HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-6-24, Page 70 V-0 A F'Sitts 4011i, N A A • A, sttyinge kills 0.11)OIdelice thal 9- l%xv,)a �n, and In volved five goaleys who.,11'ait'strecessivC1Itoclle leant, 3 WPS 1 riten dui �InK,Jfje Stanley up series h S 4 .1 it t , pri Aaclt in 1050;- iAlv wiidit, Q1 a—wmi- filial Cup series, between (Janaoiens and ,,Vew York Rangers the Canadians" UOPIU Zill Durridn, selilenN times winner of the V92111a trophy, had the courage and sporting spirit t4 t€ll-cage DICIC Irvin: "Dick'j, ng t�. I?= arty good, My reflexes have slowed dowIj,-m414Qttbjcd "gh And SO,Durhait Iltepliq out at tl�e an ended a career, to be sulledectett uv lI,,EJp _e Lis , 6111�41%'71 R'd, Patina„ ruatring pneact, the wizardy Of- MONell theii'4'�-rCcjkjo Youngster, 1101teci 111%4'0111Y, tO)UPOraffly,1 OzO Rangers wen on to win the round, and give Detroit Red Winga a 1p-Im battle for hockey qITt..PCv�l;el;1 Pr1;V.,: 7; On the T)fut'stiay night of April 9, last, Canadian& were (I&C1 t by Chicago ]Black Hawks, In a Stanley -final at �r, $einl game. C"I'lli game gave Hawks ,1 3-2 edge W11 clvh� -of seven series. One more yletory, and the Chicago (ei into the finals, Canad)enSWjirei Ai the -next -o, Aird the game Was in Chicago, 4efvea fanatics victory -mad Saturday night 011-owd-sIgenting it Stanley Cup triumph for the first time in years. , - On the Saturday morning, the long arm of Coincidence stretched across: s,• For tills , -I was little Gerry '!t McNeil, the succes r,. rnan -it on coach Dick Ir in and declared, "Dickt. 1, 1 e teavi, any goal]. J.acques, , MY,rveg-are ha fl es a s ot. Put Plante Into e net. He'll 1 a game r S11 Irvin gave; the matter 'lengthy ;Jiidy. M6NeII continued to .urge- the Chan It was a -desperate gamble, but Irvin decided to take it. He benched not only MoNell, but three other regu- lars, tossed in Tenlr'rookl6s including "Plante, a hawk -faced, sharp-eyed French-Canadian. Youngster who hadvlayed.-a few games for Casladiens during thq.,sedson, Canadiens rallied in ;qpWted fashi6h, *won by �-Q, and first to -great Plante and thrdw his arms ar6und the rookie . gaoler v�i TvIi him- self, who had raised almost the complete clircult,of the rink to. be first to congratulate his replacement. Ffivate Ifflayed thrb6 milre gasnes, afterlhat.' Chicago wits eli.niinated with the dead -pan Habitant in the Canadien nets. "sTfe faltered, an�z�C§nciflence, if you like to call it lu, b ]rut Verry "hack there" te ag r' 't co 'switched back,,,scored Pi It old achle in So McNeil was :,tw,%4,r W f -outs In a next three gamqsr and Canadiens marched off wl It the Cup. I e� - 10V'r top fills column 011 be welcoffisid by Elitter Ferguson, c /a Cot4rf Heusi, 431 Y;nge §t., Toronto. --D7TTTCVSn—_TraTY ED J 1AMHE AG,.d?7yrA11I0;7' Watch �eir ilul 1p$tnUll 4V u b6-, 6 r."T a. of W "of want t ­ I I 14D IlIe boa bitlous,. plans for thii