HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-5-13, Page 1THS BRUSSELS PCIS Post Publishing House Authorized as second class mail, Poat Office Department, Otterwa Wednesday May 13th, 1953 $2.00 per year - $2.50 Lit. To the Subscribers of the Brussels, Morris and Grey Telephone System Brussels, Morris and ,Grey Telephone System Is holding Its, Annual Meeting on May 20th. The Commissioners are requesting as many subscribers as possibie to attend this meeting as the Installation of new equipment Is to be discussed at this meeting. Many of the phones which are 40 years old or more and the switch- board which Is 20 years old are much outdated and cannot be expected to give good service to the subscribers, Come to the meeting and 'let us know your opinion on a complete change over. Monster Kinsmen VICTORIA CE .40 k9 17 Parade moves off at 1 p.m. Monday, May 18 - Featuring Carnival and Midway, . Mammoth Parade, Clowns 2 Big Dances, Intermediate Baseball, Band Concerts, Soap Box Derby, Canadian Champion Square Dance2-s, Fireworks, 'The Main Street Jamboree" a "RADIO SHOW" DRAW FOR 1953 PLYMOUTH CAR Pion to spend the Week -end in Listowel NAVY LEAGUE TAG DAY SATURDAY, MAY 23rd Annual Tag Day for the Navy League of Canada, to raise funds for its services to our seamen and its youth-traitt]sg programme thorough - nut Canada will be held in Brussels on Saturday, May 23rd. Convened by Ladies' Auxillayy, Canadian Legion, Branch No, 213, B. E. S. I., Brussels. CARD OF TthANKS I wish to take this opportunity In thanking hhe many frfende for their lovely cards and boxes, during my I recenit illness. Also a speoial thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Myers. Mrs, Mac Stelphennon. THE PRESBYTIRIAN CHURCH IN CANADA MehrMRe Climb trusses Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Preaohnr, Rev. Fulton. United Church OF CANADA !Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Rural Life Sunday Morning Worsaip-11. o'clock • "Seedtime," Men's Choir, LI1 NOTICE Belgrave Music Festival will be held in the Foresters' TIali, Belgrave on Friday, May 15th at 1.30 P. m Miss Helen Guenther, supervisor of music for Perth County, adjuicator, Will cont!nue on Tuesday, May 19th at 9 a, ne and 1.30 p. m. Admissrlon 15c In the aftereoon. In the evening 35c. In the Wtngham Town Hall at 7.30 p. m„ May 19th. Dr, G. Roy I ennvick, Director of Music for the Prov. of Ontario will he the adjnicat- or for the full day on Tuesday, 0. R. Ooultes, Chairman of the Festival Committee, Mru. Lawrence Bannon, Secretary. CARD OF TItANKS Many thanks to all friends for the lovely flower% cards, and gifts I received while in hospital. Special thanks to the nurses and staff o1 Wtngham Hospital, It was vers mach appreciated. - Mrs. A. Coleman. LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Two Shows Nightly Rain or clear - first show at dusk Church Sohool - 12 o'clock. I "LADY IN THE IRON MASK" Thur. - Frl. May 14.- 16 Let :uta give thanks for seed- , Louis Hayward Patriola Medina thne .growth and a ,gracious providence. ms's,..,., pa. ._ ...a r•• ---tea Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. A. Mennen Kills, M. A. Sunday, May 17th, 1053' St. John's Church, Bruges's -- 11 a. m Morning Prayer Saturday May 11 "THUNDERHEAD. SON OF FLICKA" Roddy McDowell Rita Johnston Moh, - Tues, May 18 - 10 "WHEN MY BABY SMILES AT ME" Betty Grable Dan Dalley Dedication of Scout Flag - ! Parade of Ind Brussels Wolf te I Wed. - T'hur. - Fri. May 20 - 21 - 02 Cubs and local troops. Visit of ,y,"MR. MUSIC" Mr, Harry Firth (Field Com- ti! Bing Crosby missloner of Western Ont.) . ,i, St, DavIld's Church, Honfryn { " Sat. • Mon, Mny 28 - 26 180 p, m, Evening Prayed 'I;' "LAST OUTPOST" Sunday School Ronald Reagan Rhonda Fleming GICs POSTOFFICE INTERIOR REMODELED The interior of the i3ruseels Bost office has been remodeled, changing