HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-5-6, Page 1INS Post Publishing House 'RUSSELS Aathorjsed as second class saaU, Post Oftrce ll+ooetment, Otta . POST • Wednesday, 6th, 1953 $2.00 per year - $2.50 U.1: BRUSSELS LIONS SUMMER FROLICJUNE 26th • 27th The Brussel&' Wens Annual Sam. liner Frolic will be held en. Friday, June 26th and Saturday, June 24,tle Watch for further announoemeuta. NOTICE — 'rthe Annual Flower Service at 7Jnited Church will be held oe S day, June 7th, LEGION PIPE BAND MAKES FiRST PUBLIC APPEARANCE the 1pte new 'Canadian. Legion ,ripe unr Band of 13'uetse1s, r6ttrlendent In their new kilts, made their first al1De ranee on' Uhe mate greet on Wed nesday evening of late week and were enthua1astically i'etceived by the audience whish gathered quickly to enjoy their impromtu ampeaeance, Their emert hniforme include wool kilts of dress Maerarrane tart- an, wtixtoh arrived rc'oenely from Ediwinirgh. At present they are Using navy battle 'tress tutees. but hope Ito replace these soon with mine entic jackets. They wear Glengarry bonnets. The MacFarlane tartan is a shriking red overlaid with bold stripes of liuiater's green and navy blue outlined in gleaming lines of silver. Their performance on the pipes was a credit to their instructor, Pipe -Major D. A. McLennan of Lack. a1Jh. Prior to {{heir appearance on the street there was, a social gathering hi the Legion Hall, of Legion mem- bens and .their ladios. There are 14 members in the band, George Dtlia?a, ICennetb Coleman, Tom McFarlane Gordon Tempter. Colvin Kreuter. Jack Willis, Orwell Elliott, Arohie Mann; five drummers, Walter Me-' Farlane, bass. David I -Testings, l tenor, Ray Bronson. Ross, Duncax The Operetta "Rose Of Ti'e Danube" will be presented by the Seaforth District High School - in the Cranbrook Community Centre on • • Monday, May 11th at 8.30 p. m. Sponsored by the Cranbrook W. I. • Admission 50c ,and 25c To the Subscribers of the Brussels, Morris and Grey Telephone System Brussels, Morris and Grey Telephone System is holding Its Annual Meeting on May 20th. The Commissioners are requesting -as many subscribers as possible to attend this meeting as the Installation of new equipment is to be dlecussed at thls meeting. Many of the phones which are 40 years old or more and the switch- board which is 20 years old are much outdated and cannot be expected to give good service to the subscribers. Come to the meeting and let us know your opinion on a complete change over, Monster Kinsmen ICTORIA ELEBRATII N t LISTOWLL MAY 16 - 17 - 98 Featuring Carnival and Midway, Mammoth Parade, Clowns 2 Big Dances, Intermediate Baseball, Band Concerts, Soap Box Derby, Canadian Champion Square Dancers, Fireworks, • • CHML Radio Show — "The Main Street Jamboree" DRAW FOR 1953 PLYMOUTH CAR Plan to spend the Week -end in Listowel THE PRESEYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Meivile Chiron Brussels Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton Ma?ther's Day Service 10 a. m. Sunday Saco' 11 a;ni. Preacher, Rev, Fulton, Special Miele by the Choir. United (",Burch OF CANADA INlnleter, Rev. Andrew Lan. Divine Worship — 11 o'clock "Mother's Day Worsrip" Church Scthooi — Joins hi, the morning worerip. "God couldn't be everywrere ,and so He made Motrers," Came and Worship. tea. Church of England Perish cf Brussel Rout. A. Norman Bills, M. A. 5th Sunday After Laster May 1011111 1953, St. John's Church, Brueeels -- 1r1 a, in, Morning Prayer Preacher Rev, S. H. Penill, Listowel, sundaySehool St. Davild's Churoh, Hen.frYn• 2,20 p• M. Evening Prayed CARD OF THANKS The Ladies, Auxiliary of the Wing, Nam Hospital wish