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The Brussels Post, 1953-5-13, Page 3
t. UNDtY SCIlOOt LESSON By Rev R 13 Warren 8.A 8.1.1 ,eioi%lezns of the Ohristilut 18osiacieftce (Temperance Lesson)' I Coi•lirthians 81-131 6:18.20 • Memory Selection; If meat make my brother to offend, 1 will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend, 1 Corr 8:13, Paul was Addressing people ,who had been delivered from paganism, Some felt they could eat of the meat dedicated to idols without any harm to themselves They would have no conscious- ness of the idol. But other weaker ones were troubled whin they saw their fellow Christians in the idol's temple, Paul made his great appeal, "Through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? But when ye sin so against the brethern and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ," Some argue that there is no harm in drinking liquor as long as you don't get drunk, (Drunk- ' enness is one of the things of things which it is said, "They which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." Gal, 5:12): But what is drunken- ness? The experts demonstrate that a very small amount of al- cohol affects the brain. The indi- vidual is "impaired" though not "drunk" as that term is'usually understood, The committee arranging the Sunday School lessons did well to include Paul's statement on fornication in this temperance lesson. It was a live issue in the wicked seaport city of Corinth. History, biblical and profane, il- lustrates the point that a drink or two increases the possibility of fornication. The brakes don't work se well. Inhibitions and moral restraints lose their effect and the individual. more readily yields to the lust of the flesh. If one may trust the findings of surveys, about three quarters of young men and half of the young women indulge in this sin before marriage. What an in- dictment against our civilization. How dare we call it Christian? No wonder so many marriages founder, We need a revival of old-fashioned Bible religion. 7kGD£1N THUMB tiordot‘ Smith mss„;1 Easy Work helps Weeds seem to thrive in any weather, Many people get dis- couraged early, especially when they see these pests literally crowding out their flowers and vegetables. One should take hope from the fact that one thcrough weeding will' bring the situation well under control. But this means pulling the weeds out by the roots or cutting them off be- low the soil's surface with a cul- tivator or hoe. This first and thorough job is carried out after the newly seeded flowers and vegetabl€rs are nicely up, say with their second or third set of leaves well started. Once that first clean-up has been carried out, a little routine cultivation will take eare of the garden for the rest of the season. Garden Paths No matter how small the gar- den there will be the problem of paths. Instead of being an eye- sore, these can be made into an attractive feature of the lawn or flower plots or even the vege- table patch, Where traffic is usu- ally concentrated, such as near the door or a gate, it is advisable to use some solid material like flagstones, concrete slabs, bricks, Safety Demonstration—Sgt. Charles F, Pearsall, Director of Toronto Traffic Safety Council, conducts a class in safety regulations. These students are preparing to enter this year's Traffic and Safety Quiz at the Canadian National Exhibition. The Quiz is open to school students up to the age of 16 years, and there will, of course, be cash prizes for the winners, This is an opportunity for students to earn a little extra money and at the same time help make this a safer country where children may run and play at home and at school. For details of this competition send a request to the Canadian National Exhibition. A copy of the prize list with entry forms will be mailed out free of charge. The envelope should be marked "Women's Division.” cinder or gravel.' With any of .these the main thing is to place firmly and level with or just slightly above the surrounding grass, so that the lawn mower will trim or even run right over easily. Where the traffic is light- er, one can simply use grass for the strip of well grown, well fed and tough grass. It is surprising the amount of wear this will give. In lots of public gardens grass paths are used to divide the flower plots and they are seldom worn thin. Where cin- der or gravel is used in paths or driveways one can eliminate grass and weeds by sprinkling heavily with rock ;salt or treating with sense of the weed splays Hints Experienced gardeners have all sorts of little tricks that will add to the interest and satisfaction of gardening, One of the oldest is to soak seed before planting. .This aPP 