HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-4-15, Page 7NECalvert •
. it was 20 years ago, a reithll two'o'oloek
on the meriting . of April 4, 1033, that the
smallest player in modern National Hoek-
ey: League history, •darte(1 past the big
defensive out -posts, and whistled home
the goal that ended the longest game
played in organized hockey up to that
time—a 1-0 victory for Toronto Leafs, over Boston Bruins in
a Stanley Cup playdown series final, after 106 minutes, 46
seconds of extra time, with the sixth overtime period .under-
Only .4 Years Old But
Lusty An ,;Growing
Cay i'eter Grable
OTTAWA — A child with 14
parents cc1t:bi'ated its 'fourth
birthday April; 4, preening itself
on a formidable'. record in doing
what etrez'y. parent Wishes gvery
child-Wotlld do — keep the peace.
The North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization was born on April 4,
1940, and it . already' is credited.
with hurdling the year - 1952
-.- Western statesmen marked
with trepidation as the year of •
supreme crisis when, they -found%
. ed lt,.
This urtiglle irrternatioltal: ext'
penmen[ = unique' because it.
is en experiment both m collec-
tive security and in collective de=
velopment - has come a long
way in those' four years and in
the six years since" • Canada's
Primo a. Minister ' St. Laurent
placed the first embryo vision of
its possibilities beforefree men
in 1947, -
But less than three week:, after
the ' birthday,. NATO!S roused
will meet in' Paris to chart the
next stage, the program for 1953,
in the drive for firm security.
The NATO child has not yet
mastered his craft. He still has a
long- way, to go,
It is 114r. St. Laurent who is
widely- creditedwithfathering
the concept of NATO, a concept
now .so broadly accepted among
Canadians that it tends to ob-
scure the profound change in
the nation's pre-war no -commit-
ments outlook it represents
In 1947, torn and saddened as
he sat among the hostilities of
the ALN. General Assembly as
Canadian Minister of External
Affairs, he arose one' day to utter
this statement that is likely to
live 1orig"affer he is gone:
"Nations, in their search for
peace and co-operation will not,
and' cannot,- accept indefinitely
and unaltered a council which
was set up, to ensure their se-
curity and Which, so many feel,
has'become frozen in futility and
divided by discussion. If forced,
they may seek greater safety in
an association of. democratic and
peace loving states willing to ac-
cept more specific .international
obligations in return for a great-
er rhdasure of national security."
It niay 'become the passage
Canadian history chooses,sabove
all -others, to. associate. with ' Mr.
St. Laurent's name. Two years
' later his prophecy ,was. fulfilled.
Ili the electron campaign of that
year, 1949; he'chose as his cent-
ral theme the hope and the as-
piration -embodied hi NATO.
Hereat last, he preached in ham-
let, 'town' and city, is a founda-
'tioii' oh which peace can build.
Here is hope for peace. -
A few weeks ago in Toronto he
brought, his vision up - to - date
with this sober caution:
"What we need to be'concern-
eiI'about is to prevent false con-
fidence that the danger of Com-
munist aggression has receded
enough that we can afford to re-
lax. I believe the danger has re-
ceded somewhat bet it has re-
ceded only because the free
world appears to mean business;
and, if we are to be secure, we,
must continue to mean business.'
This is Mr. St, Laurent'. theme
for 1953. It also is the theme
that will background April's
meeting of the 14 -nation NATO
council in Paris in finalizing,.
plans, already -well matured, for
what is to be done this year.
eotace aoet'gC'lttbetaen MnrelMrons and DtloEedWinsthatased
until 2.25 o'clock on the morning of March 25, 1036, when the
teams battled 115 minutes 30 seconds 65 overtime before the
Red Wings won, But for sheer drama der�.a story -book finish'
that no Hollywood script writer conte(� excel, that long 1933
struggle packed the most spine -tingling finish of any such
marathon duel, in any sport,
For tiny Doraty, who stood little more than 5 feet 6 inches
in freight, carried only 132 pounds on his ,diminutive frame, ,
the smallest player in the League, was the pygmy who broke
up the battle,
Dozens of scoring thrusts had failed to pierce the armour
of Tiny Thompson in the Boston nets, and dozens more had
been foiled by Lorne Chabot, Toronto custodian when lanky
Andy Blair teamed with the tiny Doraty to post the game's
only goal,
The sixth overtime period had barely started when Blair
was sent to pay special attention to the great Eddie Sh5re,
pivot of the Bruin offensive' corps. The former University of
Manitoba :afar checked the great defenceman twice as he
tried: to break away. On his 'third attempt Shore batted the.
puck ahead of him—right on Blair's 'stick.
