HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-5-27, Page 1,Pout Publishing House Authorized es second class (nail, Post Office Deparllllemt, Ottawa "God Save The Queen" Wednesday, May 27th, 1953 OST $2.00 per year - $2.50 fl . ". The ANNUAL FLOWER SERVICE At the BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH Will be held on SUNDAY, JUNE 7th at 11 A. M. Come. and See the Beautiful Floral Display and Hear Special Music by the Sunday School Pupils. ' THE EVENING SERVICE WIII Be In Charge Of The YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION AT 7.30 P. M. GARDEN PARTY Knox Presbyterian Church Cranbrook THURSDAY, JUNE 11th Supper served from 6 to 8 in the Church basement. Followed by a Play "Raggedy Nan" Play presented by Wroxeter Wo.men's Institute „ In the Community Hall, Cranbrook Booth in Hall. fru A NOTICE - All Brussels places of business will be closed Coronation Day, Tues., Tune 2nd. They will also close. for their usual half -holiday that week. Brussels Chamber of Commerce. ETHEL COUPE MARKED GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. William J. Patterson marked their golden wedding at their home last Wednesday, May 20, at a celebration' attended by a num- ber of friends and relatives. The couple were married May, 20, 1903, at Cranbrook- by the late Rev. D. B. McRae. They moved to the homestead on the 14th con„ Grey, when they lived for 39 years. The couple moved to Ethel 19 years ago, in the family are three daugh. ters, Mrs, Earl (Lenora) Mills. Mrs. Clifford (Laura) Meehan. and Alma 71 Patterson. Reg. N., of Owen :Sound: and a son. Roy. on the hometend, A sreond son, John. died in .Tuty, 1948. Er. ictv'rTT-TF ATT:t . Seaforth, Ont. May 28 - 21 - SO "BIG JIM McLAIN" John Wayne .... Nancy Olson This Is a high-tension story filmed In the Hawalan !stands. Lots of action and suspense as -they tract down a Communist treasurer. Jul. 1 - 2 - 3 "DREAM BOAT" Clifton Webb Ginger Webb Clifton Webb, the college professor, is shown as the matinee Idyl of silent pictures by T. V. This comedy Is filled with fun and laughs from from beginning to end. June 4 • a - a Technicolor "LURE OF THE WILDERNESS" Susan Peters Jeffrey Hunter They lived and loved hidden In Geogra's danger -Infested swamp- lands. Donn miss this adventure packed story. COMING - "THE DEVIL MAKES THREE" THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA M&vVIs Cur Erusssls Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10.00 a. m, Sunday School 10.46 a- m Organ Recital of Coronation Music 11.00 a. m, Special Coronation Service United Church OF CANADA !Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Morning Worslt4p-11 o'clock To Mark the Coronation of Her Majesty the Queen. , Church School -,12 o'clock, "God Save The Sueen," £hurchof England Parleh of Brtlaasle Rau. A. Nssiltaa UIHS M. A. Trinitly Coronation Sunday , St. John's Church, Brussels -- 11 a. In. Sunday rade e� of St. David's/ Church, Henfryn-- 2,30 p. m. Evening Prayer Sunday Sohoe1 St. George's Church, ..Walton - 9.30 a. m. Morning Prayer St. John's Church, Bruasels- 10.90 a. in. Holy C,ommunteM Coronation Day 2 June -- St. John's Church, Brussels -- 9.90 a. lit. )holy Cot umlo,on NOTICE • The Anneal 1. 0. 0. F„ No, 149 Western Star Lodge Church Service will be held on Sunday, May 31st. at SAS p. m. art, Ethel Presbyterian Church. Brussels Legion Pipe Band in attendance. Everyone welcome, , CORONATION CHURCH PARADE TO ST. JOHN'S CHURCH There will be a Coronation Church Parade of veterans, members of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Legion, Brow nics and Cuba, led by ,the Brus- sels Legion Pipe Band to St. John's Anglican Church, this Sunday, May 31st. Members of organizations taking part in the parade are asked to meet at the Legion Hall at 10.30 a. M. SPECIAL CORONATION SERVICE AT MELVILLE CHURCH At Melville Church on- Sunday morning a Coronation Service will be 1. conducted by the minister Rev. Wm. Fukon. Special music by the choir, and at 10,45 a short Organ. Recital of Coronation music will he given. by --Mr. L. D: Thompson. WAi,TON Miss Joan Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan,' atter successfuly compleating three yeard of training in St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, was graduated Wednes- day. Miss Ryam was awarded a prize for tuberculosis nursing, given by the