HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-6-24, Page 6sat, ,Ire.
as' irtid of :acing my husban
make eyes at any passing woman,
an I atn of his describing all the
pretty girls he saw downtown to-
day. Maybe I'm old-fashioned,
or supersensitive, but I think lie
is shameful for a man to admire
any od tbnle' i v11Gt#. 7
nitf dl tt ethec'AIt
tslft�s g;tg..like 1+*i1ie, Ti t I
do know t leeeare. Their
wives clot} 4 Zeb4 , h. and,
of cotd'*e 1 '
a„_ 't�l1e�,t�,ter; but
1 felwttc rttatti rtktil to sting
fore ,1b!11 ii;'” belies in t a:
W a q. .t .. ft`•
stn ..,ire rot husband
truss::•tut felt Conceited mouth
to think I'm more attraet_v&
than most women. If I ant con-
tent juet to admire him. why
.•an't 'e :ani i !westering eye
yIiFe'iCT'STE )`°
• 1 am ye.a .,.1.
get 'e....n eas'+..r 10
m: 4s
▪ t u tier d chi".
" ms s 'eau *.
hf•-4i?1,a H: . ..
tit; '; to , t
• be sere a .w t
• r f. l
• stat „•
keit to 1,ur-
ao-e i1 further. It is wlzeu she
* sees evil in his inclinations
• that he !cern to congal his
thoughts, and then indeed they
tnaemt Alto a secret pas -
* Many a wife (including toy-
• seifliltt 1 d ;to admire beau-
ty in o , r ,woman, and even
• calls r ts; id's attention to
* her, Do you think for one mo-•
• meat that she doubts him" -
* Many a wife. as loyal as your. •
• self, , stall takes a ,second °t
glance al an attractive man.
* Uu i cm think that makes tier
• love her husband less.' What •
s it dc',• prove is that she is a
" human as he t.. and .ebeessot:ld
not hesitate to adinit it
' 1 eesepeer sett will tot net-
' lies( *hat i Baty; you do not .
m we:et-Ake - ind rt may stock
• ems' we; muesli. A. you dunk
• it over thiro sih. I hope ye'•, wait!
• -•eill:e 'o- a e'iia'. it is to
ei ,.
s C 11 ,rt, red
gs :free.
^- as• i.: i .:'e t . ....,.;, and
rez e teas assea:d
s t :,r4..,, Rohr
'i ..le. lar �:y err sz a -:.ones
. i.rne and
• He te as tt e 'z nt
f he i, not
, bring
S5 e
axtIrle. trm...ign.1 hope
• a,_ s,..... g+i a -r hear_
,a e y are sure ate at
• zecs.tirres y e ,. rad .1steoed
'tet' b T- s '. a'".:.rg you
• a^ ss e.e neer: spared ail tats
(hien trouble comes. turn to
Anne Hirst. She is safe to con-
fide in. and will advise you wise-
ly and with sympathy. Write her
at Box 1 V13 Eighteenth St„ Sew
Outstanding Woman
608 Of This Century
Vt a ▪ th., most outstac.ding
woman of our twentieth century`
lrrtaetge. would say Helen Keller
t'a ydeat and blind Aerica
f ;i.tthm:(
oress and lecturer, who will
e seventy three in June. Thi,.
1>'rrgta+31laifgt blew -eyed woman
who Lea't'ns}itt her friends are
t saving br peeetiif"' r lirignrs an
fGWidY�> iv,,Weir lips radiates happiness and
1 , res I am prepared for a
DIJTCii DELIGHT lery your . ' ecru!wshove."
