HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-6-3, Page 8C R F SEE THE NEW AND SS�J NOW ON DISPLAY AT GREGG'S HARDWARE Phone 17 Brussels, Ont. THE BRUSSELS POST J. L CASE Come in .... Whatever crops you raise - whatever type of soil you have -no matter what kind of farming you do - We have Machinery and Equipment that will help you do your work faster and easier than ever before at less cost - to help you make additional money each year - we can get ahead in our business -only by helping you to get ahead in yours - Come in for a demonstration ED: RICHARDS Ethel - - Phone 86r5 Support Your Football Team r BRUSSELS MOTORS HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST CAR DEALERS 1952 Chev. Deluxe Styline Coach fully equipped 2-1952 Pontiac Stylise Coaoh 1962 °hey. Deluxe Stylise, Sedan 1952 Cher. Stylise Coach. 1969 Pontiac Stiyline Coach 1951 Choy. Deluxe P leetltne Sedan 1951 (Ale'. Stylise Sedan 1951 Cher. Stylize Coach - 1961 Dodge Deluxe Sedan. 1.950 Chev. Deluxe rieetline Sedan, fully equipped. •- 1948 Ohev. 1'1ee'tline Coach ;,1;. 2 - 1948 (2xev. Coach 1947 Panttae Coach with Radio - 1940 Ford Coach ter - 1939 W211y'a Sedan riF 1937 Chev. Coarct - 'e TRUCKS - r - 1946 Mercury shy ton Pick-up YOUR FRIENDLY CITIES SERVICE DSALER M How Towing Service Phone 73x Smisosia, OM. Pbonk: 24 WOOD'S Brussels, Out. K, ,ra,,w sta..nv,®.,.,.,. DRESSES To delight you for Summer Wear - Sheer Tubable Nylons-- Pretty Tubable CrTskays at $4.98 up. Fine Better Dresses Lovely Dresses for Tots and Teens. Sun Suits, Bathing Suits - Sundries for Summer. oys and Men's Jackets - Suedes - Smart and durable styles at Reasonable Prices WIN $1700.00 You are invited to enter through our store the Westinghouse Freedom Fair. This is a contest being run from April 20th to June 30th when there will be $2700 given away. There is npthing to buy and no strings attached. Just fill out the form on which there are 8 simple questions to answer. You will be receiving in the very near fut- ure direct mailing on the contest. If you don't get yours, come in anyway we have extra forms. We are giving away from the store, 1st prize an Auto-matic Westinghouse Iron; 2nd prize one Toaster to be drawn for Sat., June 27th at 10 p. m. OLDF'IELD'S HARDWARE PHONE 68 McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE SHELLUeRIC#i TION, SHELL HOUSEHOLD AMR ¢HELL PETROLEUM PROW/CTS DUNLOP TIRall ,*:gtieifr Parts and Aocetesrlse. Austin Sales and Service Atii*MOte!_d repairs to all makes N dears and truelk* PHONE Ire t3Mt.1saEI $ Ort. +I .ter PEARSON'S SHOE STORE CORONATION SPECIALS • MEN'S Heavy English Work Boots Extra Heavy Orepe Sole and Cork Sole 54.95 $5.95 Red Sole Short Rubber Boots and Insoles $3.96 Sport Shoes in Crepe, Cork and Foam Rubber $3.95 to $6.95 Just arrived the latest In Forsyth Sport Shirts and Ties In smart styles and colors. Monarch Knit T Shirts, All Colors from $1.50 to $2.95 New Styles in Scott -McHale Shoes for men .... from $14.00 to $20,50 COW CHOW SUUPPLEMEN1 Mix with yout own groin, ,.helps keep cows to condition for big milk produc- tion) Ask us about u todayl Brussels Creamery. PHONE 22 BRUSSIQLA 1}'odutndn' , Juni: 3rd, 1953 NOTICE The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held In the Council Chambers, • Court House, Goderlch, commenCin® June 10th, 1953 et 10,00 a. M. All accounts, notices of deputations and other buslnea8 requiring the attention of Council should be In the hands of the County Clerk not later than June 6th, 1953. A, H. Erskine County Clerk, Goderlch, Ont. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" ONTARIO' AID PLEDGED HURON FARMERS A. H. Erskine, or GodorIob, clerk - treasurer of Huron County, Finer ay received a vire from Acting Theier George Doucett offering provincial aesistanre to areas stricken in last Monday's storm, ' Tile wire read: '•00 return Comy office today, received appreciated wires from Tom Pryde, M, P. P., Huron riding, and L. D. Cardiff, M. P., Huron North, -reporting heavy damage to rural area of Iluron County in Monday's severe storm. Please exeunt on behalf of people in Government of Ontario jwi2ound sympathy with all who suffered injuries or property lasses or either or both and avis is to asarure yot that provincial engineering, me- chanical services and .others ex- tended to oommunties stricken in May ilst storm will be extended without thaga-aaG that suffered eavy dame report- ed. eport ed. 1 Awaits Report "Please keen me infm•med of your needs through your members or directly. Ladies and Misses' New Coronation Styles in Sandals and de A. oW. Kerslake, ke,insof ,-Tenseed the lcoWar- Loafers, Ali Colors $2,95, $3.95, $4.50 and $4.95 unty clerk to 'have the county assessor, Ladies;Oress Shoed, Latest Styles 54,95 to $8.50 Alex Alexander, of Goderlch, work in conjunction with assessors of the 51.25 five townships of Huron County that Frittered damage. Th.vv will asses demagog in each mundcinality and forward the in- formation, to 'Toronto. Ladies Nylon, 51 Gauge and 15 Denier 1 st grade-, Ladies Nylon Ankle Socks, Guaranteed 90 days BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 11 .75c 'Yes:• ws3.¢,•ws4'y;Nrr:v NEW IIODGE txPRa.C r OPEL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY COME IN AND TALK BUSINESS You are Invited to come in and test and compare these new Dodge wrest models ... the 108 inch wheelbase'/rton with a 6W box, and the big, roomy 126 inch *fl�elbase'44-1 ton model with THEY'RE EASIER TO LOAD a box. You'll find that Dodge express bodies, with their extra width and depth, provide greater capacity - particularly im- portant if your loads are bulky. Further, thanks to Dodge "Job - Rated" design (which reduces truck weight by shortening the over-all length) there's a size- able payload advantage over trucks of similar Gross Vehicle Weight. Dodge express bodies are much closer to the ground than mat competitive models, to make load- ing faster and easier - without sacrifice of road clearance. Run. gang boards are full foot -width to make side loading easier. THEY TURN EASIER Dodge is the Ideal truck for hauling on crowded streets, through nap row alleys or wherever a highly manoeuverable truck Is desirable. With the shortest turning diameter of any popular truck, you turn to less space, with less effort. USED CARS 1961 DeSoto - Club Coupe, radlo, air condltlon, sun visor 1951 Regent - 40 Sedan, air condition, and sun visor. 1950 DeSoto - 40 Sedan, radio, alr condltlon and sun visor. 1949 Dodge - 40 Sedan, air condition, radio and aun visor 1948 Dodge - 40 Sedan, heater. 1948 Chevrolet - 40 Sedan, hasten and other earlier model Cara. USED TRUCKS 1947 Dodge %2 Express. 1940 Dodge 1/2. Ton Express NEW TRUCKS New 1 and %a Ton Trucks ELLIOTT MOTOR SALES DODGE and DE SOTO - BALES and SERVICE Phone 82 Brussels, Ont. BAND TATTOO JULY 22nd r A farmers' non-profit, co-operative organization, owned and operated by farmers. Service faom the best bulls available In all breeds. For Service call collect . Clinton 242 or Palmerston 66 Week days 7.30 to 10,00 a. m. Sundays and holidays 7.30 to 9.30 a, m. Any cows noticed In heat later than times stated above i 41/ be more likely to conceive If bred the following day. Fees for ALL BREEDS are : $5.00 for life membership. Service fee for Members is 55.00. Service fee for Non -Members Is 56.00. Four services to Insure conception without extra charge. Free veterinary service for cows that are problem breeders. NEW BUSINESS IS SOLICITED Special care is take to have TOP SIRES OF ALL BREEDS. In service. We are featuring the Herefords in this ad, They are as foflows9 JACKSON HILL POLLED DOMINO 