In two long strides Andy crossed the blue -line into Bruin
territory. He sidestepped Shore, and as the Bostonrearguard
swung around to jab at the puck, Blair shot it ahead to Doraty,
streaking for the net. The winger nailed it. in his stride and
skated in on Thompson to fire into a corner of the net,
Varied proposals to end the game after 100 minutes over-
time had been played failed. The players were so tired and
attackslaeked steam to a degree when President Frank Calder
of the N.H.L. asked managers Art Ross of Boston and Conny
Smythe of Toronto to flip a coin and decide the issue. Both
refused. Then Calder suggested the goal -tenders be taken out
of the game to facilitate scoring the winning,, goal. The mana-
gers couldn't see that idea. •
"To a finish" was finally ruled. And the finish came with
dramatic impact just four minutes and 46 seconds after re-
sumption of play.
Your comments and suggestions for this cotumn webs welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, 5/0 Calvert House, 431 Tonga St., Toronto.
.Plain Horse se Sense..
Lost Battle
The battle of vegetable oils is
over, The farmers have lost it.
Bill 142 got third reading and
le now law. It had not been
oefore the Agricultural Commit-
tee of the Legislature, probably
to avoid any further discussions
sr representations by consumers,
producers or ,the edible oil in-
The blll permits the manufac-
ture of d airy product imita-
tions from edible oils, as long
rs no milk or milk products tre
.sed in the manufacture. Ac-
:ording to •the Minister of High-
ways, acting for the Minister of
Agriculture, this is the way the
farmers wanted it. -
Which Way "Such"?
When Mr. Doucett introduced
the bill, he quoted from the
brief presented by the farm or-
ganizations, that "dairy' farmers
definitely want legislation' ban-
ning vegetable oils being blend-
ed with any dairy product and
a ban on the manufacture and
sale of any SUCH product mar-
keted 'as an imitation of fluid
milk, cheese, ice cream, cream
and concentrated milk prod-
From the brief, as it $s report-
ed in The RlgtU S9-operato ,
however, the word 11I31I?s
missing. Without it the quoted
paragraph would mean that the.
farmers had asked for a com-
plete ban of all imitations of
dairy .products.
What happened to SUCH? Did
it creep into the brief on the
way to Queen's Park ' or did it
get lost on the way home? Who
is 'kidding whom?
Wot, no Cream? -
One thing is sure. The bill is
not going to "put the cream back
into creampuffs," as it is sup-
posed to do. On the contrary, it
will take out the little -milk that
had been used in the ersatz
Manufacturers - are now mak-
ing itawithout any milk product
in it and milk producers 'have
lost another sinall outlet for
some of their surplus.
Mare and more markets are
being closed to; Canadian dairy.
farmers. The U. S. Secretary Of
Agriculture recently banned the
importation of dried milk pow-
der. Butter had been banned be-
fore. Now the American dairy
industry is asking. for a com-
plete ban on the importation of
all dairy products.
So' Young a Body ,
The one , farm ' organization_
which did take a definite stand
• and offered constructive ideas
was the Ontario Farmers' Union,
In their presentation submitted
to the Ontario government in
the het days of Mai•ch they ask-.
ed for a Royal Commission • to
investigate..the• effects the 'intro-
duction of dairy substitutes
,wguld'+have, op the:whole com-
a,c111'kM: try'^ s. glglt regard to
foo values', soil conservation
and "the price andcapital struc-
ture of agriculture and the in-
-,dustr'ies related to and dealing
J'ivith agriculture."
They also asked. fora complete '
ban on all Imitations 65 dairy'
products whether they were
;xiladpit 1thtiltanM1 out milk or
milk prddirets, until theerresults
of the investigation 'were known.
In their letter they said that
rT11re°union ;Ras gyo'Etdg, '"but the
,fact that it has sprung3 up, out
Of `as sleetingg' frI 'only 11 fanners
and in less that one year has
grolyn ,to : sit organ;daifion com-
prising 40 locals with 2,500 mem-
. hers in sex 'counties, proses - that
the farmers of Ontarkf•went 0n
„organization i,n which they hold
'tailragt dnd'1 throb nleriGhership."
1Vlpre power•to thelit.-., -
a 'n 0'1
• .
