HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-6-17, Page 1THE Post Publishing House Authorir,ed as second class mail, Post Office 1:lePartment, Ottawa 11611!'"J'I:!;31 100;011 WeduesdaY, June 17th, 1953 $2.00 per year $2.50 U. Z.*. The Ladies' Aid of Melville Church are holding a Homemade Baking Sale and Tea on Saturday, June 20th at 8.30 in the evening At the Brussels Public Library. Everybody Welcome GARDEN PARTY Duff's United Church Walton FRIDAY, JUNE 19th Supper served from 6 to 8 P. M. On the Church Lawn '4OLLOWED BY A GOOD PROGRAM Admission, Adults 75c, Children 40d eseettenemeten BO RN MANN — Charlie `and Winnifred Manne R. R. 1 List owel, are happy to announce -tbe birth of a daughter in Listowel Memorial Hospital, on Sun- day, June 7th, 1953. A sister for Cheryl and Sandra. BORN Mr. and Mrs, Ralp Pearson, Bra2. sels, wish to announce the btrth ot thee:. daughter Nancy Louise on Sum day, May alet, at Dr. Myer's nursing lame, Brussels. JAMES'f OWN A Very sacessful coronation .ea and bazaar was held at the home ot Mrs. Paul Adams, highway 86, soon. sored by the ladies No. 1 aerate of the Moieworta Presbyterian Church, at which a draw was made on the quilt, and Mrs. Isaac Metcalt of Glennan- an was the lucky wlneer, also sold at the bazaar was novelties, aprons Plain baking and candy. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. June 18- • 19 - 20 Technicolor "BATTLE OF APACHE PASS" John Lund Jeff Chandler Gerinimo, famed Apache, takes to the war path. It's the Cavalry a• gainst the Apache in a mountain pass. Full of action, war dances and, mangnifIcent dcenery. June 22 - 23 • 24 "OPERATION SECRET" Cornet Wilde Phyllis Theater Across the globe and back again four nations hunted. for a U. S. Marine. It's tense action and drama combined in the underground actly• ity of World War II. June 25 - 26 - 27 Technicolor Ray Bolger Allyn McLerle A famous comedy comes to the screen with eleven hit songs. It takes ue back to the horse and buggy daya at Oxford University. COMING — "LOST IN ALASKA" THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville Climb Brussels Minister, Rev. W. 14. T. Fulton 10.00 a. m. Sunday School 11. a, in, Morning 'Worship . United Church OF CANADA !Meister, Rev. Andrew Lane' Morning Worship—•11: o'clock Father's Day Service Slogan—Every father at church with his son or sons, or wane other man's son if you have no son of your °wet. .. March School — 12 o'clock Church of England Parish cf Brussels Rev. A. Norman Mils, M. A. 3rd eSenelay After Trinity Jufte 2,4et, 1958 St. Johri"s Church, Brussels - 8.80 a- fl. leloy Communion 11 a. nee Moving Pra,yeY Sunday School St. David's: Church, Henfryn- 2.8e m m 'Holy Cemniunion Sunday Schad - St. George's Churoh, Walton—. 9.80 n. m. Morning Prayer MELVILLE CHURCH On Sunday morning at Melville Church, Rev, W. H. T. Fulton based bee sermon on the words," She hath done what she could'', (Mark 14-8) from the incident at Mary breaking the alabaster lox of ointment and pouring it on the head of Jesus Also of the poor widow temowing two mites, all her living, Into the treasury. She also had done all she could, and Jesus equally commended both women. It is not the size of the gift which maitters, but the love wisieb prompts it. Are we doing all we can, and is our church, doing all it earl towards furthering the King. dom of God. The ohoir rendered the anthem, "The Lard is my Shephered" ley Mac- learrere. L. D. Thompson, organist of the. church was ;assisted by Miss Barbara Alien who played the organ during the offering and at the close of the service. INTERMEDIATE C SOFTBALL SCHEDULE OF GAMES The eollowing ts the sohedule for Groan 3 Intermediate Softball Group- ing' : June 19 --Stone School at Bluevale 33—Wroxeter at Brussels 23—Bine-rale at Stone School 2,3-EtItel at Belgrave 25—Bluevale al Bruseels 25—Ethel at Monkton 26—Stone School at Ethel 27—Wroxeter at Belgrave 30—Wroxeter at Bluevale 30—Brussele at Stone School July 2—I3russels at Menkton 3—Wroxeter at Ethel 4—Stone School at