HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-5-6, Page 5• • t'iIB BRUSSLrl3 Poli Wednesday, May 6th, 10M, ..�.. 1,09.0.14111 4. _,M.,,,..,.n,...�•,.,n•.,•.n.,,,,,.«•,.�...ar WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better .Bulls Are Used" A farmers' nen-profit, ce.operative organization, owned and 'operated by.,farmere, Seivice available from the best bulls available In all breeds. For Service call collect Clinton 242 or Palmerston 66 Week . days' 7.30 to 10.00 a. M. Sundays and Holidays 7,30 to 9.30 a. m. :Any cows noticed in heat later than times stated above will be more likely to conceive If bred the following day. Fees for All Breeds are: ^ 65.00 for life membership. Service fee for Member° Is $5.00. Service fee for Non -Members Is $6.00, For services to Insure conception without charge Free veterinary service for cows that are problem breeders. New Business is solicited. Special care le taken to have TOP SIRE OF ALL BREEDS In •service. We are featuring our SCOTCH SHIORTHORNS In this ad.. They are as follows — KLAYMOR OVERSEER 'by„KlaymdrMonitor`;--1st. prize Sr. ter. 1952 C. N. E. 'KLAYMOR OBJECTIVE ' ,.,.;by klay;nor ;Jewel — Res'. Gr, Champion 1952 C. N. E. KLAYMOR NUTCRACKER by Calvossie Formula ' 4. ANOKA COMMADORE c by Seotsdale...Bentardrer Gr. Ch. Chicago.and Royal 1940-k:,; SCOTSDALE FUTURITY by 0. A. C. Mayflowers Ransom TAM O'SHANTER BALLANTYNE by Sylvan Farms Mercury ABERFELDY NUGGET Full brother to Aberfeldy Model ABERFELDY ORCHID by Crichton Drambuie, full brother to Aberfeldy Model, sold for $+000.00 and sire of 1st get In beg show in U. S. A. GLENBURN QUICKSILVER by Phopachy Diplomat sire of many prize winners BRAEDOON LANCER by Klaymor Northman AUCTION SALE Household Effects of the late hill, Alex Tiling In Brussels On SATURDAY, MAY 16th at2p.an.. Frigidaira 6 -ca. ft, 2 yrs, old National Electric Range SVestilltghOuOG Radio Westangiluouse Washing McOhlne Oaic fJ5lbrary 'Table Eleetrjc Heater, Hot elate Beadle Gook Stove Q+ueboe neater, - Box Stove Coal Seattle 'Fables (small)' Dining room smite • 6 kitchen chairs, roejrere '2 hedropm suites, trunks and chests Mirrors, Kttelien utensils Stove Popes, fernery 1 glass, cupboard Oupboai'd (pantry) Medictne„Gabifet Pictures Electrolux Cleaner Laval Mower,. floor. coverings Acousticon, 'hearing aid, • TERMS CASH Auctioneer — Harold. Jackson.. Clerk — Geo: Davidson. Executors — Dawson Craig, W. J. PeacoetG i.. • FREE - FREE. "FREE I A . ,alaut,fuf 20;=5e 40 BEDROOM RUGS, Fr orr Factory So You • re WtU g[ve you absoLuWIY ..;,gift Orli; amrit'�toeint.,tig Prosperous farmers are installing DURO PUMPING SYSTEMS to save LABOUR and TIME with fresh run- ning water at the turn ofatap- .in the house . . . barns . • . stables ... chicken houses. The fire pro- tection value, too, is vital. BUY the BEST BUY a DURO Why carry water when you can have clean, fresh water anywhere you want it with a DURO Shallow or Deep Well Pump? LuxO.1ticens Cordprpy Chennille "bed, 'pl•eed. "This is the.apreed• that hat thousands of velvety".,tufte which .completely covers the spread. Note on; stale 'tor 66.99 each, sent C. O. P. pins .postage. In all shades, in bolt single and, double bed sizes. With either multi -colored or solid color patterns on top. First quality. A truly remarlaable buy, when you consider that you get a rug worth 33 as a free gilt to match. Immediate money -back guarantee. TOWN & COUNTRY MFG. Bok 904, Place D'Armes Montreal, P. Q. MModernise, your beam nith AIRCO Thitursa and Minis kr . iiitkreon twOry„ Add comlert sed value to your home. Drip Is and see is todayi TENDERS FOR COAL AND COISE Federal Buildings — Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "TENDER FOR COAL", will be received until 3 p. m. (E.D,S.T.), WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1953, for the supply of coal and coke for