to thank all vt+Jio so generously supported the Hoepi• tat Tag Day on May 2nd and the ladies and oanvassers who gave their time. LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Two Shows Nightly Rain or clear — first show at dusk Thur,`- Fre May 7 - S "APPOINTMENT WITH DANGER' Allen Ladd Phyllis Calvert Sat. • Mon. May 9 - 11 , "FORTH WORTH" (Color) Phyllis Baxter Randolph' Scott Tues. - Wed, May 12 • 13 "I'LL NEVER FORGET YOU" Tyrone Power Ann Blyth I Thur, • Fri. "LADY IN THE LoUls Hayward Saturday "THUNDERHEAD. Roddy McDowall May 14 • 15 IRON MASK" Patricia Medina May 18 SON OF FLICKA" Rita Johnston and Rose Bennett, side drummers. The insignia and name on the bass drum attracted considerable! attention• rt was hand painted on and is an artistic acromphshntent, Plans are being made for a Scotch Night to be held in the community hall In the near future. "1953 VARIETY REVUE" TO BE STAGED IN BLYTH The stage show. "19M Variety Re- - vue", is to be presented in Blyth Memorial Hall on Friday night of this iveek. This offers an opportun- ity for anyone in ibis community who wishes, to see it again. NOTICE Special anisic for Mother's Day at hIelvilia Church will oomprise a male Moine, "Mother of Mine," a ladies chorus, "Savior, like a Shell - herd lead us', and an anthem by the choir, "One Sweetly Solemn Thomzlnt" by embriose. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Martin McDonald air pounce the engagement of their daughter Muriel Margaret to George Wilfred Slhairtreed. son of Mrs. •Shortrerd and the late W. J. Short - reed. The marriage to take place in M'Ielville Presbyterian CAiurch, lireseels on Snterday. May 30th at ^, p. m. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLA'/INS— May 7 • 8 9 "MA AND Pe KETTLE ON VACATION" Marjorie Main Percy Kilbride It's hilarious fun for all as you follow Ma and Pa on their vacation In Paris. It's all new and bubbling with laughter. This Is the outstanding "KETTLE" Picture of the series. Don't miss It, May 11 - 12 • 13 Technicolor "MEET ME AT THE FAIR" Dan Dailey Diana Lynn A musical tale of the minstrel show days at .the turn of the century. Dan Dalley, song and dance man operates e medicine show and entertains everyone at the fair, May -14 - 15 - 16 "FRANCIS GOES TO WEST POINT" Donald O'Connor Lori Nelson Another comedy riot about Francis, the mute whi can out -talk and out- think any human.. Don't mise seeing the mule at West Point. COMING — "EVERYTHING I HAVE IS YOURS" FREDERICK t-IOM1-rm B., R. O. Card E. Homutii R. (). Mrs. I-1. Viola Horr t t'h R. O. Optometrists Phone 118 Harristolt' Sol. ST. JOHN'S W. A. Tea Mull meeting of St. Jolrie W. A. was, held Tuesday, April 28th In the C9turoh basement, The peen. ing hymn was "Take He Thy Cross" .aellowed by the aeripture reading from 112th Chant., llobrevis. Rev, Ellis led the the prayer parlor and the membees pnalyen• and nlil donary ,prayers were 3i meson, Business was eonideeted by President, Mrs. laforrow, Treasurer reported 0,00 wee sent away towards ere Deahery Hale, ,An invitation ltlo "attend a missionary meeting in. Clinton on May 19th wee" read, An article from the "Living Message". The Motto and the Motive," based on the text, "The Nouse of Christ eonstainetlr us" wes read bit M1'11, Morrow. The hymn "0 God our Help in Ages Past," was sung and the meeting ,wee closed with prayer by Rev, Ellis. ,,.. Mrs. Robert Nichol There passed away at her home on April 23rd one of the pioneers of the community in the Person of Mrs. Robert Nichol in her 95th year. She was formerly Mary Jane Mer Cutoheon and had lived all her life in the community seeing many changes in her lifetime. On Dec. 