HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-6-24, Page 70 V-0 A F'Sitts 4011i, N A
• A, sttyinge kills 0.11)OIdelice thal
9- l%xv,)a
�n, and In
volved five goaleys who.,11'ait'strecessivC1Itoclle leant, 3
WPS 1 riten dui �InK,Jfje
Stanley up series h S 4 .1
it t , pri
Aaclt in 1050;- iAlv wiidit, Q1 a—wmi-
filial Cup series, between (Janaoiens and ,,Vew York Rangers
the Canadians" UOPIU Zill Durridn, selilenN times winner of the
V92111a trophy, had the courage and sporting spirit t4 t€ll-cage
DICIC Irvin: "Dick'j, ng t�. I?= arty good, My reflexes
have slowed dowIj,-m414Qttbjcd "gh
And SO,Durhait Iltepliq out at tl�e an ended a
career, to be sulledectett uv lI,,EJp _e
Lis , 6111�41%'71 R'd, Patina„
ruatring pneact, the wizardy Of- MONell theii'4'�-rCcjkjo
Youngster, 1101teci 111%4'0111Y, tO)UPOraffly,1 OzO Rangers wen
on to win the round, and give Detroit Red Winga a 1p-Im battle
for hockey qITt..PCv�l;el;1 Pr1;V.,:
On the T)fut'stiay night of April 9, last, Canadian& were
(I&C1 t by Chicago ]Black Hawks, In a Stanley -final
at �r, $einl
game. C"I'lli game gave Hawks ,1 3-2 edge W11 clvh� -of seven
series. One more yletory, and the Chicago (ei into the
finals, Canad)enSWjirei Ai the -next -o,
Aird the game Was in Chicago,
4efvea fanatics victory -mad Saturday night 011-owd-sIgenting
it Stanley Cup triumph for the first time in years. , -
On the Saturday morning, the long arm of Coincidence
stretched across: s,• For tills , -I was little Gerry
McNeil, the succes r,. rnan -it on coach Dick
Ir in and declared, "Dickt. 1, 1 e teavi, any goal].
J.acques, ,
MY,rveg-are ha fl es a s ot. Put Plante
Into e net. He'll 1 a game r S11
Irvin gave; the matter 'lengthy ;Jiidy. M6NeII continued to
.urge- the Chan It was a -desperate gamble, but Irvin decided
to take it. He benched not only MoNell, but three other regu-
lars, tossed in Tenlr'rookl6s including "Plante, a hawk -faced,
sharp-eyed French-Canadian. Youngster who hadvlayed.-a few
games for Casladiens during thq.,sedson, Canadiens rallied in
;qpWted fashi6h, *won by �-Q, and first to -great Plante and
thrdw his arms ar6und the rookie . gaoler v�i TvIi him-
self, who had raised almost the complete clircult,of the rink
to. be first to congratulate his replacement.
Ffivate Ifflayed thrb6 milre gasnes, afterlhat.' Chicago wits
eli.niinated with the dead -pan Habitant in the Canadien nets.
"sTfe faltered, an�z�C§nciflence, if you like to call it
lu, b ]rut Verry "hack there"
te ag r'
't co
'switched back,,,scored
Pi It old achle in So McNeil was
W f -outs In a next three gamqsr and Canadiens marched
off wl It the Cup. I
e� - 10V'r top fills column 011 be welcoffisid
by Elitter Ferguson, c /a Cot4rf Heusi, 431 Y;nge §t., Toronto.