the Feneral Buldings throughout dire Province of O tario. Forms of tender with specificat- ions pecification's and conditions attached can be obtained from the Ohief cf Purchas- ing and Stores, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the District Architect, '33 Adelaide 'St., East, , Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by, the Department and in aecoraa.nce with departmental specificationus and conditions attach ed thereto. The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful tend= er, before awarding the order, a sec- urity deposit in the form of a cert- fted Cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of tdue Honorable the Minister of Public Works equal to 10 per cent of the amount got the tender, or Bear• er Bonds of the Dominion of Canada nr of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent cam• prudes unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the afore- mentioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an odd a•moust. , Such security will serve as a guar. nnttee for the proper fulfilment of the contraot. ROBERT FORTIER, Acting Secretary. Department at Public Works, Ottawa, April 15, 1953. ' For Sale by — C. &,G. Krauter Co. Brussels. Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED HAMILTON • ST. CATHARINES • 81065(NER • TORONTO MOON • SUDBURY • WINNIPEG • VANCOUVER Eca3A s. a .11c1;1l"ialt, 111 O. Oplernetridt, • t,15•T'OWEL, ONT. SpectrellxiTug in Bye £xamlillatl'on and the Fitting oaf Oiiam csifi.c 1.. LJt'.oWel Clinic Bail ckpda fio rsa r:uv u,+e , iu .. ,16 I).iYL• doily; i loseai Weaksaawlsrp aartu, Open every Tuesday and 3aatrmdaay Evening 7 tee Ara San, Other eveseluRe by appoiitttnent Phone 1134. WAL I'ON l'ereon013: ''OOrr'ainee Pardee is llgtient in the Stealtord lhoairital, Murray Mills ilea takers a Position in BxantOond; Douglas lilirktr3' nod David Backwell with friends in Brantford; J. Caster nud Mies Oast, err Bay City, Mich.,- with Mr, ,and Mrs. Herb, 3CirlcbY; Miss Iva m1'aaser Stratford, wdltth her parents Mr, and Mfrs. M. Fraser. Walton Oommunity Hall was filled to capacity last Wednesday evening, When a dance was given in {honor of Mr, and Mrs. Don; McDonald, newly- weds. Musk was supplied by Wil - beets wrchestra. Before lunch was served..Mr, rind Mrs. McDonald were called to thre tlatfornr, and an ad- drees was read by Frank Cardiff. Preaentption of a purse of money was Tiradeby Harold Bolger. The Football ,Club also presented the couple with a card table, the honors being performed by T. B. Marshall. A luneli. was ser"ved by women Ot' the community. ILEI ',GRA vE iperdonala. DIM Kelly, London, with his ppo.ents, Mr. and Mrs+'Vim Ketiv• pttailss'Procter • Burlington' ,vitro flus' parents, Mr:: and -Mrs. Ste• Wart l3 osier, Mr. and Mns James R. toultes 'lNarie; and Audrey, ante 142r, gnak 455 ffe3ineth Wheedes 7�u. 8raial� l eyes, i>bk119 Mr 1 '1t -a Couttte•+ wlihlt fifrs. Geos• 'a Ciiartes and R. C, 'McGowan, Slyth; Mr. and Mrs'. Howe, rd Willdnson, Miss Annie Baker, and Mrs. Cora Me - Gill in G+oderloh; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henderson. Thamesford, and Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, Brucefield, with Rev. and Mrs Charles Cos; Mrs. Garner Nichol son bas returned tome from the Wingham Hospital; M. and Mrs Herold Vincentand family and Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston and Douglas with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wa'lh R. R. 4 Brussels. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Maohinery and Stock. At Lot 13, Con. 17, Grey Twp., 3 miles east of Walton, on Thusrdny, May 1.4 at 1 P.M, Oattle-1 registered Ayr- shire heifer, 3 year old, fresh; 1 reg- t istered Ayrshire heifer 1 year old; 1 grade Ayrshire heifer due time of sale; Holstein heifer 3 years old; CLASSIFIED AD:S, WANTED A good .seeceld hand baby buggy APO}, at the Brussels Poet. WANTED A hog service age, Tam or York. Elsner Ellacott Phone 03r6 FOR SALE --- An An out house, in pood condition. Plhone 81x. FOR SALE — House and Small Donald Currie ern, apply to Phone 12r14 FOR SALE — 35x55 ft. Barn, apply tp Rowland Achilles - Phui1 1 SrS FOR SALE — Ayrshire Cow, 4 yrs, old, with milk record, will change for young siteert,. J. H. Bryan Perone 51r6, FOR SALE Durham g,,ovy e 2 oil brobderss Jack{ee9,er • ¢1b kam::. ;a eltera,,, electric brooder ' gnef12T1 . good grass ` v Phone 3w Br usflalits` lAais 14.M.eponeld FOR SALE Oanso .•Potates. fir seed`, Blight resistant.'.' a3iplY to Wni, ,Smi;hh Phone 12J9 FOR SALE — 1 Hereford heifer, fresh 1st of June. 1 Holstein heifer, fresh June 20th. apply to Mhos, Bernard. Phone 361'9 Brussels. FOR SALE — 1 2 storey frame house in the Vill- age. of Bluevale, hard and soft water, pressure system with small barn on premises. Priced reasonable for quick sale. Phone 610W4 Wingham, Sperling Yeo. FOR RENT — 100 acres of pasture land in the Twp. of Grey, good grass and never failing water supply. A'prly to red heifer 3 yrs. old; Jersey cow 10 1 Mel. Jermyn, R. R. 2 Bluevale, yrs. old; grey cow 9 yrs. old; black (, Phone 53r12 Brussels. cow 7 yrs. old; Jersey cow 11 yrs. old He eford cow 11 yrs. old; red r: cow 8 yrs. old. Hereford heifer 3 yrs. old; Ayrshire heifer 3 years old. 3 Durham 5 Polled Angus steers rang ing from 600 to 800 lbs. 1 Hereford eifer 700 lbs. Ll Durham calves from 4 to 6 weeks old, STOP CLAW -RIDING — Mille with genuine tug -and -pull Surge Milkers, are adjustable to the individual cow because of their hanging arrangement. Call' Lovell McGuire, Surge Service Dealer, phone 595, Wingham. Separatnre and 11461icera- D1sc. MOWS. Mestere Spreaders. Lime and FFerltil Spring-tooth harrows 40th wheel tractors and crawlers Plows, Discs, Spreaders Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers eased uimsnass' We Alan (WV repairs beau' Oliver Cockd'btalt lam. r,-n„aleaneet Dealers tar Oliver Implsmenta 1t oRi:I'rr R VlrRa:nrsll etytts, Chet Implement;, -1949 Ford tractor and I plow; set drag harrows; walking Mow; electric Delaval cream separa- tor; Delaval magnetic milker, 2 single units like new. 6 range shel- ters. fanning mill; hammer m111, Papex Massey Harris hay loader; Deering 5 ft. mower; Deering 7 ft binder; McCormick manure spread- er on rtobber. All steel rubber tired wagon; 16 et, flat bay rack; wagon: box; grain blower. Set single sleighs and cutter. Set scales. Coal brood- er, oil 'brooder, electric brooder John Deere 12 A 6 ft. combine, com- plete with pat rolls and pick-up. 6 ton mixed hay. Barrels. forks, shov els, ropes, chains, sacks. Set double ltarnessa? Other articles too rumor.. ons. to uientdont Terms cash.. . No re,Nei've, •Farm sold. Andrew Nichol, Prop. Harold. Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney,. Clerk. WANTED — Dead and disabled .arm a1tlme)s wanted tar prompt pfek-aa. J Percy ;Stephenson, EtheL Phan-, Brussels 85r-12 Collect, Y ELS JOHNSON ELECTRIC & PAINTS, e ` HES Brussels, Ontario. Higher quality assures satisfaction. USE STURGEONS FOR BEST RESULTS FOR SALE — 8 room cement house, double cement garage and frame barn, on 4', acres of land, good garden anb small fruits, 'h mile south of Brussels. Apply to Mrs. Chas. Lake. WANTED — Croy Township School Area invites applications for 5. S. No, 6. If in- terested nterested teachers please apply at once, stalling qualifications. Apply to J. Carl Hemingway, Sec Phone 253,6 Brussels. FOR SALE — 100 acre Farm good house and bank bush annal woodlot. Priced at 04. 800,00. - 100 acre Farm, good buildings, good location, near highway, Priced at 08,500,00. 