the location of the various wickets le an endeavour to impi+pv6 service by having things more convenient• ly looated, MELVILLE CHURCH The theme Ilea. Mother's Day ser- vice in Melville Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning was "Cmristlan Foundations dor .Our Homan," and Rev, W. H, T. Fulton was in charge. Several gift bouquets received by mothers of ,the congregation decor- ated the, altear and choir lobi, and 9 hnslcct of spring flowers was placed by a family in memory ot their mother. Special music by the choir comprised a male chorus, a McBee' chortle,, and an anthem by the choir, with solo token by Miss Mary Lou McPar]nne, Phe Sunday Sohool .attended in a body with their teeatrers; and ,our etudents of the setteei, Peter Hemingway, Rob- bie Fulton, Frank Wilson, and Jack Tltge-Inc took Ulf; place of the ree- ;lar nshere. THE UNITED CHURCH At the Mother's I?ay Service on Sunday, May 10t11 the Sacrament of Baptism was admmintetered to Joyce Gail infant daughter car Mr, and Mrs. Jack McDonald; Tames Carey infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Oldfield; Bonnie Lynne infant daughter of Mr and Mrs. Tom Pletch; and Diane Marie infant daughter of Mr. and Ili", Jas. Turnbull. The anthem, "Take Streams that Feed the Garden." was sung by the droit•. "The Beautiful Card cm of Prase•", by Srliroel end Fillmore was rendered as a Inc.iby Mrs, Alkin Rene•and Misses Addie Cardiff and Betty Cousins, The sermon subject wee, "The Keep' n of the • Springs." Snerial Services are planned as fellows : May 17 - Rurusl Life Service, Mae ?4 - Peerinrtir Service, lfav 31" - Cnronellen Servire, Jeep 7 - Piew,-,r Sunday. Plan to letond them all, AT HOME Mr, end Mrs. Wm, Patterson of Ethel are celebrating- their golden wedding anniversary on Wed„ May 20th, and will he at home to their friends afternoon end evening. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take thio opport- unity of thanking my many friends and neighbours. teacher and school children who so kindly, remembered me with cards while I was Int Tor- onto at Sick Children's Hosppttal and since coming home with flowers, gifts and boxes of treats, also your visits. I did appreciate them all and your kiedness will always he remembered, Marilyn Jahnstnn. PF1f 1c'Nir Ti-tFATRF Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING - May 14.15.10 'FRANCIS GOES TO WEST POINT" Donald O'Connor Lorl Nelson Another comedy riot about Francis, (• NEW FLAG FLIES OVER LEGION HALL ' The members of the Brussels branch of the Canadian Legion have erected a flag pole over the Legion Ilalll, it is -substantial metal with an arm ,that allows tete new flag to fly, not directly over tete building, but above and In front of it waving gaily over the'iteads-of all who pass. We were pleased to hear, t'leat it will be lowered at sunset, as is proper, and raised again, eaph morning, The veterans 'had extremely Warm work when alley gave the stand an alumin. ten paint Job last Saturdaly, FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE HOLD SUCCESSFUL TEA A very successful Coronation tea and safe of baking was held in the Library basement on Saturday after. noon by the Friendship Circle of the Bitted Ohiirc-h, The royal col- ors,, purple and gold, were used In the decorations for the rpm and ten table. Crowns and sotlttres In gold ce,t-outs were arranged on the walls, surrounding a large oolored pictere of Queen Elizabeth 1T. The tee table, with a lace cloth, had e rpnta•e of gold daffodil% and purple Tris, with purple candles in can d e.l abra, Mrs. Andrew Lane Pom•ed during the aftrrnonr, and the gttrs,tc were served by Mrs. Mada- lon Ryan and Mrs. Frank Me- Cutcheon. Mrs. Kenneth Tyerma.n was eonvener of the tea-room rem mittee, which included Mrs. Melee 9icTaeeart, Mrs. Thomas Garniss, and Mre, William Kellington. The baking counter