Belgrave 4—Monkton at Bluevale 7—Brussels at Wiroxr4ter 5—Ethel at Bluevale 7—Monkton at Stone School 9—Ethel at Brussels 9—Delgreve rot Monkton 10—Monkton nt Wroxeter BRUSSELS UNITED OHURCH I BRUSSELS W. 1, ENTERTAINED OBSERVES FLOWER SUNDAY 21 GRANDMOTHERS At the annual fiawer service In 'Brussels United Church on Sunday morning, June 7th, the beauty of flowers and piste combided to era- alt a meeting in the basement of the phasize the theme of the day, Brussels Iabeary, Each grand- "Jevrela of lieween." The oheneel of the churcb Was almost filled by a tall mince of crown made entirely of flowers) — lilacs in deepening shades of mauve end red and violet, with white lilacs and gold tulles aupplying lovely effects. Two sets of aerie also done in white lilacs led to the gold and white "gates of heaven" and the roar steps were' labeled Fetith, Rope, Love and Charity. Seated at aoh side of the gates were two white -lad girls, lOvelya and. Paley Chisholm who repre molted angels, The background of Trathery green cedars. was relieved by the rotor many flowers placed among it and in front were tall bus. het,: nf ii1nc, lupins and tulips, Following the organ prelude by the organeet, 1Tr Edwin Martin, a cornet duet, "How Lovely Are Ttey Dwelling' was Played bY Marion Hemingway and Keith Turnbull and as they played the junior members of the Sunday School marched into, the charch, each cariytng a tiny bouquet of Mrs. Lorne Nichol, convener of - and lilacs, which el.torical research and current ,they laid along the curved edge events, stook chargs of the meeting of the altar before taking thele and read on intereeting and humor - seats across the front of the mot "erihute to grandmothers of chrerob. During tile service they several generations ago" when 01551.11lldregon.„dl,l,gh.pfu1 chorus', "Hendo appy homnakeing was done the hard -"IOW way, The weekly scrubbing of the Two anthemei "Heavenly jewels" white -ash kitchen DOOM and the and "Pearls of the Way," -were sung by the choir of• the senior Sunday School and a double trio with Joan Thormas, Ruth Hetieingway, Agnes Lane, Joyce 'Miller, Voyce Thomas, and Lena Miller sangPaThine Alone." Rev. A. Lane wne. in charge of the service and be expressed the ap• areciation of the congregatio,r. to a NOTIC E To all Legion members. There will be a Zone District "C" Drum head Service in Tiverton on Sunday June 21. All those wishing to ga please meet at Legion Hall at 12.30 p. m. Sunday, June 21. The Legion Pipe Band will be in attendance, lets go Boys and support our Branch. Executive Branch 018 Bruesele. The alajeetie Women's institute entertained the grandmothers of the community on Thursday afternoon woolt~~..v..~00 LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONTARIO mother was presented with a rib- bonarimmed corsage as Elbe, ar- rived, Mrs. W. H. Bell, the presi- dent, was in charge of the meeting, Plane for Canada Day, Ang. 21, at the A.C.W.W. convention in T0701110, were diseaseed and it was announ. eed that the Brussels branch b.as been allotted nitre tickets. A request for 0 glom, photograph of the in. stitale for the Tweedsmuir Book has been made. and the picture was token en the west lawn of the Lib- rary. The July meeting of the brenah w'll take the form nf a family pie - ea. et Seeforth Lione. Park, nnd it is planned to invite the Craubrook Worn'tn`. institu'et Mrs. 'William raen.. Mr. real 'Hemingway and Mr.. Ber. .rohnston were annotated o pragrnm eommittee. Pure:hoses of wirtrinw enverthlia:a. and a new supply of (halm for use in the Library was 1 -It with s committee consisting of Mrs Within. Tnrubull and Ms's. H. Bell to decide before the Sato -Leather meeting, Two Shows Nightly Rain or clear — first show at dusk Thursday, Friday June 18 • 19 "THE FIGHTER', Richard Conte Vanessa Brown washing of rag e.arpets 'were nos- taleleally compared with grand- dauelhtersa, waxed linoleum and her aecuum cleaner. MTS. Wesley Kerr, Mrs. George Evans, Mrs. John WoPir and Mr.. Neleen fandetf eon. laiantad elierelite nnrohnr (led!. opted to the 21 arendrnothare nee. eat group of women who had planned Mrs. Angus Brown discussed the the decorations. On each window motto, dealing with "Character, wag a floweranade form of a star, courage, cheerfulness, and co-op. a crown and the sceptre. His ser- eratim” Mise Bessie Moses gave a anon echoed the 'theme of the day, reading. Mrs. R. W. Stetphens. who which was done in `white letters, had attended the district annual meeting at Ethel in May, gave her "Jewels of Heaven" on a rectangular background of green, report a the meeting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Andrew Turn bull, Mrs. John Wheeler, Mrs. Stan- ley Wheeler, Mrs. Eldon Wilson, and Mrs. John Spetr. Saturday, Monday June 20 - 22 "BUGLES IN THE AFTERNOON" (Technicolor) Ray MIlland PRIENDSHIP CIRCLE The Friendship Circle of the 17nit. ed Church anet iv the church par - tor on Wed., June 3rd, for their regular monthly meeting. The meet- ing opened with the theme hymn. The Scripture passage was read by Mrs. A. MeTaggart. Mrse Kellington led in prayer. The topic on "Radio Programmes" was given by Mrs. 0. ItfaClatcheon. A very pleasing piano acdo was rendered by Mrs, E. Martin. ellhe roll call was "My Favourite Reeipe". Hymn 3446 was then sung, During the business session it was decided to make a red -pe book and to sell copies of it in the fall. After the singing hymn 46 the meeting was closed by repeating the benediction. Lunch was served by tihe committee in charge Tuesday, Wednesday June 29 • 24 "SECRET OF CONVICT LAKE" Glenn Fetal Gene Tierney Thursday, Friday June 26 - 26 "CAPTAIN SCARLETT" (Tech.) Richard Greene Saturday June 27 "MARA MARU" Errol Flynn Ruth Roman fterteltZ44 Mrs, Nellie Wardell Following -an nines, of several months, there passed away on Tues- day evening, in Strathroy General Hospital, Nellie Frances Oliver, widow of the late NV:4111am Wardell. Mrs, Wardell is survived by two sons, Norman on the homestead, and Howard of Sarnia, and four daughters, Mrs. Wm. Daniel (Elsie) and Mrs. Russel Currie (Olive) of 'Denfield, R IL 3, Mrs. J. D, Sexton (Grace) of Strathroy, and Mrs. Melville Dennis (Ethel) of Grey Townehip. There are also twenty- two grandchildren and five great gum et' ree. will be held on Thursday afternoon from the Denning funeral home in Strathroy. with interment in Strath - ray cemetery. I. 0. Q. F. REBEKAH ASSEMBLY Toronto, June 10 — The coveted Decoration cif Chivalry, highest a- ward of the 1 0. 0: 1'. Rebekah As- sembly, today was conferred upon 67 Members a the Rebekah Assemb- ly, Grand Lodge of Ontario, at the animal seesions of the I. U. 0. F. 'Which are being held all thisweek here. The Rebekahs have a mein. begetter: of more Olen 10.000 in Ont- ario. Recipents of eh,' award, given Aor meritorious and outstanding service' in their rexpeetive lodges in. eluded. Jean Lillie, Morning Star Brussels, Matheson • Sheardowp yellow elnereanthemums and light- ed candles, bordered the. altar of Trin'ty Lutheran Church, Sebastopol for the marriage on Saturday after. reon mine 71.h. of Elaine Babas P1' lilown. daughter of Mr. and Mr. Thames Rheardown, of Inger- :loll to:Kerrey Stewart Matheson, eon of Mr. and Mrs., D. C. Matheson. BruSSOS. 'REV. 0. J. C. Stoekmann. minister of the Church officiated, The bride V110 was, given in mar - Haar by her father. wore an aiiro noon &pee of powder blue. the nod We fesituring a lace yolk, studdeci with sequins with 11 she wore a small white Sewer bat with stiffened vell and a c-orsage of deep red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Alan McManu', of Stratford were the young couples attendants, the latter wearing a navy blue sheer costume with navy and white ribbon hat and corsage of red roses, , A wedding luncheon' and reception followed at the home of the bride's Parents. 