summe — and WIvOrk m%ek �,Ilqyqbl tpybe, P'lly" , a1w t�#;n ur"I su•4 1313.1y ilqalizeqr,�A , Fj,�ud is - treated 4eet aEtjjjn, ap ##%�Vor ai1yyLhJfjg,.jri9jij4y 5v KKf I ,i4ojo'LIA fb,�V it game 01-�Ca�asta Or Inq Y Foot s; MlInkot weather brings a flood of womp pati is ln�O Pleh' OUICQS;, _J44 or t are , SeVera),,P causes; •rw ti among them are unaccustomed Etraft,lor feet th,-A v1rtu;I!Iy. hibernating all winter, J With the properC1kU6t1%N­I*,1U(," IqO p'. And this sunvner_%�,it ifie- wide open slJ*1,4-jLy6k?,q)fbtTejfIIy� have to Worry about how Yourdtlti fee't,'bUt Zi)Sb �O%Ai they ld6kj'. ward'i'dill.44or feet, feeling tine' slid -pfdfty t6: I look at,, sl int] inf-Wile the foi. Preathleps Record—Charlie lolying. d—Charlie Copozzoli, distonce runner, cr6sses A'_§�lr bf all. leather 1 the finish lineof 'the Iwo -mile race of tho, IC4-A. Trask. ax4jcl flield lasinsror� long' C96m t6�ys!4 e'c ,s or whIlthig g"hoeg 1plon-s p 4�, 16t, rlir'(e ftifl, tlicdK��, Will or' Iffy other t.ype"'llpfileut- door activity. 2.,A -pair of $pOetetot shoes in ather, with'a me'diurh lieel. An Ilitetesthig 'point diade by Oft e Fold Your These . al�6- really ' 'all , puepose doctors is that if you have been sbQ,es, Willett daii'do6ble-for both wearing -all Nvork,'s,h000fiig,'iind;'Ifl,fhe Ohm- wjnfLljF long—Mr- both wbkk and' It has been provea Vb�t wornen's -ises. a sign al s&dd.erj,'e'vening play—do not shift to "'Rats", sud. !'tongiteT are 'diore agile than dp te. . . . .... I - - denlY. Doing so will Cause the men's, An American scientist test- J.,,A'p*a1i "of 'Hight-hAbledt,shoes of 86 people in calf muscle$; til-hich •3�ajltyact r ed tht ablijities 865< People stmnal doesii-up I . hi I when j 5W Ill,r- n you,;�qnslan 4,y, �ype 4* their tongues -9,FC00bris. t to protest—bUt pa Airig 6e 11 d .The:fo t dolltdrsikave heels, mf�j 1�_ . Xot­iiiiii-rY '-could both roll ,in given up urghit kt�=Aivriever to Alternate high Aicelt;, iitgdliupl,!t ffl,ld thenu Try it yourself --tile wear high hehTS. Vo",Ono'was heels and low heels until your chances are almost 50 to I that paying any attention; to, their IP­�S, StOpL,-e0mpl4i81Rg_ . ". :�.' , YOLI'll'!betuTiSuccessftEjv, good -adviCe.,anyw Pu_t_Jhe ex- i Your feet won't I , warly four wolner, in (-Very pexts ,strongly recommend that i this summer, if you give Nern tin reel could do both, while sµ1311. slio�s bq'k60f"`T&r`dh1ing just ii%;I#tlerqqJse- Yq.tkV1,lf4id_,jt�*s, pri -;q in. A , . :h a RZr jolin very hundred and daA�tmi,�' worthwhile. ,,5ou d manage it, Slightly more wen were found are fewer player., '�'cllflg, able to roll their tongues without so Pm. happy to help out where also being able to fold them. it I t A:Zckii[nQ-'2(Rli!tJ(t-iie�otber way, for ;94YkOdyl�Wan or woman, who car, Phillips, who has served in told a tongue can also roll it. both major leagiJes, can blame Al for those wlIp could do ,Toe*McCa):thyf=d BM%,Ueyisr.for V id-.5"per'�ent, of the R1-*ffij&*3and 26 percent. Of t h e u g.e subsequent managers 7-1i, 11 A� 4: .1 fa: 11=b I the ladies couldn't So have a o n ran -fttl, ti lois'--fecond soWn in -or- ,pde,4t slaira,lp, b more ton- a. a Ile —Out only by a shoyt k-gax'42ad baspballi-Phillips.