Freeport Sanatorium, the Pres• entatdon being made by Mies Anne Ballantyne. ;Among those attending ' the graduation exercises were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ryan, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Hackwell, Mrs, Ethel Hack -well, Mrs. Gordon Rowland, and Mr, and Mrs, Phil Speek of Woodstock. CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to take this oppor- tunity of thanking my many friend& and neighbours' 'who so kindly re- membered me with flowers. treats, cards, vdsits, telephone calls• and to those who brcaght baking and helped with the household duties. Worths cannot be found to express my thanks ;to everyone. Mrs, Maurice Cameron. BAND TATTOO JULY 22nd The annual hand tattoo sponsored by the Brussels Lions Boys and GIrisi Band will be held in Brussels on July 22nd. Plan to attend. 1010,11~1001.$17~ LLAS.HMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Two Shows Nightly Rain or clear - first chow at dusk Wed. - Thur.- Fri. May 20 . 21 - 92 "MR. MUSK" Bing Crosby Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II "Long May She , Reign" *Or 1141111104130110111i1Ra1t THE UNITED CHURCH "Harmony with God" was the ser- mon theme in the United Church on Sunday, May 24th. Biblioal basis of the theme was Amos 3;3, "Oau two walk together except they be agreed?" The burden of the ser mon was that social righteoun'essea and God go hand in hand. Anthem for the day was, "Onward, Soldiers of the O'033" Next Sunday there will be a worship service to mark the coronation of Her Mejesty Queen Elizabeth. Sunday June 7tlh. le Flower Sunday. Sat. - Mon. May 28-28 "LAST OUTPOST" . Ronald Reagan Rhonda Fleming Tues. - Wed. June 2 • 3 "ABOUT FACE" Gordon MacRae Eddie Bracken DISTRICT HARD HIT BY CYCLONIC WIND Residents of this district stood ' amid the ruins and viewed with ' dismay the destruction wrought by the cyclonic wind that snvept across this district late Monday night and, in a matter .of minutes, lett in its wake flattened barns; livestock trapped, killed and injured; ruined orchards; fields flooded with the heavy downpour and rising water of river and creeks. Farmers of Morris Twp., were hard- est 'hit, the 5t11, and 6th concession of Morris receiving the brunt of the UNITED CHURCH W. A. sterni, There was scarcely a barn in this area of the township that was 'The Women's Auxiliary of the not completely' wrecked; or erten. United Church met in the 0huralt i siveiy damaged. Many farm houses parlor on Tuesday evening with Mrs. were also damaged. Wreckage from R. B. Cousins presiding. The devo- farm headings was scattered over tional period consisted of a hymn. the sodden fields, Loss is very heavy, being estimated at over a million dollars in the area struck by the storm. Fosaunately no loss of life or serious injury was reported. The village of Brussels, while In path of the storm escaped any ser Imw damage. A large unmher of the flue old trees were uproot'd, or broken and crews were busy eh night and next day trying to clear the streets. many of which were closed to traffic. Thee falling trees and terrific wind brought down a tangle of hydro and telephone wires, Hydro and telephone main- tenance crews have been working the Lord's prayer and the reading of a psalm by Miss Florence Mc- Naughton. 1n place of the usual gar- den partly plans are being made to cater to the meeting of the Huron Presbytery whidh will convene in Brussels United Church in Sepnem- ber. A hymn and benediction closed this part of the meeting and three contests followed, two with coro- nation theme and one flower con- test. Hostesses. for Ile evening, %Ins. D. A. Mann, Mrs. John Row- land, Mfrs. Walter Rose, Miss M. Robinson, received a vote of thanks. steadily to repair the damages. I T11333 services have not yet been completely restored, THEATRh, . i The new metal flagpole, recently erected above the Canadian Legion TTnll, crashed to the main street Friday, Saturday May 29 - 30 crushing the car of Frank Shaw. Filled with as much thrilling adven- ; Fortunately Mr. Shaw was not in lure- and action as a three ring I the ear at the time. circus. It's John Payne, Susan Morrow In The Presibyterta.n and United the roaring story of togging frontiers Church sheds to Ethel were a mass "THE BLAZING FOREST" of wreckage and at teat one barn in the area was flattened and a June 1 - 2 1 number of