J 1AMHE AG,.d?7yrA11I0;7'
ilul 1p$tnUll
4V u b6-, 6 r."T
of W "of
want t I
I 14D
IlIe boa
bitlous,. plans for thii
summe —
and WIvOrk m%ek �,Ilqyqbl tpybe,
P'lly" , a1w t�#;n ur"I su•4
1313.1y ilqalizeqr,�A , Fj,�ud
is -
treated 4eet aEtjjjn, ap ##%�Vor
ai1yyLhJfjg,.jri9jij4y 5v KKf
,i4ojo'LIA fb,�V it
game 01-�Ca�asta Or Inq Y
Foot s; MlInkot
weather brings a flood of womp
pati is ln�O Pleh' OUICQS;, _J44 or
t are , SeVera),,P causes;
•rw ti
among them are unaccustomed
Etraft,lor feet th,-A
v1rtu;I!Iy. hibernating all winter, J
With the
properC1kU6t1%NI*,1U(," IqO p'.
And this sunvner_%�,it ifie-
wide open slJ*1,4-jLy6k?,q)fbtTejfIIy�
have to Worry about how Yourdtlti
fee't,'bUt Zi)Sb �O%Ai they ld6kj'.
feet, feeling tine' slid -pfdfty t6: I
look at,, sl int] inf-Wile the foi. Preathleps Record—Charlie lolying. d—Charlie Copozzoli, distonce runner, cr6sses
A'_§�lr bf all. leather 1 the finish lineof 'the Iwo -mile race of tho, IC4-A. Trask. ax4jcl flield
lasinsror� long' C96m t6�ys!4 e'c
,s or whIlthig g"hoeg 1plon-s p 4�, 16t, rlir'(e ftifl, tlicdK��,
Will or' Iffy other t.ype"'llpfileut-
door activity.
2.,A -pair of $pOetetot shoes in
ather, with'a me'diurh lieel. An Ilitetesthig 'point diade by
Oft e Fold Your
These . al�6- really ' 'all , puepose doctors is that if you have been
sbQ,es, Willett daii'do6ble-for both wearing
Nvork,'s,h000fiig,'iind;'Ifl,fhe Ohm- wjnfLljF long—Mr- both wbkk and' It has been provea Vb�t wornen's
-ises. a
sign al s&dd.erj,'e'vening play—do not shift to "'Rats", sud. !'tongiteT are 'diore agile than
dp te. . . . .... I - -
denlY. Doing so will Cause the men's, An American scientist test-
J.,,A'p*a1i "of 'Hight-hAbledt,shoes of 86 people in
calf muscle$; til-hich •3�ajltyact r ed tht ablijities 865<
stmnal doesii-up I . hi I
when j 5W Ill,r-
n you,;�qnslan 4,y, �ype 4* their tongues
-9,FC00bris. t to protest—bUt pa Airig 6e 11 d
.The:fo t dolltdrsikave heels, mf�j 1�_ . Xotiiiiii-rY '-could both roll ,in
given up urghit kt�=Aivriever to Alternate high Aicelt;, iitgdliupl,!t ffl,ld thenu Try it yourself --tile
wear high hehTS. Vo",Ono'was heels and low heels until your chances are almost 50 to I that
paying any attention; to, their IP�S, StOpL,-e0mpl4i81Rg_ . ". :�.' , YOLI'll'!betuTiSuccessftEjv,
good -adviCe.,anyw Pu_t_Jhe ex- i Your feet won't I , warly four wolner, in (-Very
pexts ,strongly recommend that i this summer, if you give Nern tin reel could do both, while
sµ1311. slio�s bq'k60f"`T&r`dh1ing just ii%;I#tlerqqJse- Yq.tkV1,lf4id_,jt�*s, pri -;q in.
