HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-5-13, Page 4H>~ BF USSI LS POST FOLLOWING THE TRAIL -BLAZERS As Canadians push back the frontier developing new areas, building new enterprises - banking service still follows the pioneer. Today, there are more bank branches to meet the needs of changing, growing Canada., , they are being used more... they are doing more for more people... than ever before. Since 1900, branches of the chartered banks have increased from 700 to 3,800. In the past ten years alone, 3,750,000 bank accounts have been opened. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY THE CLUB GIRL ENTERTAINS The seventh meeting of the Bras- sela Teen Entertainers was held in the Library on May 5th. The meet- ing opened with the Queen. Shirley Machan read the minutes of the last m, seting and called the roll which was ansnvered isy "One duty of a pleasing guest." Mrs. A. Lane spoke on "Flag Eti- quette" and "Hospitality in Club Activifttles," Anran.giements were made for a tea to be held TuesdaY evening 12th May from 8.30 p. m. to 9.30 p. m., with the Mothers of the girls as guests. All Record Books and Files to be handed to Mrs. Lane by May 15th. THFtILU TO 3-D IN YOUR HOME See three-dimensional pictures, in vivid natural color - in The Amex!. can Weekly! No special glasses are needed as exciting Mirro-rams Pro - Jetts you right into the picture. The whole family will enjoy this new, modern wonder - different from any thing you've ever known. See The American Weekly with Sunday's (May 17) issue of Detroit Sunday Times. STAR WEEKLY COMPARES CORONATIONS PAST AND PRESENT Did you knew that the consort of one British. King, the wife of George IV, was barred from West. minster Abbey at the ceremony at which she was to have been crown- ed Queen Consort - that the core- of oraof one ,of the biggest give-away if e of the biggest give-aways previous to radio - that the wife of Charles I refused to he crowned in Protestant ceremony? These fact describing former coronations ap pear in The Star Weekly of May 15 FREDERICK 1`.. HOML'T:hi Phan. B., R. 0mCarol E. Hotrth R. r'. Mrs. H. �•IoIM c-gereeetk N. cl C,)piom�r.+•+its "Pisano lt$ FIrrristr::t• MB a s CRANBROOK The programme oemnittee have engaged a highly recomtnended play from \Vroxe•ter for the annual gar-. den party of Knox Presbyterian Church on June ilth. Further par- ticnlara later, The operetta "Rose oe the Danube" was well presenated by students of S,+aforth High School on Monday peening in the Community Centra ,It is regretted that the attendance was not as large as hoped for, owing to 'ickness and the busy season, This performance was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. On Sunday morning la Knox Pres- byterian Church, William Gordon, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Mttcheli, was baptized. Hyndman led in prayer and pronoun- ced the Benediction, Mrs. Ales Steiss assisted in serving lunch. Mr. and Mrs. John Esge1, visited with Mr. and Mrs, M. Engel and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Engel over the week -end. Mr. and Mire. Jas. Ritchie and Douglas, Mrs. Murray Parton, Shar- on and Linda, all of London, spent Mothers's Day with Mr. and Mrs+, Allen Cameron. Mr, John Wesley McCutoheon has purchased the horse and lot belong- ing to the estate of the late Wm Sm•allden and Mr. and Mee, McCutah- eon will move in June. Watch for date and particulars of the sale d, household goods in the near future. The May meeting ni the W. M. S. of Knox Presbyterian Church was held in the home of Mrs. Clara Ome,tead with eight present The President, Mrs. W. M. Hyndman, opened the meeting and hymn 374 "Jesus shall reign. where'er the sun" was sung with