riteliefi line is. You ve never seen ' \intik ry sn sa� d that she and
tuctritav sparkiitie deri'gee: Th$i t,.,. Ittalst Leon_ 0 t
ol'we've he -most famous
.ofe are , ori.: i '-et1 vj, tulip reds a Pgr,so alitip of the nineteenth
Oceati=bItl sewsette' fu1 corninri 0' r ttt4 •. Site , has raised, sinee
:tion to r*fre.h gree'•kitchen; Nall then, a fund of a million dollar.,
embroider, ai �3oty,elaete,he American blind. When
mat n pothOlder, tablecloths, place ay i e (lien al 1 -Si I1eLandrl. she learned
German. Her
Treasure. trove •ofmities! Teh'tr indomitable will power has en-
eoloelell iron -en motifs,in Patten( t• :bled her to ;overcome her en -
608 From' x4 to 2't4staa inches._'1'-'ortnous physical handicaps.
Send TWENTY - FIVI;'"CIF'N7'11'1,
In coins (stamps cannot be enesie-
eepted) for this pattern to Bose 1,
123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto
She has given us this piece ot
eadvice: "Use. your eyes as if to-
- morrow you would be struck
blind," When ,her was introduced
Ont. Print plainly PATTERN'? to Einstein In Neytl York—she has
NUMBER, veer, NA1%UI and Alii t met most of the world's great
DRESS. • -- e i men and women --Helen Keller
.EXCITING VALUE! Ten, yes 1 touched his head.
TEN popular. new designs ,to rro- 1 "How vividly I recall his eeui-
ahet, sew. embroider. knit—print- ; pathetic handclasp, his reserved
Rd in the new 1953 Laura Wheeler t almost shy manner . , she said
Needlecraft Book. Plus many I afterwards,
snore patterns to send for—idea». t She put ht r ringers on Caru-
tor gifts, bazaar money-makers. i so's lips when they met for the
fashions' Send 25 cents for your t fil•st time and he "poured his got -
tope! y''
'' deil"troice" into her hand.
Rini, . +Cfr )-di §fW. sus 1 '-
fo' r. I r t REA>a
res ti PPC ,m' w w „ ma. 500.s' - a
'tie leen°tt l'oses:et 'f P.P4ikier-RING
tem 11, iy/Lsifaautttl'h1't .tri1Slas' tri c. once -sifted
tesP att(gehll,%a b.once-sifted hard-
' hear', our , a tsps. Magic.Paking:,Ilow-
-der, le tsp. baking soda, i/ tsp, soli. ?l
tsp,.,ground cinnamon, 14 is ground
ginger, 1 ' tsp. grated nutmeg. Cream'( c.
llizt'Gee,11i reaitg&r'"itit 'and blend in ei c.
lightleepseekech brown sugar; gradually
beat tri 1.' well seat:en egg and eine. m las-
ses t✓tirmbinr i9,"butterniillt and tap.
emelt*. Add dry ingredients to $reamed
mi (tura. alternately. with liquids=: end.',
spread : batter in greased 8" angel rake
pen. Enka- in rather slow oven, 325"e
about 50 miea. Servo with hard sauce
which lure been (favored with grated
orange rind. Yield: 6 servings,
rQWD1t :
w..111i'A LMAI zi M°f
Refugee -And Friend -Dazedly clfriginlg t'1S"itis Alli dog 'after a
flash flood in Darmstadt, Germany, this box _sits in what used
to be a room of his home, which was pgrtially,•wrecked by
Hoed y+'alers, No drownings occurred when a nearby,: river •
eserflowed: oel many rich farm .plots were; 'ripped 'aup.
Haut 0.
Tough Use For Nylon
P e 1; t' l heavy.
ata the se•eiregiy rqpe. hay-
T t
youre tory ed are feebleg
danly fn.. 'lady r.* torist,' Novi
t Ly a'e- ...thing 1 .n•-. tv.pe of
;, .o.:.