A , . :h a
RZr jolin very hundred
and daA�tmi,�' worthwhile. ,,5ou d manage it,
Slightly more wen were found
are fewer player., '�'cllflg, able to roll their tongues without
so Pm. happy to help out where also being able to fold them. it
I t A:Zckii[nQ-'2(Rli!tJ(t-iie�otber way, for
;94YkOdyl�Wan or woman, who car,
Phillips, who has served in told a tongue can also roll it.
both major leagiJes, can blame
Al for those wlIp could do
,Toe*McCa):thyf=d BM%,Ueyisr.for V id-.5"per'�ent, of the
R1-*ffij&*3and 26 percent. Of
t h e u g.e subsequent managers 7-1i,
11 A� 4: .1 fa: 11=b I the ladies couldn't So
have a o n ran
-fttl, ti lois'--fecond soWn in -or- ,pde,4t slaira,lp, b
more ton-
a. a Ile —Out only by a shoyt
k-gax'42ad baspballi-Phillips.\yent to ,At c3
"esorilar. trai aamlat"wigx the
Unkees. TB& yvazfbei�i-etbe had
"led th6Fiedni6nt1IJeagu(hjS�home .3
I A gtGopse" That
W61W and 1putoutt� wa dftratitbase-
Really LZs""Golden
c.la ax aeA- he�'
wanted of
4noe, islythe hfM 1110 p1Ry-#iivd base,.,.! title 4, 5-3, aY be ut- d n
BA9rtWP-raQ4-q,yep.0qp9r0,j base. as of' 0 e ir ya in
So, j, k, hist of
he played first, _secQiii� 4�•ta and was I wAl the
Vey the outfield. I got into e 1941 Wo was ftb
a the ;process
a WorlclSeries.xz�seman. had be . r wh Man
iiss. T
Jr s iI,
h -IV I U 7
to hint T14"' 4
Li 'd
jtli'h� i t 19'51 Vbillipq ve I . 9 P% few
,dyap6el, g ira es aaXg hil—dWily T a - he "eynote
s- 2 'r
Y 1;ex41w'r'kh2P"`�6 we ?reoth 74f �r tior pq 'j�L hat tl� day III& hap�
Try wo
he '3corflitif'or elft, Hi�'iveiif with It r u h
1 fro or in dant _,N4,bel the Aggest
d- fthO clubq:ag airflitat �b=Man d to. the Annual Meeting of The Mother n6w' S since the announcement of
but a
ligipt* sprint-.�rtrR1njjig;1had, morel 11 Char,
ij Mvii
then go#pmstagteple follFld him- 40 ft in p I i:
A -peci4m..Qgo, a a controlled, nonmili-
self teaching Ralph Xjl�
ji how
ars 4K an
d- to play the position, and incl- t is
pitictor. It
0, dentallyi how --to take --Phillips's I lira.
-kes some -
POO AWPA �ann un
wWVt s idned along- here ' for ni
stymewhex6 44rhiff the Kiner in- Be t th
Y_ structional period Jack emerged of at -,al recovery 0 110
d, Produc,,
all it corj�
d f fr.
as ei more
bdo I I cancer, rhoamUttigr
0, WAS-1stieffatiagriallLch tbiw , r,heumuti- heart diagnosed as inycorcible, The proce i called breeding;
with Ralph I didn't get much dislocated h WI a4 i clog et, is to
ad 1 51.1 in !10 1 G., , , . 't realiza
Sd .% tial ttil it source o;.
ke for it Through pr a y e r f u I living of pure ah I ID
0 'alpsta 14 mee
re chalice to lt myself," Phil- dei I
'I To0*..
I�R§� ite
Started p a fall"Of bat- ei 11, is t Xffit;; �Jlqi�tj�qi psyefttlas come
re ting practice." 1tgi&,ffo 12rayancept tit,
and, by art V .1 w e.. ley
: i'll, X!81, O'vlej
,,,Ngrned Th h r '. 4
th"Itilmeglikye; tAjHPIIAr0J NvLrd u means
PvAlI A1040 OesperateXy in need ':P,0k61,..X I thi 51 g,
the ceg.
tCudw.ptiv ofaijalionzoic
of fif�ftrsjh,F� today. Duping
atfAvisti.' OTAi.mce consumed in futtftA,69,00rureac-
JP,.Ct;tiQrJW poilialtal.e*e ecti 'Ji,"
one t) stj:,IBch Phillips Of !O%ei4WbnVbi9W*"trle power
recalls tile CTIJ enip oved 13 dif- 11yearn- H" twoty�d 0 ibfw- a iye.
