two out of three
armies ,
elle local teitlil piked up a big
' 131argi"ti ih their first inning When
they' Scarred five -runs Their lead
Was never threatened until the Mrs-
ttons last time at bat when a three
bagger, vtit41 stases loaded brought
in three rumens.
Errors were costly to both sides.
nrussels 'battery: Stevenson and
:x +
6'0101Sta were eiei'ald Gilson, 'who
rang "My Task", and
Douglas, of Delmore,
"Life's Lovely Things."
Approximately eighty-six descend-
ants of the' late Thomas and Mar-
garet Martin, Joseph and Susanna
Martin of Yorkshire, England and
t".anada gathered at . Vittoria, Park,
Kitchener, for their annual ricnic,
During the afternoon, a sports pro-
zranlm•e was carried out, the win-
ners being es.•follows - Races 6 and
under, Stephen Warntington; 9 and
tinder, Toan Warmington, JIM
Garfield Henderson, ,,is in Victor -
Hutchinson; 12 and under, I{wren
is IIoepitai, Loudon, for ohser118t- Warntington, Joan Warntington;
1071. - young- ladies, Betty Ross; young
men, Fred C. Martin; married
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Martin and ladies, Mr.?. Carl Foel; married men,
daughter returned home after a , Keith Dale; minute race, Janice
tri through the Maritime provi.n- Lans,om;- kick the slipper, Karen
P t
ces. Warmington; youngest child, Nancy
,"• * * Dale; oldest person, Mrs. Jot
Word was recieved here by Ed. Ransom; Doming the farthest, Mrs.
Hendersdr, that his nephew, Wes, Harold Pryce; gate prize, Bill
Henderson of Grand Forks , B.C. Ingram.
died recently. He was the eldest son hire off'cers for 1959. are as roll.
of Charles Henderson, who was' a
visitor in Brussels Iast summer. o -
* * * Hon. Pres.
Mr, Gordon Morse and Muss Mar- President
ion McGTuib of London spent Sun- 1st vice -tires
day with his parents Mr. and Mrs, 1 2nd vice-pres
MrsJob Ransom
Clarence Martin
Cecil Martin
Tom Hutchinson
Betty Carter - Eng. Comp., UL
Eng, Lit C; Bot., C; 200,.1 3i'd.
1tod1 Z.lutig '- thig, Conn„ 3rd;
Yng. Tdt CI Mod, that„ 1; Arg, 2;
Geom, 1; ,P113`s. 1; Allem, 1; Fr.
Aut3L C; Fr, Comp, C.
John Crawford - Eng. COMM. 0:
Eng, Lit 2; Cheln. 2; Lat. Auth. 3;
Lat, Camp. 2; Fr, Autll, 2; Fr. Comp
lsbobel Dennis - Eng, Comp. 1;
Eng. Lit. 1; Alg. 1; Geom, 2; Bot, 1;
Zoo, 1; Lat, Auth. 1; Lat. Comp. 1;
Fr, Auth. 1; Fr. Comp, 1.
Donald Dickson - Eng. Lit, 2;
Mod. Hi•,:. 1; Bot, 2; Zoo, 2; Lat.
Auth. c; Twat. Colne, e; Fr. Auth,
c; Fr. Comp 0.
John Fieudeman - Eng. Comp, c;
Eng. Lit. r; Mod. Hiat. 1;
,Tames Gaunt - T3ttg. Conrp• 42
Eng. Lit. c; Mod. Hist. 3; Phys. 3;
C•hrnl. 2; Fr, Auth, 0.
Donald Gibson - Eng. Oomp. 2;
Zoo. c.
Beverlry Garbutt - Eng. Lit.. c;
Bot, c; Zoo. c.
I{inladtt Osewar - Eng. Comp. e;
Eng. Lit. c; Alg. 3; Geom. 2; Trig,
1; Phys. c; Chem, 3.
George Hall - Eng. Comp, 1; Eng.
Lit. 2; Aig. c; Trig, e; Phys. 3;
Chem, 3; Fr. Comp. c.
Jean Hobden - Eng. COMP. 3;.
Eng. Lit. d; .Mg. o; Georg. 2; Bot.
2; Zoo. 2; Fr. Auth. c; Fr. Comp.
Gordon Lane - Alg. 2; Geom. 1;
Trig. 1; Phys. 3 ; Chem. 2.
Stewart, Nimnuo -- Eng. Comp. 3;
Geom. 1; Trig. 2; 1302. c; . •Chem.
George Porter - Eng. Comp. c,
Eng. Lit. 2; Mod, Hist. 2; Alg. 2;
Geom. 3rd Phys. 2; °hem. 2; Fr.