other barns and houses Monday, Tuesday "THE MERRY WIDOW" damaged. in the village Itself trees This is It - The world's most rem- and hydro and telephone wires were antic musical with lilting songs and down. music you can't forget. The new 11 was later learned that Stan Tecnicolor Alexander, Ted. Bateman and Quest "THE MERRY WIDOW" Tnhsml had barns hlown down, Thur. • Fri. June 5 "THE BIG TREES" Kirk Dougtes Patrice Wymore w,ToL itso�vv L MELVILLE CHURCH OFFICIAL HONORED AL the close of the regular monthly meeting of the board of managers of Melville Presbyterian Church, wh;ob was attended also by the kirk session, the members wore invited to .the manse, Here they were joined by wives and friends in a social evening In honour of W. Shortreed, chairmen of the board and a mem, ber of session, who. is to be mas- ried shortly. John Yuill, clerk ea session was called upon by Rev. W. H. T. Fulton, and read a short address of congratulations and good wishes, George Elliott presented Mr. Sbontreed with a floor lamp. llailure of hydro and the violen, windstorm disrupted the Ing's Program conev� considerably, and a lunch` • was perepared under difficult cont dltians. 'NESDAY FOTO-NITS OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFER $80.00 Monday Mtendener Cart) MAL Mednesday, Thursday June 3 - 4 One girl alone - In a love starved wildneeness - with four lawless oiandorees of the wasteland, A great drama starring James Stewart. Janet "THE NAKED SPUR" LIBRARY NOTES - During the months. of .June, Ally and Arterial, the ttbrsry will be open nn Tuesdays and S:aturdeya only, et th= reenter hours, Tuesday - 3 to 6 P. m. 7.30 to 9.30 p, m, Saturday ---• 2 to b p. m. 7.30•tese p,m, The H, f' L. S. will madce its next exchange of books; at Rrnssels LIb- rnry an ,Titre 11th at 9.1% a. m. DECORATE WIN A PRIZE The Brussels Chamber of Commerce offers for best decorated business front and windows - pertaining to Coronation. First Prize $6,00 (Red Ribbon) Second Prize $6,00 (White Ribbon) ... Third Prize $5.00 (Blue Ribbon) Judging will be done on Monday, June 1st afternoon and at night for effect under lights. Variety Concert Brussels Town Hall on Friday, May 29th, at 8.30 p. m. Presented by Young People of St. John's Church One Act Play, Instrumenta,ls, Solos, Novelty Numbers, Old Tyme Melodrama, Skit. Admission 50c and 25c DRAW and DANCE In Cranbrook Community Hall Friday, May 29th Music by Ken. Wilbee's Orchestra Dancing 10 to 1.30 Refreshment Booth - Everybody Welcome Popular Admission Sponsored by the Hall Board CORONATION DAY CELEBRATION Sponsored by Brussels Branch No. 218 of the Canadian Legion at Victoria Park, Brussels on - TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd Afternoon and Evening PARADE OF FLOATS - $200 IN PRIZES The FLOATS Will Line Up At The Brussels Fair Grounds at 1.80 pini. Parade Starts at 2 P. M. - 2 Ciasets of Floats PUBLIC SCHOOL CLASS - S40.00 • $25.00 BUSINESS MEN'S CLASS - $40.00 - $25.00 GRAND CHAMPION FLOAT 54100. 515,E - 57�M All Floats must represent something pertaining to the British Imp1111 A Wreath will be laid at Cenotaph during the Parade. 2 Bands in Attendance Brussels Legion Pipe Band - Brussels Lions Boys and Girls Bad Children's Sports - Cash Prizes RIDES - GAMES - BINGO; Street Dance - Main Street - Geo. Sitnit} and his orchestra, MONSTER FIREWORKS - 11 P. M. Admission: Afternoon 25c - Evening 50c - Childrea 12 and under Rive "God Save The Queen" Dress The Kiddies Up For The Hot Weather Our Shelves Are Bulging With Smart Summer BIB OVERALLS, All sizes $L19 up BLUE JEANS, Button or Zipper $1.95 up COTTON TEE SHIRTS, All Colors, PIaln or Stripes 2 to 14 $1.00 up KIDDIES WASH SUITS, Sizes 2 to 6x White -Tops Assorted Color Trousers $1,69 up Togs GABARDINE SHORTS $1.98 05 SHORT AND SHIRT SETS, All Colors, All Sizes $.95 UP SPORT SHIRTS AND PLAID CUFF JEANS 2 to 6x 53.75 Sot SPORT SHIRTS, All Colors Sizes 3 to 16 $1.69 up 'DECORATE FOR THE CORONATION ON JUNE 2nd Plastic Bunting 49c Yard Plastic Penants 45c Yard BOYS NYLON ANKLE SOCKS 890 BOYS NYLON AND COTTON SOCKS .... 690 BOYS COTTON SOCKS 89e BOYS COTTON SHIRTS AND SHORTS ,•., 75o BOYS BELT'S 390 to 51.00 BOYS DRESS SHIRTS 52.50 to 53.50 -51.98 to $2.95 11 -sat GIRLS CIRCULAR SWIRL SKIRTS KRISKAY - SEERSUCKER AND PRINTED COTTON 422.95 to 58.95 a•b�.f :. M`TM .4 GIRLS BLOUSES D. L. MAIN ST. CHAPMAN LISTOWEL PHONE 71 4