Y ferent pitch8w, a 1� y be gAef
e, At , J.,t � Ja N�l b 'e. lhu
.10A flul Out ebvisoci 9 v 174 te,po S
a "One daYv, wowere getting t� . " 6 �,"6 M11W Offly power:
- beatell, ibad4% So,.,niany of our Tviiikej�el . V �! to ,Di f-CiIis&P, dw ffig=8; provide
And -
pitchers -rs�, liqem1knocked out Her' Sdf89rV111t ' tbW1`eLfM By. And-
aij 'that%,fdoll *i;aIXJxn;hWifli provide,
. out, joehl odt glC,,j4,,C
that aleii . abQ the 'riddle of t
theno rue,
eyor I �m ......
M, 61,d w '460
practically the only ones left in I ont. owo,%Wolf � otmt.111 Z.1161111P I Tab4__aPq
t that
the dugout. Finally Ile- sent me price" I'll., JIT11 i il us co"16ql%"down to tbe� bullpen to vi;arm up. t rilii0ifir%, V11r, the unmg 1.13 p icir meat is not that a s&ff of cheapi
"I got,iii,.tbat day and pitcht'd army in Korea with Lloyd's of power suddenly has been drop-'
five innings against the BravQ& London, Officers tire insured for ped into the lap of mankind, but,
BUCky Walters was With them iC5,0Qj[6=eadI;=,�-G:0ZS Srtd_.o*pr_ .�;thnf.a Pheriorlidiftil —`"�n that I
as a coach and after the game ranks for inallcr amounts. Nvord eirrinol, We�%ARW — A11
- I had shown enough phenornmilil power na
he told me The Turks �.Wa insured their
to colivince-,hi soldiels 11gaillst vzp jury iecome
I could make lnal 1:1 Uvaflakjp�__jo L
.1 - , Mincipl
it as a pitcher."After that I spent when tit wivrr MR floNtrin
three straight days in the bill]. Doren. #,11, Al"IdYed'
safely . ..... 1" he i r4c.4111anti Ira 't te5
But 'therl. 'S
L" appeAed a, ances on record, Maureen Hurley,
For S "t
though M�9140rlpg,oac*'Phillips blonde Irish actress, insured tier
at I — . INA 1 nareii I sex appeal for i�5,000. Mary
Home R � kv
,homa,*Rri ftw..as q I I y d 1 . Sinke, a Dutch hairdresser's Too-
pelled,-,O ala 11 t pn ther- del, Insures her hair for 01,000
after Fgj s3 4 ullp n at an annual premium of X3.
:getting ready to go rn again st An American strip -tense dancer
the Gifibu. - liket ould flr'� 'ko A; A that , I,
Historic Calf -��,T�,,p tity tcqbeq-b6Trvjn America from frozen rah his warul-,up throws the a her curve,,
were her forture insured her bust
Semen is shoWn"WiliA hbrr�other on Hill's Form. With th
on!gp a �olihd filiQelt �rtfdring V ga' 1: against risk of accident or disease.
,rrrr-1,10P grAlf0gl, eedIng And in the U.S. lathers call be
jpt"� LeftV
Pir6 45 d 'Li3l Je,th?9t lilintific I recouped for I small annual pre.
I e - 0 IK�
*VP; §11P
dontli for the orale when their daughters mar.