' But don't, mink ,d1W at tite
ruggedness needed to pm! a Car
' , ;t of the duce Se being sacri•
taed This .arae yet satire fibre
see tl- shoes tap an .heel'. soft
`ineease has been webbed into
.and which supports right thou-
sand pounds. And it's hardy ad
rth and three quarters w,de and
e.:s than an e ie.htli .5; inch
t t
gd,opltree P Ctaele
'd•rla . ".'aF.,l rlr r, +'. '11t .-
rDva`°iflier'rilesDiisuftee prieplti on
sant! ivlio rlar'� t toed very
1`ilted1 hat'rf lilt yt'ctv$* » We ex-
t4ter,t ekt "tq, .k,appbte select"-;weget
Maoctr4o •lt. Bstt, •when animals get
s It} act .rtk?t±t 1t o s0.1e1fittalite else
is ain1iAnjl Qui ,j1111 3a,1�e, :ale very
"{ ctl 1.11t pilstute eeq sq het, the,
ratdiriaafhit g "but etiud' and the
phor oTows^''anile"(! litetttid all
day, ' mttnediing" 1m1f-honrtedly
' einem and tllesuorlleokingafor a dry
slept ,spineeplegeseverlt are, they can
lie down and chew their: cud
in peace and comferlse,Btt;te there
are no dry spots, so the cows
keep• wandering, Af" milking
time,"just as Shite es they net in-
; ^td"the''stable""theyftop�>dowm in
tht+i'r reia111s Witt a""sigh °uf re-
lie!f,'And of c3uive' they are very
dint':' their 'flunks and 'udders
need a lot of washing" before
the,eows are fit -to be milked. At
; thistlti.meeof the year,' .after the
evening, milking, the cows are
I usually rturnelicrniut rto'pasture
ag'ain,• the gapct''closed Pid there
1 'they , erifetaisk ' uh'ttl eafly morn-
ing. 13iltrrc'flfts' r spnIng"" I''alrtner
l��'� On'S . Sh; s Are I loaves the-•gap'o+fieh. Iti`tlte morn -
beg he :finds -all tea• cows -'ht the
morn -Crossing': barnyard :where •it••is (compare -
j to ely :. dry ,.and sheltered. Of
gourse. this arrangement; avid the
tiredness of the cows, is all due
10 the excessive wet weather we
have bad now for several •weeks.
Each -day we look •at the land and
think it couldn't get "any''tvetter,
short of- as flood e•-• and Then it
rains,. again: Even' the eats are
tired. Black Joe and Mitchie-
White areseised•t-o hunting in the
fields.. for mice .but -no self -res -
peeling. cat enjoys getting his or
her feet wet, -so the - cats stay
home whetg„they are sure- of a
bed and boerd -without disco/is- Y
fort. What flee sytice,.are•.doing we
have no way of knowing — prob-
ably drowned, tri their .j ucrows.
'One species of,1;vpgtpel „how- -.
ever, seenee quite conitnt,— and
that 'is the epmnidn lrottaefy, AP-
patenty {1' y5sav, to;,thefitrselves
sh'ould"1s e y ort- ,about
the weeehet b;'ira ra•plenty of
good picking around the house.
Sb they''' watch their, opportunity
Mid et'211 'lime a door is opened
aMrdther liundreil"or "so come in.
I getethe-in k,Ifled •orf 'hut almost.
before eithey` arts swept' uh rein-
forcements ar'riVe. 'As* for the
garden:.. ;`vegetable garden we ,
have -none. The flower -bids we
work at for an'hotti or two be-
• 'i1rz. •arant,:aeturt e Of :id, so-
raled tow 'rope" have it alt
t neatly- rolled. up in a coanpate
, box. Tile band is 16 feet long and
ha a methe fixture at each end
n it can be attached easily. The
n ax. i; 'saf if sells for about the
piece e+f being' testi eeg twice
Incidentally , there's aututhel
recent application of nylon.
You'll see it turning up -soon as
a . apen mash in ifpner, of i••nnis
A, -testate shis,e, 'nldnutec truing
nrsztj as stswx d .putting them or, I
.rhe market It says the shces wilt 1
pro idea plenty of ventilation for
fee' srramblihg after a smash
to the far corner of the codrt:
The shoes are white. of • ourse,
and in oxford style.
