The Brussels Post, 1953-7-8, Page 1THE BRUS.SELS Post Publishing House Authorized as second class mail, Poet Office Department, Ottawa. SOCCER NEWS T is game got ours, that is plaryed by more people, and in more oonut- ries of the world, :than' any other sport, Is now ss^e}11 on the march across Canada. Principally through the efforts of the Minor reotbaal Aefsoeiatimh, Soccer Is fast becom- ing Canadian game for oar boys. In Huron, through the efforts of the Huron Foetba61 League, Sooeer is a real heanan glarne, and is closely connected with 'hockey in science and skill, Our greatest worry ilae been the eiheetage of men to operate teams. 'In Ede league this worry haunts -tee Dozens of boys each year are obliged to turn away ,tram sac• oar, through ;shortage of tome, Think this over fans and ex -play - ere. The Huron League hays in the last few years, given about one hundred and linty (150)boys n ,chance to play. The results are shown by the good players that are steeping up into the Senior League - Huron League is naw affiliated with the Ontario Minor Football Assoclat• ion. Huron and district are fortunate to have a. representative on the Ont- ario Council. 'The 0 M. F. A. has now .bout 180 teams In Ontario and Que- bec and the West and are well organ- ized. B. C. Is very strong. So to the Tlayers and tans in Bur- en and Perth, step up and offer Your services for the good of the kids. Remember; A mule cannot kick a0tert he he ynlitng, neither sen he eel) when he le kicking. TWO HOUSES TAKE FIRE DURING STORM Fires were started in two farm homes near Walton, during a severe electrical storm last Wednesday morning when lightning bolts were ,conducted into the home by wires. A large elm tree close to the house of Joseph Ryan, con. 14,MeKillop towngbip, west of the highway, web struck by lightning. The current travelled ,long a clothesline wire, In- to the kitchen, causing a blaze that dict considerable damage to cup- boards that had been recently in- salted. The fire was put out through qudek action by Mr. Ryan and his family, Lightning also struck at the house of George Pollard, about three Mlles north of here on the highway. It is believed, to have entered by the sway of the telephone wire. Considerable damage was done to the interior of the house bu this blaze also oat esoon ex- tiegulshed. Sunday School Picnic, July 20th Duff's United Church Sunday School Picni will be held on Monday, July 20th at Seaforth Lion's Park supper served at 6.30 p. m. 1 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville Churs Brussels Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10.00 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worship United Church OF CANADA tdkllatsr, Rev. Andrew LAW Morning WorsktP-41 o'clock Tinton Serviceswith the Presbyterian Church. Church ti&r.hool — 112 o'clock Church of England 1 • Parish of In awls ' Rev. A. Nenlnse 1501w M. A. Anniversary of Rebuilding St. John's Church, Brueeels- 11 a, m, Morning Prayer Guest preacher Rev. Cannon Ashby of Elthatrmy Sunday Scholl 7.30 e. m, Evening Prayer Rev. A. Norman Ellis. St. George's Church; Walton-- 1 2,80 p. no. Evening Prayer Guest preacher Rev. Cannon Ashby of I7thatroy. Adams • Bradshaw The Presbyterian manse at Bru- sets was tb.e scene of a quiet but pretty srcdding on Saturday, June 27th, at high noon, when Rev. W. H. T. Fulton united in marriage Viola Mae daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Timed] P.radsbaw, R. R, 2 Bluevate and William Wilson Adams son of Cameron, and the late Mrs, Adams, Brussels Ont, The bride looked charming in an ankle length gown of white nylon net over satin with lace trim, fash- ioned wttb a moulded ntrapiess bod- ice tooped- by a lace jacket featuring long lily point sleeves and a high Manderia't collar. Her finger-tip reit of tulle illusion tides caught, to a pearl iarra and she carried a bouquet of red rises and ivy. As her sister's only attendant Mrs Hugh Campbell of Bluevale wore a gown of pink nylon net overTsatin, She carried a bouquet of bine chry- santhemums. Mr. Rarvey Bradshaw brother of the bride was groomsman. Following the ceremony a dinner was served at ,the home of the bride's parents. The dinning room was decorated in pink and white and the