Mrs. Omstead pre- siding at the piano. Following Pray- er by the leader. Mrs. Schnook read !batt. 9( 9-38. Hymn 332• was sung and the offering received. The roll call was answered with a verse containing "ahoy". Tho minutes were read by the Ser,, Mrs. M. Engel, and approved and signed. The Pr,tsident spoke of the Presbyterial to he held to Wbitohnroh on May 19 and hoped a number of our mem- bers, will attend. Thp erne meeting will he in the home of Mrs. Alec Steins and ",town" was ehnsrm for roll rail. The topic to he DpSpared by Miss A. J. Forrest, will be real, by Mrs. Jacklin, Mrs. Schnook and Mrs. Stelae,. Mrs. Engel gave 'a re- port on the Wednesday afternoon session of the Synodical held in WinMham and Mrs. `nvndman ment. Seined several items of interest w'I,irh shp gleamed from the other eps.ieat. The tapir. "Old -kfricen Life" prepared he Mrs. TTyndman, was read by Mrs. Omstead, Mrs. L. Evens. and Mrs. M. Engel. The el, - ire: hymn 551 was mine and Mrs , ,,,w .er r: Norman Donald Munro The following item copied from a VaueoUVer ,Paper, Mr, Munre's home CttY for steverai years, and refers to the husband of Juneve Taylor Mum re, whose many friends of this lotaltty extend to her their kindest end deepest sympathy,' in her . sad, and sudden bereay:Mont, MUNRo--Noranan Donald, passed away al )de residence, 871 Denman St„ April 6,'1051, in his 06th year, Survived by his wife, Juneve (Tune) ; 3 &ietex's, Mrs. J, J, Burt, Rosetown, Sask.; Miss Rate •vivaro, Edmonton, Altae; Mrs. 196.11h R, Rasmussen, Edmonton, Alta.; 1 brother, Reuben 11 P. Munro. Leduc, Alta; also sew eral nieces and nephews. Fenerai service was held Thursday, Aertl 9, at 2.60 e, 'm., in the Georgia Ohapel of Center & Hanna, 1049 W. Georgia St., with Rev. Yamee, W, Melvin, D.D. ofiticiated. Interment Ocean View Burial Park. • 1 from Towaae0hip Council. Motion of Conley and McFarlane that the chairman contact a lawyer and act accordingly regarding in- terest deducted from Trutees Levy of 1950, 1951 by Ole TwP. Council Motion of Bolger and Brown that 1 the following bills be paid: Joe Hamilton, fencing supplies 97.01 Municipal World, Plage 84.18 ! A. M. MolCeroher, seeds 3.14 Jack Hood, school supplies 110.59 jHarold Wilson, football 10,40 I Post Publishing House, adv. 1.00 Brue,sels Creamery, milk, 1 Hot lunch 27.66 i i Moya School Supply Inkwells 2,90 1 Montietb and Monteith, auditing ' Geo. Taylor, wood 1 I J. Carl Hemingway, GREY Grey Township School Board meeting was held on April 20th, 1963, ' Minutes were read and adopted on notion of Bolger and Brown, On motion of Bolger and Brown the following salaries were approved for different schools. S. S. No. 1, $2000. No. 3, 32400. No. 4, $2000. No. 5, 92200. No. 7, 93000. No. 8, 92300, No. 9, 92000. No. 10, $2400. No. 11, 93000. 17 No, 4, 92600. Tt No. 12, 92700. May 6tb, 1953. Minutes were read and adopted Mn motile of Conley and Bolger. , Motion of Bolger and Brown that salaries at No. 3 and G No. 12 he in. creased 3100 from previous schedule. Motion of Brown and Conley that the Reboot hoard accept resignations of Miss Nellie Dole, Miss Heta Keifer. Mrs. Dobson. Mrs. StratY- chntt and Mrs. Raymond and that the ,,ecretary write a letter of ap- preciation to each for past services. Motion of Bolger and McFarlane that Bert Jo'hnston'9 contrast for transporting pupils from S. S. No, 2 to 17. S. S. No, 12 be renewed at sante salary. gotten of Brown crit Bolger that secretary ede.t, in Rriaselt, and List- owel papers for teacher for S. S. No. Motion of Conley and MoFarinne that Sar.-Treas.- repay 93nn0, advance �� 75,0* 261.00 Sec.