\yent to ,At c3 "esorilar. trai aamlat"wigx the Unkees. TB& yvazfbei�i-etbe had "led th6Fiedni6nt1IJeagu(hjS�home .3 I A gtGopse" That W61W and 1putoutt� wa dftratitbase- Really LZs""Golden c.la ax aeA- he�' wanted of 4noe, islythe hfM 1110 p1Ry-#iivd base,.,.! title 4, 5-3, aY be ut- d n BA9rtWP-raQ4-q,yep.0qp9r0,j base. as of' 0 e ir ya in So, j, k, hist of he played first, _secQiii� 4�•ta and was I wAl the Vey the outfield. I got into e 1941 Wo was ftb a the ;process a Worlcl­Series.xz�seman. had be . r wh Man iiss. T Ower Jr s iI, n1L h -IV I U 7 to hint T14"' 4 Li 'd ,ppenadi, Vun4F jtli'h� i t 19'51 Vbillipq ve I . 9 P% few ,dyap6el, g ira es aaXg hil—dWily T a - he "eynote s- 2 'r Y 1;ex41w'r'kh2P"`�6 we ?reoth 74f �r tior pq 'j�L hat tl� day III& hap� Try wo he '3corflitif'or elft, Hi�'iveiif with It r u h 1 fro or in dant _,N4,bel the Aggest d- fthO clubq:ag airflitat �b=Man d to. the Annual Meeting of The Mother n6w' S since the announcement of but a ligipt* sprint-.�rtrR1njjig;1had, morel 11 Char, ij Mvii then go#pmstagteple follFld him- 40 ft in p I i: ck A -peci4m..Qgo, a a controlled, nonmili- self teaching Ralph Xjl� ji how ars 4K an d- to play the position, and incl- t is pitictor. It 0, dentallyi how --to take --Phillips's I lira. -kes some - POO AWPA �ann un wWVt s idned along- here ' for ni stymewhex6 44rhiff the Kiner in- Be t th Y_ structional period Jack emerged of at -,al recovery 0 110 d, Produc,, all it corj� d f fr. as ei more bdo I I cancer, rhoamUttigr 0, WAS-1stieffatiagriallLch tbiw , r,heumuti- heart diagnosed as inycorcible, The proce i called breeding; with Ralph I didn't get much dislocated h WI a4 i clog et, is to ad 1 51.1 in !10 1 G., , , . 't realiza Sd .% tial ttil it source o;. ke for it Through pr a y e r f u I living of pure ah I ID 0 'alpsta 14 mee 7k re chalice to lt myself," Phil- dei I le 'I To0*.. I�R§� ite Started p a fall"Of bat- ei 11, is t Xffit;; �Jlqi�tj�qi psyefttlas come re ting practice." 1tgi&,ffo 12rayancept tit, or• and, by art V .1 w e.. ley : i'll, X!81, O'vlej ,,,Ngrned Th h r '. 4 th"Itilmeglikye; tAjHPIIAr0J NvLrd u means PvAlI A1040 OesperateXy in need ':P,0k61,..X I thi 51 g, the ceg. tCudw.ptiv ofaijalionzoic of fif�ftrsjh,F� today. Duping atfAvisti.' OTAi.mce consumed in futtftA,69,00rureac- JP,.Ct;tiQrJW poilialtal.e*e ecti 'Ji," one t) stj:,IBch Phillips Of !O%ei4WbnVbi9W*"trle power recalls tile CTIJ enip oved 13 dif- 11yearn- H" twoty�d 0 ibfw- a iye. is Y ferent pitch8w, a 1� y be gAef c6 e, At , J.,t � Ja N�l b 'e. lhu .10A flul Out ebvisoci 9 v 174 te,po S a "One daYv, wo­were