Why ase they" rising- iryti,n f'a
th.s.:webbixagjob?'Well, the firm
t...' aye that because sisyloe is tough-
! eC than other fibres, it allows a
more open mesh and thus,
greater Ventilation - without
.,arrifl.•in:: strength. -•
U?wsl ;in J tynzuuUt, ,adjoining
the spot ,from which the Iltay-
tlower sailed in 1G20, a 150 -year-
' •dld fafiiily concern le now con-
.dueting 'a roaring. trade' with the
L.$. and many- other markets
titling converted' its. -of old bat•
tl' whips, , ,
Today this, aetierity iy a tar bet-
ter proposition than the original
business; which consisted in mak-
ing wooden buck, is and milk
resume. ;:r,5' -,
' As 'naval :vertices of Akio early
nineteenth centime- r'eaeh break-
ing -up stage, the firm steps in
and buys the timber ;and metal--
w o r k. Three-maettW a'srteering
wheels are turned iffid" coffee
tables. runs ^trdrfols" ffomt men -es" -
war are made+into .eogktail ca-
btnets. old shipy f,.pavigation •
lamps areseeonv,,rted to o,htrll and
porch light Ancient decks sup-
piy tllousanMMst iiiif3ei' knives,
i ashtrazeget td iesees env- rends; while
; old leather carteidge•eases emerge
as umbrella.,gtendy,-
Inscribed with deal,' and da
sails of the p js.ft9m which they .
come, these articles have a world.
wide mtirket amr'ne antique
• 4656 2—s,
j TWO main .pattern part;, Mr
{Ile sundress, ONE main pert for
-1. the bolero! The EASIEST of put.
thee, mat sewing. Gayest, most
useful. fashion its any little girl's
warm -weather wardrobe. Choose
a pretty cotton, add contrast rick-
rack 'round the hem, pockets,
Pattern 485f1.. (:hildrett's Sizes
2, 4,. 0, 8. f Le 8 dreg.:Pe yards
35 ineb; bolero. 5s, yaiad.
This eaters.' easy 10 use, sinr-
pie to seri'. 11; tented for fit, Has
tromplete illustrated inetruetions.
Send T>6 UEIY , FIi!1C .CENTS
(35e) in mine (stamps cannot bn
aecepted) for this pattern, Priest
Send Order to Box 1, 123 Eigh-
teen St„ New 'Toronto, (hit,
Supplies al 'faw't`tiiaiertal rd
twined on hand'-rtut'far '400 •totis
of timhen*ff.'eanl - old-.battleships
sufficient to provide 7,000,000
sou yes) pppkinyings.-
,,1-.sc,.tion of ui5e el Nelson's
ships serves es an anvil base
44 firm i,orlubinn: And the
showroom floor was emee''pare of
the (leek, etw Genman•battleslrip
Quicker Method For I
Stsiri:i'tfig Cuffings," 1
There's an easy and improved I
method of starting roots on
braprh cuttings ftonf, ordinary 1
plants-Borticulieeisfs' who have
tried 0 are leen on the results.
Alt yogi 'do'' is take a small
sheet mi..polytthene-: film about
seven-inabee • square. You can
-buy eheet polythene in dry-goode
stores. or easier still. use that
which is appearing -more and
more these days as wrapping for
fruits and vegetaletes.
Squeeze .•a, handful ot wet
sphagnum moss ltrhtly to re-
move 'water and place it on the
polythene film. Make your trott-
ing' m tit' usual manner and
nestle,.. the base nearly to the
bottom of the moss. Bring up the
side+,d' of `htiIythfwu and place a
rubber band •around' their, so as
to enclose: the ball of nio**. The
upper portion of she branch and
the leavee err, not covered by
the polythene, of'etitirse.