75 acre Farm . all facilities, good house, steed drlveshed, good barn, Priced at $9,000.00 100 sere Farm, brick house, largo barn, Priced at $9,000,00. Brisk bOnse in village with all fecl'tties., Cement house in Brussels with alt facilities, Farms all sires end number of good houses. J. C. Long, Real instate Broker Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE — PracticaBy Nett' V-A,- Case Tractor sift tyo-fiinow P50W "and seven ft. power Mower. • Hae. lased less than 50 gal. gasoline.' ,WIIl exchange on, grass cattle. -Phone 23r4 Bert .Tohnston LIVESTOC$ V b'N1`ED -- Dead, disap ea't, knew es was removed frf0p faCA!!a• iron tiwat and e6'llclent eerrlcii hobs "STONES" oollect ingersoll 1111 or BrnssEed 72. MEMORIALS 'AN INVITATION We Iwrite your inspection of our varied die- , p153' of memorials and :our chop. Visdtone are cordially welcome and' are wader no obligMloc. Whether you, are lstarested In a famed' nes* morial or inexpensive Tablet, you will receive the same courteous and.'depenndable service we hay.0 rendered to aro many Listowel end die - Wet ilee1denta yyp ��W!�ELLINGTON RONALD L)stovts<pOnt, Phone 405 ATTENTION FARMERS — DEADSTOCK removed team year farm promptly for sanitary assmas3 Telephone Collect; Brussels saris or Elmira 564. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED TENDERS WANTED Signed, and sealed lenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock, E. D. T. 2Sbh of May, 1953, for tenders for the con- struction of a Laundry and Boiler room for the Wingham General Hospital at Wingham, Ontario. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the Architects, Rounthwaite cC Fairfield, 22 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont. or from (Mrs.) E. B. Walker, Secretary -Treasurer of the Wingham General Hospital Board, Wingham, Ontario, upon deposit of 825.00. Sub - trades may see the drawings at the Architects or at the Wingham General Hospital, Wingham, Ontario. Separabe mechanical and electrical tenders are requested. The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Secretary -Treasurer, Win'gdram General Hospital Wingham, Ontario. FOR SALE — Aslc us for the Bray new price ]Let. Especlaely itnteresttng on I pnlietc, dayold and started. And June broilers,. Prompt shipment The good markets ahead will take what, these produce, Agent Wni, 0, 'Bray, Ethel. FOR SALE — Mixed Grain for seed. 60% Max Oafs. 405. Galore Barley. Potatoes suitable for seed or table We have a gond supply of Fertillz• e3, and Stohlizer on hand at all t[mes. Stan. Alexander, Ethel, Phone Brussel e23r15. "ITS HERE" THE HANSON BRODJET Come In -And SEE IT • •Low Cost, No Booms — Sprays Row Crop, . Field Crops, - Road Side, . Barns Cattle, Hen House. Us the Hand; Jet_ towash cars, trucks, tractors. A YEAR ROUND SPRAYER 1 You Can Not Afford To Be Without It SEE US NOW ED. RICHARDS — ETHEL Your Sporting Implement Dealer • BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L: M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Wawa St Poor t . 4. iii, Ont. • DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate UntvaeAl of TarrM& q PHYSICIAN and SURGEON • Vass 41i — `leek.Oss. Walker Funeral Hole Day or Night tJal Telvillasan• Nee Extra Charas for tion of Famend Haase licensed Funeral Director and Embalm*, 7irenty-Mer Hoar Ambulance Service Dales' Flowers Exclwiaela 1 ,1 '•t D. A. Rann & Co. FUNERr'+!. AND AMBtA:"A NC„E NICE licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE Sd e3, AIR ^ — —IIRLISSELS. ONT. Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sam Life Aesara os Ce. Canada Health and Accident Ca. Casualty General Insurance a. Phone 43x l(keimela Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and hire Inswesnes Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Inscsrence C.. f'R3one Office 98 --arsosas, OM. R. S. Hetherington. K. C. WIINGHAIMd and BRUSSELS AT riltUSSELS T..nlsy and Saturday all day -- Offict open efatt7' ltd Phone ZOx • •. Successor to E. D. H