-Treas. UNITED CHURCH W. M, S. The May meeting .01 the Gaited Church A'uxillary of the W. M. S. was held in the church parlor 'on Tuesday, Mwy 5411. Mrs, Lorne Nichol fire. vice-president con ducted• tdse worship period., Mrs. A. Brown read .the scripture lesson and Miss, Carrie Hingston offered spray. er. Mrs, A. Lane presided for the buslness period, during which re- ports were given by the secretary, treasurer, visiting and supply Com mitteee,, A vote of thanks was tend- ered to Mr. Stinson, for his thank - offering message. The June meet- ing win be held on Tune 911, and will be, in charge of Associate Help- ers. Tens. H. Dent reported for cit- izenship end social service. Short reports sof the PWesbyterial held in Godericit were given by Mrs. Lane, Mrs, McDonald and Mrs. A. Arm- strong. 'Tei study period was in charge of Mrs. Dentt. A reading evae given by Mrs. A, Brown, and one by Mrs. W. Bell. Mrs. Dent reviewed chapters 9 and 10 of the study book, olostng with prayer, tlymn 255 was sung and Mrs. Nichol closed The meeting with benediction, HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT IMMUNIZATION CLINIC Children 4 months of age to school age may be brought to the Brussels Public School on Thursday, May 14th at 2.00 p. m. Initial im- mumizaticn or reinforcing inocuiat- inn will he given for Diptheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Smallpox. MORRIS Personals: Lloyd Anderson, Tor- onto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson; James Ander- son, 0. A 0,. Guelph, with his Parents, Mr. and Mfrs, Earl Ander- son; Mr, and Mrs,. G. Jones and Mr. and Mrs, Wm, James, Mimico, wltb Martin Grasby.; Mise -Eileen Hol mes, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holmes; Mr. and Mrs. Wit fred Pickell and family, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler and family with Mr, and Mrs. Herb Wheeler, Miss Mary Louise Cam- eron, Walkerton, and Ross Procter, Burlington, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Procter; Mrs. Cora ,,.Gilt with Mrs. Margaret LowrY, Ttnn(1n'; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Preeter and fancily with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Walker, Winglmen; Mac. jerk McKee, Montreal, Mrs. J. Curt - ie, and Mrs. Laura I{irten, Blue• vale, with. Mr, and Mrs, Herolo Procter. Wielne elaY, MAY l dtb, 1#611 • . tl USED CARS 1951 Oldsmobile Sedan, Radio, Hydra. 1948 Chev. Sedan, Heater. Radio 1948 Chev. Coach, Heater 1946 Dodge Sedan 1941 Plymouth Coach 1940 Pontiac Sedan VIRUS DISEASE COMBATS EUROPEAN PINE SAWFLY A virus preparation for the con- trol of the European Pine Saw Fly is available for Free distribution to land owners, who have plantations or windbreaks which are infested USED TRUCKS 1951 Chev. Sedan Delivery 1946 Ford 3 ton Stake 1942 Chev, 2 ton Stake 1948 Thames Panel 2 New 1/2 ton Pick-up for Immediate Delivery. RIVERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet an S Oldsmobile • Supertest Gas and Oil Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. I at her home with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bodden. Mir. and Mrs, R. P. Opie, Toronto, with Dr. and Mrs, Wardlaw. Mrs. Michel lase returned to her ; home after spending some weeks in Toronto, with Willard and Mrs Michel, Mies Georgie Dunbar has been en gaged as teacher starting in Sept, I ember aft a school near Clinton. The 'eight meeting of the Ethel Friendly Susies was bald in the hall in the form of a tea. 28 members of the Women's Instituto and Sirld 1 mothers were present. 