Auth. 0.
Marlene Schumacher- Eng. Comp.
c; Eng. Lit. 2; Mod, Hist. 1; Bot.
• Zoo. 1; Let. Anith. 1; Lat,
Wm, Morse, Miss Eleanor Morse Ser.: Treas Mrs. Orville Dale
returned to London with her brother Sports Committee ....- Ivan Ostic,
after spending a week with tier Wilson Ransom, Arlene Woods,
parents. Yvonne Ransom
* * * • Lunch Committee Mrs. George)
Attending the Stratford Shake- , Martin, Mrs. Ernest Martin. Mrs.
s'senrean Festival, Mr, and Mrs. Roy i Leslie Oliver, Mrs. Peter Minton.
1L Stew'aet spent a few days with 1
Mr,.Peter Steviart They were ad. -
nompagllesl by their son John and his : iq/If,t?D iI21j S
wife and d hter Christine Other • • 1 Marion Toner - Eng. CemP. 2
Comp. 1; Fr. Auth.
2; Fr. Comp
visitors at their home were D4. ,
Graham Stewart of Bay City, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie R. Stewart and Mr_, '
Alice Barry of Windsor, and Mrs. I
John McPain of Kirkland Lake. 11
Miss Donna Jean Grasby with h6t.'�.
cousin at 'rhorndale.
Miss Kharen Beattie of Wingham'
gisiting at the hone of Mr. and Mrs
'Phe fiat pipe band.tattoe sponsor
td by the Brussels Legion Pipe Band
last WelnesdaY ni>;!tt Brow one of
the large -1,1 crowds ever to assemble
in Victoria Park here to lleai• the
seven participating bands.
A parade from 1:lia agricultural
grounds, through the Mistimes Sem-
tion of the town, was headed by
the Brus:+els Lions Club •Boys and
Girls Band under their lender, A. C.
Robinson of London. Following
were six Scottish Pipe bands from
Ing of the drlun•s, the bass drain 1
epre,,anttug the artillery fire, tile 1.
;de drums representing the rifle
fire. The band then play's the re•'
Croat, "7 he Green Lillis of Tyroll,"
followed by the slaw morph, "My
Holm," wen settings into a set 0011- 1 .
;isiing of a 1000011, strathspey and
reel. :They earn out of their set ;
playing ' Pibroch of Donald Dhu," 1
their n'ri:li-i>ast tutee. 'Their per-
formance was a smart display of
marching and inusldiansitiP• (Pipe
Mlajor Gillespie and Daum Major
The Brussels Legion Pipe Bawl, 1
Kincardine, Luoltnow, Mount For. in their ied MacFarlane tartan, led
est, Listowel, ,Palmerston and Brus-
sels, wlho enteredthe park as a unit
under the leadership or Drum
Major Edwards of Mount Forest.
and ployl':g "Corrie Ohoillie," "The
Barren Rocks of Aden" and "The
Road to the Isles," The picturesque
$2,00 per year .$2.._....1�,..�yr.._�.r-,..�j..,,
4/s S. Ale
by Prime Major George Elliott,
Played the "Pipers's, Cave," 'Road
to the Isles" and "The 42nd." 1
As .a bustle the crowd was treated
to the inspiring massed band 1
routine rs they played three num- j
here, and the ovation they received
Scottish uniforms, in :the hold, was immense,
colorful plaids of famous'. clans, the The National Anthem, played hY •
lilting n'n'sic of dozens, 02 pipes, the Boys anti Girls, Band, closed a ,
and the clash and roll of many three-hour Program ttthielt was
dur•mn thrilled the large crowd and
round after round of applause was
accorded the mnsicinns.
Pipe Major George 111113021 of the
Brussels Legion Pipe •Band was
master of ceremonies, and Reeve R.
B. Cousin: extended civic greetings
I end welcomed the visiting bands
He else voiced the pride of the
Brus^,els vicinity In their owil local
pipe band, which made its first
matte anpenran"e about May 1 of
this year.
i Lands Play
A program by individual bands
followed and each band delighted
the audience with their smart ap-
pearance. and fine music. Luoknow
Pipe Band. led by Pipe Major Roy
hiaaKenz:i.• were wearing the tartan !
of the Stewart of Fingask ane
played "March to Loch Katrin,"
"Because He Was A Bonnie Lad,
and "The Kilt Is My Delight." They
also did Robert Reed's slow march
. which was used by Scottish bands
at the "ll•onation of Queen Ebiza•
; beth.
Listowel Pipe Band, led by Pipe
. 1 Major David Freeland, was wear-
g.Iing the MacDonald kilt and plays]
"Carrie Ciloillie," piper's Cave"
end 'Maior Norman Orn Ewing."