was in charge of Mrs. Albert Cardiff and Mrs. Carl TTpmino'way: randy was sold by 1Irs. Carson Wallin; and a table of small plants and flowers was le charge of Mrs. Garfield Henderson. During the afternoon Isabel Den- nis .played piano s,lerlions; Agnes Late and Jong Rene contributed a duet; Marion Hemingway and. Doris Jmhuston played n cornet duet; Neil Turnbull a 'rront sale; and Barbara Mien end Iran Jewell a elxnphn-ie duet. Mrs, Jamas Turb»ll had arranged the program, CARD OF THANKS. T would like to thank all ma friends and nerigbbours for cards and also for visiting me while T was in the nursing home. Mrs+. Rose Knight, CAPITOL LISTOWEL THEATRE Wednesday, Thursday, Friday May 13 • 14 16 We are proud to present Sir Walter Scott's Immortal Classic In flaming Technicolor '•IVANHOE" All Star Cast Including Robert Tay- lor,, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Fontaine. NOTE - For this showing only prices will be Adults - 75c tax Included. Students 12 - 16 - 50 tax Inciuded. Every school pupil shoutd see this pltoure. Saturday Only May 10 $5,000 REWARD- Wanted by the ; State of Missouri. Frank James for Bank Robbery. See Henry Fonda,: Gene Tierney, Jackie Cooper In the suspense filled drama "THE RETURN OF FRANK JAMES" the mule whl can outtalk and out. -• think any human.. Don't mins seeing !Sunday Midnight 12.05 - Monday - Tuesday May 18 • 17 "BONZO GOES TO COLEGE" Ever see n Monkey play football? It's a riot yhen Bonze scores a touch- down -- added feature "ROYAL HERITAGE" 1 Showing the preparation for the Cor, onatlon of Elizabeth 11 Queen of England. Make It family party - bring the Children to this big Holl• day Show. the mule at West Point. May 18-19-20 Technicolor "EVERYTHING 1 HAVE IS YOURS" Marge Champion Gower Champlon The Champilns are n successful i song and dance team who reach n triumph In this picture. This Is a smart snappy new approach to the show business story. Matinee May 18th at 2.80 TT Trei n nv EnTg1•NITF May 21.22.28 Technicolor i OFFER A200(30 "WHAT PRICE GLORY" j 7,iel OFFER 570.00 James Cagney ' Dan. Dalley 1 ModA"v t#ftpna,-nr.. Cora Mutt. A comedy filmed In Parts at the end of World War 1. It's falsely; Wed, Thurs. Fri. Mev 20 • 21 • 22 entertalnhiet es you see the captain' The one and only - The exciting end the sergeant fight n battle over) new star MARILYN MONROE in n n lovely French girl, torrent of emotIons you cannot for- rtrt --. Adult entertainment --• r0M11,1G --- "NIAGARA" "THE GIRL IN WHITE" Filmed In Niepere Fulls Ontario. Grey Twp. Council Grey 'Township Council Meeting was, held on May 2n4, Moved by Clifford R. Dunbar, sea ended by \\in. E. Bishop that the ;Mentes be adopted as read. - Carried, Moved by liuglt Smith, seconded by C'lif'ford R. Dunbar ".bat we adopt the Engineer e report -en 1ltr Store y Drain and Instruct tete Clerk to pre- pare and serve the necessary By- laws, - Carried, Moved by Howard F, McNaught sernnd,'d by Hugh Smith that we pay Jame, A. Howes $200,00 Engin- eer's fees on the Storey Drain, 1 - Carried. I Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded 1 • by Clifford R. Dunbar that we ac- rpet t'hn tender of Robt, Nirhnlnsnn end Son at 51950.00 for constuetion of Cos Dr., aeeording to I:neineer's rpr'ifleations. - Carried, Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded by Wm. E. B1=bee Mat e genet o 5f ejen.as be made to the Moire- j worth Cemetery. - Carried, 1Tnved by Howard F. 1ToN ught by Wm. 11 Bishop that we appoint Ren. 1[ esenhel's 1st,"ssor fent the year 1353, - Carried. Mead hy`Wm. E. TIthnn seconded by TTnwerd F. McNaitrbt tbat we florin- byanw Ni. 1, far 1300. - Carrie' Moved by Hurh Sniith, ea weeps nv Clifford R. Demhor tart' the Kerr Drama h1• -low be finally paeeed. - C' Moved by Beware F. 11r anarrlghd.i seconded by Win. Fe. Bishop that all approved nrrnilnta by paid. - Carried- . bToved by Clifford I?. Dunbar, sec onded by Wm. E, Bishop that we new- arinjurn 'n meet lane etli nr at the 'all of the Re. re. - Carried. 