2nd. (Polled) 217383 by Polled Cyress Boy by Polled Domino 9th. from Nancy Belle by Jarvis Domino Lad 54th. S. R. DOMINO MISCHIEF 33rd. (Polled) 311656 by J. I. R. Domino Mischief 22nd. by H. F. F. Domestic Mischief Ise - from .from Mis's Adrain 2nd. P. M. F. by H. P. Royal Rupert 16th. HERNVALE DEL ZENTO 10th 277350 by Del Zento 29th by Beau Zento 54th. from P. R. R. Lady Mixer 11th by Painter Mixer lst. RINGWOOD DEL RUPERT 5th 306325 Grand Champion at Ontario Bull Salo 1952 • by Ringwood Del Zento 17th by Zento 1st. from Miss Advance A Domino by Advance Domino 161st. RINGWOOD DEL ZOTA 300128 Grand Champion Ontario Bull Sale 1952 by Ringwood Del Zento 5th by Del Zento 1st. from C. K. Clementine 16th by C. K. Challenger D 86th. RINGWOOD CRUSTY 8th. 264227 Sire of B111 Dunbar's Queens Guineas Steer 1952 Royal Also Grand Champion and top selling Hereford, Ontario Bull Sale 2 by C. K. Cruiser D 34th from C. K Kansas Belle 55th. PROUD MIXERS DOMINO 199688 by W; H. R. Proud Mixer from Rilda Domino C. F. The annual band tattoo sponsored II by the Brussels Lions Boys and I Girls Band will be held in Brastlela on July 292nd. Pim to attend. STOP CLAW -RIDING - Milk with genuine tag -sod -poll Surge Milkers, are adjustable to the individual cow because of tlbetr hanging arrangement. Call LaveU McGuire, .Sorge Service Dealer, Phone 593, Wingham. CROWNING OF QUEEN DEPICTED ON STAR WEEKLY COVER The Saar Weekly cover of the June 6 issue depicts the great and memorable moment when the Arehistnop of Canterbury places the crown on the Queens head, This is the culminating and dramatic high light is the whole coronation cere moray. The scene is enacted in Westminsiter Abbey. Artist George Ganland was especially commission- ed by T,be Star Weekly to do this painting. FREDERICK F. HOMUTH Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. O. Mrs. H. Viola Hooxeath R. O. Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston• Ord- WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP - Always s targe stock In CPNaase Granites to Chess trent All modern maehlmrr. famous for Cemetery lettering a opNafpr Artistic Memorials at very reasonable Wass. R. A. SPO'[TON Phone 256 - Wbdghtun, Oat, Separators Sud M&1 hers,. Disc, P1. t Slums Sime and Fertilizer Sewers, Spring -tooth llass'owa hods wheel tractors mid tamp) as Plows, Dims, Spreadaw, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage )))lowers 8114 star illi.. We also ams repairs lar Oliver Cockdratt Tkisli+ea. it pterneet Dealers ter Oliver implements MORRITf & WR: NIT tyth, Oe. Brussels Farm Equipment We have a Full Line of New Massey-Harrl; Tra e�s and Perla USED MACHINERY 1 - No. 20 - 1948 Massey -Harris Tractor 1- No. 28 three furrow Plow on rubber 1 -jlo. 26 - two furrow Plow on steel 1 - No. 7 Hay Loader 1 - Massey -Harris Corn Binder. 1 - No, 9 Massey -Harris Cream Separator We also carry Beatty Stable Equipment, CaII In for your Implements and Stable Needs. "CORBEL' BALER TWINE and BINDER TWINE A. M. FIRBY & SONS Massey -Harris Dealers Phone 55 Brussels, Cot NEW LOW SUMMER PRICE ON COM On May 1st the New Low Summer Priers on Anthracite Coal will become effective. Piace your orders early, thus taking l advantage of this saving. A car of Blue Nut Coal will arrive the first week of May. BRUSSELS COAL YARD J. E. Brewer Phone 86x2 We are dealers for the Toro line of Lawn& Mowers and Garden Equipment. Lawn Mowers motorized with fantail Clinton engines. Also made to order .full lawn mower. Be sure to see our line of New Clinton Saws along with other lines which wv have. Welding and Machine Shop Work a Specialty here. Sales is one thing - but we follow up evidi service and repairs. GEO. E. POLLARD Located behind the East Huron Rr ocluce' forilnerlvr Allen's blacksm th shop aril Cratxter's Tinsmith Shop. Rhone 64. 56r13 Brussels