Now plat;*: the wrapped plant
in high Menially and keep the
tetiiperatut't bbout an even 70
degrees Fahrenheit. No watering
wilt..be,uer,deit..durissg..the two or
three Werk, rcquia,rt for' root
* I uxitss p
s eplaj'le,prlvantstew? pf ttti. nmeth-
od are these: The tune of root-
ing and quality of the roots can
bcn"s"een ed fly through the 'poly-
eselefe a and'-theessuttintl1eeeifl root
a little: faster than bench eut-
•, eings g1Pde ak•, the. same time.
Angqtl rr rs ti ee, disease is less
'`likely tit occur hi thi.plants,
Here is anothei.' use for poly-
''tlhenein'horlfeuIttire: Before you
go away` ore ert;catlon-this sim-
mers wrap a• sheet of Polythene
around a flower potand bring
ttie gnda, togethee,i', securing them
with an shuttle band at the base
of the plant, this way, the pian(
Sart go tar mete than two Weeks.
without watering.
1810,1* *8 — 1868
tween -• showers"if i1 ik' possible t;
burrsome of Hie bedding plants .
hatten'ebeeh'"plit.out ypt. Part-
ner dug up a small border at the
back 'Of the' house for rimy gera-
niums — but, the.geraniums are
still in their pots. And so it goes
Today the sun is shining and
eeatbel'-iookos mprtn
%sithng-wtl}an 11, has;dnr forore a weeko-
Ilitil' :It so RAnejeue • .
No}y.,heral is something l: have
been,, meatugg .tq paas••alor'g for
egsne vfeeks eeeiust leer folk who
art interested en -first .aid for fe-
lutes ,Mitchie-White., over a '
month ago, got,into,an argeiment
R ilh •, visiting• oat; - who left -
,>aViifclliie with a elesh wound on
the -hack'-of hid. neck about as
big ;aa a -quartet: It wetted' have
healed" gnitesdash.*' +eSteept' that
avow ,, time,.- a' arab' formed
Mitchie promptly ecsatc'hetl it off
Main, leaving the placetraw and
bleeding. This went on for three
or: four Weeks, 1 was at a loss to
know what to dowilitlt t ef.'t y'loll t, t4 lvete ir'rctd1 ill say? Probably
dusting powder ht ped the placeynen, th+ t Istoty of the British
to heal, but the healing was not ei5l'f 11a' ;•1 new monarch been
sufficient to withstand .k{tteas p ille l'hfW d1 and, m the case
scratchiu4; 01 vicious claws --tt a3813101118hst3l 111., never has praise,
and a ears head and neeleegap' t beets esenseell*doser'vt:d. So now,
hardly be bandaged without epave a ssetea i 01,y gay in all sincerity
cementing the cat. I am sure hod B .ss .fylizabeth long
Mitchie would have strangled'flee
in ve bit. N "
himself in tie bandage, But olid(: s t ('4411 !T� _
day I hit on a wonderful saline"! 1. $11lti i1ii5' MOiui PAY 1'0S
tion, Instead of bandaging 11 d. 1 Three* w FEET 1VASB8WW
Mitchie's head 1 bandergedt that, iriegilnee oa3rahlt queerest strikes
foot! Yes, indeed, 1 wound good, oceuroge r41•Austr•ia. when, due -
strong, sugar -sack cotton around ing sxetr ile s pageant, a'bisha
his foot, and then adhesive tape !J,lad ifferange to Wash, ceremoni•-
around the cotton to keep it bu't '11 iuslly,•1'i,he (feet of twelve aged
-- and it really worked, in twoe .ai$eht Itlivad ale annual affair, and
ways. Mitchie was so busy trying ,nihetsartse dsvclye had been select -
to chew the bandage off his foot,. ,epelefozalyecieseeSuddenly, in the
he forgot about his !lead"most of txud}e of tete .ceremony, they
the time and when he lsrefagd' 1;o allow their feet to
bered he found there wi1's'gttful 13eN sl'ted`fif higher pay was not
thing to scratch with. Naturally is ;givene s•and -cthe 'organizers were
the unsightly sore spot soon-beso-sscared.ghats the show would
gan to heal, Now the flet' .lieg,e „beras'pgt'l.1t t:tllatsthey agreed(
started to grow; tin ,foal has
been released from els' bandage ' i t .r" -^
-•-• after being re-bandagFF1' 'a i d " Mf RRY'' MENAGERI E
couple of times Mitchie had sue- r _'
ceeded in pulling it off with his
teeth, Now we have a haply, ,, •t
respectable looking cat °pre
more, Then, just to keep in prac-
tice, I had io do a little first`s:-fh
on myself. First I jammed a Rig• -t
ger in. the furnace door, •(then'
while cleaning winylpws, al,afeli,..