getting t� . " 6 �,"6 M11W Offly power: - beatell, ibad4% So,.,niany of our Tviiikej�el . V �! to ,Di f-CiIis&P, dw ffig=8; provide And - pitchers -rs�, liqem1knocked out Her' Sdf89rV111t ' tb­W1`eL­fM By. And- aij 'that%,fdoll *i;aIXJxn;hWifli provide, . out, joehl odt glC,,j4,,C that aleii . abQ the 'riddle of t theno rue, eyor I �m ...... M, 61,d w '460 practically the only ones left in I ont. owo,%Wolf � otmt.111 Z.1161111P I Tab4__aPq t that the dugout. Finally Ile- sent me price" I'll., JIT11 i il us co"16ql%"down to tbe� bullpen to vi;arm up. t rilii0ifir%, V11r, the unmg 1.13 p icir meat is not that a s&ff of cheapi "I got,iii,.tbat day and pitcht'd army in Korea with Lloyd's of power suddenly has been drop-' five innings against the BravQ& London, Officers tire insured for ped into the lap of mankind, but, BUCky Walters was With them iC5,0Qj[6=eadI;=,�-G:0ZS Srtd_.o*pr_ .�;thnf.a Pheriorlidiftil —`"�n that I as a coach and after the game ranks for inallcr amounts. Nvord eirrinol, We�%ARW — A11 - I had shown enough phenornmilil power na he told me The Turks �.Wa insured their to colivince-,hi soldiels 11gaillst vzp jury iecome I could make lnal 1:1 Uvaflakjp�__jo L .1 - , Mincipl it as a pitcher."After that I spent when tit wivrr MR floNtrin three straight days in the bill]. Doren. #,11, Al"IdYed' - safely . ..... 1" he i r4c.4111anti Ira 't te5­ But 'therl. 'S L" appeAed a, ances on record, Maureen Hurley, For S "t though M�9140rlpg,oac*'Phillips blonde Irish actress, insured tier at I — . INA 1 nareii I sex appeal for i�5,000. Mary Home R � kv ,homa,*Rri ftw..as q I I y d 1 . Sinke, a Dutch hairdresser's Too- pelled,-,O ala 11 t pn ther- del, Insures her hair for 01,000 after Fgj s3 4 ullp n at an annual premium of X3. :getting ready to go rn again st An American strip -tense dancer the Gifibu. - liket ould flr'� ­'ko A; A that , I, Historic Calf -��,T�,,p tity tcqbeq-b6Trvjn America from frozen rah his warul-,up throws the a her curve,, were her forture insured her bust Semen is shoWn"WiliA hbr­r�other on Hill's Form. With th on!gp a �olihd filiQelt �rtfdring V ga' 1: against risk of accident or disease. ,rrrr-1,10P grAlf0gl, eedIng And in the U.S. lathers call be jpt"� LeftV Pir6 45 d 'Li3l Je,th?9t lilintific I recouped for I small annual pre. I e - 0 IK� *VP; §11P dontli for the orale when their daughters mar. Stud y of Genetp,rf-1fi fgthor"Pjwyad, Autcossful the procesill 17Y, Payments begirallheA the girl 6 V, Nillipt' gRld rue- A tWO Years ola'aAd the insur- Inifed,"t I . will -eon fewer bul bettor sires 'Will be used to produce many fully, down to Ounce coo w d mono; producing better e1"iry.ptVc(VCls,, Na" 17, the table. the bullpen again.,, ding bills 41TStA*1 IPTNT ar"I r - This is the sad tale of a ball. - 01` morq ow" 1p"'Lvenson.