table was centered with a three tiered wedding cake. Later the young couple left on a trip to Ottawa. and the Thousand Islandre, the bride wearing a pink nylon taffeta dress with white accessorise and corea.ge et white ahrnattono. On their return tbey will reside to Brussels, BRUSSELS NINE RAPS CLIFFORD CREW 12 - 9 The Brussels Ladies' Softball team defeated the Clifford team 12-9 in W.O.0A. intermediate game played at Clifford on Monday negtrt. Brussels had their best inning in the fourth when they scored seven while the Clifford squad's best Was +the third in whiob they scored four runs. Clifford's errors, also aided in their defeat. Pearson and Watson; Bentley and Loos, the battery. CARD OF ThANKS I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours who wrote and came to see me. It was predated. Mrs, Edna Young very much ap CARD OF THANKS The Brussels Lions Club thanks all those who contributed in any way to the success of the recent Lions ,Summer Frolic, Your support of their weifare work is appreciated by all. LLASHMAR. DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Two Shows Nightly Rain or clear -- first show at dusk Note: News and Cartoon at each shoW. Thurs. - Fri. • July,9 -.,10 "CHICAGO DEADLINE! Alan Ladd Donna Reed Sat. - Mon. July 11 - 19 "SHE'S WORKING HER WAY THROUGH COLLEGE'' (Technicolor) - Virginia Mayo Gene Nelyon Tues. • Wed July 14 - 16 "FORCE OF ARMS" Wllllam Hoiden . Nancy Olson Thur. - Fri. July 16 • 17 "PARK ROW" Gene Evans Mary Welsh Sat, • Mon. July 18 20 "OAPTAI N FLOOD" Errol Flynn Olivia De Havlland PEOPLE WE KNOW 1' * at Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Eststman of Datrott,,'peat le few d'at'e dile week with her elster, Mr, and Mrs,"Leslie Beh'nes, :1 :1 5 Tire. L. Nilson of Ridley Calif., :pent two weeks with her cousin Mrs Leslie Belmar*. Mr. Thomas Se, has hie two daugh- ters Clara and Bernadette vie,iting him from Toronto. Mr. James A Fulton of Mill St., Brussels, celebrated phis 80th birth- day on Monday, July 6th. * :k Miss Florence McNaughton and Mrs. G. McDowell are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Robert North at Long Branch. r * Mr. end Mrs. Walter Hades ane daughter3 Shirely and Dian of Tor- onto have been visiting their par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Garf, McDonald. * * k Mr. and Mrs. Heb Manning spent Sunday h. New Hamburg at the hone of their daughter Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Knox and children. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Scoot of Mt. Forest and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Soatt and family of Seaforth spent Sun- day et the home of Mr. and Mira Geo, ]hang,. • * r Mr. B111 Rana has been removed to Victoria IJoapttal. London, Ma many friends will ,be glad to hear that BM will be home In a couple of weeks * e e Mr. and Mrs. Murray Matheson and Miss Jean Sheardown of Ingersol visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Claris Matlieson. Other visitors at their home were Mr, and Mrs. Clif- ford Lemon, of Aldershot. * * a July let holiday callers with Mrs. Sperling.. were Mrs. Collett and 13i11y of Stamford Centre, Mrs. C. Rothwell and daughter of Colling- s000d, Miss Elsie Sperling of De- troit, and Mr. and Mese Ray Fear of Clinton. * * * Several friends and relatives gat - bored at the home of John Steiss on the 30th of June to present him with cards., gifts and many good wishes for his birthday. Mrs. Steles is in flout yenr and is enjoying comparat- ively good health.' Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Monday of Glendale Cal., wlio have recently returned from overseas where they spent three months eight seeing, as well as attending the Cornateon were visitors at the home of Mr. spa lairs. Herb Manning, also with Mr. and Mrs.; Rert Bray and Mre. Sperl- ing, Mrs. Munday's mother, CAPITOL 1ISTOWEL THEATRE 2 shows nightly 7.30 — 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Thurs. - Fri, July 9 - 10 It's joy set to music, a story that sings out to your heart "THE JAZZ SINGER" starring Danny Thomas — Peggy Lee. Hear them sing 8 hit parade tuneat Saturday Only July 11 The thritling days of the roaring West lives again "BRONOCO BUSTER" A Ronde, stohy with John Lund — Joyce Holden. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 13 - 14 - 16 "COME BACK LITTLE SHEBA" Adult entertainment tsarrins Academy award winner Shirley Booth as "LOLA" and Burt Lancaster as '.DOC" The story of a man and woman who gaped for happines and found It. We recommend 'this picture. TUESDAY FOTO-NIT OFFER $200,00) 2nd OFFER $80.00 Monday Attendance Card MAI,. Wednesday, July IFLAMES DESTROY BARN IN GREY TWP. A barn, oat the farm of Sen Wax. man, 8 miles eaeet of Brussels, was levelled to the ground, by tire, Shortly atter enidnlght 'Tuesday. The season's crop of hay, 85 tons, was burned also a calf and two dogs and hens, Fortunately the wind was, blowing away from tate rest of the farm buildings and the house, wind' is - occupied by Donald McKinnon and his sister Miss Sarah McKinnon, and the machine shed, from which Me Implements had been removed when int was in danger, were saved by the efforts of the Brussels Fire Brigade. While the cause of the fire Is no' certain it is believed it must have been struck by lightning during the electric dorm that took place at that time. The loss, Is only partially coveree by insurance. Mr. Waxman intends to re -build immediately, ,. NEWLY WEDS GIVEN PURSE OF MONEY AT RECEPTION A very pleasant time was eapent et Brussels Town Hall at 'ate presentat- ion for Mr, and Mrs. John Blake, who were recently married. George 1 Smith's orchestra furnished the music for dancing. Miiss Thelma Mosier read The address and Mr. Cherles Storey presented them with a. Parse of money. Tfr, and Mrs. Blake thanked them for the gift. Lunch was served atter the present - MORRIS COUPLE HONORED ON 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY About 90 friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earn Anderson, 5th fine of Mor- ris orris Township on Thursday evening, in 'honor of their 25th wedding anni- versary, The evening was. spent playing euchre„ James Michie spoke briefly, and Mrs. Geotge_Miclhie and Mrs. Jos- eph Batmen presented Mr. and Mrs. Anderson with a floor lamp, salver salt and pepper shakers, and an electrle kitchen clank. A stealof silverware was given to the celebra- nts by their family. CARD OF THANKS We wish to offer our grateful thanks to our neighbour and friends for their help to rebuild our barn. The friendly spirits and many acts of kindnes will always be remem- bered. Mildred and Alf. Nichol, CARD OF THANKS We wish to take taint opportunity to thank our friends and neighbours who helped in any way during our dear Father's recent illness and death. Their kindness will long be remembered, Melvin Carnoohan and Mary Rock. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING — Thur., Fri,, Sat. July 9 - 10 11• '!WAC FROM WALLA WALLA" Judy Canova Stephen Dunn A pleasing comedy feature that will give lots of laughs. * e Mon„ Turns., Wed. July 13 - 14 -15 "YOU FOR ME" Peter Lawford Jane Greer A highly entertaining farm e e r Thdr. Fri. Sat. July 16 - 17 - 18 "CALIFORNIA CONQUEST" In Technicolor Carnet Wilde Teresa Wright A fast action Mall -drama. COMING -- "WORLD IN HIS ARMS" 8th, 1953 DECORATION DAY SERVICES HELD AT CEMETERY $2.00 per year ■ $2.50 Li Decoration Day Services at Brun eels cemetery on Sunday afternoon' were aarsnged by officials of Went - ern. Star Lodge (1.0,0.F.,), Morning Star R,-bekab Lodge and Brussels Brandi No. 318 of the Canadian Legion. Led by the Legion Pipe Band and the Lions Club Boys and i Girld Band, membere of the three or- gandaaation<, were joined by many villagers to make an impostng par- ade, Mrs. W. C. King of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge rend the names of the depa"ted sisters and Mrs, James S. Armstrong led in prayer. Kenneth Coleman took charge e the service for the Legion. Branch 218 and Gordon Workman read the long list of names of men who gave ,their lives In two world wars, also those who since died. The "Last Post" was sounded by Bandsman Ruseelt MacBetlt, while the flags i were louvered by bearers Oordea i Miller and Eimer Young. Rev. M..1. layedman a2 Cranbrook Preahyterta:n Church 'von the guest I speaker and his sincere and I thoughtful message , was from the text, "Look unto ebe rock from whom ye are .hewn." He Suggs' ted that rt Is a