backwards off the step-}addee,r
The resulting injuries were in-
convenient but not serious.
Before this gets into print the
Coronation will be over. Yours
may have noticed I have said
very little about it in this col-
umn. Notetheougt>redechs -oi in-.
terest but because so much has
been said by so manyt.:itliifff was .,
"No, the -tilts, I couldn't eat a,
thing--mdwed Smith's lawn on
:7.11 ' the way over!„
y y_ o'i
HOT STILLS'.t`c 'tthie to
with wonderful new fasi'•acting`DRYYEAS$I
2fcafureentglarge howl;.% cult
lukew.frzit yv&tar, l'tSfi.-gradtl-
latad sugar: stir until sugar is
dissolved. Sprinkle with 1 en-
vitf bir taI�{c%s4 i,4n i1'in�'s1�1§f eis•t
ing Dry Yeast. Let stand 10
minutes, T11jN stir ws4ll.
Scald 1 c, mil aaiiiastii$i'a
granulated sugar, try tsps. salt;
cool to lufigalrr'1Fc 7/&1d t6,1yer tli
inixturp4uut stir in % C. lulce-
warm^i'vgter. Beat in 3 c. once-
siftet(bread flour; heat web. Beat
in 4 fes: nieaf'U 11Orfenieg, Work
in 3 c. more once -sifted bread
cads mienseneso
rf' is t',Ie •sllk> 3lle tel,
�ritrr:311; ttleyketted hinter•
ar sl'ortcning. Cover and Ict'itr'
ss. in place, free from draught.
1,t.'„•se until doubled in bulk.
utrett down dough in bowl,
seiop and. let rise again until
Iyailoiil$led,. I'uoclr down
ugiteandretl utifeelfdis'
itee. Cdi•irito'^rodnds :wrt11- _
;1Ytttcr brush sylth tno{tedrbutt r,
ar shorteeing Crease ronedeee
ddecide wtth:rt[all.sade of, lank*,
Ifftle to one"side of centra,; fold
lar halt o srtsntaiteg,ltaltf•t t*
$ ovro a:f i i t udiro,
fit la Cyt ere elfA paps,
Ctcaselope, . Co er and et rise
led,:iu bulk . Seim in
jJQelibetit, s 0iopus•
keeps fresh in your pantry!
.And k's fast-arti,ig. One
enveloe equals one cake of
fresh 'y assn in any rec e.
rOf .
:s 1.
o e Iva ti o
, -'
45.1,1 ;
'r a?9..1 �r3. •ll ut
: 9 .ta:c, y 755.1A .:.��.* a
ler 1.1111iY
>^. -3's,"17j5
e.ctile 441
Ala CM c..1 a,
0.y1*5 ,
•3,t119tl0 L,:
22i1odssd ,
• ,1 H8OGtit r , ttu:n s
fh!A C"nrory ti;t .)' tevaa:
.ut, •
nr .§
'3tdy a:.tna, a s -95 . .