-y Byer who was too good — well, or his own goodc,W,otheFw��as Os6d of *yl�g Tpqularlyr t wag _. . he would' refer, Low about a character WW' did" Wl needs well as a Jack-of-all-trades tkab in nU%1­#ISe,h&dbes-a1bit of pine lie never got a chance to settle hitting; 141AI-ti.1, -rW— T 1. down and become a highly .paid .1100 0 r"ir.' %,mak _11. I master of one, Frank Wa*map, In a recent articlMlibils, aiTCU11*1 Ailly On be nip "iRling-s"'w-ell JacklePhilUpsdtncc.a6igticiaguettt� he is known 'as ?Rei' Sbk' one-man team. Goo but now 4w&-varIOU& ahoXeSnhilr -1 yrrInAn, 1511 diN infield or outfi& the Hollyj(&d §itati;iloqt qi;Ajthes�,,.t-botft: _brSt10#nj Willingly Ja Pacific slope. Phillips of the Hollywood Sta V 4' Versatility, within proper 1=2' -10cs Goodman one better In a 'aition'to everything Billy can d its, can be a IPWI14ps, also pitches, greatest asset. Carried to excess, AN OP)MA it) ;Very, Invento at 0111, bo-wevke,. it eaVibdcome a serious Thus far, this'season Holl 1P I ,n cyll SALEDS woods He Int,-Utind-has pitche B*1A=;­0r-d base player who can go in and do it Aj �aj )F5nFWJej " ei)d4i4 J9 at ' Ilo1Vop,.l15aq;1tj M lie als 41ayed id A . oral 'jositions deprives binaself 'e. - conte- - outfield s if needed, he,couldgo back the "I �p,siuqh,,pae Aist, made hjri� - t06 LOgnifM Abblitl th(I'Maly thing Phi velffalymds lips has n?t done ip catch, al hMay" gl ltlqu;ld tnhat befo what is called bench insurance., he finally gives tip. baseball I, 1,311al J"tr_­ N 111S ,J, 403tDONGOW.'011 I. During the years he., was with Brooklyn Eddie Millais IcaitMA "' - . r '- flj' "Nofflyt JJPA�ib'64pluy no ibis hard lesson. ,,5o dicLBob_Ra- caYi,! .just as long as I play," Phillip .. adiWitied., "In:thu- Mallors it's dif do so many things well the St. ferent. Up ftrj� to pla Lous Cardinals would not think ,'Ry�t,like one positiorr. e' cast Leagu of "wasting" 4$ �S, ? in .7'v,, o �ghkfp$ters are smaller. The r81 range T-- 'ViASSIFIED, A0VER-T1S-11N1G1.­1.____1 IS on bead. r I 40ONTS WANT __ I "fix ANWO womilt); OU, GREASES, TIRES EEA 4AORESSER tsA1NTa and variliallm. electric motors, 1potkloa) d6119 CANADA'$ LBADINO 90101001, 2pliances. li�Jebotl Wisla, I �0!10� aerp want w to. A. ore at opportunity I.enrn Spiro F 0 00,011, Limited. Toronto. Pleasant, djanwoo p=44, good 049001 • PAST CUIUIL$ Tholleandu Of jauccomogin!ln4EaB AM, ;u pJuIY-Ausu4t bmilor., %'a All quite as much astaby a. tfgive Prompt shipment. Wide all Dice, ARVID1, HArRI)RESSINO $011001'a a, started. Avt�tl4y, J 20 John 11511, Oloor St. W., Toronto oranabew Ifunliton. I 44 91 12 alnPR St" rt4tlll 0aliC# WOUS are going 41'. Do.!t )UNN Jilt. electricity, aircraft, and the radio !aur to- buy, Weiw bo day 010 1,",a !L PATENT '1y 1.AN '10.45pet'-hundred, b."ArAilla in started S. 4 +wanks ala. Also uon•arxed and cockerel AN OP)MA it) ;Very, Invento at 0111, turkey laalts, ol )Or pullets, vantictia and fill) Information Beat Ms. asay Co„r� Reglotered Patent Altn 1P I ,n cyll SALEDS ;Wpn 0, 278 U, . root. Ottawa. Ontario and into at SAN, or Cabinet, far any oup, 00�1 vWt q or ­Tt. far PrIee. ,rte„ It, TMAR=- a will h real money this 11 wool m P a A y. Paten Attorneys. Esta 1800. 