Eng. Lit. c; Bot. c; Zoo. c; Lat
Comp. c, Fr. kith. c; Fr. Com
James Walker - Geom, o; Tri
Geo, Michie. .
Lois Webb - Eng. Comp. 3; Eng. j Two Scottish d,nteeu shown mother dunning her illness. Billie and Bobbie Liggett are tori- : Tit 2; Bot, 2 • 7.00. 1.
BORN 1 da ing with Mr. and Mrs. James 1 0 argare. MacPherson of St. Fverything was deeply appreciated.
y i James •Wylie - Eng. Oomp. 3: Helens, with Piper D. A. MacLen I Gordon and Alma Parr.
STEPHENSON - To Mr. and Mrs. I; Miohle. I pang. Lit. 2; Geom. e: Zoo c; pan piping the musie, danced. the I
Harvey Stephenson at Wingham I Mr. and Misr. H. F. Sterling and Phys. c. L glllland fling and the sword dance. -.-._.---•-•
General Hostpital on July BOth, a ;
family of Giadwln, Mich., ware I Grade XII taking 1Pipe Major Sanity Cameron was
daughter Sheila Diane. 1 recent visitors with Ma and Mrs. 1 XIII subject in oharg a of the Kinoardtne Pipe
Mollie e The ladies are "cosine I David T'�nnahue Mod. Hie. B
much appreciated by this Brussels ,
Having sold the grocery business, after°,
operating it for the past eight years, zv
thank all our customers for their loyalty ami
ask that you give our successor, Ned Rut*
ledge, your continued patronage. a Pi
Robert Bennett.
1952 Pontiac. Sedan, Radio and Heater
1946 Plymouth Sedan, Radio and Heater
1940 Pontiac Sedan
1938 Pontiac Sedan
1939 Chevrolet Sedan
1951 Chev. Sedan Delivery
1951 Chev. 1 Ton with Dual Wheels
1948 Chev. 1 Ton Pick-up
Twish,nthankmyneighbours¢n' RXV•n>!•y S*DE !0T[�R
fl'iPnds far their kindness to me Y NL iK� 1
Whiie 2 was sick als,a for treats and
flowers. It will always he remem- 1 Chevrolet and Oldsmobile
bend. y Supertest Gas and Oil
Phone 56 Brussels, Ont,
Sincerely Yours,
Jane Switzer
I wish to take this opportunity ;
if thanking all those who sent cards
treats and visited me during my
stay at Wingham General Rosetta?
S /eclat thanks to Dr. Stephens and
also staff ' at Wingham General
Mrs. Harvey Stepbenson.
We would like to take this oppor-
tunity to express our sincere grati-
tude to cur friend:, for the kindness
and sympathy shown ns at the time
of our recent bereavement, Special
I a ,
! thanks to Rev. Lane, Dr. Stephen .
'I the nurses and staff of Wingham 1
i Hospital, and most' especially to the 1
11 their kindnesses
I nelgbbours fora e
's Isabel and
Jas. ail2. i and in the tartan of the Gordon
1 Mr, and Mrs. Harold Coulson, , Nora Grant -- Mod. Hist. 1. clan, and their pieces were "Atholl
Bonnie Woods
RAYMOND - To Mr. and Mrs. 1
Robert Raymond (nee Doreen
Menzies), on August 7211, at Dr,
Myer's Nursing Home, a son,
Murray Robert,
Mslvills Chunk
minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton
10 a, m. Sunday School
11 a. m. Morning Service
Preacher for August
Rev. Andrew Lane,
United Church
fdletdM, Row Andrew Lino
Morning Worship -11 o'clock
Union Services during August
with our Presbyterian broth-
ren in Melville 'Church,
Theme "Forgiveness and
Church of England
Parish of $nwuIS
Rov. A. NsnlnttU [Ills, M. A.
12211 Sunday Alter Trinity
August 23rd, 1953
St. arm Morning 11 n„
Sunday School
St. David's Church, Henfryn-
2.88 p. m. livening Prayer
Sunday School
at. George's GhUrch, Walton--
alton-9.80 a, M. Morniig Prayer
Jimmie, Mary Helen and Barbara I Helen l.Teehan. - Mod• Hist. 1. I and Breadalbane,
lean, of ;Milton, spent a couple ofI Lois Thompson - Mod. Hist. 1. 1 and Braes" and "Cock o' the
weeks at the home of Lorne and 1 * -ler Wert - Trig. 2. North."
Mrs. Nt Col and other relatives is 1
Morris, Twp.