10 club mem- 1 bers were also present. Meeting opened with girls singing the club ; song. The roll call was answered with "What I have gained from 1 this project," The members, were with ruropean Pine Sawtty, Dls-i given booklets for their reference trtbutton will be made from the Stratford Trent.Office ct the Depart- ment of Lanais and Forests, 430 Huron Street, Stratford, Ont. This Sawfly can be recognized, by the Caterpillar and should he sprayed In the Catepillar stage. These Cater- pillars, are about one snob ling, olive greenw111 darker green stripes and wtbh black heads. They will be evident on Scotch, ,Teck and Red Pine Trees from a;bnt May 15111 to June 10th. , Landowners will be required to furnish spray equipment Fin•:her in- structions and advice will he sup - Piled with the virus, when dietribet• ed. file. The ladies were told abottj achievement day. A demonstrattol by Doris Bateman and Marion' Bowes was then presented. 'T!N ladies were toren entertained vril quiz games The guests looked ) the club member& record books ai tilos. Mre. Dobson and Mrs, Was poured tea, served to ladies by girls, The guests and memo then returned home, ,. • f WINGHAM MEMORIAL SH Always a tarps .took in Chola Granites to Chess from All madorn mown, n, famous fee - . • Cemetery lettering it spa fir Artistic Memarlatr rt very reasonable prime. R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256 - Whigiram, 1:1 r1/1-T1FT We are sorry no report that Mr. John Howard one of Ethel's oldest residents fell at his home here and 1reke lets hips, and was talren to Listowel Memorial hospital by am- bulance, last report his condition wee, only fair. Mr. Geo, Pearson„ and Mr, Oam- eron Carnochan have returned to their home niter under going an operation in Toronto. Me. and Mrs. Jess and family Hamilton. spent the week -end with Mr. anal Mrs. Percy Stephenson. Miss Bonnie Godden, Brampton, YOU WERE RIENT ABOUT ROE VITAFOOD, DOC.. iT SURE GOT MY BIRDS AWAY TO A FAST START. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THESE CHICKS- AND THEY'RE ONLY SEVEN WEEKS OLD GOOD FOR YOU, BiLL. NOW KEEP THEM GROWING BY CHOOSING YOUR GROWING MASH JUST AS CAREFULLY I'VE BEEN WORRYING ADOtNTEW DOC.. 1 ANT TO UPSET MY CHICKS WITH A SUDDEN CHANGE IN FEED THERE'S NO FEAR OF THAT, BILL. JUST MIX YOUR PRESENT ROE VITAFOOD WiTH ROE VITAGROW THE FIRST WEEK, GRADUALLY REDUCING THE AMOUNT OF VITAPoOD, AND THE SWITCH WILL BE EASY. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE l SHOULD II WATCH FOR,DOC? YES,SI R, AND ITS JUST A5 IMPORTANT AS FEED. KEEP THE LiTTER DRY. TO DO THIS, A UTILE HEAT 15 NECESSARY, AND ALSO KEEP THE LITTER WELL STIRRED UP. WATCH UNDER THE BROODER WHERE THE CHICKS SIT AT NIGHT, AND IF IT 15 AT ALL DAMP, STIR IN A LITTLE HYDRATED LIME. IF THE. LITTER GETS MATTED, REMOVE iT. THIS 16600D INSURANCE, AGAINST COCCIDIOSIS "' • �'ti`'ti �,q�fivla 7 THAT NEW 'YORE TRI! WILL COST YOi LISS AT TNS KENMORE >a R. N.41 HALL BM UST :lei STRUT RATES PROM $L$ OMLY-1 esu FROM 11t,M PAKY• bOttl ,i Yew NNrisaks Se esti*, • sista, .os Nov Yui resets** at o ,av- byl htmay hafuMa M oma yor of Mr reflood. 4 LOA ,REE totaunfa$ Ned ford ,.r• of dImhof ...r *r h.11r *offer *4.p rad ortf r.ef rm.Ey5t bar arts bra,.. Aid a for minutes away from United Neti,.r, Times Silvan, toile Gley Empire $tot. Cvridtn�. Transportation right of l . sou. NO PARKING PROBLEMS WEEK ENiOS • Money -saving refer, Special rates for groups. 6q1 11:4 . _IL 44 'y1' t tlett 1t11`1t9119 tt'tK.4rc,)'11.1J By Roe Farms Service Dept. WHAT ABOUT VENTILATION, DOC.. 1111 CHICKS NEED PLENTY OF FRESH AIR, BUT BE SURE TO AVOiD DRAFTS. WATCH THE WEATHER SO THAT THE OPENINGS ARE CLOSED MORE ON EXTREMELY WINDY OR COLD DAYS, AND ON BRIGHT SUNNY DAYS, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ALL THE SUNSHINE AND+a DRY, WARM PROTECT YOUR CHICK INVESTMENT p I/i° ROE 100/8 p2RT� R P KEEP A a sE tAANo M!6 f ROE ti 45 Zasf Huron.Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL " F, HARRISON MCINCRIEFF