300 Fall A.., Winter. Don'tmiss lett, P` at delivery runs any street. Toronto. Patento all coglattlem, Nobrailkart, whim H.o3land, Baltavilio IWIIIIA, non -sexed, hens, Come. Write for til � r ..let Peters .0 tow started tgpctaya IN— T,;rb.y INdeAlunt off the WOMAN WIshing'lo Ilvi Old � In dimtlutlji� A press. like to Purchase small Italian, In desirable TWED111-11 -111-'% IIATI-11BRIUR LTD. F�'Kna locality. Where supialao readily obtainables or to bear from someone no located who Ontario -- would take a paying guest. No annalshis, Oyls&o AND CLEANING o0seAtial Box p',ightoopth Street, New TO; t%,g ari HAVE vol) anything needs dyeing or clean. less -Write to lie for lisrormation. Wo if desirous at ridding sourpelf. of ere glad to answer vnur nuestione. Do'CIGARETTE tAirtmea, S n,., T,[hit.6 ADDICTION r81 range T-- doft the near Way, Tobacco Milmleator FAILV FOR an,m rla , satisfaction or morloy-back" guarantee, Ivor free booklet write C. Icing GALE PharmacalCnrpm•n tion Ltd., Box. 073, IF YOU'RE in'. fa"On. asp arae,' London+ ont. enquire at J J. UoArd­b. RmItor, I Arooist str"'t. 1'Celpli. $1.00 TRUL offer TwonlY-nv. deluxe onincludea.- person.;) ISOuImpperim. Latest Catalogue The &Badico, Azpcy,. Sax 124, Tormintie. To a �o,.,Dat leCRx _ SH CORN Yono Druggist sell. CRIESS. i FOOL YOUR FnIFUNDS1 Letters rammiled REGNA CASH REGISTERS 26c. Five for a dollar, IjDat,jaj Patna to Honeymooners. Sleepy nallra, Ntqt.l. Lit. tl6tO)L Now Ifarmabire, AJI-at. Hard operated trmchino that z1vea automatically stamped a&. mmPt a 6 911 1, Bil BUT Braided Nylon Fishing Line. direct -Aerk and 9 distribution keys. 3 61ourn. from Manufacturer. Basal) at amazing Ellectrie models LVftllMble Write for fol. pr,*.,1.1u. 1,0 I.Opqlats .1 sport men, Fees der and Prima. Business' rasuipment Va. 4. , 1. 1 an, ..... unring."732 L.fo.. Chinos. 480-R King St W., Toronto. Laine, Drummondville. Quebec, RMSIGILT -.in am tore. all mikkell POROM11 BU-thday., Bto? Lot hII it Intnind sea a W, 'lays ahead: too a tel It and Izm.- Nn D^ urive bot With each anteni 4_31100� Frivain'lok," Liylnri�GUJ— x._Ts.1 nam -line. Prime 1500.00 to 9x. 000.00. Al.. Hoitter Street. Philadelphia, pelm.ylvanl4, grain binders RenN-b]Cton, Omt, Planne Bolton 1276, WANTED Tnung. atteartiva vorown to 23., na Hotapkri for "0". need .4-11 meaftillolls made looking, num and lovely Ili Year daughter. or k,Y halt) charm. Yotir 'OXYO Plas"Ible future pm,.rI.RA. Stanley Qi 20, ­ ' 1llge �.stFT, ".. 