,This •-aolnasin - .welcomes sug-
gestions, wise or foolish, and all
criticism, whether constructive
or destructive and will try to
answer ally queation. Address
your letters to Bob Ellis, Box 1,
•123 - l$th Street, New Toronto,
pall Stealer—Leaping high over
the restraining arm of Ralph.
Greco, Al De Porter steals the
It Happened ...
At Brixham, South Devon, Mrs. '
Doris Martin sat down to a meal
of brussels sprouts while her fam-
ily enjoyed goose and mince pies,
She had been hypnotised, through
a gramophone record, Into a
dislike for rich food. But the
family objected, had her dehyp-
notised and then treated her to
•porn and potatoes and two help-
ings of pudding.
At Lowestoft a fishing centre,
schoolboy angler David Pearson
caught inc eel but took 'home
401. Four hundred elvers were
born on the journey,
At Torquay West country holi-
day resort, two taxi drivers left
their rank, They exohanged peak.
ed naps and overcoats for hunt-
ing pink and tiding hoots and
"followed the hounds" with the
South Devon Fox Hunt, Cab
driving , colleagues cheered them
oh 'with "Tally Ho!"
At Waitefidld Yorkshire; there
will be no ox -roasting to cele-
brate the Coronation in tradition-
al fashion. Rationing means that
500 chickens will turn on a spit
Thatched Roof?'
The tittle Suffolk village of
Flatford--made famous by the
landscape painter Constable—
wants to provide a public lava.
tory for its thousands' el visiting
Suggestion number one was
that it should look like an old-
world thatched, cottage. -High cosi
ruled this out. Latest !Hove is
for' a mucic -Tudor. building.
In Step Again -With her happy father looking on, four-year-old
cerebral palsy victim, Debby Hyatt, manages a few steps in her
homemade "walker." Mr. Hyatt built the vehicle so Debby would
have a prop while learning to control her body again.
It won't be long now — May
2nd. to be exact—till millions of
folks who never attended a race
track in their lives will be all
het -up and excited over the out-
come of a contest between
Thoroughbreds. We refer, of
course, to the Kentucky Derby,
not by any means the greatest of
all horse -races, but undoubtedly
the best -ballyhooed, And,' unless
something happens to him ' be-
twden now and then, the major-
ity of those • follcafae,(ill,,.beAss*
petting something to, happen
which never did befo>:L a gray
horse to. came down in front.
The gray 'steed referred to is,
naturally,'. Native Dancer, attrned
„ by -Alfred.. G: -Vanderbilt,, who!
needs the 100 grand or so' the
winning will bring him about as.
much as we need a few 'more
. creditors. '
3 n a
Still, for all his wealth and
despite the time, money and
thought he has put into horse -
breeding, - Mr. • Vanderbilt has
never yet won the Kentucky
event so that, should Native
Dancer turn the trick, it will
make a pair of firsts.
* e
Back in 1934 'Mr. V. -'and a
whole lot more' of us, to: our
sorrow—thought that Discovery
could take it all. But he couldn't
quite make it. After pulling into
a two length lead coming through
the stretch, Discovery found that
Cavalcade had a little 100 lnuch
of what it takes, and finished a
well beaten second,
3 e s
On his last year's form, Native
.Dancer would appear to be a
cinch. In nine starts he was un-
beaten — the fust unbeaten
juvenile champion_ since Pavot
in 1944. (Even Man 'O'War,and
Citation had one, black mark -
each in their opening seasons).
And Native Dancer did his Win-
ning so easily that he appeared
to be in a class by himself. He
won on muddy as well as fast
going. Ile equaled the world
record of 1.14-2/5 for 61/2 fur-
longs in coppjng the Belmont
Futurity, and in a race at a little
over a mile at Jamaica looked as
if ht could go on without trouble.
0 0.
Still; this 'is not to be taken
as advice to go mortgage the
family woodshed and put it all
on Native Dancer. Lots of those
two-year-old "phenoms" have crit
turf investors in their tenderest
spots — the pocketbook -- in the
past, and what has happened he-
fore'-ean happen again. Native
Deaner, though he looks like a
standgilt, is by no means -home
0 4
There's the matter of distance,
for one thing. Native Dancer's
longest race as 0 two-year old
was at: a mile- and a sixteenth.
