HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-4-22, Page 5"ott- iIs en's ot 44 ;tie s 1 ,may„ es .7 efort LaseIs t and swell r r THE BRUSSELS POI$? Wednesdsy, f30.1ri1 8811,d, 16'58 7 tee' . FROM GRILLES TO GLASS New ideas in bank premises are designed to give you speedier, more convenient service. They are part.of the easy, \informal way you like to do your banking. Canada's chartered banks — built on sound banking practice— continually adapt their services to meet changing, expanding needs. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY • "ITS HERE" 'THE HANSON BRODJE :'.' Come In And SEE I' • •Lbw Cost, No Booms — Sprays Row Crop, . Field Crops, . Road Side, . Barns Cattle, Hen House. Use the Handi Jet to wash cars, trucks, tractors. A YEAR ROUND • SPRAYER , You Can Not Afford To Be Without It SEE US NOW ED. RICHARDS — ETHEL Your Sporting Implement Dealer CRANBROCK of the short oours�e "Your Food and The April meeting of the Crus, I brook W. T, was held in the Com umnity'Centre Tues., April 14 at 8.30 a. til.. with the presider' Mrs. L. Michel presiding the mer ling opened with the singing 'of the Opening Ode fol owed by repeating at the Mary 0tewart. Collect and the' Lord's Peayer it'. unison. The minutes of t'm la.at meeting were read anti tier roll call anotvered with, a written t-'rgg'esticn tor the coming years pro- gram. Reports were read by the Cnllt+ca'n's of Standing Committees. Mee, F. Mieliel gave n splendid motto, "Do•not become disr'ouraged, it to rwl'.en. the Inst hey Nt't. np•:us tthe door." The Penny P mind Trn Bags were collected. We were told vse®eor®e Your Figure" Ito be held in the Community Centre, April 16th, also a ethort course itt. Bluevale on• April 28th, "We Call It Human Nature." Volunteers for painting the Hall Fence were asked for. Lt was moved and carried to purchase 10 hand books to be property of the W. I. Mrs. McAnn, Lista-wee President, s•nolre on "Our dn,etitute Hand Book" and conductedthe election of Offi- cers, as follows : Pre-tdent lee Vice -Pres 211d Vice -Pres, Sec.-Treas. Pianist l'as't. Pianist ., ri-'t. Director .... Bre nolh Directors Mrs. Lloyd Michel Mrls. Situ rt McNair .. Mrs. G. Huether Mrs. A. McTaggart Mrs. W. Iiyndman Mrs. r. McTaggart Mrs. Jim Machan ,... Mrs. 0. Steftler, etelf`'' Nee • eitlte Nb • REGENT CLUB COUPE VGE and road-test a lively new A NEW IDEA FOR GREATER CONVENIENCE The front seat of Dodge two -door models Is divided 15.86 so that rear seat passengers can get In and out with minimum disturbance of front seat riders: YOU ENJOY GREATER SAFETY Bettor All-round Vision— New, curved one-piece windshield and downswept hood give you a closer, wider view of the road. HI fur, wider dd. and rear windows provide excellent aIl•roend vist&n. Wide•aweoping eleetrk windshield wipers give constant• speed, efficient performance. Unique Safety.RIm Wheels—Standard equipment on all Chrysler -built can—help hold the on the rim In case of a blow- out, allowing safer, straight•line stops. Dual -Cylinder 'Front Wheel Brakes — Dodge has two hydraulic cylinders in each front wheel broke for balanced control —providing mora stopping power in front whore It IS headed. Brake llnings are of rlvotless Gyclobond lining which provide longer, troublefree life with nochance of drum scoring. Sunshine or rain, spring gales or balmy breezes, you'll be safe, comfortable and content in a new, livelier 1953 Dodge. You'll find that a brand new approach to suspension design has helped create a car which handles surely ... hugs the road ... and takes the curves in stride. You'll experience new performance too —with a new, more powerful engine (now rated at 108 h.p.). And, if you desire, you can have the smoothness and no -shift ease of new Dodge Hy -Drive, available on Mayfair and Regent series at extra cost. __ With Hy -Drive you shift directly into High— then you can stop and go as you please without touching the gearshift or clutch, Discover this amazing new Dodge for yourself. Come in today and arrange for a road-test. POUGE FAMou,' FQR pgpi'NoA8fI,/7' DODGE MAYFAIR • DODGE REGENT * DODGE CRUSADER Elliott Motor Sales Brussels, Ont. Mtw, Herman Whitfield, Mrs. Iden, il'Ieit'arlamie, Auditors .,., Mrs. Wm, Bremner, I1'Ers, RaPth Maehan Convenors of Standing Committees Agriculture and Canadian Industries Mrs, G. Itaticwail, Mrs, 11. Knight Citizenship and Education, — Mrs. Murray anther, •Mrs. J. Bremner Iiietarical •Reselau+ii and Current Events ..., Mrs. Gordon