1 Higgine — Stephens Standards, of white and yellow flowers. with lighted candles. form ed the decorations in Trinity College Crape] for the marriage a Miso Dorothy Stephens, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Russell W. Stephens of Brussels., Ont„ to Mr. D'Arey Hig- gins', son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Higgiar of Toronto. Provost. R. S. K. Seeley °Metaled. Dr. Stephens gave his daughter in marriage. Her !handsome white gown of pure Italian silk taffeta had a 4 -neckline, -fitted bodice em- broidered with seed pearls, and bouffant skirt ending in a chapel train. .A Juliet bat of taffeta. em- hroidered in pearlsheld her fineer- tip veil. and her flowers Were UNITED CHURCH WM. S. Eucharist !Mee and stephanotis ac: . The annual meeting of the Assoc— anted with blue cornflowers, in cas tate Helpers, of the W. M. S. was cade effect Miss Isabel Stephens, maid of hon. held in the schaoleoom of the United . under the leas/drake of Mrs. A. :ear' ncohrosLeegaat7. bv:Idelwaihdl.tewnaysloinn Church, Bru.ssels,ion Wed., June 10, eulle over green taffeta; and Miss Armstrong. Guests at the meeting flTPFW.I.: were strapiees. and ballerina. white tulle over yellow taffeta. Their the meeting opened with hymn 182 were members of the Ethel Auxiliary ! length; they wore tulle stoles, stud and prayer by Mra. M. Dennis. Mrs R, 13005 read the Scripture lesson, flower cornnets of Mee cornflowers Yellew meremeritee and talisman using the 119 "Nairn. Miss Flo Buell - roses to snatch their remade boa- tman read the minutes of the last meeting and Mrs. R. J. MaLeatclain ue (meta Mr. Rowan MerDonald wee gave the treasurer's report The roll groomsmen. and sherwere Mr. Gerald Kirkby. Toronto; Dr. Ras - call was responded to by using the ; strobtis. But roc.. word "help". A collection will be , sell Stephens, Boston; Dr. ,Tim taken at the next meeting to aid in saletalet work. A. life membership ' Tinivereity Women's Chili. The reception was. bald at the certificate was presented to Mrs. W. Rose. Mrs 'Armstrong introduc- ste dile speaker, Mrs. L. Wightman, Wingtham; the delegate to the Dom- taloa Conference, who gave a very interesting address taking as her subjed, "The privilege of being W. M. S. members whose overall aim should be "The World for Christ/ ! Mast deDoelder, of Ethel, Pang very enjoyeble solo entitled "I' know , that my Redeemer layette" The meeting elosed wirth singing God , Save the Qeen. Lancet was serve bv the Aseociate Helper's Committee ; CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my thanks to all those who sent Tale cards. gifts. treats and flowers, ad those who celled and visited me when I had my operation and iajury. Rose Campbell CAPITOL I ISTOWEL THEATIW-2 CARD OF THANKS 2 shows nightly 7.30 — 9,30 p. m, Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Mr, end Mrs 'Strickler wish to ftworgatibitt•••••••914 thank the friends who sent flowers, Thurs., Fri., Sat June 18 • 19 201 You're due for the season's highest Song and Dance treat of a tale of Minstrel Show days when you SCO Dan Dailey and Dinna Lynn in "MEET ME AT THE FAIR" ' Mon., Tues. June 22 - 23 Here is the Inside story 01 big time crime — how It operates — where it draws Its strength. William Hoid- en — Alexis Smith in "THE TURNING POINT" TUESDAY FOTOMTE OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFER $80.00 Monday Attendance Card MALI Wed., Thurs. June 24 • 25 Red Skelton, Jane Greer In "THE CLOWN" 1 Everybody loves a clown and youlli Red when you see him as the 010WP — a Pere film treat of patros and comedy Coming Soon — Exclusive Showing "A QUEEN IS CROWNED" cards and messages during her recent illness. Special thanks to OUP neighbours who sent in haltieg, ed with the household duties and finished the eeeding. We are verf grateful ler all OW. 011`011PS. CARD OF THANKS (Inc eineere thanks to our neigh • boars end Wends for their help in repairing the damage done by thi. ' tornado. You were 111°0 generous in giving of your time and We ap- preciate year wand -avail co-operation ' Wm. and Elizabeth Bellinger ainea. Leitrim le te mice. or Brussels Lions Club ANNUAL FROLIC FRI., JUNE 2: '. and SAT., JUNE 27th The Only Organized Clown Band in .6 t: FRIDAY,JUNE 