424 New T"]e EDtCAA, -NEW .ruga. made React thi,-Ijgly ruffs or f'Rittannotiq �. : Wo.11aa. Vv,lt, far catalogue andlories O$L�, Dominin nuq P.ImA, or Lod, lau I' 14 y i'mcwti qattyp 77 -1111.s I an, E % MU4kb'S OUG"I'(6k 383 Etdr air W seat TUU 1,,, 14 11 10JIA apother 11gke.j.u�ardlca Jae a qsfp� N V "EvLOVE alje�jatZl 'man call, nei eviel-trit witt, OU vy, ,mr­bly4r.,toata iT Who Ponothld in 'plain .4.... W-111'", POST'S CHEMICALS 10 ? ISO qunko. ST PAST rhos, Wstlis, up lour liver bile ... POST'S ECZEMA SAL jump out of bed Valid, to to 11 UANIS13 the 1-tirromt at dry ecjy$�_ask 1 And reetfila ship trouble. P- �, -�krxm. Halve WIUe not 118RDDaint "-t Worta living it may be the liverl t'a't ?sell If Year liver bile Is not -Owing your food may not digant $O)L, ctobtns. Ispalkniv. J� I P mzcm.. Acne, "nawor") p1mvim em' MA& tht ma, will . . . gas bl. up your atomach A.. you Anne 41 ated and all the ran As ago out ±etmnnd readily t, rbe ,at,,... ndorteee ,,intmem retalrdlea, ef, flew mmVbbatea . e -hey, Of life, That'. when you a an a, gentle Little Liver, 'a. u Coiter. *Vou I 4mm t 191!y wk k" PIUVE UAW t -L -3i JAR �bll, once again all . tjjr _ I P__ �t�L, �!!ip_ —.a Arm PANI - Free ,a 'Recslot 61 Etta. 849 9 n Rt 0 rlarre, Naga% 'ea C=0141��`:ftAdTi larmin on bead. Bough si 1A7 --able. Ill'I,19y P11--litlar, Or Al% -y ,'ream limpa.v,d- 2 Court, Jar wvv j.-we'TIRED 'Foo re !2.00. Fully W.Mrs. NT t A,,N A D A %; f 110l'13 .,Y ard,' to Tnn 41VV (a.. 4952 \d,th-Tffffe A ­ea: 21dintrea -l"' I LL nZ TINE ,,f,,F,vj,3+p4y,pt. a 4it tan -down now and gn, firp,4ft hem -headed, and maybe ff"t ' —that will change the face."idl, the world quite as much astaby s Y aci Perhaps nothing invention in the history of mabt-1 4 a temporary toxic starting With the wheel and rtjn- ning on down through dis7 ,,q excess acids and a time i,t to take Dodd's such coveries as the Steam engine, tLjhsates IU0; pillk %d dil'tWnhilato the kidneys, electricity, aircraft, and the radio Ir.A04(to 4h0purelititre0eir normal action of wave.TinF easels A and wastes. Then vona itleli work better, ­"Gnil Dodit,'1Cidney4j6s now. Look for thphlLp bmtwith the rid band at .11 SAFES, lim I'd up wad Protect loll, dilutis and CASH from Vials and THIBVISS, We have a alas, P and into at SAN, or Cabinet, far any oup, 00�1 vWt q or ­Tt. far PrIee. ,rte„ It, Drof W, I ea"gill si awi.TAYLOR LIKIT03,x K' Ila TORONTO. SAFE.awo,RK& til , Cornnts it vae. the ;Whl With And Palo or par, on 41 lana 'y rua fom still .1 n baellac. of U...0lut. Be. !� , A by tile uat,,b. on. ."It, ;dMVE 4 si "!e all"Ute 'on cives4wours mater Got L, 11111t rIgh ii:rq, e .,rant P'm , A211i, —4,0E., a., 51 .0 Harness Sh at I, 1 Supplies. We ta 9.0 only hitt', N through your local shacog", hot goods dealer. The good, are right and so ere our price&. We at ... %C. maf lure in ?'u',l`­'f" priest Harness Hcpjp.� S panda, HOr30 Blankeig� j, fil. I 0jLf t. , and fe r art' , the, Trav . ing Goods. Ilisim' eL a". �,'Ccc, -,.ad Tr.a,,I.r W'�'066ch, -7 on4'you got satisfaction. Ma e dffly*2' '0MU tR It tip ;Jpiatv L;IRv, e viry 14 1 at, itit M rr NT t A,,N A D A %; f