Mr, and Mrs. Louis D. Thompson
1 R. M. T., will resume music classes,
112 piano Playing, singing, organ and
theory, of Tuesday, Sept. Sth. Pupils
Please conte at their usual time.
There are a few vacanies for mw
pupils. Phone 795 Brussels.
Two Shows Nightly
Rain or clear - first show at dusk
Note: News and Cartoon at each
Thurs. - Fri. August 20 - 21
"MISSOURI RAi D" Teonlccdor
Wendell Corey Eilen Drew
Sat. • Mon. August 22 - 24
Dick Haymes__ Vera .Ellen
1 e1>.�e1r
Tuetl, • Wed. Aug. 25 • 26
William Hoiden Nancy Olson
Thur. -.Fri.
(3rd dtmeiielon
Added attraction
John Hall
2 shows nightly 7.90 - 9.30 p. m.
Matinee Saturday 2 p. m.
Aug. 27 - 28
in color) .
Friday, Saturday August 21 - 22
Strike up the band - everyone's
singing - dancing - strutting to
the snapplest tunes that ever filled
the screen
with Clifton Webb, Debra Paget,
Robert Wagner. A film treat for
the entire family.
By G. W. Montgomery
August 15th, 1953
Wet weather again delayed harvest
operation" in the County. Many
farmer tools advantage of the wet
days to refill silos with second cut
Present Machine 1 grass silage. It would appear that
At this point of the program, the ! a slightly larger acreage is being r
chairman invited Mrs. William G. prepared for fall wheat this year. ' -.
Lomb, Ray Bronson, David Hast' i All "inns are malting satisfactory
ings, Russell Hall, Gordon Kreuter I growth more particularly corn.
and Gordon Workman to the plat. 1 beans and sugar beets.
form, Mrs. Lesch presented a re-
e-su citating maclilne which had TED WILLIAMS ASK: "WHERE
been Purchased by public snbeemp 00 WE GO FROM HERE?"
tion for use in the town and sal,
rounding districts. Following a i Sport fans! Read Ted Williams'
tragic accident three weeks ago, own story of his wartime eTerience
when popular Pipe Major Kenneth and his comeback in baseball. It is a '
Coleman of the Brussels Legion stimulating revealtion in the outspok- i
Band met death by electrocution, 1 en woords of the great ballpayer, told
the fund was started and within e. 1 in "Where Do We Go From Here?" 1
week enough money was sub- 1 in The American Weekly with this 1
scribed to purchase the machine. i coming :Sunday's (Aug. 23) issue of ,
Mas. Leach thanked the people 1 The Detroit Sunday Times,
for their fine response and ex-
plained that the young men who
ware on the platform with her
fined in the use of the
Monday, Tuesday August 24 • 25
Richard Wldmark - Joanne Dru
Met lovable young GUS who turned
his school dayd upside down.
OFFER $200.00
Monday Attendance Card NW*.
Sat. - Mon. Aug. 29 - 31 Wednesday, Thursday August 26-27
Rhonda Fleming
G1enn Ford
We dare you to see it797
Out of space they come, hordes of trotters otters capturing, at will
world be tea
machine, Further subscriptions
will be accepted and a fund known
as the "Kenneth Coleman Memorial
Fund" will be set up to take Dare
of. additions and replacements of
this machine.
The contributions of the Brussels
Lions Club Boys and Girls Band
Wigs n march, "Bay Shore," and
and overture, "Silver 'nalisman"
The Palmerston Pipe Band, in
the tartan of the MacKenzie clan,
led by Jipe Major Clayton Bridge,I
played James Rawhide." ('Scotland
the Brava" and ''Barren Rocks"
Present Retreat
The Cameron T-Iiglrtands of
Mount retest presented the
treat Ceremony" as put on by the
British Army, It °eminences with
Me bugle call, followed by the roll•
Seaforth, Ont. 1
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1
Francie Lane Tony Arden
Charles Starette Smilley Burnette
• • s
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Abbott and Costello '
There raising Cain on the Bounding
• s ►
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Gene Tierney Rory Calhoun
1 Singing with Fury and Romance
of the Argentine Pampas
"It makes such
a difference"
Mrs. Helen V.... was so pleased by the
courteous treatment she received from a
bank teller during a holiday trip that
OIL her return home she wrote:
"It was really a pleasure to transact my
modest banking affairs with you and I
think the bank is very lucky to have such
a charming and welcoming young woman
with them. It makes such a difference
when one is travelling to feel so at home"
At your own local branch, at any branch
of any bank, you will find bank people
going out of their way to look after
you, efficiently and courteously. That is
the way the chartered banks compete
with each other for your business.
T'1,is advertisement, based
etc an actual letter. is
prexcnted here by