good thing to stop and I look bark to Bind 1nspination. eon-; fort and encouragement from .the lives of our forefathers. It is also j a good thcuebe to hallow their mem. ory in gratitude for the .heritage they' have handed to us — cherchee schools. homes, faith end hope — things that abide while the years roll on. The singing of "Abide with Me" : brought the service to a close with prayer and benediction by Douglas : Hegningway. During the afternoon several Baer- ed e,electinns were played py tit' Lions. Club Boys and Girls Rand led by Bandmaster A. C, Rnbineon, Lon, don. Inside the cemetery where a loud speaker system had been set up,j Ralph Pearson, Noble Grand of Western Star lodge svgsin charge of the program. During their part of the eorviee, Douglas Heming- way, emingway, chaplain of fire lodge led in prayer and Hartley Fischer road the names of departed bretheren, everted here and in other centres. MELVILLE W. M. S. The regular ineeting of Melville Presbyterian Ladies' W. M. S. wan held July 3rd at the home of the President, Mrs. Rev, Fulton, with a! spendtd attendance present, After, opening with the Lord's Prayer in unison. Hymn 249 was sung. Mrs. Fulton read the scripture reading taken from the 9th chapter of Matthew. Mrs. H. B. Allen led in prayer. foliowed by the minutes and 1 tre euree's statement, They would t like to bane the gifts handed in as 650011 as possible for the Indian bale, Mrs. Rev, Felton gave a splendid re-' port from the Presbyterial in White Church, Roll Pall was answered by the I name of a women of ,'thee Bible." Several calls on sick and shut-ins were reported. Mess P. Mosses gave a very Inter- esting talk on 2 letters received from the Infserionfaiv fieid'e, one fro% Erltish thine and one from India the chapter from the study book -- "African Life Old and New" wet, given by Mrs, Jas. S. Armstrong, Hymn 399 was then sung, Mrs. Ful- ton cloned the meeting with prayer end the benediction. UNTIED CHURCH CHOIR ENTERTAINED .After the regular choir :rehearsal Thursday evening, the nrgnniet anti (heir leader, Mrs. Edwin Martin intuited the members to the Church parlour where refreshments were served. Mrs. Tneen Davison, the their president thanked Mrs, Martin for her 1tioitghtfninese. Tire, Martin expresses her appreetation (t Rhe splendid en.operetion of the choir during the past year. GARDEN PARTY Wednesday, July 29th on Dave Hastisgs' !awn, Brussels Supper served from 5.35 to 8 P. M. Concert to follow ADMISSION 85c — Children under 12 — 40c Sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary to Canadian Legion BAND TATTOO Sponsored by the Brussels Lions Club Boys• and Girls' Band Under the direction of A. C. Robinson, London. AT VICTORIA PARK, BRUSSELS ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd PARADE OF BANDS AT 7.30 P. M. Programme at Park begins at 8.15 Sharp PARTICIPATING BANDS Seaforth Highland Band 21st Anti Tank Regimental Band, Wingham Mitchell Citizens Band Brusisels Legion Pipe Band 8.7 C. 0. D. Drum and Bugle Band, London London Girls' and Boys' Band Goderich Girls' Trumpet Band Brussels Lions Club Boys' and Girls' Band A'dmiesion 50c — Children under 12 Free. DANCE AT CRYSTAL PALACE BALLROOM At 10 o'clock George Smith and his six piece orchestra Modern and Otd Time Dancing Refreshment Booth Admission to Dance 60e Everybody Cordially !milted "God Save The Queen" From the "BLUE BOOK" of Famous Trains t::"® -vim Linking Han and West, Canadian National's *mous Continental Limited provides ‘est daily service 6r een Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon. as r and Vancouver. orals Anti, t0 see throu fi the Stood pilaus windso on this scenic route across Canada— gloaming 1 lolling Pairiss, the mighty Canadian Raided. swift lag riven — glorious scenery! Ott the Continental Limited you'll ride In sorle io mode. squlpment--inviting bedrooms, 'tendert! and tbutlst alM !ng cats, knew Ne modern coaches. In the you'll. enjoy wonderful es you speed acme Canada Yoe Con u'll cloy. 'so auction Ni 1 e trona Per reservation awl intermatl a ft/40N fog bossiness and pleasure trout tr esti, see,evrJ?f 01 1:05. ► your lorai Canadian N%ailonal PasseMS r Agert. CANADIAN NATIONAL 1SERVING E ES THE ONLY RAILWAY SERRT VING ALL TEN PROVING