20th. 1852 sire married her late husbasd Robert. Nichol who pre- deceased her two years ago. Left to mourn the loss of a loving mother and grandmother, are two sons and two daughters, Lorne and Frank of Morris Twit.; (Myrtle) Mrs. A, Magee of Toronto; (Bertha) Mrs, Jaines Rhoades of London. Eleven grandchildren and six great grand. children: Funeral service was 'held her late home, Saturday, April 25th conduct- ed by her pastor Rev. Fulton of Brus- sels Presbyterian Church. Pallbearers were tive grandsons, Gordon Kenneth, Stewart, Allan and Rosi.; Nichol and a Nephew Alfred Niohol. Flower bearers were Thomas Miller, John McArter. Will and Harvey Meentoheon:, Reg. and Car- on Watson, Will Grasby asd Douglas Smith. Burial was made in Brussels Cemetery. THE UNITED CHURCH • , The Grbhtest Thing in the World Was MIS sermon el:Abject in the TJnited Church on, euatday, May 3. The are tof'love fertile root from w'llieh kering All the C.hriv'tian graces. Thie is the 'testimony of the Apostle Paul 'The Biblical bans of the discouree 'WAS' the '1 Cot'. chapter 7.3 -- Pattie., 'Song or Love."' The anthem, "Awakening •Ghorc,s" by Homer and I. Gabriel wise sung by the choir, Sun- day, May 10 is Mother's Day, .May '17 de Rural Life Sunday or Fanners 1 Day, when a male choir will lead the church praise. Let us present a real sacrifice of .praise to God on both She a Sundays, II CARD OF THANKS Our ,sincere thanke is expresa,ed to 1 all those wihe sent messages of sympathy and to those who called at the time of the death of our mother. They were much appreci- ated. Special thanks to Rev. W. Fulton and Mr. Ben Walker for their kind services. The Nichol Family. NOTICE As, corn bore Iitspecror for the North pent of Huron Comity 1 urgently recpest all growers of earn which includes garden plate as well as field corn, to have all refuse o1 corn either burned or berried before the 2:0 day of May. Penalties are provided for the non compliance in the Plant Disease Act. Thos. Dougherty, P. 0. Box 927, Goderlclt, Ont. CAPITAL LISTOWEL THEATRE, _ Thar., Fri., Sat. May 7 • 8 - 9 "THE PRISONER OF ZENDA" with Stewart Granger, Deborah Kerr, Romance that will thrill you — Ad. venture that will arouse — Grand, eur that will dazzle von, MEI VILLE CHURCH W. M. S. The re;tilar monthly tweeting of the W. M. S. was held in the Church en Friday, May 1st, with a splendid eittendance prrsent. The president, II Mfrs, Fulton opened the meeting by repeatine the Lord's 'rayer In unl- followed by :using hymn N. 185. Mrs. Gen, Elliott took a.s her reripture reading- part of the lath Chant, of Aote. and the 96 Psalm, after wltioh Mrs. H. Spelr led in prayer. Reports from. the Sec. and Treas.,. were read and adopted, The Mb of June will be in charge of the bane helpers, all the ladies of tale conereearion are cordially invited to attend, Mrs, J. Work, supply ser.. road 'he list of elothina ase for in' me fele, warm clothing enntrolrte for one Indian woman, and prefer- ably knit garments emit as — stock- ingc mitts and sweaters as gifts far the children It was, voted to take up a collection for the Bell family's wine are '1311 in a denlorabie need of our help. Mrs,. Rev. Fulton sive a splendid report of the Wed. meetine of,the Synodical •held in Wiereteen After the offering the roll call was answered by the name of a Mission- ary and her field of service. Six calls an the sink were reported. Mrs. MCGinnie gave a well prepared Chapter from the St'idv epee% ilse another' very interesting reading Mie,. Fulton offered. prayer. followed by hymn 393. The bemelletien brought the meeting c ^- close. Monday, Tuesday May 11 - 12 "MY WIFE'S BEST FRIEND" Anne Baxter — MacDonald Carey. The big laugh hit of the season you'll love It. TUESDAY FOTO-NIT • OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFER $60.