1' 111. especially a to vege- table seeds like peas, beans, beets and lettuce. By soaking for a very few hours just before planting, germination is hastened and sev- eral days are saved. With carrots and beets it will help to prepare the rows with special care, dig - ding out the poor or hard soil to a depth of six inches or a foot, and filling with rich soil with plenty of humus and manure. In such the seeds will germinate quickly and the young vegetables grow without being crowded. Because this special soil is very open there will be less need for thinning and the roots will grow straight. With melons, cucumbers and squash we usually sow in specially rich hills with some old rotten manure if we can find it. With all bedding plants, it is a, good plan to pinch bane after transplanting, and especially to remove any flowers or buds. This pinching encourages stouter and healthier growth and in the end we get much hardier and bigger blooms. Transplanting If there is any secret about successful transplanting, the an- swer is plenty of moisture, Under normal conditions it is quite pos- sible to water too often, if not too much, and a hose m the • hands of the careless is not al- ways an unmixed blessing. But transplanting some extra wat- ering is almost vital. 10 this bus- iness it is important to take as much soil with the plant or shrub as possible so that the fine CROSSWORD PUZZLE • AMOK.; DOWN 1. Belgium 1, 13Uay Iaaecl &trauma. 2, Attd not 4.Mature s. That girl 1.8. PI'e••eat lhn,c. 3. Article of ahotuel !. Gast hot al' S. ltlafortunl 15..a3•ona'annlf- �• Anlericlln 14..Adtonlobile 1,1 -qt" 1 orolassea 11mm{{. army rook, 20, Itr3•dis ort I tT. n1eg1 gulls 'hullytvul 'r 1 iht cried then 37:'Netetl the• 11114g,1(1 11T,(suinto,t,Sn . try. 1Cipd 051054 'Material 85.• 11)0h1lnrea npoo 31. 1r. fovea htltitat 8011 as11earr,i 04. S'colicas animal, Z . wlthtlrai0a 1t4. Alofulaltna !'6, Taverna 1s,.t tvertanl 1 4410l'e1t of'an !0 faro moan au tnnd 1 ,,40.1ee0ir ' !S, Deep sleep !SAmerlra gittioral 40 ltnh river 00 PrnrateteneY .41. Tnrinhn:el 7. Half em 30. Driving S. Snuggle. eanblmont 0. meager 11, ntarMl. 10. lieadple,re 33. Color 11. Bsfore 34. ll1lmlc 16, So he it 9a. name 18. Go first 37. Headliners 30. Directed 30. dilnute 5'1. 10nglne particle 21. rlscane 40. Angry artfully 41, intimidate 30, S1A'er coins 41.511nernl 2ttjllooaae of Ir. s5ring G.. Athena 41. Vven (mior.) ,$7. Largo go 44, Bearlet Y01alhrd ,1 11 N4 i 1Selinnatinn 4, S 6 7'6 t 99 ID It Of d ton z� Answer Elsewhere on 'Thee rage Government Sponsored Loans Available To Ontario Farmers • What kind of Loan Do Xou Need? Row' mach do you need for how tong; how much cad you pay for a loan; and when can you repay it? These are the• problems. " TO -meet them the Ontario and Federal governments offer Ontario farmers two types of credit., — long term and intermediate term loans. TYPE" OF LOAN INT11RMEDIATE TERM Title Farm Improvement Loans Act 1944 (Canada) (Canadian Chartered Banksi Qualifications Anyone engaged in fanning. Purpose of the To buy farm •itnplements; construction; repairs, Loan alterations or additions to farm homes & build- ings; livestock; clearing and breaking land; sew- age disposal; water systems and wells; electric systems; fencing and drainage. Amount of the Miiscimum outstanding at one throe not more than Loan e3000. For construction of houses and farm build- ings may be up to 609'0 of value, For other pur- poses up to 66%% of value, Security for ` Any security acceptable to the Bank. Provision Loan is made to allow the bank to accept real estate mortgages if necessary. Interest charge — 53/4 per annum. Interest on the Loan Appraisal of Value Repayment Terms Bank's appraisal of value of secw•ities offered. A 833000 loan is repayable in 7 years. 2500 loan is repayable in 6 years. 2000 loan is repayable in 5 years. 11500 loan is repayable in 4 years. 750 loan is repayable in 23n years. 400 loan is repayable in 18 months. roots are not broken or.dlstiub- ed. Then the roots must. be ?Cov- ered firmly with good, I1u7t„�.ys•,oil and dampened down with water, If the sun is hot it is.Knoo to shade for a few hours; Bgiter still, transplant in the cool eve- ning. Vast Unknown Land Below The Equator . By now I had read enough to know that "Ilanos" was the name of the vast region of plains that stretch away from the Eastern Andes towards Brazil and Vene- zuela. I had almost mastered the proper liquid pronunciation of the double 1. But I had yet to learn just how wide and wild these plains are; how like e sea whose ports are at the moun- tains' edge. We had yet to !snow the thrill of that open wind- swept land where one's nearest ncightbot• is a day's ride away on horseback; land thnt is val- ued by the number of rutile on it The cotmtry is nut unexplored not yet uninhabited. From the days of Quesada's army an. peo- ple heve passed through or settled here , In remote huts you will stumble on people from England, France, Sweden, or even Syria, But the caunlry is so vast that they are swallowed tip in ie.., , Just then we tame upon a herd of cattle being driven up from the plains to feed the pen pia of Bogota, and had stop the car to let the stream of bobbing heads, ti - acl.s , and horns 11n tt b Behind walked the herdsmen, barefoot, with a Alan., a square place of blanket with a slit in the Middle n ddl e fartrop t _ heats e t fold• ed and c a, t tr.