Stud y of Genetp,rf-1fi fgthor"Pjwyad, Autcossful the procesill 17Y, Payments begirallheA the girl 6 V,
Nillipt' gRld rue- A tWO Years ola'aAd the insur-
Inifed,"t I .
will -eon fewer bul bettor sires 'Will be used to produce many fully, down to Ounce coo w d
mono; producing better e1"iry.ptVc(VCls,, Na" 17,
the table. the bullpen again.,, ding bills
41TStA*1 IPTNT ar"I
r -
This is the sad tale of a ball. -
01` morq ow" 1p"'Lvenson.-y
Byer who was too good — well,
or his own goodc,W,otheFw��as
Os6d of *yl�g Tpqularlyr t
wag _. .
he would' refer, Low
about a character WW' did" Wl
well as a Jack-of-all-trades tkab
in nU%1#ISe,h&dbes-a1bit of pine
lie never got a chance to settle
hitting; 141AI-ti.1, -rW— T 1.
down and become a highly .paid
.1100 0 r"ir.' %,mak _11. I
master of one, Frank Wa*map,
In a recent articlMlibils, aiTCU11*1
Ailly On be nip
he is known 'as
?Rei' Sbk' one-man team. Goo
but now 4w&-varIOU& ahoXeSnhilr -1
yrrInAn, 1511 diN infield or outfi&
the Hollyj(&d §itati;iloqt qi;Ajthes�,,.t-botft:
_brSt10#nj Willingly Ja
Pacific slope.
Phillips of the Hollywood Sta
V 4'
Versatility, within proper 1=2'
-10cs Goodman one better In a
'aition'to everything Billy can d
its, can be a
IPWI14ps, also pitches,
greatest asset. Carried to excess,
AN OP)MA it) ;Very, Invento at 0111,
bo-wevke,. it eaVibdcome a serious
Thus far, this'season Holl
1P I ,n cyll SALEDS
woods He Int,-Utind-has pitche
B*1A=;0r-d base
player who can go in and do it
Aj �aj )F5nFWJej "
ei)d4i4 J9
' Ilo1Vop,.l15aq;1tj M lie als
41ayed id A
oral 'jositions deprives binaself
- conte- - outfield s
if needed, he,couldgo back the
"I �p,siuqh,,pae Aist,
made hjri� - t06
LOgnifM Abblitl th(I'Maly thing Phi
lips has n?t done ip catch, al
hMay" gl ltlqu;ld tnhat befo
what is called bench insurance.,
he finally gives tip. baseball I,
1,311al J"tr_ N 111S
,J, 403tDONGOW.'011 I.
During the years he., was with
Brooklyn Eddie Millais IcaitMA "'
- . r '-
flj' "Nofflyt JJPA�ib'64pluy no
ibis hard lesson. ,,5o dicLBob_Ra-
.just as long as I play," Phillip
.. adiWitied., "In:thu- Mallors it's dif
do so many things well the St.
ferent. Up ftrj� to pla
Lous Cardinals would not think
one positiorr. e' cast Leagu
of "wasting"
4$ �S, ? in .7'v,,
�ghkfp$ters are smaller. The
r81 range T--
on bead.
"fix ANWO womilt);
tsA1NTa and variliallm. electric motors,
d6119 CANADA'$ LBADINO 90101001,
2pliances. li�Jebotl Wisla,
I �0!10�
aerp want w to. A.
ore at opportunity I.enrn
F 0 00,011, Limited. Toronto.
Pleasant, djanwoo p=44, good 049001
Tholleandu Of jauccomogin!ln4EaB
;u pJuIY-Ausu4t bmilor., %'a All
quite as much astaby
a. tfgive Prompt shipment. Wide all Dice,
a, started. Avt�tl4y, J 20 John
11511, Oloor St. W., Toronto
Ifunliton. I
44 91
12 alnPR St" rt4tlll
WOUS are going 41'. Do.!t )UNN Jilt.
electricity, aircraft, and the radio
!aur to- buy, Weiw
bo day 010
1,",a !L
1.AN '10.45pet'-hundred,
b."ArAilla in started S. 4
+wanks ala. Also uon•arxed and cockerel
AN OP)MA it) ;Very, Invento at 0111,
turkey laalts, ol )Or pullets,
vantictia and fill) Information Beat Ms.
asay Co„r�
Reglotered Patent Altn
1P I ,n cyll SALEDS
0, 278 U, . root. Ottawa.
and into at SAN, or Cabinet, far any oup,
00�1 vWt q or Tt. far PrIee. ,rte„ It,
TMAR=- a will h real money this
11 wool
m P a A y.