The difference between that and
the Kentucky . Derby route is a
mere 330 'yards, put those 330
yards can look 'like a Marathon
trip• to a horse When the going
is tough—arid-Vey limos have
always'' been ^notest for speed
rather than Allying power. Native '
Dancer's daddy, Polyncciao, was
the champion sprinter of his day,
and he hasundoubtedly handed
down plenty of that speed to
his son. But, along with that
speed did Native Dancer in-
herit enough "stirkunr" to carry
that speed—or a sufficient pm' -
.tion of it -for ten furlongs?
o O 1
Kentucky Derby history is
ehockful of instances of sprinter -
sired whizzes :who looked like
winners until they reached that
home -stretch. To this argument
the Native Dancer supporters
answer by pointing out that the
gray flash was "going away" from
his opposition at the finish of
nearly all his nine races during
? e u
So, genteel reader, once again
"you. pays your money and you
takes your choice". We're not ad-
vising you to wager on Native
Dancer, nor are 'we -telling you
to:, het against - him, As., matter
of fact—why DO we -keep for -
''getting such a thing—since the
racing situation was purified in
Ontario, ypu WOULDN'T BE
. ABLE;o make a bet on him un-
less you .here personally present
at - Churchill Downs. And if you
' DO happen to be there, we'll give
you a.eouple or three sure things
that you CAN •bet on with,:the,
.,utmost confidence.
A e 1
ONE; that you'll be sick of
hearing the strains of "My,, Old
Kentucky Home" long ;before the
day is over. TWO; thatthe deep--
est and syrupiest "you -an" ac-
cents come from people- who
never before were farther south
than South Chicago, and, THREE;,
that you'll discover that the far-
famed Mint Sulep is the nearest
thing, in most instances, to a
non-alcoholic beverage of any-
thing not sold as a soft drink.
* e
And, in conclusion, we would
just like to congratulate Ralph
Allen, of MacLean's Magazine, on
an extremely interesting' and
well-written account of the "fixed
races" scandal which so shocked
Ontario turf lovers' so Manly - a
couple of years back. The 'only
thing that puzzledus was'' his
referring to the Fort Erie track
as a half -mile affair. Gee, the
blame thing must have shrunk
since last we battled with it!
Don't . Takee,�,,Iiru ,gage.
The luggage limit for air trav-
ellers need not «'oiry 'damn -
tion -bound women. A London
dress hire firms have Jstocked up
with hundreds or spetally de=
signed evening gdtdlls, items 'of
jewellery, fur capes and access-
ories available on loan for a few
dollars. •
Prospective custon1 rs call see
sketches of gowns in ,the design
stage so that they van reserve an
exclusive creationl- And if there
is no time to view the stock, a
form is provided. Madame simp-
ly supplies her age, measure-
ments and colouring and in re-
turn receives drawings of suit-
able outfits.
:There is no worry aboutwea7'-
ing a dress in a spot where it
has already been seen. The gowns
•(cleaned after each wear) are
card indexed to guard against
the fashionable woman's night.
50,000 MILES
Alt FORDS $4.98
Or dot today and then forgo
4boul Future fuel pump lroubie•
01 OD Deposit on All C.O.D Order
QOt 01111 tvAyJ'EB ;",
PAiNTa d' anvarnfshea, eleetrtcal meterp,
electrical *501100000, liobbyohoo Btaobinery,
poalera wanted. Writer Wargo Owego and
011 Limited. Toronto.
01'1031ER-ri'ALT,, eggs—from Apr11 Brag
Pallet's Your choice of breeds . and
crosses In started and dayold. Prompt
elllpment. Partica)ard, Bray Hatohery,
120 John N., Hamilton,
STARTEDchick's for 0al0, ,50yeral breeao-
and ages. .Also 'day old Woreloy's.. Am
credited Hateher'Y, Cameron, Qat.,
Write for freo catalogue. Model Incubs=
tors, Station H, Toronto,
YOU -wouldn't buy an Angus Cow I5 ",d')tr$g
wanted the maximum in milk prp4uet1on.
You, kpow Netter, - And yet Therenrp !moderate Of 0f femora in Canada buying
broiler type pullets for 008 production,
You can't get maximum egg'^D5Odnetion
from broiler type pullet's. Send 10r our
catalogue and micellet. They:. tolls you
the hreodo to buy for the purpose you
want them. (eggs) (broilers)` (dual mfr.
Pone) (roasters). Also turkey poulta,
Started Ohleks.
Fergus Ontario
BROILER Growers we have Cockerel
ehletro at low prima now, .but' in a few
weeks they will be ars .caro as bona
teeth. Write
Fergus Ontario
1.1' you want good Canadian Appr0V00
Chicks and Turkoya get our Pr1ce110t
before buying, Non -60x04 chicks no low
as 511.85; Pullets 820.46; heavy cockerels
84.46. Turkey Paula. for April 740;
R.0.P.' Sired-. Chlake slightly higher,
Catalogue. Started Chicks, Older Pullets,.