•` ed over clic shoul- der, and a leather lasso over the ante.', . • -. Past the last chain it began to seem as though we were on a magic road that would keep us forever twisting and turning, shut in by towering mountains. We had been driving more than four hours, practically without stopping: Bogota, Caqueza, Chi- pagiie, and the Sandwiches were only pleasant memories We were stiff from bracing ourselves against the turns when suddenly we rounded a curve and stopped short, on the edge of—ncthing. It is tette that the road went on, but for the moment we s a w nothing but space, oceans of it, full of clouds and !raze, no more mountains, no walls of rock, just the wide sky. After a moment of surprise the discovered that there was land there, far below, a great flat land that stretched awey to be lost in 'the sky; the lianas at last. A broad river 01e- andered out from the toothils, patclies of darker color showed us where the forest came and went, and the cluster of white dots, half hidden behind a lots. hill, was Vi11avlcencio "You neves told in about this," I reproached the Boss, but lir: only smiled, and I knee then why he hadn't. You can't feel like Cortez or Hudson if sou are told what's around the next cos, ver.—From "East of the Andes and West of Nowhere," by Nancy 13e11 Bates. TRUE COURTESY One of the beauties'in the Co, pabana chords wrote a note tell- ing MMT a rival in the same troupe. She was so proud of her compo - sten that. she showed it to Edi- tor Ted Shane. It read as fellows: You Empt, . Headed Skunk: What's the idea of stealing my man, you - female rat. you" Wait - till , dltd • ht 1n' � S Otly O , you V U .pheny bI n»dz .tc1: pull every hair out of your ugly head, one by one, before 1 scratch ,your eyes out. Yours truly.. Helen. 1'.S, )'lease excuse 111e pencil. Your Child's Health And Care By STELLA McKAY NSW MOTHER For the inexperienced mother a baby in the house is Some- . times , .fearful thing and causes her to' worry and lose her sleep. These worries are normal, but mew exaulplof e:'' There isa unnecessary spot, called the fontanel, on tap •' ,Cif a baby's head add many moth - 'less 'fedi+' the$' Will' injure their baby if this spot is touched or pressed -The fontanel is tougher thanl.yott .think and no harm will come to the well-nourish- ed infant, handled in the ordin- ary way, New mothers worry because their baby's eyes move inde- :pendently of each other. This is normal ,and occurs because the muscles that control a baby's eyes are still weak. However, as the muscles get stronger this defect disappears. A true cross eye is much more noticeable and does not disappear. If a baby's eyes don't line up properly at the age of a year, an eye spe- cialist should be consulted. You may think there is some- thing wnong because your baby's legs look "'bowed." All new babies' legs look this way be- cause they "tuck them up" be- fore they are born. A baby still does this waren he is asleep or relaxed; his knees bend out and the soles of his feet fare each other. His legs will straighten out as his muscles grow stronger Another new -mother worry is a baby's flat feet. This too, is normal, because a baby is born with a built-in arch support. This pad of fat makes his feet look flat. It will disappear as he grows and his arches gets strong enough to support him without this aid. •Spitting up is another mater- naI disturber; something most new babies do. And it doesn't really mean anything and it doesn't matter either if the milk he spits up is sour; stomach juices makes it this way. If baby vomits a large amount it really alarms •a mother but this is not serious if the baby is otherwise well and happy. However. if he continues to vomit large amounts each day. your doctor should be consulted. A mother worries when her baby hiccups, while the baby is placid about it. Hiccups just seem to be necessary to a new baby. T'Ie hiccups if he eats too fast, eats too much, if he swal- lows air. The thing to do for hiccups is to give him some warns water. Trust