I{night, Mrs, Martin McDonald Community Activities and Public Relations Mrs. MacInitosh, Mrs. Mrs. Ross Enigt Home Economics and Health ,.., Mrs. R. W. Whitfield, Mrs. W. Porde Resolutions Mrs. 100. Morrew Sunshine ,,.. MrsF, Imolel, Mrs. G. ' Corlett On behalf of the 'nominating committee Mrs. Stanley Campbell blianlced the officers far their co- operation. Mrs. MoAnn was thank- ed .and presented with a gift by Mrs. 1 G. Ifuether. Mrs, Sutherland, Dist- Met Secretary was present and 1 brought the A. C. W. W. Hostess Pins for the W. T. members and spoke briefly. The Bfln Hine col- lection was taken, followed with a contest, Making an Easter Ben- net oat of FUILTlw Papers, which was eery .hnnnnrous, Mrs, Ross Knight was the lucky winner. After tee Winne' anthem. Innnh wn% Served in Vie heeem:ent. TToeteeees erre Mdss Nelilo ltT,•= r Lnlce, "0,' ,r, ('Miffs and Www, 3, Clarice, CLASSIFIED APS. FOR SALE — 35s•55 ft, Barn, apply to Rowland Achilles Mee t 1 SrS WANTED— Quantity of fence rails, write W. H. Finingan, Seaiforth, Ont. WANTED -- A house or apartment. in Brussels Anyone with such accomodatioas, leave name and information at the Brussels Post. FOR SALE — Purebred Ayrshire Caw, 3 yrs. 010; also some' baled hay, Timothy and Aldalfa mixed. H. J. Bi•yans Phone 51r6. FOR SALE — Can now take ordsrs for wood for Summer delitery, Hardwood nr Sof 1- ' Ned short oe 4 ft. long. Fred Sawyer Phone 5Sr19 NOTICE — Iiaving milking troubles' Contact Lovell McGuire your Surge Milker Dealer, Phone Wtngham 59SW. We speciallize in milking eow3. WANTED — Dead and disabled 'arm aretesees wanted for prompt pick-up. r1a Percy Stephenson, Ethel, Phoma Brussels 85r-12 Collect, FOR SALE — 1V2 storey frame house in the Vill- age of Blueva.le, hard and soft water, pressure system with small barn on premises, Priced reasonable for quick sale. Phone 610W4 Wingham, Sperling Yeo. FOR SALE — We 01111 hale some fall Honey on hand. Some lust a,s clear as Clover Honey at 81.25 an 8 lb. peril with no lmtuckwheait in it and some at 81.00 that has a little in it. Ask us to show it to you. Lloyd Wheeler!' Phone 21r3 LIVESTOCK WANTED __. Dead, disabled horses nr cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service pillow, "STONES" collect Ingersoll iS1 or Brussels 12. FOR SALE — No fooling, your neighbors have their eyes on the rooming egg mark- ets. They're etoeking up to get Necks into good production for the hest prices. Bray Hatchery has doyold, started pull OS. Tnrmedia.te delivery. Order your May broilers now too. Agent TS'nm. D. Bray, Ethel. ATTENTION FARMERS — DEADSTOCK removed from goer farm promptly for sanitary dl8Voes1 Telephone Collect:, Brussels 0iri3 or Elmira 664. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED FOR SALE 100 acre Farm good house and bank barn, 80 acres workable; decent bush annd woodlot. Priced at 74. 800.00. 100 ,acre Farm, good linfld1ngs, good location, n,oar highway, Priced at $8,500.00. 7.5 acre Farm all facilities, good house, steel driverthed, good barn, Priced at $9,000.00 100 acre Farm, brick ,house, large ?tarn, Priced at 89,000.00. Brick house in village with en fa ethics. Cement house in Brn eels with all facltities. Farms all sizes and number of good 1 hooses. J. C. Long, Real Bethke Broke? Brusaele, Ont. 4- Trust not to 16I4 I L Eit Make sure of your plans through regular savings` OPEN A A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT z�a}i 31.9 The Canadian Bank of. Commerce u1D FERTILIZERI ,u yet crop' starter NY'H°a so utlon a. booster telt °v iroraedia a Pos leat. lac cos roducesstro�n0 tstte, P oune P bn 9"`elMW n oust barrel In 90 lamer use stet planter 0 meted liquen t quid YIY'1vSi>l ms oldestmeestablisljea non oda s Gro�'tl' son• £eilizers. tarts — Miazinbvccessfully for years dot 1:ohas been used Gc enyouse mn '� Tob I�9-Min .�e�etable, +� ��w�k •' CfOl'S. ORDER NOW FROM YOUR LOCAL AGENT 5.105 4-8.10 10.6-4 Analysis MAKERS OF Manufactured by Dry Fertilizers, Liquid The HY-TROUS CO. Fertilizers, Soluble Pow- dors, D,D.T., Weedkiller, CANADA, LIMITED. CORNWALL. ONT,, 141 Dealers George T. Wesenburg, Brussels, Onta,rio (94 Witata FOR THE GROOM $609 Perfectly matched —sad the err gag.ment dia- mond is Saw - lees. .e.rdsed Foe HEE ATTENDANTS A SIGNET RIM meollitTa $1550 gekl- We G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels, Out, EAR -RINGS Dohs Hearts and de- sign in tsrl- ing Salver. LOVELY a PENDANT .s0 Two -tont loveliness In Sterling and Silver gilt. $300