Guelph - Ontario
BAYS you anything needs dyem1 or eleun'
Mgt Write to un for Information: W.
ere gmd 80 answer sour aneetl000. Do-
partmen, 8. Parker's Dye Works Limited
107 Tonga St Toronto.
NEW Ciro's Sawa On deaoon reduction,
Dealer 00411155 Invited: Box 00. 123
Eighteenth St.. New Toronto, Ontario.
vard goods and remnants_ 1-2 yard white
0)0,1, Batista. 1805001 a crepe nieces 2
sound. 7901 10 pounds 82 60 Order C.O.D.
mall. Fee catalogue. Mrs, Schaffer. Box
103. Drummondville. Quebec -
MUNRO'S Manitoulin M10001ab Canadian
Approved Poulta. B,B. Bronze for
growers who prefer the big fellmva. Ideal
Whites for thane who want all top prices.
(Toms dress 10 to 18 lbs.) Live arrival
mnranteed Rnsnoll Munro. Negawone.
volt $ALE --[hood Portable Saw -15101 and
R,00101y Tractor rermonoble, Dyed Black,
3tdset°. Ont. -
PESPRA turkey farm, Canadair. indent
exclusive all=turkey farm 94th. anniver:
nary. All turkeys carefully - eele6ted and
blotnl. tested Pullo'um free, 1001 Ilya
delivery guaranteed. Free turkey guide
and prlre list. Order now for broad bre0ot-
" edbronzepoulta. A. Dr Paterson and Sona.
Box 101. Barrie, Ontario.'
WHITE Pekin ,D.ucklinge, 880.00 Der hun.
Bred. t'ardo'a Duck Hatchery. Blenheim,
••00ntarto. Phone -8884,
CUSTOM hatching of Goose, Turkey and
Duck eggs. Send for Information. Pardo',
Dusk "Bntrhe,y Blenheim. - Ont. Phone
REGISTERED R,•tmpshire Swine from top
American blood linos. 41 months old
sows Aribnr Death, R.R, No. 4: Muton.
UNWANTED RAM. Latest Hair Elimin-
ator (Carol Hagen) Registered product.
Harmless, painless. Write. Dale Cosmetics.
473 East 17th. Ave., Vancouver, S.C.
72 CAVE Jtunesway Grower Battery.
2teehanicnl cleaning. Automatic water-
intg, 30hn Worsley, Cameron, Ont.
far sale. 073.000.00 ghee immediate nos-
aesslon. Per Information contact E.
nowo,vi, Balu. Muskoka, Ontario.
REGISTERED Orange Toy Pomeranian
Male 7033100 130.00, Brad Females
160.00. Charles MacMillan, Stanley, N.B.
SIX Bards' Garden lrerne 11.00 and other
Planta. a1 W. MacMillan, Stanley, N.B."
CRESS WART RirM0't70R—Leaves no
scars. Tour Druggist• sells CRESS.
Wanted — Every sulfeter of Rheumatic
Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy.
335 Elgin Ottawa
51.25 Express Prepaid
One woman tells boot5'er' bake au0e,Jor
' F18011NEX.' to 818190111500118108' pain, dim
awes and nervous tenein0 eaenrin ted with
monthly aerials.
SLIM Peetenld-Ili rlu'fdn Ord 110,1
Po'S r'$t ie%EMA 'SALriE
BANISH the torment of dry eczema rasher -
and weeping skin troubles Poss., Ereemo
0olve *091) qq,�1�'�• 8p 01,gn
- Itrhtng, 'en0ll a oY n11ak ^ecsehln, acne,
rmga'orml.--atmpl 1,.}03 jtOOG Ee2ema wilt
respond readily to the, etelnIces odOrloae
lin teem. e'
Perin NIloo,O*O,prd• 4lobbnrt, or
ono loss they aeon
11 ntl"4as'is t IbMs
' Sen, Pest Free "n Receipt 0i Price
080 .Queen Sr E Corner nt Logan.
' AST,I;l 1'A
Now Asthma Relief
re minutes w ,ruin mane, 0002
1800 saw tumes'let POI IC:,
Asthmanefrin' Set-'
rip condi; av wan rn steed
Protect suer 100111.6 mut .'CA011 from
FIRE and TIIIRTES, 1{e have a 01,0
and ts'ne 0r Safe, nr Cabinet, ter any nue•
suss, Cl nil nn M.111.010 tar 100'0, rte.. 10
Dr,n, w.