26th — ME. -1,•'S BALL GAME — p. on. Sharp BINGO AND ALL YOUR FAVOURITE GAMES — STAGE PRESENTATION — THE RHYTHMETTES — Dance Team THE GREAT 210N1 Magician Erno — Comedian BICYCLE DRAW — 10.00 p. m. MAIN PRIZE DRAW — 11.30 p. EVENING DANCE SATURDAY, JUNE 27th AFTERNOON — CLOWN BAND — Business Section KIDDIES' COMEDY SP EC I ALT I ES — EVENING — PARADE TO PARK —7.30 p. m. Sharp THREE BANDS — Brussels Lions Club Band Brussels Legion Pipe Band GIRLS' BALL GAME — 7.30 p. m. Sharp BINGO AND ALL YOUR FAVOURITE GAMES STAGE SHOW BICYCLE DRAW — 10.00 p. m. MAIN PRIZE DRAW — 11.30 p. m. EVENING DANCE clown Band FREE — Tickets will be given to every boy and girl, 15 years and under. entering the park, for a draw on a bay's or girl's BICYCLE — SAW!), NIGHT — Tickets must be held by recipient and they Must be o§ the Grounds' When Draw Is Made. Prize Draw Tickets — „ 30c Ea...n, or 5 for $2.00 — GET YOURS NOW FRIDAY, JJNE 26, 1953 1. Philo° 17 -inch Television Set 2. Men's or Ladies' Tip Top Suit 3, Electric Tea Kettle .... SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1953 1. Westinghou=r 21 -inch Television Set 2. Men's or Ladies' Cambridge Tailored Suit 3, Electric Tea Kettle .... Parades — Comedy Antics — Games REFRESHMENT BOOTH IN 'PARK ADMISSION TO PARK 25c — CHILDREN Under 15 — FREE PROCEEDS IN AID OF BRUSSELS' LIONS CLUB WELFARE WORK Blake - Tomaszewski Rev. B. Durant a St. Ambrose Church, Brussels, united in marriage Irene, daughter of Mr. and the; late Mrs.,. Steven Tomaszewski, Tiverton. and Mr. John William Blake, son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Blake, Brus- sehe The bride given is marriage by her father, wore a dress of white satin, a headdress held her veil In place, and she carried white earn ations and red roses, Miss Hedy Tomaszewski, Kitchen- er, sister of the bride, as brides- maid, wore a pink- nylon net gown. small headdress of the same colon,* and -carried blue chrysanthemums The maid of honour Mrs, Howard Wade, London, sister of the groons in pale green aylon net gown, with small headdress, east monied yellow chrysenthemumse Junin,' bridesmaid was eire. G. Chamicki, Walton dreeeed lone pink germ of nylon mt with matching headdress and carried blur ehryeallthell111111S. The flower girl Dianna Blake, niece or. the groonl, wore e short orrulo :avii::widniu,eic:s.with taw, headdress nf while flowers, carrying yellow (airy The creemsnien were Me. Clordna Blake, Terussele. brother of thP cronm, and Mr. T -Toward '1111.1o, Lee. don. The ushers- were Mr. Goatee T. T11.11CP and Ms. le. Tomeserwski, The areom'e mother wore a nave' P1toer dress with whit., noressorloi and corsage of white earna i ion q. kliqa Dpitno-, ()ream tat plavod the weddinr Innate. Reconfirm and dinner were beid et the New American Tietel. with eneate from Detroit atielt. h • 1) ” T.11••tn, Tirorinn 'Marton and Thai, CARD OF THANKS sels Afterr hnr• Print Mt- towl mea Bruseele *United Church Sunday , let aa. reeiele -peer Tieneeeie Reboot would- like to Pawns: a sin cern thanks to n11 members of ether ' elturehee who gave flowers end help. ed in any way to mike our Flower Sunday n success 'ale.° to members of our rswss enlIZTenritii111 WlIn tame and bola Ina helped eethered els • • ers. Teachers end °Meet% Atin-r!rosi RALF Of Household Effects Of the tete Mrs. Wm aerevOt Princess Street BrItanale srn SATLITMAM. tlIlhIP "7th Watch for turih.n. rarticulara • • • a tap that Patented Exhaustive tests have proven that the new Magic Action Faucet will not drip or leak. Yet this EMCO-fashioned tap costs no more than old- fashioned taps. * no more drip -stained basins and baths no more hotvdeite,ea no ore W55i1011 0 tOp t1C6 .....tetkitaeptA * Easy To Tura * Easy To Clean * Basy To Look At Buy Matched sets for Basin, Bath and Showee Come irt and see our full line of SMCO Plumbing Equipment For Sale by — „ - 4'4% C. & G. Krauter Co. Brussels. Ont. . EMPIRE BRASS MPS. CO. LIMITED London • Hamilton • 31. Catharines • Mohan • Toronla Sudbury • WinniMil it WOOF* t0,53.8