'she renewing nrrn,tnte were pain: ITnrnn County 1Iun3'ipal Officers .lcsne., fee $ 15.00 Brame•Herald, Advt, Cox Dr. 5,20 Listowel Bann- n, Ade. Machan Dr. 2.43 Rrneeele Pni.t. Print Lards for drains, 32.50 T"mperial Oil Ltd., stere nil 9.02 Joe Martin, repair +ypewriter 5.00 Ethel Library. Grant 50:00 Cranbrook Library, Grant 10.511 Walton Library, Grant Mt-Ape-worth15.Mt-Ape-worthLibrary, Grant 15.00 Moncrieff Library, Grant 00.00 Monteith and Monteith. Audit Account an:;.ne Edytbe Cardiff, Clerk's fees, prepare by-laws Kerr Dr, 20,Or Trp. of Elea, Kerr Drain Assessment 10.00 Gro. Calhraith, Sheep 45,00 Geo. McKay, Ducks and Gander 18.50 L, D. Frain, Valuator 6 trips 24.00 James A. Howes,, Engineer's fees Storey Drain 200.00 C. T3. Rowland, Asststsnee on Storey Drain 8.00 Hugh Smith, Assistance on Storey Drain 8.00 Brnesels Post, Print ByLtww, Smith Drain 50.00 Fred Sntalldon, Inspector 238.83 Molesworth Ceme,tery Board, Grant 100.00 Melvin Hamilton, rent for dump 15.00 Fos Bounty 33.00 Ronde 1.3,827.79 Total $15.172.59 Edythe M. Cardiff. Clerk. WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL "OPEN NiGHT" .The annual Open Night et the II Wingltam District High School will he held on Friday evening, May 22110. The school will be open at 7.30 to visitters, There will be displays ot pupila' work in all department, and of equipment, and teaching aids.' Everyone is welcome, and parents of High School pupils, and of pupils ! In Grades VI1 and VIII of the public schools are especially invited to mei the dh,plays and to meet the teachers I and members of the Board. Re- member the date - Friday, May 22nd, at 7.80. NOTICE - The Annual Flower Servide at the I Tinted Church will he held on Sun i clay, .Tune 7th, KNIGHT -- To Mr. and Mrs. Ross ' TCnieht at Dr, Myers, Nursing !Terre os Mny let, a eon Warren Do,,elna weight 9 lbs 2 ov BORN - DANCE Brussels Town Hall on Friday, May 15th Music by Ken. Wilbee's Orchestra Dancing 10 to 1 Admission 50c Booth in Hall Sponsored by Brussels Hockey Team DANCE In Cranbrook Community Hall Wednesday, May 20th Music will be provided by Don. Robertson and The Ranch Boys Lunch booth in hall. Admission 75c - Everybody Welcome Sponsored by the Hall Board CORONATION DAY CELEBRATION Sponsored by Brussels Branch No. 218 of the Canadian Legion at Victoria Park, ::'russets on TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd 1-ifttcrnoi bl and Evening PARADE OF FLOATS - $200 IN PRIZES Parade Starts at 2 P. M. - 2 Classts of Floats PUBLIC SCHOOL CLASS BUSINESS MEN'S CLASS - $40.00 $25.00 $15.00 - 540.00 $25.00 $116.00 GRAND CHAMPION FLOAT $40.00. All Floats must represent something pertaining to the Brltish Empire A Wreath will be laid at Cenotaph during the Parade. 2 Bands in Attendance Brussels Legion Pipe Band - Brussels Lions Boys and Girls Band Children's Sports - Cash Prizes RIDES - GAMES - BINGO Street Dance - Main Street - Geo. Smitl and his orchestra MONSTER FIREWORKS - 11 P. M. Admission: Afternoon 25c - Evening 50c - Childrea 12 and under Free "God Save The Queen" REASON NUMBER ONE WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND THE FUN PARADE OVER $21500 in valuable PRIZES in the WINGHAM ARENA on Fri.May 1 featuring ROY WARD DICKSON and his Goofy -gang Bring a gag -bag - a shopping bag filled with odds and ends. Anytone Item could win a NEW EASY WASHER ADMISSION Advance Sale $1.25 - General $1.40 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT RANN'S FURNITURE STORE sponsored by Kinsmen Club of Wingbam G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optole 1st, NI/rick St., WINGHAltrl; At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. ?bvoae VI/Ingham 770 ,LQ 6, Materialist $". Evenings by ,appoint`aaent.