yourself and have fur, with your baby: your common sense won't lead you astray, When you are worried consult your dootor. JOHNNY WON'T PLAY WITH OTHER CHILDREN: " My tour -year old Johnny won't play with other children, He tags after me the - whole - day wanting me to amuse hien. I've told him I had work to do and I've fried definite play periods without success. What would you suggest I do now?" asks Mrs, J. T. Why not let Johnny help you with your howfseveork? fie could dry silver, scrub potatoes, empty ash trays and waste baskets. Thank- him and praise him for his help, Buy him a toy tele- phone that rings when dialled and have him 'phone to you from. his other -room "office." You'll perhaps learn what is worry- ing or frightening him, if you listen to what he has to say. In a few days try playing school with him. You be the teacher and as you go about your work Jolmny can sit at his desk. In this way you can talk to one another while Tolmny does things for himself. Soon you can invite another child to your school. Perhaps in a couple of days, if Johnny is happy with the other child, your pupils can play "recess" on the porch or in the yard. Don't try to rush things and don't lose interest in John- ny's doings nor leave him on his owes too long. You don't want to get him upset again. Most likely Johnny's first recesses will be short. However, when he realizes that you are inside working and that he can see you or call to you he'll play longer. Don't scold, punish or call him 'fraidiy cat or sissy if he won't stay out with the chil- dren very long and don't dis- cuss this 'problem when Johnny is with you or can hear you. Try these suggestions and if Johnny doesn't 'respond, you should consult your doctor, In- cidently, have you been "sneak- ing out" on Johnny or leaving him often with strange sitters? Or perhaps lye's not eating enough of the right foods or gets enough sleep. Of course, some four -year-olds go through a clinging -to -mother stage which may last two or three months. • Readers are invited to post their problems and suggestions to Stella McKay, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. Please enclose a self-ad- dressed, stamped envelope for personal reply. Tall in the Saddle—With the aid of stilts, this rider manages his tall motorbike with ease as he rides around Berlin advertising a circus in the British sector of the city. FAITH .Keokuk, Iowa, installed park- ing meters early last year. As is public relations gesture, Keokuk banks provided fishbowls tilled with pennies and nickels so that customers could make their own change, At the end of a week, not a single fishbowl showed a deficit; one was a nickel ahead. If washed properly and often, white nylon should not become discolored. Hard water, however, turns soap suds into a scum which clings to fibres and is difficult to rinse out. Repeated exposure to this scum will cause discoloration after a time and for this reason water softeners are recommended f o r washing nylon garments, Most detergents contain water softening agents. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking 0111© ®©b®© ©1110 ®o -MODEM o15217 D®©LU0© LIDDED ©1:110151 ©©©m 0000©®' uL 13121 DEMI ®®©:1® DEC 00. ELll 2019 1311121; C]U©Eii17�0 BU1U© DU©ID 0U1312 UE3I4©U ©110000©' eJlalE1 U©L700 -001111 ©©©' ©©011:10:, -:DD. 1111('I"t'I,'i is>n o1 Tont- uf tt•• r 1nralii co11rciion Great Canadian Project—Like one caught, surprised, in the sights of a candid c country's leading cities learned recently that for more than a year past tiles and bustling streets had been captured in' the probing sights of 20 of the bc." boast. Thfs month, the 22 paintings and 27 sketches produced in the mot',, chronicle of its cities Canada has known, are on the first lap of a year.' 14 -cities lour of Latin America and. Europe, to be followed by a crass -Cant. n Canadians got their first brief glimpse of their urban profiles only a few ¢ ,U. a six-day show in Ottawa. Then the • col lect ion to ok to t he road , a staggering erin g I ,ar cp, , o.. n 3 - 0paintings,sketches,35specially-designed dlumttirm dis laYpanels, ;merot. ao,awn - •T � t. of Samuel Branfman, House of Seagram president. Touring as the Seagram Collectiaa no5ou�a"�,, . a'«Tus pIogram Canada s largest artistic good will gesture abr a Tr N `k• na', toc owv0 it sof Cities of (and the heartyblessings of official Ottawa), the show 0s/4k% :a g P2,,A-,"?., to the skilled interpretive hand and tireless organizational work of then president of the itoL '?- i- Q6'''.51.6, 1 Canadian Academy, artist A. J. Casson, d In the above picture, Mr, Samuel Bronf man is seen with a globe on which is 0r aced the '0' w 30 thousand mile itinerary of the picture exhibit.