140 Front St. E,. •201•0ete
Established 1560
• sCCl00ouetts,fidt12.00 area
0 san,o
swede and full growing Instr0rtlnn0, 18008
W.. Tilden, Itomeoll, Nose Motive.
ONUNI A500urD 0V0811'F0NB
Groat Opportunity Learn
Pleasant, dignified 0500100100, good wages.
Thaueanda of summary) marvel graduat01
America's' Gr000001 BysteM
tiluenrate) Catalogue Free
Write Call
808 Mom 80 W,, - TOMO
44 Ring St" - ETarnn100
,72,,R1deau Ottawa
.. • . PATENTS.
AN 00'5'ER to every Insular—[let Of 00.
ventlens and tun information sent free
cite lRameaY 00,, Registered Paton* Won
soya. 270 Bank Street., Ottawa
O'8ATHESTONHAU0I0 ,A Company For
tont Solicitors. Establlahed 1800. 850
Bay Street, Toronto Booklet nt Warm*.
Um on reeinst '
0END for rr3tEE Used Clothing Cata.
logile, Ea0tern, Dept, 0., 2 Montgomery
Street, New York City 2, New York,
11.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty -Ova deluxe
per00001 re'0100nnent0. Latent Catalogue
Included. The Medico Agency.. Bpx 124,
Terminal. A. Toronto, Ontario.
It deelrou' of ridding peureelt of.
do 1t the easy way. Tobacco Eliminator
carries a "satisfaction or moneyback"
guarantee. For Information, write 0.
Xing Pharmacal Corp, Ltd., Dox 073,
.London, Ant.
HYPNOTIZE Women t Amusing Book
shows how how to make women obey your
hypnotic commands. Thrills Galore. 0111y
72:00. Crescent Co.,' 710 btiner; ' Sea
Inland, Vancouver, B.C. -
NEW rugs made from your old rage and'
woollens. Write for catalogue and twice
lt4t. Domlolun 82001 Weauing Company..
2477 Dundee Street West: Toronto. Ont.
Then wake up your liver bile . , : . , ,
• jump out Gibed aril' to go
Life not worth lividg't It may be the liver'
It's a faotl If your liver bile is not Sowing
freely your food may not digest ... goo
blopats up your etomacit -'. ,fu,depyou feel con-
stide o out
oflife. That's wheand all thn you need mild gentle
Carters Little Liver Pills. You se0 Cortes
help etimulats your liver bile till ovale again
it in louring out at a rate of up to two poste a
day into your,H gent, ve tract. This should
ax yet right ui,7m j110
days rs LtSro n Liver Pith.
d� ,o,o
(0 000 Liti;ic rover Pills. Nwaye havo�em
on hand . .
Sleepless nights, 000000ess and fidgeting
may be signs of pinworms and intestinal
worms . , , ugly pnrneitee that infect
children of all ages, leaving them run-
down and nervous, Pleaeont-tooting
dispels these penta ... restores appetite,
children soon feel better again.
(For edults) A natural herbal tonic that
settles upset stomach, tones up. the liver
and kidneys, aloe exude pinworms and
intestinal,vorma -
Available at All Druggist. _
Farmers attention -Consult your new.
est Hornets Shop about atoms Harness
Supplies. We sell our goods only
through your local. • Slams Leather•
goods dealer rhe goods, .aro ' right
and -so are our prices. We manacle.
tura„ip, our fas,ioriest- Harness Horse
Calkins, Sweat Sweat Pads, Horse -Blankets'
and - Loather Travelling Goods, Insist
on Staco .brand, Trade -Marked Goods,l
and you get safi'foctign'•Made only by d,
42 Wellington SI. E., Toronto
- Write for CdN:deteep-
Good Advice if You
Suffer with Piles
winos sour, piles itch Mod .„horn 0o yet
0•Arr t. sit Wath or brand )01188M c0ustnnl
dine„nfort you eholdd 0000 Tett-dint, the
collet tinct Uneatends icon's eitild eu howl
sod se mirk. See how fnst Lex -Dint taker
out 11 o lire, rl'llovre ItMdnx and, soothe)
plan ” /11i,1'Thi";root lie lime at till rut
torso ahoutpith pups,, One enotteati0s
given Miura of - eumferk- Unn't garret
needMools—eta get Leu-Oinl rights new
000 00,' at all drag 'fnl'e°..
ISSUE 16 .-• 1953'=h