Paten Attorneys. Esta 1800. 300
Fall A.., Winter. Don'tmiss lett,
P` at delivery runs
any street. Toronto. Patento all coglattlem,
Nobrailkart, whim H.o3land, Baltavilio
IWIIIIA, non -sexed, hens, Come. Write for
� r ..let Peters .0 tow started
tgpctaya IN— T,;rb.y INdeAlunt off the
WOMAN WIshing'lo Ilvi Old
� In dimtlutlji� A
like to Purchase small Italian, In desirable
TWED111-11 -111-'% IIATI-11BRIUR LTD.
locality. Where supialao readily obtainables
or to bear from someone no located who
would take a paying guest. No annalshis,
o0seAtial Box p',ightoopth Street,
New TO; t%,g ari
HAVE vol) anything needs dyeing or clean.
less -Write to lie for lisrormation. Wo
if desirous at ridding sourpelf. of
ere glad to answer vnur nuestione. Do'CIGARETTE
tAirtmea, S n,., T,[hit.6
r81 range T--
doft the near Way, Tobacco Milmleator
an,m rla , satisfaction or morloy-back"
guarantee, Ivor free booklet write C. Icing
PharmacalCnrpm•n tion Ltd., Box. 073,
IF YOU'RE in'. fa"On. asp arae,'
London+ ont.
enquire at J J. UoArdb. RmItor, I
Arooist str"'t. 1'Celpli.
$1.00 TRUL offer TwonlY-nv. deluxe
person.;) ISOuImpperim. Latest Catalogue
The &Badico, Azpcy,. Sax 124,
Tormintie. To a
�o,.,Dat leCRx
Yono Druggist sell. CRIESS.
FOOL YOUR FnIFUNDS1 Letters rammiled
26c. Five for a dollar, IjDat,jaj Patna to
Honeymooners. Sleepy nallra, Ntqt.l. Lit.
tl6tO)L Now Ifarmabire,
AJI-at. Hard operated trmchino that z1vea
automatically stamped a&. mmPt a 6
911 1, Bil
BUT Braided Nylon Fishing Line. direct
-Aerk and 9 distribution keys. 3 61ourn.
from Manufacturer. Basal) at amazing
Ellectrie models LVftllMble Write for fol.
pr,*.,1.1u. 1,0 I.Opqlats .1 sport men, Fees
der and Prima. Business' rasuipment Va.
4. , 1. 1 an, ..... unring."732 L.fo..
Chinos. 480-R King St W., Toronto.
Laine, Drummondville. Quebec,
RMSIGILT -.in am tore. all mikkell
POROM11 BU-thday., Bto? Lot hII
it Intnind
sea a W, 'lays ahead: too a tel It
and Izm.- Nn D^ urive bot With each
anteni 4_31100� Frivain'lok," Liylnri�GUJ—
nam -line. Prime 1500.00 to 9x. 000.00. Al..
Hoitter Street. Philadelphia, pelm.ylvanl4,
grain binders RenN-b]Cton,
Omt, Planne Bolton 1276,
WANTED Tnung. atteartiva vorown to
23., na Hotapkri for "0". need
.4-11 meaftillolls made
looking, num and lovely Ili Year daughter.
or k,Y halt) charm.
Yotir 'OXYO
Plas"Ible future pm,.rI.RA. Stanley Qi
20, ' 1llge �.stFT, ".. 424
New T"]e
-NEW .ruga. made
React thi,-Ijgly ruffs or f'Rittannotiq
�. :
Wo.11aa. Vv,lt, far catalogue andlories
O$L�, Dominin nuq
P.ImA, or Lod, lau I'
14 y i'mcwti
77 -1111.s I an, E
MU4kb'S OUG"I'(6k
383 Etdr air W
1,,, 14 11 10JIA apother 11gke.j.u�ardlca
Jae a qsfp�
'man call, nei eviel-trit witt,
OU vy,
Who Ponothld in 'plain .4....