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday May 13 • 14 15� We are proud to present Sir Waiter Scott's Immortal Classic Ib flaming , i Technicolor Alt Star Cast including Robert Tay tor, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Fontaine, NOTE — For thls showing only prices will be Adults — 75c tax Included, Students 12 - 16 — 50 tax Included,! Every school pupil should see this pttcure, °P.1-ti1/4TP,ROOK The Drassereek Presbytertaa Church have set Thursday. June 11 as the dote for their annual garden party. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supp- er was observed in Knox Presbyter -i ion Oblurch on Susday morning, May 3rd. Several new members were received into the churn, Mr, and Mee Kenneth MacDonald, Mrs. Wm. Persia, Jim Perrie, and Don Vann, lir. and Mrs. Wilfrid Strickler and family apent,s.everal tire's in Toren- to. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lewis, (1 1• Bary, Alberta, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fischer and otter friends. Mr. Albert Foerster, Monkton, Mr. Adam Foersters and Mr. Collins Detroit, visited Mr, and Mrs. Allen Cameron. Mr. David Brown, was calling on old friends last week. Wedding bells will ring this month. Quite a number of children have end 'measles and flu. Mr. Alvin Pride, Weterloo, abtend- ed the fertteral on Saturday in Mitch sil of his uncle, Mr. Richard Pride. and spent the weelt-end with his mother, Mrs,. Jcn'n Pride. - Mrs, Fred Smnlldon. Miss Gertie and Mr. Sett[ Pride also attended their uncle's funeral. The "Cranbrook Happy 1-Tristesses" leave errnngsd with a florist front Listowel to demonstrate flower ar- rangements as part of the prb- gfam at the Women's institute ml Tuesday ermine. May 12. A11 ladios Interested are invited. C neentulations In Mr, and Mrs. Robert (Rohl Carnevale Sarnia. on the birth of a son. Mr. Ross Knight Is wearing a biz ellen those days. on the emeriti of e hounc'•ng baby boy on May 1, ax Dr. Myer's Maternity aTTomo. IVANHOE" CARD OF THANKS T Tabid nee to take this opplrtUn- ity of thanking all my friends, 0114 ltnizhhers, whi se kindly remain Need 1115, wh.i1r 1 pn.tieni in the Kitchener Hospital. 11 WAS all very n1,101) eppreeiated. Mrs, ,John Marie Coronation Tea, and Bake Sale in the Brussels Public Library Saturday, May 9th Under auspices of Friendship Circle, United Church DANCE Brussels Town Hall on Friday, May 15th Music by Ken. Wilbee's Orchestra .s 4 Dancing 10 to 1 Admission 50c Booth in Hall Sponsored by Brussels Hockey Team DANCE In Cranbrook Community Hall Wednesday, May 28th Music will be provided by Don. Robertson and The Ranch .Boys Lunch booth in hall. Admission 75c — Everybody Welcome Sponsored by the Hall Board FRESH FLOWERS Deliveries to Brussels DAILY Place your order by 10 a. m. for delivery the same afternoon. Mnms-Carnations- Roses - Spring Flowers PLANT GLAD BULBS NOW! - ARTIST IN FLOWERS - Owned and operated by Eric & Barbara Milner Stores in Seaforth and Brussels BRUSSELS SEAFORTH Phone 4X Phone 898 FLOWERS WIRED -ANYWHERE GET SET FOR FIJN AND JOIN THE PARADE At The WINGHAM ARENA Fri.May 15 rm•mmm.r...•mmin.nlel•pqmlot featuring ROY WARD DICKSON and his Goofy -gang IN PERSON HUNDREDS OF PRIZES VALUED AT OVER $2,500.00 Be sure to bring a "Gagbag" - • a shopping bag filled with odds and, ends, One Item in it ntay win you, a fine NEW EASY WA8H,ER, ADMISSION Advance Sale $1.25 — General $140 TICKETS AVAIL.ABL.E AT RANN'S FURNITURE STORE i sponsored by Kinsmen Club of Winghan