10 ?
ISO qunko. ST PAST
rhos, Wstlis, up lour liver bile ...
jump out of bed Valid, to to
UANIS13 the 1-tirromt at dry ecjy$�_ask 1
And reetfila ship trouble. P- �, -�krxm.
Halve WIUe not 118RDDaint
"-t Worta living it may be the liverl
t'a't ?sell If Year liver bile Is not -Owing
your food may not digant
ctobtns. Ispalkniv. J� I P mzcm.. Acne,
"nawor") p1mvim em' MA& tht ma, will
. . . gas
bl. up your atomach A.. you Anne
41 ated and all the ran As ago out
±etmnnd readily t, rbe ,at,,... ndorteee
,,intmem retalrdlea, ef, flew mmVbbatea
. e
Of life, That'. when you a an a, gentle
Little Liver, 'a. u Coiter.
*Vou I
4mm t 191!y wk k"
�bll, once again
all . tjjr
_ I P__ �t�L, �!!ip_ —.a
Arm PANI - Free ,a 'Recslot 61 Etta.
849 9 n Rt 0 rlarre, Naga%
on bead.
Bough si
--able. Ill'I,19y
P11--litlar, Or Al% -y
,'ream limpa.v,d- 2 Court, Jar
wvv j.-we'TIRED
'Foo re
!2.00. Fully W.Mrs.
t A,,N A D A %; f
110l'13 .,Y ard,' to Tnn
41VV (a.. 4952 \d,th-Tffffe A ea: 21dintrea
,,f,,F,vj,3+p4y,pt. a 4it tan -down now and
gn, firp,4ft hem -headed, and maybe
ff"t '
—that will change the face."idl,
the world
quite as much astaby
s Y aci Perhaps nothing
invention in the history of mabt-1
4 a temporary toxic
starting With the wheel and rtjn-
ning on down through dis7
,,q excess acids and
a time
i,t to take Dodd's
coveries as the Steam engine,
IU0; pillk %d dil'tWnhilato the kidneys,
electricity, aircraft, and the radio
Ir.A04(to 4h0purelititre0eir normal action of
easels A and wastes. Then
vona itleli work better,
"Gnil Dodit,'1Cidney4j6s now. Look for
thphlLp bmtwith the rid band at .11
lim I'd up wad
Protect loll, dilutis and CASH from
Vials and THIBVISS, We have a alas,
and into at SAN, or Cabinet, far any oup,
00�1 vWt q or Tt. far PrIee. ,rte„ It,
Drof W,
I ea"gill si
K' Ila
, Cornnts
it vae. the ;Whl With And Palo or par,
41 lana
fom still .1 n baellac. of U...0lut. Be.
!� , A by tile uat,,b. on. ."It,
;dMVE 4 si "!e all"Ute
'on cives4wours mater Got L,
11111t rIgh
ii:rq, e .,rant
P'm , A211i, —4,0E., a., 51
.0 Harness Sh at
I, 1
Supplies. We ta 9.0 only hitt', N
through your local shacog", hot
goods dealer. The good, are right
and so ere our price&. We at ... %C. maf
lure in ?'u',l`'f" priest Harness Hcpjp.�
panda, HOr30 Blankeig� j, fil.
I 0jLf t. ,
and fe r art'
, the, Trav . ing Goods. Ilisim' eL
a". �,'Ccc, -,.ad Tr.a,,I.r W'�'066ch, -7
on4'you got satisfaction. Ma e dffly*2'
'0MU tR It tip
;Jpiatv L;IRv,
viry 14
1 at, itit
t A,,N A D A %; f